# Morpheus GraphQL Client ## Morpheus `GraphQL Client` with Template haskell QuasiQuotes ```hs defineByDocumentFile "./schema.gql" [gql| query GetHero ($character: Character) { deity (fatherOf:$character) { name power worships { deity2Name: name } } } |] ``` with schema: ```gql input Character { name: String! } type Deity { name: String! worships: Deity power: Power! } enum Power { Lightning Teleportation Omniscience } ``` will validate query and Generate: - namespaced response and variable types - instance for `Fetch` typeClass ```hs data GetHero = GetHero { deity: DeityDeity } -- from: {user data DeityDeity = DeityDeity { name: Text, worships: Maybe DeityWorshipsDeity power: Power } -- from: {deity{worships data DeityWorshipsDeity = DeityWorshipsDeity { name: Text, } data Power = PowerLightning | PowerTeleportation | PowerOmniscience data GetHeroArgs = GetHeroArgs { getHeroArgsCharacter: Character } data Character = Character { characterName: Person } ``` as you see, response type field name collision can be handled with GraphQL `alias`. with `fetch` you can fetch well typed response `GetHero`. ```haskell fetchHero :: Args GetHero -> m (Either String GetHero) fetchHero = fetch jsonRes args where args = GetHeroArgs {getHeroArgsCharacter = Person {characterName = "Zeus"}} jsonRes :: ByteString -> m ByteString jsonRes = ``` in this case, `jsonRes` resolves a request into a response in some monad `m`. A `fetch` resolver implementation against [a real API](https://swapi.graph.cool) may look like the following: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8 import Network.HTTP.Req resolver :: String -> ByteString -> IO ByteString resolver tok b = runReq defaultHttpConfig $ do let headers = header "Content-Type" "application/json" responseBody <$> req POST (https "swapi.graph.cool") (ReqBodyLbs b) lbsResponse headers ``` this is demonstrated in examples/src/Client/StarWarsClient.hs types can be generated from `introspection` too: ```haskell defineByIntrospectionFile "./introspection.json" ```