{-# language DataKinds #-} {-# language FlexibleContexts #-} {-# language FlexibleInstances #-} {-# language GADTs #-} {-# language KindSignatures #-} {-# language MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# language TypeApplications #-} {-# language TypeOperators #-} {-# language UndecidableInstances #-} {-| Description : Utilities for interoperation between Mu and Persistent The @persistent@ library, and in particular its quasi-quoters for entities, generate data types which do not look exactly as plain records. This module defines some wrappers which modify the 'ToSchema' and 'FromSchema' derivation to work with them. -} module Mu.Adapter.Persistent ( -- * Wrappers for use with @DerivingVia@ WithEntityNestedId(..) , WithEntityPlainId(..) -- * Generic utilities , runDb ) where import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Logger import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.Internal import Data.Functor.Identity import Data.Int import Database.Persist.Sql import GHC.Generics import GHC.TypeLits import Mu.Schema import Mu.Schema.Class import Mu.Schema.Interpretation -- | Wrapper for 'Entity' to be used with @DerivingVia@. -- This wrappers indicates that the identifier is to be found -- as the sole field of another object, like in: -- -- > { id: { key: 3 }, name: "Somebody" } newtype WithEntityNestedId (ty :: Symbol) (fmap :: Mappings Symbol Symbol) a = WithEntityNestedId { unWithEntityNestedId :: a } -- | Wrapper for 'Entity' to be used with @DerivingVia@. -- This wrappers indicates that the identifier is to be found -- in the schema at the same level as other fields, like in: -- -- > { id: 3, name: "Somebody" } newtype WithEntityPlainId (ty :: Symbol) (fmap :: Mappings Symbol Symbol) a = WithEntityPlainId { unWithEntityPlainId :: a } instance ( Generic t, Applicative w , (sch :/: sty) ~ 'DRecord name (idArg ': args) , idArg ~ 'Mu.Schema.FieldDef idArgName ('TPrimitive Int64) , Rep t ~ D1 dInfo (C1 cInfo f) , GToSchemaRecord Identity sch fmap args f , ToBackendKey (PersistEntityBackend t) t , PersistEntityBackend t ~ SqlBackend ) => ToSchema w sch sty (WithEntityPlainId sty fmap (Entity t)) where toSchema (WithEntityPlainId (Entity key x)) = TRecord $ Field (pure $ FPrimitive (unSqlBackendKey $ toBackendKey key)) :* transFieldsNoMaps up (toSchemaRecord (Proxy @fmap) (unM1 $ unM1 $ from x)) where up :: Identity a -> w a up (Identity i) = pure i instance ( Generic t, Applicative w , (sch :/: sty) ~ 'DRecord name (nestedIdArg ': args) , nestedIdArg ~ 'Mu.Schema.FieldDef fname ('TSchematic idTy) , (sch :/: idTy) ~ 'DRecord idName '[idArg] , idArg ~ 'Mu.Schema.FieldDef idArgName ('TPrimitive Int64) , Rep t ~ D1 dInfo (C1 cInfo f) , GToSchemaRecord Identity sch fmap args f , ToBackendKey (PersistEntityBackend t) t , PersistEntityBackend t ~ SqlBackend ) => ToSchema w sch sty (WithEntityNestedId sty fmap (Entity t)) where toSchema (WithEntityNestedId (Entity key x)) = TRecord $ Field (pure $ FSchematic $ TRecord (Field (pure $ FPrimitive key') :* Nil)) :* transFieldsNoMaps up (toSchemaRecord (Proxy @fmap) (unM1 $ unM1 $ from x)) where key' = unSqlBackendKey $ toBackendKey key up :: Identity a -> w a up (Identity i) = pure i -- | Simple utility to execute a database operation -- in any monad which supports 'IO' operations. -- Note that all logging messages are discarded. runDb :: MonadIO m => SqlBackend -> ReaderT SqlBackend (NoLoggingT (ResourceT IO)) a -> m a runDb = (liftIO .) . flip runSqlPersistM