name: monte-carlo version: 0.2 license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Patrick Perry maintainer: Patrick Perry homepage: category: Math synopsis: A monad and transformer for Monte Carlo calculations. description: A monad and transformer for Monte Carlo calculations. The monads carry and provide access to a random number generator. Importantly, they only keep one copy of the generator state, and so are much more efficient than MonadRandom. Currently, only the generator that comes with the GNU Scientific Library (GSL) is supported. build-type: Simple stability: experimental cabal-version: >= 1.2.3 extra-source-files: examples/Pi.hs, examples/Sampling.hs examples/Poker.hs tests/Main.hs tests/Makefile library build-depends: array, base, mtl, gsl-random >=0.2.3, uvector exposed-modules: Control.Monad.MC Control.Monad.MC.Class other-modules: Control.Monad.MC.Base Control.Monad.MC.GSL Control.Monad.MC.GSLBase Control.Monad.MC.Repeat Control.Monad.MC.Sample Control.Monad.MC.Summary Control.Monad.MC.Walker extensions: FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances hs-source-dirs: lib ghc-options: -Wall