{-| Module : Monomer.Widgets.Singles.SeparatorLine Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : fjvallarino@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable SeparatorLine is used for adding a separator line between two widgets. It adapts to the active layout direction, creating a vertical line on a horizontal layout and viceversa. The line has the provided width in the direction orthogonal to the layout direction, and takes all the available space in the other direction. In case of wanting a shorter line, padding should be used. -} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module Monomer.Widgets.Singles.SeparatorLine ( -- * Configuration SeparatorLineCfg, -- * Constructors separatorLine, separatorLine_ ) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Lens ((^.)) import Data.Default import Data.Maybe import Data.Tuple import Monomer.Widgets.Single import qualified Monomer.Core.Lens as L {-| Configuration options for separatorLine: - 'width': the max width of the line. - 'resizeFactor': flexibility to have more or less spaced assigned. -} data SeparatorLineCfg = SeparatorLineCfg { _slcWidth :: Maybe Double, _slcFactor :: Maybe Double } instance Default SeparatorLineCfg where def = SeparatorLineCfg { _slcWidth = Nothing, _slcFactor = Nothing } instance Semigroup SeparatorLineCfg where (<>) s1 s2 = SeparatorLineCfg { _slcWidth = _slcWidth s2 <|> _slcWidth s1, _slcFactor = _slcFactor s2 <|> _slcFactor s1 } instance Monoid SeparatorLineCfg where mempty = def instance CmbWidth SeparatorLineCfg where width w = def { _slcWidth = Just w } instance CmbResizeFactor SeparatorLineCfg where resizeFactor f = def { _slcFactor = Just f } -- | Creates a separatorLine widget. separatorLine :: WidgetNode s e separatorLine = separatorLine_ def -- | Creates a separatorLine widget. Accepts config. separatorLine_ :: [SeparatorLineCfg] -> WidgetNode s e separatorLine_ configs = defaultWidgetNode "separatorLine" widget where config = mconcat (resizeFactor 0 : configs) widget = makeSeparatorLine config makeSeparatorLine :: SeparatorLineCfg -> Widget s e makeSeparatorLine config = widget where widget = createSingle () def { singleGetBaseStyle = getBaseStyle, singleGetSizeReq = getSizeReq, singleRender = render } factor = fromMaybe 0 (_slcFactor config) getBaseStyle wenv node = Just style where style = collectTheme wenv L.separatorLineStyle getSizeReq wenv node = sizeReq where theme = currentTheme wenv node direction = wenv ^. L.layoutDirection width = fromMaybe (theme ^. L.separatorLineWidth) (_slcWidth config) isFixed = factor < 0.01 flexSide = flexSize 10 0.5 fixedW = fixedSize width flexW = flexSize width factor expandW = expandSize width factor sizeReq | isFixed && direction == LayoutNone = (fixedW, fixedW) | isFixed && direction == LayoutHorizontal = (fixedW, flexSide) | isFixed = (flexSide, fixedW) | direction == LayoutNone = (expandW, expandW) | direction == LayoutHorizontal = (expandW, flexW) | otherwise = (flexW, expandW) render wenv node renderer = do beginPath renderer setFillColor renderer fgColor renderRect renderer lineRect fill renderer where theme = currentTheme wenv node style = currentStyle wenv node direction = wenv ^. L.layoutDirection fgColor = styleFgColor style width = fromMaybe (theme ^. L.separatorLineWidth) (_slcWidth config) Rect cx cy cw ch = getContentArea node style lineW = cx + (cw - width) / 2 lineH = cy + (ch - width) / 2 lineRect | direction == LayoutNone = Rect cx cy cw ch | direction == LayoutHorizontal = Rect lineW cy width ch | otherwise = Rect cx lineH cw width