{- Mrifk, a decompiler for Glulx story files. Copyright 2004 Ben Rudiak-Gould. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You can read the GNU General Public License at this URL: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html -} module Mrifk_memmap ( informCode, informObjectTable, informGrammarTable, numAttribBytes, commonPropNames, indivPropNames, attribNames, actionNames, arrayNames ) where import Mrifk_storyfile import Mrifk_strings import Data.Array import Data.Bits import Data.Maybe import Numeric {- Here I use various heuristics to try to figure out the addresses of Inform data structures. This is the Glulx memory layout generated by Inform: +---------------------+ 000000 Read- | header | only +=====================+ 000024 memory | memory layout id | +---------------------+ hdrStartFunc | code | +---------------------+ hdrDecodingTbl | string decode table | + - - - - - - - - - - + | strings | +=====================+ hdrRAMStart Dynamic | global variables | memory + - - - - - - - - - - + | arrays | +---------------------+ | printing variables | +---------------------+ | objects | + - - - - - - - - - - + | property values | + - - - - - - - - - - + | property defaults | + - - - - - - - - - - + | class numbers table | + - - - - - - - - - - + | id names table | +=====================+ Readable| grammar table | memory + - - - - - - - - - - + | actions | +---------------------+ | dictionary | +---------------------+ hdrExtStart globals: array of longs, no length info arrays: raw data, no length info (sigh...) printing variables: long count, followed by count*long absolute string addresses should be able to get addr from string decode table objects, property values: see technical.txt property defaults: array of longs, length is count of common properties below class numbers: array of long absolute ptrs to objects, 0-terminated id names table: header of 8 longs: absaddr,count of common properties absaddr,count of individual properties (#s starting with 256) absaddr,count of attributes absaddr,count of actions (note: addr of common props is always just past the header, addr of indiv props just past common, etc.) count+count+count+count long (possibly null) abs ptrs to strings count, string ptrs for array names (but no array addresses???) I try to find the id names table first. The grammar table follows it. The object table can be found by pattern (using the known count of attributes) -} indivPropStart = 256 -- FIXME: make this variable? informCode = fromTo hdrStartFunc hdrDecodingTbl informIdNamesTable :: Int commonPropNames, indivPropNames, attribNames, actionNames, arrayNames :: Array Int (Maybe String) (informIdNamesTable, informGrammarTable, numAttribBytes, commonPropNames, indivPropNames, attribNames, actionNames, arrayNames) = case possibleIdNamesTables of [x] -> x [] -> error "No identifier names table found (not compiled with Inform 6.21?)" xs -> error ("More than one candidate for identifier names table. File offsets:\n" ++ concat ['\t' : showHex addr "\n" | (addr,_,_,_,_,_,_,_) <- xs]) possibleIdNamesTables = mapMaybe maybeIdNamesTableAt [hdrRAMStart .. hdrExtStart-32] maybeIdNamesTableAt addr = if addrCommon == expectCommon && addrIndiv == expectIndiv && addrAttrib == expectAttrib && addrAction == expectAction && all isStringPtr (dwordsFromTo expectCommon expectArray) && all isStringPtr (dwordsFromTo addrArray addrArrayEnd) then Just (addr, addrArrayEnd, (numAttrib + 7) `shiftR` 3, nameTable addrCommon numCommon 0, nameTable addrIndiv numIndiv indivPropStart, nameTable addrAttrib numAttrib 0, nameTable addrAction numAction 0, nameTable addrArray numArray 0) else Nothing where addrCommon = dwordAt addr numCommon = dwordAt (addr+4) addrIndiv = dwordAt (addr+8) numIndiv = dwordAt (addr+12) addrAttrib = dwordAt (addr+16) numAttrib = dwordAt (addr+20) addrAction = dwordAt (addr+24) numAction = dwordAt (addr+28) expectCommon = addr + 32 expectIndiv = expectCommon + 4 * numCommon expectAttrib = expectIndiv + 4 * numIndiv expectAction = expectAttrib + 4 * numAttrib expectArray = expectAction + 4 * numAction numArray = dwordAt expectArray addrArray = expectArray + 4 addrArrayEnd = addrArray + 4 * numArray nameTable addr count base = listArray (base,base+count-1) [maybeStringAt (dwordAt (addr + n * 4)) | n <- [0..count-1]] {-----------} -- take the earliest match for the object table, because the list -- starting with any subsequent object also looks like a valid -- object table informObjectTable = case mapMaybe couldBeObjectTable [hdrRAMStart .. informIdNamesTable-25] of [] -> fromTo 0 0 ((a,b):_) -> fromTo a b couldBeObjectTable addr = if byteAt addr == 0x70 && isStringPtr (dwordAt (addr+numAttribBytes+5)) then if dwordAt (addr+numAttribBytes+1) == 0 then Just (addr,expectNextAddr) else if dwordAt (addr+numAttribBytes+1) == expectNextAddr then case couldBeObjectTable expectNextAddr of Just (from,to) -> Just (addr,to) Nothing -> Nothing else Nothing else Nothing where expectNextAddr = addr + numAttribBytes + 25 {-----------} isStringPtr p = p == 0 || (p >= hdrDecodingTbl && p < hdrExtStart && byteAt p `elem` [0xE0,0xE1,0xE2]) maybeStringAt 0 = Nothing maybeStringAt addr = Just (evalFrom addr decodeString) dwordsFromTo n k = evalFromTo n k (repeatUntilEmpty getDword)