monad-mock- A monad transformer for mocking mtl-style typeclasses

Safe HaskellNone



This module provides Template Haskell functions for automatically generating types representing typeclass methods for use with Control.Monad.Mock. The resulting datatypes can be used with runMock or runMockT to mock out functionality in unit tests.

The primary interface to this module is the makeAction function, which generates an action GADT given a list of mtl-style typeclass constraints. For example, consider a typeclass that encodes side-effectful monadic operations:

class Monad m => MonadFileSystem m where
  readFile :: FilePath -> m String
  writeFile :: FilePath -> String -> m ()

The typeclass has an obvious, straightforward instance for IO. However, one of the main value of using a typeclass is that a alternate, pure instance may be provided for unit tests, which is what MockT provides. Therefore, one might use makeAction to automatically generate the necessary datatype and instances:

makeAction "FileSystemAction" [ts| MonadFileSystem |]

This generates three things:

  1. A FileSystemAction GADT with constructors that correspond to the methods of MonadFileSystem.
  2. An Action instance for FileSystemAction.
  3. A MonadFileSystem instance for MockT FileSystemAction m.

The generated code effectively looks like this:

data FileSystemAction r where
  ReadFile :: FilePath -> FileSystemAction String
  WriteFile :: FilePath -> String -> FileSystemAction ()
deriving instance Eq (FileSystemAction r)
deriving instance Show (FileSystemAction r)

instance Action FileSystemAction where
  eqAction (ReadFile a) (ReadFile b)
    = if a == b then Just Refl else Nothing
  eqAction (WriteFile a b) (WriteFile c d)
    = if a == c && b == d then Just Refl else Nothing
  eqAction _ _ = Nothing

instance Monad m => MonadFileSystem (MockT FileSystemAction m) where
  readFile a = mockAction "readFile" (ReadFile a)
  writeFile a b = mockAction "writeFile" (WriteFile a b)

This can then be used in tandem with runMock to unit-test a function that interacts with the file system in a completely pure way:

copyFile :: MonadFileSystem m => FilePath -> FilePath -> m ()
copyFile a b = do
  x <- readFile a
  writeFile b x

spec = describe "copyFile" $
  it "reads a file and writes its contents to another file" $
    evaluate $ copyFile "foo.txt" "bar.txt"
      & runMock [ ReadFile "foo.txt" :-> "contents"
                , WriteFile "bar.txt" "contents" :-> () ]



makeAction :: String -> Cxt -> Q [Dec] Source #

Given a list of monadic typeclass constraints of kind * -> Constraint, generate a type with an Action instance with constructors that have the same types as the methods.

class Monad m => MonadFileSystem m where
  readFile :: FilePath -> m String
  writeFile :: FilePath -> String -> m ()

makeAction FileSystemAction [ts| MonadFileSystem |]

deriveAction :: Name -> Q [Dec] Source #

Given the name of a type of kind * -> *, generate an Action instance.

data FileSystemAction r where
  ReadFile :: FilePath -> FileSystemAction String
  WriteFile :: FilePath -> String -> FileSystemAction ()
deriving instance Eq (FileSystemAction r)
deriving instance Show (FileSystemAction r)

deriveAction ''FileSystemAction

ts :: QuasiQuoter Source #

A quasi-quoter like the built-in [t| ... |] quasi-quoter, but produces a list of types instead of a single type. Each type should be separated by a comma.

>>> [ts| Bool, (), String |]
[ConT GHC.Types.Bool,ConT GHC.Tuple.(),ConT GHC.Base.String]
>>> [ts| Maybe Int, Monad m |]
[AppT (ConT GHC.Base.Maybe) (ConT GHC.Types.Int),AppT (ConT GHC.Base.Monad) (VarT m)]