{-| Module : Monomer.Widgets.Singles.NumericField Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : fjvallarino@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Input field for numeric types, with support for valid ranges and decimal places. @ numericField numericLens @ With configuration options: @ numericField_ numericLens [minValue 0, maxValue 100, decimals 2] @ Supports instances of the 'FromFractional' typeclass. Several basic types are implemented, both for integer and floating point types. Handles mouse wheel and shift + vertical drag to increase/decrease the number. -} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module Monomer.Widgets.Singles.NumericField ( -- * Configuration NumericFieldCfg, FormattableNumber, NumericTextConverter(..), -- * Constructors numericField, numericField_, numericFieldV, numericFieldV_, numericFieldD_ ) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Lens ((^.), ALens', _1, _2, _3) import Control.Monad (join) import Data.Char import Data.Default import Data.Either import Data.List (isPrefixOf) import Data.Maybe import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text.Read (signed, rational) import Data.Typeable (Typeable, typeOf) import TextShow import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as A import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Formatting as F import Monomer.Core import Monomer.Core.Combinators import Monomer.Event.Types import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Base.InputField import qualified Monomer.Lens as L import qualified Monomer.Widgets.Util.Parser as P {-| Converts a numeric instance to and from 'Text'. Implementing this typeclass is not necessary for instances of 'FromFractional'. -} class NumericTextConverter a where numericAcceptText :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Int -> Text -> (Bool, Bool, Maybe a) numericFromText :: Text -> Maybe a numericToText :: Int -> a -> Text numericToFractional :: Fractional b => a -> Maybe b numericFromFractional :: (Real b, Fractional b) => b -> a instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} FromFractional a => NumericTextConverter a where numericAcceptText minVal maxVal decimals text = result where accept = acceptNumberInput decimals text parsed = numericFromText text isValid = isJust parsed && numberInBounds minVal maxVal (fromJust parsed) fromText | isValid = parsed | otherwise = Nothing result = (accept, isValid, fromText) numericFromText text = case signed rational text of Right (frac :: Rational, _) -> Just (fromFractional frac) _ -> Nothing numericToText decimals value = F.sformat (F.fixed decimals) value numericToFractional = Just . realToFrac numericFromFractional = fromFractional instance (FromFractional a, NumericTextConverter a) => NumericTextConverter (Maybe a) where numericAcceptText minVal maxVal decimals text | T.strip text == "" = (True, True, Just Nothing) | otherwise = (accept, isValid, result) where resp = numericAcceptText (join minVal) (join maxVal) decimals text (accept, isValid, tmpResult) = resp result | isJust tmpResult = Just tmpResult | otherwise = Nothing numericFromText = Just . numericFromText numericToText _ Nothing = "" numericToText decimals (Just value) = numericToText decimals value numericToFractional Nothing = Nothing numericToFractional (Just value) = numericToFractional value numericFromFractional = Just . numericFromFractional -- | Constraints for numeric types accepted by numericField. type FormattableNumber a = (Eq a, Ord a, Show a, NumericTextConverter a, Typeable a) {-| Configuration options for numericField: - 'caretWidth': the width of the caret. - 'caretMs': the blink period of the caret. - 'validInput': field indicating if the current input is valid. Useful to show warnings in the UI, or disable buttons if needed. - 'resizeOnChange': Whether input causes ResizeWidgets requests. - 'selectOnFocus': Whether all input should be selected when focus is received. - 'readOnly': Whether to prevent the user from changing the input text. - 'minValue': Minimum valid number. - 'maxValue': Maximum valid number. - 'wheelRate': The rate at which wheel movement affects the number. - 'dragRate': The rate at which drag movement affects the number. - 'onFocus': event to raise when focus is received. - 'onFocusReq': 'WidgetRequest' to generate when focus is received. - 'onBlur': event to raise when focus is lost. - 'onBlurReq': 'WidgetRequest' to generate when focus is lost. - 'onChange': event to raise when the value changes. - 'onChangeReq': 'WidgetRequest' to generate when the value changes. - 'decimals': the maximum number of digits after the decimal separator. Defaults to zero for integers and two for floating point types. -} data NumericFieldCfg s e a = NumericFieldCfg { _nfcCaretWidth :: Maybe Double, _nfcCaretMs :: Maybe Millisecond, _nfcValid :: Maybe (WidgetData s Bool), _nfcValidV :: [Bool -> e], _nfcDecimals :: Maybe Int, _nfcMinValue :: Maybe a, _nfcMaxValue :: Maybe a, _nfcWheelRate :: Maybe Double, _nfcDragRate :: Maybe Double, _nfcResizeOnChange :: Maybe Bool, _nfcSelectOnFocus :: Maybe Bool, _nfcReadOnly :: Maybe Bool, _nfcOnFocusReq :: [Path -> WidgetRequest s e], _nfcOnBlurReq :: [Path -> WidgetRequest s e], _nfcOnChangeReq :: [a -> WidgetRequest s e] } instance Default (NumericFieldCfg s e a) where def = NumericFieldCfg { _nfcCaretWidth = Nothing, _nfcCaretMs = Nothing, _nfcValid = Nothing, _nfcValidV = [], _nfcDecimals = Nothing, _nfcMinValue = Nothing, _nfcMaxValue = Nothing, _nfcWheelRate = Nothing, _nfcDragRate = Nothing, _nfcResizeOnChange = Nothing, _nfcSelectOnFocus = Nothing, _nfcReadOnly = Nothing, _nfcOnFocusReq = [], _nfcOnBlurReq = [], _nfcOnChangeReq = [] } instance Semigroup (NumericFieldCfg s e a) where (<>) t1 t2 = NumericFieldCfg { _nfcCaretWidth = _nfcCaretWidth t2 <|> _nfcCaretWidth t1, _nfcCaretMs = _nfcCaretMs t2 <|> _nfcCaretMs t1, _nfcValid = _nfcValid t2 <|> _nfcValid t1, _nfcValidV = _nfcValidV t1 <> _nfcValidV t2, _nfcDecimals = _nfcDecimals t2 <|> _nfcDecimals t1, _nfcMinValue = _nfcMinValue t2 <|> _nfcMinValue t1, _nfcMaxValue = _nfcMaxValue t2 <|> _nfcMaxValue t1, _nfcWheelRate = _nfcWheelRate t2 <|> _nfcWheelRate t1, _nfcDragRate = _nfcDragRate t2 <|> _nfcDragRate t1, _nfcResizeOnChange = _nfcResizeOnChange t2 <|> _nfcResizeOnChange t1, _nfcReadOnly = _nfcReadOnly t2 <|> _nfcReadOnly t1, _nfcSelectOnFocus = _nfcSelectOnFocus t2 <|> _nfcSelectOnFocus t1, _nfcOnFocusReq = _nfcOnFocusReq t1 <> _nfcOnFocusReq t2, _nfcOnBlurReq = _nfcOnBlurReq t1 <> _nfcOnBlurReq t2, _nfcOnChangeReq = _nfcOnChangeReq t1 <> _nfcOnChangeReq t2 } instance Monoid (NumericFieldCfg s e a) where mempty = def instance CmbCaretWidth (NumericFieldCfg s e a) Double where caretWidth w = def { _nfcCaretWidth = Just w } instance CmbCaretMs (NumericFieldCfg s e a) Millisecond where caretMs ms = def { _nfcCaretMs = Just ms } instance CmbValidInput (NumericFieldCfg s e a) s where validInput field = def { _nfcValid = Just (WidgetLens field) } instance CmbValidInputV (NumericFieldCfg s e a) e where validInputV fn = def { _nfcValidV = [fn] } instance CmbResizeOnChange (NumericFieldCfg s e a) where resizeOnChange_ resize = def { _nfcResizeOnChange = Just resize } instance CmbSelectOnFocus (NumericFieldCfg s e a) where selectOnFocus_ sel = def { _nfcSelectOnFocus = Just sel } instance CmbReadOnly (NumericFieldCfg s e a) where readOnly_ ro = def { _nfcReadOnly = Just ro } instance FormattableNumber a => CmbMinValue (NumericFieldCfg s e a) a where minValue value = def { _nfcMinValue = Just value } instance FormattableNumber a => CmbMaxValue (NumericFieldCfg s e a) a where maxValue value = def { _nfcMaxValue = Just value } instance CmbWheelRate (NumericFieldCfg s e a) Double where wheelRate rate = def { _nfcWheelRate = Just rate } instance CmbDragRate (NumericFieldCfg s e a) Double where dragRate rate = def { _nfcDragRate = Just rate } instance CmbDecimals (NumericFieldCfg s e a) where decimals num = def { _nfcDecimals = Just num } instance WidgetEvent e => CmbOnFocus (NumericFieldCfg s e a) e Path where onFocus fn = def { _nfcOnFocusReq = [RaiseEvent . fn] } instance CmbOnFocusReq (NumericFieldCfg s e a) s e Path where onFocusReq req = def { _nfcOnFocusReq = [req] } instance WidgetEvent e => CmbOnBlur (NumericFieldCfg s e a) e Path where onBlur fn = def { _nfcOnBlurReq = [RaiseEvent . fn] } instance CmbOnBlurReq (NumericFieldCfg s e a) s e Path where onBlurReq req = def { _nfcOnBlurReq = [req] } instance WidgetEvent e => CmbOnChange (NumericFieldCfg s e a) a e where onChange fn = def { _nfcOnChangeReq = [RaiseEvent . fn] } instance CmbOnChangeReq (NumericFieldCfg s e a) s e a where onChangeReq req = def { _nfcOnChangeReq = [req] } -- | Creates a numeric field using the given lens. numericField :: (FormattableNumber a, WidgetEvent e) => ALens' s a -- ^ The lens into the model. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created numeric field. numericField field = numericField_ field def -- | Creates a numeric field using the given lens. Accepts config. numericField_ :: (FormattableNumber a, WidgetEvent e) => ALens' s a -- ^ The lens into the model. -> [NumericFieldCfg s e a] -- ^ The config options. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created numeric field. numericField_ field configs = widget where widget = numericFieldD_ (WidgetLens field) configs -- | Creates a numeric field using the given value and 'onChange' event handler. numericFieldV :: (FormattableNumber a, WidgetEvent e) => a -- ^ The current value. -> (a -> e) -- ^ The event to raise on change. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created numeric field. numericFieldV value handler = numericFieldV_ value handler def -- | Creates a numeric field using the given value and 'onChange' event handler. -- Accepts config. numericFieldV_ :: (FormattableNumber a, WidgetEvent e) => a -- ^ The current value. -> (a -> e) -- ^ The event to raise on change. -> [NumericFieldCfg s e a] -- ^ The config options. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created numeric field. numericFieldV_ value handler configs = newNode where widgetData = WidgetValue value newConfigs = onChange handler : configs newNode = numericFieldD_ widgetData newConfigs -- | Creates a numeric field providing a 'WidgetData' instance and config. numericFieldD_ :: forall s e a . (FormattableNumber a, WidgetEvent e) => WidgetData s a -- ^ The 'WidgetData' to retrieve the value from. -> [NumericFieldCfg s e a] -- ^ The config options. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created numeric field. numericFieldD_ widgetData configs = newNode where config = mconcat configs minVal = _nfcMinValue config maxVal = _nfcMaxValue config readOnly = fromMaybe False (_nfcReadOnly config) initialValue | isJust minVal = fromJust minVal | isJust maxVal = fromJust maxVal | otherwise = numericFromFractional 0 decimals = case _nfcDecimals config of Just count -> max 0 count Nothing | isIntegral initialValue -> 0 | otherwise -> 2 defWidth | isIntegral initialValue = 50 | otherwise = 70 acceptText = numericAcceptText minVal maxVal decimals acceptInput text = acceptText text ^. _1 validInput text = acceptText text ^. _2 fromText text = acceptText text ^. _3 toText = numericToText decimals inputConfig = InputFieldCfg { _ifcPlaceholder = Nothing, _ifcInitialValue = initialValue, _ifcValue = widgetData, _ifcValid = _nfcValid config, _ifcValidV = _nfcValidV config, _ifcFromText = fromText, _ifcToText = toText, _ifcAcceptInput = acceptInput, _ifcIsValidInput = validInput, _ifcDefCursorEnd = False, _ifcDefWidth = defWidth, _ifcCaretWidth = _nfcCaretWidth config, _ifcCaretMs = _nfcCaretMs config, _ifcDisplayChar = Nothing, _ifcResizeOnChange = fromMaybe False (_nfcResizeOnChange config), _ifcSelectOnFocus = fromMaybe True (_nfcSelectOnFocus config), _ifcReadOnly = readOnly, _ifcStyle = Just L.numericFieldStyle, _ifcWheelHandler = if readOnly then Nothing else Just (handleWheel config), _ifcDragHandler = if readOnly then Nothing else Just (handleDrag config), _ifcDragCursor = Just CursorSizeV, _ifcOnFocusReq = _nfcOnFocusReq config, _ifcOnBlurReq = _nfcOnBlurReq config, _ifcOnChangeReq = _nfcOnChangeReq config } wtype = WidgetType ("numericField-" <> showt (typeOf initialValue)) newNode = inputField_ wtype inputConfig handleWheel :: FormattableNumber a => NumericFieldCfg s e a -> InputFieldState a -> Point -> Point -> WheelDirection -> (Text, Int, Maybe Int) handleWheel config state point move dir = result where Point _ dy = move sign = if dir == WheelNormal then 1 else -1 curValue = _ifsCurrValue state wheelRate | isIntegral curValue = fromMaybe 1 (_nfcWheelRate config) | otherwise = fromMaybe 0.1 (_nfcWheelRate config) result = handleMove config state wheelRate curValue (dy * sign) handleDrag :: FormattableNumber a => NumericFieldCfg s e a -> InputFieldState a -> Point -> Point -> (Text, Int, Maybe Int) handleDrag config state clickPos currPos = result where Point _ dy = subPoint clickPos currPos selValue = _ifsDragSelValue state dragRate | isIntegral selValue = fromMaybe 1 (_nfcDragRate config) | otherwise = fromMaybe 0.1 (_nfcDragRate config) result = handleMove config state dragRate selValue dy handleMove :: forall s e a . FormattableNumber a => NumericFieldCfg s e a -> InputFieldState a -> Double -> a -> Double -> (Text, Int, Maybe Int) handleMove config state rate value dy = result where decimals | isIntegral value = 0 | otherwise = max 0 $ fromMaybe 2 (_nfcDecimals config) minVal = _nfcMinValue config maxVal = _nfcMaxValue config acceptText = numericAcceptText minVal maxVal decimals fromText text = acceptText text ^. _3 toText = numericToText (valid, mParsedVal, parsedVal) = case numericToFractional value of Just val -> (True, mParsedVal, parsedVal) where tmpValue = realToFrac val + dy * rate mParsedVal = fromText (toText decimals (numericFromFractional tmpValue)) parsedVal = fromJust mParsedVal Nothing -> (False, Nothing, undefined) newVal | isJust mParsedVal = parsedVal | valid && dy > 0 && isJust maxVal = fromJust maxVal | valid && dy < 0 && isJust minVal = fromJust minVal | otherwise = _ifsCurrValue state newText = toText decimals newVal newPos = _ifsCursorPos state newSel = _ifsSelStart state result = (newText, newPos, newSel) acceptNumberInput :: Int -> Text -> Bool acceptNumberInput decimals text = isRight (A.parseOnly parser text) where sign = A.option "" (P.single '-') number = A.takeWhile isDigit digit = T.singleton <$> A.digit dot = P.single '.' dots = if decimals > 0 then 1 else 0 rest = P.join [P.upto dots dot, P.upto decimals digit] parser = P.join [sign, number, A.option "" rest] <* A.endOfInput numberInBounds :: Ord a => Maybe a -> Maybe a -> a -> Bool numberInBounds Nothing Nothing _ = True numberInBounds (Just minVal) Nothing val = val >= minVal numberInBounds Nothing (Just maxVal) val = val <= maxVal numberInBounds (Just minVal) (Just maxVal) val = val >= minVal && val <= maxVal isIntegral :: Typeable a => a -> Bool isIntegral val | "Int" `isPrefixOf` name = True | "Word" `isPrefixOf` name = True | otherwise = False where typeName = show (typeOf val) name | "Maybe " `isPrefixOf` typeName = drop 6 typeName | otherwise = typeName