{-| Module : Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Stack Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : fjvallarino@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Container which stacks its children along a main axis. The layout algorithm considers the different type of size requirements and assigns space according to the logic defined in 'SizeReq'. If the requested fixed space is larger that the viewport of the stack, the content will overflow. -} module Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Stack ( -- * Configuration StackCfg, -- * Constructors hstack, hstack_, vstack, vstack_, -- * Helpers assignStackAreas ) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Lens ((&), (^.), (.~)) import Data.Default import Data.Foldable (toList) import Data.List (foldl') import Data.Maybe import Data.Sequence (Seq(..), (<|), (|>)) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Monomer.Widgets.Container import qualified Monomer.Lens as L {-| Configuration options for stack: - 'ignoreEmptyArea': when the widgets do not use all the available space, ignoring the unassigned space allows for mouse events to pass through. This is useful in zstack layers. - 'sizeReqUpdater': allows modifying the 'SizeReq' generated by the stack. -} data StackCfg = StackCfg { _stcIgnoreEmptyArea :: Maybe Bool, _stcSizeReqUpdater :: Maybe SizeReqUpdater } instance Default StackCfg where def = StackCfg { _stcIgnoreEmptyArea = Nothing, _stcSizeReqUpdater = Nothing } instance Semigroup StackCfg where (<>) s1 s2 = StackCfg { _stcIgnoreEmptyArea = _stcIgnoreEmptyArea s2 <|> _stcIgnoreEmptyArea s1, _stcSizeReqUpdater = _stcSizeReqUpdater s2 <|> _stcSizeReqUpdater s1 } instance Monoid StackCfg where mempty = def instance CmbIgnoreEmptyArea StackCfg where ignoreEmptyArea_ ignore = def { _stcIgnoreEmptyArea = Just ignore } instance CmbSizeReqUpdater StackCfg where sizeReqUpdater updater = def { _stcSizeReqUpdater = Just updater } -- | Creates a horizontal stack. hstack :: (Traversable t) => t (WidgetNode s e) -> WidgetNode s e hstack children = hstack_ def children -- | Creates a horizontal stack. Accepts config. hstack_ :: (Traversable t) => [StackCfg] -> t (WidgetNode s e) -> WidgetNode s e hstack_ configs children = newNode where config = mconcat configs newNode = defaultWidgetNode "hstack" (makeStack True config) & L.children .~ foldl' (|>) Empty children -- | Creates a vertical stack. vstack :: (Traversable t) => t (WidgetNode s e) -> WidgetNode s e vstack children = vstack_ def children -- | Creates a vertical stack. Accepts config. vstack_ :: (Traversable t) => [StackCfg] -> t (WidgetNode s e) -> WidgetNode s e vstack_ configs children = newNode where config = mconcat configs newNode = defaultWidgetNode "vstack" (makeStack False config) & L.children .~ foldl' (|>) Empty children makeStack :: Bool -> StackCfg -> Widget s e makeStack isHorizontal config = widget where widget = createContainer () def { containerIgnoreEmptyArea = ignoreEmptyArea, containerLayoutDirection = getLayoutDirection isHorizontal, containerUseCustomSize = True, containerGetSizeReq = getSizeReq, containerResize = resize } isVertical = not isHorizontal ignoreEmptyArea = fromMaybe False (_stcIgnoreEmptyArea config) getSizeReq wenv node children = newSizeReq where updateSizeReq = fromMaybe id (_stcSizeReqUpdater config) vchildren = Seq.filter (_wniVisible . _wnInfo) children newSizeReqW = getDimSizeReq isHorizontal (_wniSizeReqW . _wnInfo) vchildren newSizeReqH = getDimSizeReq isVertical (_wniSizeReqH . _wnInfo) vchildren newSizeReq = updateSizeReq (newSizeReqW, newSizeReqH) getDimSizeReq mainAxis accesor vchildren | Seq.null vreqs = fixedSize 0 | mainAxis = foldl1 sizeReqMergeSum vreqs | otherwise = foldl1 sizeReqMergeMax vreqs where vreqs = accesor <$> vchildren resize wenv node viewport children = resized where style = currentStyle wenv node contentArea = fromMaybe def (removeOuterBounds style viewport) (newVps, newDim) = assignStackAreas isHorizontal contentArea children newCa | isHorizontal = contentArea & L.w .~ newDim | otherwise = contentArea & L.h .~ newDim newNode = node & L.info . L.viewport .~ fromMaybe newCa (addOuterBounds style newCa) resized = (resultNode newNode, newVps) {-| Assigns space from rect to each of the provided widgets based on their size requirements. -} assignStackAreas :: Bool -- ^ True if horizontal, False for vertical. -> Rect -- ^ The available space to assign. -> Seq (WidgetNode s e) -- ^ The widgets that will be assigned space. -> (Seq Rect, Double) -- ^ The assigned areas and used space in main axis. assignStackAreas isHorizontal contentArea children = result where Rect x y w h = contentArea mainSize = if isHorizontal then w else h mainStart = if isHorizontal then x else y rectSelector | isHorizontal = _rW | otherwise = _rH vchildren = Seq.filter (_wniVisible . _wnInfo) children reqs = fmap (mainReqSelector isHorizontal) vchildren sumSizes accum req = newStep where (cFixed, cFlex, cFlexFac, cExtraFac) = accum newFixed = cFixed + sizeReqFixed req newFlex = cFlex + sizeReqFlex req newFlexFac = cFlexFac + sizeReqFlex req * sizeReqFactor req newExtraFac = cExtraFac + sizeReqExtra req * sizeReqFactor req newStep = (newFixed, newFlex, newFlexFac, newExtraFac) (fixed, flex, flexFac, extraFac) = foldl' sumSizes def reqs flexAvail = min flex (mainSize - fixed) extraAvail = max 0 (mainSize - fixed - flexAvail) -- flexCoeff can only be negative flexCoeff | flexAvail < flex && flexFac > 0 = (flexAvail - flex) / flexFac | otherwise = 0 extraCoeff | extraAvail > 0 && extraFac > 0 = extraAvail / extraFac | otherwise = 0 foldHelper (accum, offset) child = (newAccum, newOffset) where newRect = resizeChild isHorizontal contentArea flexCoeff extraCoeff offset child newAccum = accum |> newRect newOffset = offset + rectSelector newRect (areas, usedDim) = foldl' foldHelper (Seq.empty, mainStart) children result = (areas, usedDim - mainStart) resizeChild :: Bool -> Rect -> Factor -> Factor -> Double -> WidgetNode s e -> Rect resizeChild horizontal contentArea flexCoeff extraCoeff offset child = result where Rect l t w h = contentArea emptyRect = Rect l t 0 0 -- Either flex or extra is active (flex is negative or extra is >= 0) SizeReq fixed flex extra factor = mainReqSelector horizontal child tempMainSize = fixed + (1 + flexCoeff * factor) * flex + extraCoeff * factor * extra mainSize = max 0 tempMainSize hRect = Rect offset t mainSize h vRect = Rect l offset w mainSize result | not $ (_wniVisible . _wnInfo) child = emptyRect | horizontal = hRect | otherwise = vRect mainReqSelector :: Bool -> WidgetNode s e -> SizeReq mainReqSelector isHorizontal | isHorizontal = _wniSizeReqW . _wnInfo | otherwise = _wniSizeReqH . _wnInfo