{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
{- |

Binary genetic algorithms. Candidates solutions are represented as bit-strings.

Choose Gray code if sudden changes to the variable value after a point
mutation are undesirable, choose binary code otherwise.  In Gray code
two successive variable values differ in only one bit, it may help to
prevent premature convergence.

To apply binary genetic algorithms to real-valued problems, the real
variable may be discretized ('encodeGrayReal' and
'decodeGrayReal'). Another approach is to use continuous genetic
algorithms, see "Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Continuous".

To encode more than one variable, just concatenate their codes.


module Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Binary (
  -- * Types
    module Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Types

  -- * Encoding
  , encodeGray
  , decodeGray
  , encodeBinary
  , decodeBinary
  , encodeGrayReal
  , decodeGrayReal
  , bitsNeeded
  , splitEvery

  -- * Initialization
  , getRandomBinaryGenomes

  -- * Selection
  , rouletteSelect
  , stochasticUniversalSampling
  , tournamentSelect
  -- ** Scaling and niching
  , withPopulationTransform
  , withScale
  , rankScale
  , withFitnessSharing
  , hammingDistance
  -- ** Sorting
  , bestFirst

  -- * Crossover
  , module Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Crossover

  -- * Mutation
  , pointMutate
  , asymmetricMutate
  , constFrequencyMutate

  -- * Control
  , module Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Random
  , module Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Run
) where

import Codec.Binary.Gray.List
import Data.Bits
import Data.List (genericLength)

import Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Crossover
import Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Random
import Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Selection
import Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Types
import Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Run
import Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Random
import Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Utilities (getRandomGenomes)

-- | How many bits are needed to represent a range of integer numbers
-- @(from, to)@ (inclusive).
bitsNeeded :: (Integral a, Integral b) => (a, a) -> b
bitsNeeded (from, to) =
    let from' = min from to
        to'= max from to
    in  ceiling . logBase (2::Double) . fromIntegral $ (to' - from' + 1)

-- | Encode an integer number in the range @(from, to)@ (inclusive) as
-- binary sequence of minimal length. Use of Gray code means that a
-- single point mutation leads to incremental change of the encoded
-- value.
encodeGray :: (Bits b, Integral b) => (b, b) -> b -> [Bool]
encodeGray = encodeWithCode gray

-- | Decode a binary sequence using Gray code to an integer in the
-- range @(from, to)@ (inclusive). This is an inverse of 'encodeGray'.
-- Actual value returned may be greater than @to@.
decodeGray :: (Bits b, Integral b) => (b, b) -> [Bool] -> b
decodeGray = decodeWithCode binary

-- | Encode an integer number in the range @(from, to)@ (inclusive)
-- as a binary sequence of minimal length. Use of binary encoding
-- means that a single point mutation may lead to sudden big change
-- of the encoded value.
encodeBinary :: (Bits b, Integral b) => (b, b) -> b -> [Bool]
encodeBinary = encodeWithCode id

-- | Decode a binary sequence to an integer in the range @(from, to)@
-- (inclusive). This is an inverse of 'encodeBinary'.  Actual value
-- returned may be greater than @to@.
decodeBinary :: (Bits b, Integral b) => (b, b) -> [Bool] -> b
decodeBinary = decodeWithCode id

-- | Encode a real number in the range @(from, to)@ (inclusive)
-- with @n@ equally spaced discrete values in binary Gray code.
encodeGrayReal :: (RealFrac a) => (a, a) -> Int -> a -> [Bool]
encodeGrayReal range n = encodeGray (0, n-1) . toDiscreteR range n

-- | Decode a binary sequence using Gray code to a real value in the
-- range @(from, to)@, assuming it was discretized with @n@ equally
-- spaced values (see 'encodeGrayReal').
decodeGrayReal :: (RealFrac a) => (a, a) -> Int -> [Bool] -> a
decodeGrayReal range n = fromDiscreteR range n . decodeGray (0, n-1)

-- | Represent a range @(from, to)@ of real numbers with @n@ equally
-- spaced values.  Use it to discretize a real number @val@.
toDiscreteR :: (RealFrac a)
         => (a, a) -- ^ @(from, to)@, the range to be encoded
         -> Int    -- ^ @n@, how many discrete numbers from the range to consider
         -> a      -- ^ a real number in the range @(from, to)@  to discretize
         -> Int    -- ^ a discrete value (normally in the range @(0, n-1)@)
toDiscreteR range n val =
    let from = uncurry min range
        to = uncurry max range
        dx = (to - from) / (fromIntegral (n - 1))
    in  round $ (val - from) / dx

-- | Take a range @(from, to)@ of real numbers with @n@ equally spaced values.
-- Convert @i@-th value to a real number. This is an inverse of 'toDiscreteR'.
fromDiscreteR :: (RealFrac a)
       => (a, a)  -- ^ @(from, to)@, the encoded range
       -> Int     -- ^ @n@, how many discrete numbers from the range to consider
       -> Int     -- ^ a discrete value in the range @(0, n-1)@
       -> a       -- ^ a real number from the range
fromDiscreteR range n i =
    let from = uncurry min range
        to = uncurry max range
        dx = (to - from) / (fromIntegral (n - 1))
    in  from + (fromIntegral i) * dx

-- | Split a list into pieces of size @n@. This may be useful to split
-- the genome into distinct equally sized “genes” which encode
-- distinct properties of the solution.
splitEvery :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
splitEvery _ [] = []
splitEvery n xs = let (nxs,rest) = splitAt n xs in nxs : splitEvery n rest

encodeWithCode :: (Bits b, Integral b) => ([Bool] -> [Bool]) -> (b, b) -> b -> [Bool]
encodeWithCode code (from, to) n =
    let from' = min from to
        to' = max from to
        nbits = bitsNeeded (from', to')
    in  code . take nbits . toList' $ n - from'

decodeWithCode :: (Bits b, Integral b) => ([Bool] -> [Bool]) -> (b, b) -> [Bool] -> b
decodeWithCode decode (from, to) bits =
    let from' = min from to
    in  (from' +) . fromList . decode $ bits

-- | Generate @n@ random binary genomes of length @len@.
-- Return a list of genomes.
getRandomBinaryGenomes :: Int -- ^ how many genomes to generate
                       -> Int -- ^ genome length
                       -> Rand ([Genome Bool])
getRandomBinaryGenomes n len = getRandomGenomes n (replicate len (False,True))

-- |Flips a random bit along the length of the genome with probability @p@.
-- With probability @(1 - p)@ the genome remains unaffected.
pointMutate :: Double -> MutationOp Bool
pointMutate p = withProbability p $ \bits -> do
       r <- getRandomR (0, length bits - 1)
       let (before, (bit:after)) = splitAt r bits
       return (before ++ (not bit:after))

-- |Flip @1@s and @0@s with different probabilities. This may help to control
-- the relative frequencies of @1@s and @0@s in the genome.
asymmetricMutate :: Double   -- ^ probability of a @False@ bit to become @True@
                 -> Double   -- ^ probability of a @True@ bit to become @False@
                 -> MutationOp Bool
asymmetricMutate prob0to1 prob1to0 = mapM flipbit
      flipbit False = withProbability prob0to1 (return . not) False
      flipbit True  = withProbability prob1to0 (return . not) True

-- Preserving the relative frequencies of ones and zeros:
-- ones' = p0*(n-ones) + (1-p1)*ones
-- ones + p0*ones + (p1 - 1)*ones = p0*n
-- p0 + p1 = p0 * n / ones
-- zeros' = (1-p0)*zeros + p1*(n-zeros)
-- zeros + (p0 - 1)*zeros + p1*zeros = n*p1
-- p0 + p1 = p1 * n / zeros
-- => p0 * zeros = p1 * ones
-- Average number of changed bits:
-- m = p0*zeros + p1*ones
-- => p0 = m / (2*zeros)
--    p1 = m / (2*ones)
-- Probability of changing a bit:
-- p = m / n

-- |Flip @m@ bits on average, keeping the relative frequency of @0@s
-- and @1@s in the genome constant.
constFrequencyMutate :: Real a
                     => a                -- ^ average number of bits to change
                     -> MutationOp Bool
constFrequencyMutate m bits =
    let (ones, zeros) = foldr (\b (o,z) -> if b then (o+1,z) else (o,z+1)) (0,0) bits
        p0to1 = fromRational $ 0.5 * (toRational m) / zeros
        p1to0 = fromRational $ 0.5 * (toRational m) / ones
    in  asymmetricMutate p0to1 p1to0 bits

-- | Hamming distance between @x@ and @y@ is the number of coordinates
-- for which @x_i@ and @y_i@ are different.
-- Reference: Hamming, Richard W. (1950), “Error detecting and error
-- correcting codes”, Bell System Technical Journal 29 (2): 147–160,
-- MR 0035935.
hammingDistance :: (Eq a, Num i) => [a] -> [a] -> i
hammingDistance xs ys = genericLength . filter id $ zipWith (/=) xs ys