module Data.MutableIter.IOBuffer (
import Prelude hiding (length, take, drop, null, splitAt, dropWhile)
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V
import qualified Data.Iteratee as I
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.CatchIO
import Foreign
import System.IO
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
data IOBuffer r el = IOBuffer !Int
!(ForeignPtr Int)
!(ForeignPtr el)
instance Storable el => I.NullPoint (IOBuffer r el) where
empty = empty
fpPeek :: Storable el => ForeignPtr el -> IO el
fpPeek = flip withForeignPtr peek
fpPoke :: Storable el => ForeignPtr el -> el -> IO ()
fpPoke fp el = withForeignPtr fp (flip poke el)
withBuf :: IOBuffer r el -> (Int -> Ptr Int -> Ptr el -> IO a) -> IO a
withBuf (IOBuffer l ofp ofb) f = withForeignPtr ofp (\op ->
withForeignPtr ofb (\ob -> f l op ob))
newFp :: Storable a => a -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
newFp a = mallocForeignPtr >>= \fp -> fpPoke fp a >> return fp
createIOBuffer :: (Storable el) =>
-> ForeignPtr Int
-> ForeignPtr el
-> IOBuffer r el
createIOBuffer len op buf = IOBuffer len op buf
empty :: Storable el => IOBuffer r el
empty = IOBuffer 0 nullForeignPtr nullForeignPtr
nullForeignPtr = unsafePerformIO (newForeignPtr_ nullPtr)
null :: IOBuffer r el -> IO Bool
null (IOBuffer 0 _ _) = return True
null buf = withBuf buf $ \l po _ -> liftM (>= l) $ peek po
length :: IOBuffer r el -> IO Int
length buf = withBuf buf $ \l po _ -> liftM (l ) $ peek po
pop :: (Storable el) => IOBuffer r el -> IO el
pop (IOBuffer 0 _ _ ) = error "Can't pop head off of empty buffer"
pop buf = withBuf buf $ \l po pb -> do
off <- peek po
if off >= l then error "Can't pop head from empty buffer"
else poke po (off+1) >> peek (pb `advancePtr` off)
lookAtHead :: (Storable el) =>
IOBuffer r el -> IO (Maybe el)
lookAtHead (IOBuffer 0 _ _ ) = return Nothing
lookAtHead buf = withBuf buf $ \l po pb -> do
off <- peek po
if off >= l then return Nothing
else liftM Just $ peek (pb `advancePtr` off)
drop :: Int -> IOBuffer r el -> IO ()
drop n_drop buf = withBuf buf $ \l po pb -> do
off <- peek po
poke po (min l (off+n_drop))
dropWhile :: (Storable el) =>
(el -> Bool)
-> IOBuffer r el
-> IO ()
dropWhile pred buf = withBuf buf $ \l po pb -> do
off <- peek po
let len = loff
let go cnt p | cnt < len = do
this <- peek p
if pred this then go (succ cnt) (p `advancePtr` 1) else return cnt
let go cnt _ = return cnt
n <- go 0 (pb `advancePtr` off)
poke po n
take :: (Storable el) =>
IOBuffer r el
-> Int
-> IO (IOBuffer r el)
take (IOBuffer 0 _ _ ) _ = return empty
take buf@(IOBuffer _ fpo fpb) n_take = withBuf buf $ \l po pb -> do
off <- peek po
po' <- newFp off
poke po $ min l (off+n_take)
return $ IOBuffer l po' fpb
splitAt :: (Storable el) =>
IOBuffer r el
-> Int
-> IO (IOBuffer r el, IOBuffer r el)
splitAt (IOBuffer 0 _ _) _ = return (empty, empty)
splitAt buf 0 = return (empty, buf)
splitAt buf@(IOBuffer l fpo fpb) n
| n>0 && n <= l = withForeignPtr fpo $ \po -> withForeignPtr fpb $ \pb -> do
let ib1 = IOBuffer n fpo fpb
off <- peek po
po2 <- newFp (off+n)
return (ib1, IOBuffer l po2 fpb)
| True = return (buf, empty)
copyBuffer :: (Storable el) =>
IOBuffer r el -> IO (IOBuffer r el)
copyBuffer (IOBuffer 0 _ _) = return empty
copyBuffer buf = withBuf buf $ \l po pb -> do
off <- peek po
let len' = loff
if len' > 0 then do
po' <- newFp 0
pb' <- mallocForeignPtrArray len'
withForeignPtr pb' $ \p -> copyArray p (pb `advancePtr` off) len'
return $ IOBuffer len' po' pb'
else return empty
append :: (Storable el) =>
IOBuffer r el
-> IOBuffer r el
-> IO (IOBuffer r el)
append ib1 (IOBuffer 0 _ _) = copyBuffer ib1
append (IOBuffer 0 _ _) ib2 = copyBuffer ib2
append ib1 ib2 = withBuf ib1 (\l1 po1 pb1 -> withBuf ib2 (\l2 po2 pb2 -> do
len1 <- length ib1
len2 <- length ib2
let len = len1 + len2
off1 <- peek po1
off2 <- peek po2
po <- newFp 0
pb <- mallocForeignPtrArray len
withForeignPtr pb $ \p -> copyArray p (pb1 `advancePtr` off1) len1
withForeignPtr pb $ \p -> copyArray (p `advancePtr` len1)
(pb2 `advancePtr` off2) len2
return $ IOBuffer len po pb))
freeze :: (Storable el) => IOBuffer r el -> IO (V.Vector el)
freeze (IOBuffer 0 _ _) = return V.empty
freeze buf = withBuf buf $ \l po pb -> do
off <- peek po
return undefined
hPut :: forall r el. (Storable el) => Handle -> IOBuffer r el -> IO ()
hPut h (IOBuffer 0 _ _) = return ()
hPut h buf = withBuf buf $ \l po pb -> do
off <- peek po
(hPutBuf h) (pb `advancePtr` off) (bytemult * (loff))
poke po l
bytemult = sizeOf (undefined :: el)
mapBuffer :: (Storable el, Storable el') =>
(el -> el')
-> ForeignPtr Int
-> ForeignPtr el'
-> IOBuffer r el
-> IO (IOBuffer r el')
mapBuffer f dp datap (IOBuffer 0 _ _) = return empty
mapBuffer f fdp fdatap buf = withForeignPtr fdp $ \dp ->
withForeignPtr fdatap $ \datap -> withBuf buf $ \l po pb ->
let go !cnt ip' op' = when (cnt>0) $ do
poke op' . f =<< peek ip'
go (cnt1) (ip' `advancePtr` 1) (op' `advancePtr` 1)
in do
off <- peek po
go (loff) (pb `advancePtr` off) datap
poke dp 0
poke po l
return $ createIOBuffer (loff) fdp fdatap
mapAccumBuffer :: (Storable el, Storable el') =>
(acc -> el -> (acc,el'))
-> ForeignPtr Int
-> ForeignPtr el'
-> acc
-> IOBuffer r el
-> IO (acc, IOBuffer r el')
mapAccumBuffer f fdp fdatap acc (IOBuffer 0 _ _) = return (acc, empty)
mapAccumBuffer f fdp fdatap acc buf = withForeignPtr fdp $ \dp ->
withForeignPtr fdatap $ \datap -> withBuf buf $ \l po pb ->
let go !acc' cnt !ip' !op'
| cnt == 0 = return acc'
| True = do
(acc2, el) <- liftM (f acc') $ peek ip'
poke op' el
go acc2 (cnt1) (ip' `advancePtr` 1) (op' `advancePtr` 1)
in do
off <- peek po
acc' <- go acc (loff) (pb `advancePtr` off) datap
poke dp 0
poke po l
return $ (acc', createIOBuffer (loff) fdp fdatap)
castBuffer :: forall r m el el'. (Storable el, Storable el') =>
IOBuffer r el -> IO (IOBuffer r el')
castBuffer (IOBuffer 0 _ _) = return empty
castBuffer (IOBuffer l po pb) = do
off <- fpPeek po
when (off /= 0) (error "castBuffer called with non-zero offset")
return $ IOBuffer l' po (castForeignPtr pb)
l' = (l * sizeOf (undefined :: el)) `div` sizeOf (undefined :: el')
foldl' :: (Storable b) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> IOBuffer r b -> IO a
foldl' f acc (IOBuffer 0 _ _) = return acc
foldl' f i0 buf = withBuf buf $ \l po pb ->
let go !n !acc p | n>0 = do
el <- peek p
go (n1) (f acc el) (p `advancePtr` 1)
go _ acc _ = return acc
in do
off <- peek po
go (loff) i0 (pb `advancePtr` off)
unsafeToForeignPtr :: IOBuffer r el -> (Int, ForeignPtr Int, ForeignPtr el)
unsafeToForeignPtr (IOBuffer l po pb) = (l,po,pb)