{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections              #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Network.MQTT.Message
-- Copyright   :  (c) Lars Petersen 2016
-- License     :  MIT
-- Maintainer  :  info@lars-petersen.net
-- Stability   :  experimental
module Network.MQTT.Message (
  -- * Message
   Message (..)
  , module Network.MQTT.Message.Topic
  -- ** QoS
  , QoS (..)
  -- ** Retain
  , Retain (..)
  -- ** Payload
  , Payload (..)

  -- * Packet
  -- ** ClientPacket
  , ClientPacket (..)
  , clientPacketBuilder
  , clientPacketParser
  -- ** ServerPacket
  , ServerPacket (..)
  , serverPacketBuilder
  , serverPacketParser

  -- ** PacketIdentifier
  , PacketIdentifier (..)
  -- ** ClientIdentifier
  , ClientIdentifier (..)
  -- ** Username
  , Username (..)
  -- ** Password
  , Password (..)
  -- ** CleanSession
  , CleanSession (..)
  -- ** SessionPresent
  , SessionPresent (..)
  -- ** RejectReason
  , RejectReason (..)
  -- ** Duplicate
  , Duplicate (..)
  -- ** KeepAliveInterval
  , KeepAliveInterval (..)

  -- * Other (internal) exports
  , lengthParser
  , lengthBuilder
  , utf8Parser
  , utf8Builder
  ) where

import           Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString            as A
import qualified Data.Binary                           as B
import qualified Data.Binary.Get                       as SG
import           Data.Bits
import           Data.Bool
import qualified Data.ByteString                       as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder               as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy                  as BSL
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.String
import qualified Data.Text                             as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding                    as T
import           Data.Word
import           GHC.Generics

import           Network.MQTT.Message.QoS
import           Network.MQTT.Message.Topic
import qualified Network.MQTT.Message.Topic            as TF

newtype SessionPresent    = SessionPresent Bool      deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype CleanSession      = CleanSession Bool        deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype Retain            = Retain Bool              deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype Payload              = Payload BSL.ByteString      deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, IsString)
newtype Duplicate         = Duplicate Bool           deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype KeepAliveInterval = KeepAliveInterval Word16 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Num)
newtype Username          = Username T.Text          deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, IsString, Generic)
newtype Password          = Password BS.ByteString   deriving (Eq)
newtype ClientIdentifier  = ClientIdentifier T.Text  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, IsString, Generic)
newtype PacketIdentifier  = PacketIdentifier Int     deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instance Show Password where
  show = const "*********"

instance B.Binary ClientIdentifier
instance B.Binary Username

data RejectReason
   = UnacceptableProtocolVersion
   | IdentifierRejected
   | ServerUnavailable
   | BadUsernameOrPassword
   | NotAuthorized
   deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded)

data Message
   = Message
   { msgTopic   :: !TF.Topic
   , msgQoS     :: !QoS
   , msgRetain  :: !Retain
   , msgPayload :: !Payload
   } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

data ClientPacket
   = ClientConnect
     { connectClientIdentifier :: !ClientIdentifier
     , connectCleanSession     :: !CleanSession
     , connectKeepAlive        :: !KeepAliveInterval
     , connectWill             :: !(Maybe Message)
     , connectCredentials      :: !(Maybe (Username, Maybe Password))
   | ClientConnectUnsupported
   | ClientPublish               {-# UNPACK #-} !PacketIdentifier !Duplicate !Message
   | ClientPublishAcknowledged   {-# UNPACK #-} !PacketIdentifier
   | ClientPublishReceived       {-# UNPACK #-} !PacketIdentifier
   | ClientPublishRelease        {-# UNPACK #-} !PacketIdentifier
   | ClientPublishComplete       {-# UNPACK #-} !PacketIdentifier
   | ClientSubscribe             {-# UNPACK #-} !PacketIdentifier ![(TF.Filter, QoS)]
   | ClientUnsubscribe           {-# UNPACK #-} !PacketIdentifier ![TF.Filter]
   | ClientPingRequest
   | ClientDisconnect
   deriving (Eq, Show)

data ServerPacket
   = ServerConnectionAccepted                            !SessionPresent
   | ServerConnectionRejected                            !RejectReason
   | ServerPublish                        {-# UNPACK #-} !PacketIdentifier !Duplicate !Message
   | ServerPublishAcknowledged            {-# UNPACK #-} !PacketIdentifier
   | ServerPublishReceived                {-# UNPACK #-} !PacketIdentifier
   | ServerPublishRelease                 {-# UNPACK #-} !PacketIdentifier
   | ServerPublishComplete                {-# UNPACK #-} !PacketIdentifier
   | ServerSubscribeAcknowledged          {-# UNPACK #-} !PacketIdentifier ![Maybe QoS]
   | ServerUnsubscribeAcknowledged        {-# UNPACK #-} !PacketIdentifier
   | ServerPingResponse
   deriving (Eq, Show)

clientPacketParser :: SG.Get ClientPacket
clientPacketParser =
  SG.lookAhead SG.getWord8 >>= \h-> case h .&. 0xf0 of
    0x10 -> connectParser
    0x30 -> publishParser      ClientPublish
    0x40 -> acknowledgedParser ClientPublishAcknowledged
    0x50 -> acknowledgedParser ClientPublishReceived
    0x60 -> acknowledgedParser ClientPublishRelease
    0x70 -> acknowledgedParser ClientPublishComplete
    0x80 -> subscribeParser
    0xa0 -> unsubscribeParser
    0xc0 -> pingRequestParser
    0xe0 -> disconnectParser
    _    -> fail "clientPacketParser: Invalid message type."

serverPacketParser :: SG.Get ServerPacket
serverPacketParser =
  SG.lookAhead SG.getWord8 >>= \h-> case h .&. 0xf0 of
    0x20 -> connectAcknowledgedParser
    0x30 -> publishParser      ServerPublish
    0x40 -> acknowledgedParser ServerPublishAcknowledged
    0x50 -> acknowledgedParser ServerPublishReceived
    0x60 -> acknowledgedParser ServerPublishRelease
    0x70 -> acknowledgedParser ServerPublishComplete
    0xb0 -> acknowledgedParser ServerUnsubscribeAcknowledged
    0x90 -> subscribeAcknowledgedParser
    0xd0 -> pingResponseParser
    _    -> fail "serverPacketParser: Packet type not implemented."

connectParser :: SG.Get ClientPacket
connectParser = do
  h <- SG.getWord8
  when (h .&. 0x0f /= 0) $
    fail "connectParser: The header flags are reserved and MUST be set to 0."
  void lengthParser -- the remaining length is redundant in this packet type
  y <- SG.getWord64be -- get the next 8 bytes all at once and not byte per byte
  case y .&. 0xffffffffffffff00 of
    0x00044d5154540400 -> do
      let cleanSession = CleanSession ( y .&. 0x02 /= 0 )
      let retain       = Retain ( y .&. 0x20 /= 0 )
      keepAlive <- KeepAliveInterval <$> SG.getWord16be
      cid       <- ClientIdentifier <$> utf8Parser
      will      <- if y .&. 0x04 == 0
        then pure Nothing
        else Just <$> do
          topic      <- fst <$> topicAndLengthParser
          bodyLen    <- fromIntegral <$> SG.getWord16be
          payload    <- Payload <$> SG.getLazyByteString bodyLen
          qos        <- case y .&. 0x18 of
            0x00 -> pure QoS0
            0x08 -> pure QoS1
            0x10 -> pure QoS2
            _    -> fail "connectParser: Violation of [MQTT-3.1.2-14]."
          pure $ Message topic qos retain payload
      cred  <- if y .&. 0x80 == 0
        then pure Nothing
        else Just <$> ( (,)
          <$> (Username <$> utf8Parser)
          <*> if y .&. 0x40 == 0
                then pure Nothing
                else Just . Password <$> (SG.getByteString . fromIntegral =<< SG.getWord16be) )
      pure ( ClientConnect cid cleanSession keepAlive will cred )
    -- This is the prefix of the version 3 protocol.
    -- We just assume that this is version 3 and return immediately.
    -- The caller shall send return code 0x01 (unacceptable protocol).
    0x00064d5149736400 -> pure ClientConnectUnsupported
    -- This case is different from the previous as it is either not
    -- MQTT or a newer protocol version we don't know (yet).
    -- The caller shall close the connection immediately without
    -- sending any data in this case.
    _ -> fail "connectParser: Unexpected protocol initialization."

connectAcknowledgedParser :: SG.Get ServerPacket
connectAcknowledgedParser = do
  x <- SG.getWord32be
  case x .&. 0xff of
    0 -> pure $ ServerConnectionAccepted $ SessionPresent (x .&. 0x0100 /= 0)
    1 -> pure $ ServerConnectionRejected UnacceptableProtocolVersion
    2 -> pure $ ServerConnectionRejected IdentifierRejected
    3 -> pure $ ServerConnectionRejected ServerUnavailable
    4 -> pure $ ServerConnectionRejected BadUsernameOrPassword
    5 -> pure $ ServerConnectionRejected NotAuthorized
    _ -> fail "connectAcknowledgedParser: Invalid (reserved) return code."

publishParser :: (PacketIdentifier -> Duplicate -> Message -> a) -> SG.Get a
publishParser publish = do
  hflags <- SG.getWord8
  let dup = Duplicate $ hflags .&. 0x08 /= 0 -- duplicate flag
  let ret = Retain    $ hflags .&. 0x01 /= 0 -- retain flag
  len <- lengthParser
  (topic, topicLen)  <- topicAndLengthParser
  let qosBits = hflags .&. 0x06
  if  qosBits == 0x00
    then do
      body <- SG.getLazyByteString $ fromIntegral ( len - topicLen )
      pure $ publish (PacketIdentifier (-1)) dup Message {
            msgTopic     = topic
          , msgPayload      = Payload body
          , msgQoS       = QoS0
          , msgRetain    = ret
    else do
      let qos = if qosBits == 0x02 then QoS1 else QoS2
      pid  <- PacketIdentifier . fromIntegral <$> SG.getWord16be
      body <- SG.getLazyByteString $ fromIntegral ( len - topicLen - 2 )
      pure $ publish pid dup Message {
          msgTopic     = topic
        , msgPayload      = Payload body
        , msgQoS       = qos
        , msgRetain    = ret

acknowledgedParser :: (PacketIdentifier -> a) -> SG.Get a
acknowledgedParser f = do
  w32 <- SG.getWord32be
  pure $ f $ PacketIdentifier $ fromIntegral $ w32 .&. 0xffff
{-# INLINE acknowledgedParser #-}

subscribeParser :: SG.Get ClientPacket
subscribeParser = do
  void SG.getWord8
  rlen <- lengthParser
  pid  <- PacketIdentifier . fromIntegral <$> SG.getWord16be
  ClientSubscribe pid <$> parseFilters (rlen - 2) []
    parseFilters r accum
      | r <= 0    = pure (reverse accum)
      | otherwise = do
          (filtr,len) <- filterAndLengthParser
          qos <- getQoS
          parseFilters ( r - 1 - len ) ( ( filtr, qos ) : accum )
    getQoS = SG.getWord8 >>= \w-> case w of
        0x00 -> pure QoS0
        0x01 -> pure QoS1
        0x02 -> pure QoS2
        _    -> fail "clientSubscribeParser: Violation of [MQTT-3.8.3-4]."

unsubscribeParser :: SG.Get ClientPacket
unsubscribeParser = do
  void SG.getWord8
  rlen <- lengthParser
  pid  <- PacketIdentifier . fromIntegral <$> SG.getWord16be
  ClientUnsubscribe pid <$> parseFilters (rlen - 2) []
    parseFilters r accum
      | r <= 0    = pure (reverse accum)
      | otherwise = do
          (filtr,len) <- filterAndLengthParser
          parseFilters ( r - len ) ( filtr : accum )

subscribeAcknowledgedParser :: SG.Get ServerPacket
subscribeAcknowledgedParser = do
  void SG.getWord8
  rlen <- lengthParser
  pid  <- PacketIdentifier . fromIntegral <$> SG.getWord16be
  ServerSubscribeAcknowledged pid <$> (map f . BS.unpack <$> SG.getByteString (rlen - 2))
    f 0x00 = Just QoS0
    f 0x01 = Just QoS1
    f 0x02 = Just QoS2
    f    _ = Nothing

pingRequestParser :: SG.Get ClientPacket
pingRequestParser = do
  void SG.getWord16be
  pure ClientPingRequest
{-# INLINE pingRequestParser #-}

pingResponseParser :: SG.Get ServerPacket
pingResponseParser = do
  void SG.getWord16be
  pure ServerPingResponse
{-# INLINE pingResponseParser #-}

disconnectParser :: SG.Get ClientPacket
disconnectParser = do
  void SG.getWord16be
  pure ClientDisconnect
{-# INLINE disconnectParser #-}

clientPacketBuilder :: ClientPacket -> BS.Builder
clientPacketBuilder (ClientConnect
    (ClientIdentifier cid)
    (CleanSession cleanSession)
    (KeepAliveInterval keepAlive) will credentials) =
  BS.word8 0x10
  <> lengthBuilder ( 10 + cidLen + willLen + credLen )
  <> BS.word64BE ( 0x00044d5154540400 .|. willFlag .|. credFlag .|. sessFlag )
  <> BS.word16BE keepAlive
  <> cidBuilder
  <> willBuilder
  <> credBuilder
    sessFlag = if cleanSession then 0x02 else 0x00
    (cidBuilder, cidLen) = utf8Builder cid
    (willBuilder, willLen, willFlag) = case will of
      Nothing ->
        (mempty, 0, 0x00)
      Just (Message t q (Retain r) (Payload b))->
       let tlen  = TF.topicLength t
           blen  = fromIntegral (BSL.length b)
           qflag = case q of
             QoS0 -> 0x04
             QoS1 -> 0x0c
             QoS2 -> 0x14
           rflag = if r then 0x20 else 0x00
           x1 = BS.word16BE (fromIntegral tlen)
           x2 = TF.topicBuilder t
           x3 = BS.word16BE (fromIntegral blen)
           x4 = BS.lazyByteString b
       in  (x1 <> x2 <> x3 <> x4, 4 + tlen + blen, qflag .|. rflag)
    (credBuilder, credLen, credFlag) = case credentials of
      Nothing           ->
        (mempty, 0, 0x00)
      Just (Username ut, Nothing) ->
        let u    = T.encodeUtf8 ut
            ulen = BS.length u
            x1   = BS.word16BE (fromIntegral ulen)
            x2   = BS.byteString u
        in (x1 <> x2, 2 + ulen, 0x80)
      Just (Username ut, Just (Password p))  ->
        let u    = T.encodeUtf8 ut
            ulen = BS.length u
            plen = BS.length p
            x1   = BS.word16BE (fromIntegral ulen)
            x2   = BS.byteString u
            x3   = BS.word16BE (fromIntegral plen)
            x4   = BS.byteString p
        in (x1 <> x2 <> x3 <> x4, 4 + ulen + plen, 0xc0)
clientPacketBuilder ClientConnectUnsupported =
  BS.word8 10 <> lengthBuilder 38 <> BS.word64BE 0x00064d514973647063
clientPacketBuilder (ClientPublish pid dup msg) =
  publishBuilder pid dup msg
clientPacketBuilder (ClientPublishAcknowledged (PacketIdentifier pid)) =
  BS.word32BE $ fromIntegral $ 0x40020000 .|. pid
clientPacketBuilder (ClientPublishReceived (PacketIdentifier pid)) =
  BS.word32BE $ fromIntegral $ 0x50020000 .|. pid
clientPacketBuilder (ClientPublishRelease (PacketIdentifier pid)) =
  BS.word32BE $ fromIntegral $ 0x62020000 .|. pid
clientPacketBuilder (ClientPublishComplete (PacketIdentifier pid)) =
  BS.word32BE $ fromIntegral $ 0x70020000 .|. pid
clientPacketBuilder (ClientSubscribe (PacketIdentifier pid) filters) =
  BS.word8 0x82 <> lengthBuilder len <> BS.word16BE (fromIntegral pid)
                                     <> mconcat (fmap filterBuilder' filters)
    filterBuilder' (f, q) = BS.word16BE (fromIntegral fl) <> fb <> qb
        fb = TF.filterBuilder f
        fl = TF.filterLength  f
        qb = BS.word8 $ case q of
          QoS0 -> 0x00
          QoS1 -> 0x01
          QoS2 -> 0x02
    len  = 2  + sum ( map ( (+3) . TF.filterLength . fst ) filters )
clientPacketBuilder (ClientUnsubscribe (PacketIdentifier pid) filters) =
  BS.word8 0xa2 <> lengthBuilder len <> BS.word16BE (fromIntegral pid)
                                     <> mconcat ( map filterBuilder' filters )
    filterBuilder' f = BS.word16BE (fromIntegral fl) <> fb
        fb = TF.filterBuilder f
        fl = TF.filterLength  f
    len  = 2  + sum ( map ( (+2) . TF.filterLength ) filters )
clientPacketBuilder ClientPingRequest =
  BS.word16BE 0xc000
clientPacketBuilder ClientDisconnect =
  BS.word16BE 0xe000

serverPacketBuilder :: ServerPacket -> BS.Builder
serverPacketBuilder (ServerConnectionAccepted (SessionPresent sessionPresent))
  | sessionPresent   = BS.word32BE 0x20020100
  | otherwise        = BS.word32BE 0x20020000
serverPacketBuilder (ServerConnectionRejected reason) =
  BS.word32BE $ case reason of
    UnacceptableProtocolVersion -> 0x20020001
    IdentifierRejected          -> 0x20020002
    ServerUnavailable           -> 0x20020003
    BadUsernameOrPassword       -> 0x20020004
    NotAuthorized               -> 0x20020005
serverPacketBuilder (ServerPublish pid dup msg) =
  publishBuilder pid dup msg
serverPacketBuilder (ServerPublishAcknowledged (PacketIdentifier pid)) =
  BS.word32BE $ fromIntegral $ 0x40020000 .|. pid
serverPacketBuilder (ServerPublishReceived (PacketIdentifier pid)) =
  BS.word32BE $ fromIntegral $ 0x50020000 .|. pid
serverPacketBuilder (ServerPublishRelease (PacketIdentifier pid)) =
  BS.word32BE $ fromIntegral $ 0x62020000 .|. pid
serverPacketBuilder (ServerPublishComplete (PacketIdentifier pid)) =
  BS.word32BE $ fromIntegral $ 0x70020000 .|. pid
serverPacketBuilder (ServerSubscribeAcknowledged (PacketIdentifier pid) rcs) =
  BS.word8 0x90 <> lengthBuilder (2 + length rcs)
    <> BS.word16BE (fromIntegral pid) <> mconcat ( map ( BS.word8 . f ) rcs )
    f Nothing     = 0x80
    f (Just QoS0) = 0x00
    f (Just QoS1) = 0x01
    f (Just QoS2) = 0x02
serverPacketBuilder (ServerUnsubscribeAcknowledged (PacketIdentifier pid)) =
  BS.word16BE 0xb002 <> BS.word16BE (fromIntegral pid)
serverPacketBuilder ServerPingResponse =
  BS.word16BE 0xd000

publishBuilder :: PacketIdentifier -> Duplicate -> Message -> BS.Builder
publishBuilder (PacketIdentifier pid) (Duplicate dup) msg =
  BS.word8 h
  <> lengthBuilder len
  <> BS.word16BE (fromIntegral topicLen)
  <> topicBuilder'
  <> bool (BS.word16BE $ fromIntegral pid) mempty (msgQoS msg == QoS0)
  <> BS.lazyByteString body
    Payload body      = msgPayload msg
    topicLen       = TF.topicLength  (msgTopic msg)
    topicBuilder'  = TF.topicBuilder (msgTopic msg)
    len            = 2 + topicLen + fromIntegral (BSL.length body)
                   + bool 2 0 (msgQoS msg == QoS0)
    h              = 0x30
                  .|. bool 0x00 0x01 retain
                  .|. bool 0x00 0x08 dup
                  .|. case msgQoS msg of
                        QoS0 -> 0x00
                        QoS1 -> 0x02
                        QoS2 -> 0x04
        Retain retain = msgRetain msg

topicAndLengthParser :: SG.Get (TF.Topic, Int)
topicAndLengthParser = do
  topicLen   <- fromIntegral <$> SG.getWord16be
  topicBytes <- SG.getByteString topicLen
  case A.parseOnly TF.topicParser topicBytes of
    Right t -> pure (t, topicLen + 2)
    Left  _ -> fail "topicAndLengthParser: Invalid topic."
{-# INLINE topicAndLengthParser #-}

filterAndLengthParser :: SG.Get (TF.Filter, Int)
filterAndLengthParser = do
  filterLen   <- fromIntegral <$> SG.getWord16be
  filterBytes <- SG.getByteString filterLen
  case A.parseOnly TF.filterParser filterBytes of
    Right f -> pure (f, filterLen + 2)
    Left  _ -> fail "filterAndLengthParser: Invalid filter."
{-# INLINE filterAndLengthParser #-}

utf8Parser :: SG.Get T.Text
utf8Parser = do
  str <- SG.getWord16be >>= SG.getByteString . fromIntegral
  when (BS.elem 0x00 str) (fail "utf8Parser: Violation of [MQTT-1.5.3-2].")
  case T.decodeUtf8' str of
    Right txt -> return txt
    _         -> fail "utf8Parser: Violation of [MQTT-1.5.3]."
{-# INLINE utf8Parser #-}

utf8Builder :: T.Text -> (BS.Builder, Int)
utf8Builder txt =
  if len > 0xffff
    then error "utf8Builder: Encoded size must be <= 0xffff."
    else (BS.word16BE (fromIntegral len) <> BS.byteString bs, len + 2)
    bs  = T.encodeUtf8 txt
    len = BS.length bs
{-# INLINE utf8Builder #-}

lengthParser:: SG.Get Int
lengthParser = do
  b0 <- fromIntegral <$> SG.getWord8
  if b0 < 128
    then pure b0
     else do
       b1 <- fromIntegral <$> SG.getWord8
       if b1 < 128
        then pure $ b1 * 128 + (b0 .&. 127)
        else do
          b2 <- fromIntegral <$> SG.getWord8
          if b2 < 128
            then pure $ b2 * 128 * 128 + (b1 .&. 127) * 128 + (b0 .&. 127)
            else do
              b3 <- fromIntegral <$> SG.getWord8
              if b3 < 128
                then pure $ b3 * 128 * 128 * 128 + (b2 .&. 127) * 128 * 128 + (b1 .&. 127) * 128 + (b0 .&. 127)
                else fail "lengthParser: invalid input"
{-# INLINE lengthParser #-}

lengthBuilder :: Int -> BS.Builder
lengthBuilder i
  | i < 0x80                = BS.word8    ( fromIntegral i )
  | i < 0x80*0x80           = BS.word16LE $ fromIntegral $ 0x0080 -- continuation bit
                                         .|.              ( i .&. 0x7f      )
                                         .|. unsafeShiftL ( i .&. 0x3f80    )  1
  | i < 0x80*0x80*0x80      = BS.word16LE ( fromIntegral $ 0x8080
                                         .|.              ( i .&. 0x7f      )
                                         .|. unsafeShiftL ( i .&. 0x3f80    )  1
                           <> BS.word8    ( fromIntegral
                                          $ unsafeShiftR ( i .&. 0x1fc000   ) 14
  | i < 0x80*0x80*0x80*0x80 = BS.word32LE $ fromIntegral $ 0x00808080
                                         .|.              ( i .&. 0x7f      )
                                         .|. unsafeShiftL ( i .&. 0x3f80    )  1
                                         .|. unsafeShiftL ( i .&. 0x1fc000  )  2
                                         .|. unsafeShiftL ( i .&. 0x0ff00000)  3
  | otherwise               = error "lengthBuilder: invalid input"
{-# INLINE lengthBuilder #-}