{-| Module : Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Label Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : fjvallarino@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Label widget, with support for multiline text. -} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} module Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Label ( -- * Configuration LabelCfg, -- * Constructors labelCurrentStyle, label, label_, labelS, labelS_ ) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Lens ((&), (^.), (.~), (^?), non, ix) import Control.Monad (forM_) import Data.Default import Data.Maybe import Data.Sequence (Seq(..)) import Data.Text (Text) import GHC.Generics import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import qualified Data.Text as T import Monomer.Widgets.Single import qualified Monomer.Lens as L {-| Configuration options for label. - 'trimSpaces': whether to remove leading/trailing spaces in the caption. - 'ellipsis': if ellipsis should be used for overflown text. - 'multiline': if text may be split in multiple lines. - 'maxLines': maximum number of text lines to show. - 'ignoreTheme': whether to load default style from theme or start empty. - 'resizeFactor': flexibility to have more or less spaced assigned. - 'resizeFactorW': flexibility to have more or less horizontal spaced assigned. - 'resizeFactorH': flexibility to have more or less vertical spaced assigned. -} data LabelCfg s e = LabelCfg { _lscIgnoreTheme :: Maybe Bool, _lscTextTrim :: Maybe Bool, _lscTextEllipsis :: Maybe Bool, _lscTextMultiLine :: Maybe Bool, _lscTextMaxLines :: Maybe Int, _lscFactorW :: Maybe Double, _lscFactorH :: Maybe Double, _lscCurrentStyle :: Maybe (WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> StyleState) } instance Default (LabelCfg s e) where def = LabelCfg { _lscIgnoreTheme = Nothing, _lscTextTrim = Nothing, _lscTextEllipsis = Nothing, _lscTextMultiLine = Nothing, _lscTextMaxLines = Nothing, _lscFactorW = Nothing, _lscFactorH = Nothing, _lscCurrentStyle = Nothing } instance Semigroup (LabelCfg s e) where (<>) l1 l2 = LabelCfg { _lscIgnoreTheme = _lscIgnoreTheme l2 <|> _lscIgnoreTheme l1, _lscTextTrim = _lscTextTrim l2 <|> _lscTextTrim l1, _lscTextEllipsis = _lscTextEllipsis l2 <|> _lscTextEllipsis l1, _lscTextMultiLine = _lscTextMultiLine l2 <|> _lscTextMultiLine l1, _lscTextMaxLines = _lscTextMaxLines l2 <|> _lscTextMaxLines l1, _lscFactorW = _lscFactorW l2 <|> _lscFactorW l1, _lscFactorH = _lscFactorH l2 <|> _lscFactorH l1, _lscCurrentStyle = _lscCurrentStyle l2 <|> _lscCurrentStyle l1 } instance Monoid (LabelCfg s e) where mempty = def instance CmbIgnoreTheme (LabelCfg s e) where ignoreTheme_ ignore = def { _lscIgnoreTheme = Just ignore } instance CmbTrimSpaces (LabelCfg s e) where trimSpaces_ trim = def { _lscTextTrim = Just trim } instance CmbEllipsis (LabelCfg s e) where ellipsis_ ellipsis = def { _lscTextEllipsis = Just ellipsis } instance CmbMultiline (LabelCfg s e) where multiline_ multi = def { _lscTextMultiLine = Just multi } instance CmbMaxLines (LabelCfg s e) where maxLines count = def { _lscTextMaxLines = Just count } instance CmbResizeFactor (LabelCfg s e) where resizeFactor s = def { _lscFactorW = Just s, _lscFactorH = Just s } instance CmbResizeFactorDim (LabelCfg s e) where resizeFactorW w = def { _lscFactorW = Just w } resizeFactorH h = def { _lscFactorH = Just h } -- | Custom current style to be used by the label widget. Useful for widgets -- with an embedded label (for example, 'Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Button' and -- 'Monomer.Widgets.Singles.ExternalLink'). labelCurrentStyle :: (WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> StyleState) -> LabelCfg s e labelCurrentStyle style = def { _lscCurrentStyle = Just style } data LabelState = LabelState { _lstCaption :: Text, _lstTextStyle :: Maybe TextStyle, _lstTextRect :: Rect, _lstTextLines :: Seq TextLine, _lstPrevResize :: (Int, Bool) } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) -- | Creates a label using the provided 'Text'. label :: Text -> WidgetNode s e label caption = label_ caption def -- | Creates a label using the provided 'Text'. Accepts config. label_ :: Text -> [LabelCfg s e] -> WidgetNode s e label_ caption configs = defaultWidgetNode "label" widget where config = mconcat configs state = LabelState caption Nothing def Seq.Empty (0, False) widget = makeLabel config state -- | Creates a label using the 'Show' instance of the type. labelS :: Show a => a -> WidgetNode s e labelS caption = labelS_ caption def -- | Creates a label using the 'Show' instance of the type. Accepts config. labelS_ :: Show a => a -> [LabelCfg s e] -> WidgetNode s e labelS_ caption configs = label_ (T.pack . show $ caption) configs makeLabel :: LabelCfg s e -> LabelState -> Widget s e makeLabel config state = widget where baseWidget = createSingle state def { singleGetBaseStyle = getBaseStyle, singleInit = init, singleMerge = merge, singleGetSizeReq = getSizeReq, singleResize = resize } widget = baseWidget { widgetRender = render } ignoreTheme = _lscIgnoreTheme config == Just True trim | _lscTextTrim config == Just True = TrimSpaces | otherwise = KeepSpaces overflow | _lscTextEllipsis config == Just True = Ellipsis | otherwise = ClipText mode | _lscTextMultiLine config == Just True = MultiLine | otherwise = SingleLine maxLines = _lscTextMaxLines config labelCurrentStyle = fromMaybe currentStyle (_lscCurrentStyle config) LabelState caption textStyle textRect textLines prevResize = state getBaseStyle wenv node | ignoreTheme = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ collectTheme wenv L.labelStyle init wenv node = resultNode newNode where style = labelCurrentStyle wenv node newState = state { _lstTextStyle = style ^. L.text } newNode = node & L.widget .~ makeLabel config newState merge wenv newNode oldNode oldState = result where widgetId = newNode ^. L.info . L.widgetId style = labelCurrentStyle wenv newNode newTextStyle = style ^. L.text captionChanged = _lstCaption oldState /= caption styleChanged = _lstTextStyle oldState /= newTextStyle changeReq = captionChanged || styleChanged -- This is used in resize to know if glyphs have to be recalculated newRect | changeReq = def | otherwise = _lstTextRect oldState newState = oldState { _lstCaption = caption, _lstTextRect = newRect, _lstTextStyle = newTextStyle } reqs = [ ResizeWidgets widgetId | changeReq ] resNode = newNode & L.widget .~ makeLabel config newState result = resultReqs resNode reqs getSizeReq wenv node = (sizeW, sizeH) where ts = wenv ^. L.timestamp caption = _lstCaption state prevResize = _lstPrevResize state style = labelCurrentStyle wenv node cw = getContentArea node style ^. L.w defaultFactor | mode == MultiLine = 1 | overflow == Ellipsis = 0.01 | otherwise = 0 targetW | mode == MultiLine && prevResize == (ts, True) = Just cw | otherwise = fmap sizeReqMaxBounded (style ^. L.sizeReqW) Size w h = getTextSize_ wenv style mode trim targetW maxLines caption factorW = fromMaybe defaultFactor (_lscFactorW config) factorH = fromMaybe defaultFactor (_lscFactorH config) sizeW | abs factorW < 0.01 = fixedSize w | otherwise = flexSize w factorW sizeH | abs factorH < 0.01 = fixedSize h | otherwise = flexSize h factorH resize wenv node viewport = result where fontMgr = wenv ^. L.fontManager ts = wenv ^. L.timestamp widgetId = newNode ^. L.info . L.widgetId style = labelCurrentStyle wenv node crect = fromMaybe def (removeOuterBounds style viewport) newTextStyle = style ^. L.text Rect px py pw ph = textRect Rect _ _ cw ch = crect size = Size cw ch alignRect = Rect 0 0 cw ch fittedLines = fitTextToSize fontMgr style overflow mode trim maxLines size caption newTextLines = alignTextLines style alignRect fittedLines newGlyphsReq = pw /= cw || ph /= ch || textStyle /= newTextStyle newLines | not newGlyphsReq = textLines | otherwise = newTextLines (prevTs, prevStep) = prevResize needsSndResize = mode == MultiLine && (prevTs /= ts || not prevStep) newState = state { _lstTextStyle = newTextStyle, _lstTextRect = crect, _lstTextLines = newLines, _lstPrevResize = (ts, needsSndResize && prevTs == ts) } newNode = node & L.widget .~ makeLabel config newState result = resultReqs newNode [ResizeWidgets widgetId | needsSndResize] render wenv node renderer = do drawInScissor renderer True scissorVp $ drawStyledAction renderer viewport style $ \(Rect cx cy _ _) -> drawInTranslation renderer (Point cx cy) $ forM_ textLines (drawTextLine renderer style) where style = labelCurrentStyle wenv node viewport = node ^. L.info . L.viewport textMetrics = textLines ^? ix 0 . L.metrics desc = abs (textMetrics ^. non def . L.desc) scissorVp = viewport & L.y .~ (viewport ^. L.y - desc) & L.h .~ (viewport ^. L.h + desc)