{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} -- | associating types to GraphQL Kinds module Data.Morpheus.Kind ( SCALAR, OBJECT, ENUM, WRAPPER, UNION, INPUT_OBJECT, DerivingKind (..), GQL_KIND, OUTPUT, INPUT, INTERFACE, TYPE, CUSTOM, ) where import Relude {-# DEPRECATED GQL_KIND "use: DerivingKind" #-} type GQL_KIND = DerivingKind data DerivingKind = SCALAR | TYPE | WRAPPER | CUSTOM deriving (Show) -- | GraphQL input, type, union , enum type TYPE = 'TYPE -- | GraphQL Scalar: Int, Float, String, Boolean or any user defined custom Scalar type type SCALAR = 'SCALAR -- | GraphQL Arrays , Resolvers and NonNull fields type WRAPPER = 'WRAPPER type CUSTOM = 'CUSTOM -- deprecated types {-# DEPRECATED INTERFACE "use: deriving(GQLType), will be automatically inferred" #-} type INTERFACE = 'TYPE {-# DEPRECATED ENUM "use: deriving(GQLType), will be automatically inferred" #-} type ENUM = 'TYPE {-# DEPRECATED OUTPUT "use: deriving(GQLType), will be automatically inferred" #-} type OUTPUT = 'TYPE {-# DEPRECATED INPUT "use: deriving(GQLType), will be automatically inferred" #-} type INPUT = 'TYPE {-# DEPRECATED INPUT_OBJECT "use: deriving(GQLType), will be automatically inferred" #-} type INPUT_OBJECT = 'TYPE {-# DEPRECATED UNION "use: deriving(GQLType), IMPORTANT: only types with will sustain their form, other union constructors will be wrapped inside an new object" #-} type UNION = 'TYPE {-# DEPRECATED OBJECT "use: deriving(GQLType), will be automatically inferred" #-} type OBJECT = 'TYPE