{- Copyright 2010 Mario Blazevic This file is part of the Streaming Component Combinators (SCC) project. The SCC project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. SCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SCC. If not, see . -} -- | This module defines some common suspension functors for use with the "Control.Monad.Coroutine" module. -- {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} module Control.Monad.Coroutine.SuspensionFunctors ( -- * Suspension functors Yield(Yield), Await(Await), Request(Request), EitherFunctor(LeftF, RightF), yield, await, request, -- * Utility functions concatYields, concatAwaits, -- * Resolvers for running pairs of coroutines awaitYieldResolver, awaitMaybeYieldResolver, awaitYieldChunkResolver, requestsResolver, tickerYieldResolver, tickerRequestResolver, lazyTickerRequestResolver, liftedTickerYieldResolver, liftedTickerRequestResolver, liftedLazyTickerRequestResolver, ) where import Prelude hiding (foldl, foldr) import Control.Monad (Monad, liftM) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(..)) import Data.Foldable (Foldable, foldl, foldr) import Control.Monad.Coroutine import Control.Cofunctor.Ticker (Ticker, splitTicked) -- | The 'Yield' functor instance is equivalent to (,) but more descriptive. data Yield x y = Yield x y instance Functor (Yield x) where fmap f (Yield x y) = Yield x (f y) -- | The 'Await' functor instance is equivalent to (->) but more descriptive. newtype Await x y = Await (x -> y) instance Functor (Await x) where fmap f (Await g) = Await (f . g) -- | The 'Request' functor instance combines a 'Yield' of a request with an 'Await' for a response. data Request request response x = Request request (response -> x) instance Functor (Request x f) where fmap f (Request x g) = Request x (f . g) -- | Combines two alternative functors into one, applying one or the other. Used for nested coroutines. data EitherFunctor l r x = LeftF (l x) | RightF (r x) instance (Functor l, Functor r) => Functor (EitherFunctor l r) where fmap f (LeftF l) = LeftF (fmap f l) fmap f (RightF r) = RightF (fmap f r) -- | Suspend the current coroutine yielding a value. yield :: Monad m => x -> Coroutine (Yield x) m () yield x = suspend (Yield x (return ())) -- | Suspend the current coroutine until a value is provided. await :: Monad m => Coroutine (Await x) m x await = suspend (Await return) -- | Suspend yielding a request and awaiting the response. request :: Monad m => x -> Coroutine (Request x y) m y request x = suspend (Request x return) -- | Converts a coroutine yielding collections of values into one yielding single values. concatYields :: (Monad m, Foldable f) => Coroutine (Yield (f x)) m r -> Coroutine (Yield x) m r concatYields c = Coroutine{resume= resume c >>= foldChunk} where foldChunk (Right r) = return (Right r) foldChunk (Left (Yield s c)) = foldr f (resume $ concatYields c) s f x rest = return (Left $ Yield x (Coroutine rest)) -- | Converts a coroutine awaiting single values into one awaiting collections of values. concatAwaits :: (Monad m, Foldable f) => Coroutine (Await x) m r -> Coroutine (Await (f x)) m r concatAwaits c = lift (resume c) >>= either concat return where concat s = do chunk <- await concatAwaits (feedAll chunk (suspend s)) -- | A 'SeesawResolver' for running two coroutines in parallel, one of which 'await's values while the other 'yield's -- them. The yielding coroutine must not terminate before the other one. awaitYieldResolver :: SeesawResolver (Await x) (Yield x) s1 s2 awaitYieldResolver = SeesawResolver { resumeLeft= undefined, resumeRight= \(Yield _ c)-> c, resumeBoth= \cont (Await f) (Yield x c2)-> cont (f x) c2 } -- | A 'SeesawResolver' for running two coroutines in parallel, one of which 'await's values while the other 'yield's -- them. If the yielding coroutine terminates before the awaiting one, the latter will receive 'Nothing'. awaitMaybeYieldResolver :: SeesawResolver (Await (Maybe x)) (Yield x) s1 s2 awaitMaybeYieldResolver = SeesawResolver { resumeLeft= \(Await f)-> f Nothing, resumeRight= \(Yield _ c)-> c, resumeBoth= \cont (Await f) (Yield x c2)-> cont (f $ Just x) c2 } -- | A 'SeesawResolver' for running two coroutines in parallel, one of which 'await's non-empty lists of values while -- the other 'yield's them. If the yielding coroutine dies, the awaiting coroutine receives empty lists. awaitYieldChunkResolver :: SeesawResolver (Await [x]) (Yield [x]) s1 s2 awaitYieldChunkResolver = SeesawResolver { resumeLeft= \(Await f)-> f [], resumeRight= \(Yield _ c)-> c, resumeBoth= \cont (Await f) (Yield chunk c2)-> cont (f chunk) c2 } -- | A 'SeesawResolver' for running two 'request'ing coroutines in parallel. One coroutine's request becomes the other's -- response, and vice versa. requestsResolver :: SeesawResolver (Request x y) (Request y x) s1 s2 requestsResolver = SeesawResolver { resumeLeft= undefined, resumeRight= undefined, resumeBoth= \cont (Request x c1) (Request y c2)-> cont (c1 y) (c2 x) } -- | A 'SeesawResolver' for running two coroutines in parallel. One coroutine produces data in chunks, the other -- consumes data in chunks. The boundaries of the two kinds of chunks need not be the same, as the consumed chunks -- are determined by a 'Ticker' provided by the consumer's input request. tickerYieldResolver :: SeesawResolver (Request (Ticker x) [x]) (Yield [x]) (Request (Ticker x) [x]) (Yield [x]) tickerYieldResolver = liftedTickerYieldResolver id id -- | A generic version of 'tickerYieldResolver', allowing coroutines with 'Request' and 'Yield' functors embedded in -- other functors. liftedTickerYieldResolver :: (Functor s1, Functor s2) => (forall a. Request (Ticker x) [x] a -> s1 a) -> (forall a. Yield [x] a -> s2 a) -> SeesawResolver (Request (Ticker x) [x]) (Yield [x]) s1 s2 liftedTickerYieldResolver lift1 lift2 = SeesawResolver { resumeLeft= \(Request _ c)-> c [], resumeRight= \(Yield _ c)-> c, resumeBoth= \cont (Request t c1) (Yield xs c2)-> let (t', chunk, rest) = splitTicked t xs in case rest of [] -> cont (suspend $ lift1 $ Request t' c1) c2 _ -> cont (c1 chunk) (suspend $ lift2 $ Yield rest c2) } -- | Like 'tickerYieldResolver', the only difference being that the producing coroutine sends its chunks using 'request' -- rather than 'yield'. The feedback received from 'request' is the unconsumed remainder of the chunk, which lets the -- coroutine know when its sibling terminates. tickerRequestResolver :: SeesawResolver (Request (Ticker x) [x]) (Request [x] [x]) (Request (Ticker x) [x]) (Request [x] [x]) tickerRequestResolver = liftedTickerRequestResolver id id -- | A generic version of 'tickerRequestResolver', allowing coroutines with 'Request' functors embedded in other -- functors. liftedTickerRequestResolver :: (Functor s1, Functor s2) => (forall a. Request (Ticker x) [x] a -> s1 a) -> (forall a. Request [x] [x] a -> s2 a) -> SeesawResolver (Request (Ticker x) [x]) (Request [x] [x]) s1 s2 liftedTickerRequestResolver lift1 lift2 = SeesawResolver { resumeLeft= \(Request _ c)-> c [], resumeRight= \(Request chunk c)-> c chunk, resumeBoth= \cont (Request t c1) (Request xs c2)-> let (t', chunk, rest) = splitTicked t xs in case rest of [] -> cont (suspend $ lift1 $ Request t' c1) (c2 []) _ -> cont (c1 chunk) (suspend $ lift2 $ Request rest c2) } -- | Like 'tickerRequestResolver', except the consuming coroutine requests receive both the selected prefix of the input -- chunk and a peek at either the next unconsumed input item, if any, or the final 'Ticker' value. Chunks sent by the -- producing coroutine never get combined for the consuming coroutine. This allows better synchronization between the -- two coroutines. It also leaks the information about the produced chunk boundaries into the consuming coroutine, so -- this resolver should be used with caution. lazyTickerRequestResolver :: SeesawResolver (Request (Ticker x) ([x], Either x (Ticker x))) (Request [x] [x]) (Request (Ticker x) ([x], Either x (Ticker x))) (Request [x] [x]) lazyTickerRequestResolver = liftedLazyTickerRequestResolver id -- | A generic version of 'lazyTickerRequestResolver', allowing coroutines with 'Request' functors embedded in other -- functors. liftedLazyTickerRequestResolver :: (Functor s1, Functor s2) => (forall a. Request [x] [x] a -> s2 a) -> SeesawResolver (Request (Ticker x) ([x], Either x (Ticker x))) (Request [x] [x]) s1 s2 liftedLazyTickerRequestResolver lift = SeesawResolver { resumeLeft= \(Request t c)-> c ([], Right t), resumeRight= \(Request chunk c)-> c chunk, resumeBoth= \cont (Request t c1) (Request xs c2)-> let (t', chunk, rest) = splitTicked t xs in case rest of [] -> cont (c1 (chunk, Right t')) (c2 []) next:_ -> cont (c1 (chunk, Left next)) (suspend $ lift $ Request rest c2) } -- | Feeds a single value to an awaiting coroutine. feed :: Monad m => x -> Coroutine (Await x) m r -> Coroutine (Await x) m r feed x c = bounce (\(Await f)-> f x) c -- | Feeds a collection of values to an awaiting coroutine. feedAll :: (Foldable f, Monad m) => f x -> Coroutine (Await x) m r -> Coroutine (Await x) m r feedAll chunk c = foldl (flip feed) c chunk