{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-} module Grover.Tests where import Ernie import Multiarg.Examples.Grover import Control.Applicative import Test.QuickCheck hiding (Result) import Multiarg.Mode genGlobal :: Gen Global genGlobal = oneof [ return Help , Verbose <$> arbitrary , return Version ] data GroverOpts = GOInts [GroverOpt Int] | GOStrings [GroverOpt String] | GOMaybes [GroverOpt (Maybe Int)] deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance Arbitrary GroverOpts where arbitrary = oneof [ fmap GOInts . listOf . genGroverOpt $ arbitrary , fmap GOStrings . listOf . genGroverOpt $ arbitrary , fmap GOMaybes . listOf . genGroverOpt $ arbitrary ] -- | Generates a mode option. Does not generate positional arguments. genGroverOpt :: Gen a -- ^ Generates arguments -> Gen (GroverOpt a) genGroverOpt g = oneof [ return Zero , Single <$> g , Double <$> g <*> g , Triple <$> g <*> g <*> g ] globalToNestedList :: Global -> [[String]] globalToNestedList glbl = case glbl of Help -> long "help" [] ++ short 'h' [] Verbose i -> long "verbose" [show i] ++ short 'v' [show i] Version -> long "version" [] groverOptToNestedList :: Show a => GroverOpt a -> [[String]] groverOptToNestedList gvr = case gvr of Zero -> long "zero" [] ++ short 'z' [] Single a -> long "single" ls ++ short 's' ls where ls = [show a] Double a b -> long "double" ls ++ short 'd' ls where ls = [show a, show b] Triple a b c -> long "triple" ls ++ short 't' ls where ls = [show a, show b, show c] PosArg s -> [[s]] -- | A valid Grover AST, combined with a set of strings that, when -- parsed, should yield that AST. data ValidGrover = ValidGrover [Global] (Either [String] Result) [String] -- ^ @ValidGrover a b c@, where -- -- @a@ is the list of global options -- -- @b@ is either a list of strings (indicates that the user entered -- no mode), or the mode, and its associated options -- -- @c@ is a list of strings that, when parsed, should return @a@ and @b@. deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance Arbitrary ValidGrover where arbitrary = do globals <- listOf genGlobal glblStrings <- fmap concat . mapM pickItem . map globalToNestedList $ globals (ei, endStrings) <- oneof [ resultAndStrings Ints "int" , resultAndStrings Strings "string" , resultAndStrings Maybes "maybe" ] return $ ValidGrover globals ei (glblStrings ++ endStrings) -- | Generates a list of String, where the first String will not be -- interpreted as a mode. genNonModePosArg :: Gen [String] genNonModePosArg = frequency ([ (1, return []), (3, nonEmpty)]) where nonEmpty = (:) <$> firstWord <*> listOf arbitrary where firstWord = arbitrary `suchThat` (\s -> not (s `elem` ["int", "string", "maybe"])) resultAndStrings :: (Arbitrary a, Show a) => ([Either String (GroverOpt a)] -> Result) -- ^ Function that creates a Result -> String -- ^ Name of mode -> Gen (Either [String] Result, [String]) resultAndStrings fRes modeName = frequency [(1, nonMode), (4, withMode)] where nonMode = fmap (\ls -> (Left ls, ls)) genNonModePosArg withMode = do ispLine <- interspersedLine (genGroverOpt arbitrary) PosArg strings <- interspersedLineToStrings ispLine groverOptToNestedList return ( Right . fRes . map Right $ fst ispLine ++ snd ispLine , modeName : strings ) prop_ValidGrover (ValidGrover globals ei strings) = result === expected where result = parseModeLine globalOptSpecs modes strings expected = Right (ModeResult (map Right globals) ei) prop_alwaysTrue = True