{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
module Text.Mustache.Compile where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Except
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Either
import           Data.Bool
import           Data.Foldable              (fold)
import           Data.List
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Text                  hiding (concat, find, map, uncons)
import qualified Data.Text.IO               as TIO
import           System.Directory
import           System.FilePath
import           Text.Mustache.Types
import           Text.Mustache.Parser
import           Text.Parsec.Error
import           Text.Parsec.Pos
import           Text.Printf

  Compiles a mustache template provided by name including the mentioned partials.

  The same can be done manually using 'getFile', 'mustacheParser' and 'getPartials'.

  This function also ensures each partial is only compiled once even though it may
  be included by other partials including itself.

  A reference to the included template will be found in each including templates
  'partials' section.
compileTemplate  [FilePath]  FilePath  IO (Either ParseError MustacheTemplate)
compileTemplate searchSpace = compileTemplateWithCache searchSpace mempty

  Compile a mustache template providing a list of precompiled templates that do
  not have to be recompiled.
compileTemplateWithCache  [FilePath]  [MustacheTemplate]  FilePath  IO (Either ParseError MustacheTemplate)
compileTemplateWithCache searchSpace = (runEitherT .) . compile'
    compile' templates name' =
      case find ((== name') . name) templates of
        Just template  return template
        Nothing  do
          rawSource  getFile searchSpace name'
          compiled@(MustacheTemplate { ast = mast }) 
            hoistEither $ parseTemplate name' rawSource

            (\st@(MustacheTemplate { partials = p }) partialName 
              compile' (p <> templates) partialName >>=
                \nt  return (st { partials = nt : p })
            (getPartials mast)

parseTemplate  String  Text  Either ParseError MustacheTemplate
parseTemplate name' = fmap (flip (MustacheTemplate name') mempty) . parse name'

  Find the names of all included partials in a mustache AST.

  Same as @join . fmap getPartials'@
getPartials  MustacheAST  [FilePath]
getPartials = join . fmap getPartials'

  Find partials in a single MustacheNode
getPartials'  MustacheNode Text  [FilePath]
getPartials' (MustachePartial p) = return p
getPartials' (MustacheSection _ n) = getPartials n
getPartials' _ = mempty

  @getFile searchSpace file@ iteratively searches all directories in
  @searchSpace@ for a @file@ returning it if found or raising an error if none
  of the directories contain the file.

  This trows 'ParseError's to be compatible with the internal Either Monad of
getFile  [FilePath]  FilePath  EitherT ParseError IO Text
getFile [] fp = throwError $ fileNotFound fp
getFile (templateDir : xs) fp =
  lift (doesFileExist filePath) >>=
      (getFile xs fp)
      (lift $ TIO.readFile filePath)
    filePath = templateDir </> fp


fileNotFound  FilePath  ParseError
fileNotFound fp = newErrorMessage (Message $ printf "Template file '%s' not found" fp) (initialPos fp)