{-| Module : Monomer.Widgets.Util.Text Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : fjvallarino@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Helper functions to text related operations in widgets. -} {-# LANGUAGE Strict #-} module Monomer.Widgets.Util.Text ( getTextMetrics, getTextSize, getTextSize_, getSingleTextLineRect, getTextGlyphs ) where import Control.Lens ((^.)) import Data.Sequence (Seq(..)) import Data.Text (Text) import Monomer.Core import Monomer.Graphics import qualified Monomer.Core.Lens as L -- | Returns the text metrics of the active style. getTextMetrics :: WidgetEnv s e -> StyleState -> TextMetrics getTextMetrics wenv style = textMetrics where fontMgr = wenv ^. L.fontManager textMetrics = computeTextMetrics fontMgr font fontSize font = styleFont style fontSize = styleFontSize style -- | Returns the size of the text using the active style and default options. getTextSize :: WidgetEnv s e -> StyleState -> Text -> Size getTextSize wenv style text = size where fontMgr = wenv ^. L.fontManager size = calcTextSize_ fontMgr style SingleLine KeepSpaces Nothing Nothing text -- | Returns the size of the text using the active style. getTextSize_ :: WidgetEnv s e -- ^ The widget environment. -> StyleState -- ^ The active style. -> TextMode -- ^ Whether to use single or multi line. -> TextTrim -- ^ Whether to trim spacers or keep them. -> Maybe Double -- ^ Maximum width (required for multi line). -> Maybe Int -- ^ Max lines. -> Text -- ^ Text to measure. -> Size -- ^ The calculated size. getTextSize_ wenv style mode trim mwidth mlines text = newSize where fontMgr = wenv ^. L.fontManager newSize = calcTextSize_ fontMgr style mode trim mwidth mlines text -- | Returns the rect a single line of text needs to be displayed completely. getSingleTextLineRect :: WidgetEnv s e -- ^ The widget environment. -> StyleState -- ^ The active style. -> Rect -- ^ The bounding rect. -> AlignTH -- ^ The horizontal alignment. -> AlignTV -- ^ The vertical alignment. -> Text -- ^ The text to measure. -> Rect -- ^ The used rect. May be larger than the bounding rect. getSingleTextLineRect wenv style rect alignH alignV text = textRect where fontMgr = wenv ^. L.fontManager font = styleFont style fSize = styleFontSize style fSpcH = styleFontSpaceH style Rect x y w h = rect Size tw _ = computeTextSize fontMgr font fSize fSpcH text TextMetrics asc desc lineh lowerX = computeTextMetrics fontMgr font fSize tx | alignH == ATLeft = x | alignH == ATCenter = x + (w - tw) / 2 | otherwise = x + (w - tw) ty | alignV == ATTop = y + asc | alignV == ATMiddle = y + h + desc - (h - lineh) / 2 | alignV == ATAscender = y + h - (h - asc) / 2 | alignV == ATLowerX = y + h - (h - lowerX) / 2 | otherwise = y + h + desc textRect = Rect { _rX = tx, _rY = ty - lineh, _rW = tw, _rH = lineh } -- | Returns the glyphs of a single line of text. getTextGlyphs :: WidgetEnv s e -> StyleState -> Text -> Seq GlyphPos getTextGlyphs wenv style text = glyphs where fontMgr = wenv ^. L.fontManager font = styleFont style fSize = styleFontSize style fSpcH = styleFontSpaceH style glyphs = computeGlyphsPos fontMgr font fSize fSpcH text