multiarg- Combinators to build command line parsers

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




A combinator library for building command-line parsers.



To say this library is inspired by Parsec would probably insult the creators of Parsec, as this library could not possibly be as elegant or throughly considered as Parsec is. Nevertheless this library can be used in a similar style as Parsec, but is specialized for parsing command lines.

This parser was built because I could not find anything that would readily parse command lines where the options took more than one argument. For example, for the tail command on GNU systems, the --lines option takes one argument to specify how many lines you want to see. Well, what if you want to build a program with an option that takes two arguments, like --foo bar baz? I found no such library so I built this one. Nevertheless, using this library you can build parsers to parse a variety of command line vocabularies, from simple to complex.


Some terms are used throughout multiarg:

When you run your program from the Unix shell prompt, your shell is responsible for splitting the command line into words. Typically you separate words with spaces, although quoting can affect this. multiarg parses lists of words. Each word can consist of a single long option, a single long option and an accompanying option argument, a single short option, multiple short options, and even one or more multiple short options and an accompanying short option argument. Or, a word can be a positional argument or a stopper. All these are described below.
Options allow a user to specify ways to tune the operation of a program. Typically options are indeed optional, although some programs do sport "required options" (a bit of an oxymoron). Options can be either short options or long options. Also, options can take arguments.
short option
An option that is specified with a single hyphen and a single letter. For example, for the program tail(1), possible short options include n and v. With multiarg it is possible to easily parse short options that are specified in different words or in the same word. For example, if a user wants to run tail with two options, he might type tail -v -f or he might type tail -vf.
long option
An option that is specified using two hyphens and what is usually a mnemonic word, though it could be as short as a single letter. For example, tail(1) has long options including follow and verbose. The user would specify these on the command line by typing tail --follow --verbose.
option argument
Some options take additional arguments that are specific to the option and change what the option does. For instance, the lines option to tail(1) takes a single, optional argument, which is the number of lines to show. Option arguments can be optional or required, and a single option can take a mulitple, fixed number of arguments and it can take a variable number of arguments. Option arguments can be given in various ways. They can be specified in the same word as a long option by using an equals sign; they can also be specified in the same word as a short option simply by placing them in the same word, or they can be specified in the following word. For example, these different command lines all mean the same thing; tail --verbose --lines=20, tail --verbose --lines 20, tail -vn 20, tail -v -n20, tail -vn20, and tail -v -n 20, and numerous other combinations also have the same meaning.
GNU-style option argument
A long option with an argument given with an equal sign, such as [lines=20].
positional argument
A word on the command line that is not an option or an argument to an option. For instance, with tail(1), you specify the files you want to see by using positional arguments. In the command tail -n 10 myfile, myfile is a positional argument. For some programs, such as git or darcs, a positional argument might be a "command" or a "mode", such as the commit in git commit or the whatsnew in darcs whatsnew. multiarg has no primitive parsers that treat these positional arguments specially but it is trivial to build a parser for command lines such as this, too.
A single word consisting solely of two hyphens, --. The user types this to indicate that all subsequent words on the command line are positional arguments, even if they begin with hyphens and therefore look like they might be options.
The user might specify more than one short option, or a short option and a short option argument, in a single word. For example, she might type tail -vl20. After parsing the v option, the Parser makes l20 into a "pending". The next parser can then treat l20 as an option argument to the v option (which is probably not what was wanted) or the next parser can parse l as a short option. This would result in a "pending" of 20. Then, the next parser can treat 20 as an option argument. After that parse there will be no pendings.

Getting started

If your needs are simple to moderately complicated just look at the System.Console.MultiArg.SimpleParser module, which uses the underlying combinators to build a simple parser for you. That module is already exported from this module for easy usage.

System.Console.MultiArg.SimpleParser also has a parser that can handle multi-mode commands (examples include git, darcs, and cvs.)

For maximum flexibility you will want to start with the System.Console.MultiArg.Prim module. Using those parsers you can easily build parsers that are quite complicated. The parsers can check for errors along the way, simplifying the sometimes complex task of ensuring that data a user supplied on the command line is good. You can easily build parsers for programs that take no options, take dozens of options, require that options be given in a particular order, require that some options be given, or bar some combinations of options. You might also require particular positional arguments. Other helpful functions are in System.Console.MultiArg.Combinator. You will also want to examine the source code for System.Console.MultiArg.Combinator and System.Console.MultiArg.SimpleParser as these show some ways to use the primitive parsers and combinators.

Non-features and shortcomings

multiarg isn't perfect; no software is. multiarg does not automatically make online help for your command line parsers. Getting this right would be tricky given the nature of the code and I don't even want to bother trying, as I just write my own online help in a text editor.

multiarg partially embraces "The Tao of Option Parsing" that Python's Optik ( follows. Read "The Tao of Option Parsing" here:

multiarg's philosophy is similar to that of Optik, which means you won't be able to use multiarg to (easily) build a clone to the UNIX find(1) command. (You could do it, but multiarg won't help you very much.)

multiarg can be complicated, although I'd like to believe this is because it addresses a complicated problem in a flexible way.

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