# Changes in 1.1.1 - `Unbox` instance for `BinomAcc` is added. # Changes in 1.1.0 - Type classes `CalcMean` and `CalcVar` are generalized to use `MonadThrow` to signal failure instead of using `Maybe` only - Functions for computing standard deviation are placed into type classes. Sometimes we have standard deviation at hand, if distribution is parameterized by it for example. - `Mean` now type synonym for `MeanKBN`. - `WelfordMean` and `KahanMean` are moved to `D.M.S.Extra` module. - Support for calculating weighted mean. - `StatMonoid` instances for up to 4-tuples. - `Max` now works correctly (#2). - `PPair` for use in parallel computation is added. # Changes in - Type class definition changed: now it has both `addValue :: m → a → m` and `singletonMonoid :: a → m` - `Mean` renamed as `WelfordMean` - `Unbox` instances added for all data types. - `BinomAcc` added.