{-| Module : MptcpAnalyzer.Commands.List Description : List (MP)TCP connections in a pcap Maintainer : matt -} {-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} module MptcpAnalyzer.Commands.List ( piListTcpOpts , piTcpSummaryOpts , piMptcpSummaryOpts , cmdListTcpConnections , cmdTcpSummary , cmdTcpSummarySharkd , cmdMptcpSummary ) where import MptcpAnalyzer.ArtificialFields import MptcpAnalyzer.Cache import MptcpAnalyzer.Commands.Definitions as CMD import MptcpAnalyzer.Pcap import MptcpAnalyzer.Stats import MptcpAnalyzer.Stream import MptcpAnalyzer.Types import MptcpAnalyzer.Utils.Text import Net.Mptcp import Net.Mptcp.Stats import Net.Tcp import Net.Tcp.Stats import Net.Tcp.Constants (TcpFlag(..)) import Tshark.Sharkd import Control.Lens hiding (argument) import Data.Either (fromRight) import Data.List (intercalate) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Frames import qualified Frames as F import Frames.CSV import qualified Frames.InCore as F import Options.Applicative import Polysemy (Embed, Member, Members, Sem) import qualified Polysemy as P import qualified Polysemy.Embed as P import Polysemy.Log (Log) import qualified Polysemy.Log as Log import qualified Polysemy.State as P import Polysemy.Trace as P import Prelude hiding (log) piListTcpOpts :: ParserInfo CommandArgs piListTcpOpts = info ( ArgsListTcpConnections <$> parserList <**> helper) ( progDesc "List subflows of an MPTCP connection" ) where parserList = switch (long "detailed" <> help "detail connections") piTcpSummaryOpts :: ParserInfo CommandArgs piTcpSummaryOpts = info ( piTcpSummary <**> helper) ( progDesc "Detail a specific TCP connection" <> footer "Example: summary 0" ) where piTcpSummary :: Parser CommandArgs piTcpSummary = ArgsTcpSummary <$> switch ( long "full" <> help "Print details for each subflow" ) <*> argument readStreamId ( metavar "STREAM_ID" <> help "Stream Id (tcp.stream)" -- TODO pass a default ) piMptcpSummaryOpts :: ParserInfo CommandArgs piMptcpSummaryOpts = info ( piMptcpSummary <**> helper) ( progDesc "Detail a specific TCP connection" <> footer "mptcp-summary 0" ) where piMptcpSummary :: Parser CommandArgs piMptcpSummary = ArgsMptcpSummary <$> switch ( long "full" <> help "Print details for each subflow" ) <*> argument readStreamId ( metavar "STREAM_ID" <> help "Stream Id (mptcp.stream)" -- TODO pass a default ) {-| Show a list of all connections @ 8 tcp connection(s) tcp.stream 0: -> tcp.stream 1: -> tcp.stream 2: -> tcp.stream 3: -> tcp.stream 4: -> tcp.stream 5: -> tcp.stream 6: -> tcp.stream 7: -> @ -} cmdListTcpConnections :: (Members '[Log, P.Trace, P.State MyState, Cache, Embed IO] r) => Bool -- ^ detailed -> Sem r RetCode cmdListTcpConnections listDetailed = do -- TODO this part should be extracted so that state <- P.get let loadedPcap = view loadedFile state case loadedPcap of Nothing -> do trace "please load a pcap first" return CMD.Continue Just frame -> do let tcpStreams = getTcpStreams frame let streamIdList = if listDetailed then [] else tcpStreams -- log $ "Number of rows " ++ show (frameLength frame) P.trace $ "Number of TCP connections " ++ show (length tcpStreams) -- TODO use a trace there mapM_ (P.trace . describeConnection) streamIdList return CMD.Continue where describeConnection streamId = case buildTcpConnectionFromStreamId frame streamId of Left msg -> msg Right aframe -> showConnection (ffCon aframe) {-| Display statistics for the connection: throughput/goodput detailed -} cmdTcpSummary :: ( Members '[Log, P.Trace, P.State MyState, Cache, Embed IO] r) => StreamId Tcp -> Bool -> Sem r RetCode cmdTcpSummary streamId detailed = do state <- P.get let loadedPcap = view loadedFile state case loadedPcap of Nothing -> return $ CMD.Error "please load a pcap first" Just frame -> case buildTcpConnectionFromStreamId frame streamId of Left msg -> return $ CMD.Error msg Right aframe -> do -- let _tcpstreams = getTcpStreams frame P.trace $ showConnection (ffCon aframe) Log.info $ "Number of rows " <> tshow (frameLength $ ffFrame aframe) if detailed then do res <- showStats aframe RoleServer P.trace res res2 <- showStats aframe RoleClient P.trace res2 else pure () return CMD.Continue {-| Display statistics for the connection: throughput/goodput detailed -} cmdTcpSummarySharkd :: ( Members '[Log, P.Trace, P.State MyState, Cache, Embed IO] r) => FilePath -> StreamId Tcp -> Bool -> Sem r RetCode cmdTcpSummarySharkd pcapPath streamId detailed = do P.embed $ loadFile pcapPath defaultSocketPath >> return CMD.Continue -- TODO then ask for the stats about that TCP flow -- -- state <- P.get -- let loadedPcap = view loadedFile state -- case loadedPcap of -- Nothing -> return $ CMD.Error "please load a pcap first" -- Just frame -> case buildTcpConnectionFromStreamId frame streamId of -- Left msg -> return $ CMD.Error msg -- Right aframe -> do -- -- let _tcpstreams = getTcpStreams frame -- P.trace $ showConnection (ffCon aframe) -- Log.info $ "Number of rows " <> tshow (frameLength $ ffFrame aframe) -- if detailed -- then do -- res <- showStats aframe RoleServer -- P.trace res -- res2 <- showStats aframe RoleClient -- P.trace res2 -- else -- pure () -- return CMD.Continue -- | Show stats in both directions showStats :: ( Members '[Log, P.Trace, P.State MyState, Cache, Embed IO] r) => FrameFiltered TcpConnection Packet -> ConnectionRole -> Sem r String showStats aframe dest = let aframeWithDest = addTcpDestinationsToAFrame aframe tcpStats = getTcpStatsFromAFrame aframeWithDest dest destFrame = F.filterFrame (\x -> x ^. tcpDest == dest) (ffFrame aframeWithDest) in do P.embed $ writeDSV defaultParserOptions ("debug-" ++ show dest ++ ".csv") destFrame return $ showTcpStats tcpStats ++ " (" ++ show (frameLength destFrame) ++ " packets)" -- | summarize a few key characteristics like goodput/throughput showTcpStats :: TcpUnidirectionalStats -> String showTcpStats s = "- transferred " ++ show (tusSndNext s - tusMinSeq s + 1 + tusReinjectedBytes s) ++ " bytes " ++ " over " ++ show (tusEndTime s - tusStartTime s) ++ "s: " ++ " Throughput " ++ show (getTcpThroughput s) ++ "b/s" {- Returns something mptcp stream 0 transferred 469.0 Bytes over 45.831181 sec(456.0 Bytes per second) towards Server. tcpstream 0 transferred 460.0 Bytes out of 469.0 Bytes, accounting for 98.08% tcpstream 2 transferred 9.0 Bytes out of 469.0 Bytes, accounting for 1.92% tcpstream 4 transferred 0.0 Bytes out of 469.0 Bytes, accounting for 0.00% tcpstream 6 transferred 0.0 Bytes out of 469.0 Bytes, accounting for 0.00% -} showMptcpStats :: MptcpUnidirectionalStats -> String showMptcpStats s = unlines [ " Mptcp stats towards " ++ show (musDirection s) ++ " :" , "- Duration " ++ show (getMptcpStatsDuration s) , "- Goodput " ++ show (getMptcpGoodput s) , "\n" , "Applicative Bytes : " ++ show (musApplicativeBytes s) , "Subflow stats:" , intercalate "\n" (map showSubflowStats (Map.toList $ musSubflowStats s)) ] where -- ++ show (tusStreamId) showSubflowStats (sf, sfStats) = let tcpStats = tssStats sfStats seqRange = getTcpSeqRange tcpStats totalApplicationBytes = musApplicativeBytes s in "stream " ++ show (conTcpStreamId (sfConn sf)) ++ ": transferred " ++ show seqRange ++ " out of " ++ show totalApplicationBytes ++ " between " ++ show (tusStartTime tcpStats) ++ " end time: " ++ show (tusEndTime $ tssStats sfStats) ++ " , accouting for " ++ show (seqRange / fromIntegral totalApplicationBytes) ++ " %" {- Returns: mptcp stream 0 transferred 308.0 Bytes over 45.658558 sec(308.0 Bytes per second) towards Client. tcpstream 0 transferred 308.0 Bytes out of 308.0 Bytes, accounting for 100.00% tcpstream 2 transferred 0.0 Bytes out of 308.0 Bytes, accounting for 0.00% tcpstream 6 transferred 0.0 Bytes out of 308.0 Bytes, accounting for 0.00% mptcp stream 0 transferred 469.0 Bytes over 45.831181 sec(456.0 Bytes per second) towards Server. tcpstream 0 transferred 460.0 Bytes out of 469.0 Bytes, accounting for 98.08% tcpstream 2 transferred 9.0 Bytes out of 469.0 Bytes, accounting for 1.92% tcpstream 4 transferred 0.0 Bytes out of 469.0 Bytes, accounting for 0.00% tcpstream 6 transferred 0.0 Bytes out of 469.0 Bytes, accounting for 0.00% -} cmdMptcpSummary :: (Members '[Log, P.Trace, P.State MyState, Cache, Embed IO] r) => StreamId Mptcp -> Bool -> Sem r RetCode cmdMptcpSummary streamId detailed = do state <- P.get case view loadedFile state of Nothing -> trace ("please load a pcap first" :: String) >> return CMD.Continue Just frame -> case buildMptcpConnectionFromStreamId frame streamId of Left msg -> return $ CMD.Error msg Right aframe -> do let mptcpStatsClient = getMptcpStats aframe RoleClient let mptcpStatsServer = getMptcpStats aframe RoleServer P.trace $ showConnection (ffCon aframe) Log.debug $ "Number of rows " <> tshow (frameLength frame) if detailed then -- RoleServer P.trace $ showMptcpStats mptcpStatsClient -- trace $ showMptcpStats mptcpStatsServer else pure () return CMD.Continue