{-| Module : Monomer.Widgets.Util.Style Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : fjvallarino@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Helper functions for style related operations. -} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Monomer.Widgets.Util.Style ( collectStyleField, collectStyleField_, currentTheme, currentTheme_, currentStyle, currentStyle_, focusedStyle, styleStateChanged, initNodeStyle, mergeBasicStyle, handleStyleChange, childOfFocusedStyle ) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Lens (Lens', (&), (^.), (^?), (.~), (?~), (<>~), _Just, _1, non) import Data.Bits (xor) import Data.Default import Data.Maybe import Data.Sequence (Seq(..), (<|), (|>)) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Monomer.Core import Monomer.Event import Monomer.Helper import Monomer.Widgets.Util.Focus import Monomer.Widgets.Util.Hover import Monomer.Widgets.Util.Types import Monomer.Widgets.Util.Widget import qualified Monomer.Core.Lens as L import qualified Monomer.Event.Lens as L instance Default (CurrentStyleCfg s e) where def = CurrentStyleCfg { _ascIsHovered = isNodeHovered, _ascIsFocused = isNodeFocused, _ascIsActive = isNodeActive } -- | Extracts/copies the field of a style into an empty style. collectStyleField :: Lens' StyleState (Maybe t) -- ^ The field into the state. -> Style -- ^ The source style. -> Style -- ^ The new style. collectStyleField fieldS source = collectStyleField_ fieldS source def -- | Extracts/copies the field of a style into a provided style. collectStyleField_ :: Lens' StyleState (Maybe t) -- ^ The field into the state. -> Style -- ^ The source style. -> Style -- ^ The target style. -> Style -- ^ The updated style. collectStyleField_ fieldS source target = style where setValue stateLens = result where sourceState = source ^. stateLens targetState = target ^. stateLens value = sourceState ^? _Just . fieldS . _Just setTarget val = targetState ^. non def & fieldS ?~ val resetTarget = targetState ^. non def & fieldS .~ Nothing result | isJust value = setTarget <$> value | isJust targetState = Just resetTarget | otherwise = Nothing basic = setValue L.basic hover = setValue L.hover focus = setValue L.focus focusHover = setValue L.focusHover active = setValue L.active disabled = setValue L.disabled style = Style basic hover focus focusHover active disabled -- | Returns the current style state for the given node. currentStyle :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> StyleState currentStyle wenv node = currentStyle_ def wenv node {-| Returns the current style state for the given node, using the provided functions to determine hover, focus and active status. -} currentStyle_ :: CurrentStyleCfg s e -> WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> StyleState currentStyle_ config wenv node = fromMaybe def styleState where Style{..} = node ^. L.info . L.style mousePos = wenv ^. L.inputStatus . L.mousePos isEnabled = node ^. L.info . L.enabled isHover = _ascIsHovered config wenv node isFocus = _ascIsFocused config wenv node isActive = _ascIsActive config wenv node styleState | not isEnabled = _styleDisabled | isActive = _styleActive | isHover && isFocus = _styleFocusHover | isHover = _styleHover | isFocus = _styleFocus | otherwise = _styleBasic -- | Returns the correct focused style, depending if it's hovered or not. focusedStyle :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> StyleState focusedStyle wenv node = focusedStyle_ isNodeHovered wenv node {-| Returns the correct focused style, depending if it's hovered or not, using the provided function. -} focusedStyle_ :: IsHovered s e -> WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> StyleState focusedStyle_ isHoveredFn wenv node = fromMaybe def styleState where Style{..} = node ^. L.info . L.style isHover = isHoveredFn wenv node styleState | isHover = _styleFocusHover | otherwise = _styleFocus -- | Returns the current theme for the node. currentTheme :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> ThemeState currentTheme wenv node = currentTheme_ isNodeHovered wenv node -- | Returns the current theme for the node. currentTheme_ :: IsHovered s e -> WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> ThemeState currentTheme_ isHoveredFn wenv node = themeState where theme = _weTheme wenv mousePos = wenv ^. L.inputStatus . L.mousePos isEnabled = node ^. L.info . L.enabled isHover = isHoveredFn wenv node isFocus = isNodeFocused wenv node isActive = isNodeActive wenv node themeState | not isEnabled = _themeDisabled theme | isActive = _themeActive theme | isHover && isFocus = _themeFocusHover theme | isHover = _themeHover theme | isFocus = _themeFocus theme | otherwise = _themeBasic theme -- | Checks if hover or focus states changed between versions of the node. styleStateChanged :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> SystemEvent -> Bool styleStateChanged wenv node evt = hoverChanged || focusChanged where -- Hover hoverChanged = isOnEnter evt || isOnLeave evt -- Focus focusChanged = isOnFocus evt || isOnBlur evt {-| Initializes the node style states. Mainly, it uses basic as the base of all the other styles. -} initNodeStyle :: GetBaseStyle s e -- ^ The function to get the base style. -> WidgetEnv s e -- ^ The widget environment. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The widget node. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The updated widget node. initNodeStyle getBaseStyle wenv node = newNode where nodeStyle = mergeBasicStyle $ node ^. L.info . L.style baseStyle = mergeBasicStyle $ fromMaybe def (getBaseStyle wenv node) newNode = node & L.info . L.style .~ (baseStyle <> nodeStyle) -- | Uses the basic style state as the base for all the other style states. mergeBasicStyle :: Style -> Style mergeBasicStyle st = newStyle where focusHover = _styleHover st <> _styleFocus st <> _styleFocusHover st active = focusHover <> _styleActive st newStyle = Style { _styleBasic = _styleBasic st, _styleHover = _styleBasic st <> _styleHover st, _styleFocus = _styleBasic st <> _styleFocus st, _styleFocusHover = _styleBasic st <> focusHover, _styleActive = _styleBasic st <> active, _styleDisabled = _styleBasic st <> _styleDisabled st } {-| Checks for style changes between the old node and the provided result, in the context of an event. Generates requests for resize, render and cursor change as necessary. -} handleStyleChange :: WidgetEnv s e -- ^ The widget environment. -> Path -- ^ The target of the event. -> StyleState -- ^ The active style. -> Bool -- ^ Whether to check/update the cursor. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The old node. -> SystemEvent -- ^ The event. -> Maybe (WidgetResult s e) -- ^ The result containing the new node. -> Maybe (WidgetResult s e) -- ^ The updated result. handleStyleChange wenv target style doCursor node evt result = newResult where tmpResult = handleSizeChange wenv target evt node result newResult | doCursor = handleCursorChange wenv target evt style node tmpResult | otherwise = tmpResult {-| Replacement of currentStyle for child widgets embedded in a focusable parent. It selects the correct style state according to the situation. Used, for example, in "Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Button" and "Monomer.Widgets.Singles.ExternalLink", which are focusable but have an embedded label. Since label is not focusable, that style would not be handled correctly. -} childOfFocusedStyle :: WidgetEnv s e -- ^ The widget environment. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The embedded child node. -> StyleState -- ^ The currently active state. childOfFocusedStyle wenv cnode = newStyle where pinfo = fromMaybe def (wenv ^. L.findByPath $ parentPath cnode) cstyle = cnode ^. L.info . L.style enabled = cnode ^. L.info . L.enabled activeC = isNodeActive wenv cnode activeP = isNodeInfoActive False wenv pinfo hoverC = isNodeHovered wenv cnode hoverP = isNodeInfoHovered wenv pinfo focusP = isNodeInfoFocused wenv pinfo newStyle | not enabled = fromMaybe def (_styleDisabled cstyle) | activeC || activeP = fromMaybe def (_styleActive cstyle) | (hoverC || hoverP) && focusP = fromMaybe def (_styleFocusHover cstyle) | hoverC || hoverP = fromMaybe def (_styleHover cstyle) | focusP = fromMaybe def (_styleFocus cstyle) | otherwise = currentStyle wenv cnode -- Helpers handleSizeChange :: WidgetEnv s e -> Path -> SystemEvent -> WidgetNode s e -> Maybe (WidgetResult s e) -> Maybe (WidgetResult s e) handleSizeChange wenv target evt oldNode result = newResult where baseResult = fromMaybe (resultNode oldNode) result newNode = baseResult ^. L.node widgetId = newNode ^. L.info . L.widgetId path = newNode ^. L.info . L.path -- Size oldSizeReqW = oldNode ^. L.info . L.sizeReqW oldSizeReqH = oldNode ^. L.info . L.sizeReqH newSizeReqW = newNode ^. L.info . L.sizeReqW newSizeReqH = newNode ^. L.info . L.sizeReqH sizeReqChanged = oldSizeReqW /= newSizeReqW || oldSizeReqH /= newSizeReqH -- Hover drag changed (if dragging, Enter/Leave is not sent) prevInVp = isPointInNodeVp newNode (wenv ^. L.inputStatus . L.mousePosPrev) currInVp = isPointInNodeVp newNode (wenv ^. L.inputStatus . L.mousePos) pressedPath = wenv ^. L.mainBtnPress ^? _Just . _1 hoverDragChg = Just path == pressedPath && prevInVp /= currInVp -- Result renderReq = isOnEnter evt || isOnLeave evt || hoverDragChg resizeReq = [ ResizeWidgets widgetId | sizeReqChanged ] enterReq = [ RenderOnce | renderReq ] reqs = resizeReq ++ enterReq newResult | not (null reqs) = Just $ baseResult & L.requests <>~ Seq.fromList reqs | otherwise = result handleCursorChange :: WidgetEnv s e -> Path -> SystemEvent -> StyleState -> WidgetNode s e -> Maybe (WidgetResult s e) -> Maybe (WidgetResult s e) handleCursorChange wenv target evt style oldNode result = newResult where baseResult = fromMaybe (resultNode oldNode) result baseReqs = baseResult ^. L.requests node = baseResult ^. L.node -- Cursor widgetId = node ^. L.info . L.widgetId path = node ^. L.info . L.path isTarget = path == target hasCursor = isJust (style ^. L.cursorIcon) isPressed = isNodePressed wenv node (curPath, curIcon) = fromMaybe def (wenv ^. L.cursor) isParent = seqStartsWith path curPath && path /= curPath newIcon = fromMaybe CursorArrow (style ^. L.cursorIcon) setCursor = hasCursor && isCursorEvt evt && not isParent && curIcon /= newIcon resetCursor = isTarget && not hasCursor && isCursorEvt evt && not isPressed && curPath == path -- Result newResult | setCursor = Just $ baseResult & L.requests .~ SetCursorIcon widgetId newIcon <| baseReqs | resetCursor = Just $ baseResult & L.requests .~ baseReqs |> ResetCursorIcon widgetId | otherwise = result isCursorEvt :: SystemEvent -> Bool isCursorEvt Enter{} = True isCursorEvt Click{} = True isCursorEvt ButtonAction{} = True isCursorEvt Move{} = True isCursorEvt _ = False