{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

-- | The Codec monad provides functions for encoding and decoding
-- complex data structures with unique integer numbers.  In the
-- simplest case the entire sturecture can be transformed to unique
-- atom (see 'example1' below).  When it is not sufficient to encode
-- the input object with one codec, more complex codec structure can
-- be used (see 'example2' below).  The library relies on a 'data-lens'
-- package which provides types and functions for codec manipulations.
-- Example:
-- > example1 = evalCodec empty $ do
-- >     let xs = "abcabd"
-- >     ys <- mapM (encode idLens) xs
-- >     zs <- mapM (decode idLens) ys
-- >     return $ zip zs ys
-- >>> example1
-- >>> [('a',0),('b',1),('c',2),('a',0),('b',1),('d',3)]
-- > example2 = evalCodec (empty, empty) $ do
-- >     let xs = zip "abcabd" [1, 34342, 5435, 34342, 124, 1]
-- >     ys <- forM xs $ \(x, y) ->
-- >         (,) <$> encode fstLens x <*> encode sndLens y
-- >     zs <- forM ys $ \(i, j) -> 
-- >         (,) <$> decode fstLens i <*> decode sndLens j
-- >     return (zs, ys)
-- >>> fst example2
-- >>> [('a',1),('b',34342),('c',5435),('a',34342),('b',124),('d',1)]
-- >>> snd example2
-- >>> [(0,0),(1,1),(2,2),(0,1),(1,3),(3,0)]

module Control.Monad.Codec
( Codec ()
, AtomCodec (..)
, empty
, AtomLens
, maybeEncode
, encode
, encode'
, maybeDecode
, decode

, runCodec
, evalCodec
, execCodec

, idLens
) where

import Control.Applicative (Applicative, (<$>), (<*>))
import Data.Lens.Common (Lens, getL, setL, iso)
import Data.Binary (Binary, put, get)
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.IntMap as I

-- | A Codec monad preserves mappings between objects and respective
-- codec components.
newtype Codec c a = Codec (S.State c a)
    deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)

-- | Get codec structure from the Codec monad.
getCodec :: Codec c c
getCodec = Codec S.get
{-# INLINE getCodec #-}

-- | Set codec structure within the Codec monad.
setCodec :: c -> Codec c ()
setCodec codec = Codec (S.put codec)
{-# INLINE setCodec #-}

-- | Atomic Codec component, which represents to and fro mapping
-- between 'a' objects and unique intergers.
data AtomCodec a = AtomCodec
    { to    :: !(M.Map a Int)
    , from  :: !(I.IntMap a) }

instance (Ord a, Binary a) => Binary (AtomCodec a) where
    put atom = put (to atom) >> put (from atom)
    get = AtomCodec <$> get <*> get

-- | Empty codec component.
empty :: AtomCodec a
empty = AtomCodec M.empty I.empty

-- | Update the map with the given element and increase the counter.  If the
-- element has not been previously in the map it will be assigned a new unique
-- integer number.
updateMap :: Ord a => M.Map a Int -> a -> M.Map a Int
updateMap mp x =
  case M.lookup x mp of
    Just _k -> mp
    Nothing -> M.insert x n mp
    !n = M.size mp

-- | Just a type synonym for a lens between codec and codec component.
type AtomLens c a = Lens c (AtomCodec a)

-- | Encode the object with codec component identified by the lens.
-- Return Nothing if the object is not present in the atomic
-- codec component.
maybeEncode :: Ord a => AtomLens c a -> a -> Codec c (Maybe Int)
maybeEncode lens x = 
    M.lookup x . to . getL lens <$> getCodec

-- | Encode the object with codec component identified by the lens.
encode :: Ord a => AtomLens c a -> a -> Codec c Int
encode lens x = do
    codec <- getCodec
    let atomCodec = getL lens codec
        m' = updateMap (to atomCodec) x
        y  = m' M.! x
        r' = I.insert y x (from atomCodec)
        !atom = AtomCodec m' r'
        codec' = setL lens atom codec
    setCodec codec'
    return y

-- | Version of encode which doesn't update the return componenent
-- of the atom codec.  It is useful when we know that particular
-- value (e.g. value of a condition observation) won't be decoded
-- afterwards so there is no need to store it and waste memory.
encode' :: Ord a => AtomLens c a -> a -> Codec c Int
encode' lens x = do
    codec <- getCodec
    let atomCodec = getL lens codec
        m' = updateMap (to atomCodec) x
        y  = m' M.! x
        !atom = atomCodec { to = m' }
        codec' = setL lens atom  codec
    setCodec codec'
    return y

-- | Decode the number with codec component identified by the lens.
-- Return Nothing if the object is not present in the atomic
-- codec component.
maybeDecode :: Ord a => AtomLens c a -> Int -> Codec c (Maybe a)
maybeDecode lens i = 
    I.lookup i . from . getL lens <$> getCodec

-- | Decode the number with codec component identified by the lens.
-- Report error when the number is not present in the codec component. 
decode :: Ord a => AtomLens c a -> Int -> Codec c a
decode lens i = maybeDecode lens i >>= \mx -> case mx of
    Just x  -> return x
    Nothing -> error $ "decode: no " ++ show i ++ " key"

-- | Run the Codec monad with the initial codec value.
-- Return both the result and the final codec state.
-- The obtained codec can be used next to perform subsequent
-- decoding or encoding.
runCodec :: c -> Codec c a -> (a, c)
runCodec codec (Codec state) = S.runState state codec

-- | Evaluate the Codec monad with the initial codec value.
-- Only the monad result will be returned.
evalCodec :: c -> Codec c a -> a
evalCodec codec (Codec state) = S.evalState state codec

-- | Execute the Codec monad with the initial codec value.
-- Only the final codec state will be returned.
execCodec :: c -> Codec c a -> c
execCodec codec (Codec state) = S.execState state codec

-- | Identity lenses should be used whenever the structure of the codec
-- is simple, i.e. only one atomic codec is used.
idLens :: Lens a a
idLens = iso id id