-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Tocqueville Group -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-MIT-TQ -- | Core primitive Tezos types. module Tezos.Core ( -- * Mutez Mutez (unMutez) , mkMutez , mkMutez' , unsafeMkMutez , toMutez , addMutez , unsafeAddMutez , subMutez , unsafeSubMutez , mulMutez , divModMutez , divModMutezInt , mutezToInt64 , zeroMutez , oneMutez , prettyTez -- * Timestamp , Timestamp (..) , timestampToSeconds , timestampFromSeconds , timestampFromUTCTime , timestampToUTCTime , timestampPlusSeconds , formatTimestamp , parseTimestamp , timestampQuote , getCurrentTime , farFuture , farPast -- * ChainId , ChainId (..) , mkChainId , mkChainIdUnsafe , dummyChainId , formatChainId , mformatChainId , parseChainId , chainIdLength ) where import Data.Aeson (FromJSON(..), ToJSON(..)) import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import Data.Aeson.TH (deriveJSON) import Data.Data (Data(..)) import Data.Scientific import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime) import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (POSIXTime, getPOSIXTime, posixSecondsToUTCTime, utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds) import Data.Time.Format (defaultTimeLocale, parseTimeM) import Data.Time.LocalTime (utc, utcToZonedTime) import Data.Time.RFC3339 (formatTimeRFC3339) import Fmt (Buildable(build), fmt, hexF, pretty) import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Quote as TH import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (liftData) import qualified Options.Applicative as Opt import Michelson.Text import Tezos.Crypto import Util.Aeson import Util.CLI import Util.Num ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Mutez ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Mutez is a wrapper over integer data type. 1 mutez is 1 token (μTz). newtype Mutez = Mutez { unMutez :: Word64 } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Generic) deriving newtype Enum instance Buildable Mutez where build (Mutez w) = build w <> " μꜩ" instance Bounded Mutez where minBound = Mutez 0 -- 2⁶³ - 1 -- This value was checked against the reference implementation. maxBound = Mutez 9223372036854775807 instance HasCLReader Mutez where getReader = maybe (readerError "Invalid mutez") pure . mkMutez =<< Opt.auto getMetavar = "MUTEZ" instance NFData Mutez -- | Safely create 'Mutez' checking for overflow. mkMutez :: Word64 -> Maybe Mutez mkMutez n | n <= unMutez maxBound = Just (Mutez n) | otherwise = Nothing {-# INLINE mkMutez #-} -- | Version of 'mkMutez' that accepts a number of any type. mkMutez' :: Integral i => i -> Either Text Mutez mkMutez' i = do w :: Word64 <- fromIntegralChecked i mkMutez w & maybeToRight "Mutez overflow" -- | Partial function for 'Mutez' creation, it's pre-condition is that -- the argument must not exceed the maximal 'Mutez' value. unsafeMkMutez :: HasCallStack => Word64 -> Mutez unsafeMkMutez n = fromMaybe (error $ "mkMutez: overflow (" <> show n <> ")") (mkMutez n) {-# INLINE unsafeMkMutez #-} -- | Safely create 'Mutez'. -- -- This is recommended way to create @Mutez@ from a numeric literal; -- you can't construct all valid @Mutez@ values using this function -- but for small values it works neat. -- -- Warnings displayed when trying to construct invalid 'Natural' or 'Word' -- literal are hardcoded for these types in GHC implementation, so we can only -- exploit these existing rules. toMutez :: Word32 -> Mutez toMutez = unsafeMkMutez . fromIntegral {-# INLINE toMutez #-} -- | Addition of 'Mutez' values. Returns 'Nothing' in case of overflow. addMutez :: Mutez -> Mutez -> Maybe Mutez addMutez (unMutez -> a) (unMutez -> b) = mkMutez (a + b) -- (a + b) can't overflow if 'Mutez' values are valid {-# INLINE addMutez #-} -- | Partial addition of 'Mutez', should be used only if you're -- sure there'll be no overflow. unsafeAddMutez :: HasCallStack => Mutez -> Mutez -> Mutez unsafeAddMutez = fromMaybe (error "unsafeAddMutez: overflow") ... addMutez -- | Subtraction of 'Mutez' values. Returns 'Nothing' when the -- subtrahend is greater than the minuend, and 'Just' otherwise. subMutez :: Mutez -> Mutez -> Maybe Mutez subMutez (unMutez -> a) (unMutez -> b) | a >= b = Just (Mutez (a - b)) | otherwise = Nothing {-# INLINE subMutez #-} -- | Partial subtraction of 'Mutez', should be used only if you're -- sure there'll be no underflow. unsafeSubMutez :: HasCallStack => Mutez -> Mutez -> Mutez unsafeSubMutez = fromMaybe (error "unsafeSubMutez: underflow") ... subMutez -- | Multiplication of 'Mutez' and an integral number. Returns -- 'Nothing' in case of overflow. mulMutez :: Integral a => Mutez -> a -> Maybe Mutez mulMutez (unMutez -> a) b | res <= toInteger (unMutez maxBound) = Just (Mutez (fromInteger res)) | otherwise = Nothing where res = toInteger a * toInteger b {-# INLINE mulMutez #-} -- | Euclidian division of two 'Mutez' values. divModMutez :: Mutez -> Mutez -> Maybe (Word64, Mutez) divModMutez a (unMutez -> b) = first unMutez <$> divModMutezInt a b -- | Euclidian division of 'Mutez' and a number. divModMutezInt :: Integral a => Mutez -> a -> Maybe (Mutez, Mutez) divModMutezInt (toInteger . unMutez -> a) (toInteger -> b) | b <= 0 = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ bimap toMutez' toMutez' (a `divMod` b) where toMutez' :: Integer -> Mutez toMutez' = Mutez . fromInteger -- | Convert mutez to signed number. -- -- TODO [#423]: try to provide a generic safe conversion method mutezToInt64 :: Mutez -> Int64 mutezToInt64 = fromIntegral . unMutez zeroMutez :: Mutez zeroMutez = Mutez minBound oneMutez :: Mutez oneMutez = Mutez 1 -- | -- >>> putTextLn $ prettyTez (toMutez 420) -- 0.00042 ꜩ -- -- >>> putTextLn $ prettyTez (toMutez 42000000) -- 42 ꜩ prettyTez :: Mutez -> Text prettyTez ((/ 1000000) . fromIntegral . unMutez -> s) = case floatingOrInteger s of Left (_ :: Float) -> toText $ formatScientific Fixed Nothing s Right (n :: Integer) -> pretty n <> " ꜩ" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Timestamp ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Time in the real world. -- Use the functions below to convert it to/from Unix time in seconds. newtype Timestamp = Timestamp { unTimestamp :: POSIXTime } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Generic) instance NFData Timestamp timestampToSeconds :: Integral a => Timestamp -> a timestampToSeconds = round . unTimestamp {-# INLINE timestampToSeconds #-} timestampFromSeconds :: Integer -> Timestamp timestampFromSeconds = Timestamp . fromIntegral {-# INLINE timestampFromSeconds #-} timestampFromUTCTime :: UTCTime -> Timestamp timestampFromUTCTime = Timestamp . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds {-# INLINE timestampFromUTCTime #-} timestampToUTCTime :: Timestamp -> UTCTime timestampToUTCTime = posixSecondsToUTCTime . unTimestamp {-# INLINE timestampToUTCTime #-} -- | Add given amount of seconds to a 'Timestamp'. timestampPlusSeconds :: Timestamp -> Integer -> Timestamp timestampPlusSeconds ts sec = timestampFromSeconds (timestampToSeconds ts + sec) -- | Display timestamp in human-readable way as used by Michelson. -- Uses UTC timezone, though maybe we should take it as an argument. -- -- NB: this will render timestamp with up to seconds precision. formatTimestamp :: Timestamp -> Text formatTimestamp = formatTimeRFC3339 . utcToZonedTime utc . posixSecondsToUTCTime . unTimestamp instance Buildable Timestamp where build = build . formatTimestamp -- | Parse textual representation of 'Timestamp'. parseTimestamp :: Text -> Maybe Timestamp parseTimestamp t -- `parseTimeM` does not allow to match on a single whitespace exclusively | T.isInfixOf " " t = Nothing | otherwise = fmap timestampFromUTCTime . asum $ map parse formatsRFC3339 where parse :: Text -> Maybe UTCTime parse frmt = parseTimeM False defaultTimeLocale (toString frmt) (toString t) formatsRFC3339 :: [Text] formatsRFC3339 = do divider <- ["T", " "] fraction <- ["%Q", ""] zone <- ["Z", "%z"] return $ "%-Y-%m-%d" <> divider <> "%T" <> fraction <> zone -- | Quote a value of type 'Timestamp' in @yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.sss]Z@ format. -- -- >>> formatTimestamp [timestampQuote| 2019-02-21T16:54:12.2344523Z |] -- "2019-02-21T16:54:12Z" -- -- Inspired by 'time-quote' library. timestampQuote :: TH.QuasiQuoter timestampQuote = TH.QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = \str -> case parseTimestamp . T.strip $ toText str of Nothing -> fail "Invalid timestamp, \ \example of valid value: `2019-02-21T16:54:12.2344523Z`" Just ts -> liftData ts , quotePat = \_ -> fail "timestampQuote: cannot quote pattern!" , quoteType = \_ -> fail "timestampQuote: cannot quote type!" , quoteDec = \_ -> fail "timestampQuote: cannot quote declaration!" } -- | Return current time as 'Timestamp'. getCurrentTime :: IO Timestamp getCurrentTime = Timestamp <$> getPOSIXTime -- | Timestamp which is always greater than result of 'getCurrentTime'. farFuture :: Timestamp farFuture = timestampFromSeconds 1e12 -- 33658-09-27T01:46:40Z -- | Timestamp which is always less than result of 'getCurrentTime'. farPast :: Timestamp farPast = timestampFromSeconds 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Chain ID ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Chain id in Tezos sources: * https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos/blob/de5c80b360aa396114be92a3a2e2ff2087190a61/src/lib_crypto/chain_id.ml -} -- | Identifier of a network (babylonnet, mainnet, test network or other). -- Evaluated as hash of the genesis block. -- -- The only operation supported for this type is packing. -- Use case: multisig contract, for instance, now includes chain ID into -- signed data "in order to add extra replay protection between the main -- chain and the test chain". newtype ChainId = ChainIdUnsafe { unChainId :: ByteString } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic) instance NFData ChainId -- | Construct chain ID from raw bytes. mkChainId :: ByteString -> Maybe ChainId mkChainId bs = guard (length bs == chainIdLength) $> ChainIdUnsafe bs -- | Construct chain ID from raw bytes or fail otherwise. -- Expects exactly 4 bytes. mkChainIdUnsafe :: HasCallStack => ByteString -> ChainId mkChainIdUnsafe = fromMaybe (error "Bad chain id") . mkChainId -- | Identifier of a pseudo network. dummyChainId :: ChainId dummyChainId = ChainIdUnsafe "\0\0\0\0" -- | Pretty print 'ChainId' as it is displayed e.g. in -- @tezos-client rpc get /chains/main/chain_id@ call. -- -- Example of produced value: "NetXUdfLh6Gm88t". formatChainId :: ChainId -> Text formatChainId (unChainId -> bs) = encodeBase58Check (chainIdPrefix <> bs) mformatChainId :: ChainId -> MText mformatChainId = mkMTextUnsafe . formatChainId instance Buildable ChainId where build = build . formatChainId data ParseChainIdError = ParseChainIdWrongBase58Check | ParseChainIdWrongTag ByteString | ParseChainIdWrongSize Int deriving stock (Show, Eq) instance Buildable ParseChainIdError where build = \case ParseChainIdWrongBase58Check -> "Wrong base58check format" ParseChainIdWrongTag tag -> "Wrong tag for a chain id: " <> fmt (hexF tag) ParseChainIdWrongSize s -> "Wrong size for a chain id: " <> build s instance Exception ParseChainIdError where displayException = pretty parseChainId :: Text -> Either ParseChainIdError ChainId parseChainId text = case decodeBase58CheckWithPrefix chainIdPrefix text of Left (B58CheckWithPrefixWrongPrefix prefix) -> Left (ParseChainIdWrongTag prefix) Left B58CheckWithPrefixWrongEncoding -> Left ParseChainIdWrongBase58Check Right bs -> case mkChainId bs of Just ci -> Right ci Nothing -> Left $ ParseChainIdWrongSize (length bs) chainIdLength :: Int chainIdLength = 4 -- | It's a magic constant used by Tezos to encode a chain ID. -- Corresponds to "Net" part. chainIdPrefix :: ByteString chainIdPrefix = "\87\82\0" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- JSON ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- deriveJSON morleyAesonOptions ''Mutez deriveJSON morleyAesonOptions ''Timestamp instance ToJSON ChainId where toJSON = Aeson.String . formatChainId instance FromJSON ChainId where parseJSON = Aeson.withText "chain id" $ either (fail . pretty) pure . parseChainId