{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module MptcpAnalyzer.PcapSpec ( spec ) where import MptcpAnalyzer.Pcap import MptcpAnalyzer.Stream import Net.IP import Net.IPv4 (localhost) import Net.Tcp.Connection import Test.Hspec import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import MptcpAnalyzer.ArtificialFields import Utils import qualified Data.Foldable as F import MptcpAnalyzer.Types import Distribution.Compat.Lens (view) -- import Control.Lens exampleTcpConnectionLocalhost :: TcpConnection exampleTcpConnectionLocalhost = TcpConnection (fromIPv4 localhost) (fromIPv4 localhost) 24 42 (StreamId 0) exampleTcpConnection0 :: TcpConnection exampleTcpConnection0 = TcpConnection (fromJust $ decode "") (fromJust $ decode "") 24 42 (StreamId 1) -- addTcpDestinationsToAFrame -- genTcpDestFrame spec :: Spec spec = describe "absolute" $ do it "Check TcpConnection score" $ scoreTcpCon exampleTcpConnectionLocalhost exampleTcpConnection0 < scoreTcpCon exampleTcpConnectionLocalhost exampleTcpConnectionLocalhost before (loadAFrame "examples/client_2_cleaned.pcapng" (StreamId 0)) $ it "Check that destinations are set correctly" $ \aframe -> length (genTcpDestFrameFromAFrame aframe) == (length $ ffFrame aframe) before (loadAFrame "examples/client_2_cleaned.pcapng" (StreamId 0)) $ it "Check that destinations are set correctly" $ \aframe -> let tcpdestFrame = genTcpDestFrameFromAFrame aframe tcpDests = F.toList $ view tcpDest <$> tcpdestFrame -- clientFrame = filterFrame (\x -> x ^. tcpDest == RoleClient) tcpdestFrame in length (filter ((==) RoleServer) tcpDests) `shouldBe` 16 -- length (ffFrame aframe) `shouldBe` (length $ clientFrame) -- it "Generate the correct tshark filter" $ -- genReadFilterFromTcpConnection exampleTcpConnection0 (Just RoleClient) -- `shouldBe` "tcp and ip.addr== and ip.addr== and tcp.srcport==42 and tcp.dstport==24" -- -- exportToCsv "mptcpanalyzer/examples/client_2_filtered.pcapng" -- it "Tshark generates a proper CSV file" $ do -- -- cant find the profile so there is some herr being written -- withFile "/tmp/mptcp.csv" ReadWriteMode (exportToCsv defaultTsharkPrefs "examples/client_2_filtered.pcapng") >>= \x -> fst x `shouldBe` ( ExitSuccess) -- -- `shouldThrow` -- it "Test frame loading" $ -- pendingWith "test"