{-| Module : Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Grid Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : fjvallarino@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Layout container which distributes space evenly along the main axis. For the secondary axis children will receive as much space as available for the grid widget itself. In the same way as with hstack and vstack, 'hgrid' and 'vgrid' can be combined to create more complex layouts. The hgrid widget requests maxWidth * elements as its width, and the max height as its height. The inverse happens for vgrid. @ hgrid [ label "Third 1", label "Third 2", label "Third 3" ] @ -} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE Strict #-} module Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Grid ( -- * Configuration GridCfg, -- * Constructors hgrid, hgrid_, vgrid, vgrid_ ) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Lens ((&), (^.), (.~), (%~)) import Data.Default import Data.List (foldl') import Data.Maybe import Data.Sequence (Seq(..), (|>)) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Monomer.Helper (applyFnList) import Monomer.Widgets.Container import qualified Monomer.Lens as L {-| Configuration options for grid: - 'childSpacing': spacing between the child widgets. - 'sizeReqUpdater': allows modifying the 'SizeReq' generated by the grid. -} data GridCfg = GridCfg { _grcChildSpacing :: Maybe Double, _grcSizeReqUpdater :: [SizeReqUpdater] } instance Default GridCfg where def = GridCfg { _grcChildSpacing = Nothing, _grcSizeReqUpdater = [] } instance Semigroup GridCfg where (<>) s1 s2 = GridCfg { _grcChildSpacing = _grcChildSpacing s2 <|> _grcChildSpacing s1, _grcSizeReqUpdater = _grcSizeReqUpdater s1 <> _grcSizeReqUpdater s2 } instance Monoid GridCfg where mempty = def instance CmbChildSpacing GridCfg where childSpacing_ spacing = def { _grcChildSpacing = Just spacing } instance CmbSizeReqUpdater GridCfg where sizeReqUpdater updater = def { _grcSizeReqUpdater = [updater] } -- | Creates a grid of items with the same width. hgrid :: Traversable t => t (WidgetNode s e) -> WidgetNode s e hgrid children = hgrid_ def children -- | Creates a grid of items with the same width. Accepts config. hgrid_ :: Traversable t => [GridCfg] -> t (WidgetNode s e) -> WidgetNode s e hgrid_ configs children = newNode where config = mconcat configs newNode = defaultWidgetNode "hgrid" (makeFixedGrid True config) & L.children .~ foldl' (|>) Empty children -- | Creates a grid of items with the same height. vgrid :: Traversable t => t (WidgetNode s e) -> WidgetNode s e vgrid children = vgrid_ def children -- | Creates a grid of items with the same height. Accepts config. vgrid_ :: Traversable t => [GridCfg] -> t (WidgetNode s e) -> WidgetNode s e vgrid_ configs children = newNode where config = mconcat configs newNode = defaultWidgetNode "vgrid" (makeFixedGrid False config) & L.children .~ foldl' (|>) Empty children makeFixedGrid :: Bool -> GridCfg -> Widget s e makeFixedGrid isHorizontal config = widget where widget = createContainer () def { containerLayoutDirection = getLayoutDirection isHorizontal, containerGetSizeReq = getSizeReq, containerResize = resize } isVertical = not isHorizontal childSpacing = fromMaybe 0 (_grcChildSpacing config) getSizeReq wenv node children = newSizeReq where sizeReqFns = _grcSizeReqUpdater config vchildren = Seq.filter (_wniVisible . _wnInfo) children newSizeReqW = getDimSizeReq isHorizontal (_wniSizeReqW . _wnInfo) vchildren newSizeReqH = getDimSizeReq isVertical (_wniSizeReqH . _wnInfo) vchildren newSizeReq = applyFnList sizeReqFns (newSizeReqW, newSizeReqH) getDimSizeReq mainAxis accesor vchildren | Seq.null vreqs = fixedSize 0 | mainAxis = foldl1 sizeReqMergeSum (Seq.replicate nreqs maxSize) & L.fixed %~ (+ totalSpacing) | otherwise = maxSize where vreqs = accesor <$> vchildren nreqs = Seq.length vreqs ~maxSize = foldl1 sizeReqMergeMax vreqs totalSpacing = fromIntegral (nreqs - 1) * childSpacing resize wenv node viewport children = resized where style = currentStyle wenv node contentArea = fromMaybe def (removeOuterBounds style viewport) Rect l t w h = contentArea vchildren = Seq.filter (_wniVisible . _wnInfo) children totalSpacingW = fromIntegral (max 0 (cols - 1)) * childSpacing totalSpacingH = fromIntegral (max 0 (rows - 1)) * childSpacing cols = if isHorizontal then length vchildren else 1 rows = if isHorizontal then 1 else length vchildren cw = if cols > 0 then (w - totalSpacingW) / fromIntegral cols else 0 ch = if rows > 0 then (h - totalSpacingH) / fromIntegral rows else 0 cx i | rows == 0 = 0 | isHorizontal = l + fromIntegral i * cw + spacingOffset i | otherwise = l cy i | cols == 0 = 0 | isVertical = t + fromIntegral i * ch + spacingOffset i | otherwise = t spacingOffset i = fromIntegral i * childSpacing foldHelper (currAreas, index) child = (newAreas, newIndex) where (newIndex, newViewport) | child ^. L.info . L.visible = (index + 1, calcViewport index) | otherwise = (index, def) newArea = newViewport newAreas = currAreas |> newArea calcViewport i = Rect (cx i) (cy i) cw ch assignedAreas = fst $ foldl' foldHelper (Seq.empty, 0) children resized = (resultNode node, assignedAreas)