monomer- A GUI library for writing native Haskell applications.
Copyright(c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino
LicenseBSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file)
Safe HaskellNone



Input field for numeric types.

Supports instances of the FromFractional typeclass. Several basic types are implemented, both for integer and floating point types.

Handles mouse wheel and shift + vertical drag to increase/decrease the number.


  • validInput: field indicating if the current input is valid. Useful to show warnings in the UI, or disable buttons if needed.
  • resizeOnChange: Whether input causes ResizeWidgets requests.
  • selectOnFocus: Whether all input should be selected when focus is received.
  • minValue: Minimum valid number.
  • maxValue: Maximum valid number.
  • wheelRate: The rate at which wheel movement affects the number.
  • dragRate: The rate at which drag movement affects the number.
  • onFocus: event to raise when focus is received.
  • onFocusReq: WidgetRequest to generate when focus is received.
  • onBlur: event to raise when focus is lost.
  • onBlurReq: WidgetRequest to generate when focus is lost.
  • onChange: event to raise when the value changes.
  • onChangeReq: WidgetRequest to generate when the value changes.
  • decimals: the maximum number of digits after the decimal separator. Defaults to zero for integers and two for floating point types.


numericField :: (FormattableNumber a, WidgetEvent e) => ALens' s a -> WidgetNode s e Source #

Creates a numeric field using the given lens.

numericField_ :: (FormattableNumber a, WidgetEvent e) => ALens' s a -> [NumericFieldCfg s e a] -> WidgetNode s e Source #

Creates a numeric field using the given lens. Accepts config.

numericFieldV :: (FormattableNumber a, WidgetEvent e) => a -> (a -> e) -> WidgetNode s e Source #

Creates a numeric field using the given value and onChange event handler.

numericFieldV_ :: (FormattableNumber a, WidgetEvent e) => a -> (a -> e) -> [NumericFieldCfg s e a] -> WidgetNode s e Source #

Creates a numeric field using the given value and onChange event handler. Accepts config.