{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

0\. Given these data types for a simple language:

@data Prog a = Prog a [Decl]

data Decl = VarDecl Var Expr
          | FunDecl Var [Var] [Decl]
          | Return Expr

data Expr = Ref String
          | Number Int
          | Add Expr Expr
          | Mul Expr Expr

data Var = Var String


1\. Define a @Plate f@ data type

The name of the fields should refer to the actual data type: they will be prefixed with a \"p\" here.
These field accessors are called projectors for the given plate and the actual data type (see the @Projector p a@ type alias).
You have to use projectors to provide definition for the @multiplate@ method, and also for functions like @foldFor@.
With this module, you only need projectors for the 'IsProjector' instance definition.
(However you do have to use projectors anyway if @List, Maybe, (,)@, etc. are not part of the plate,
in which case you have to explicitly traverse them to expose their structure to Multiplate. See: point 3.)

@data Plate f = Plate
  { pProg :: forall a. Prog a -> f (Prog a)
  , pDecl :: Decl -> f Decl
  , pExpr :: Expr -> f Expr
  , pVar  :: Var  -> f Var


2\. Define 'IsProjector' instances for @Plate@ and all the actual data types

@instance IsProjector Plate (Prog a) where
  getProjector _ _ = pProg

instance IsProjector Plate Decl where
  getProjector _ _ = pDecl

instance IsProjector Plate Expr where
  getProjector _ _ = pExpr

instance IsProjector Plate Var where
  getProjector _ _ = pVar


3\. Define a single @Multiplate@ instance for @Plate@

Definitions required without this module are given in the comments.
(The \"b\" prefixes in functions stand for \"build\".)

instance Multiplate Plate where
  mkPlate build = Plate (build pProg) (build pDecl) (build pExpr) (build pVar)
  multiplate p  = Plate bProg bDecl bExpr bVar where

@    \-- you have to define these here to capture the \'p\' parameter
    constr \<$>: a = constr \<$> (getProjector p a) p a
    appl   \<*>: a = appl   \<*> (getProjector p a) p a
    infixl 4 \<$>:
    infixl 4 \<*>:

    \-- definitions:
@    \-- lists, maybe values, etc. have a Traversable instance, which has to be used for these \[\*\]
    bProg (Prog a decls)           = Prog \<$> pure a \<*> traverse (pDecl p) decls    

@    bDecl (VarDecl var expr)       = VarDecl \<$>: var \<*>: expr
    \-- bDecl (VarDecl str expr)    = VarDecl \<$> pVar p var \<*> pExpr p expr
    bDecl (FunDecl var vars decls) = FunDecl \<$>: var \<*> traverse (pVar p) vars \<*> traverse (pDecl p) decls
    bDecl (Return expr)            = Return \<$>: expr
    \-- bDecl (Return expr)         = Return \<$> pExpr p expr

@    bExpr (Ref str)                = Ref \<$> pure str
    bExpr (Number int)             = Number \<$> pure int
    bExpr (Add expr expr\')         = Add \<$>: expr \<*>: expr\'
    \-- bExpr (Add expr expr\')      = Add \<$> pExpr p expr \<*> pExpr p expr\'
    bExpr (Mul expr expr\')         = Mul \<$>: expr \<*>: expr\'
    \-- bExpr (Mul expr expr\')      = Mul \<$> pExpr p expr \<*> pExpr p expr\'

@    bVar (Var str)                 = Var \<$> pure str

\[\*\] However, tuples for example are not @Traversable@ (since they don't have the appropriate kind)
so instead of @traverse@ one can use a function like this:

@traverseTuple fa fb (a, b) = (,) \<$> fa a \<*> fb b

bConstr (Constr a b) = Constr \<$> traverseTuple (pTypeOfA p) (pTypeOfB p) (a, b)

simply add tuples for the plate definition, just like @Expr@ or @Decl@.
This also can be done for @List, Maybe@, etc., and then the @traverse@ functions can be replaced with @\<$>:@, @\<*>:@,
and generic functions defined in this module can be used for these too.


4\. Using multiplate

In a given program:

@var a = 1;
function func(arg1, arg2){
  return a + arg1

and its representation:

@prog :: Prog ()
prog = Prog () [VarDecl (Var \"a\") (Number 1)
               ,FunDecl (Var \"func\") [(Var \"arg1\"), (Var \"arg2\")]
                    [Return (Add (Ref \"a\") (Ref \"arg1\"))]]

to get the list of variables one has to define a plate by
updating another plate containing defaults for all types (@purePlate@) by
modifying the field that correpsondes to 'Var' data type.
Then create another plate where the order of traversal is set (@preorderFold@),
and finally call 'gfoldFor' with the plate we defined, and then with the actual data type.
Without this module instead of 'gfoldFor' one can only use @foldFor@,
which requires an extra argument (a projector), which corresponds to the root datatype:
in this case it's @pProg@ because our program has a 'Prog' data type.
But 'gfoldFor', 'gtraverseFor', etc. can be used with any data type,
because in the 'IsProjector' instances we already defined what it's projector is.

variablesPlate :: Plate (Constant [String])
variablesPlate = preorderFold purePlate { pVar = (\(Var str) -> Constant [str]) }

vars :: (IsProjector Plate a) => a -> [String]
vars  x = gfoldFor       variablesPlate x

vars' :: Prog a -> [String]
vars' x =  foldFor pProg variablesPlate x

@> vars prog


All of this code is included in the source at the end of this file for easier copying.

Multiplate documentation: <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/multiplate>


module Data.Generics.Multiplate.Simplified where

import Data.Generics.Multiplate
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Functor.Constant
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Monoid

class (Multiplate p) => IsProjector p a where
    getProjector :: p appl -> a -> Projector p a

--traverseFor :: (Multiplate p) => Projector p a -> p Identity -> a -> a
--traverseFor proj f = runIdentity . proj f
gtraverseFor :: (IsProjector p a) => p Identity -> a -> a
gtraverseFor f a = traverseFor (getProjector f a) f a

--traverseMFor :: (Multiplate p, Monad m) => Projector p a -> p m -> a -> m a
--traverseMFor proj f = proj f
gtraverseMFor :: (IsProjector p a, Monad m) => p m -> a -> m a
gtraverseMFor f a = traverseMFor (getProjector f a) f a

--foldFor :: (Multiplate p) => Projector p a -> p (Constant o) -> a -> o
--foldFor proj f = getConstant . proj f
gfoldFor :: (IsProjector p a) => p (Constant o) -> a -> o
gfoldFor f a = foldFor (getProjector f a) f a

--unwrapFor :: (Multiplate p) => (o -> b) -> Projector p a -> p (Constant o) -> a -> b
--unwrapFor unwrapper proj f = unwrapper . foldFor proj f
gunwrapFor :: (IsProjector p a) => (o -> b) -> p (Constant o) -> a -> b
gunwrapFor unwrapper f a = unwrapFor unwrapper (getProjector f a) f a

gsumFor     :: (IsProjector p a) => p (Constant (Sum n)) -> a -> n
gsumFor     = gunwrapFor getSum

gproductFor :: (IsProjector p a) => p (Constant (Product n)) -> a -> n
gproductFor = gunwrapFor getProduct

gallFor     :: (IsProjector p a) => p (Constant All) -> a -> Bool
gallFor     = gunwrapFor getAll

ganyFor     :: (IsProjector p a) => p (Constant Any) -> a -> Bool
ganyFor     = gunwrapFor getAny

gfirstFor   :: (IsProjector p a) => p (Constant (First b)) -> a -> Maybe b
gfirstFor   = gunwrapFor getFirst

glastFor    :: (IsProjector p a) => p (Constant (Last b)) -> a -> Maybe b
glastFor    = gunwrapFor getLast


{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

import Data.Generics.Multiplate
import Data.Generics.Multiplate.Simplified
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Functor.Constant
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Traversable
import Control.Applicative
--import Control.Monad
--import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
--import Control.Newtype

data Prog a = Prog a [Decl]

data Decl = VarDecl Var Expr
          | FunDecl Var [Var] [Decl]
          | Return Expr

data Expr = Ref String
          | Number Int
          | Add Expr Expr
          | Mul Expr Expr

data Var = Var String

data Plate f = Plate
  { pProg :: forall a. Prog a -> f (Prog a)
  , pDecl :: Decl -> f Decl
  , pExpr :: Expr -> f Expr
  , pVar  :: Var  -> f Var

instance IsProjector Plate (Prog a) where
  getProjector _ _ = pProg

instance IsProjector Plate Decl where
  getProjector _ _ = pDecl

instance IsProjector Plate Expr where
  getProjector _ _ = pExpr

instance IsProjector Plate Var where
  getProjector _ _ = pVar

instance Multiplate Plate where

  mkPlate build = Plate (build pProg) (build pDecl) (build pExpr) (build pVar)

  multiplate p  = Plate bProg bDecl bExpr bVar where

   -- you have to define these here to capture the 'p' parameter
   constr <$>: a = constr <$> (getProjector p a) p a
   appl   <*>: a = appl   <*> (getProjector p a) p a
   infixl 4 <$>:
   infixl 4 <*>:

   -- definitions
   -- lists, maybe values, etc. have a Traversable instance, which has to be used for these [*]

   bProg (Prog a decls)           = Prog <$> pure a <*> traverse (pDecl p) decls

   bDecl (VarDecl var expr)       = VarDecl <$>: var <*>: expr
   -- bDecl (VarDecl str expr)    = VarDecl <$> pVar p var <*> pExpr p expr

   bDecl (FunDecl var vars decls) = FunDecl <$>: var <*> traverse (pVar p) vars <*> traverse (pDecl p) decls
   bDecl (Return expr)            = Return <$>: expr
   -- bDecl (Return expr)         = Return <$> pExpr p expr

   bExpr (Ref str)                = Ref <$> pure str
   bExpr (Number int)             = Number <$> pure int

   bExpr (Add expr expr')         = Add <$>: expr <*>: expr'
   -- bExpr (Add expr expr')      = Add <$> pExpr p expr <*> pExpr p expr'
   bExpr (Mul expr expr')         = Mul <$>: expr <*>: expr'
   -- bExpr (Mul expr expr')      = Mul <$> pExpr p expr <*> pExpr p expr'
   bVar (Var str)                 = Var <$> pure str

-- var a = 1;
-- function func(arg1, arg2){
--   return a + arg1
-- }

-- prog :: Prog ()
prog = Prog () [VarDecl (Var "a") (Number 1)
               ,FunDecl (Var "func") [(Var "arg1"), (Var "arg2")]
                    [Return (Add (Ref "a") (Ref "arg1"))]]

-- variablesPlate :: Plate (Constant [String])
variablesPlate = preorderFold purePlate { pVar = (\(Var str) -> Constant [str]) }

vars  x = gfoldFor       variablesPlate x
vars' x =  foldFor pProg variablesPlate x
