{-| Module : Monomer.Widgets.Singles.LabeledRadio Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) Maintainer : fjvallarino@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable Labeled radio widget, used for interacting with a fixed set of values. Each instance of labeled radio is associated with a single value. In contrast to 'radio', it includes a clickable label. @ labeledRadio "First option" Option1 optionLens @ With text in a different location: @ labeledRadio_ "Radio with text below" Option1 optionLens [textBottom] @ -} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE Strict #-} module Monomer.Widgets.Singles.LabeledRadio ( -- * Configuration LabeledRadioCfg, -- * Constructors labeledRadio, labeledRadio_, labeledRadioV, labeledRadioV_, labeledRadioD_ ) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Lens (ALens') import Data.Default import Data.Maybe import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Typeable (typeOf) import TextShow import Monomer.Widgets.Containers.Base.LabeledItem import Monomer.Widgets.Single import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Label import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Radio {-| Configuration options for labeledRadio: - General - 'childSpacing': the spacing between the radio and the text. - Text related - 'textLeft': places the label to the left of the radio. - 'textRight': places the label to the right of the radio. - 'textTop': places the label to the top of the radio. - 'textBottom': places the label to the bottom of the radio. - 'trimSpaces': whether to remove leading/trailing spaces in the caption. - 'ellipsis': if ellipsis should be used for overflown text. - 'multiline': if text may be split in multiple lines. - 'maxLines': maximum number of text lines to show. - 'resizeFactor': flexibility to have more or less space assigned. - 'resizeFactorW': flexibility for more or less horizontal space assigned. - 'resizeFactorH': flexibility for more or less vertical space assigned. - Radio related - 'width': sets the max width/height of the radio. - 'onFocus': event to raise when focus is received. - 'onFocusReq': 'WidgetRequest' to generate when focus is received. - 'onBlur': event to raise when focus is lost. - 'onBlurReq': 'WidgetRequest' to generate when focus is lost. - 'onChange': event to raise when the value changes/is clicked. - 'onChangeReq': 'WidgetRequest' to generate when the value changes/is clicked. -} data LabeledRadioCfg s e a = LabeledRadioCfg { _lchTextSide :: Maybe RectSide, _lchChildSpacing :: Maybe Double, _lchLabelCfg :: LabelCfg s e, _lchRadioCfg :: RadioCfg s e a } instance Default (LabeledRadioCfg s e a) where def = LabeledRadioCfg { _lchTextSide = Nothing, _lchChildSpacing = Nothing, _lchLabelCfg = def, _lchRadioCfg = def } instance Semigroup (LabeledRadioCfg s e a) where (<>) t1 t2 = LabeledRadioCfg { _lchTextSide = _lchTextSide t2 <|> _lchTextSide t1, _lchChildSpacing = _lchChildSpacing t2 <|> _lchChildSpacing t1, _lchLabelCfg = _lchLabelCfg t1 <> _lchLabelCfg t2, _lchRadioCfg = _lchRadioCfg t1 <> _lchRadioCfg t2 } instance Monoid (LabeledRadioCfg s e a) where mempty = def instance CmbChildSpacing (LabeledRadioCfg s e a) where childSpacing_ spacing = def { _lchChildSpacing = Just spacing } instance CmbTextLeft (LabeledRadioCfg s e a) where textLeft_ False = def textLeft_ True = def { _lchTextSide = Just SideLeft } instance CmbTextRight (LabeledRadioCfg s e a) where textRight_ False = def textRight_ True = def { _lchTextSide = Just SideRight } instance CmbTextTop (LabeledRadioCfg s e a) where textTop_ False = def textTop_ True = def { _lchTextSide = Just SideTop } instance CmbTextBottom (LabeledRadioCfg s e a) where textBottom_ False = def textBottom_ True = def { _lchTextSide = Just SideBottom } instance CmbTrimSpaces (LabeledRadioCfg s e a) where trimSpaces_ trim = def { _lchLabelCfg = trimSpaces_ trim } instance CmbEllipsis (LabeledRadioCfg s e a) where ellipsis_ ellipsis = def { _lchLabelCfg = ellipsis_ ellipsis } instance CmbMultiline (LabeledRadioCfg s e a) where multiline_ multi = def { _lchLabelCfg = multiline_ multi } instance CmbMaxLines (LabeledRadioCfg s e a) where maxLines count = def { _lchLabelCfg = maxLines count } instance CmbResizeFactor (LabeledRadioCfg s e a) where resizeFactor s = def { _lchLabelCfg = resizeFactor s } instance CmbResizeFactorDim (LabeledRadioCfg s e a) where resizeFactorW w = def { _lchLabelCfg = resizeFactorW w } resizeFactorH h = def { _lchLabelCfg = resizeFactorH h } instance CmbWidth (LabeledRadioCfg s e a) where width w = def { _lchRadioCfg = width w } instance WidgetEvent e => CmbOnFocus (LabeledRadioCfg s e a) e Path where onFocus fn = def { _lchRadioCfg = onFocus fn } instance CmbOnFocusReq (LabeledRadioCfg s e a) s e Path where onFocusReq req = def { _lchRadioCfg = onFocusReq req } instance WidgetEvent e => CmbOnBlur (LabeledRadioCfg s e a) e Path where onBlur fn = def { _lchRadioCfg = onBlur fn } instance CmbOnBlurReq (LabeledRadioCfg s e a) s e Path where onBlurReq req = def { _lchRadioCfg = onBlurReq req } instance WidgetEvent e => CmbOnChange (LabeledRadioCfg s e a) a e where onChange fn = def { _lchRadioCfg = onChange fn } instance CmbOnChangeReq (LabeledRadioCfg s e a) s e a where onChangeReq req = def { _lchRadioCfg = onChangeReq req } -- | Creates a labeled radio using the given lens. labeledRadio :: (RadioValue a, WidgetEvent e) => Text -- ^ The caption. -> a -- ^ The option value. -> ALens' s a -- ^ The lens into the model. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created labeled radio. labeledRadio caption option field = labeledRadio_ caption option field def -- | Creates a labeled radio using the given lens. Accepts config. labeledRadio_ :: (RadioValue a, WidgetEvent e) => Text -- ^ The caption. -> a -- ^ The option value. -> ALens' s a -- ^ The lens into the model. -> [LabeledRadioCfg s e a] -- ^ The config options. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created labeled radio. labeledRadio_ caption option field config = newNode where newNode = labeledRadioD_ caption option (WidgetLens field) config -- | Creates a labeled radio using the given value and 'onChange' event handler. labeledRadioV :: (RadioValue a, WidgetEvent e) => Text -- ^ The caption. -> a -- ^ The option value. -> a -- ^ The current value. -> (a -> e) -- ^ The event to raise on change. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created labeled radio. labeledRadioV caption option value handler = newNode where newNode = labeledRadioV_ caption option value handler def {-| Creates a labeled radio using the given value and 'onChange' event handler. Accepts config. -} labeledRadioV_ :: (RadioValue a, WidgetEvent e) => Text -- ^ The caption. -> a -- ^ The option value. -> a -- ^ The current value. -> (a -> e) -- ^ The event to raise on change. -> [LabeledRadioCfg s e a] -- ^ The config options. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created labeled radio. labeledRadioV_ caption option value handler config = newNode where newConfig = onChange handler : config newNode = labeledRadioD_ caption option (WidgetValue value) newConfig -- | Creates a labeled radio providing a 'WidgetData' instance and config. labeledRadioD_ :: (RadioValue a, WidgetEvent e) => Text -- ^ The caption. -> a -- ^ The option value. -> WidgetData s a -- ^ The 'WidgetData' to retrieve the value from. -> [LabeledRadioCfg s e a] -- ^ The config options. -> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The created labeled radio. labeledRadioD_ caption option widgetData configs = newNode where config = mconcat configs labelSide = fromMaybe SideLeft (_lchTextSide config) childSpacing = _lchChildSpacing config labelCfg = _lchLabelCfg config wtype = WidgetType ("labeledRadio-" <> showt (typeOf option)) widget = radioD_ option widgetData [_lchRadioCfg config] newNode = labeledItem wtype labelSide childSpacing caption labelCfg widget