# Morpheus GraphQL [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/morpheus-graphql.svg)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/morpheus-graphql) ![CI](https://github.com/morpheusgraphql/morpheus-graphql/workflows/CI/badge.svg) Build GraphQL APIs with your favorite functional language! Morpheus GraphQL (Server & Client) helps you to build GraphQL APIs in Haskell with native Haskell types. Morpheus will convert your Haskell types to a GraphQL schema and all your resolvers are just native Haskell functions. Morpheus GraphQL can also convert your GraphQL Schema or Query to Haskell types and validate them in compile time. Morpheus is still in an early stage of development, so any feedback is more than welcome, and we appreciate any contribution! Just open an issue here on GitHub, or join [our Slack channel](https://morpheus-graphql-slack-invite.herokuapp.com/) to get in touch. Please note that this readme file provides only a brief introduction to the library. If you are interested in more advanced topics, visit [Docs](https://morpheusgraphql.com/). ## Getting Started ### Setup To get started with Morpheus, you first need to add it to your project's dependencies, as follows (assuming you're using hpack): _package.yml_ ```yaml dependencies: - morpheus-graphql ``` Additionally, you should tell stack which version to pick: _stack.yml_ ```yaml resolver: lts-16.2 extra-deps: - morpheus-graphql-0.17.0 - morpheus-graphql-app-0.17.0 - morpheus-graphql-core-0.17.0 ``` As Morpheus is quite new, make sure stack can find morpheus-graphql by running `stack upgrade` and `stack update` ### Building your first GraphQL API ### with GraphQL syntax _schema.gql_ ```gql type Query { deity(name: String! = "Morpheus"): Deity! } """ Description for Deity """ type Deity { """ Description for name """ name: String! power: String @deprecated(reason: "some reason for") } ``` _API.hs_ ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module API (api) where import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (ByteString) import Data.Morpheus (interpreter) import Data.Morpheus.Document (importGQLDocument) import Data.Morpheus.Types (RootResolver (..), Undefined (..)) import Data.Text (Text) importGQLDocument "schema.gql" rootResolver :: RootResolver IO () Query Undefined Undefined rootResolver = RootResolver { queryResolver = Query {deity}, mutationResolver = Undefined, subscriptionResolver = Undefined } where deity DeityArgs {name} = pure Deity { name = pure name, power = pure (Just "Shapeshifting") } api :: ByteString -> IO ByteString api = interpreter rootResolver ``` Template Haskell Generates types: `Query` , `Deity`, `DeityArgs`, that can be used by `rootResolver` `descriptions` and `deprecations` will be displayed in introspection. `importGQLDocumentWithNamespace` will generate Types with namespaced fields. If you don't need namespace use `importGQLDocument` ### with Native Haskell Types To define a GraphQL API with Morpheus we start by defining the API Schema as a native Haskell data type, which derives the `Generic` type class. Using the `DeriveAnyClass` language extension we then also derive instances for the `GQLType` type class. Lazily resolvable fields on this `Query` type are defined via `a -> ResolverQ () IO b`, representing resolving a set of arguments `a` to a concrete value `b`. ```haskell data Query m = Query { deity :: DeityArgs -> m Deity } deriving (Generic, GQLType) data Deity = Deity { fullName :: Text -- Non-Nullable Field , power :: Maybe Text -- Nullable Field } deriving (Generic, GQLType) data DeityArgs = DeityArgs { name :: Text -- Required Argument , mythology :: Maybe Text -- Optional Argument } deriving (Generic, GQLType) ``` For each field in the `Query` type defined via `a -> m b` (like `deity`) we will define a resolver implementation that provides the values during runtime by referring to some data source, e.g. a database or another API. Fields that are defined without `a -> m b` you can just provide a value. In above example, the field of `DeityArgs` could also be named using reserved identities (such as: `type`, `where`, etc), in order to avoid conflict, a prime symbol (`'`) must be attached. For example, you can have: ```haskell data DeityArgs = DeityArgs { name :: Text -- Required Argument , mythology :: Maybe Text -- Optional Argument , type' :: Text } deriving (Generic, GQLType) ``` The field name in the final request will be `type` instead of `type'`. The Morpheus request parser converts each of the reserved identities in Haskell 2010 to their corresponding names internally. This also applies to selections. ```haskell resolveDeity :: DeityArgs -> ResolverQ () IO Deity resolveDeity DeityArgs { name, mythology } = liftEither $ dbDeity name mythology askDB :: Text -> Maybe Text -> IO (Either String Deity) askDB = ... ``` To make this `Query` type available as an API, we define a `RootResolver` and feed it to the Morpheus `interpreter`. A `RootResolver` consists of `query`, `mutation` and `subscription` definitions, while we omit the latter for this example: ```haskell rootResolver :: RootResolver IO () Query Undefined Undefined rootResolver = RootResolver { queryResolver = Query {deity = resolveDeity} , mutationResolver = Undefined , subscriptionResolver = Undefined } gqlApi :: ByteString -> IO ByteString gqlApi = interpreter rootResolver ``` As you can see, the API is defined as `ByteString -> IO ByteString` which we can either invoke directly or use inside an arbitrary web framework such as `scotty` or `serverless-haskell`. We'll go for `scotty` in this example: ```haskell main :: IO () main = scotty 3000 $ post "/api" $ raw =<< (liftIO . gqlApi =<< body) ``` If we now send a POST request to `http://localhost:3000/api` with a GraphQL Query as body for example in a tool like `Insomnia`: ```GraphQL query GetDeity { deity (name: "Morpheus") { fullName power } } ``` our query will be resolved! ```JSON { "data": { "deity": { "fullName": "Morpheus", "power": "Shapeshifting" } } } ``` ## Serverless Example If you are interested in creating a `Morpheus GraphQL` API with `Serverless`, you should take a look at our example in this repository: [_Mythology API_](https://github.com/morpheusgraphql/mythology-api) it is our example project build with `Morpheus GraphQL` and `Serverless-Haskell`, where you can query different mythology characters with `GraphiQL`. Mythology API is deployed on : [_api.morpheusgraphql.com_](https://api.morpheusgraphql.com) where you can test it with `GraphiQL` ![Mythology Api](https://morpheusgraphql.com/assets/img/mythology-api.png "mythology-api") ## Showcase Below are the list of projects using Morpheus GraphQL. If you want to start using Morpheus GraphQL, they are good templates to begin with. - https://github.com/morpheusgraphql/mythology-api - Serverless Mythology API - https://github.com/dandoh/web-haskell - Modern webserver boilerplate in Haskell: Morpheus Graphql + Postgresql + Authentication + DB migration + Dotenv and more _Edit this section and send PR if you want to share your project_. # About ## The name _Morpheus_ is the greek god of sleep and dreams whose name comes from the greek word _μορφή_ meaning form or shape. He is said to be able to mimic different forms and GraphQL is good at doing exactly that: Transforming data in the shape of many different APIs. ## Team Morpheus is written and maintained by [_nalchevanidze_](https://github.com/nalchevanidze) ## Roadmap - Medium future: - Stabilize API - Specification-isomorphic error handling - Long term: - Support all possible GQL features - Performance optimization