{-| Module : Monomer.Graphics.FontManager Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : fjvallarino@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Provides functions for getting text dimensions and metrics. -} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE Strict #-} module Monomer.Graphics.FontManager ( makeFontManager ) where import Control.Monad (foldM, when) import Control.Lens ((^.)) import Data.Default import Data.Text (Text) import System.IO.Unsafe import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import qualified Data.Text as T import Monomer.Common.BasicTypes import Monomer.Graphics.FFI import Monomer.Graphics.Types import Monomer.Helper (putStrLnErr) import Monomer.Graphics.Lens (fontName, fontPath, fontBytes) -- | Creates a font manager instance. makeFontManager :: [FontDef] -- ^ The font definitions. -> Double -- ^ The device pixel rate. -> IO FontManager -- ^ The created renderer. makeFontManager fonts dpr = do ctx <- fmInit dpr validFonts <- foldM (loadFont ctx) [] fonts when (null validFonts) $ putStrLnErr "Could not find any valid fonts. Text size calculations will fail." return $ newManager ctx newManager :: FMContext -> FontManager newManager ctx = FontManager {..} where computeTextMetrics font fontSize = computeTextMetrics_ 1 font fontSize computeTextMetrics_ scale font fontSize = unsafePerformIO $ do setFont ctx scale font fontSize def (asc, desc, lineh) <- fmTextMetrics ctx lowerX <- Seq.lookup 0 <$> fmTextGlyphPositions ctx 0 0 "x" let heightLowerX = case lowerX of Just lx -> glyphPosMaxY lx - glyphPosMinY lx Nothing -> realToFrac asc return $ TextMetrics { _txmAsc = asc, _txmDesc = desc, _txmLineH = lineh, _txmLowerX = realToFrac heightLowerX } computeTextSize font fontSize fontSpaceH text = computeTextSize_ 1 font fontSize fontSpaceH text computeTextSize_ scale font fontSize fontSpaceH text = unsafePerformIO $ do setFont ctx scale font fontSize fontSpaceH (x1, y1, x2, y2) <- if text /= "" then fmTextBounds ctx 0 0 text else do (asc, desc, lineh) <- fmTextMetrics ctx return (0, 0, 0, lineh) return $ Size (realToFrac (x2 - x1)) (realToFrac (y2 - y1)) computeGlyphsPos font fontSize fontSpaceH text = computeGlyphsPos_ 1 font fontSize fontSpaceH text computeGlyphsPos_ scale font fontSize fontSpaceH text = unsafePerformIO $ do setFont ctx scale font fontSize fontSpaceH glyphs <- if text /= "" then fmTextGlyphPositions ctx 0 0 text else return Seq.empty return $ Seq.zipWith toGlyphPos (Seq.fromList (T.unpack text)) glyphs where toGlyphPos chr glyph = GlyphPos { _glpGlyph = chr, _glpX = realToFrac (glyphX glyph), _glpXMin = realToFrac (glyphPosMinX glyph), _glpXMax = realToFrac (glyphPosMaxX glyph), _glpYMin = realToFrac (glyphPosMinY glyph), _glpYMax = realToFrac (glyphPosMaxY glyph), _glpW = realToFrac (glyphPosMaxX glyph - glyphPosMinX glyph), _glpH = realToFrac (glyphPosMaxY glyph - glyphPosMinY glyph) } loadFont :: FMContext -> [Text] -> FontDef -> IO [Text] loadFont ctx fonts fontDef = do res <- createFont fontDef if res >= 0 then return $ name : fonts else putStrLnErr ("Failed to load font: " ++ T.unpack name) >> return fonts where name = fontDef ^. fontName createFont FontDefFile{} = fmCreateFont ctx name (fontDef ^. fontPath) createFont FontDefMem{} = fmCreateFontMem ctx name (fontDef ^. fontBytes) setFont :: FMContext -> Double -> Font -> FontSize -> FontSpace -> IO () setFont ctx scale (Font name) (FontSize size) (FontSpace spaceH) = do fmSetScale ctx scale fmFontFace ctx name fmFontSize ctx $ realToFrac size fmTextLetterSpacing ctx $ realToFrac spaceH