{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} module Test.Typecheck ( unit_Good_contracts , unit_Bad_contracts , test_srcPosition , unit_Unreachable_code , test_Roundtrip , test_StackRef , test_TCTypeError_display , prop_ValueSeq_as_list ) where import Data.Default (def) import qualified Data.Kind as Kind import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Singletons (SingI(..)) import Data.Typeable (typeRep) import Fmt (build, pretty) import Test.Hspec (expectationFailure) import Test.Hspec.Expectations (Expectation) import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assertFailure, (@?=)) import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary, Property, arbitrary, forAll, property, total, within) import Test.QuickCheck.Instances.Semigroup () import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.HUnit (testCase) import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (testProperty) import Michelson.ErrorPos (InstrCallStack(..), LetName(..), Pos(..), SrcPos(..), srcPos) import Michelson.Runtime (prepareContract) import Michelson.Test.Gen () import Michelson.Test.Import (ImportContractError(..), readContract) import Michelson.TypeCheck import qualified Michelson.Typed as T import Michelson.Untyped (Type(..), noAnn) import qualified Michelson.Untyped as Un import Tezos.Address (ContractHash) import Tezos.Core (Timestamp) import Util.IO (readFileUtf8) import Test.Util.Contracts (getIllTypedContracts, getWellTypedContracts) unit_Good_contracts :: Assertion unit_Good_contracts = mapM_ (\f -> checkFile [] True f (const pass)) =<< getWellTypedContracts unit_Bad_contracts :: Assertion unit_Bad_contracts = mapM_ (\f -> checkFile [] False f (const pass)) =<< getIllTypedContracts pattern IsSrcPos :: Word -> Word -> InstrCallStack pattern IsSrcPos l c <- InstrCallStack [] (SrcPos (Pos l) (Pos c)) test_srcPosition :: [TestTree] test_srcPosition = [ testProperty "Verify instruction position in a typecheck error" $ do checkIllFile "contracts/ill-typed/basic3.tz" $ \case TCFailedOnInstr (Un.CONS _) _ _ (IsSrcPos 4 6) (Just (AnnError _)) -> True _ -> False checkIllFile "contracts/ill-typed/testassert_invalid_stack3.mtz" $ \case TCFailedOnInstr Un.DROP _ _ (IsSrcPos 6 17) Nothing -> True _ -> False checkIllFile "contracts/ill-typed/testassert_invalid_stack2.mtz" $ \case TCExtError _ (IsSrcPos 5 2) (TestAssertError _) -> True _ -> False checkIllFile "contracts/ill-typed/macro_in_let_fail.mtz" $ \case TCFailedOnInstr (Un.COMPARE _) _ _ (InstrCallStack [LetName "cmpLet"] (SrcPos (Pos 3) (Pos 6))) (Just (TypeEqError _ _)) -> True _ -> False checkIllFile "contracts/ill-typed/compare_annotation_mismatch.tz" $ \case TCFailedOnInstr (Un.COMPARE _) _ _ _ (Just (AnnError _)) -> True _ -> False ] where unexpected f e = expectationFailure $ "Unexpected typecheck error: " <> displayException e <> " in file: " <> f checkIllFile file check = checkFile [] False file $ \e -> if check e then pass else unexpected file e checkFile :: HasCallStack => [(ContractHash, Type)] -> Bool -> FilePath -> (TCError -> Expectation) -> Expectation checkFile originatedContracts wellTyped file onError = do c <- prepareContract (Just file) case doTC c of Left err | wellTyped -> expectationFailure $ "Typechecker unexpectedly failed on " <> show file <> ": " <> displayException err | otherwise -> onError err Right _ | not wellTyped -> assertFailure $ "Typechecker unexpectedly considered " <> show file <> " well-typed." | otherwise -> pass where doTC = typeCheckContract (M.fromList originatedContracts) unit_Unreachable_code :: Assertion unit_Unreachable_code = do let file = "contracts/ill-typed/fail_before_nop.tz" let ics = InstrCallStack [] (srcPos 3 13) econtract <- readContract @'T.TUnit @'T.TUnit file <$> readFileUtf8 file econtract @?= Left (ICETypeCheck $ TCUnreachableCode ics (one $ Un.WithSrcEx ics $ Un.SeqEx [])) test_Roundtrip :: [TestTree] test_Roundtrip = [ testGroup "Value" [ roundtripValue @Integer , roundtripValue @Timestamp ] ] where roundtripValue :: forall (a :: Kind.Type). ( Each [Typeable, SingI, T.HasNoOp] '[T.ToT a] , Typeable a, Arbitrary (T.Value $ T.ToT a) ) => TestTree roundtripValue = testProperty (show $ typeRep (Proxy @a)) $ property $ \(val :: T.Value (T.ToT a)) -> let uval = T.untypeValue val runTC = runTypeCheckIsolated . usingReaderT (def @InstrCallStack) in case runTC $ typeVerifyValue uval of Right got -> got @?= val Left err -> expectationFailure $ "Type check unexpectedly failed: " <> pretty err test_StackRef :: [TestTree] test_StackRef = [ testProperty "Typecheck fails when ref is out of bounds" $ let instr = printStRef 2 hst = stackEl ::& stackEl ::& SNil in case runTypeCheck (error "no contract param") mempty $ typeCheckList [Un.WithSrcEx def $ Un.PrimEx instr] hst of Left err -> total $ show @Text err Right _ -> error "Typecheck unexpectedly succeded" , testProperty "Typecheck time is reasonably bounded" $ within 1000 $ -- Making code processing performance scale with code size looks like a -- good property, so we'd like to avoid scenario when user tries to -- access 100500-th element of stack and typecheck hangs as a result let instr = printStRef 100000000000 hst = stackEl ::& SNil in case runTypeCheck (error "no contract param") mempty $ typeCheckList [Un.WithSrcEx def $ Un.PrimEx instr] hst of Left err -> total $ show @Text err Right _ -> error "Typecheck unexpectedly succeded" ] where printStRef i = Un.EXT . Un.UPRINT $ Un.PrintComment [Right (Un.StackRef i)] stackEl = (sing @'T.TUnit, T.starNotes, noAnn) test_TCTypeError_display :: [TestTree] test_TCTypeError_display = -- One may say that it's madness to write tests on 'Buildable' instances, -- but IMO (martoon) it's worth resulting duplication because tests allow -- avoiding silly errors like lost spaces and ensuring general sanity -- of used way to display content. [ testCase "TypeEqError" $ build (TypeEqError T.TUnit T.TKey) @?= "Types not equal: unit /= key" , testCase "StackEqError" $ build (StackEqError [T.TUnit, T.Tc T.CBytes] []) @?= "Stacks not equal: [unit, bytes] /= []" , testCase "UnsupportedTypes" $ build (UnsupportedTypes [T.TUnit]) @?= "Unsupported types: [unit]" , testCase "InvalidValueType" $ build (InvalidValueType T.TUnit) @?= "Value type is never a valid `unit`" ] prop_ValueSeq_as_list :: Property prop_ValueSeq_as_list = forAll @(NonEmpty Integer) arbitrary $ \l -> let untypedValue = Un.ValueSeq $ Un.ValueInt <$> l typedValue = T.VList $ (T.VC . T.CvInt) <$> toList l runTypeCheckInstr = runTypeCheckIsolated . usingReaderT def in runTypeCheckInstr (typeVerifyValue untypedValue) == Right typedValue