{-| Module : Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Split Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : fjvallarino@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Splits the assigned space into two areas, vertically or horizontally, which are assigned to its two child nodes. The space assigned depends on the style and size requirements of each child node. @ actionPanel = vstack [ button "Image 1" ShowImage1, button "Image 2" ShowImage2, button "Image 3" ShowImage3 ] contentPanel = scroll (image activeImage) mainPanel = hsplit (actionPanel, contentPanel) @ -} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-} module Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Split ( -- * Configuration SplitCfg, splitHandlePos, splitHandlePosV, splitHandleSize, splitIgnoreChildResize, -- * Constructors hsplit, hsplit_, vsplit, vsplit_ ) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Lens (ALens', (&), (^.), (.~), (<>~)) import Data.Default import Data.Maybe import GHC.Generics import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Monomer.Widgets.Container import Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Stack (assignStackAreas) import qualified Monomer.Lens as L {-| Configuration options for split: - 'splitHandlePos': lens to a model field which provides the handle position. - 'splitHandlePosV': value which provides the handle position. - 'splitHandleSize': width of the handle. - 'splitIgnoreChildResize': whether to ignore changes in size to its children (otherwise, the handle position may change because of this). - 'onChange': raises an event when the handle is moved. - 'onChangeReq': generates a WidgetRequest when the handle is moved. -} data SplitCfg s e = SplitCfg { _spcHandlePos :: Maybe (WidgetData s Double), _spcHandleSize :: Maybe Double, _spcIgnoreChildResize :: Maybe Bool, _spcOnChangeReq :: [Double -> WidgetRequest s e] } instance Default (SplitCfg s e) where def = SplitCfg { _spcHandlePos = Nothing, _spcHandleSize = Nothing, _spcIgnoreChildResize = Nothing, _spcOnChangeReq = [] } instance Semigroup (SplitCfg s e) where (<>) s1 s2 = SplitCfg { _spcHandlePos = _spcHandlePos s2 <|> _spcHandlePos s1, _spcHandleSize = _spcHandleSize s2 <|> _spcHandleSize s1, _spcIgnoreChildResize = _spcIgnoreChildResize s2 <|> _spcIgnoreChildResize s1, _spcOnChangeReq = _spcOnChangeReq s2 <|> _spcOnChangeReq s1 } instance Monoid (SplitCfg s e) where mempty = def instance WidgetEvent e => CmbOnChange (SplitCfg s e) Double e where onChange fn = def { _spcOnChangeReq = [RaiseEvent . fn] } instance CmbOnChangeReq (SplitCfg s e) s e Double where onChangeReq req = def { _spcOnChangeReq = [req] } -- | Lens to a model field which provides the handle position. splitHandlePos :: ALens' s Double -> SplitCfg s e splitHandlePos field = def { _spcHandlePos = Just (WidgetLens field) } -- | Value which provides the handle position. splitHandlePosV :: Double -> SplitCfg s e splitHandlePosV value = def { _spcHandlePos = Just (WidgetValue value) } -- | Width of the handle. splitHandleSize :: Double -> SplitCfg s e splitHandleSize w = def { _spcHandleSize = Just w } -- | Whether to ignore changes in size to its children. splitIgnoreChildResize :: Bool -> SplitCfg s e splitIgnoreChildResize ignore = def { _spcIgnoreChildResize = Just ignore } data SplitState = SplitState { _spsPrevReqs :: (SizeReq, SizeReq), _spsMaxSize :: Double, _spsHandlePosUserSet :: Bool, _spsHandlePos :: Double, _spsHandleRect :: Rect } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) -- | Creates a horizontal split between the two provided nodes. hsplit :: WidgetEvent e => (WidgetNode s e, WidgetNode s e) -- ^ The child nodes. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created split. hsplit nodes = hsplit_ def nodes -- | Creates a horizontal split between the two provided nodes. Accepts config. hsplit_ :: WidgetEvent e => [SplitCfg s e] -- ^ The config options. -> (WidgetNode s e, WidgetNode s e) -- ^ The child nodes. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created split. hsplit_ configs nodes = split_ True nodes configs -- | Creates a vertical split between the two provided nodes. vsplit :: WidgetEvent e => (WidgetNode s e, WidgetNode s e) -- ^ The child nodes. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created split. vsplit nodes = vsplit_ def nodes -- | Creates a vertical split between the two provided nodes. Accepts config. vsplit_ :: WidgetEvent e => [SplitCfg s e] -- ^ The config options. -> (WidgetNode s e, WidgetNode s e) -- ^ The child nodes. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created split. vsplit_ configs nodes = split_ False nodes configs split_ :: WidgetEvent e => Bool -> (WidgetNode s e, WidgetNode s e) -> [SplitCfg s e] -> WidgetNode s e split_ isHorizontal (node1, node2) configs = newNode where config = mconcat configs state = SplitState { _spsPrevReqs = def, _spsMaxSize = 0, _spsHandlePosUserSet = False, _spsHandlePos = 0.5, _spsHandleRect = def } widget = makeSplit isHorizontal config state widgetName = if isHorizontal then "hsplit" else "vsplit" newNode = defaultWidgetNode widgetName widget & L.children .~ Seq.fromList [node1, node2] makeSplit :: WidgetEvent e => Bool -> SplitCfg s e -> SplitState -> Widget s e makeSplit isHorizontal config state = widget where widget = createContainer state def { containerUseCustomCursor = True, containerLayoutDirection = getLayoutDirection isHorizontal, containerInit = init, containerMerge = merge, containerHandleEvent = handleEvent, containerGetSizeReq = getSizeReq, containerResize = resize } handleW = fromMaybe 5 (_spcHandleSize config) init wenv node = result where useModelValue value = resultNode newNode where newState = state { _spsHandlePosUserSet = True, _spsHandlePos = value } newNode = node & L.widget .~ makeSplit isHorizontal config newState result = case getModelPos wenv config of Just val | val >= 0 && val <= 1 -> useModelValue val _ -> resultNode node merge wenv newNode oldNode oldState = result where oldHandlePos = _spsHandlePos oldState modelPos = getModelPos wenv config newState = oldState { _spsHandlePos = fromMaybe oldHandlePos modelPos } result = resultNode $ newNode & L.widget .~ makeSplit isHorizontal config newState handleEvent wenv node target evt = case evt of Move point | isTarget && isDragging -> Just resultDrag | isInHandle point && curIcon /= dragIcon -> Just resultHover | not (isInHandle point) && curPath == path -> Just resultReset where Point px py = getValidHandlePos maxSize vp point children newHandlePos | isHorizontal = (px - vp ^. L.x) / maxSize | otherwise = (py - vp ^. L.y) / maxSize newState = state { _spsHandlePosUserSet = True, _spsHandlePos = newHandlePos } resizeReq = const True tmpNode = node & L.widget .~ makeSplit isHorizontal config newState newNode = widgetResize (tmpNode ^. L.widget) wenv tmpNode vp resizeReq resultDrag | handlePos /= newHandlePos = newNode & L.requests <>~ Seq.fromList [cursorIconReq, RenderOnce] | otherwise = resultReqs node [cursorIconReq] resultHover = resultReqs node [cursorIconReq] resultReset = resultReqs node [ResetCursorIcon widgetId] _ -> Nothing where maxSize = _spsMaxSize state handlePos = _spsHandlePos state handleRect = _spsHandleRect state widgetId = node ^. L.info . L.widgetId path = node ^. L.info . L.path vp = node ^. L.info . L.viewport children = node ^. L.children isTarget = target == node ^. L.info . L.path (curPath, curIcon) = fromMaybe def (wenv ^. L.cursor) isDragging = isNodePressed wenv node isInHandle p = pointInRect p handleRect dragIcon | isHorizontal = CursorSizeH | otherwise = CursorSizeV cursorIconReq = SetCursorIcon widgetId dragIcon getSizeReq :: ContainerGetSizeReqHandler s e getSizeReq wenv node children = (reqW, reqH) where node1 = Seq.index children 0 node2 = Seq.index children 1 reqW1 = node1 ^. L.info . L.sizeReqW reqH1 = node1 ^. L.info . L.sizeReqH reqW2 = node2 ^. L.info . L.sizeReqW reqH2 = node2 ^. L.info . L.sizeReqH reqWS = fixedSize handleW reqW | isHorizontal = foldl1 sizeReqMergeSum [reqWS, reqW1, reqW2] | otherwise = foldl1 sizeReqMergeMax [reqW1, reqW2] reqH | isHorizontal = foldl1 sizeReqMergeMax [reqH1, reqH2] | otherwise = foldl1 sizeReqMergeSum [reqWS, reqH1, reqH2] resize wenv node viewport children = resized where style = currentStyle wenv node contentArea = fromMaybe def (removeOuterBounds style viewport) Rect rx ry rw rh = contentArea (areas, newSize) = assignStackAreas isHorizontal contentArea 0 children oldHandlePos = _spsHandlePos state sizeReq1 = sizeReq $ Seq.index children 0 sizeReq2 = sizeReq $ Seq.index children 1 valid1 = sizeReqValid sizeReq1 0 (newSize * oldHandlePos) valid2 = sizeReqValid sizeReq2 0 (newSize * (1 - oldHandlePos)) validSize = valid1 && valid2 handlePosUserSet = _spsHandlePosUserSet state ignoreSizeReq = Just True == _spcIgnoreChildResize config sizeReqEquals = (sizeReq1, sizeReq2) == _spsPrevReqs state resizeNeeded = not (sizeReqEquals && handlePosUserSet) customPos = isJust (_spcHandlePos config) useOldPos = customPos || ignoreSizeReq || sizeReqEquals initialPos = initialHandlePos children handlePos | useOldPos && handlePosUserSet && validSize = oldHandlePos | resizeNeeded = calcHandlePos newSize initialPos viewport children | otherwise = calcHandlePos newSize oldHandlePos viewport children (w1, h1) | isHorizontal = ((newSize - handleW) * handlePos, rh) | otherwise = (rw, (newSize - handleW) * handlePos) (w2, h2) | isHorizontal = (newSize - w1 - handleW, rh) | otherwise = (rw, newSize - h1 - handleW) rect1 = Rect rx ry w1 h1 rect2 | isHorizontal = Rect (rx + w1 + handleW) ry w2 h2 | otherwise = Rect rx (ry + h1 + handleW) w2 h2 newHandleRect | isHorizontal = Rect (rx + w1) ry handleW h1 | otherwise = Rect rx (ry + h1) w1 handleW newState = state { _spsHandlePos = handlePos, _spsHandleRect = newHandleRect, _spsMaxSize = newSize, _spsPrevReqs = (sizeReq1, sizeReq2) } reqOnChange = fmap ($ handlePos) (_spcOnChangeReq config) requestPos = setModelPos config handlePos result = resultNode node & L.node . L.widget .~ makeSplit isHorizontal config newState & L.requests .~ Seq.fromList (requestPos ++ reqOnChange) newVps = Seq.fromList [rect1, rect2] resized | node ^. L.info . L.visible = (result, newVps) | otherwise = (resultNode node, newVps) getValidHandlePos maxDim vp handleXY children = addPoint origin newPoint where Rect rx ry _ _ = vp Point vx vy = rectBoundedPoint vp handleXY origin = Point rx ry isVertical = not isHorizontal child1 = Seq.index children 0 child2 = Seq.index children 1 minSize1 = sizeReqMin (sizeReq child1) maxSize1 = sizeReqMax (sizeReq child1) minSize2 = sizeReqMin (sizeReq child2) maxSize2 = sizeReqMax (sizeReq child2) (tw, th) | isHorizontal = (max minSize1 (min maxSize1 $ abs (vx - rx)), 0) | otherwise = (0, max minSize1 (min maxSize1 $ abs (vy - ry))) newPoint | isHorizontal && tw + minSize2 > maxDim = Point (maxDim - minSize2) th | isHorizontal && maxDim - tw > maxSize2 = Point (maxDim - maxSize2) th | isVertical && th + minSize2 > maxDim = Point tw (maxDim - minSize2) | isVertical && maxDim - th > maxSize2 = Point tw (maxDim - maxSize2) | otherwise = Point tw th calcHandlePos maxDim handlePos vp children = newPos where Rect rx ry _ _ = vp handleXY | isHorizontal = Point (rx + maxDim * handlePos) 0 | otherwise = Point 0 (ry + maxDim * handlePos) Point px py = getValidHandlePos maxDim vp handleXY children newPos | isHorizontal = (px - rx) / maxDim | otherwise = (py - ry) / maxDim initialHandlePos children = handlePos where child1 = Seq.index children 0 child2 = Seq.index children 1 maxSize1 = sizeReqMaxBounded (sizeReq child1) maxSize2 = sizeReqMaxBounded (sizeReq child2) handlePos = maxSize1 / (maxSize1 + maxSize2) selector | isHorizontal = _rW | otherwise = _rH sizeReq | isHorizontal = (^. L.info . L.sizeReqW) | otherwise = (^. L.info . L.sizeReqH) setModelPos :: SplitCfg s e -> Double -> [WidgetRequest s e] setModelPos cfg | isJust (_spcHandlePos cfg) = widgetDataSet (fromJust $ _spcHandlePos cfg) | otherwise = const [] getModelPos :: WidgetEnv s e -> SplitCfg s e -> Maybe Double getModelPos wenv cfg | isJust handlePosL = Just $ widgetDataGet model (fromJust handlePosL) | otherwise = Nothing where model = wenv ^. L.model handlePosL = _spcHandlePos cfg