# Changelog ## (2020-03-27) Fixed broken `MonadChoice` instance for `MonadRandom` types and fixed, expanded, and fine tuned dependency version requirements. ### Additions - `UniformRandom` - Created marker `newtype` `UniformRandom` that provides a `MonadChoice` instance for members of the `MonadRandom` typeclass. - Added functions `lift` and `colift` to wrap and unwrap `UniformRandom`, respectively. - Added instance for `MonadChoice` using `uniform` from the `MoandRandom` package when the wrapped monad is a member of the `MonadRandom` class. - Added various passthrough instances - `Functor` - `Applicative` - `Monad` - `MonadRandom` - `MonadFix` - `MonadFail` - `Alternative` - `MonadPlus` - `MonadIO` - `Semigroup` - `Monoid` - `MonadError` - `MonadReader` - `MonadState` - `Foldable` - `Traversable` - `Eq1` - `Ord1` - `MonadZip` - `MonadCont` - `Eq` - `Ord` - `MonadRWS` - `MonadWriter` - `MonadSplit` - `PrimMonad` - `MonadInterleave` ### Removals - `MonadChoice` - Removed previous instance for members of the `MonadRandom` type class since it overlapped with all other `MonadChoice` instances. - Removed passthrough instances for constant space `WriterT` and `RWST` if `transformers` version is less than 0.5.6 ## (2020-02-29) Inital version ### Additions - `MonadChoice` - Created `MonadChoice` typeclass to represent that allow choices to be made by some arbitrary entity. - Added function `chooseM`. - Added instances for the `ChoiceT` both covariant and invariant. - Added instance for `MonadRandom` instances by using the `uniform` function. - Added various passthrough instances - `MaybeT` - `ExceptT` - `IdentityT` - `StateT` either lazy or strict - `ReaderT` - `WriterT` either constant space, lazy, or strict - `AccumT` - `ContT` - `RWST` either constant space, lazy, strict - `SelectT` - `ChoiceT` - Added two different versions of `ChoiceT`, one a covariant functor, the other an invariant functor on the category of monads. - Shared additions: - Function `runChoiceT` - Instances for `Functor`, `Applicative`, `Monad`, `MonadTrans`, and `MonadChoice` - Various passthrough instances - `MonadReader` - `MonadState` - `MonadWriter` - `MonadRWS` - `MonadIO` - `Covariant.ChoiceT` - Added functions `mapChoiceT` and `runBacktrackableChoiceT`. - `Invariant.ChoiceT` - Exposed constructor `ChoiceT`. - Added function `invmapChoiceT`. - Added various passthrough instances. - `Contravariant` - `Invariant` - `Alternative` - `MonadPlus` - `MonadError` - `Choice` - Added two different versions of `Choice` which of type aliases for each `ChoiceT` over the `Identity` monad. - Added function `runChoice` for each version. - For `Covariant.Choice` added functions `runChoiceM` and `runBacktrackableChoiceT`.