{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} -- | -- Copyright: © 2022–2024 Jonathan Knowles -- License: Apache-2.0 -- -- Provides testing functions to check that type class instances obey laws. -- module Test.QuickCheck.Classes.Hspec ( testLaws , testLawsMany ) where import Prelude import Control.Monad ( forM_ ) import Data.Proxy ( Proxy (..) ) import Data.Typeable ( Typeable, typeRep ) import Test.Hspec ( Spec, describe, it, parallel ) import Test.QuickCheck.Classes ( Laws (..) ) -- | Constructs a test to check that the given type class instance obeys the -- given set of laws. -- -- Example usage: -- -- >>> testLaws @Natural ordLaws -- >>> testLaws @(Map Int) functorLaws -- testLaws :: forall a. Typeable a => (Proxy a -> Laws) -> Spec testLaws getLaws = parallel $ describe description $ forM_ (lawsProperties laws) $ uncurry it where description = mconcat [ "Testing " , lawsTypeclass laws , " laws for type " , show (typeRep $ Proxy @a) ] laws = getLaws $ Proxy @a -- | Calls `testLaws` with multiple sets of laws. -- -- Example usage: -- -- >>> testLawsMany @Natural [eqLaws, ordLaws] -- >>> testLawsMany @(Map Int) [foldableLaws, functorLaws] -- testLawsMany :: forall a. Typeable a => [Proxy a -> Laws] -> Spec testLawsMany getLawsMany = testLaws @a `mapM_` getLawsMany