{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, NoMonomorphismRestriction, ConstraintKinds, FlexibleContexts #-} module Music.Sibelius where import Data.Aeson import Control.Applicative import Data.Aeson.Types(parse, Parser) import Music.Prelude.StringQuartet import qualified Music.Score as Score import Data.ByteString.Lazy(ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap setTitle :: String -> Score a -> Score a setTitle = setMeta "title" setComposer :: String -> Score a -> Score a setComposer = setMeta "composer" setInformation :: String -> Score a -> Score a setInformation = setMeta "information" setMeta :: String -> String -> Score a -> Score a setMeta _ _ = id data SibScore = SibScore { scoreTitle :: String, scoreComposer :: String, scoreInformation :: String, scoreStaffHeight :: Double, scoreTransposing :: Bool, scoreStaves :: [SibStaff], scoreSystemStaff :: () } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance FromJSON SibScore where parseJSON (Object v) = SibScore <$> v .: "title" <*> v .: "composer" <*> v .: "information" <*> v .: "staffHeight" <*> v .: "transposing" <*> v .: "staves" -- TODO <*> return () data SibStaff = SibStaff { staffBars :: [SibBar], staffName :: String, staffShortName :: String } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance FromJSON SibStaff where parseJSON (Object v) = SibStaff <$> v .: "bars" <*> v .: "name" <*> v .: "shortName" data SibBar = SibBar { barElements :: [SibElement] } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance FromJSON SibBar where parseJSON (Object v) = SibBar <$> v .: "elements" data SibElement = SibElementText SibText | SibElementClef SibClef | SibElementSlur SibSlur | SibElementCrescendoLine SibCrescendoLine | SibElementDiminuendoLine SibDiminuendoLine | SibElementTimeSignature SibTimeSignature | SibElementKeySignature SibKeySignature | SibElementTuplet SibTuplet | SibElementChord SibChord deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance FromJSON SibElement where parseJSON x@(Object v) = case HashMap.lookup "type" v of -- TODO Just "text" -> error "JsElementText" Just "clef" -> error "SibElementClef" Just "slur" -> error "SibElementSlur" Just "cresc" -> error "SibElementCrescendoLine" Just "dim" -> error "SibElementDiminuendoLine" Just "time" -> error "SibElementTimeSignature" Just "key" -> error "SibElementKeySignature" Just "tuplet" -> error "SibElementTuplet" Just "chord" -> SibElementChord <$> parseJSON x _ -> mempty data SibText = SibText { textVoice :: Int, textPosition :: Int, textText :: String, textStyle :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance FromJSON SibText where parseJSON = error "Not implemented (instance FromJSON SibText)" data SibClef = SibClef { clefVoice :: Int, clefPosition :: Int, clefStyle :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance FromJSON SibClef where parseJSON = error "Not implemented (instance FromJSON SibClef)" data SibSlur = SibSlur { slurVoice :: Int, slurPosition :: Int, slurDuration :: Int, slurStyle :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance FromJSON SibSlur where parseJSON = error "Not implemented (instance FromJSON SibSlur)" data SibCrescendoLine = SibCrescendoLine { crescVoice :: Int, crescPosition :: Int, crescDuration :: Int, crescStyle :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance FromJSON SibCrescendoLine where parseJSON = error "Not implemented (instance FromJSON SibCrescendoLine)" data SibDiminuendoLine = SibDiminuendoLine { dimVoice :: Int, dimPosition :: Int, dimDuration :: Int, dimStyle :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance FromJSON SibDiminuendoLine where parseJSON = error "Not implemented (instance FromJSON SibDiminuendoLine)" data SibTimeSignature = SibTimeSignature { timeVoice :: Int, timePosition :: Int, timeValue :: Rational, timeIsCommon :: Bool, timeIsAllaBreve :: Bool } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance FromJSON SibTimeSignature where parseJSON = error "Not implemented (instance FromJSON SibTimeSignature)" data SibKeySignature = SibKeySignature { keyVoice :: Int, keyPosition :: Int, keyMajor :: Bool, keySharps :: Int, keyIsOpen :: Bool } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance FromJSON SibKeySignature where parseJSON = error "Not implemented (instance FromJSON SibKeySignature)" data SibTuplet = SibTuplet { tupletVoice :: Int, tupletPosition :: Int, tupletDuration :: Int, tupletPlayedDuration :: Int, tupletValue :: Rational } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance FromJSON SibTuplet where parseJSON (Object v) = SibTuplet <$> v .: "voice" <*> v .: "position" <*> v .: "duration" <*> v .: "playedDuration" <*> (v .: "value" >>= \[x,y] -> return $ x / y) -- TODO unsafe data SibArticulation = UpBow | DownBow | Plus | Harmonic | Marcato | Accent | Tenuto | Wedge | Staccatissimo | Staccato deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum) readSibArticulation :: String -> Maybe SibArticulation readSibArticulation = go where go "upbow" = Just UpBow go "downBow" = Just DownBow go "plus" = Just Plus go "harmonic" = Just Harmonic go "marcato" = Just Marcato go "accent" = Just Accent go "tenuto" = Just Tenuto go "wedge" = Just Wedge go "staccatissimo" = Just Staccatissimo go "staccato" = Just Staccato go _ = Nothing data SibChord = SibChord { chordPosition :: Int, chordDuration :: Int, chordVoice :: Int, chordArticulations :: [SibArticulation], -- TODO chordSingleTremolos :: Int, chordDoubleTremolos :: Int, chordAcciaccatura :: Bool, chordAppoggiatura :: Bool, chordNotes :: [SibNote] } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance FromJSON SibChord where parseJSON (Object v) = SibChord <$> v .: "position" <*> v .: "duration" <*> v .: "voice" <*> doThing (v .: "articulations") <*> v .: "singleTremolos" <*> v .: "doubleTremolos" <*> v .: "acciaccatura" <*> v .: "appoggiatura" <*> v .: "notes" doThing = (=<<) (sequence . fmap (returnMaybe readSibArticulation)) data SibNote = SibNote { notePitch :: Int, noteDiatonicPitch :: Int, noteAccidental :: Int, noteTied :: Bool, noteStyle :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance FromJSON SibNote where parseJSON (Object v) = SibNote <$> v .: "pitch" <*> v .: "diatonicPitch" <*> v .: "accidental" <*> v .: "tied" <*> v .: "style" fromSib :: IsSibelius a => SibScore -> Score a fromSib (SibScore title composer info staffH transp staves systemStaff) = foldr () mempty $ fmap fromSibStaff staves -- TODO meta information fromSibStaff :: IsSibelius a => SibStaff -> Score a fromSibStaff (SibStaff bars name shortName) = removeRests $ scat $ fmap fromSibBar bars -- TODO bar length hardcoded -- TODO meta information fromSibBar :: IsSibelius a => SibBar -> Score (Maybe a) fromSibBar (SibBar elems) = fmap Just (pcat $ fmap fromSibElem elems) <> return Nothing^*1 fromSibElem :: IsSibelius a => SibElement -> Score a fromSibElem = go where go (SibElementChord chord) = fromSibChord chord -- TODO tuplet, key/time signature, line and text support fromSibChord :: IsSibelius a => SibChord -> Score a fromSibChord (SibChord pos dur voice ar strem dtrem acci appo notes) = setTime $ setDur $ every setArt ar $ tremolo strem $ pcat $ fmap fromSibNote notes where setTime = delay (fromIntegral pos / 1024) setDur = stretch (fromIntegral dur / 1024) setArt Marcato = marcato setArt Accent = accent setArt Tenuto = tenuto setArt Staccato = staccato setArt a = error $ "fromSibChord: Unsupported articulation" ++ show a -- TODO tremolo and appogiatura/acciaccatura support fromSibNote :: IsSibelius a => SibNote -> Score a fromSibNote (SibNote pitch di acc tied style) = (if tied then fmap beginTie else id) $ modifyPitches (+ (fromIntegral pitch - 60)) def where def = c readSib :: IsSibelius a => FilePath -> IO (Score a) readSib path = fmap (either (\x -> error $ "Could not read score" ++ x) id) $ readSibEither path readSibMaybe :: IsSibelius a => FilePath -> IO (Maybe (Score a)) readSibMaybe path = fmap (either (const Nothing) Just) $ readSibEither path readSibEither :: IsSibelius a => FilePath -> IO (Either String (Score a)) readSibEither path = do json <- B.readFile path return $ fmap fromSib $ eitherDecode' json type IsSibelius a = ( IsPitch a, HasPart' a, Enum (Part a), HasPitch a, Num (Score.Pitch a), HasTremolo a, HasArticulation a, Tiable a ) main = do result <- readSibEither "test.json" case result of Left e -> putStrLn $ "Error: " ++ e Right x -> do writeMidi "test.mid" $ asScore $ f x openXml $ f x -- openLy $ f x -- let score = fromSib $ fromJust $ decode' json -- openLy score where f = id -- f = retrograde -- f x = stretch (1/4) $ times 2 x |> times 2 (stretch 2 x) fromJust (Just x) = x returnMaybe :: MonadPlus m => (a -> Maybe b) -> a -> m b returnMaybe f = mmapMaybe f . return every :: (a -> b -> b) -> [a] -> b -> b every f x = foldr (.) id (fmap f x)