{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs #-} -- | Module, providing @Notes t@ data type, which holds annotations for a -- given type @t@. -- -- Annotation type @Notes t@ is a tree, each leaf is either a star (@*@) or a -- constructor holding some annotation data for a given type @t@. -- Star corresponds to the case when given Michelson type contains no -- annotations. -- -- This module also provides type class 'Converge' along with some -- utility functions which are used to combine two annotations trees -- `a` and `b` into a new one `c` in such a way that `c` can be obtained from -- both `a` and `b` by replacing some @*@ leafs with type or/and field -- annotations. module Michelson.Typed.Annotation ( Notes (..) , AnnConvergeError(..) , converge , convergeAnns , orAnn , isStar , starNotes ) where import Data.Default (Default(..)) import qualified Data.Kind as Kind import Data.Singletons (SingI(..)) import Fmt (Buildable(..), (+|), (|+)) import Michelson.Typed.T (T(..)) import Michelson.Typed.Sing import Michelson.Untyped.Annotation (Annotation, FieldAnn, TypeAnn, unifyAnn, noAnn) import Util.Typeable -- | Data type, holding annotation data for a given Michelson type @t@. -- -- Each constructor corresponds to exactly one constructor of 'T' -- and holds all type and field annotations that can be attributed to a -- Michelson type corrspoding to @t@. data Notes t where NTc :: TypeAnn -> Notes ('Tc ct) NTKey :: TypeAnn -> Notes 'TKey NTUnit :: TypeAnn -> Notes 'TUnit NTSignature :: TypeAnn -> Notes 'TSignature NTChainId :: TypeAnn -> Notes 'TChainId NTOption :: TypeAnn -> Notes t -> Notes ('TOption t) NTList :: TypeAnn -> Notes t -> Notes ('TList t) NTSet :: TypeAnn -> TypeAnn -> Notes ('TSet ct) NTOperation :: TypeAnn -> Notes 'TOperation NTContract :: TypeAnn -> Notes t -> Notes ('TContract t) NTPair :: TypeAnn -> FieldAnn -> FieldAnn -> Notes p -> Notes q -> Notes ('TPair p q) NTOr :: TypeAnn -> FieldAnn -> FieldAnn -> Notes p -> Notes q -> Notes ('TOr p q) NTLambda :: TypeAnn -> Notes p -> Notes q -> Notes ('TLambda p q) NTMap :: TypeAnn -> TypeAnn -> Notes v -> Notes ('TMap k v) NTBigMap :: TypeAnn -> TypeAnn -> Notes v -> Notes ('TBigMap k v) deriving instance Show (Notes t) deriving instance Eq (Notes t) -- | In memory of `NStar` constructor. -- Generates notes with no annotations. starNotes :: forall t. SingI t => Notes t starNotes = case sing @t of STc _ -> NTc noAnn STKey -> NTKey noAnn STUnit -> NTUnit noAnn STSignature -> NTSignature noAnn STChainId -> NTChainId noAnn STOperation -> NTOperation noAnn STSet _ -> NTSet noAnn noAnn STList _ -> NTList noAnn starNotes STOption _ -> NTOption noAnn starNotes STContract _ -> NTContract noAnn starNotes STMap _ _ -> NTMap noAnn noAnn starNotes STBigMap _ _ -> NTBigMap noAnn noAnn starNotes STPair _ _ -> NTPair noAnn noAnn noAnn starNotes starNotes STOr _ _ -> NTOr noAnn noAnn noAnn starNotes starNotes STLambda _ _ -> NTLambda noAnn starNotes starNotes -- | Checks if no annotations are present. isStar :: SingI t => Notes t -> Bool isStar = (== starNotes) orAnn :: Annotation t -> Annotation t -> Annotation t orAnn a b = bool a b (a == def) -- | Combines two annotations trees `a` and `b` into a new one `c` -- in such a way that `c` can be obtained from both `a` and `b` by replacing -- some empty leaves with type or/and field annotations. converge :: Notes t -> Notes t -> Either AnnConvergeError (Notes t) converge (NTc a) (NTc b) = NTc <$> convergeAnns a b converge (NTKey a) (NTKey b) = NTKey <$> convergeAnns a b converge (NTUnit a) (NTUnit b) = NTUnit <$> convergeAnns a b converge (NTSignature a) (NTSignature b) = NTSignature <$> convergeAnns a b converge (NTChainId a) (NTChainId b) = NTChainId <$> convergeAnns a b converge (NTOption a n) (NTOption b m) = NTOption <$> convergeAnns a b <*> converge n m converge (NTList a n) (NTList b m) = NTList <$> convergeAnns a b <*> converge n m converge (NTSet a n) (NTSet b m) = NTSet <$> convergeAnns a b <*> convergeAnns n m converge (NTOperation a) (NTOperation b) = NTOperation <$> convergeAnns a b converge (NTContract a n) (NTContract b m) = NTContract <$> convergeAnns a b <*> converge n m converge (NTPair a pF qF pN qN) (NTPair b pG qG pM qM) = NTPair <$> convergeAnns a b <*> convergeAnns pF pG <*> convergeAnns qF qG <*> converge pN pM <*> converge qN qM converge (NTOr a pF qF pN qN) (NTOr b pG qG pM qM) = NTOr <$> convergeAnns a b <*> convergeAnns pF pG <*> convergeAnns qF qG <*> converge pN pM <*> converge qN qM converge (NTLambda a pN qN) (NTLambda b pM qM) = NTLambda <$> convergeAnns a b <*> converge pN pM <*> converge qN qM converge (NTMap a kN vN) (NTMap b kM vM) = NTMap <$> convergeAnns a b <*> convergeAnns kN kM <*> converge vN vM converge (NTBigMap a kN vN) (NTBigMap b kM vM) = NTBigMap <$> convergeAnns a b <*> convergeAnns kN kM <*> converge vN vM data AnnConvergeError where AnnConvergeError :: forall (tag :: Kind.Type). (Buildable (Annotation tag), Show (Annotation tag), Typeable tag) => Annotation tag -> Annotation tag -> AnnConvergeError deriving instance Show AnnConvergeError instance Eq AnnConvergeError where AnnConvergeError ann1 ann2 == AnnConvergeError ann1' ann2' = (ann1 `eqParam1` ann1') && (ann2 `eqParam1` ann2') instance Buildable AnnConvergeError where build (AnnConvergeError ann1 ann2) = "Annotations do not converge: " +| ann1 |+ " /= " +| ann2 |+ "" -- | Converge two type or field notes (which may be wildcards). convergeAnns :: forall (tag :: Kind.Type). (Buildable (Annotation tag), Show (Annotation tag), Typeable tag) => Annotation tag -> Annotation tag -> Either AnnConvergeError (Annotation tag) convergeAnns a b = maybe (Left $ AnnConvergeError a b) pure $ unifyAnn a b