name: monad-logger-aeson version: '' github: "jship/monad-logger-aeson" license: MIT license-file: copyright: 2022 (c) Jason Shipman author: "Jason Shipman" maintainer: "Jason Shipman" synopsis: JSON logging using monad-logger interface description: | @monad-logger-aeson@ provides structured JSON logging using @monad-logger@'s interface. Specifically, it is intended to be a (largely) drop-in replacement for @monad-logger@'s "Control.Monad.Logger.CallStack" module. category: System extra-source-files: - package.yaml - - - ghc-options: - -Wall - -fwarn-tabs - -Wincomplete-uni-patterns - -Wredundant-constraints library: dependencies: - aeson >= && < - base >= && <5 - bytestring >= && < - context >= && <0.3 - exceptions >=0.10.4 && <0.11.0 - fast-logger >=3.0.2 && <3.2.0 - monad-logger >=0.3.36 && <0.4.0 - text >= && < || >=2.0 && <2.1 - time >=1.9.3 && < - unordered-containers >= && < source-dirs: library tests: monad-logger-aeson-test-suite: source-dirs: test-suite main: Driver.hs build-tools: - hspec-discover dependencies: - aeson >= && < - aeson-diff >= && < - base >= && <5 - bytestring >= && < - directory >= && < - hspec >=2.7.9 && <2.10.0 - monad-logger >=0.3.36 && <0.4.0 - monad-logger-aeson - time >=1.9.3 && < executables: readme-example: source-dirs: app main: readme-example.hs dependencies: - aeson >= && < - base >= && <5 - monad-logger >=0.3.36 && <0.4.0 - monad-logger-aeson - text >= && < || >=2.0 && <2.1