{-| Module : Monomer.Widgets.Containers.ScrollSpec Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : fjvallarino@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Unit tests for Scroll widget. -} module Monomer.Widgets.Containers.ScrollSpec (spec) where import Control.Lens ((&), (^.), (^?), (^?!), (.~), _Just, ix) import Data.Default import Data.Text (Text) import Test.Hspec import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Monomer.Core import Monomer.Core.Combinators import Monomer.Event import Monomer.Graphics.ColorTable import Monomer.TestEventUtil import Monomer.TestUtil import Monomer.Widgets.Composite import Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Scroll import Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Stack import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Button import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Label import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Spacer import qualified Monomer.Lens as L data ButtonEvt = Button1 | Button2 | Button3 | Button4 deriving (Eq, Show) spec :: Spec spec = describe "Scroll" $ do handleEvent forwardStyle resize handleEvent :: Spec handleEvent = describe "handleEvent" $ do handleChildrenFocus handleNestedWheel handleMessageReset handleChildrenFocus :: Spec handleChildrenFocus = describe "handleChildrenFocus" $ do it "should not follow focus events" $ do evtsIgnore evts1 `shouldBe` Seq.fromList [Button1] evtsIgnore evts2 `shouldBe` Seq.fromList [Button1] evtsIgnore evts3 `shouldBe` Seq.fromList [Button1] it "should follow focus events" $ do evtsFollow evts1 `shouldBe` Seq.fromList [Button2] evtsFollow evts3 `shouldBe` Seq.fromList [Button4] where wenv = mockWenv () & L.windowSize .~ Size 640 480 point = Point 320 200 evts1 = [evtK keyTab, evtClick point] evts2 = [evtK keyTab, evtK keyTab, evtClick point] evts3 = [evtK keyTab, evtK keyTab, evtK keyTab, evtClick point] st = [width 640, height 480] stackNode = vstack [ button "Button 1" Button1 `styleBasic` st, button "Button 2" Button2 `styleBasic` st, button "Button 3" Button3 `styleBasic` st, button "Button 4" Button4 `styleBasic` st ] ignoreNode = scroll_ [scrollFollowFocus_ False] stackNode followNode = scroll stackNode evtsIgnore es = nodeHandleEventEvts wenv es ignoreNode evtsFollow es = nodeHandleEventEvts wenv es followNode handleNestedWheel :: Spec handleNestedWheel = describe "handleNestedWheel" $ do it "should scroll main widget" $ do events evts1 `shouldBe` Seq.fromList [Button4] it "should scroll child widget" $ do events evts2 `shouldBe` Seq.fromList [Button3] where wenv = mockWenv () & L.windowSize .~ Size 640 480 pointClick = Point 160 240 pointWheel1 = Point 480 240 pointWheel2 = Point 160 240 evtWheel p = WheelScroll p (Point 0 (-2000)) WheelNormal evts1 = [evtWheel pointWheel1, evtClick pointClick] evts2 = [evtWheel pointWheel2, evtClick pointClick] st = [width 320, height 480] childNode = vscroll (vstack [ button "Button 1" Button1 `styleBasic` st, button "Button 2" Button2 `styleBasic` st, button "Button 3" Button3 `styleBasic` st ]) `styleBasic` [height 480] mainNode = vstack [ childNode, button "Button 4" Button4 `styleBasic` st ] `styleBasic` [width 320] scrollNode = vscroll $ hstack [ mainNode, filler ] events es = nodeHandleEventEvts wenv es scrollNode handleMessageReset :: Spec handleMessageReset = describe "handleMessageReset" $ do it "should not generate an event if scroll does not show Button1" $ events es `shouldBe` Seq.empty it "should generate an event if scroll shows Button1" $ events (evtK keyTab : es) `shouldBe` Seq.singleton Button1 where wenv = mockWenv () es = [evtK keyTab, evtClick (Point 10 10), evtClick (Point 10 10)] handleEvent :: WidgetEnv () ButtonEvt -> WidgetNode () ButtonEvt -> () -> ButtonEvt -> [EventResponse () ButtonEvt () ButtonEvt] handleEvent wenv node model evt = case evt of Button1 -> [Report Button1] Button3 -> [Message "mainScroll" ScrollReset] _ -> [] buildUI wenv model = scroll (vstack [ button "Button 1" Button1 `styleBasic` [height 480], button "Button 2" Button2 `styleBasic` [height 480], button "Button 3" Button3 `styleBasic` [height 480] ]) `nodeKey` "mainScroll" cmpNode = composite "main" id buildUI handleEvent events es = nodeHandleEventEvts wenv es cmpNode forwardStyle :: Spec forwardStyle = describe "forwardStyle" $ do it "should assign scroll the top style, while the child be set to default" $ do pnode1 ^? L.info . L.style . L.basic . _Just `shouldBe` Just (border 1 black <> padding 10) cnode1 ^? L.info . L.style . L.basic . _Just `shouldBe` Just def it "should split the style according to the rules of scrollFwdDefault" $ do pnode2 ^? L.info . L.style . L.basic . _Just `shouldBe` Just (border 1 black) cnode2 ^? L.info . L.style . L.basic . _Just `shouldBe` Just (padding 10) where wenv = mockWenv () & L.windowSize .~ Size 640 480 snode1 = scroll (label "Test") `styleBasic` [border 1 black, padding 10] snode2 = scroll_ [scrollFwdStyle scrollFwdDefault] (label "Test") `styleBasic` [border 1 black, padding 10] pnode1 = nodeInit wenv snode1 cnode1 = pnode1 ^?! L.children . ix 0 pnode2 = nodeInit wenv snode2 cnode2 = pnode2 ^?! L.children . ix 0 resize :: Spec resize = describe "resize" $ do resizeLarge resizeSmall resizeOverlaySmall resizeH resizeV resizeOverlayH resizeOverlayV resizeLarge :: Spec resizeLarge = describe "resizeLarge" $ do it "should have the provided viewport size" $ viewport `shouldBe` vp it "should assign all the requested space" $ childrenVp `shouldBe` Seq.fromList [cvp1] where wenv = mockWenv () & L.windowSize .~ Size 640 480 vp = Rect 0 0 640 480 cvp1 = Rect 0 0 3000 2000 scrollNode = scroll (label "" `styleBasic` [width 3000, height 2000]) newNode = nodeInit wenv scrollNode viewport = newNode ^. L.info . L.viewport childrenVp = roundRectUnits . _wniViewport . _wnInfo <$> newNode ^. L.children resizeSmall :: Spec resizeSmall = describe "resizeSmall" $ do it "should have the provided viewport size" $ viewport `shouldBe` vp it "should assign all the requested space" $ childrenVp `shouldBe` Seq.fromList [cvp1] where wenv = mockWenv () & L.windowSize .~ Size 640 480 vp = Rect 0 0 640 480 cvp1 = Rect 0 0 640 480 scrollNode = scroll (label "" `styleBasic` [width 300, height 200]) newNode = nodeInit wenv scrollNode viewport = newNode ^. L.info . L.viewport childrenVp = roundRectUnits . _wniViewport . _wnInfo <$> newNode ^. L.children resizeOverlaySmall :: Spec resizeOverlaySmall = describe "resizeOverlaySmall" $ do it "should have the provided viewport size" $ viewport `shouldBe` vp it "should assign all the requested space" $ childrenVp `shouldBe` Seq.fromList [cvp1] where wenv = mockWenv () & L.windowSize .~ Size 640 480 vp = Rect 0 0 640 480 cvp1 = Rect 0 0 640 480 scrollNode = scroll_ [scrollOverlay] (label "" `styleBasic` [width 300, height 200]) newNode = nodeInit wenv scrollNode viewport = newNode ^. L.info . L.viewport childrenVp = roundRectUnits . _wniViewport . _wnInfo <$> newNode ^. L.children resizeH :: Spec resizeH = describe "resizeH" $ do it "should have the provided viewport size" $ viewport `shouldBe` vp it "should assign all the requested horizontal space" $ childrenVp `shouldBe` Seq.fromList [cvp1] where wenv = mockWenv () & L.windowSize .~ Size 640 480 vp = Rect 0 0 640 480 cvp1 = Rect 0 0 3000 470 scrollNode = hscroll (label "" `styleBasic` [width 3000, height 2000]) newNode = nodeInit wenv scrollNode viewport = newNode ^. L.info . L.viewport childrenVp = roundRectUnits . _wniViewport . _wnInfo <$> newNode ^. L.children resizeV :: Spec resizeV = describe "resizeV" $ do it "should have the provided viewport size" $ viewport `shouldBe` vp it "should assign all the requested vertical space" $ childrenVp `shouldBe` Seq.fromList [cvp1] where wenv = mockWenv () & L.windowSize .~ Size 640 480 vp = Rect 0 0 640 480 cvp1 = Rect 0 0 630 2000 scrollNode = vscroll (label "" `styleBasic` [width 3000, height 2000]) newNode = nodeInit wenv scrollNode viewport = newNode ^. L.info . L.viewport childrenVp = roundRectUnits . _wniViewport . _wnInfo <$> newNode ^. L.children resizeOverlayH :: Spec resizeOverlayH = describe "resizeOverlayH" $ do it "should have the provided viewport size" $ viewport `shouldBe` vp it "should assign all the requested horizontal space" $ childrenVp `shouldBe` Seq.fromList [cvp1] where wenv = mockWenv () & L.windowSize .~ Size 640 480 vp = Rect 0 0 640 480 cvp1 = Rect 0 0 3000 480 scrollNode = hscroll_ [scrollOverlay] (label "" `styleBasic` [width 3000, height 2000]) newNode = nodeInit wenv scrollNode viewport = newNode ^. L.info . L.viewport childrenVp = roundRectUnits . _wniViewport . _wnInfo <$> newNode ^. L.children resizeOverlayV :: Spec resizeOverlayV = describe "resizeOverlayV" $ do it "should have the provided viewport size" $ viewport `shouldBe` vp it "should assign all the requested vertical space" $ childrenVp `shouldBe` Seq.fromList [cvp1] where wenv = mockWenv () & L.windowSize .~ Size 640 480 vp = Rect 0 0 640 480 cvp1 = Rect 0 0 640 2000 scrollNode = vscroll_ [scrollOverlay] (label "" `styleBasic` [width 3000, height 2000]) newNode = nodeInit wenv scrollNode viewport = newNode ^. L.info . L.viewport childrenVp = roundRectUnits . _wniViewport . _wnInfo <$> newNode ^. L.children