{-| Module : Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Spacer Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : fjvallarino@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Spacer is used for adding a fixed space between two widgets. @ hstack [ label \"Username\", spacer, label username ] @ Filler is used for taking all the unused space between two widgets. Useful for alignment purposes. @ hstack [ label "Section title", filler, button \"Close\" CloseSection ] @ Both adapt to the active layout direction. -} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Spacer ( -- * Configuration SpacerCfg, -- * Constructors spacer, spacer_, filler, filler_ ) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Lens ((^.)) import Data.Default import Data.Maybe import Monomer.Widgets.Single import qualified Monomer.Core.Lens as L {-| Configuration options for spacer widget: - 'width': the max width for spacer, the reference for filler. - 'resizeFactor': flexibility to have more or less space assigned. -} data SpacerCfg = SpacerCfg { _spcWidth :: Maybe Double, _spcFactor :: Maybe Double } instance Default SpacerCfg where def = SpacerCfg { _spcWidth = Nothing, _spcFactor = Nothing } instance Semigroup SpacerCfg where (<>) s1 s2 = SpacerCfg { _spcWidth = _spcWidth s2 <|> _spcWidth s1, _spcFactor = _spcFactor s2 <|> _spcFactor s1 } instance Monoid SpacerCfg where mempty = def instance CmbWidth SpacerCfg where width w = def { _spcWidth = Just w } instance CmbResizeFactor SpacerCfg where resizeFactor f = def { _spcFactor = Just f } -- | Creates a spacer widget. spacer :: WidgetNode s e spacer = spacer_ def -- | Creates a spacer widget. Accepts config. spacer_ :: [SpacerCfg] -> WidgetNode s e spacer_ configs = defaultWidgetNode "spacer" widget where config = mconcat (resizeFactor 0 : configs) widget = makeSpacer config -- | Creates a filler widget. filler :: WidgetNode s e filler = filler_ def -- | Creates a filler widget. Accepts config. filler_ :: [SpacerCfg] -> WidgetNode s e filler_ configs = defaultWidgetNode "filler" widget where config = mconcat configs widget = makeSpacer config makeSpacer :: SpacerCfg -> Widget s e makeSpacer config = widget where widget = createSingle () def { singleGetSizeReq = getSizeReq } getSizeReq wenv node = sizeReq where direction = wenv ^. L.layoutDirection factor = fromMaybe 0.5 (_spcFactor config) isFixed = factor < 0.01 width | isFixed = fromMaybe 10 (_spcWidth config) | otherwise = fromMaybe 5 (_spcWidth config) flexSide = flexSize 5 0.5 fixedW = fixedSize width flexW = flexSize width factor expandW = expandSize width factor sizeReq | isFixed && direction == LayoutNone = (fixedW, fixedW) | isFixed && direction == LayoutHorizontal = (fixedW, flexSide) | isFixed = (flexSide, fixedW) | direction == LayoutNone = (expandW, expandW) | direction == LayoutHorizontal = (expandW, flexW) | otherwise = (flexW, expandW)