{-| Module : Monomer.Core.Themes.SampleThemes Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : fjvallarino@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Provides sample color schemes for the base theme. -} module Monomer.Core.Themes.SampleThemes ( lightTheme, lightThemeColors, darkTheme, darkThemeColors ) where import Control.Lens ((&), (^.), (.~), (?~), non) import Monomer.Core.ThemeTypes import Monomer.Core.Themes.BaseTheme import Monomer.Graphics import qualified Monomer.Lens as L -- | Light theme provided by the library. lightTheme :: Theme lightTheme = baseTheme lightThemeColors -- | Colors for the light theme. lightThemeColors :: BaseThemeColors lightThemeColors = BaseThemeColors { clearColor = gray10, -- gray12, sectionColor = gray09, -- gray11, btnFocusBorder = blue08, btnBgBasic = gray07, btnBgHover = gray08, btnBgFocus = gray08, btnBgActive = gray06, btnBgDisabled = gray05, btnText = gray02, btnTextDisabled = gray02, btnMainFocusBorder = blue09, btnMainBgBasic = blue05, btnMainBgHover = blue06, btnMainBgFocus = blue06, btnMainBgActive = blue05, btnMainBgDisabled = blue04, btnMainText = white, btnMainTextDisabled = white, dialogBg = white, dialogBorder = white, dialogText = black, dialogTitleText = black, emptyOverlay = gray07 & L.a .~ 0.8, externalLinkBasic = blue07, externalLinkHover = blue08, externalLinkFocus = blue07, externalLinkActive = blue06, externalLinkDisabled = gray06, iconBg = gray07, iconFg = gray01, inputIconFg = black, inputBorder = gray06, inputFocusBorder = blue07, inputBgBasic = gray10, inputBgHover = white, inputBgFocus = white, inputBgActive = gray09, inputBgDisabled = gray05, inputFgBasic = gray05, inputFgHover = blue07, inputFgFocus = blue07, inputFgActive = blue06, inputFgDisabled = gray04, inputSndBasic = gray04, inputSndHover = gray05, inputSndFocus = gray05, inputSndActive = gray04, inputSndDisabled = gray03, inputHlBasic = gray06, inputHlHover = blue07, inputHlFocus = blue07, inputHlActive = blue06, inputHlDisabled = gray05, inputSelBasic = gray07, inputSelFocus = blue08, inputText = black, inputTextDisabled = gray02, labelText = black, scrollBarBasic = gray03 & L.a .~ 0.2, scrollThumbBasic = gray01 & L.a .~ 0.2, scrollBarHover = gray07 & L.a .~ 0.8, scrollThumbHover = gray05 & L.a .~ 0.8, slMainBg = white, slNormalBgBasic = transparent, slNormalBgHover = gray09, slNormalText = black, slNormalFocusBorder = blue07, slSelectedBgBasic = gray08, slSelectedBgHover = gray09, slSelectedText = black, slSelectedFocusBorder = blue07, tooltipBorder = gray09, tooltipBg = gray10, tooltipText = black } -- | Dark theme provided by the library. darkTheme :: Theme darkTheme = baseTheme darkThemeColors -- | Colors for the dark theme. darkThemeColors :: BaseThemeColors darkThemeColors = BaseThemeColors { clearColor = gray03, sectionColor = gray02, btnFocusBorder = blue09, btnBgBasic = gray07, btnBgHover = gray09, btnBgFocus = gray08, btnBgActive = gray06, btnBgDisabled = gray05, btnText = gray02, btnTextDisabled = gray01, btnMainFocusBorder = blue08, btnMainBgBasic = blue05, btnMainBgHover = blue06, btnMainBgFocus = blue06, btnMainBgActive = blue05, btnMainBgDisabled = blue04, btnMainText = white, btnMainTextDisabled = gray08, dialogBg = gray01, dialogBorder = gray01, dialogText = white, dialogTitleText = white, emptyOverlay = gray05 & L.a .~ 0.8, externalLinkBasic = blue07, externalLinkHover = blue08, externalLinkFocus = blue07, externalLinkActive = blue06, externalLinkDisabled = gray06, iconBg = gray08, iconFg = gray01, inputIconFg = black, inputBorder = gray02, inputFocusBorder = blue08, inputBgBasic = gray04, inputBgHover = gray06, inputBgFocus = gray05, inputBgActive = gray03, inputBgDisabled = gray07, inputFgBasic = gray06, inputFgHover = blue08, inputFgFocus = blue08, inputFgActive = blue07, inputFgDisabled = gray07, inputSndBasic = gray05, inputSndHover = gray06, inputSndFocus = gray05, inputSndActive = gray05, inputSndDisabled = gray03, inputHlBasic = gray07, inputHlHover = blue08, inputHlFocus = blue08, inputHlActive = blue08, inputHlDisabled = gray08, inputSelBasic = gray06, inputSelFocus = blue06, inputText = white, inputTextDisabled = gray02, labelText = white, scrollBarBasic = gray01 & L.a .~ 0.2, scrollThumbBasic = gray07 & L.a .~ 0.6, scrollBarHover = gray01 & L.a .~ 0.4, scrollThumbHover = gray07 & L.a .~ 0.8, slMainBg = gray00, slNormalBgBasic = transparent, slNormalBgHover = gray05, slNormalText = white, slNormalFocusBorder = blue08, slSelectedBgBasic = gray04, slSelectedBgHover = gray05, slSelectedText = white, slSelectedFocusBorder = blue08, tooltipBorder = gray09, tooltipBg = gray04, tooltipText = white } black = rgbHex "#000000" white = rgbHex "#FFFFFF" blue01 = rgbHex "#002159" blue02 = rgbHex "#01337D" blue03 = rgbHex "#03449E" blue04 = rgbHex "#0552B5" blue05 = rgbHex "#0967D2" blue06 = rgbHex "#2186EB" blue07 = rgbHex "#47A3F3" blue08 = rgbHex "#7CC4FA" blue09 = rgbHex "#BAE3FF" blue10 = rgbHex "#E6F6FF" {- gray01 = rgbHex "#242424" gray02 = rgbHex "#2E2E2E" gray03 = rgbHex "#393939" gray04 = rgbHex "#404040" gray05 = rgbHex "#575757" gray06 = rgbHex "#606060" gray07 = rgbHex "#6E6E6E" gray08 = rgbHex "#8C8C8C" gray09 = rgbHex "#A4A4A4" gray10 = rgbHex "#C4C4C4" gray11 = rgbHex "#DADADA" gray12 = rgbHex "#EAEAEA" -} gray00 = rgbHex "#222222" gray01 = rgbHex "#2E2E2E" gray02 = rgbHex "#393939" gray03 = rgbHex "#515151" gray04 = rgbHex "#626262" gray05 = rgbHex "#7E7E7E" gray06 = rgbHex "#9E9E9E" gray07 = rgbHex "#B1B1B1" gray08 = rgbHex "#CFCFCF" gray09 = rgbHex "#E1E1E1" gray10 = rgbHex "#F7F7F7" {- gray00 = rgbHex "#0F1923" gray01 = rgbHex "#1F2933" gray02 = rgbHex "#323F4B" gray03 = rgbHex "#3E4C59" gray04 = rgbHex "#52606D" gray05 = rgbHex "#616E7C" gray06 = rgbHex "#7B8794" gray07 = rgbHex "#9AA5B1" gray08 = rgbHex "#CBD2D9" gray09 = rgbHex "#E4E7EB" gray10 = rgbHex "#F5F7FA" -}