{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

-- |
-- Copyright   : (c) Hans Hoglund 2012
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : hans@hanshoglund.se
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- Generic equal temperament pitch.
-- Use the type-level numbers from @type-unary@ to construct an temperement dividing
-- the octave in any number of steps. Common cases such as 6-TET (whole-tones),
-- 12-TET (half-tones) and 24-TET (quarter-tones) are provided for convenience.

module Music.Pitch.Equal (
    -- * Equal temperament

    -- ** Synonyms

    -- ** Extra type-level naturals

import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.VectorSpace
import Data.AffineSpace
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative

import Music.Pitch.Absolute

import TypeUnary.Nat

-- Based on Data.Fixed

newtype Equal a = Equal {getEqual :: Int }

deriving instance {-IsNat a =>-} Eq (Equal a)
deriving instance {-IsNat a =>-} Ord (Equal a)

instance {-IsNat a =>-} Show (Equal a) where
  show (Equal a) = show a
  -- showsPrec d (Equal x) = showParen (d > app_prec) $
  --      showString "Equal " . showsPrec (app_prec+1) x
  --   where app_prec = 10

instance IsNat a => Num (Equal a) where
  Equal a + Equal b = Equal (a + b)
  Equal a * Equal b = Equal (a * b)
  negate (Equal a)  = Equal (negate a)
  abs (Equal a)     = Equal (abs a)
  signum (Equal a)  = Equal (signum a)
  fromInteger       = toEqual . fromIntegral

instance IsNat a => Semigroup (Equal a) where
  (<>)    = (+)

instance IsNat a => Monoid (Equal a) where
  mempty  = 0
  mappend = (+)

instance IsNat a => AdditiveGroup (Equal a) where
  zeroV   = 0
  (^+^)   = (+)
  negateV = negate

instance IsNat a => VectorSpace (Equal a) where
  type Scalar (Equal a) = Equal a
  (*^) = (*)

-- Convenience to avoid ScopedTypeVariables etc    
getSize :: IsNat a => Equal a -> Nat a
getSize _ = nat 

-- | Size of this type (value not evaluated).
-- >>> size (undefined :: Equal N2)
-- 2
-- >>> size (undefined :: Equal N12)
-- 12
size :: IsNat a => Equal a -> Int
size = natToZ . getSize

-- TODO I got this part wrong
-- This type implements limited values (useful for interval *steps*)
-- An ET-interval is just an int, with a type-level size (divMod is "separate")

-- -- | Create an equal-temperament value.
-- toEqual :: IsNat a => Int -> Maybe (Equal a)
-- toEqual = checkSize . Equal
-- -- | Unsafely create an equal-temperament value.
-- unsafeToEqual :: IsNat a => Int -> Equal a
-- unsafeToEqual n = case toEqual n of
--   Nothing -> error $ "Bad equal: " ++ show n
--   Just x  -> x
-- checkSize :: IsNat a => Equal a -> Maybe (Equal a)
-- checkSize x = if 0 <= fromEqual x && fromEqual x < size x then Just x else Nothing

-- | Create an equal-temperament value.
toEqual :: IsNat a => Int -> Equal a
toEqual = Equal

-- | Extract an equal-temperament value.
fromEqual :: IsNat a => Equal a -> Int
fromEqual = getEqual

-- | Convert an equal-temeperament value to a frequency ratio.
-- >>> equalToRatio (7 :: Equal12)
-- 1.4983070768766815
-- >>> equalToRatio (4 :: Equal12)
-- 1.2599210498948732
equalToRatio :: IsNat a => Equal a -> Double
equalToRatio x = 2**(realToFrac (fromEqual x) / realToFrac (size x))

-- | Safely cast a tempered value to another size.
-- >>> cast (1 :: Equal12) :: Equal24
-- 2 :: Equal24
-- >>> cast (8 :: Equal12) :: Equal6
-- 4 :: Equal6
-- >>> (2 :: Equal12) + cast (2 :: Equal24)
-- 3 :: Equal12
cast :: (IsNat a, IsNat b) => Equal a -> Equal b
cast = cast' undefined

cast' :: (IsNat a, IsNat b) => Equal b -> Equal a -> Equal b
cast' bDummy aDummy@(Equal a) = Equal $ (a * size bDummy) `div` size aDummy

type Equal6  = Equal N6
type Equal12 = Equal N12
type Equal17 = Equal N17
type Equal24 = Equal N24
type Equal36 = Equal N36

type N20 = N10 :*: N2
type N30 = N10 :*: N3
type N17 = N10 :+: N7
type N24 = N20 :+: N4
type N36 = N30 :+: N6