{-| Module : Monomer.Widgets.Singles.ColorPicker Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : fjvallarino@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Color picker using sliders and numeric fields. -} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Monomer.Widgets.Singles.ColorPicker ( -- * Configuration ColorPickerCfg, -- * Constructors colorPicker, colorPicker_, colorPickerV, colorPickerV_, colorPickerD_ ) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Lens ((&), (^.), (.~), ALens', abbreviatedFields, makeLensesWith) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder, toLazyByteString) import Data.Default import Data.Maybe import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as B import Monomer.Core import Monomer.Core.Combinators import Monomer.Graphics import Monomer.Widgets.Composite import Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Box import Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Stack import Monomer.Widgets.Containers.ZStack import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Image import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Label import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.NumericField import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Slider import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Spacer import qualified Monomer.Lens as L {-| Configuration options for colorPicker: - 'showAlpha': whether to allow modifying the alpha channel or not. - 'onFocus': event to raise when focus is received. - 'onFocusReq': 'WidgetRequest' to generate when focus is received. - 'onBlur': event to raise when focus is lost. - 'onBlurReq': 'WidgetRequest' to generate when focus is lost. - 'onChange': event to raise when any of the values changes. - 'onChangeReq': 'WidgetRequest' to generate when any of the values changes. -} data ColorPickerCfg s e = ColorPickerCfg { _cpcShowAlpha :: Maybe Bool, _cpcOnFocusReq :: [Path -> WidgetRequest s e], _cpcOnBlurReq :: [Path -> WidgetRequest s e], _cpcOnChangeReq :: [Color -> WidgetRequest s e] } instance Default (ColorPickerCfg s e) where def = ColorPickerCfg { _cpcShowAlpha = Nothing, _cpcOnFocusReq = [], _cpcOnBlurReq = [], _cpcOnChangeReq = [] } instance Semigroup (ColorPickerCfg s e) where (<>) a1 a2 = def { _cpcShowAlpha = _cpcShowAlpha a2 <|> _cpcShowAlpha a1, _cpcOnFocusReq = _cpcOnFocusReq a1 <> _cpcOnFocusReq a2, _cpcOnBlurReq = _cpcOnBlurReq a1 <> _cpcOnBlurReq a2, _cpcOnChangeReq = _cpcOnChangeReq a1 <> _cpcOnChangeReq a2 } instance Monoid (ColorPickerCfg s e) where mempty = def instance CmbShowAlpha (ColorPickerCfg s e) where showAlpha_ show = def { _cpcShowAlpha = Just show } instance WidgetEvent e => CmbOnFocus (ColorPickerCfg s e) e Path where onFocus fn = def { _cpcOnFocusReq = [RaiseEvent . fn] } instance CmbOnFocusReq (ColorPickerCfg s e) s e Path where onFocusReq req = def { _cpcOnFocusReq = [req] } instance WidgetEvent e => CmbOnBlur (ColorPickerCfg s e) e Path where onBlur fn = def { _cpcOnBlurReq = [RaiseEvent . fn] } instance CmbOnBlurReq (ColorPickerCfg s e) s e Path where onBlurReq req = def { _cpcOnBlurReq = [req] } instance WidgetEvent e => CmbOnChange (ColorPickerCfg s e) Color e where onChange fn = def { _cpcOnChangeReq = [RaiseEvent . fn] } instance CmbOnChangeReq (ColorPickerCfg s e) s e Color where onChangeReq req = def { _cpcOnChangeReq = [req] } data ColorPickerEvt = PickerFocus Path | PickerBlur Path | ColorChanged Int | AlphaChanged Double deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Creates a color picker using the given lens. colorPicker :: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e) => ALens' s Color -> WidgetNode s e colorPicker field = colorPicker_ field def -- | Creates a color picker using the given lens. Accepts config. colorPicker_ :: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e) => ALens' s Color -> [ColorPickerCfg s e] -> WidgetNode s e colorPicker_ field configs = colorPickerD_ wlens configs [] where wlens = WidgetLens field -- | Creates a color picker using the given value and 'onChange' event handler. colorPickerV :: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e) => Color -> (Color -> e) -> WidgetNode s e colorPickerV value handler = colorPickerV_ value handler def {-| Creates a color picker using the given value and 'onChange' event handler. Accepts config. -} colorPickerV_ :: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e) => Color -> (Color -> e) -> [ColorPickerCfg s e] -> WidgetNode s e colorPickerV_ value handler configs = colorPickerD_ wdata newCfgs [] where wdata = WidgetValue value newCfgs = onChange handler : configs -- | Creates a color picker providing a 'WidgetData' instance and config. colorPickerD_ :: (WidgetModel s, WidgetEvent e) => WidgetData s Color -> [ColorPickerCfg s e] -> [CompositeCfg Color ColorPickerEvt s e] -> WidgetNode s e colorPickerD_ wdata cfgs cmpCfgs = newNode where cfg = mconcat cfgs uiBuilder = buildUI cfg evtHandler = handleEvent cfg newNode = compositeD_ "colorPicker" wdata uiBuilder evtHandler cmpCfgs buildUI :: ColorPickerCfg sp ep -> WidgetEnv Color ColorPickerEvt -> Color -> WidgetNode Color ColorPickerEvt buildUI config wenv model = mainTree where showAlpha = fromMaybe False (_cpcShowAlpha config) colorSample = zstack [ patternImage 2 10 (rgb 255 255 255) (rgb 150 150 150), filler `styleBasic` [bgColor model] ] `styleBasic` [width 32] compRow lensCol evt lbl minV maxV = hstack [ label lbl `styleBasic` [width 48], spacer_ [width 2], hslider_ lensCol minV maxV [onChange evt, onFocus PickerFocus, onBlur PickerBlur] `styleBasic` [paddingV 5], spacer_ [width 2], numericField_ lensCol [minValue minV, maxValue maxV, onChange evt, onFocus PickerFocus, onBlur PickerBlur] `styleBasic` [width 40, padding 0, textRight] ] colorRow lens lbl = compRow lens ColorChanged lbl 0 255 alphaRow lens lbl = compRow lens AlphaChanged lbl 0 1 mainTree = hstack_ [sizeReqUpdater clearExtra] [ vstack [ colorRow L.r "Red", spacer_ [width 2], colorRow L.g "Green", spacer_ [width 2], colorRow L.b "Blue", spacer_ [width 2] `nodeVisible` showAlpha, alphaRow L.a "Alpha" `nodeVisible` showAlpha ], spacer_ [width 2], box_ [alignTop] colorSample `styleBasic` [flexHeight 50] ] `styleBasic` [padding 0] handleEvent :: (WidgetModel sp, WidgetEvent ep) => ColorPickerCfg sp ep -> WidgetEnv Color ColorPickerEvt -> WidgetNode Color ColorPickerEvt -> Color -> ColorPickerEvt -> [EventResponse Color ColorPickerEvt sp ep] handleEvent cfg wenv node model evt = case evt of PickerFocus prev | not (isNodeParentOfPath node prev) -> reportFocus prev PickerBlur next | not (isNodeParentOfPath node next) -> reportBlur next ColorChanged _ -> reportChange AlphaChanged _ -> reportChange _ -> [] where report reqs = RequestParent <$> reqs reportFocus prev = report (($ prev) <$> _cpcOnFocusReq cfg) reportBlur next = report (($ next) <$> _cpcOnBlurReq cfg) reportChange = report (($ model) <$> _cpcOnChangeReq cfg) patternImage :: WidgetEvent e => Int -> Int -> Color -> Color -> WidgetNode s e patternImage steps blockW col1 col2 = newImg where row1 = encodeRow steps blockW col1 col2 row2 = encodeRow steps blockW col2 col1 builder = mconcat (replicate steps (row1 <> row2)) imgData = BL.toStrict $ toLazyByteString builder imgLen = fromIntegral (steps * blockW) imgSize = Size imgLen imgLen imgConfig = [fitFill, imageRepeatX, imageRepeatY] newImg = imageMem_ "colorPickerAlphaBg" imgData imgSize imgConfig encodeRow :: Int -> Int -> Color -> Color -> Builder encodeRow steps blockW col1 col2 = builder where line = encodeLine steps blockW col1 col2 builder = mconcat (replicate blockW line) encodeLine :: Int -> Int -> Color -> Color -> Builder encodeLine steps blockW col1 col2 = builder where p1 = mconcat $ replicate blockW (encodeColor col1) p2 = mconcat $ replicate blockW (encodeColor col2) builder = mconcat $ replicate (steps `div` 2) (p1 <> p2) encodeColor :: Color -> Builder encodeColor (Color r g b a) = mconcat [er, eg, eb, ea] where er = B.int8 $ fromIntegral r eg = B.int8 $ fromIntegral g eb = B.int8 $ fromIntegral b ea = B.int8 $ round (255 * a)