{-| Module : Monomer.Main.Util Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : fjvallarino@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Helper functions for the Main module. -} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module Monomer.Main.Util where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan import Control.Lens ((&), (^.), (.=), (%=), ix, at, non, use, _1) import Control.Monad.Extra import Control.Monad.State import Data.Default import Data.Maybe import Safe (headMay) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL import qualified SDL import Monomer.Core import Monomer.Event import Monomer.Main.Platform import Monomer.Main.Types import Monomer.Widgets.Util.Widget import qualified Monomer.Core.Lens as L import qualified Monomer.Main.Lens as L -- | Initializes the Monomer context with the provided information. initMonomerCtx :: SDL.Window -> TChan (RenderMsg s e) -> Size -> Double -> Double -> s -> MonomerCtx s e initMonomerCtx win channel winSize dpr epr model = MonomerCtx { _mcMainModel = model, _mcWindow = win, _mcWindowSize = winSize, _mcDpr = dpr, _mcEpr = epr, _mcRenderChannel = channel, _mcInputStatus = def, _mcCursorStack = [], _mcFocusedWidgetId = def, _mcHoveredWidgetId = Nothing, _mcOverlayWidgetId = Nothing, _mcDragAction = Nothing, _mcMainBtnPress = Nothing, _mcWidgetTasks = Seq.empty, _mcWidgetPaths = Map.empty, _mcCursorIcons = Map.empty, _mcLeaveEnterPair = False, _mcResizeRequests = Seq.empty, _mcRenderRequested = False, _mcRenderSchedule = Map.empty, _mcExitApplication = False } -- | Returns the path of the provided "WidgetId". getWidgetIdPath :: (MonomerM s e m) => WidgetId -> m Path getWidgetIdPath widgetId = use $ L.widgetPaths . at widgetId . non (widgetId ^. L.path) -- | Updates the path associated to a "WidgetId". setWidgetIdPath :: (MonomerM s e m) => WidgetId -> Path -> m () setWidgetIdPath widgetId path = L.widgetPaths . at widgetId .= Just path -- | Removes the association of a path to a "WidgetId". delWidgetIdPath :: (MonomerM s e m) => WidgetId -> m () delWidgetIdPath widgetId = L.widgetPaths . at widgetId .= Nothing -- | Returns the path of the currently hovered node, if any. getHoveredPath :: (MonomerM s e m) => m (Maybe Path) getHoveredPath = do hoveredWidgetId <- use L.hoveredWidgetId case hoveredWidgetId of Just wid -> Just <$> getWidgetIdPath wid Nothing -> return Nothing -- | Returns the path of the currently focused node. getFocusedPath :: (MonomerM s e m) => m Path getFocusedPath = getWidgetIdPath =<< use L.focusedWidgetId -- | Returns the path of the current overlay node, if any. getOverlayPath :: (MonomerM s e m) => m (Maybe Path) getOverlayPath = do overlayWidgetId <- use L.overlayWidgetId case overlayWidgetId of Just wid -> Just <$> getWidgetIdPath wid Nothing -> return Nothing -- | Returns the current drag message and path, if any. getDraggedMsgInfo :: (MonomerM s e m) => m (Maybe (Path, WidgetDragMsg)) getDraggedMsgInfo = do dragAction <- use L.dragAction case dragAction of Just (DragAction wid msg) -> Just . (, msg) <$> getWidgetIdPath wid Nothing -> return Nothing -- | Returns the current cursor and path that set it, if any. getCurrentCursorIcon :: (MonomerM s e m) => m (Maybe (Path, CursorIcon)) getCurrentCursorIcon = do cursorHead <- fmap headMay (use L.cursorStack) case cursorHead of Just (wid, icon) -> do path <- getWidgetIdPath wid return $ Just (path, icon) otherwhise -> return Nothing