{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, StandaloneDeriving, FlexibleInstances #-}

module Music.Pitch.Relative.Accidental (
        -- * Alterable class

        -- * Accidentals
  ) where

import Music.Pitch.Literal

-- |
-- Class of things that can be altered.
class Alterable a where
    -- | 
    -- Increase the given pitch by one.
    sharpen :: a -> a

    -- | 
    -- Decrease the given pitch by one.
    flatten :: a -> a

newtype Accidental = Accidental { getAccidental :: Integer }
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Num, Enum, Real, Integral)
instance Show Accidental where
    show n | n == 0 = "natural"
           | n > 0  = replicate' n 's'
           | n < 0  = replicate' (negate n) 'b'

instance Alterable Accidental where
    sharpen = succ
    flatten = pred

instance Alterable Double where
    sharpen = (+ 1)
    flatten = (subtract 1)

instance Alterable Integer where
    sharpen = (+ 1)
    flatten = (subtract 1)

instance (IsPitch a, Alterable a) => IsPitch (Accidental -> a) where
    fromPitch l acc
        | acc == sharp  = sharpen (fromPitch l)
        | acc == flat   = flatten (fromPitch l)

sharp, flat, natural, doubleFlat, doubleSharp :: Accidental
-- | The double sharp accidental.
doubleSharp = 2
-- | The sharp accidental.
sharp       = 1
-- | The natural accidental.
natural     = 0
-- | The flat accidental.
flat        = -1
-- | The double flat accidental.
doubleFlat  = -2

replicate' n = replicate (fromIntegral n)