{-| Module : Monomer.Widgets.Containers.DropTarget Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : fjvallarino@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Drop target container for a single element. Useful for adding drag support without having to implement a custom widget. Usually works in tandem with "Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Draggable". Raises a user provided event when an item is dropped. The type must match with the type of the dragged widget message, otherwise it will not be raised. @ target = dropTarget ItemDropped $ vstack itemsRows \`styleBasic\` [width 200, height 400] @ See Tutorial 6 (Composite) for a usage example. -} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE Strict #-} module Monomer.Widgets.Containers.DropTarget ( -- * Configuration DropTargetCfg, dropTargetStyle, -- * Constructors dropTarget, dropTarget_ ) where import Control.Lens ((&), (^.), (.~)) import Data.Default import Data.Maybe import Data.Typeable (cast) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Monomer.Widgets.Container import qualified Monomer.Lens as L {-| Configuration options for dropTarget: - 'dropTargetStyle': The style to apply to the container when a dragged item is on top. -} newtype DropTargetCfg = DropTargetCfg { _dtcDropStyle :: Maybe StyleState } instance Default DropTargetCfg where def = DropTargetCfg { _dtcDropStyle = Nothing } instance Semigroup DropTargetCfg where (<>) t1 t2 = DropTargetCfg { _dtcDropStyle = _dtcDropStyle t1 <> _dtcDropStyle t2 } instance Monoid DropTargetCfg where mempty = def -- | The style to apply to the container when a dragged item is on top. dropTargetStyle :: [StyleState] -> DropTargetCfg dropTargetStyle styles = def { _dtcDropStyle = Just (mconcat styles) } -- | Creates a drop target container with a single node as child. dropTarget :: (DragMsg a, WidgetEvent e) => (a -> e) -- ^ The event to raise on drop. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The child node. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created drop target container. dropTarget dropEvt managed = dropTarget_ dropEvt def managed -- | Creates a drop target container with a single node as child. Accepts -- config. dropTarget_ :: (DragMsg a, WidgetEvent e) => (a -> e) -- ^ The event to raise on drop. -> [DropTargetCfg] -- ^ The config options. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The child node. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created drop target container. dropTarget_ dropEvt configs managed = makeNode widget managed where config = mconcat configs widget = makeDropTarget dropEvt config makeNode :: Widget s e -> WidgetNode s e -> WidgetNode s e makeNode widget managedWidget = defaultWidgetNode "dropTarget" widget & L.info . L.focusable .~ False & L.children .~ Seq.singleton managedWidget makeDropTarget :: (DragMsg a, WidgetEvent e) => (a -> e) -> DropTargetCfg -> Widget s e makeDropTarget dropEvt config = widget where widget = createContainer () def { containerGetCurrentStyle = getCurrentStyle, containerHandleEvent = handleEvent } getCurrentStyle wenv node | isJust style && isDropTarget wenv node && isValid = fromJust style | otherwise = currentStyle wenv node where mousePos = wenv ^. L.inputStatus . L.mousePos isHovered = isPointInNodeVp node mousePos isTopLevel = isNodeTopLevel wenv node isValid = isHovered && isTopLevel style = _dtcDropStyle config handleEvent wenv node target evt = case evt of Drop point path dragMsg | not (isNodeParentOfPath node path) -> Just result where widgetId = node ^. L.info . L.widgetId evts = msgToEvts dragMsg result = resultEvts node evts _ -> Nothing isDropTarget wenv node = case wenv ^. L.dragStatus of Just (path, msg) -> not (isNodeParentOfPath node path) && isValidMsg msg _ -> False where isValidMsg = not . null . msgToEvts msgToEvts (WidgetDragMsg dragMsg) = case cast dragMsg of Just msg -> [dropEvt msg] _ -> []