{-| This module is automatically generated from the message template file. -}module Network.Metaverse.PacketTypes where import Control.Monad import Data.Word import Data.Int import Data.Binary import Data.Binary.Get import Data.Binary.Put import Data.Binary.IEEE754 import Data.UUID import qualified Data.ByteString as B data PacketBody = TestMessage !TestMessage_TestBlock1 ![TestMessage_NeighborBlock] | PacketAck ![PacketAck_Packets] | OpenCircuit !OpenCircuit_CircuitInfo | CloseCircuit | StartPingCheck !StartPingCheck_PingID | CompletePingCheck !CompletePingCheck_PingID | AddCircuitCode !AddCircuitCode_CircuitCode | UseCircuitCode !UseCircuitCode_CircuitCode | NeighborList ![NeighborList_NeighborBlock] | AvatarTextureUpdate !AvatarTextureUpdate_AgentData ![AvatarTextureUpdate_WearableData] ![AvatarTextureUpdate_TextureData] | SimulatorMapUpdate !SimulatorMapUpdate_MapData | SimulatorSetMap !SimulatorSetMap_MapData | SubscribeLoad | UnsubscribeLoad | SimulatorReady !SimulatorReady_SimulatorBlock !SimulatorReady_TelehubBlock | TelehubInfo !TelehubInfo_TelehubBlock ![TelehubInfo_SpawnPointBlock] | SimulatorPresentAtLocation !SimulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorPublicHostBlock ![SimulatorPresentAtLocation_NeighborBlock] !SimulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorBlock ![SimulatorPresentAtLocation_TelehubBlock] | SimulatorLoad !SimulatorLoad_SimulatorLoad ![SimulatorLoad_AgentList] | SimulatorShutdownRequest | RegionPresenceRequestByRegionID ![RegionPresenceRequestByRegionID_RegionData] | RegionPresenceRequestByHandle ![RegionPresenceRequestByHandle_RegionData] | RegionPresenceResponse ![RegionPresenceResponse_RegionData] | UpdateSimulator !UpdateSimulator_SimulatorInfo | LogDwellTime !LogDwellTime_DwellInfo | FeatureDisabled !FeatureDisabled_FailureInfo | LogFailedMoneyTransaction !LogFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData | UserReportInternal !UserReportInternal_ReportData | SetSimStatusInDatabase !SetSimStatusInDatabase_Data | SetSimPresenceInDatabase !SetSimPresenceInDatabase_SimData | EconomyDataRequest | EconomyData !EconomyData_Info | AvatarPickerRequest !AvatarPickerRequest_AgentData !AvatarPickerRequest_Data | AvatarPickerRequestBackend !AvatarPickerRequestBackend_AgentData !AvatarPickerRequestBackend_Data | AvatarPickerReply !AvatarPickerReply_AgentData ![AvatarPickerReply_Data] | PlacesQuery !PlacesQuery_AgentData !PlacesQuery_TransactionData !PlacesQuery_QueryData | PlacesReply !PlacesReply_AgentData !PlacesReply_TransactionData ![PlacesReply_QueryData] | DirFindQuery !DirFindQuery_AgentData !DirFindQuery_QueryData | DirFindQueryBackend !DirFindQueryBackend_AgentData !DirFindQueryBackend_QueryData | DirPlacesQuery !DirPlacesQuery_AgentData !DirPlacesQuery_QueryData | DirPlacesQueryBackend !DirPlacesQueryBackend_AgentData !DirPlacesQueryBackend_QueryData | DirPlacesReply !DirPlacesReply_AgentData ![DirPlacesReply_QueryData] ![DirPlacesReply_QueryReplies] ![DirPlacesReply_StatusData] | DirPeopleReply !DirPeopleReply_AgentData !DirPeopleReply_QueryData ![DirPeopleReply_QueryReplies] | DirEventsReply !DirEventsReply_AgentData !DirEventsReply_QueryData ![DirEventsReply_QueryReplies] ![DirEventsReply_StatusData] | DirGroupsReply !DirGroupsReply_AgentData !DirGroupsReply_QueryData ![DirGroupsReply_QueryReplies] | DirClassifiedQuery !DirClassifiedQuery_AgentData !DirClassifiedQuery_QueryData | DirClassifiedQueryBackend !DirClassifiedQueryBackend_AgentData !DirClassifiedQueryBackend_QueryData | DirClassifiedReply !DirClassifiedReply_AgentData !DirClassifiedReply_QueryData ![DirClassifiedReply_QueryReplies] ![DirClassifiedReply_StatusData] | AvatarClassifiedReply !AvatarClassifiedReply_AgentData ![AvatarClassifiedReply_Data] | ClassifiedInfoRequest !ClassifiedInfoRequest_AgentData !ClassifiedInfoRequest_Data | ClassifiedInfoReply !ClassifiedInfoReply_AgentData !ClassifiedInfoReply_Data | ClassifiedInfoUpdate !ClassifiedInfoUpdate_AgentData !ClassifiedInfoUpdate_Data | ClassifiedDelete !ClassifiedDelete_AgentData !ClassifiedDelete_Data | ClassifiedGodDelete !ClassifiedGodDelete_AgentData !ClassifiedGodDelete_Data | DirLandQuery !DirLandQuery_AgentData !DirLandQuery_QueryData | DirLandQueryBackend !DirLandQueryBackend_AgentData !DirLandQueryBackend_QueryData | DirLandReply !DirLandReply_AgentData !DirLandReply_QueryData ![DirLandReply_QueryReplies] | DirPopularQuery !DirPopularQuery_AgentData !DirPopularQuery_QueryData | DirPopularQueryBackend !DirPopularQueryBackend_AgentData !DirPopularQueryBackend_QueryData | DirPopularReply !DirPopularReply_AgentData !DirPopularReply_QueryData ![DirPopularReply_QueryReplies] | ParcelInfoRequest !ParcelInfoRequest_AgentData !ParcelInfoRequest_Data | ParcelInfoReply !ParcelInfoReply_AgentData !ParcelInfoReply_Data | ParcelObjectOwnersRequest !ParcelObjectOwnersRequest_AgentData !ParcelObjectOwnersRequest_ParcelData | ParcelObjectOwnersReply ![ParcelObjectOwnersReply_Data] | GroupNoticesListRequest !GroupNoticesListRequest_AgentData !GroupNoticesListRequest_Data | GroupNoticesListReply !GroupNoticesListReply_AgentData ![GroupNoticesListReply_Data] | GroupNoticeRequest !GroupNoticeRequest_AgentData !GroupNoticeRequest_Data | GroupNoticeAdd !GroupNoticeAdd_AgentData !GroupNoticeAdd_MessageBlock | TeleportRequest !TeleportRequest_AgentData !TeleportRequest_Info | TeleportLocationRequest !TeleportLocationRequest_AgentData !TeleportLocationRequest_Info | TeleportLocal !TeleportLocal_Info | TeleportLandmarkRequest !TeleportLandmarkRequest_Info | TeleportProgress !TeleportProgress_AgentData !TeleportProgress_Info | DataHomeLocationRequest !DataHomeLocationRequest_Info !DataHomeLocationRequest_AgentInfo | DataHomeLocationReply !DataHomeLocationReply_Info | TeleportFinish !TeleportFinish_Info | StartLure !StartLure_AgentData !StartLure_Info ![StartLure_TargetData] | TeleportLureRequest !TeleportLureRequest_Info | TeleportCancel !TeleportCancel_Info | TeleportStart !TeleportStart_Info | TeleportFailed !TeleportFailed_Info ![TeleportFailed_AlertInfo] | Undo !Undo_AgentData ![Undo_ObjectData] | Redo !Redo_AgentData ![Redo_ObjectData] | UndoLand !UndoLand_AgentData | AgentPause !AgentPause_AgentData | AgentResume !AgentResume_AgentData | AgentUpdate !AgentUpdate_AgentData | ChatFromViewer !ChatFromViewer_AgentData !ChatFromViewer_ChatData | AgentThrottle !AgentThrottle_AgentData !AgentThrottle_Throttle | AgentFOV !AgentFOV_AgentData !AgentFOV_FOVBlock | AgentHeightWidth !AgentHeightWidth_AgentData !AgentHeightWidth_HeightWidthBlock | AgentSetAppearance !AgentSetAppearance_AgentData ![AgentSetAppearance_WearableData] !AgentSetAppearance_ObjectData ![AgentSetAppearance_VisualParam] | AgentAnimation !AgentAnimation_AgentData ![AgentAnimation_AnimationList] ![AgentAnimation_PhysicalAvatarEventList] | AgentRequestSit !AgentRequestSit_AgentData !AgentRequestSit_TargetObject | AgentSit !AgentSit_AgentData | AgentQuitCopy !AgentQuitCopy_AgentData !AgentQuitCopy_FuseBlock | RequestImage !RequestImage_AgentData ![RequestImage_RequestImage] | ImageNotInDatabase !ImageNotInDatabase_ImageID | RebakeAvatarTextures !RebakeAvatarTextures_TextureData | SetAlwaysRun !SetAlwaysRun_AgentData | ObjectAdd !ObjectAdd_AgentData !ObjectAdd_ObjectData | ObjectDelete !ObjectDelete_AgentData ![ObjectDelete_ObjectData] | ObjectDuplicate !ObjectDuplicate_AgentData !ObjectDuplicate_SharedData ![ObjectDuplicate_ObjectData] | ObjectDuplicateOnRay !ObjectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData ![ObjectDuplicateOnRay_ObjectData] | MultipleObjectUpdate !MultipleObjectUpdate_AgentData ![MultipleObjectUpdate_ObjectData] | RequestMultipleObjects !RequestMultipleObjects_AgentData ![RequestMultipleObjects_ObjectData] | ObjectPosition !ObjectPosition_AgentData ![ObjectPosition_ObjectData] | ObjectScale !ObjectScale_AgentData ![ObjectScale_ObjectData] | ObjectRotation !ObjectRotation_AgentData ![ObjectRotation_ObjectData] | ObjectFlagUpdate !ObjectFlagUpdate_AgentData | ObjectClickAction !ObjectClickAction_AgentData ![ObjectClickAction_ObjectData] | ObjectImage !ObjectImage_AgentData ![ObjectImage_ObjectData] | ObjectMaterial !ObjectMaterial_AgentData ![ObjectMaterial_ObjectData] | ObjectShape !ObjectShape_AgentData ![ObjectShape_ObjectData] | ObjectExtraParams !ObjectExtraParams_AgentData ![ObjectExtraParams_ObjectData] | ObjectOwner !ObjectOwner_AgentData !ObjectOwner_HeaderData ![ObjectOwner_ObjectData] | ObjectGroup !ObjectGroup_AgentData ![ObjectGroup_ObjectData] | ObjectBuy !ObjectBuy_AgentData ![ObjectBuy_ObjectData] | BuyObjectInventory !BuyObjectInventory_AgentData !BuyObjectInventory_Data | DerezContainer !DerezContainer_Data | ObjectPermissions !ObjectPermissions_AgentData !ObjectPermissions_HeaderData ![ObjectPermissions_ObjectData] | ObjectSaleInfo !ObjectSaleInfo_AgentData ![ObjectSaleInfo_ObjectData] | ObjectName !ObjectName_AgentData ![ObjectName_ObjectData] | ObjectDescription !ObjectDescription_AgentData ![ObjectDescription_ObjectData] | ObjectCategory !ObjectCategory_AgentData ![ObjectCategory_ObjectData] | ObjectSelect !ObjectSelect_AgentData ![ObjectSelect_ObjectData] | ObjectDeselect !ObjectDeselect_AgentData ![ObjectDeselect_ObjectData] | ObjectAttach !ObjectAttach_AgentData ![ObjectAttach_ObjectData] | ObjectDetach !ObjectDetach_AgentData ![ObjectDetach_ObjectData] | ObjectDrop !ObjectDrop_AgentData ![ObjectDrop_ObjectData] | ObjectLink !ObjectLink_AgentData ![ObjectLink_ObjectData] | ObjectDelink !ObjectDelink_AgentData ![ObjectDelink_ObjectData] | ObjectGrab !ObjectGrab_AgentData !ObjectGrab_ObjectData ![ObjectGrab_SurfaceInfo] | ObjectGrabUpdate !ObjectGrabUpdate_AgentData !ObjectGrabUpdate_ObjectData ![ObjectGrabUpdate_SurfaceInfo] | ObjectDeGrab !ObjectDeGrab_AgentData !ObjectDeGrab_ObjectData ![ObjectDeGrab_SurfaceInfo] | ObjectSpinStart !ObjectSpinStart_AgentData !ObjectSpinStart_ObjectData | ObjectSpinUpdate !ObjectSpinUpdate_AgentData !ObjectSpinUpdate_ObjectData | ObjectSpinStop !ObjectSpinStop_AgentData !ObjectSpinStop_ObjectData | ObjectExportSelected !ObjectExportSelected_AgentData ![ObjectExportSelected_ObjectData] | ModifyLand !ModifyLand_AgentData !ModifyLand_ModifyBlock ![ModifyLand_ParcelData] ![ModifyLand_ModifyBlockExtended] | VelocityInterpolateOn !VelocityInterpolateOn_AgentData | VelocityInterpolateOff !VelocityInterpolateOff_AgentData | StateSave !StateSave_AgentData !StateSave_DataBlock | ReportAutosaveCrash !ReportAutosaveCrash_AutosaveData | SimWideDeletes !SimWideDeletes_AgentData !SimWideDeletes_DataBlock | RequestObjectPropertiesFamily !RequestObjectPropertiesFamily_AgentData !RequestObjectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData | TrackAgent !TrackAgent_AgentData !TrackAgent_TargetData | ViewerStats !ViewerStats_AgentData !ViewerStats_DownloadTotals ![ViewerStats_NetStats] !ViewerStats_FailStats ![ViewerStats_MiscStats] | ScriptAnswerYes !ScriptAnswerYes_AgentData !ScriptAnswerYes_Data | UserReport !UserReport_AgentData !UserReport_ReportData | AlertMessage !AlertMessage_AlertData ![AlertMessage_AlertInfo] | AgentAlertMessage !AgentAlertMessage_AgentData !AgentAlertMessage_AlertData | MeanCollisionAlert ![MeanCollisionAlert_MeanCollision] | ViewerFrozenMessage !ViewerFrozenMessage_FrozenData | HealthMessage !HealthMessage_HealthData | ChatFromSimulator !ChatFromSimulator_ChatData | SimStats !SimStats_Region ![SimStats_Stat] !SimStats_PidStat | RequestRegionInfo !RequestRegionInfo_AgentData | RegionInfo !RegionInfo_AgentData !RegionInfo_RegionInfo !RegionInfo_RegionInfo2 | GodUpdateRegionInfo !GodUpdateRegionInfo_AgentData !GodUpdateRegionInfo_RegionInfo | NearestLandingRegionRequest !NearestLandingRegionRequest_RequestingRegionData | NearestLandingRegionReply !NearestLandingRegionReply_LandingRegionData | NearestLandingRegionUpdated !NearestLandingRegionUpdated_RegionData | TeleportLandingStatusChanged !TeleportLandingStatusChanged_RegionData | RegionHandshake !RegionHandshake_RegionInfo !RegionHandshake_RegionInfo2 !RegionHandshake_RegionInfo3 | RegionHandshakeReply !RegionHandshakeReply_AgentData !RegionHandshakeReply_RegionInfo | CoarseLocationUpdate ![CoarseLocationUpdate_Location] !CoarseLocationUpdate_Index ![CoarseLocationUpdate_AgentData] | ImageData !ImageData_ImageID !ImageData_ImageData | ImagePacket !ImagePacket_ImageID !ImagePacket_ImageData | LayerData !LayerData_LayerID !LayerData_LayerData | ObjectUpdate !ObjectUpdate_RegionData ![ObjectUpdate_ObjectData] | ObjectUpdateCompressed !ObjectUpdateCompressed_RegionData ![ObjectUpdateCompressed_ObjectData] | ObjectUpdateCached !ObjectUpdateCached_RegionData ![ObjectUpdateCached_ObjectData] | ImprovedTerseObjectUpdate !ImprovedTerseObjectUpdate_RegionData ![ImprovedTerseObjectUpdate_ObjectData] | KillObject ![KillObject_ObjectData] | CrossedRegion !CrossedRegion_AgentData !CrossedRegion_RegionData !CrossedRegion_Info | SimulatorViewerTimeMessage !SimulatorViewerTimeMessage_TimeInfo | EnableSimulator !EnableSimulator_SimulatorInfo | DisableSimulator | ConfirmEnableSimulator !ConfirmEnableSimulator_AgentData | TransferRequest !TransferRequest_TransferInfo | TransferInfo !TransferInfo_TransferInfo | TransferPacket !TransferPacket_TransferData | TransferAbort !TransferAbort_TransferInfo | RequestXfer !RequestXfer_XferID | SendXferPacket !SendXferPacket_XferID !SendXferPacket_DataPacket | ConfirmXferPacket !ConfirmXferPacket_XferID | AbortXfer !AbortXfer_XferID | AvatarAnimation !AvatarAnimation_Sender ![AvatarAnimation_AnimationList] ![AvatarAnimation_AnimationSourceList] ![AvatarAnimation_PhysicalAvatarEventList] | AvatarAppearance !AvatarAppearance_Sender !AvatarAppearance_ObjectData ![AvatarAppearance_VisualParam] | AvatarSitResponse !AvatarSitResponse_SitObject !AvatarSitResponse_SitTransform | SetFollowCamProperties !SetFollowCamProperties_ObjectData ![SetFollowCamProperties_CameraProperty] | ClearFollowCamProperties !ClearFollowCamProperties_ObjectData | CameraConstraint !CameraConstraint_CameraCollidePlane | ObjectProperties ![ObjectProperties_ObjectData] | ObjectPropertiesFamily !ObjectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData | RequestPayPrice !RequestPayPrice_ObjectData | PayPriceReply !PayPriceReply_ObjectData ![PayPriceReply_ButtonData] | KickUser !KickUser_TargetBlock !KickUser_UserInfo | KickUserAck !KickUserAck_UserInfo | GodKickUser !GodKickUser_UserInfo | SystemKickUser ![SystemKickUser_AgentInfo] | EjectUser !EjectUser_AgentData !EjectUser_Data | FreezeUser !FreezeUser_AgentData !FreezeUser_Data | AvatarPropertiesRequest !AvatarPropertiesRequest_AgentData | AvatarPropertiesRequestBackend !AvatarPropertiesRequestBackend_AgentData | AvatarPropertiesReply !AvatarPropertiesReply_AgentData !AvatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData | AvatarInterestsReply !AvatarInterestsReply_AgentData !AvatarInterestsReply_PropertiesData | AvatarGroupsReply !AvatarGroupsReply_AgentData ![AvatarGroupsReply_GroupData] !AvatarGroupsReply_NewGroupData | AvatarPropertiesUpdate !AvatarPropertiesUpdate_AgentData !AvatarPropertiesUpdate_PropertiesData | AvatarInterestsUpdate !AvatarInterestsUpdate_AgentData !AvatarInterestsUpdate_PropertiesData | AvatarNotesReply !AvatarNotesReply_AgentData !AvatarNotesReply_Data | AvatarNotesUpdate !AvatarNotesUpdate_AgentData !AvatarNotesUpdate_Data | AvatarPicksReply !AvatarPicksReply_AgentData ![AvatarPicksReply_Data] | EventInfoRequest !EventInfoRequest_AgentData !EventInfoRequest_EventData | EventInfoReply !EventInfoReply_AgentData !EventInfoReply_EventData | EventNotificationAddRequest !EventNotificationAddRequest_AgentData !EventNotificationAddRequest_EventData | EventNotificationRemoveRequest !EventNotificationRemoveRequest_AgentData !EventNotificationRemoveRequest_EventData | EventGodDelete !EventGodDelete_AgentData !EventGodDelete_EventData !EventGodDelete_QueryData | PickInfoReply !PickInfoReply_AgentData !PickInfoReply_Data | PickInfoUpdate !PickInfoUpdate_AgentData !PickInfoUpdate_Data | PickDelete !PickDelete_AgentData !PickDelete_Data | PickGodDelete !PickGodDelete_AgentData !PickGodDelete_Data | ScriptQuestion !ScriptQuestion_Data | ScriptControlChange ![ScriptControlChange_Data] | ScriptDialog !ScriptDialog_Data ![ScriptDialog_Buttons] | ScriptDialogReply !ScriptDialogReply_AgentData !ScriptDialogReply_Data | ForceScriptControlRelease !ForceScriptControlRelease_AgentData | RevokePermissions !RevokePermissions_AgentData !RevokePermissions_Data | LoadURL !LoadURL_Data | ScriptTeleportRequest !ScriptTeleportRequest_Data | ParcelOverlay !ParcelOverlay_ParcelData | ParcelPropertiesRequest !ParcelPropertiesRequest_AgentData !ParcelPropertiesRequest_ParcelData | ParcelPropertiesRequestByID !ParcelPropertiesRequestByID_AgentData !ParcelPropertiesRequestByID_ParcelData | ParcelProperties !ParcelProperties_ParcelData !ParcelProperties_AgeVerificationBlock | ParcelPropertiesUpdate !ParcelPropertiesUpdate_AgentData !ParcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData | ParcelReturnObjects !ParcelReturnObjects_AgentData !ParcelReturnObjects_ParcelData ![ParcelReturnObjects_TaskIDs] ![ParcelReturnObjects_OwnerIDs] | ParcelSetOtherCleanTime !ParcelSetOtherCleanTime_AgentData !ParcelSetOtherCleanTime_ParcelData | ParcelDisableObjects !ParcelDisableObjects_AgentData !ParcelDisableObjects_ParcelData ![ParcelDisableObjects_TaskIDs] ![ParcelDisableObjects_OwnerIDs] | ParcelSelectObjects !ParcelSelectObjects_AgentData !ParcelSelectObjects_ParcelData ![ParcelSelectObjects_ReturnIDs] | EstateCovenantRequest !EstateCovenantRequest_AgentData | EstateCovenantReply !EstateCovenantReply_Data | ForceObjectSelect !ForceObjectSelect_Header ![ForceObjectSelect_Data] | ParcelBuyPass !ParcelBuyPass_AgentData !ParcelBuyPass_ParcelData | ParcelDeedToGroup !ParcelDeedToGroup_AgentData !ParcelDeedToGroup_Data | ParcelReclaim !ParcelReclaim_AgentData !ParcelReclaim_Data | ParcelClaim !ParcelClaim_AgentData !ParcelClaim_Data ![ParcelClaim_ParcelData] | ParcelJoin !ParcelJoin_AgentData !ParcelJoin_ParcelData | ParcelDivide !ParcelDivide_AgentData !ParcelDivide_ParcelData | ParcelRelease !ParcelRelease_AgentData !ParcelRelease_Data | ParcelBuy !ParcelBuy_AgentData !ParcelBuy_Data !ParcelBuy_ParcelData | ParcelGodForceOwner !ParcelGodForceOwner_AgentData !ParcelGodForceOwner_Data | ParcelAccessListRequest !ParcelAccessListRequest_AgentData !ParcelAccessListRequest_Data | ParcelAccessListReply !ParcelAccessListReply_Data ![ParcelAccessListReply_List] | ParcelAccessListUpdate !ParcelAccessListUpdate_AgentData !ParcelAccessListUpdate_Data ![ParcelAccessListUpdate_List] | ParcelDwellRequest !ParcelDwellRequest_AgentData !ParcelDwellRequest_Data | ParcelDwellReply !ParcelDwellReply_AgentData !ParcelDwellReply_Data | RequestParcelTransfer !RequestParcelTransfer_Data !RequestParcelTransfer_RegionData | UpdateParcel !UpdateParcel_ParcelData | RemoveParcel ![RemoveParcel_ParcelData] | MergeParcel !MergeParcel_MasterParcelData ![MergeParcel_SlaveParcelData] | LogParcelChanges !LogParcelChanges_AgentData !LogParcelChanges_RegionData ![LogParcelChanges_ParcelData] | CheckParcelSales ![CheckParcelSales_RegionData] | ParcelSales ![ParcelSales_ParcelData] | ParcelGodMarkAsContent !ParcelGodMarkAsContent_AgentData !ParcelGodMarkAsContent_ParcelData | ViewerStartAuction !ViewerStartAuction_AgentData !ViewerStartAuction_ParcelData | StartAuction !StartAuction_AgentData !StartAuction_ParcelData | ConfirmAuctionStart !ConfirmAuctionStart_AuctionData | CompleteAuction ![CompleteAuction_ParcelData] | CancelAuction ![CancelAuction_ParcelData] | CheckParcelAuctions ![CheckParcelAuctions_RegionData] | ParcelAuctions ![ParcelAuctions_ParcelData] | UUIDNameRequest ![UUIDNameRequest_UUIDNameBlock] | UUIDNameReply ![UUIDNameReply_UUIDNameBlock] | UUIDGroupNameRequest ![UUIDGroupNameRequest_UUIDNameBlock] | UUIDGroupNameReply ![UUIDGroupNameReply_UUIDNameBlock] | ChatPass !ChatPass_ChatData | EdgeDataPacket !EdgeDataPacket_EdgeData | SimStatus !SimStatus_SimStatus | ChildAgentUpdate !ChildAgentUpdate_AgentData ![ChildAgentUpdate_GroupData] ![ChildAgentUpdate_AnimationData] ![ChildAgentUpdate_GranterBlock] ![ChildAgentUpdate_NVPairData] ![ChildAgentUpdate_VisualParam] ![ChildAgentUpdate_AgentAccess] ![ChildAgentUpdate_AgentInfo] | ChildAgentAlive !ChildAgentAlive_AgentData | ChildAgentPositionUpdate !ChildAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData | ChildAgentDying !ChildAgentDying_AgentData | ChildAgentUnknown !ChildAgentUnknown_AgentData | AtomicPassObject !AtomicPassObject_TaskData | KillChildAgents !KillChildAgents_IDBlock | GetScriptRunning !GetScriptRunning_Script | ScriptRunningReply !ScriptRunningReply_Script | SetScriptRunning !SetScriptRunning_AgentData !SetScriptRunning_Script | ScriptReset !ScriptReset_AgentData !ScriptReset_Script | ScriptSensorRequest !ScriptSensorRequest_Requester | ScriptSensorReply !ScriptSensorReply_Requester ![ScriptSensorReply_SensedData] | CompleteAgentMovement !CompleteAgentMovement_AgentData | AgentMovementComplete !AgentMovementComplete_AgentData !AgentMovementComplete_Data !AgentMovementComplete_SimData | DataServerLogout !DataServerLogout_UserData | LogoutRequest !LogoutRequest_AgentData | LogoutReply !LogoutReply_AgentData ![LogoutReply_InventoryData] | ImprovedInstantMessage !ImprovedInstantMessage_AgentData !ImprovedInstantMessage_MessageBlock | RetrieveInstantMessages !RetrieveInstantMessages_AgentData | FindAgent !FindAgent_AgentBlock ![FindAgent_LocationBlock] | RequestGodlikePowers !RequestGodlikePowers_AgentData !RequestGodlikePowers_RequestBlock | GrantGodlikePowers !GrantGodlikePowers_AgentData !GrantGodlikePowers_GrantData | GodlikeMessage !GodlikeMessage_AgentData !GodlikeMessage_MethodData ![GodlikeMessage_ParamList] | EstateOwnerMessage !EstateOwnerMessage_AgentData !EstateOwnerMessage_MethodData ![EstateOwnerMessage_ParamList] | GenericMessage !GenericMessage_AgentData !GenericMessage_MethodData ![GenericMessage_ParamList] | MuteListRequest !MuteListRequest_AgentData !MuteListRequest_MuteData | UpdateMuteListEntry !UpdateMuteListEntry_AgentData !UpdateMuteListEntry_MuteData | RemoveMuteListEntry !RemoveMuteListEntry_AgentData !RemoveMuteListEntry_MuteData | CopyInventoryFromNotecard !CopyInventoryFromNotecard_AgentData !CopyInventoryFromNotecard_NotecardData ![CopyInventoryFromNotecard_InventoryData] | UpdateInventoryItem !UpdateInventoryItem_AgentData ![UpdateInventoryItem_InventoryData] | UpdateCreateInventoryItem !UpdateCreateInventoryItem_AgentData ![UpdateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData] | MoveInventoryItem !MoveInventoryItem_AgentData ![MoveInventoryItem_InventoryData] | CopyInventoryItem !CopyInventoryItem_AgentData ![CopyInventoryItem_InventoryData] | RemoveInventoryItem !RemoveInventoryItem_AgentData ![RemoveInventoryItem_InventoryData] | ChangeInventoryItemFlags !ChangeInventoryItemFlags_AgentData ![ChangeInventoryItemFlags_InventoryData] | SaveAssetIntoInventory !SaveAssetIntoInventory_AgentData !SaveAssetIntoInventory_InventoryData | CreateInventoryFolder !CreateInventoryFolder_AgentData !CreateInventoryFolder_FolderData | UpdateInventoryFolder !UpdateInventoryFolder_AgentData ![UpdateInventoryFolder_FolderData] | MoveInventoryFolder !MoveInventoryFolder_AgentData ![MoveInventoryFolder_InventoryData] | RemoveInventoryFolder !RemoveInventoryFolder_AgentData ![RemoveInventoryFolder_FolderData] | FetchInventoryDescendents !FetchInventoryDescendents_AgentData !FetchInventoryDescendents_InventoryData | InventoryDescendents !InventoryDescendents_AgentData ![InventoryDescendents_FolderData] ![InventoryDescendents_ItemData] | FetchInventory !FetchInventory_AgentData ![FetchInventory_InventoryData] | FetchInventoryReply !FetchInventoryReply_AgentData ![FetchInventoryReply_InventoryData] | BulkUpdateInventory !BulkUpdateInventory_AgentData ![BulkUpdateInventory_FolderData] ![BulkUpdateInventory_ItemData] | RequestInventoryAsset !RequestInventoryAsset_QueryData | InventoryAssetResponse !InventoryAssetResponse_QueryData | RemoveInventoryObjects !RemoveInventoryObjects_AgentData ![RemoveInventoryObjects_FolderData] ![RemoveInventoryObjects_ItemData] | PurgeInventoryDescendents !PurgeInventoryDescendents_AgentData !PurgeInventoryDescendents_InventoryData | UpdateTaskInventory !UpdateTaskInventory_AgentData !UpdateTaskInventory_UpdateData !UpdateTaskInventory_InventoryData | RemoveTaskInventory !RemoveTaskInventory_AgentData !RemoveTaskInventory_InventoryData | MoveTaskInventory !MoveTaskInventory_AgentData !MoveTaskInventory_InventoryData | RequestTaskInventory !RequestTaskInventory_AgentData !RequestTaskInventory_InventoryData | ReplyTaskInventory !ReplyTaskInventory_InventoryData | DeRezObject !DeRezObject_AgentData !DeRezObject_AgentBlock ![DeRezObject_ObjectData] | DeRezAck !DeRezAck_TransactionData | RezObject !RezObject_AgentData !RezObject_RezData !RezObject_InventoryData | RezObjectFromNotecard !RezObjectFromNotecard_AgentData !RezObjectFromNotecard_RezData !RezObjectFromNotecard_NotecardData ![RezObjectFromNotecard_InventoryData] | TransferInventory !TransferInventory_InfoBlock ![TransferInventory_InventoryBlock] | TransferInventoryAck !TransferInventoryAck_InfoBlock | AcceptFriendship !AcceptFriendship_AgentData !AcceptFriendship_TransactionBlock ![AcceptFriendship_FolderData] | DeclineFriendship !DeclineFriendship_AgentData !DeclineFriendship_TransactionBlock | FormFriendship !FormFriendship_AgentBlock | TerminateFriendship !TerminateFriendship_AgentData !TerminateFriendship_ExBlock | OfferCallingCard !OfferCallingCard_AgentData !OfferCallingCard_AgentBlock | AcceptCallingCard !AcceptCallingCard_AgentData !AcceptCallingCard_TransactionBlock ![AcceptCallingCard_FolderData] | DeclineCallingCard !DeclineCallingCard_AgentData !DeclineCallingCard_TransactionBlock | RezScript !RezScript_AgentData !RezScript_UpdateBlock !RezScript_InventoryBlock | CreateInventoryItem !CreateInventoryItem_AgentData !CreateInventoryItem_InventoryBlock | CreateLandmarkForEvent !CreateLandmarkForEvent_AgentData !CreateLandmarkForEvent_EventData !CreateLandmarkForEvent_InventoryBlock | EventLocationRequest !EventLocationRequest_QueryData !EventLocationRequest_EventData | EventLocationReply !EventLocationReply_QueryData !EventLocationReply_EventData | RegionHandleRequest !RegionHandleRequest_RequestBlock | RegionIDAndHandleReply !RegionIDAndHandleReply_ReplyBlock | MoneyTransferRequest !MoneyTransferRequest_AgentData !MoneyTransferRequest_MoneyData | MoneyTransferBackend !MoneyTransferBackend_MoneyData | MoneyBalanceRequest !MoneyBalanceRequest_AgentData !MoneyBalanceRequest_MoneyData | MoneyBalanceReply !MoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData | RoutedMoneyBalanceReply !RoutedMoneyBalanceReply_TargetBlock !RoutedMoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData | ActivateGestures !ActivateGestures_AgentData ![ActivateGestures_Data] | DeactivateGestures !DeactivateGestures_AgentData ![DeactivateGestures_Data] | MuteListUpdate !MuteListUpdate_MuteData | UseCachedMuteList !UseCachedMuteList_AgentData | GrantUserRights !GrantUserRights_AgentData ![GrantUserRights_Rights] | ChangeUserRights !ChangeUserRights_AgentData ![ChangeUserRights_Rights] | OnlineNotification ![OnlineNotification_AgentBlock] | OfflineNotification ![OfflineNotification_AgentBlock] | SetStartLocationRequest !SetStartLocationRequest_AgentData !SetStartLocationRequest_StartLocationData | SetStartLocation !SetStartLocation_StartLocationData | NetTest !NetTest_NetBlock | SetCPURatio !SetCPURatio_Data | SimCrashed !SimCrashed_Data ![SimCrashed_Users] | NameValuePair !NameValuePair_TaskData ![NameValuePair_NameValueData] | RemoveNameValuePair !RemoveNameValuePair_TaskData ![RemoveNameValuePair_NameValueData] | UpdateAttachment !UpdateAttachment_AgentData !UpdateAttachment_AttachmentBlock !UpdateAttachment_OperationData !UpdateAttachment_InventoryData | RemoveAttachment !RemoveAttachment_AgentData !RemoveAttachment_AttachmentBlock | SoundTrigger !SoundTrigger_SoundData | AttachedSound !AttachedSound_DataBlock | AttachedSoundGainChange !AttachedSoundGainChange_DataBlock | PreloadSound ![PreloadSound_DataBlock] | AssetUploadRequest !AssetUploadRequest_AssetBlock | AssetUploadComplete !AssetUploadComplete_AssetBlock | EmailMessageRequest !EmailMessageRequest_DataBlock | EmailMessageReply !EmailMessageReply_DataBlock | InternalScriptMail !InternalScriptMail_DataBlock | ScriptDataRequest ![ScriptDataRequest_DataBlock] | ScriptDataReply ![ScriptDataReply_DataBlock] | CreateGroupRequest !CreateGroupRequest_AgentData !CreateGroupRequest_GroupData | CreateGroupReply !CreateGroupReply_AgentData !CreateGroupReply_ReplyData | UpdateGroupInfo !UpdateGroupInfo_AgentData !UpdateGroupInfo_GroupData | GroupRoleChanges !GroupRoleChanges_AgentData ![GroupRoleChanges_RoleChange] | JoinGroupRequest !JoinGroupRequest_AgentData !JoinGroupRequest_GroupData | JoinGroupReply !JoinGroupReply_AgentData !JoinGroupReply_GroupData | EjectGroupMemberRequest !EjectGroupMemberRequest_AgentData !EjectGroupMemberRequest_GroupData ![EjectGroupMemberRequest_EjectData] | EjectGroupMemberReply !EjectGroupMemberReply_AgentData !EjectGroupMemberReply_GroupData !EjectGroupMemberReply_EjectData | LeaveGroupRequest !LeaveGroupRequest_AgentData !LeaveGroupRequest_GroupData | LeaveGroupReply !LeaveGroupReply_AgentData !LeaveGroupReply_GroupData | InviteGroupRequest !InviteGroupRequest_AgentData !InviteGroupRequest_GroupData ![InviteGroupRequest_InviteData] | InviteGroupResponse !InviteGroupResponse_InviteData | GroupProfileRequest !GroupProfileRequest_AgentData !GroupProfileRequest_GroupData | GroupProfileReply !GroupProfileReply_AgentData !GroupProfileReply_GroupData | GroupAccountSummaryRequest !GroupAccountSummaryRequest_AgentData !GroupAccountSummaryRequest_MoneyData | GroupAccountSummaryReply !GroupAccountSummaryReply_AgentData !GroupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData | GroupAccountDetailsRequest !GroupAccountDetailsRequest_AgentData !GroupAccountDetailsRequest_MoneyData | GroupAccountDetailsReply !GroupAccountDetailsReply_AgentData !GroupAccountDetailsReply_MoneyData ![GroupAccountDetailsReply_HistoryData] | GroupAccountTransactionsRequest !GroupAccountTransactionsRequest_AgentData !GroupAccountTransactionsRequest_MoneyData | GroupAccountTransactionsReply !GroupAccountTransactionsReply_AgentData !GroupAccountTransactionsReply_MoneyData ![GroupAccountTransactionsReply_HistoryData] | GroupActiveProposalsRequest !GroupActiveProposalsRequest_AgentData !GroupActiveProposalsRequest_GroupData !GroupActiveProposalsRequest_TransactionData | GroupActiveProposalItemReply !GroupActiveProposalItemReply_AgentData !GroupActiveProposalItemReply_TransactionData ![GroupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData] | GroupVoteHistoryRequest !GroupVoteHistoryRequest_AgentData !GroupVoteHistoryRequest_GroupData !GroupVoteHistoryRequest_TransactionData | GroupVoteHistoryItemReply !GroupVoteHistoryItemReply_AgentData !GroupVoteHistoryItemReply_TransactionData !GroupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData ![GroupVoteHistoryItemReply_VoteItem] | StartGroupProposal !StartGroupProposal_AgentData !StartGroupProposal_ProposalData | GroupProposalBallot !GroupProposalBallot_AgentData !GroupProposalBallot_ProposalData | TallyVotes | GroupMembersRequest !GroupMembersRequest_AgentData !GroupMembersRequest_GroupData | GroupMembersReply !GroupMembersReply_AgentData !GroupMembersReply_GroupData ![GroupMembersReply_MemberData] | ActivateGroup !ActivateGroup_AgentData | SetGroupContribution !SetGroupContribution_AgentData !SetGroupContribution_Data | SetGroupAcceptNotices !SetGroupAcceptNotices_AgentData !SetGroupAcceptNotices_Data !SetGroupAcceptNotices_NewData | GroupRoleDataRequest !GroupRoleDataRequest_AgentData !GroupRoleDataRequest_GroupData | GroupRoleDataReply !GroupRoleDataReply_AgentData !GroupRoleDataReply_GroupData ![GroupRoleDataReply_RoleData] | GroupRoleMembersRequest !GroupRoleMembersRequest_AgentData !GroupRoleMembersRequest_GroupData | GroupRoleMembersReply !GroupRoleMembersReply_AgentData ![GroupRoleMembersReply_MemberData] | GroupTitlesRequest !GroupTitlesRequest_AgentData | GroupTitlesReply !GroupTitlesReply_AgentData ![GroupTitlesReply_GroupData] | GroupTitleUpdate !GroupTitleUpdate_AgentData | GroupRoleUpdate !GroupRoleUpdate_AgentData ![GroupRoleUpdate_RoleData] | LiveHelpGroupRequest !LiveHelpGroupRequest_RequestData | LiveHelpGroupReply !LiveHelpGroupReply_ReplyData | AgentWearablesRequest !AgentWearablesRequest_AgentData | AgentWearablesUpdate !AgentWearablesUpdate_AgentData ![AgentWearablesUpdate_WearableData] | AgentIsNowWearing !AgentIsNowWearing_AgentData ![AgentIsNowWearing_WearableData] | AgentCachedTexture !AgentCachedTexture_AgentData ![AgentCachedTexture_WearableData] | AgentCachedTextureResponse !AgentCachedTextureResponse_AgentData ![AgentCachedTextureResponse_WearableData] | AgentDataUpdateRequest !AgentDataUpdateRequest_AgentData | AgentDataUpdate !AgentDataUpdate_AgentData | GroupDataUpdate ![GroupDataUpdate_AgentGroupData] | AgentGroupDataUpdate !AgentGroupDataUpdate_AgentData ![AgentGroupDataUpdate_GroupData] | AgentDropGroup !AgentDropGroup_AgentData | LogTextMessage ![LogTextMessage_DataBlock] | ViewerEffect !ViewerEffect_AgentData ![ViewerEffect_Effect] | CreateTrustedCircuit !CreateTrustedCircuit_DataBlock | DenyTrustedCircuit !DenyTrustedCircuit_DataBlock | RequestTrustedCircuit | RezSingleAttachmentFromInv !RezSingleAttachmentFromInv_AgentData !RezSingleAttachmentFromInv_ObjectData | RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv !RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_AgentData !RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_HeaderData ![RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_ObjectData] | DetachAttachmentIntoInv !DetachAttachmentIntoInv_ObjectData | CreateNewOutfitAttachments !CreateNewOutfitAttachments_AgentData !CreateNewOutfitAttachments_HeaderData ![CreateNewOutfitAttachments_ObjectData] | UserInfoRequest !UserInfoRequest_AgentData | UserInfoReply !UserInfoReply_AgentData !UserInfoReply_UserData | UpdateUserInfo !UpdateUserInfo_AgentData !UpdateUserInfo_UserData | ParcelRename ![ParcelRename_ParcelData] | InitiateDownload !InitiateDownload_AgentData !InitiateDownload_FileData | SystemMessage !SystemMessage_MethodData ![SystemMessage_ParamList] | MapLayerRequest !MapLayerRequest_AgentData | MapLayerReply !MapLayerReply_AgentData ![MapLayerReply_LayerData] | MapBlockRequest !MapBlockRequest_AgentData !MapBlockRequest_PositionData | MapNameRequest !MapNameRequest_AgentData !MapNameRequest_NameData | MapBlockReply !MapBlockReply_AgentData ![MapBlockReply_Data] | MapItemRequest !MapItemRequest_AgentData !MapItemRequest_RequestData | MapItemReply !MapItemReply_AgentData !MapItemReply_RequestData ![MapItemReply_Data] | SendPostcard !SendPostcard_AgentData | RpcChannelRequest !RpcChannelRequest_DataBlock | RpcChannelReply !RpcChannelReply_DataBlock | RpcScriptRequestInbound !RpcScriptRequestInbound_TargetBlock !RpcScriptRequestInbound_DataBlock | RpcScriptRequestInboundForward !RpcScriptRequestInboundForward_DataBlock | RpcScriptReplyInbound !RpcScriptReplyInbound_DataBlock | ScriptMailRegistration !ScriptMailRegistration_DataBlock | ParcelMediaCommandMessage !ParcelMediaCommandMessage_CommandBlock | ParcelMediaUpdate !ParcelMediaUpdate_DataBlock !ParcelMediaUpdate_DataBlockExtended | LandStatRequest !LandStatRequest_AgentData !LandStatRequest_RequestData | LandStatReply !LandStatReply_RequestData ![LandStatReply_ReportData] | Error !Error_AgentData !Error_Data | ObjectIncludeInSearch !ObjectIncludeInSearch_AgentData ![ObjectIncludeInSearch_ObjectData] | RezRestoreToWorld !RezRestoreToWorld_AgentData !RezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData | LinkInventoryItem !LinkInventoryItem_AgentData !LinkInventoryItem_InventoryBlock deriving Show data TestMessage_TestBlock1 = TestMessage_TestBlock1 { testMessage_TestBlock1_Test1 :: !Word32 } deriving Show data TestMessage_NeighborBlock = TestMessage_NeighborBlock { testMessage_NeighborBlock_Test0 :: !Word32, testMessage_NeighborBlock_Test1 :: !Word32, testMessage_NeighborBlock_Test2 :: !Word32 } deriving Show data PacketAck_Packets = PacketAck_Packets { packetAck_Packets_ID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data OpenCircuit_CircuitInfo = OpenCircuit_CircuitInfo { openCircuit_CircuitInfo_IP :: ![Word8], openCircuit_CircuitInfo_Port :: !Word16 } deriving Show data StartPingCheck_PingID = StartPingCheck_PingID { startPingCheck_PingID_PingID :: !Word8, startPingCheck_PingID_OldestUnacked :: !Word32 } deriving Show data CompletePingCheck_PingID = CompletePingCheck_PingID { completePingCheck_PingID_PingID :: !Word8 } deriving Show data AddCircuitCode_CircuitCode = AddCircuitCode_CircuitCode { addCircuitCode_CircuitCode_Code :: !Word32, addCircuitCode_CircuitCode_SessionID :: !UUID, addCircuitCode_CircuitCode_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data UseCircuitCode_CircuitCode = UseCircuitCode_CircuitCode { useCircuitCode_CircuitCode_Code :: !Word32, useCircuitCode_CircuitCode_SessionID :: !UUID, useCircuitCode_CircuitCode_ID :: !UUID } deriving Show data NeighborList_NeighborBlock = NeighborList_NeighborBlock { neighborList_NeighborBlock_IP :: ![Word8], neighborList_NeighborBlock_Port :: !Word16, neighborList_NeighborBlock_PublicIP :: ![Word8], neighborList_NeighborBlock_PublicPort :: !Word16, neighborList_NeighborBlock_RegionID :: !UUID, neighborList_NeighborBlock_Name :: !B.ByteString, neighborList_NeighborBlock_SimAccess :: !Word8 } deriving Show data AvatarTextureUpdate_AgentData = AvatarTextureUpdate_AgentData { avatarTextureUpdate_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, avatarTextureUpdate_AgentData_TexturesChanged :: !Bool } deriving Show data AvatarTextureUpdate_WearableData = AvatarTextureUpdate_WearableData { avatarTextureUpdate_WearableData_CacheID :: !UUID, avatarTextureUpdate_WearableData_TextureIndex :: !Word8, avatarTextureUpdate_WearableData_HostName :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data AvatarTextureUpdate_TextureData = AvatarTextureUpdate_TextureData { avatarTextureUpdate_TextureData_TextureID :: !UUID } deriving Show data SimulatorMapUpdate_MapData = SimulatorMapUpdate_MapData { simulatorMapUpdate_MapData_Flags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data SimulatorSetMap_MapData = SimulatorSetMap_MapData { simulatorSetMap_MapData_RegionHandle :: !Word64, simulatorSetMap_MapData_Type :: !Int32, simulatorSetMap_MapData_MapImage :: !UUID } deriving Show data SimulatorReady_SimulatorBlock = SimulatorReady_SimulatorBlock { simulatorReady_SimulatorBlock_SimName :: !B.ByteString, simulatorReady_SimulatorBlock_SimAccess :: !Word8, simulatorReady_SimulatorBlock_RegionFlags :: !Word32, simulatorReady_SimulatorBlock_RegionID :: !UUID, simulatorReady_SimulatorBlock_EstateID :: !Word32, simulatorReady_SimulatorBlock_ParentEstateID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data SimulatorReady_TelehubBlock = SimulatorReady_TelehubBlock { simulatorReady_TelehubBlock_HasTelehub :: !Bool, simulatorReady_TelehubBlock_TelehubPos :: !(Float, Float, Float) } deriving Show data TelehubInfo_TelehubBlock = TelehubInfo_TelehubBlock { telehubInfo_TelehubBlock_ObjectID :: !UUID, telehubInfo_TelehubBlock_ObjectName :: !B.ByteString, telehubInfo_TelehubBlock_TelehubPos :: !(Float, Float, Float), telehubInfo_TelehubBlock_TelehubRot :: !(Float, Float, Float, Float) } deriving Show data TelehubInfo_SpawnPointBlock = TelehubInfo_SpawnPointBlock { telehubInfo_SpawnPointBlock_SpawnPointPos :: !(Float, Float, Float) } deriving Show data SimulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorPublicHostBlock = SimulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorPublicHostBlock { simulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorPublicHostBlock_Port :: !Word16, simulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorPublicHostBlock_SimulatorIP :: ![Word8], simulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorPublicHostBlock_GridX :: !Word32, simulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorPublicHostBlock_GridY :: !Word32 } deriving Show data SimulatorPresentAtLocation_NeighborBlock = SimulatorPresentAtLocation_NeighborBlock { simulatorPresentAtLocation_NeighborBlock_IP :: ![Word8], simulatorPresentAtLocation_NeighborBlock_Port :: !Word16 } deriving Show data SimulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorBlock = SimulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorBlock { simulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorBlock_SimName :: !B.ByteString, simulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorBlock_SimAccess :: !Word8, simulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorBlock_RegionFlags :: !Word32, simulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorBlock_RegionID :: !UUID, simulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorBlock_EstateID :: !Word32, simulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorBlock_ParentEstateID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data SimulatorPresentAtLocation_TelehubBlock = SimulatorPresentAtLocation_TelehubBlock { simulatorPresentAtLocation_TelehubBlock_HasTelehub :: !Bool, simulatorPresentAtLocation_TelehubBlock_TelehubPos :: !(Float, Float, Float) } deriving Show data SimulatorLoad_SimulatorLoad = SimulatorLoad_SimulatorLoad { simulatorLoad_SimulatorLoad_TimeDilation :: !Float, simulatorLoad_SimulatorLoad_AgentCount :: !Int32, simulatorLoad_SimulatorLoad_CanAcceptAgents :: !Bool } deriving Show data SimulatorLoad_AgentList = SimulatorLoad_AgentList { simulatorLoad_AgentList_CircuitCode :: !Word32, simulatorLoad_AgentList_X :: !Word8, simulatorLoad_AgentList_Y :: !Word8 } deriving Show data RegionPresenceRequestByRegionID_RegionData = RegionPresenceRequestByRegionID_RegionData { regionPresenceRequestByRegionID_RegionData_RegionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RegionPresenceRequestByHandle_RegionData = RegionPresenceRequestByHandle_RegionData { regionPresenceRequestByHandle_RegionData_RegionHandle :: !Word64 } deriving Show data RegionPresenceResponse_RegionData = RegionPresenceResponse_RegionData { regionPresenceResponse_RegionData_RegionID :: !UUID, regionPresenceResponse_RegionData_RegionHandle :: !Word64, regionPresenceResponse_RegionData_InternalRegionIP :: ![Word8], regionPresenceResponse_RegionData_ExternalRegionIP :: ![Word8], regionPresenceResponse_RegionData_RegionPort :: !Word16, regionPresenceResponse_RegionData_ValidUntil :: !Double, regionPresenceResponse_RegionData_Message :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data UpdateSimulator_SimulatorInfo = UpdateSimulator_SimulatorInfo { updateSimulator_SimulatorInfo_RegionID :: !UUID, updateSimulator_SimulatorInfo_SimName :: !B.ByteString, updateSimulator_SimulatorInfo_EstateID :: !Word32, updateSimulator_SimulatorInfo_SimAccess :: !Word8 } deriving Show data LogDwellTime_DwellInfo = LogDwellTime_DwellInfo { logDwellTime_DwellInfo_AgentID :: !UUID, logDwellTime_DwellInfo_SessionID :: !UUID, logDwellTime_DwellInfo_Duration :: !Float, logDwellTime_DwellInfo_SimName :: !B.ByteString, logDwellTime_DwellInfo_RegionX :: !Word32, logDwellTime_DwellInfo_RegionY :: !Word32, logDwellTime_DwellInfo_AvgAgentsInView :: !Word8, logDwellTime_DwellInfo_AvgViewerFPS :: !Word8 } deriving Show data FeatureDisabled_FailureInfo = FeatureDisabled_FailureInfo { featureDisabled_FailureInfo_ErrorMessage :: !B.ByteString, featureDisabled_FailureInfo_AgentID :: !UUID, featureDisabled_FailureInfo_TransactionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data LogFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData = LogFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData { logFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData_TransactionID :: !UUID, logFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData_TransactionTime :: !Word32, logFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData_TransactionType :: !Int32, logFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData_SourceID :: !UUID, logFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData_DestID :: !UUID, logFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData_Flags :: !Word8, logFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData_Amount :: !Int32, logFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData_SimulatorIP :: ![Word8], logFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData_GridX :: !Word32, logFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData_GridY :: !Word32, logFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData_FailureType :: !Word8 } deriving Show data UserReportInternal_ReportData = UserReportInternal_ReportData { userReportInternal_ReportData_ReportType :: !Word8, userReportInternal_ReportData_Category :: !Word8, userReportInternal_ReportData_ReporterID :: !UUID, userReportInternal_ReportData_ViewerPosition :: !(Float, Float, Float), userReportInternal_ReportData_AgentPosition :: !(Float, Float, Float), userReportInternal_ReportData_ScreenshotID :: !UUID, userReportInternal_ReportData_ObjectID :: !UUID, userReportInternal_ReportData_OwnerID :: !UUID, userReportInternal_ReportData_LastOwnerID :: !UUID, userReportInternal_ReportData_CreatorID :: !UUID, userReportInternal_ReportData_RegionID :: !UUID, userReportInternal_ReportData_AbuserID :: !UUID, userReportInternal_ReportData_AbuseRegionName :: !B.ByteString, userReportInternal_ReportData_AbuseRegionID :: !UUID, userReportInternal_ReportData_Summary :: !B.ByteString, userReportInternal_ReportData_Details :: !B.ByteString, userReportInternal_ReportData_VersionString :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data SetSimStatusInDatabase_Data = SetSimStatusInDatabase_Data { setSimStatusInDatabase_Data_RegionID :: !UUID, setSimStatusInDatabase_Data_HostName :: !B.ByteString, setSimStatusInDatabase_Data_X :: !Int32, setSimStatusInDatabase_Data_Y :: !Int32, setSimStatusInDatabase_Data_PID :: !Int32, setSimStatusInDatabase_Data_AgentCount :: !Int32, setSimStatusInDatabase_Data_TimeToLive :: !Int32, setSimStatusInDatabase_Data_Status :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data SetSimPresenceInDatabase_SimData = SetSimPresenceInDatabase_SimData { setSimPresenceInDatabase_SimData_RegionID :: !UUID, setSimPresenceInDatabase_SimData_HostName :: !B.ByteString, setSimPresenceInDatabase_SimData_GridX :: !Word32, setSimPresenceInDatabase_SimData_GridY :: !Word32, setSimPresenceInDatabase_SimData_PID :: !Int32, setSimPresenceInDatabase_SimData_AgentCount :: !Int32, setSimPresenceInDatabase_SimData_TimeToLive :: !Int32, setSimPresenceInDatabase_SimData_Status :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data EconomyData_Info = EconomyData_Info { economyData_Info_ObjectCapacity :: !Int32, economyData_Info_ObjectCount :: !Int32, economyData_Info_PriceEnergyUnit :: !Int32, economyData_Info_PriceObjectClaim :: !Int32, economyData_Info_PricePublicObjectDecay :: !Int32, economyData_Info_PricePublicObjectDelete :: !Int32, economyData_Info_PriceParcelClaim :: !Int32, economyData_Info_PriceParcelClaimFactor :: !Float, economyData_Info_PriceUpload :: !Int32, economyData_Info_PriceRentLight :: !Int32, economyData_Info_TeleportMinPrice :: !Int32, economyData_Info_TeleportPriceExponent :: !Float, economyData_Info_EnergyEfficiency :: !Float, economyData_Info_PriceObjectRent :: !Float, economyData_Info_PriceObjectScaleFactor :: !Float, economyData_Info_PriceParcelRent :: !Int32, economyData_Info_PriceGroupCreate :: !Int32 } deriving Show data AvatarPickerRequest_AgentData = AvatarPickerRequest_AgentData { avatarPickerRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, avatarPickerRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, avatarPickerRequest_AgentData_QueryID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AvatarPickerRequest_Data = AvatarPickerRequest_Data { avatarPickerRequest_Data_Name :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data AvatarPickerRequestBackend_AgentData = AvatarPickerRequestBackend_AgentData { avatarPickerRequestBackend_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, avatarPickerRequestBackend_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, avatarPickerRequestBackend_AgentData_QueryID :: !UUID, avatarPickerRequestBackend_AgentData_GodLevel :: !Word8 } deriving Show data AvatarPickerRequestBackend_Data = AvatarPickerRequestBackend_Data { avatarPickerRequestBackend_Data_Name :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data AvatarPickerReply_AgentData = AvatarPickerReply_AgentData { avatarPickerReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, avatarPickerReply_AgentData_QueryID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AvatarPickerReply_Data = AvatarPickerReply_Data { avatarPickerReply_Data_AvatarID :: !UUID, avatarPickerReply_Data_FirstName :: !B.ByteString, avatarPickerReply_Data_LastName :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data PlacesQuery_AgentData = PlacesQuery_AgentData { placesQuery_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, placesQuery_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, placesQuery_AgentData_QueryID :: !UUID } deriving Show data PlacesQuery_TransactionData = PlacesQuery_TransactionData { placesQuery_TransactionData_TransactionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data PlacesQuery_QueryData = PlacesQuery_QueryData { placesQuery_QueryData_QueryText :: !B.ByteString, placesQuery_QueryData_QueryFlags :: !Word32, placesQuery_QueryData_Category :: !Int8, placesQuery_QueryData_SimName :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data PlacesReply_AgentData = PlacesReply_AgentData { placesReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, placesReply_AgentData_QueryID :: !UUID } deriving Show data PlacesReply_TransactionData = PlacesReply_TransactionData { placesReply_TransactionData_TransactionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data PlacesReply_QueryData = PlacesReply_QueryData { placesReply_QueryData_OwnerID :: !UUID, placesReply_QueryData_Name :: !B.ByteString, placesReply_QueryData_Desc :: !B.ByteString, placesReply_QueryData_ActualArea :: !Int32, placesReply_QueryData_BillableArea :: !Int32, placesReply_QueryData_Flags :: !Word8, placesReply_QueryData_GlobalX :: !Float, placesReply_QueryData_GlobalY :: !Float, placesReply_QueryData_GlobalZ :: !Float, placesReply_QueryData_SimName :: !B.ByteString, placesReply_QueryData_SnapshotID :: !UUID, placesReply_QueryData_Dwell :: !Float, placesReply_QueryData_Price :: !Int32 } deriving Show data DirFindQuery_AgentData = DirFindQuery_AgentData { dirFindQuery_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, dirFindQuery_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DirFindQuery_QueryData = DirFindQuery_QueryData { dirFindQuery_QueryData_QueryID :: !UUID, dirFindQuery_QueryData_QueryText :: !B.ByteString, dirFindQuery_QueryData_QueryFlags :: !Word32, dirFindQuery_QueryData_QueryStart :: !Int32 } deriving Show data DirFindQueryBackend_AgentData = DirFindQueryBackend_AgentData { dirFindQueryBackend_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DirFindQueryBackend_QueryData = DirFindQueryBackend_QueryData { dirFindQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryID :: !UUID, dirFindQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryText :: !B.ByteString, dirFindQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryFlags :: !Word32, dirFindQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryStart :: !Int32, dirFindQueryBackend_QueryData_EstateID :: !Word32, dirFindQueryBackend_QueryData_Godlike :: !Bool } deriving Show data DirPlacesQuery_AgentData = DirPlacesQuery_AgentData { dirPlacesQuery_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, dirPlacesQuery_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DirPlacesQuery_QueryData = DirPlacesQuery_QueryData { dirPlacesQuery_QueryData_QueryID :: !UUID, dirPlacesQuery_QueryData_QueryText :: !B.ByteString, dirPlacesQuery_QueryData_QueryFlags :: !Word32, dirPlacesQuery_QueryData_Category :: !Int8, dirPlacesQuery_QueryData_SimName :: !B.ByteString, dirPlacesQuery_QueryData_QueryStart :: !Int32 } deriving Show data DirPlacesQueryBackend_AgentData = DirPlacesQueryBackend_AgentData { dirPlacesQueryBackend_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DirPlacesQueryBackend_QueryData = DirPlacesQueryBackend_QueryData { dirPlacesQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryID :: !UUID, dirPlacesQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryText :: !B.ByteString, dirPlacesQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryFlags :: !Word32, dirPlacesQueryBackend_QueryData_Category :: !Int8, dirPlacesQueryBackend_QueryData_SimName :: !B.ByteString, dirPlacesQueryBackend_QueryData_EstateID :: !Word32, dirPlacesQueryBackend_QueryData_Godlike :: !Bool, dirPlacesQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryStart :: !Int32 } deriving Show data DirPlacesReply_AgentData = DirPlacesReply_AgentData { dirPlacesReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DirPlacesReply_QueryData = DirPlacesReply_QueryData { dirPlacesReply_QueryData_QueryID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DirPlacesReply_QueryReplies = DirPlacesReply_QueryReplies { dirPlacesReply_QueryReplies_ParcelID :: !UUID, dirPlacesReply_QueryReplies_Name :: !B.ByteString, dirPlacesReply_QueryReplies_ForSale :: !Bool, dirPlacesReply_QueryReplies_Auction :: !Bool, dirPlacesReply_QueryReplies_Dwell :: !Float } deriving Show data DirPlacesReply_StatusData = DirPlacesReply_StatusData { dirPlacesReply_StatusData_Status :: !Word32 } deriving Show data DirPeopleReply_AgentData = DirPeopleReply_AgentData { dirPeopleReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DirPeopleReply_QueryData = DirPeopleReply_QueryData { dirPeopleReply_QueryData_QueryID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DirPeopleReply_QueryReplies = DirPeopleReply_QueryReplies { dirPeopleReply_QueryReplies_AgentID :: !UUID, dirPeopleReply_QueryReplies_FirstName :: !B.ByteString, dirPeopleReply_QueryReplies_LastName :: !B.ByteString, dirPeopleReply_QueryReplies_Group :: !B.ByteString, dirPeopleReply_QueryReplies_Online :: !Bool, dirPeopleReply_QueryReplies_Reputation :: !Int32 } deriving Show data DirEventsReply_AgentData = DirEventsReply_AgentData { dirEventsReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DirEventsReply_QueryData = DirEventsReply_QueryData { dirEventsReply_QueryData_QueryID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DirEventsReply_QueryReplies = DirEventsReply_QueryReplies { dirEventsReply_QueryReplies_OwnerID :: !UUID, dirEventsReply_QueryReplies_Name :: !B.ByteString, dirEventsReply_QueryReplies_EventID :: !Word32, dirEventsReply_QueryReplies_Date :: !B.ByteString, dirEventsReply_QueryReplies_UnixTime :: !Word32, dirEventsReply_QueryReplies_EventFlags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data DirEventsReply_StatusData = DirEventsReply_StatusData { dirEventsReply_StatusData_Status :: !Word32 } deriving Show data DirGroupsReply_AgentData = DirGroupsReply_AgentData { dirGroupsReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DirGroupsReply_QueryData = DirGroupsReply_QueryData { dirGroupsReply_QueryData_QueryID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DirGroupsReply_QueryReplies = DirGroupsReply_QueryReplies { dirGroupsReply_QueryReplies_GroupID :: !UUID, dirGroupsReply_QueryReplies_GroupName :: !B.ByteString, dirGroupsReply_QueryReplies_Members :: !Int32, dirGroupsReply_QueryReplies_SearchOrder :: !Float } deriving Show data DirClassifiedQuery_AgentData = DirClassifiedQuery_AgentData { dirClassifiedQuery_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, dirClassifiedQuery_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DirClassifiedQuery_QueryData = DirClassifiedQuery_QueryData { dirClassifiedQuery_QueryData_QueryID :: !UUID, dirClassifiedQuery_QueryData_QueryText :: !B.ByteString, dirClassifiedQuery_QueryData_QueryFlags :: !Word32, dirClassifiedQuery_QueryData_Category :: !Word32, dirClassifiedQuery_QueryData_QueryStart :: !Int32 } deriving Show data DirClassifiedQueryBackend_AgentData = DirClassifiedQueryBackend_AgentData { dirClassifiedQueryBackend_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DirClassifiedQueryBackend_QueryData = DirClassifiedQueryBackend_QueryData { dirClassifiedQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryID :: !UUID, dirClassifiedQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryText :: !B.ByteString, dirClassifiedQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryFlags :: !Word32, dirClassifiedQueryBackend_QueryData_Category :: !Word32, dirClassifiedQueryBackend_QueryData_EstateID :: !Word32, dirClassifiedQueryBackend_QueryData_Godlike :: !Bool, dirClassifiedQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryStart :: !Int32 } deriving Show data DirClassifiedReply_AgentData = DirClassifiedReply_AgentData { dirClassifiedReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DirClassifiedReply_QueryData = DirClassifiedReply_QueryData { dirClassifiedReply_QueryData_QueryID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DirClassifiedReply_QueryReplies = DirClassifiedReply_QueryReplies { dirClassifiedReply_QueryReplies_ClassifiedID :: !UUID, dirClassifiedReply_QueryReplies_Name :: !B.ByteString, dirClassifiedReply_QueryReplies_ClassifiedFlags :: !Word8, dirClassifiedReply_QueryReplies_CreationDate :: !Word32, dirClassifiedReply_QueryReplies_ExpirationDate :: !Word32, dirClassifiedReply_QueryReplies_PriceForListing :: !Int32 } deriving Show data DirClassifiedReply_StatusData = DirClassifiedReply_StatusData { dirClassifiedReply_StatusData_Status :: !Word32 } deriving Show data AvatarClassifiedReply_AgentData = AvatarClassifiedReply_AgentData { avatarClassifiedReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, avatarClassifiedReply_AgentData_TargetID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AvatarClassifiedReply_Data = AvatarClassifiedReply_Data { avatarClassifiedReply_Data_ClassifiedID :: !UUID, avatarClassifiedReply_Data_Name :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data ClassifiedInfoRequest_AgentData = ClassifiedInfoRequest_AgentData { classifiedInfoRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, classifiedInfoRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ClassifiedInfoRequest_Data = ClassifiedInfoRequest_Data { classifiedInfoRequest_Data_ClassifiedID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ClassifiedInfoReply_AgentData = ClassifiedInfoReply_AgentData { classifiedInfoReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ClassifiedInfoReply_Data = ClassifiedInfoReply_Data { classifiedInfoReply_Data_ClassifiedID :: !UUID, classifiedInfoReply_Data_CreatorID :: !UUID, classifiedInfoReply_Data_CreationDate :: !Word32, classifiedInfoReply_Data_ExpirationDate :: !Word32, classifiedInfoReply_Data_Category :: !Word32, classifiedInfoReply_Data_Name :: !B.ByteString, classifiedInfoReply_Data_Desc :: !B.ByteString, classifiedInfoReply_Data_ParcelID :: !UUID, classifiedInfoReply_Data_ParentEstate :: !Word32, classifiedInfoReply_Data_SnapshotID :: !UUID, classifiedInfoReply_Data_SimName :: !B.ByteString, classifiedInfoReply_Data_PosGlobal :: !(Double, Double, Double), classifiedInfoReply_Data_ParcelName :: !B.ByteString, classifiedInfoReply_Data_ClassifiedFlags :: !Word8, classifiedInfoReply_Data_PriceForListing :: !Int32 } deriving Show data ClassifiedInfoUpdate_AgentData = ClassifiedInfoUpdate_AgentData { classifiedInfoUpdate_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, classifiedInfoUpdate_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ClassifiedInfoUpdate_Data = ClassifiedInfoUpdate_Data { classifiedInfoUpdate_Data_ClassifiedID :: !UUID, classifiedInfoUpdate_Data_Category :: !Word32, classifiedInfoUpdate_Data_Name :: !B.ByteString, classifiedInfoUpdate_Data_Desc :: !B.ByteString, classifiedInfoUpdate_Data_ParcelID :: !UUID, classifiedInfoUpdate_Data_ParentEstate :: !Word32, classifiedInfoUpdate_Data_SnapshotID :: !UUID, classifiedInfoUpdate_Data_PosGlobal :: !(Double, Double, Double), classifiedInfoUpdate_Data_ClassifiedFlags :: !Word8, classifiedInfoUpdate_Data_PriceForListing :: !Int32 } deriving Show data ClassifiedDelete_AgentData = ClassifiedDelete_AgentData { classifiedDelete_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, classifiedDelete_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ClassifiedDelete_Data = ClassifiedDelete_Data { classifiedDelete_Data_ClassifiedID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ClassifiedGodDelete_AgentData = ClassifiedGodDelete_AgentData { classifiedGodDelete_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, classifiedGodDelete_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ClassifiedGodDelete_Data = ClassifiedGodDelete_Data { classifiedGodDelete_Data_ClassifiedID :: !UUID, classifiedGodDelete_Data_QueryID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DirLandQuery_AgentData = DirLandQuery_AgentData { dirLandQuery_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, dirLandQuery_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DirLandQuery_QueryData = DirLandQuery_QueryData { dirLandQuery_QueryData_QueryID :: !UUID, dirLandQuery_QueryData_QueryFlags :: !Word32, dirLandQuery_QueryData_SearchType :: !Word32, dirLandQuery_QueryData_Price :: !Int32, dirLandQuery_QueryData_Area :: !Int32, dirLandQuery_QueryData_QueryStart :: !Int32 } deriving Show data DirLandQueryBackend_AgentData = DirLandQueryBackend_AgentData { dirLandQueryBackend_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DirLandQueryBackend_QueryData = DirLandQueryBackend_QueryData { dirLandQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryID :: !UUID, dirLandQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryFlags :: !Word32, dirLandQueryBackend_QueryData_SearchType :: !Word32, dirLandQueryBackend_QueryData_Price :: !Int32, dirLandQueryBackend_QueryData_Area :: !Int32, dirLandQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryStart :: !Int32, dirLandQueryBackend_QueryData_EstateID :: !Word32, dirLandQueryBackend_QueryData_Godlike :: !Bool } deriving Show data DirLandReply_AgentData = DirLandReply_AgentData { dirLandReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DirLandReply_QueryData = DirLandReply_QueryData { dirLandReply_QueryData_QueryID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DirLandReply_QueryReplies = DirLandReply_QueryReplies { dirLandReply_QueryReplies_ParcelID :: !UUID, dirLandReply_QueryReplies_Name :: !B.ByteString, dirLandReply_QueryReplies_Auction :: !Bool, dirLandReply_QueryReplies_ForSale :: !Bool, dirLandReply_QueryReplies_SalePrice :: !Int32, dirLandReply_QueryReplies_ActualArea :: !Int32 } deriving Show data DirPopularQuery_AgentData = DirPopularQuery_AgentData { dirPopularQuery_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, dirPopularQuery_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DirPopularQuery_QueryData = DirPopularQuery_QueryData { dirPopularQuery_QueryData_QueryID :: !UUID, dirPopularQuery_QueryData_QueryFlags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data DirPopularQueryBackend_AgentData = DirPopularQueryBackend_AgentData { dirPopularQueryBackend_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DirPopularQueryBackend_QueryData = DirPopularQueryBackend_QueryData { dirPopularQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryID :: !UUID, dirPopularQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryFlags :: !Word32, dirPopularQueryBackend_QueryData_EstateID :: !Word32, dirPopularQueryBackend_QueryData_Godlike :: !Bool } deriving Show data DirPopularReply_AgentData = DirPopularReply_AgentData { dirPopularReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DirPopularReply_QueryData = DirPopularReply_QueryData { dirPopularReply_QueryData_QueryID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DirPopularReply_QueryReplies = DirPopularReply_QueryReplies { dirPopularReply_QueryReplies_ParcelID :: !UUID, dirPopularReply_QueryReplies_Name :: !B.ByteString, dirPopularReply_QueryReplies_Dwell :: !Float } deriving Show data ParcelInfoRequest_AgentData = ParcelInfoRequest_AgentData { parcelInfoRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, parcelInfoRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelInfoRequest_Data = ParcelInfoRequest_Data { parcelInfoRequest_Data_ParcelID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelInfoReply_AgentData = ParcelInfoReply_AgentData { parcelInfoReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelInfoReply_Data = ParcelInfoReply_Data { parcelInfoReply_Data_ParcelID :: !UUID, parcelInfoReply_Data_OwnerID :: !UUID, parcelInfoReply_Data_Name :: !B.ByteString, parcelInfoReply_Data_Desc :: !B.ByteString, parcelInfoReply_Data_ActualArea :: !Int32, parcelInfoReply_Data_BillableArea :: !Int32, parcelInfoReply_Data_Flags :: !Word8, parcelInfoReply_Data_GlobalX :: !Float, parcelInfoReply_Data_GlobalY :: !Float, parcelInfoReply_Data_GlobalZ :: !Float, parcelInfoReply_Data_SimName :: !B.ByteString, parcelInfoReply_Data_SnapshotID :: !UUID, parcelInfoReply_Data_Dwell :: !Float, parcelInfoReply_Data_SalePrice :: !Int32, parcelInfoReply_Data_AuctionID :: !Int32 } deriving Show data ParcelObjectOwnersRequest_AgentData = ParcelObjectOwnersRequest_AgentData { parcelObjectOwnersRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, parcelObjectOwnersRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelObjectOwnersRequest_ParcelData = ParcelObjectOwnersRequest_ParcelData { parcelObjectOwnersRequest_ParcelData_LocalID :: !Int32 } deriving Show data ParcelObjectOwnersReply_Data = ParcelObjectOwnersReply_Data { parcelObjectOwnersReply_Data_OwnerID :: !UUID, parcelObjectOwnersReply_Data_IsGroupOwned :: !Bool, parcelObjectOwnersReply_Data_Count :: !Int32, parcelObjectOwnersReply_Data_OnlineStatus :: !Bool } deriving Show data GroupNoticesListRequest_AgentData = GroupNoticesListRequest_AgentData { groupNoticesListRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, groupNoticesListRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupNoticesListRequest_Data = GroupNoticesListRequest_Data { groupNoticesListRequest_Data_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupNoticesListReply_AgentData = GroupNoticesListReply_AgentData { groupNoticesListReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, groupNoticesListReply_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupNoticesListReply_Data = GroupNoticesListReply_Data { groupNoticesListReply_Data_NoticeID :: !UUID, groupNoticesListReply_Data_Timestamp :: !Word32, groupNoticesListReply_Data_FromName :: !B.ByteString, groupNoticesListReply_Data_Subject :: !B.ByteString, groupNoticesListReply_Data_HasAttachment :: !Bool, groupNoticesListReply_Data_AssetType :: !Word8 } deriving Show data GroupNoticeRequest_AgentData = GroupNoticeRequest_AgentData { groupNoticeRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, groupNoticeRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupNoticeRequest_Data = GroupNoticeRequest_Data { groupNoticeRequest_Data_GroupNoticeID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupNoticeAdd_AgentData = GroupNoticeAdd_AgentData { groupNoticeAdd_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupNoticeAdd_MessageBlock = GroupNoticeAdd_MessageBlock { groupNoticeAdd_MessageBlock_ToGroupID :: !UUID, groupNoticeAdd_MessageBlock_ID :: !UUID, groupNoticeAdd_MessageBlock_Dialog :: !Word8, groupNoticeAdd_MessageBlock_FromAgentName :: !B.ByteString, groupNoticeAdd_MessageBlock_Message :: !B.ByteString, groupNoticeAdd_MessageBlock_BinaryBucket :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data TeleportRequest_AgentData = TeleportRequest_AgentData { teleportRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, teleportRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data TeleportRequest_Info = TeleportRequest_Info { teleportRequest_Info_RegionID :: !UUID, teleportRequest_Info_Position :: !(Float, Float, Float), teleportRequest_Info_LookAt :: !(Float, Float, Float) } deriving Show data TeleportLocationRequest_AgentData = TeleportLocationRequest_AgentData { teleportLocationRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, teleportLocationRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data TeleportLocationRequest_Info = TeleportLocationRequest_Info { teleportLocationRequest_Info_RegionHandle :: !Word64, teleportLocationRequest_Info_Position :: !(Float, Float, Float), teleportLocationRequest_Info_LookAt :: !(Float, Float, Float) } deriving Show data TeleportLocal_Info = TeleportLocal_Info { teleportLocal_Info_AgentID :: !UUID, teleportLocal_Info_LocationID :: !Word32, teleportLocal_Info_Position :: !(Float, Float, Float), teleportLocal_Info_LookAt :: !(Float, Float, Float), teleportLocal_Info_TeleportFlags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data TeleportLandmarkRequest_Info = TeleportLandmarkRequest_Info { teleportLandmarkRequest_Info_AgentID :: !UUID, teleportLandmarkRequest_Info_SessionID :: !UUID, teleportLandmarkRequest_Info_LandmarkID :: !UUID } deriving Show data TeleportProgress_AgentData = TeleportProgress_AgentData { teleportProgress_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data TeleportProgress_Info = TeleportProgress_Info { teleportProgress_Info_TeleportFlags :: !Word32, teleportProgress_Info_Message :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data DataHomeLocationRequest_Info = DataHomeLocationRequest_Info { dataHomeLocationRequest_Info_AgentID :: !UUID, dataHomeLocationRequest_Info_KickedFromEstateID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data DataHomeLocationRequest_AgentInfo = DataHomeLocationRequest_AgentInfo { dataHomeLocationRequest_AgentInfo_AgentEffectiveMaturity :: !Word32 } deriving Show data DataHomeLocationReply_Info = DataHomeLocationReply_Info { dataHomeLocationReply_Info_AgentID :: !UUID, dataHomeLocationReply_Info_RegionHandle :: !Word64, dataHomeLocationReply_Info_Position :: !(Float, Float, Float), dataHomeLocationReply_Info_LookAt :: !(Float, Float, Float) } deriving Show data TeleportFinish_Info = TeleportFinish_Info { teleportFinish_Info_AgentID :: !UUID, teleportFinish_Info_LocationID :: !Word32, teleportFinish_Info_SimIP :: ![Word8], teleportFinish_Info_SimPort :: !Word16, teleportFinish_Info_RegionHandle :: !Word64, teleportFinish_Info_SeedCapability :: !B.ByteString, teleportFinish_Info_SimAccess :: !Word8, teleportFinish_Info_TeleportFlags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data StartLure_AgentData = StartLure_AgentData { startLure_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, startLure_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data StartLure_Info = StartLure_Info { startLure_Info_LureType :: !Word8, startLure_Info_Message :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data StartLure_TargetData = StartLure_TargetData { startLure_TargetData_TargetID :: !UUID } deriving Show data TeleportLureRequest_Info = TeleportLureRequest_Info { teleportLureRequest_Info_AgentID :: !UUID, teleportLureRequest_Info_SessionID :: !UUID, teleportLureRequest_Info_LureID :: !UUID, teleportLureRequest_Info_TeleportFlags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data TeleportCancel_Info = TeleportCancel_Info { teleportCancel_Info_AgentID :: !UUID, teleportCancel_Info_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data TeleportStart_Info = TeleportStart_Info { teleportStart_Info_TeleportFlags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data TeleportFailed_Info = TeleportFailed_Info { teleportFailed_Info_AgentID :: !UUID, teleportFailed_Info_Reason :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data TeleportFailed_AlertInfo = TeleportFailed_AlertInfo { teleportFailed_AlertInfo_Message :: !B.ByteString, teleportFailed_AlertInfo_ExtraParams :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data Undo_AgentData = Undo_AgentData { undo_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, undo_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, undo_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data Undo_ObjectData = Undo_ObjectData { undo_ObjectData_ObjectID :: !UUID } deriving Show data Redo_AgentData = Redo_AgentData { redo_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, redo_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, redo_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data Redo_ObjectData = Redo_ObjectData { redo_ObjectData_ObjectID :: !UUID } deriving Show data UndoLand_AgentData = UndoLand_AgentData { undoLand_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, undoLand_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AgentPause_AgentData = AgentPause_AgentData { agentPause_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, agentPause_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, agentPause_AgentData_SerialNum :: !Word32 } deriving Show data AgentResume_AgentData = AgentResume_AgentData { agentResume_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, agentResume_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, agentResume_AgentData_SerialNum :: !Word32 } deriving Show data AgentUpdate_AgentData = AgentUpdate_AgentData { agentUpdate_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, agentUpdate_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, agentUpdate_AgentData_BodyRotation :: !(Float, Float, Float, Float), agentUpdate_AgentData_HeadRotation :: !(Float, Float, Float, Float), agentUpdate_AgentData_State :: !Word8, agentUpdate_AgentData_CameraCenter :: !(Float, Float, Float), agentUpdate_AgentData_CameraAtAxis :: !(Float, Float, Float), agentUpdate_AgentData_CameraLeftAxis :: !(Float, Float, Float), agentUpdate_AgentData_CameraUpAxis :: !(Float, Float, Float), agentUpdate_AgentData_Far :: !Float, agentUpdate_AgentData_ControlFlags :: !Word32, agentUpdate_AgentData_Flags :: !Word8 } deriving Show data ChatFromViewer_AgentData = ChatFromViewer_AgentData { chatFromViewer_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, chatFromViewer_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ChatFromViewer_ChatData = ChatFromViewer_ChatData { chatFromViewer_ChatData_Message :: !B.ByteString, chatFromViewer_ChatData_Type :: !Word8, chatFromViewer_ChatData_Channel :: !Int32 } deriving Show data AgentThrottle_AgentData = AgentThrottle_AgentData { agentThrottle_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, agentThrottle_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, agentThrottle_AgentData_CircuitCode :: !Word32 } deriving Show data AgentThrottle_Throttle = AgentThrottle_Throttle { agentThrottle_Throttle_GenCounter :: !Word32, agentThrottle_Throttle_Throttles :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data AgentFOV_AgentData = AgentFOV_AgentData { agentFOV_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, agentFOV_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, agentFOV_AgentData_CircuitCode :: !Word32 } deriving Show data AgentFOV_FOVBlock = AgentFOV_FOVBlock { agentFOV_FOVBlock_GenCounter :: !Word32, agentFOV_FOVBlock_VerticalAngle :: !Float } deriving Show data AgentHeightWidth_AgentData = AgentHeightWidth_AgentData { agentHeightWidth_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, agentHeightWidth_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, agentHeightWidth_AgentData_CircuitCode :: !Word32 } deriving Show data AgentHeightWidth_HeightWidthBlock = AgentHeightWidth_HeightWidthBlock { agentHeightWidth_HeightWidthBlock_GenCounter :: !Word32, agentHeightWidth_HeightWidthBlock_Height :: !Word16, agentHeightWidth_HeightWidthBlock_Width :: !Word16 } deriving Show data AgentSetAppearance_AgentData = AgentSetAppearance_AgentData { agentSetAppearance_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, agentSetAppearance_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, agentSetAppearance_AgentData_SerialNum :: !Word32, agentSetAppearance_AgentData_Size :: !(Float, Float, Float) } deriving Show data AgentSetAppearance_WearableData = AgentSetAppearance_WearableData { agentSetAppearance_WearableData_CacheID :: !UUID, agentSetAppearance_WearableData_TextureIndex :: !Word8 } deriving Show data AgentSetAppearance_ObjectData = AgentSetAppearance_ObjectData { agentSetAppearance_ObjectData_TextureEntry :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data AgentSetAppearance_VisualParam = AgentSetAppearance_VisualParam { agentSetAppearance_VisualParam_ParamValue :: !Word8 } deriving Show data AgentAnimation_AgentData = AgentAnimation_AgentData { agentAnimation_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, agentAnimation_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AgentAnimation_AnimationList = AgentAnimation_AnimationList { agentAnimation_AnimationList_AnimID :: !UUID, agentAnimation_AnimationList_StartAnim :: !Bool } deriving Show data AgentAnimation_PhysicalAvatarEventList = AgentAnimation_PhysicalAvatarEventList { agentAnimation_PhysicalAvatarEventList_TypeData :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data AgentRequestSit_AgentData = AgentRequestSit_AgentData { agentRequestSit_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, agentRequestSit_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AgentRequestSit_TargetObject = AgentRequestSit_TargetObject { agentRequestSit_TargetObject_TargetID :: !UUID, agentRequestSit_TargetObject_Offset :: !(Float, Float, Float) } deriving Show data AgentSit_AgentData = AgentSit_AgentData { agentSit_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, agentSit_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AgentQuitCopy_AgentData = AgentQuitCopy_AgentData { agentQuitCopy_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, agentQuitCopy_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AgentQuitCopy_FuseBlock = AgentQuitCopy_FuseBlock { agentQuitCopy_FuseBlock_ViewerCircuitCode :: !Word32 } deriving Show data RequestImage_AgentData = RequestImage_AgentData { requestImage_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, requestImage_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RequestImage_RequestImage = RequestImage_RequestImage { requestImage_RequestImage_Image :: !UUID, requestImage_RequestImage_DiscardLevel :: !Int8, requestImage_RequestImage_DownloadPriority :: !Float, requestImage_RequestImage_Packet :: !Word32, requestImage_RequestImage_Type :: !Word8 } deriving Show data ImageNotInDatabase_ImageID = ImageNotInDatabase_ImageID { imageNotInDatabase_ImageID_ID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RebakeAvatarTextures_TextureData = RebakeAvatarTextures_TextureData { rebakeAvatarTextures_TextureData_TextureID :: !UUID } deriving Show data SetAlwaysRun_AgentData = SetAlwaysRun_AgentData { setAlwaysRun_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, setAlwaysRun_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, setAlwaysRun_AgentData_AlwaysRun :: !Bool } deriving Show data ObjectAdd_AgentData = ObjectAdd_AgentData { objectAdd_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectAdd_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, objectAdd_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectAdd_ObjectData = ObjectAdd_ObjectData { objectAdd_ObjectData_PCode :: !Word8, objectAdd_ObjectData_Material :: !Word8, objectAdd_ObjectData_AddFlags :: !Word32, objectAdd_ObjectData_PathCurve :: !Word8, objectAdd_ObjectData_ProfileCurve :: !Word8, objectAdd_ObjectData_PathBegin :: !Word16, objectAdd_ObjectData_PathEnd :: !Word16, objectAdd_ObjectData_PathScaleX :: !Word8, objectAdd_ObjectData_PathScaleY :: !Word8, objectAdd_ObjectData_PathShearX :: !Word8, objectAdd_ObjectData_PathShearY :: !Word8, objectAdd_ObjectData_PathTwist :: !Int8, objectAdd_ObjectData_PathTwistBegin :: !Int8, objectAdd_ObjectData_PathRadiusOffset :: !Int8, objectAdd_ObjectData_PathTaperX :: !Int8, objectAdd_ObjectData_PathTaperY :: !Int8, objectAdd_ObjectData_PathRevolutions :: !Word8, objectAdd_ObjectData_PathSkew :: !Int8, objectAdd_ObjectData_ProfileBegin :: !Word16, objectAdd_ObjectData_ProfileEnd :: !Word16, objectAdd_ObjectData_ProfileHollow :: !Word16, objectAdd_ObjectData_BypassRaycast :: !Word8, objectAdd_ObjectData_RayStart :: !(Float, Float, Float), objectAdd_ObjectData_RayEnd :: !(Float, Float, Float), objectAdd_ObjectData_RayTargetID :: !UUID, objectAdd_ObjectData_RayEndIsIntersection :: !Word8, objectAdd_ObjectData_Scale :: !(Float, Float, Float), objectAdd_ObjectData_Rotation :: !(Float, Float, Float, Float), objectAdd_ObjectData_State :: !Word8 } deriving Show data ObjectDelete_AgentData = ObjectDelete_AgentData { objectDelete_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectDelete_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, objectDelete_AgentData_Force :: !Bool } deriving Show data ObjectDelete_ObjectData = ObjectDelete_ObjectData { objectDelete_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ObjectDuplicate_AgentData = ObjectDuplicate_AgentData { objectDuplicate_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectDuplicate_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, objectDuplicate_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectDuplicate_SharedData = ObjectDuplicate_SharedData { objectDuplicate_SharedData_Offset :: !(Float, Float, Float), objectDuplicate_SharedData_DuplicateFlags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ObjectDuplicate_ObjectData = ObjectDuplicate_ObjectData { objectDuplicate_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ObjectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData = ObjectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData { objectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, objectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID, objectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData_RayStart :: !(Float, Float, Float), objectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData_RayEnd :: !(Float, Float, Float), objectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData_BypassRaycast :: !Bool, objectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData_RayEndIsIntersection :: !Bool, objectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData_CopyCenters :: !Bool, objectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData_CopyRotates :: !Bool, objectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData_RayTargetID :: !UUID, objectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData_DuplicateFlags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ObjectDuplicateOnRay_ObjectData = ObjectDuplicateOnRay_ObjectData { objectDuplicateOnRay_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data MultipleObjectUpdate_AgentData = MultipleObjectUpdate_AgentData { multipleObjectUpdate_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, multipleObjectUpdate_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data MultipleObjectUpdate_ObjectData = MultipleObjectUpdate_ObjectData { multipleObjectUpdate_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32, multipleObjectUpdate_ObjectData_Type :: !Word8, multipleObjectUpdate_ObjectData_Data :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data RequestMultipleObjects_AgentData = RequestMultipleObjects_AgentData { requestMultipleObjects_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, requestMultipleObjects_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RequestMultipleObjects_ObjectData = RequestMultipleObjects_ObjectData { requestMultipleObjects_ObjectData_CacheMissType :: !Word8, requestMultipleObjects_ObjectData_ID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ObjectPosition_AgentData = ObjectPosition_AgentData { objectPosition_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectPosition_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectPosition_ObjectData = ObjectPosition_ObjectData { objectPosition_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32, objectPosition_ObjectData_Position :: !(Float, Float, Float) } deriving Show data ObjectScale_AgentData = ObjectScale_AgentData { objectScale_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectScale_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectScale_ObjectData = ObjectScale_ObjectData { objectScale_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32, objectScale_ObjectData_Scale :: !(Float, Float, Float) } deriving Show data ObjectRotation_AgentData = ObjectRotation_AgentData { objectRotation_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectRotation_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectRotation_ObjectData = ObjectRotation_ObjectData { objectRotation_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32, objectRotation_ObjectData_Rotation :: !(Float, Float, Float, Float) } deriving Show data ObjectFlagUpdate_AgentData = ObjectFlagUpdate_AgentData { objectFlagUpdate_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectFlagUpdate_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, objectFlagUpdate_AgentData_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32, objectFlagUpdate_AgentData_UsePhysics :: !Bool, objectFlagUpdate_AgentData_IsTemporary :: !Bool, objectFlagUpdate_AgentData_IsPhantom :: !Bool, objectFlagUpdate_AgentData_CastsShadows :: !Bool } deriving Show data ObjectClickAction_AgentData = ObjectClickAction_AgentData { objectClickAction_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectClickAction_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectClickAction_ObjectData = ObjectClickAction_ObjectData { objectClickAction_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32, objectClickAction_ObjectData_ClickAction :: !Word8 } deriving Show data ObjectImage_AgentData = ObjectImage_AgentData { objectImage_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectImage_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectImage_ObjectData = ObjectImage_ObjectData { objectImage_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32, objectImage_ObjectData_MediaURL :: !B.ByteString, objectImage_ObjectData_TextureEntry :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data ObjectMaterial_AgentData = ObjectMaterial_AgentData { objectMaterial_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectMaterial_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectMaterial_ObjectData = ObjectMaterial_ObjectData { objectMaterial_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32, objectMaterial_ObjectData_Material :: !Word8 } deriving Show data ObjectShape_AgentData = ObjectShape_AgentData { objectShape_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectShape_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectShape_ObjectData = ObjectShape_ObjectData { objectShape_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32, objectShape_ObjectData_PathCurve :: !Word8, objectShape_ObjectData_ProfileCurve :: !Word8, objectShape_ObjectData_PathBegin :: !Word16, objectShape_ObjectData_PathEnd :: !Word16, objectShape_ObjectData_PathScaleX :: !Word8, objectShape_ObjectData_PathScaleY :: !Word8, objectShape_ObjectData_PathShearX :: !Word8, objectShape_ObjectData_PathShearY :: !Word8, objectShape_ObjectData_PathTwist :: !Int8, objectShape_ObjectData_PathTwistBegin :: !Int8, objectShape_ObjectData_PathRadiusOffset :: !Int8, objectShape_ObjectData_PathTaperX :: !Int8, objectShape_ObjectData_PathTaperY :: !Int8, objectShape_ObjectData_PathRevolutions :: !Word8, objectShape_ObjectData_PathSkew :: !Int8, objectShape_ObjectData_ProfileBegin :: !Word16, objectShape_ObjectData_ProfileEnd :: !Word16, objectShape_ObjectData_ProfileHollow :: !Word16 } deriving Show data ObjectExtraParams_AgentData = ObjectExtraParams_AgentData { objectExtraParams_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectExtraParams_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectExtraParams_ObjectData = ObjectExtraParams_ObjectData { objectExtraParams_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32, objectExtraParams_ObjectData_ParamType :: !Word16, objectExtraParams_ObjectData_ParamInUse :: !Bool, objectExtraParams_ObjectData_ParamSize :: !Word32, objectExtraParams_ObjectData_ParamData :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data ObjectOwner_AgentData = ObjectOwner_AgentData { objectOwner_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectOwner_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectOwner_HeaderData = ObjectOwner_HeaderData { objectOwner_HeaderData_Override :: !Bool, objectOwner_HeaderData_OwnerID :: !UUID, objectOwner_HeaderData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectOwner_ObjectData = ObjectOwner_ObjectData { objectOwner_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ObjectGroup_AgentData = ObjectGroup_AgentData { objectGroup_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectGroup_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, objectGroup_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectGroup_ObjectData = ObjectGroup_ObjectData { objectGroup_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ObjectBuy_AgentData = ObjectBuy_AgentData { objectBuy_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectBuy_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, objectBuy_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID, objectBuy_AgentData_CategoryID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectBuy_ObjectData = ObjectBuy_ObjectData { objectBuy_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32, objectBuy_ObjectData_SaleType :: !Word8, objectBuy_ObjectData_SalePrice :: !Int32 } deriving Show data BuyObjectInventory_AgentData = BuyObjectInventory_AgentData { buyObjectInventory_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, buyObjectInventory_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data BuyObjectInventory_Data = BuyObjectInventory_Data { buyObjectInventory_Data_ObjectID :: !UUID, buyObjectInventory_Data_ItemID :: !UUID, buyObjectInventory_Data_FolderID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DerezContainer_Data = DerezContainer_Data { derezContainer_Data_ObjectID :: !UUID, derezContainer_Data_Delete :: !Bool } deriving Show data ObjectPermissions_AgentData = ObjectPermissions_AgentData { objectPermissions_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectPermissions_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectPermissions_HeaderData = ObjectPermissions_HeaderData { objectPermissions_HeaderData_Override :: !Bool } deriving Show data ObjectPermissions_ObjectData = ObjectPermissions_ObjectData { objectPermissions_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32, objectPermissions_ObjectData_Field :: !Word8, objectPermissions_ObjectData_Set :: !Word8, objectPermissions_ObjectData_Mask :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ObjectSaleInfo_AgentData = ObjectSaleInfo_AgentData { objectSaleInfo_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectSaleInfo_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectSaleInfo_ObjectData = ObjectSaleInfo_ObjectData { objectSaleInfo_ObjectData_LocalID :: !Word32, objectSaleInfo_ObjectData_SaleType :: !Word8, objectSaleInfo_ObjectData_SalePrice :: !Int32 } deriving Show data ObjectName_AgentData = ObjectName_AgentData { objectName_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectName_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectName_ObjectData = ObjectName_ObjectData { objectName_ObjectData_LocalID :: !Word32, objectName_ObjectData_Name :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data ObjectDescription_AgentData = ObjectDescription_AgentData { objectDescription_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectDescription_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectDescription_ObjectData = ObjectDescription_ObjectData { objectDescription_ObjectData_LocalID :: !Word32, objectDescription_ObjectData_Description :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data ObjectCategory_AgentData = ObjectCategory_AgentData { objectCategory_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectCategory_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectCategory_ObjectData = ObjectCategory_ObjectData { objectCategory_ObjectData_LocalID :: !Word32, objectCategory_ObjectData_Category :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ObjectSelect_AgentData = ObjectSelect_AgentData { objectSelect_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectSelect_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectSelect_ObjectData = ObjectSelect_ObjectData { objectSelect_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ObjectDeselect_AgentData = ObjectDeselect_AgentData { objectDeselect_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectDeselect_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectDeselect_ObjectData = ObjectDeselect_ObjectData { objectDeselect_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ObjectAttach_AgentData = ObjectAttach_AgentData { objectAttach_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectAttach_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, objectAttach_AgentData_AttachmentPoint :: !Word8 } deriving Show data ObjectAttach_ObjectData = ObjectAttach_ObjectData { objectAttach_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32, objectAttach_ObjectData_Rotation :: !(Float, Float, Float, Float) } deriving Show data ObjectDetach_AgentData = ObjectDetach_AgentData { objectDetach_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectDetach_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectDetach_ObjectData = ObjectDetach_ObjectData { objectDetach_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ObjectDrop_AgentData = ObjectDrop_AgentData { objectDrop_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectDrop_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectDrop_ObjectData = ObjectDrop_ObjectData { objectDrop_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ObjectLink_AgentData = ObjectLink_AgentData { objectLink_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectLink_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectLink_ObjectData = ObjectLink_ObjectData { objectLink_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ObjectDelink_AgentData = ObjectDelink_AgentData { objectDelink_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectDelink_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectDelink_ObjectData = ObjectDelink_ObjectData { objectDelink_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ObjectGrab_AgentData = ObjectGrab_AgentData { objectGrab_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectGrab_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectGrab_ObjectData = ObjectGrab_ObjectData { objectGrab_ObjectData_LocalID :: !Word32, objectGrab_ObjectData_GrabOffset :: !(Float, Float, Float) } deriving Show data ObjectGrab_SurfaceInfo = ObjectGrab_SurfaceInfo { objectGrab_SurfaceInfo_UVCoord :: !(Float, Float, Float), objectGrab_SurfaceInfo_STCoord :: !(Float, Float, Float), objectGrab_SurfaceInfo_FaceIndex :: !Int32, objectGrab_SurfaceInfo_Position :: !(Float, Float, Float), objectGrab_SurfaceInfo_Normal :: !(Float, Float, Float), objectGrab_SurfaceInfo_Binormal :: !(Float, Float, Float) } deriving Show data ObjectGrabUpdate_AgentData = ObjectGrabUpdate_AgentData { objectGrabUpdate_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectGrabUpdate_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectGrabUpdate_ObjectData = ObjectGrabUpdate_ObjectData { objectGrabUpdate_ObjectData_ObjectID :: !UUID, objectGrabUpdate_ObjectData_GrabOffsetInitial :: !(Float, Float, Float), objectGrabUpdate_ObjectData_GrabPosition :: !(Float, Float, Float), objectGrabUpdate_ObjectData_TimeSinceLast :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ObjectGrabUpdate_SurfaceInfo = ObjectGrabUpdate_SurfaceInfo { objectGrabUpdate_SurfaceInfo_UVCoord :: !(Float, Float, Float), objectGrabUpdate_SurfaceInfo_STCoord :: !(Float, Float, Float), objectGrabUpdate_SurfaceInfo_FaceIndex :: !Int32, objectGrabUpdate_SurfaceInfo_Position :: !(Float, Float, Float), objectGrabUpdate_SurfaceInfo_Normal :: !(Float, Float, Float), objectGrabUpdate_SurfaceInfo_Binormal :: !(Float, Float, Float) } deriving Show data ObjectDeGrab_AgentData = ObjectDeGrab_AgentData { objectDeGrab_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectDeGrab_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectDeGrab_ObjectData = ObjectDeGrab_ObjectData { objectDeGrab_ObjectData_LocalID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ObjectDeGrab_SurfaceInfo = ObjectDeGrab_SurfaceInfo { objectDeGrab_SurfaceInfo_UVCoord :: !(Float, Float, Float), objectDeGrab_SurfaceInfo_STCoord :: !(Float, Float, Float), objectDeGrab_SurfaceInfo_FaceIndex :: !Int32, objectDeGrab_SurfaceInfo_Position :: !(Float, Float, Float), objectDeGrab_SurfaceInfo_Normal :: !(Float, Float, Float), objectDeGrab_SurfaceInfo_Binormal :: !(Float, Float, Float) } deriving Show data ObjectSpinStart_AgentData = ObjectSpinStart_AgentData { objectSpinStart_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectSpinStart_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectSpinStart_ObjectData = ObjectSpinStart_ObjectData { objectSpinStart_ObjectData_ObjectID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectSpinUpdate_AgentData = ObjectSpinUpdate_AgentData { objectSpinUpdate_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectSpinUpdate_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectSpinUpdate_ObjectData = ObjectSpinUpdate_ObjectData { objectSpinUpdate_ObjectData_ObjectID :: !UUID, objectSpinUpdate_ObjectData_Rotation :: !(Float, Float, Float, Float) } deriving Show data ObjectSpinStop_AgentData = ObjectSpinStop_AgentData { objectSpinStop_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectSpinStop_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectSpinStop_ObjectData = ObjectSpinStop_ObjectData { objectSpinStop_ObjectData_ObjectID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectExportSelected_AgentData = ObjectExportSelected_AgentData { objectExportSelected_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectExportSelected_AgentData_RequestID :: !UUID, objectExportSelected_AgentData_VolumeDetail :: !Int16 } deriving Show data ObjectExportSelected_ObjectData = ObjectExportSelected_ObjectData { objectExportSelected_ObjectData_ObjectID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ModifyLand_AgentData = ModifyLand_AgentData { modifyLand_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, modifyLand_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ModifyLand_ModifyBlock = ModifyLand_ModifyBlock { modifyLand_ModifyBlock_Action :: !Word8, modifyLand_ModifyBlock_BrushSize :: !Word8, modifyLand_ModifyBlock_Seconds :: !Float, modifyLand_ModifyBlock_Height :: !Float } deriving Show data ModifyLand_ParcelData = ModifyLand_ParcelData { modifyLand_ParcelData_LocalID :: !Int32, modifyLand_ParcelData_West :: !Float, modifyLand_ParcelData_South :: !Float, modifyLand_ParcelData_East :: !Float, modifyLand_ParcelData_North :: !Float } deriving Show data ModifyLand_ModifyBlockExtended = ModifyLand_ModifyBlockExtended { modifyLand_ModifyBlockExtended_BrushSize :: !Float } deriving Show data VelocityInterpolateOn_AgentData = VelocityInterpolateOn_AgentData { velocityInterpolateOn_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, velocityInterpolateOn_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data VelocityInterpolateOff_AgentData = VelocityInterpolateOff_AgentData { velocityInterpolateOff_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, velocityInterpolateOff_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data StateSave_AgentData = StateSave_AgentData { stateSave_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, stateSave_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data StateSave_DataBlock = StateSave_DataBlock { stateSave_DataBlock_Filename :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data ReportAutosaveCrash_AutosaveData = ReportAutosaveCrash_AutosaveData { reportAutosaveCrash_AutosaveData_PID :: !Int32, reportAutosaveCrash_AutosaveData_Status :: !Int32 } deriving Show data SimWideDeletes_AgentData = SimWideDeletes_AgentData { simWideDeletes_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, simWideDeletes_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data SimWideDeletes_DataBlock = SimWideDeletes_DataBlock { simWideDeletes_DataBlock_TargetID :: !UUID, simWideDeletes_DataBlock_Flags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data RequestObjectPropertiesFamily_AgentData = RequestObjectPropertiesFamily_AgentData { requestObjectPropertiesFamily_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, requestObjectPropertiesFamily_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RequestObjectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData = RequestObjectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData { requestObjectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_RequestFlags :: !Word32, requestObjectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_ObjectID :: !UUID } deriving Show data TrackAgent_AgentData = TrackAgent_AgentData { trackAgent_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, trackAgent_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data TrackAgent_TargetData = TrackAgent_TargetData { trackAgent_TargetData_PreyID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ViewerStats_AgentData = ViewerStats_AgentData { viewerStats_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, viewerStats_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, viewerStats_AgentData_IP :: ![Word8], viewerStats_AgentData_StartTime :: !Word32, viewerStats_AgentData_RunTime :: !Float, viewerStats_AgentData_SimFPS :: !Float, viewerStats_AgentData_FPS :: !Float, viewerStats_AgentData_AgentsInView :: !Word8, viewerStats_AgentData_Ping :: !Float, viewerStats_AgentData_MetersTraveled :: !Double, viewerStats_AgentData_RegionsVisited :: !Int32, viewerStats_AgentData_SysRAM :: !Word32, viewerStats_AgentData_SysOS :: !B.ByteString, viewerStats_AgentData_SysCPU :: !B.ByteString, viewerStats_AgentData_SysGPU :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data ViewerStats_DownloadTotals = ViewerStats_DownloadTotals { viewerStats_DownloadTotals_World :: !Word32, viewerStats_DownloadTotals_Objects :: !Word32, viewerStats_DownloadTotals_Textures :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ViewerStats_NetStats = ViewerStats_NetStats { viewerStats_NetStats_Bytes :: !Word32, viewerStats_NetStats_Packets :: !Word32, viewerStats_NetStats_Compressed :: !Word32, viewerStats_NetStats_Savings :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ViewerStats_FailStats = ViewerStats_FailStats { viewerStats_FailStats_SendPacket :: !Word32, viewerStats_FailStats_Dropped :: !Word32, viewerStats_FailStats_Resent :: !Word32, viewerStats_FailStats_FailedResends :: !Word32, viewerStats_FailStats_OffCircuit :: !Word32, viewerStats_FailStats_Invalid :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ViewerStats_MiscStats = ViewerStats_MiscStats { viewerStats_MiscStats_Type :: !Word32, viewerStats_MiscStats_Value :: !Double } deriving Show data ScriptAnswerYes_AgentData = ScriptAnswerYes_AgentData { scriptAnswerYes_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, scriptAnswerYes_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ScriptAnswerYes_Data = ScriptAnswerYes_Data { scriptAnswerYes_Data_TaskID :: !UUID, scriptAnswerYes_Data_ItemID :: !UUID, scriptAnswerYes_Data_Questions :: !Int32 } deriving Show data UserReport_AgentData = UserReport_AgentData { userReport_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, userReport_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data UserReport_ReportData = UserReport_ReportData { userReport_ReportData_ReportType :: !Word8, userReport_ReportData_Category :: !Word8, userReport_ReportData_Position :: !(Float, Float, Float), userReport_ReportData_CheckFlags :: !Word8, userReport_ReportData_ScreenshotID :: !UUID, userReport_ReportData_ObjectID :: !UUID, userReport_ReportData_AbuserID :: !UUID, userReport_ReportData_AbuseRegionName :: !B.ByteString, userReport_ReportData_AbuseRegionID :: !UUID, userReport_ReportData_Summary :: !B.ByteString, userReport_ReportData_Details :: !B.ByteString, userReport_ReportData_VersionString :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data AlertMessage_AlertData = AlertMessage_AlertData { alertMessage_AlertData_Message :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data AlertMessage_AlertInfo = AlertMessage_AlertInfo { alertMessage_AlertInfo_Message :: !B.ByteString, alertMessage_AlertInfo_ExtraParams :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data AgentAlertMessage_AgentData = AgentAlertMessage_AgentData { agentAlertMessage_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AgentAlertMessage_AlertData = AgentAlertMessage_AlertData { agentAlertMessage_AlertData_Modal :: !Bool, agentAlertMessage_AlertData_Message :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data MeanCollisionAlert_MeanCollision = MeanCollisionAlert_MeanCollision { meanCollisionAlert_MeanCollision_Victim :: !UUID, meanCollisionAlert_MeanCollision_Perp :: !UUID, meanCollisionAlert_MeanCollision_Time :: !Word32, meanCollisionAlert_MeanCollision_Mag :: !Float, meanCollisionAlert_MeanCollision_Type :: !Word8 } deriving Show data ViewerFrozenMessage_FrozenData = ViewerFrozenMessage_FrozenData { viewerFrozenMessage_FrozenData_Data :: !Bool } deriving Show data HealthMessage_HealthData = HealthMessage_HealthData { healthMessage_HealthData_Health :: !Float } deriving Show data ChatFromSimulator_ChatData = ChatFromSimulator_ChatData { chatFromSimulator_ChatData_FromName :: !B.ByteString, chatFromSimulator_ChatData_SourceID :: !UUID, chatFromSimulator_ChatData_OwnerID :: !UUID, chatFromSimulator_ChatData_SourceType :: !Word8, chatFromSimulator_ChatData_ChatType :: !Word8, chatFromSimulator_ChatData_Audible :: !Word8, chatFromSimulator_ChatData_Position :: !(Float, Float, Float), chatFromSimulator_ChatData_Message :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data SimStats_Region = SimStats_Region { simStats_Region_RegionX :: !Word32, simStats_Region_RegionY :: !Word32, simStats_Region_RegionFlags :: !Word32, simStats_Region_ObjectCapacity :: !Word32 } deriving Show data SimStats_Stat = SimStats_Stat { simStats_Stat_StatID :: !Word32, simStats_Stat_StatValue :: !Float } deriving Show data SimStats_PidStat = SimStats_PidStat { simStats_PidStat_PID :: !Int32 } deriving Show data RequestRegionInfo_AgentData = RequestRegionInfo_AgentData { requestRegionInfo_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, requestRegionInfo_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RegionInfo_AgentData = RegionInfo_AgentData { regionInfo_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, regionInfo_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RegionInfo_RegionInfo = RegionInfo_RegionInfo { regionInfo_RegionInfo_SimName :: !B.ByteString, regionInfo_RegionInfo_EstateID :: !Word32, regionInfo_RegionInfo_ParentEstateID :: !Word32, regionInfo_RegionInfo_RegionFlags :: !Word32, regionInfo_RegionInfo_SimAccess :: !Word8, regionInfo_RegionInfo_MaxAgents :: !Word8, regionInfo_RegionInfo_BillableFactor :: !Float, regionInfo_RegionInfo_ObjectBonusFactor :: !Float, regionInfo_RegionInfo_WaterHeight :: !Float, regionInfo_RegionInfo_TerrainRaiseLimit :: !Float, regionInfo_RegionInfo_TerrainLowerLimit :: !Float, regionInfo_RegionInfo_PricePerMeter :: !Int32, regionInfo_RegionInfo_RedirectGridX :: !Int32, regionInfo_RegionInfo_RedirectGridY :: !Int32, regionInfo_RegionInfo_UseEstateSun :: !Bool, regionInfo_RegionInfo_SunHour :: !Float } deriving Show data RegionInfo_RegionInfo2 = RegionInfo_RegionInfo2 { regionInfo_RegionInfo2_ProductSKU :: !B.ByteString, regionInfo_RegionInfo2_ProductName :: !B.ByteString, regionInfo_RegionInfo2_MaxAgents32 :: !Word32, regionInfo_RegionInfo2_HardMaxAgents :: !Word32, regionInfo_RegionInfo2_HardMaxObjects :: !Word32 } deriving Show data GodUpdateRegionInfo_AgentData = GodUpdateRegionInfo_AgentData { godUpdateRegionInfo_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, godUpdateRegionInfo_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GodUpdateRegionInfo_RegionInfo = GodUpdateRegionInfo_RegionInfo { godUpdateRegionInfo_RegionInfo_SimName :: !B.ByteString, godUpdateRegionInfo_RegionInfo_EstateID :: !Word32, godUpdateRegionInfo_RegionInfo_ParentEstateID :: !Word32, godUpdateRegionInfo_RegionInfo_RegionFlags :: !Word32, godUpdateRegionInfo_RegionInfo_BillableFactor :: !Float, godUpdateRegionInfo_RegionInfo_PricePerMeter :: !Int32, godUpdateRegionInfo_RegionInfo_RedirectGridX :: !Int32, godUpdateRegionInfo_RegionInfo_RedirectGridY :: !Int32 } deriving Show data NearestLandingRegionRequest_RequestingRegionData = NearestLandingRegionRequest_RequestingRegionData { nearestLandingRegionRequest_RequestingRegionData_RegionHandle :: !Word64 } deriving Show data NearestLandingRegionReply_LandingRegionData = NearestLandingRegionReply_LandingRegionData { nearestLandingRegionReply_LandingRegionData_RegionHandle :: !Word64 } deriving Show data NearestLandingRegionUpdated_RegionData = NearestLandingRegionUpdated_RegionData { nearestLandingRegionUpdated_RegionData_RegionHandle :: !Word64 } deriving Show data TeleportLandingStatusChanged_RegionData = TeleportLandingStatusChanged_RegionData { teleportLandingStatusChanged_RegionData_RegionHandle :: !Word64 } deriving Show data RegionHandshake_RegionInfo = RegionHandshake_RegionInfo { regionHandshake_RegionInfo_RegionFlags :: !Word32, regionHandshake_RegionInfo_SimAccess :: !Word8, regionHandshake_RegionInfo_SimName :: !B.ByteString, regionHandshake_RegionInfo_SimOwner :: !UUID, regionHandshake_RegionInfo_IsEstateManager :: !Bool, regionHandshake_RegionInfo_WaterHeight :: !Float, regionHandshake_RegionInfo_BillableFactor :: !Float, regionHandshake_RegionInfo_CacheID :: !UUID, regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainBase0 :: !UUID, regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainBase1 :: !UUID, regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainBase2 :: !UUID, regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainBase3 :: !UUID, regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainDetail0 :: !UUID, regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainDetail1 :: !UUID, regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainDetail2 :: !UUID, regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainDetail3 :: !UUID, regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainStartHeight00 :: !Float, regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainStartHeight01 :: !Float, regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainStartHeight10 :: !Float, regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainStartHeight11 :: !Float, regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainHeightRange00 :: !Float, regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainHeightRange01 :: !Float, regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainHeightRange10 :: !Float, regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainHeightRange11 :: !Float } deriving Show data RegionHandshake_RegionInfo2 = RegionHandshake_RegionInfo2 { regionHandshake_RegionInfo2_RegionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RegionHandshake_RegionInfo3 = RegionHandshake_RegionInfo3 { regionHandshake_RegionInfo3_CPUClassID :: !Int32, regionHandshake_RegionInfo3_CPURatio :: !Int32, regionHandshake_RegionInfo3_ColoName :: !B.ByteString, regionHandshake_RegionInfo3_ProductSKU :: !B.ByteString, regionHandshake_RegionInfo3_ProductName :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data RegionHandshakeReply_AgentData = RegionHandshakeReply_AgentData { regionHandshakeReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, regionHandshakeReply_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RegionHandshakeReply_RegionInfo = RegionHandshakeReply_RegionInfo { regionHandshakeReply_RegionInfo_Flags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data CoarseLocationUpdate_Location = CoarseLocationUpdate_Location { coarseLocationUpdate_Location_X :: !Word8, coarseLocationUpdate_Location_Y :: !Word8, coarseLocationUpdate_Location_Z :: !Word8 } deriving Show data CoarseLocationUpdate_Index = CoarseLocationUpdate_Index { coarseLocationUpdate_Index_You :: !Int16, coarseLocationUpdate_Index_Prey :: !Int16 } deriving Show data CoarseLocationUpdate_AgentData = CoarseLocationUpdate_AgentData { coarseLocationUpdate_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ImageData_ImageID = ImageData_ImageID { imageData_ImageID_ID :: !UUID, imageData_ImageID_Codec :: !Word8, imageData_ImageID_Size :: !Word32, imageData_ImageID_Packets :: !Word16 } deriving Show data ImageData_ImageData = ImageData_ImageData { imageData_ImageData_Data :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data ImagePacket_ImageID = ImagePacket_ImageID { imagePacket_ImageID_ID :: !UUID, imagePacket_ImageID_Packet :: !Word16 } deriving Show data ImagePacket_ImageData = ImagePacket_ImageData { imagePacket_ImageData_Data :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data LayerData_LayerID = LayerData_LayerID { layerData_LayerID_Type :: !Word8 } deriving Show data LayerData_LayerData = LayerData_LayerData { layerData_LayerData_Data :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data ObjectUpdate_RegionData = ObjectUpdate_RegionData { objectUpdate_RegionData_RegionHandle :: !Word64, objectUpdate_RegionData_TimeDilation :: !Word16 } deriving Show data ObjectUpdate_ObjectData = ObjectUpdate_ObjectData { objectUpdate_ObjectData_ID :: !Word32, objectUpdate_ObjectData_State :: !Word8, objectUpdate_ObjectData_FullID :: !UUID, objectUpdate_ObjectData_CRC :: !Word32, objectUpdate_ObjectData_PCode :: !Word8, objectUpdate_ObjectData_Material :: !Word8, objectUpdate_ObjectData_ClickAction :: !Word8, objectUpdate_ObjectData_Scale :: !(Float, Float, Float), objectUpdate_ObjectData_ObjectData :: !B.ByteString, objectUpdate_ObjectData_ParentID :: !Word32, objectUpdate_ObjectData_UpdateFlags :: !Word32, objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathCurve :: !Word8, objectUpdate_ObjectData_ProfileCurve :: !Word8, objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathBegin :: !Word16, objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathEnd :: !Word16, objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathScaleX :: !Word8, objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathScaleY :: !Word8, objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathShearX :: !Word8, objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathShearY :: !Word8, objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathTwist :: !Int8, objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathTwistBegin :: !Int8, objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathRadiusOffset :: !Int8, objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathTaperX :: !Int8, objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathTaperY :: !Int8, objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathRevolutions :: !Word8, objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathSkew :: !Int8, objectUpdate_ObjectData_ProfileBegin :: !Word16, objectUpdate_ObjectData_ProfileEnd :: !Word16, objectUpdate_ObjectData_ProfileHollow :: !Word16, objectUpdate_ObjectData_TextureEntry :: !B.ByteString, objectUpdate_ObjectData_TextureAnim :: !B.ByteString, objectUpdate_ObjectData_NameValue :: !B.ByteString, objectUpdate_ObjectData_Data :: !B.ByteString, objectUpdate_ObjectData_Text :: !B.ByteString, objectUpdate_ObjectData_TextColor :: !B.ByteString, objectUpdate_ObjectData_MediaURL :: !B.ByteString, objectUpdate_ObjectData_PSBlock :: !B.ByteString, objectUpdate_ObjectData_ExtraParams :: !B.ByteString, objectUpdate_ObjectData_Sound :: !UUID, objectUpdate_ObjectData_OwnerID :: !UUID, objectUpdate_ObjectData_Gain :: !Float, objectUpdate_ObjectData_Flags :: !Word8, objectUpdate_ObjectData_Radius :: !Float, objectUpdate_ObjectData_JointType :: !Word8, objectUpdate_ObjectData_JointPivot :: !(Float, Float, Float), objectUpdate_ObjectData_JointAxisOrAnchor :: !(Float, Float, Float) } deriving Show data ObjectUpdateCompressed_RegionData = ObjectUpdateCompressed_RegionData { objectUpdateCompressed_RegionData_RegionHandle :: !Word64, objectUpdateCompressed_RegionData_TimeDilation :: !Word16 } deriving Show data ObjectUpdateCompressed_ObjectData = ObjectUpdateCompressed_ObjectData { objectUpdateCompressed_ObjectData_UpdateFlags :: !Word32, objectUpdateCompressed_ObjectData_Data :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data ObjectUpdateCached_RegionData = ObjectUpdateCached_RegionData { objectUpdateCached_RegionData_RegionHandle :: !Word64, objectUpdateCached_RegionData_TimeDilation :: !Word16 } deriving Show data ObjectUpdateCached_ObjectData = ObjectUpdateCached_ObjectData { objectUpdateCached_ObjectData_ID :: !Word32, objectUpdateCached_ObjectData_CRC :: !Word32, objectUpdateCached_ObjectData_UpdateFlags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ImprovedTerseObjectUpdate_RegionData = ImprovedTerseObjectUpdate_RegionData { improvedTerseObjectUpdate_RegionData_RegionHandle :: !Word64, improvedTerseObjectUpdate_RegionData_TimeDilation :: !Word16 } deriving Show data ImprovedTerseObjectUpdate_ObjectData = ImprovedTerseObjectUpdate_ObjectData { improvedTerseObjectUpdate_ObjectData_Data :: !B.ByteString, improvedTerseObjectUpdate_ObjectData_TextureEntry :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data KillObject_ObjectData = KillObject_ObjectData { killObject_ObjectData_ID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data CrossedRegion_AgentData = CrossedRegion_AgentData { crossedRegion_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, crossedRegion_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data CrossedRegion_RegionData = CrossedRegion_RegionData { crossedRegion_RegionData_SimIP :: ![Word8], crossedRegion_RegionData_SimPort :: !Word16, crossedRegion_RegionData_RegionHandle :: !Word64, crossedRegion_RegionData_SeedCapability :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data CrossedRegion_Info = CrossedRegion_Info { crossedRegion_Info_Position :: !(Float, Float, Float), crossedRegion_Info_LookAt :: !(Float, Float, Float) } deriving Show data SimulatorViewerTimeMessage_TimeInfo = SimulatorViewerTimeMessage_TimeInfo { simulatorViewerTimeMessage_TimeInfo_UsecSinceStart :: !Word64, simulatorViewerTimeMessage_TimeInfo_SecPerDay :: !Word32, simulatorViewerTimeMessage_TimeInfo_SecPerYear :: !Word32, simulatorViewerTimeMessage_TimeInfo_SunDirection :: !(Float, Float, Float), simulatorViewerTimeMessage_TimeInfo_SunPhase :: !Float, simulatorViewerTimeMessage_TimeInfo_SunAngVelocity :: !(Float, Float, Float) } deriving Show data EnableSimulator_SimulatorInfo = EnableSimulator_SimulatorInfo { enableSimulator_SimulatorInfo_Handle :: !Word64, enableSimulator_SimulatorInfo_IP :: ![Word8], enableSimulator_SimulatorInfo_Port :: !Word16 } deriving Show data ConfirmEnableSimulator_AgentData = ConfirmEnableSimulator_AgentData { confirmEnableSimulator_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, confirmEnableSimulator_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data TransferRequest_TransferInfo = TransferRequest_TransferInfo { transferRequest_TransferInfo_TransferID :: !UUID, transferRequest_TransferInfo_ChannelType :: !Int32, transferRequest_TransferInfo_SourceType :: !Int32, transferRequest_TransferInfo_Priority :: !Float, transferRequest_TransferInfo_Params :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data TransferInfo_TransferInfo = TransferInfo_TransferInfo { transferInfo_TransferInfo_TransferID :: !UUID, transferInfo_TransferInfo_ChannelType :: !Int32, transferInfo_TransferInfo_TargetType :: !Int32, transferInfo_TransferInfo_Status :: !Int32, transferInfo_TransferInfo_Size :: !Int32, transferInfo_TransferInfo_Params :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data TransferPacket_TransferData = TransferPacket_TransferData { transferPacket_TransferData_TransferID :: !UUID, transferPacket_TransferData_ChannelType :: !Int32, transferPacket_TransferData_Packet :: !Int32, transferPacket_TransferData_Status :: !Int32, transferPacket_TransferData_Data :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data TransferAbort_TransferInfo = TransferAbort_TransferInfo { transferAbort_TransferInfo_TransferID :: !UUID, transferAbort_TransferInfo_ChannelType :: !Int32 } deriving Show data RequestXfer_XferID = RequestXfer_XferID { requestXfer_XferID_ID :: !Word64, requestXfer_XferID_Filename :: !B.ByteString, requestXfer_XferID_FilePath :: !Word8, requestXfer_XferID_DeleteOnCompletion :: !Bool, requestXfer_XferID_UseBigPackets :: !Bool, requestXfer_XferID_VFileID :: !UUID, requestXfer_XferID_VFileType :: !Int16 } deriving Show data SendXferPacket_XferID = SendXferPacket_XferID { sendXferPacket_XferID_ID :: !Word64, sendXferPacket_XferID_Packet :: !Word32 } deriving Show data SendXferPacket_DataPacket = SendXferPacket_DataPacket { sendXferPacket_DataPacket_Data :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data ConfirmXferPacket_XferID = ConfirmXferPacket_XferID { confirmXferPacket_XferID_ID :: !Word64, confirmXferPacket_XferID_Packet :: !Word32 } deriving Show data AbortXfer_XferID = AbortXfer_XferID { abortXfer_XferID_ID :: !Word64, abortXfer_XferID_Result :: !Int32 } deriving Show data AvatarAnimation_Sender = AvatarAnimation_Sender { avatarAnimation_Sender_ID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AvatarAnimation_AnimationList = AvatarAnimation_AnimationList { avatarAnimation_AnimationList_AnimID :: !UUID, avatarAnimation_AnimationList_AnimSequenceID :: !Int32 } deriving Show data AvatarAnimation_AnimationSourceList = AvatarAnimation_AnimationSourceList { avatarAnimation_AnimationSourceList_ObjectID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AvatarAnimation_PhysicalAvatarEventList = AvatarAnimation_PhysicalAvatarEventList { avatarAnimation_PhysicalAvatarEventList_TypeData :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data AvatarAppearance_Sender = AvatarAppearance_Sender { avatarAppearance_Sender_ID :: !UUID, avatarAppearance_Sender_IsTrial :: !Bool } deriving Show data AvatarAppearance_ObjectData = AvatarAppearance_ObjectData { avatarAppearance_ObjectData_TextureEntry :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data AvatarAppearance_VisualParam = AvatarAppearance_VisualParam { avatarAppearance_VisualParam_ParamValue :: !Word8 } deriving Show data AvatarSitResponse_SitObject = AvatarSitResponse_SitObject { avatarSitResponse_SitObject_ID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AvatarSitResponse_SitTransform = AvatarSitResponse_SitTransform { avatarSitResponse_SitTransform_AutoPilot :: !Bool, avatarSitResponse_SitTransform_SitPosition :: !(Float, Float, Float), avatarSitResponse_SitTransform_SitRotation :: !(Float, Float, Float, Float), avatarSitResponse_SitTransform_CameraEyeOffset :: !(Float, Float, Float), avatarSitResponse_SitTransform_CameraAtOffset :: !(Float, Float, Float), avatarSitResponse_SitTransform_ForceMouselook :: !Bool } deriving Show data SetFollowCamProperties_ObjectData = SetFollowCamProperties_ObjectData { setFollowCamProperties_ObjectData_ObjectID :: !UUID } deriving Show data SetFollowCamProperties_CameraProperty = SetFollowCamProperties_CameraProperty { setFollowCamProperties_CameraProperty_Type :: !Int32, setFollowCamProperties_CameraProperty_Value :: !Float } deriving Show data ClearFollowCamProperties_ObjectData = ClearFollowCamProperties_ObjectData { clearFollowCamProperties_ObjectData_ObjectID :: !UUID } deriving Show data CameraConstraint_CameraCollidePlane = CameraConstraint_CameraCollidePlane { cameraConstraint_CameraCollidePlane_Plane :: !(Float, Float, Float, Float) } deriving Show data ObjectProperties_ObjectData = ObjectProperties_ObjectData { objectProperties_ObjectData_ObjectID :: !UUID, objectProperties_ObjectData_CreatorID :: !UUID, objectProperties_ObjectData_OwnerID :: !UUID, objectProperties_ObjectData_GroupID :: !UUID, objectProperties_ObjectData_CreationDate :: !Word64, objectProperties_ObjectData_BaseMask :: !Word32, objectProperties_ObjectData_OwnerMask :: !Word32, objectProperties_ObjectData_GroupMask :: !Word32, objectProperties_ObjectData_EveryoneMask :: !Word32, objectProperties_ObjectData_NextOwnerMask :: !Word32, objectProperties_ObjectData_OwnershipCost :: !Int32, objectProperties_ObjectData_SaleType :: !Word8, objectProperties_ObjectData_SalePrice :: !Int32, objectProperties_ObjectData_AggregatePerms :: !Word8, objectProperties_ObjectData_AggregatePermTextures :: !Word8, objectProperties_ObjectData_AggregatePermTexturesOwner :: !Word8, objectProperties_ObjectData_Category :: !Word32, objectProperties_ObjectData_InventorySerial :: !Int16, objectProperties_ObjectData_ItemID :: !UUID, objectProperties_ObjectData_FolderID :: !UUID, objectProperties_ObjectData_FromTaskID :: !UUID, objectProperties_ObjectData_LastOwnerID :: !UUID, objectProperties_ObjectData_Name :: !B.ByteString, objectProperties_ObjectData_Description :: !B.ByteString, objectProperties_ObjectData_TouchName :: !B.ByteString, objectProperties_ObjectData_SitName :: !B.ByteString, objectProperties_ObjectData_TextureID :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data ObjectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData = ObjectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData { objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_RequestFlags :: !Word32, objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_ObjectID :: !UUID, objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_OwnerID :: !UUID, objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_GroupID :: !UUID, objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_BaseMask :: !Word32, objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_OwnerMask :: !Word32, objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_GroupMask :: !Word32, objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_EveryoneMask :: !Word32, objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_NextOwnerMask :: !Word32, objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_OwnershipCost :: !Int32, objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_SaleType :: !Word8, objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_SalePrice :: !Int32, objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_Category :: !Word32, objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_LastOwnerID :: !UUID, objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_Name :: !B.ByteString, objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_Description :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data RequestPayPrice_ObjectData = RequestPayPrice_ObjectData { requestPayPrice_ObjectData_ObjectID :: !UUID } deriving Show data PayPriceReply_ObjectData = PayPriceReply_ObjectData { payPriceReply_ObjectData_ObjectID :: !UUID, payPriceReply_ObjectData_DefaultPayPrice :: !Int32 } deriving Show data PayPriceReply_ButtonData = PayPriceReply_ButtonData { payPriceReply_ButtonData_PayButton :: !Int32 } deriving Show data KickUser_TargetBlock = KickUser_TargetBlock { kickUser_TargetBlock_TargetIP :: ![Word8], kickUser_TargetBlock_TargetPort :: !Word16 } deriving Show data KickUser_UserInfo = KickUser_UserInfo { kickUser_UserInfo_AgentID :: !UUID, kickUser_UserInfo_SessionID :: !UUID, kickUser_UserInfo_Reason :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data KickUserAck_UserInfo = KickUserAck_UserInfo { kickUserAck_UserInfo_SessionID :: !UUID, kickUserAck_UserInfo_Flags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data GodKickUser_UserInfo = GodKickUser_UserInfo { godKickUser_UserInfo_GodID :: !UUID, godKickUser_UserInfo_GodSessionID :: !UUID, godKickUser_UserInfo_AgentID :: !UUID, godKickUser_UserInfo_KickFlags :: !Word32, godKickUser_UserInfo_Reason :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data SystemKickUser_AgentInfo = SystemKickUser_AgentInfo { systemKickUser_AgentInfo_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data EjectUser_AgentData = EjectUser_AgentData { ejectUser_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, ejectUser_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data EjectUser_Data = EjectUser_Data { ejectUser_Data_TargetID :: !UUID, ejectUser_Data_Flags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data FreezeUser_AgentData = FreezeUser_AgentData { freezeUser_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, freezeUser_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data FreezeUser_Data = FreezeUser_Data { freezeUser_Data_TargetID :: !UUID, freezeUser_Data_Flags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data AvatarPropertiesRequest_AgentData = AvatarPropertiesRequest_AgentData { avatarPropertiesRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, avatarPropertiesRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, avatarPropertiesRequest_AgentData_AvatarID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AvatarPropertiesRequestBackend_AgentData = AvatarPropertiesRequestBackend_AgentData { avatarPropertiesRequestBackend_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, avatarPropertiesRequestBackend_AgentData_AvatarID :: !UUID, avatarPropertiesRequestBackend_AgentData_GodLevel :: !Word8, avatarPropertiesRequestBackend_AgentData_WebProfilesDisabled :: !Bool } deriving Show data AvatarPropertiesReply_AgentData = AvatarPropertiesReply_AgentData { avatarPropertiesReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, avatarPropertiesReply_AgentData_AvatarID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AvatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData = AvatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData { avatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData_ImageID :: !UUID, avatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData_FLImageID :: !UUID, avatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData_PartnerID :: !UUID, avatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData_AboutText :: !B.ByteString, avatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData_FLAboutText :: !B.ByteString, avatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData_BornOn :: !B.ByteString, avatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData_ProfileURL :: !B.ByteString, avatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData_CharterMember :: !B.ByteString, avatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData_Flags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data AvatarInterestsReply_AgentData = AvatarInterestsReply_AgentData { avatarInterestsReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, avatarInterestsReply_AgentData_AvatarID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AvatarInterestsReply_PropertiesData = AvatarInterestsReply_PropertiesData { avatarInterestsReply_PropertiesData_WantToMask :: !Word32, avatarInterestsReply_PropertiesData_WantToText :: !B.ByteString, avatarInterestsReply_PropertiesData_SkillsMask :: !Word32, avatarInterestsReply_PropertiesData_SkillsText :: !B.ByteString, avatarInterestsReply_PropertiesData_LanguagesText :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data AvatarGroupsReply_AgentData = AvatarGroupsReply_AgentData { avatarGroupsReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, avatarGroupsReply_AgentData_AvatarID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AvatarGroupsReply_GroupData = AvatarGroupsReply_GroupData { avatarGroupsReply_GroupData_GroupPowers :: !Word64, avatarGroupsReply_GroupData_AcceptNotices :: !Bool, avatarGroupsReply_GroupData_GroupTitle :: !B.ByteString, avatarGroupsReply_GroupData_GroupID :: !UUID, avatarGroupsReply_GroupData_GroupName :: !B.ByteString, avatarGroupsReply_GroupData_GroupInsigniaID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AvatarGroupsReply_NewGroupData = AvatarGroupsReply_NewGroupData { avatarGroupsReply_NewGroupData_ListInProfile :: !Bool } deriving Show data AvatarPropertiesUpdate_AgentData = AvatarPropertiesUpdate_AgentData { avatarPropertiesUpdate_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, avatarPropertiesUpdate_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AvatarPropertiesUpdate_PropertiesData = AvatarPropertiesUpdate_PropertiesData { avatarPropertiesUpdate_PropertiesData_ImageID :: !UUID, avatarPropertiesUpdate_PropertiesData_FLImageID :: !UUID, avatarPropertiesUpdate_PropertiesData_AboutText :: !B.ByteString, avatarPropertiesUpdate_PropertiesData_FLAboutText :: !B.ByteString, avatarPropertiesUpdate_PropertiesData_AllowPublish :: !Bool, avatarPropertiesUpdate_PropertiesData_MaturePublish :: !Bool, avatarPropertiesUpdate_PropertiesData_ProfileURL :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data AvatarInterestsUpdate_AgentData = AvatarInterestsUpdate_AgentData { avatarInterestsUpdate_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, avatarInterestsUpdate_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AvatarInterestsUpdate_PropertiesData = AvatarInterestsUpdate_PropertiesData { avatarInterestsUpdate_PropertiesData_WantToMask :: !Word32, avatarInterestsUpdate_PropertiesData_WantToText :: !B.ByteString, avatarInterestsUpdate_PropertiesData_SkillsMask :: !Word32, avatarInterestsUpdate_PropertiesData_SkillsText :: !B.ByteString, avatarInterestsUpdate_PropertiesData_LanguagesText :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data AvatarNotesReply_AgentData = AvatarNotesReply_AgentData { avatarNotesReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AvatarNotesReply_Data = AvatarNotesReply_Data { avatarNotesReply_Data_TargetID :: !UUID, avatarNotesReply_Data_Notes :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data AvatarNotesUpdate_AgentData = AvatarNotesUpdate_AgentData { avatarNotesUpdate_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, avatarNotesUpdate_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AvatarNotesUpdate_Data = AvatarNotesUpdate_Data { avatarNotesUpdate_Data_TargetID :: !UUID, avatarNotesUpdate_Data_Notes :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data AvatarPicksReply_AgentData = AvatarPicksReply_AgentData { avatarPicksReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, avatarPicksReply_AgentData_TargetID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AvatarPicksReply_Data = AvatarPicksReply_Data { avatarPicksReply_Data_PickID :: !UUID, avatarPicksReply_Data_PickName :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data EventInfoRequest_AgentData = EventInfoRequest_AgentData { eventInfoRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, eventInfoRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data EventInfoRequest_EventData = EventInfoRequest_EventData { eventInfoRequest_EventData_EventID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data EventInfoReply_AgentData = EventInfoReply_AgentData { eventInfoReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data EventInfoReply_EventData = EventInfoReply_EventData { eventInfoReply_EventData_EventID :: !Word32, eventInfoReply_EventData_Creator :: !B.ByteString, eventInfoReply_EventData_Name :: !B.ByteString, eventInfoReply_EventData_Category :: !B.ByteString, eventInfoReply_EventData_Desc :: !B.ByteString, eventInfoReply_EventData_Date :: !B.ByteString, eventInfoReply_EventData_DateUTC :: !Word32, eventInfoReply_EventData_Duration :: !Word32, eventInfoReply_EventData_Cover :: !Word32, eventInfoReply_EventData_Amount :: !Word32, eventInfoReply_EventData_SimName :: !B.ByteString, eventInfoReply_EventData_GlobalPos :: !(Double, Double, Double), eventInfoReply_EventData_EventFlags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data EventNotificationAddRequest_AgentData = EventNotificationAddRequest_AgentData { eventNotificationAddRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, eventNotificationAddRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data EventNotificationAddRequest_EventData = EventNotificationAddRequest_EventData { eventNotificationAddRequest_EventData_EventID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data EventNotificationRemoveRequest_AgentData = EventNotificationRemoveRequest_AgentData { eventNotificationRemoveRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, eventNotificationRemoveRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data EventNotificationRemoveRequest_EventData = EventNotificationRemoveRequest_EventData { eventNotificationRemoveRequest_EventData_EventID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data EventGodDelete_AgentData = EventGodDelete_AgentData { eventGodDelete_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, eventGodDelete_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data EventGodDelete_EventData = EventGodDelete_EventData { eventGodDelete_EventData_EventID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data EventGodDelete_QueryData = EventGodDelete_QueryData { eventGodDelete_QueryData_QueryID :: !UUID, eventGodDelete_QueryData_QueryText :: !B.ByteString, eventGodDelete_QueryData_QueryFlags :: !Word32, eventGodDelete_QueryData_QueryStart :: !Int32 } deriving Show data PickInfoReply_AgentData = PickInfoReply_AgentData { pickInfoReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data PickInfoReply_Data = PickInfoReply_Data { pickInfoReply_Data_PickID :: !UUID, pickInfoReply_Data_CreatorID :: !UUID, pickInfoReply_Data_TopPick :: !Bool, pickInfoReply_Data_ParcelID :: !UUID, pickInfoReply_Data_Name :: !B.ByteString, pickInfoReply_Data_Desc :: !B.ByteString, pickInfoReply_Data_SnapshotID :: !UUID, pickInfoReply_Data_User :: !B.ByteString, pickInfoReply_Data_OriginalName :: !B.ByteString, pickInfoReply_Data_SimName :: !B.ByteString, pickInfoReply_Data_PosGlobal :: !(Double, Double, Double), pickInfoReply_Data_SortOrder :: !Int32, pickInfoReply_Data_Enabled :: !Bool } deriving Show data PickInfoUpdate_AgentData = PickInfoUpdate_AgentData { pickInfoUpdate_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, pickInfoUpdate_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data PickInfoUpdate_Data = PickInfoUpdate_Data { pickInfoUpdate_Data_PickID :: !UUID, pickInfoUpdate_Data_CreatorID :: !UUID, pickInfoUpdate_Data_TopPick :: !Bool, pickInfoUpdate_Data_ParcelID :: !UUID, pickInfoUpdate_Data_Name :: !B.ByteString, pickInfoUpdate_Data_Desc :: !B.ByteString, pickInfoUpdate_Data_SnapshotID :: !UUID, pickInfoUpdate_Data_PosGlobal :: !(Double, Double, Double), pickInfoUpdate_Data_SortOrder :: !Int32, pickInfoUpdate_Data_Enabled :: !Bool } deriving Show data PickDelete_AgentData = PickDelete_AgentData { pickDelete_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, pickDelete_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data PickDelete_Data = PickDelete_Data { pickDelete_Data_PickID :: !UUID } deriving Show data PickGodDelete_AgentData = PickGodDelete_AgentData { pickGodDelete_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, pickGodDelete_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data PickGodDelete_Data = PickGodDelete_Data { pickGodDelete_Data_PickID :: !UUID, pickGodDelete_Data_QueryID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ScriptQuestion_Data = ScriptQuestion_Data { scriptQuestion_Data_TaskID :: !UUID, scriptQuestion_Data_ItemID :: !UUID, scriptQuestion_Data_ObjectName :: !B.ByteString, scriptQuestion_Data_ObjectOwner :: !B.ByteString, scriptQuestion_Data_Questions :: !Int32 } deriving Show data ScriptControlChange_Data = ScriptControlChange_Data { scriptControlChange_Data_TakeControls :: !Bool, scriptControlChange_Data_Controls :: !Word32, scriptControlChange_Data_PassToAgent :: !Bool } deriving Show data ScriptDialog_Data = ScriptDialog_Data { scriptDialog_Data_ObjectID :: !UUID, scriptDialog_Data_FirstName :: !B.ByteString, scriptDialog_Data_LastName :: !B.ByteString, scriptDialog_Data_ObjectName :: !B.ByteString, scriptDialog_Data_Message :: !B.ByteString, scriptDialog_Data_ChatChannel :: !Int32, scriptDialog_Data_ImageID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ScriptDialog_Buttons = ScriptDialog_Buttons { scriptDialog_Buttons_ButtonLabel :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data ScriptDialogReply_AgentData = ScriptDialogReply_AgentData { scriptDialogReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, scriptDialogReply_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ScriptDialogReply_Data = ScriptDialogReply_Data { scriptDialogReply_Data_ObjectID :: !UUID, scriptDialogReply_Data_ChatChannel :: !Int32, scriptDialogReply_Data_ButtonIndex :: !Int32, scriptDialogReply_Data_ButtonLabel :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data ForceScriptControlRelease_AgentData = ForceScriptControlRelease_AgentData { forceScriptControlRelease_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, forceScriptControlRelease_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RevokePermissions_AgentData = RevokePermissions_AgentData { revokePermissions_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, revokePermissions_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RevokePermissions_Data = RevokePermissions_Data { revokePermissions_Data_ObjectID :: !UUID, revokePermissions_Data_ObjectPermissions :: !Word32 } deriving Show data LoadURL_Data = LoadURL_Data { loadURL_Data_ObjectName :: !B.ByteString, loadURL_Data_ObjectID :: !UUID, loadURL_Data_OwnerID :: !UUID, loadURL_Data_OwnerIsGroup :: !Bool, loadURL_Data_Message :: !B.ByteString, loadURL_Data_URL :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data ScriptTeleportRequest_Data = ScriptTeleportRequest_Data { scriptTeleportRequest_Data_ObjectName :: !B.ByteString, scriptTeleportRequest_Data_SimName :: !B.ByteString, scriptTeleportRequest_Data_SimPosition :: !(Float, Float, Float), scriptTeleportRequest_Data_LookAt :: !(Float, Float, Float) } deriving Show data ParcelOverlay_ParcelData = ParcelOverlay_ParcelData { parcelOverlay_ParcelData_SequenceID :: !Int32, parcelOverlay_ParcelData_Data :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data ParcelPropertiesRequest_AgentData = ParcelPropertiesRequest_AgentData { parcelPropertiesRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, parcelPropertiesRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelPropertiesRequest_ParcelData = ParcelPropertiesRequest_ParcelData { parcelPropertiesRequest_ParcelData_SequenceID :: !Int32, parcelPropertiesRequest_ParcelData_West :: !Float, parcelPropertiesRequest_ParcelData_South :: !Float, parcelPropertiesRequest_ParcelData_East :: !Float, parcelPropertiesRequest_ParcelData_North :: !Float, parcelPropertiesRequest_ParcelData_SnapSelection :: !Bool } deriving Show data ParcelPropertiesRequestByID_AgentData = ParcelPropertiesRequestByID_AgentData { parcelPropertiesRequestByID_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, parcelPropertiesRequestByID_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelPropertiesRequestByID_ParcelData = ParcelPropertiesRequestByID_ParcelData { parcelPropertiesRequestByID_ParcelData_SequenceID :: !Int32, parcelPropertiesRequestByID_ParcelData_LocalID :: !Int32 } deriving Show data ParcelProperties_ParcelData = ParcelProperties_ParcelData { parcelProperties_ParcelData_RequestResult :: !Int32, parcelProperties_ParcelData_SequenceID :: !Int32, parcelProperties_ParcelData_SnapSelection :: !Bool, parcelProperties_ParcelData_SelfCount :: !Int32, parcelProperties_ParcelData_OtherCount :: !Int32, parcelProperties_ParcelData_PublicCount :: !Int32, parcelProperties_ParcelData_LocalID :: !Int32, parcelProperties_ParcelData_OwnerID :: !UUID, parcelProperties_ParcelData_IsGroupOwned :: !Bool, parcelProperties_ParcelData_AuctionID :: !Word32, parcelProperties_ParcelData_ClaimDate :: !Int32, parcelProperties_ParcelData_ClaimPrice :: !Int32, parcelProperties_ParcelData_RentPrice :: !Int32, parcelProperties_ParcelData_AABBMin :: !(Float, Float, Float), parcelProperties_ParcelData_AABBMax :: !(Float, Float, Float), parcelProperties_ParcelData_Bitmap :: !B.ByteString, parcelProperties_ParcelData_Area :: !Int32, parcelProperties_ParcelData_Status :: !Word8, parcelProperties_ParcelData_SimWideMaxPrims :: !Int32, parcelProperties_ParcelData_SimWideTotalPrims :: !Int32, parcelProperties_ParcelData_MaxPrims :: !Int32, parcelProperties_ParcelData_TotalPrims :: !Int32, parcelProperties_ParcelData_OwnerPrims :: !Int32, parcelProperties_ParcelData_GroupPrims :: !Int32, parcelProperties_ParcelData_OtherPrims :: !Int32, parcelProperties_ParcelData_SelectedPrims :: !Int32, parcelProperties_ParcelData_ParcelPrimBonus :: !Float, parcelProperties_ParcelData_OtherCleanTime :: !Int32, parcelProperties_ParcelData_ParcelFlags :: !Word32, parcelProperties_ParcelData_SalePrice :: !Int32, parcelProperties_ParcelData_Name :: !B.ByteString, parcelProperties_ParcelData_Desc :: !B.ByteString, parcelProperties_ParcelData_MusicURL :: !B.ByteString, parcelProperties_ParcelData_MediaURL :: !B.ByteString, parcelProperties_ParcelData_MediaID :: !UUID, parcelProperties_ParcelData_MediaAutoScale :: !Word8, parcelProperties_ParcelData_GroupID :: !UUID, parcelProperties_ParcelData_PassPrice :: !Int32, parcelProperties_ParcelData_PassHours :: !Float, parcelProperties_ParcelData_Category :: !Word8, parcelProperties_ParcelData_AuthBuyerID :: !UUID, parcelProperties_ParcelData_SnapshotID :: !UUID, parcelProperties_ParcelData_UserLocation :: !(Float, Float, Float), parcelProperties_ParcelData_UserLookAt :: !(Float, Float, Float), parcelProperties_ParcelData_LandingType :: !Word8, parcelProperties_ParcelData_RegionPushOverride :: !Bool, parcelProperties_ParcelData_RegionDenyAnonymous :: !Bool, parcelProperties_ParcelData_RegionDenyIdentified :: !Bool, parcelProperties_ParcelData_RegionDenyTransacted :: !Bool } deriving Show data ParcelProperties_AgeVerificationBlock = ParcelProperties_AgeVerificationBlock { parcelProperties_AgeVerificationBlock_RegionDenyAgeUnverified :: !Bool } deriving Show data ParcelPropertiesUpdate_AgentData = ParcelPropertiesUpdate_AgentData { parcelPropertiesUpdate_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, parcelPropertiesUpdate_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData = ParcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData { parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_LocalID :: !Int32, parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_Flags :: !Word32, parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_ParcelFlags :: !Word32, parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_SalePrice :: !Int32, parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_Name :: !B.ByteString, parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_Desc :: !B.ByteString, parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_MusicURL :: !B.ByteString, parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_MediaURL :: !B.ByteString, parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_MediaID :: !UUID, parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_MediaAutoScale :: !Word8, parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_GroupID :: !UUID, parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_PassPrice :: !Int32, parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_PassHours :: !Float, parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_Category :: !Word8, parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_AuthBuyerID :: !UUID, parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_SnapshotID :: !UUID, parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_UserLocation :: !(Float, Float, Float), parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_UserLookAt :: !(Float, Float, Float), parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_LandingType :: !Word8 } deriving Show data ParcelReturnObjects_AgentData = ParcelReturnObjects_AgentData { parcelReturnObjects_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, parcelReturnObjects_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelReturnObjects_ParcelData = ParcelReturnObjects_ParcelData { parcelReturnObjects_ParcelData_LocalID :: !Int32, parcelReturnObjects_ParcelData_ReturnType :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ParcelReturnObjects_TaskIDs = ParcelReturnObjects_TaskIDs { parcelReturnObjects_TaskIDs_TaskID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelReturnObjects_OwnerIDs = ParcelReturnObjects_OwnerIDs { parcelReturnObjects_OwnerIDs_OwnerID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelSetOtherCleanTime_AgentData = ParcelSetOtherCleanTime_AgentData { parcelSetOtherCleanTime_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, parcelSetOtherCleanTime_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelSetOtherCleanTime_ParcelData = ParcelSetOtherCleanTime_ParcelData { parcelSetOtherCleanTime_ParcelData_LocalID :: !Int32, parcelSetOtherCleanTime_ParcelData_OtherCleanTime :: !Int32 } deriving Show data ParcelDisableObjects_AgentData = ParcelDisableObjects_AgentData { parcelDisableObjects_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, parcelDisableObjects_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelDisableObjects_ParcelData = ParcelDisableObjects_ParcelData { parcelDisableObjects_ParcelData_LocalID :: !Int32, parcelDisableObjects_ParcelData_ReturnType :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ParcelDisableObjects_TaskIDs = ParcelDisableObjects_TaskIDs { parcelDisableObjects_TaskIDs_TaskID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelDisableObjects_OwnerIDs = ParcelDisableObjects_OwnerIDs { parcelDisableObjects_OwnerIDs_OwnerID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelSelectObjects_AgentData = ParcelSelectObjects_AgentData { parcelSelectObjects_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, parcelSelectObjects_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelSelectObjects_ParcelData = ParcelSelectObjects_ParcelData { parcelSelectObjects_ParcelData_LocalID :: !Int32, parcelSelectObjects_ParcelData_ReturnType :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ParcelSelectObjects_ReturnIDs = ParcelSelectObjects_ReturnIDs { parcelSelectObjects_ReturnIDs_ReturnID :: !UUID } deriving Show data EstateCovenantRequest_AgentData = EstateCovenantRequest_AgentData { estateCovenantRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, estateCovenantRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data EstateCovenantReply_Data = EstateCovenantReply_Data { estateCovenantReply_Data_CovenantID :: !UUID, estateCovenantReply_Data_CovenantTimestamp :: !Word32, estateCovenantReply_Data_EstateName :: !B.ByteString, estateCovenantReply_Data_EstateOwnerID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ForceObjectSelect_Header = ForceObjectSelect_Header { forceObjectSelect_Header_ResetList :: !Bool } deriving Show data ForceObjectSelect_Data = ForceObjectSelect_Data { forceObjectSelect_Data_LocalID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ParcelBuyPass_AgentData = ParcelBuyPass_AgentData { parcelBuyPass_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, parcelBuyPass_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelBuyPass_ParcelData = ParcelBuyPass_ParcelData { parcelBuyPass_ParcelData_LocalID :: !Int32 } deriving Show data ParcelDeedToGroup_AgentData = ParcelDeedToGroup_AgentData { parcelDeedToGroup_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, parcelDeedToGroup_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelDeedToGroup_Data = ParcelDeedToGroup_Data { parcelDeedToGroup_Data_GroupID :: !UUID, parcelDeedToGroup_Data_LocalID :: !Int32 } deriving Show data ParcelReclaim_AgentData = ParcelReclaim_AgentData { parcelReclaim_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, parcelReclaim_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelReclaim_Data = ParcelReclaim_Data { parcelReclaim_Data_LocalID :: !Int32 } deriving Show data ParcelClaim_AgentData = ParcelClaim_AgentData { parcelClaim_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, parcelClaim_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelClaim_Data = ParcelClaim_Data { parcelClaim_Data_GroupID :: !UUID, parcelClaim_Data_IsGroupOwned :: !Bool, parcelClaim_Data_Final :: !Bool } deriving Show data ParcelClaim_ParcelData = ParcelClaim_ParcelData { parcelClaim_ParcelData_West :: !Float, parcelClaim_ParcelData_South :: !Float, parcelClaim_ParcelData_East :: !Float, parcelClaim_ParcelData_North :: !Float } deriving Show data ParcelJoin_AgentData = ParcelJoin_AgentData { parcelJoin_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, parcelJoin_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelJoin_ParcelData = ParcelJoin_ParcelData { parcelJoin_ParcelData_West :: !Float, parcelJoin_ParcelData_South :: !Float, parcelJoin_ParcelData_East :: !Float, parcelJoin_ParcelData_North :: !Float } deriving Show data ParcelDivide_AgentData = ParcelDivide_AgentData { parcelDivide_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, parcelDivide_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelDivide_ParcelData = ParcelDivide_ParcelData { parcelDivide_ParcelData_West :: !Float, parcelDivide_ParcelData_South :: !Float, parcelDivide_ParcelData_East :: !Float, parcelDivide_ParcelData_North :: !Float } deriving Show data ParcelRelease_AgentData = ParcelRelease_AgentData { parcelRelease_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, parcelRelease_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelRelease_Data = ParcelRelease_Data { parcelRelease_Data_LocalID :: !Int32 } deriving Show data ParcelBuy_AgentData = ParcelBuy_AgentData { parcelBuy_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, parcelBuy_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelBuy_Data = ParcelBuy_Data { parcelBuy_Data_GroupID :: !UUID, parcelBuy_Data_IsGroupOwned :: !Bool, parcelBuy_Data_RemoveContribution :: !Bool, parcelBuy_Data_LocalID :: !Int32, parcelBuy_Data_Final :: !Bool } deriving Show data ParcelBuy_ParcelData = ParcelBuy_ParcelData { parcelBuy_ParcelData_Price :: !Int32, parcelBuy_ParcelData_Area :: !Int32 } deriving Show data ParcelGodForceOwner_AgentData = ParcelGodForceOwner_AgentData { parcelGodForceOwner_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, parcelGodForceOwner_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelGodForceOwner_Data = ParcelGodForceOwner_Data { parcelGodForceOwner_Data_OwnerID :: !UUID, parcelGodForceOwner_Data_LocalID :: !Int32 } deriving Show data ParcelAccessListRequest_AgentData = ParcelAccessListRequest_AgentData { parcelAccessListRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, parcelAccessListRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelAccessListRequest_Data = ParcelAccessListRequest_Data { parcelAccessListRequest_Data_SequenceID :: !Int32, parcelAccessListRequest_Data_Flags :: !Word32, parcelAccessListRequest_Data_LocalID :: !Int32 } deriving Show data ParcelAccessListReply_Data = ParcelAccessListReply_Data { parcelAccessListReply_Data_AgentID :: !UUID, parcelAccessListReply_Data_SequenceID :: !Int32, parcelAccessListReply_Data_Flags :: !Word32, parcelAccessListReply_Data_LocalID :: !Int32 } deriving Show data ParcelAccessListReply_List = ParcelAccessListReply_List { parcelAccessListReply_List_ID :: !UUID, parcelAccessListReply_List_Time :: !Int32, parcelAccessListReply_List_Flags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ParcelAccessListUpdate_AgentData = ParcelAccessListUpdate_AgentData { parcelAccessListUpdate_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, parcelAccessListUpdate_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelAccessListUpdate_Data = ParcelAccessListUpdate_Data { parcelAccessListUpdate_Data_Flags :: !Word32, parcelAccessListUpdate_Data_LocalID :: !Int32, parcelAccessListUpdate_Data_TransactionID :: !UUID, parcelAccessListUpdate_Data_SequenceID :: !Int32, parcelAccessListUpdate_Data_Sections :: !Int32 } deriving Show data ParcelAccessListUpdate_List = ParcelAccessListUpdate_List { parcelAccessListUpdate_List_ID :: !UUID, parcelAccessListUpdate_List_Time :: !Int32, parcelAccessListUpdate_List_Flags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ParcelDwellRequest_AgentData = ParcelDwellRequest_AgentData { parcelDwellRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, parcelDwellRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelDwellRequest_Data = ParcelDwellRequest_Data { parcelDwellRequest_Data_LocalID :: !Int32, parcelDwellRequest_Data_ParcelID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelDwellReply_AgentData = ParcelDwellReply_AgentData { parcelDwellReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelDwellReply_Data = ParcelDwellReply_Data { parcelDwellReply_Data_LocalID :: !Int32, parcelDwellReply_Data_ParcelID :: !UUID, parcelDwellReply_Data_Dwell :: !Float } deriving Show data RequestParcelTransfer_Data = RequestParcelTransfer_Data { requestParcelTransfer_Data_TransactionID :: !UUID, requestParcelTransfer_Data_TransactionTime :: !Word32, requestParcelTransfer_Data_SourceID :: !UUID, requestParcelTransfer_Data_DestID :: !UUID, requestParcelTransfer_Data_OwnerID :: !UUID, requestParcelTransfer_Data_Flags :: !Word8, requestParcelTransfer_Data_TransactionType :: !Int32, requestParcelTransfer_Data_Amount :: !Int32, requestParcelTransfer_Data_BillableArea :: !Int32, requestParcelTransfer_Data_ActualArea :: !Int32, requestParcelTransfer_Data_Final :: !Bool } deriving Show data RequestParcelTransfer_RegionData = RequestParcelTransfer_RegionData { requestParcelTransfer_RegionData_RegionID :: !UUID, requestParcelTransfer_RegionData_GridX :: !Word32, requestParcelTransfer_RegionData_GridY :: !Word32 } deriving Show data UpdateParcel_ParcelData = UpdateParcel_ParcelData { updateParcel_ParcelData_ParcelID :: !UUID, updateParcel_ParcelData_RegionHandle :: !Word64, updateParcel_ParcelData_OwnerID :: !UUID, updateParcel_ParcelData_GroupOwned :: !Bool, updateParcel_ParcelData_Status :: !Word8, updateParcel_ParcelData_Name :: !B.ByteString, updateParcel_ParcelData_Description :: !B.ByteString, updateParcel_ParcelData_MusicURL :: !B.ByteString, updateParcel_ParcelData_RegionX :: !Float, updateParcel_ParcelData_RegionY :: !Float, updateParcel_ParcelData_ActualArea :: !Int32, updateParcel_ParcelData_BillableArea :: !Int32, updateParcel_ParcelData_ShowDir :: !Bool, updateParcel_ParcelData_IsForSale :: !Bool, updateParcel_ParcelData_Category :: !Word8, updateParcel_ParcelData_SnapshotID :: !UUID, updateParcel_ParcelData_UserLocation :: !(Float, Float, Float), updateParcel_ParcelData_SalePrice :: !Int32, updateParcel_ParcelData_AuthorizedBuyerID :: !UUID, updateParcel_ParcelData_AllowPublish :: !Bool, updateParcel_ParcelData_MaturePublish :: !Bool } deriving Show data RemoveParcel_ParcelData = RemoveParcel_ParcelData { removeParcel_ParcelData_ParcelID :: !UUID } deriving Show data MergeParcel_MasterParcelData = MergeParcel_MasterParcelData { mergeParcel_MasterParcelData_MasterID :: !UUID } deriving Show data MergeParcel_SlaveParcelData = MergeParcel_SlaveParcelData { mergeParcel_SlaveParcelData_SlaveID :: !UUID } deriving Show data LogParcelChanges_AgentData = LogParcelChanges_AgentData { logParcelChanges_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data LogParcelChanges_RegionData = LogParcelChanges_RegionData { logParcelChanges_RegionData_RegionHandle :: !Word64 } deriving Show data LogParcelChanges_ParcelData = LogParcelChanges_ParcelData { logParcelChanges_ParcelData_ParcelID :: !UUID, logParcelChanges_ParcelData_OwnerID :: !UUID, logParcelChanges_ParcelData_IsOwnerGroup :: !Bool, logParcelChanges_ParcelData_ActualArea :: !Int32, logParcelChanges_ParcelData_Action :: !Int8, logParcelChanges_ParcelData_TransactionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data CheckParcelSales_RegionData = CheckParcelSales_RegionData { checkParcelSales_RegionData_RegionHandle :: !Word64 } deriving Show data ParcelSales_ParcelData = ParcelSales_ParcelData { parcelSales_ParcelData_ParcelID :: !UUID, parcelSales_ParcelData_BuyerID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelGodMarkAsContent_AgentData = ParcelGodMarkAsContent_AgentData { parcelGodMarkAsContent_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, parcelGodMarkAsContent_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ParcelGodMarkAsContent_ParcelData = ParcelGodMarkAsContent_ParcelData { parcelGodMarkAsContent_ParcelData_LocalID :: !Int32 } deriving Show data ViewerStartAuction_AgentData = ViewerStartAuction_AgentData { viewerStartAuction_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, viewerStartAuction_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ViewerStartAuction_ParcelData = ViewerStartAuction_ParcelData { viewerStartAuction_ParcelData_LocalID :: !Int32, viewerStartAuction_ParcelData_SnapshotID :: !UUID } deriving Show data StartAuction_AgentData = StartAuction_AgentData { startAuction_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data StartAuction_ParcelData = StartAuction_ParcelData { startAuction_ParcelData_ParcelID :: !UUID, startAuction_ParcelData_SnapshotID :: !UUID, startAuction_ParcelData_Name :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data ConfirmAuctionStart_AuctionData = ConfirmAuctionStart_AuctionData { confirmAuctionStart_AuctionData_ParcelID :: !UUID, confirmAuctionStart_AuctionData_AuctionID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data CompleteAuction_ParcelData = CompleteAuction_ParcelData { completeAuction_ParcelData_ParcelID :: !UUID } deriving Show data CancelAuction_ParcelData = CancelAuction_ParcelData { cancelAuction_ParcelData_ParcelID :: !UUID } deriving Show data CheckParcelAuctions_RegionData = CheckParcelAuctions_RegionData { checkParcelAuctions_RegionData_RegionHandle :: !Word64 } deriving Show data ParcelAuctions_ParcelData = ParcelAuctions_ParcelData { parcelAuctions_ParcelData_ParcelID :: !UUID, parcelAuctions_ParcelData_WinnerID :: !UUID } deriving Show data UUIDNameRequest_UUIDNameBlock = UUIDNameRequest_UUIDNameBlock { uUIDNameRequest_UUIDNameBlock_ID :: !UUID } deriving Show data UUIDNameReply_UUIDNameBlock = UUIDNameReply_UUIDNameBlock { uUIDNameReply_UUIDNameBlock_ID :: !UUID, uUIDNameReply_UUIDNameBlock_FirstName :: !B.ByteString, uUIDNameReply_UUIDNameBlock_LastName :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data UUIDGroupNameRequest_UUIDNameBlock = UUIDGroupNameRequest_UUIDNameBlock { uUIDGroupNameRequest_UUIDNameBlock_ID :: !UUID } deriving Show data UUIDGroupNameReply_UUIDNameBlock = UUIDGroupNameReply_UUIDNameBlock { uUIDGroupNameReply_UUIDNameBlock_ID :: !UUID, uUIDGroupNameReply_UUIDNameBlock_GroupName :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data ChatPass_ChatData = ChatPass_ChatData { chatPass_ChatData_Channel :: !Int32, chatPass_ChatData_Position :: !(Float, Float, Float), chatPass_ChatData_ID :: !UUID, chatPass_ChatData_OwnerID :: !UUID, chatPass_ChatData_Name :: !B.ByteString, chatPass_ChatData_SourceType :: !Word8, chatPass_ChatData_Type :: !Word8, chatPass_ChatData_Radius :: !Float, chatPass_ChatData_SimAccess :: !Word8, chatPass_ChatData_Message :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data EdgeDataPacket_EdgeData = EdgeDataPacket_EdgeData { edgeDataPacket_EdgeData_LayerType :: !Word8, edgeDataPacket_EdgeData_Direction :: !Word8, edgeDataPacket_EdgeData_LayerData :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data SimStatus_SimStatus = SimStatus_SimStatus { simStatus_SimStatus_CanAcceptAgents :: !Bool, simStatus_SimStatus_CanAcceptTasks :: !Bool } deriving Show data ChildAgentUpdate_AgentData = ChildAgentUpdate_AgentData { childAgentUpdate_AgentData_RegionHandle :: !Word64, childAgentUpdate_AgentData_ViewerCircuitCode :: !Word32, childAgentUpdate_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, childAgentUpdate_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, childAgentUpdate_AgentData_AgentPos :: !(Float, Float, Float), childAgentUpdate_AgentData_AgentVel :: !(Float, Float, Float), childAgentUpdate_AgentData_Center :: !(Float, Float, Float), childAgentUpdate_AgentData_Size :: !(Float, Float, Float), childAgentUpdate_AgentData_AtAxis :: !(Float, Float, Float), childAgentUpdate_AgentData_LeftAxis :: !(Float, Float, Float), childAgentUpdate_AgentData_UpAxis :: !(Float, Float, Float), childAgentUpdate_AgentData_ChangedGrid :: !Bool, childAgentUpdate_AgentData_Far :: !Float, childAgentUpdate_AgentData_Aspect :: !Float, childAgentUpdate_AgentData_Throttles :: !B.ByteString, childAgentUpdate_AgentData_LocomotionState :: !Word32, childAgentUpdate_AgentData_HeadRotation :: !(Float, Float, Float, Float), childAgentUpdate_AgentData_BodyRotation :: !(Float, Float, Float, Float), childAgentUpdate_AgentData_ControlFlags :: !Word32, childAgentUpdate_AgentData_EnergyLevel :: !Float, childAgentUpdate_AgentData_GodLevel :: !Word8, childAgentUpdate_AgentData_AlwaysRun :: !Bool, childAgentUpdate_AgentData_PreyAgent :: !UUID, childAgentUpdate_AgentData_AgentAccess :: !Word8, childAgentUpdate_AgentData_AgentTextures :: !B.ByteString, childAgentUpdate_AgentData_ActiveGroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ChildAgentUpdate_GroupData = ChildAgentUpdate_GroupData { childAgentUpdate_GroupData_GroupID :: !UUID, childAgentUpdate_GroupData_GroupPowers :: !Word64, childAgentUpdate_GroupData_AcceptNotices :: !Bool } deriving Show data ChildAgentUpdate_AnimationData = ChildAgentUpdate_AnimationData { childAgentUpdate_AnimationData_Animation :: !UUID, childAgentUpdate_AnimationData_ObjectID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ChildAgentUpdate_GranterBlock = ChildAgentUpdate_GranterBlock { childAgentUpdate_GranterBlock_GranterID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ChildAgentUpdate_NVPairData = ChildAgentUpdate_NVPairData { childAgentUpdate_NVPairData_NVPairs :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data ChildAgentUpdate_VisualParam = ChildAgentUpdate_VisualParam { childAgentUpdate_VisualParam_ParamValue :: !Word8 } deriving Show data ChildAgentUpdate_AgentAccess = ChildAgentUpdate_AgentAccess { childAgentUpdate_AgentAccess_AgentLegacyAccess :: !Word8, childAgentUpdate_AgentAccess_AgentMaxAccess :: !Word8 } deriving Show data ChildAgentUpdate_AgentInfo = ChildAgentUpdate_AgentInfo { childAgentUpdate_AgentInfo_Flags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ChildAgentAlive_AgentData = ChildAgentAlive_AgentData { childAgentAlive_AgentData_RegionHandle :: !Word64, childAgentAlive_AgentData_ViewerCircuitCode :: !Word32, childAgentAlive_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, childAgentAlive_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ChildAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData = ChildAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData { childAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData_RegionHandle :: !Word64, childAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData_ViewerCircuitCode :: !Word32, childAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, childAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, childAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData_AgentPos :: !(Float, Float, Float), childAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData_AgentVel :: !(Float, Float, Float), childAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData_Center :: !(Float, Float, Float), childAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData_Size :: !(Float, Float, Float), childAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData_AtAxis :: !(Float, Float, Float), childAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData_LeftAxis :: !(Float, Float, Float), childAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData_UpAxis :: !(Float, Float, Float), childAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData_ChangedGrid :: !Bool } deriving Show data ChildAgentDying_AgentData = ChildAgentDying_AgentData { childAgentDying_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, childAgentDying_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ChildAgentUnknown_AgentData = ChildAgentUnknown_AgentData { childAgentUnknown_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, childAgentUnknown_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AtomicPassObject_TaskData = AtomicPassObject_TaskData { atomicPassObject_TaskData_TaskID :: !UUID, atomicPassObject_TaskData_AttachmentNeedsSave :: !Bool } deriving Show data KillChildAgents_IDBlock = KillChildAgents_IDBlock { killChildAgents_IDBlock_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GetScriptRunning_Script = GetScriptRunning_Script { getScriptRunning_Script_ObjectID :: !UUID, getScriptRunning_Script_ItemID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ScriptRunningReply_Script = ScriptRunningReply_Script { scriptRunningReply_Script_ObjectID :: !UUID, scriptRunningReply_Script_ItemID :: !UUID, scriptRunningReply_Script_Running :: !Bool } deriving Show data SetScriptRunning_AgentData = SetScriptRunning_AgentData { setScriptRunning_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, setScriptRunning_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data SetScriptRunning_Script = SetScriptRunning_Script { setScriptRunning_Script_ObjectID :: !UUID, setScriptRunning_Script_ItemID :: !UUID, setScriptRunning_Script_Running :: !Bool } deriving Show data ScriptReset_AgentData = ScriptReset_AgentData { scriptReset_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, scriptReset_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ScriptReset_Script = ScriptReset_Script { scriptReset_Script_ObjectID :: !UUID, scriptReset_Script_ItemID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ScriptSensorRequest_Requester = ScriptSensorRequest_Requester { scriptSensorRequest_Requester_SourceID :: !UUID, scriptSensorRequest_Requester_RequestID :: !UUID, scriptSensorRequest_Requester_SearchID :: !UUID, scriptSensorRequest_Requester_SearchPos :: !(Float, Float, Float), scriptSensorRequest_Requester_SearchDir :: !(Float, Float, Float, Float), scriptSensorRequest_Requester_SearchName :: !B.ByteString, scriptSensorRequest_Requester_Type :: !Int32, scriptSensorRequest_Requester_Range :: !Float, scriptSensorRequest_Requester_Arc :: !Float, scriptSensorRequest_Requester_RegionHandle :: !Word64, scriptSensorRequest_Requester_SearchRegions :: !Word8 } deriving Show data ScriptSensorReply_Requester = ScriptSensorReply_Requester { scriptSensorReply_Requester_SourceID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ScriptSensorReply_SensedData = ScriptSensorReply_SensedData { scriptSensorReply_SensedData_ObjectID :: !UUID, scriptSensorReply_SensedData_OwnerID :: !UUID, scriptSensorReply_SensedData_GroupID :: !UUID, scriptSensorReply_SensedData_Position :: !(Float, Float, Float), scriptSensorReply_SensedData_Velocity :: !(Float, Float, Float), scriptSensorReply_SensedData_Rotation :: !(Float, Float, Float, Float), scriptSensorReply_SensedData_Name :: !B.ByteString, scriptSensorReply_SensedData_Type :: !Int32, scriptSensorReply_SensedData_Range :: !Float } deriving Show data CompleteAgentMovement_AgentData = CompleteAgentMovement_AgentData { completeAgentMovement_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, completeAgentMovement_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, completeAgentMovement_AgentData_CircuitCode :: !Word32 } deriving Show data AgentMovementComplete_AgentData = AgentMovementComplete_AgentData { agentMovementComplete_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, agentMovementComplete_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AgentMovementComplete_Data = AgentMovementComplete_Data { agentMovementComplete_Data_Position :: !(Float, Float, Float), agentMovementComplete_Data_LookAt :: !(Float, Float, Float), agentMovementComplete_Data_RegionHandle :: !Word64, agentMovementComplete_Data_Timestamp :: !Word32 } deriving Show data AgentMovementComplete_SimData = AgentMovementComplete_SimData { agentMovementComplete_SimData_ChannelVersion :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data DataServerLogout_UserData = DataServerLogout_UserData { dataServerLogout_UserData_AgentID :: !UUID, dataServerLogout_UserData_ViewerIP :: ![Word8], dataServerLogout_UserData_Disconnect :: !Bool, dataServerLogout_UserData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data LogoutRequest_AgentData = LogoutRequest_AgentData { logoutRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, logoutRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data LogoutReply_AgentData = LogoutReply_AgentData { logoutReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, logoutReply_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data LogoutReply_InventoryData = LogoutReply_InventoryData { logoutReply_InventoryData_ItemID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ImprovedInstantMessage_AgentData = ImprovedInstantMessage_AgentData { improvedInstantMessage_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, improvedInstantMessage_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ImprovedInstantMessage_MessageBlock = ImprovedInstantMessage_MessageBlock { improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_FromGroup :: !Bool, improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_ToAgentID :: !UUID, improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_ParentEstateID :: !Word32, improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_RegionID :: !UUID, improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_Position :: !(Float, Float, Float), improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_Offline :: !Word8, improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_Dialog :: !Word8, improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_ID :: !UUID, improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_Timestamp :: !Word32, improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_FromAgentName :: !B.ByteString, improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_Message :: !B.ByteString, improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_BinaryBucket :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data RetrieveInstantMessages_AgentData = RetrieveInstantMessages_AgentData { retrieveInstantMessages_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, retrieveInstantMessages_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data FindAgent_AgentBlock = FindAgent_AgentBlock { findAgent_AgentBlock_Hunter :: !UUID, findAgent_AgentBlock_Prey :: !UUID, findAgent_AgentBlock_SpaceIP :: ![Word8] } deriving Show data FindAgent_LocationBlock = FindAgent_LocationBlock { findAgent_LocationBlock_GlobalX :: !Double, findAgent_LocationBlock_GlobalY :: !Double } deriving Show data RequestGodlikePowers_AgentData = RequestGodlikePowers_AgentData { requestGodlikePowers_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, requestGodlikePowers_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RequestGodlikePowers_RequestBlock = RequestGodlikePowers_RequestBlock { requestGodlikePowers_RequestBlock_Godlike :: !Bool, requestGodlikePowers_RequestBlock_Token :: !UUID } deriving Show data GrantGodlikePowers_AgentData = GrantGodlikePowers_AgentData { grantGodlikePowers_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, grantGodlikePowers_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GrantGodlikePowers_GrantData = GrantGodlikePowers_GrantData { grantGodlikePowers_GrantData_GodLevel :: !Word8, grantGodlikePowers_GrantData_Token :: !UUID } deriving Show data GodlikeMessage_AgentData = GodlikeMessage_AgentData { godlikeMessage_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, godlikeMessage_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, godlikeMessage_AgentData_TransactionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GodlikeMessage_MethodData = GodlikeMessage_MethodData { godlikeMessage_MethodData_Method :: !B.ByteString, godlikeMessage_MethodData_Invoice :: !UUID } deriving Show data GodlikeMessage_ParamList = GodlikeMessage_ParamList { godlikeMessage_ParamList_Parameter :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data EstateOwnerMessage_AgentData = EstateOwnerMessage_AgentData { estateOwnerMessage_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, estateOwnerMessage_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, estateOwnerMessage_AgentData_TransactionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data EstateOwnerMessage_MethodData = EstateOwnerMessage_MethodData { estateOwnerMessage_MethodData_Method :: !B.ByteString, estateOwnerMessage_MethodData_Invoice :: !UUID } deriving Show data EstateOwnerMessage_ParamList = EstateOwnerMessage_ParamList { estateOwnerMessage_ParamList_Parameter :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data GenericMessage_AgentData = GenericMessage_AgentData { genericMessage_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, genericMessage_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, genericMessage_AgentData_TransactionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GenericMessage_MethodData = GenericMessage_MethodData { genericMessage_MethodData_Method :: !B.ByteString, genericMessage_MethodData_Invoice :: !UUID } deriving Show data GenericMessage_ParamList = GenericMessage_ParamList { genericMessage_ParamList_Parameter :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data MuteListRequest_AgentData = MuteListRequest_AgentData { muteListRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, muteListRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data MuteListRequest_MuteData = MuteListRequest_MuteData { muteListRequest_MuteData_MuteCRC :: !Word32 } deriving Show data UpdateMuteListEntry_AgentData = UpdateMuteListEntry_AgentData { updateMuteListEntry_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, updateMuteListEntry_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data UpdateMuteListEntry_MuteData = UpdateMuteListEntry_MuteData { updateMuteListEntry_MuteData_MuteID :: !UUID, updateMuteListEntry_MuteData_MuteName :: !B.ByteString, updateMuteListEntry_MuteData_MuteType :: !Int32, updateMuteListEntry_MuteData_MuteFlags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data RemoveMuteListEntry_AgentData = RemoveMuteListEntry_AgentData { removeMuteListEntry_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, removeMuteListEntry_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RemoveMuteListEntry_MuteData = RemoveMuteListEntry_MuteData { removeMuteListEntry_MuteData_MuteID :: !UUID, removeMuteListEntry_MuteData_MuteName :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data CopyInventoryFromNotecard_AgentData = CopyInventoryFromNotecard_AgentData { copyInventoryFromNotecard_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, copyInventoryFromNotecard_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data CopyInventoryFromNotecard_NotecardData = CopyInventoryFromNotecard_NotecardData { copyInventoryFromNotecard_NotecardData_NotecardItemID :: !UUID, copyInventoryFromNotecard_NotecardData_ObjectID :: !UUID } deriving Show data CopyInventoryFromNotecard_InventoryData = CopyInventoryFromNotecard_InventoryData { copyInventoryFromNotecard_InventoryData_ItemID :: !UUID, copyInventoryFromNotecard_InventoryData_FolderID :: !UUID } deriving Show data UpdateInventoryItem_AgentData = UpdateInventoryItem_AgentData { updateInventoryItem_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, updateInventoryItem_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, updateInventoryItem_AgentData_TransactionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data UpdateInventoryItem_InventoryData = UpdateInventoryItem_InventoryData { updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_ItemID :: !UUID, updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_FolderID :: !UUID, updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_CallbackID :: !Word32, updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_CreatorID :: !UUID, updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_OwnerID :: !UUID, updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_GroupID :: !UUID, updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_BaseMask :: !Word32, updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_OwnerMask :: !Word32, updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_GroupMask :: !Word32, updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_EveryoneMask :: !Word32, updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_NextOwnerMask :: !Word32, updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_GroupOwned :: !Bool, updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_TransactionID :: !UUID, updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_Type :: !Int8, updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_InvType :: !Int8, updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_Flags :: !Word32, updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_SaleType :: !Word8, updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_SalePrice :: !Int32, updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_Name :: !B.ByteString, updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_Description :: !B.ByteString, updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_CreationDate :: !Int32, updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_CRC :: !Word32 } deriving Show data UpdateCreateInventoryItem_AgentData = UpdateCreateInventoryItem_AgentData { updateCreateInventoryItem_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, updateCreateInventoryItem_AgentData_SimApproved :: !Bool, updateCreateInventoryItem_AgentData_TransactionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data UpdateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData = UpdateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData { updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_ItemID :: !UUID, updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_FolderID :: !UUID, updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_CallbackID :: !Word32, updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_CreatorID :: !UUID, updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_OwnerID :: !UUID, updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_GroupID :: !UUID, updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_BaseMask :: !Word32, updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_OwnerMask :: !Word32, updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_GroupMask :: !Word32, updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_EveryoneMask :: !Word32, updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_NextOwnerMask :: !Word32, updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_GroupOwned :: !Bool, updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_AssetID :: !UUID, updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_Type :: !Int8, updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_InvType :: !Int8, updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_Flags :: !Word32, updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_SaleType :: !Word8, updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_SalePrice :: !Int32, updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_Name :: !B.ByteString, updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_Description :: !B.ByteString, updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_CreationDate :: !Int32, updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_CRC :: !Word32 } deriving Show data MoveInventoryItem_AgentData = MoveInventoryItem_AgentData { moveInventoryItem_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, moveInventoryItem_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, moveInventoryItem_AgentData_Stamp :: !Bool } deriving Show data MoveInventoryItem_InventoryData = MoveInventoryItem_InventoryData { moveInventoryItem_InventoryData_ItemID :: !UUID, moveInventoryItem_InventoryData_FolderID :: !UUID, moveInventoryItem_InventoryData_NewName :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data CopyInventoryItem_AgentData = CopyInventoryItem_AgentData { copyInventoryItem_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, copyInventoryItem_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data CopyInventoryItem_InventoryData = CopyInventoryItem_InventoryData { copyInventoryItem_InventoryData_CallbackID :: !Word32, copyInventoryItem_InventoryData_OldAgentID :: !UUID, copyInventoryItem_InventoryData_OldItemID :: !UUID, copyInventoryItem_InventoryData_NewFolderID :: !UUID, copyInventoryItem_InventoryData_NewName :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data RemoveInventoryItem_AgentData = RemoveInventoryItem_AgentData { removeInventoryItem_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, removeInventoryItem_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RemoveInventoryItem_InventoryData = RemoveInventoryItem_InventoryData { removeInventoryItem_InventoryData_ItemID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ChangeInventoryItemFlags_AgentData = ChangeInventoryItemFlags_AgentData { changeInventoryItemFlags_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, changeInventoryItemFlags_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ChangeInventoryItemFlags_InventoryData = ChangeInventoryItemFlags_InventoryData { changeInventoryItemFlags_InventoryData_ItemID :: !UUID, changeInventoryItemFlags_InventoryData_Flags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data SaveAssetIntoInventory_AgentData = SaveAssetIntoInventory_AgentData { saveAssetIntoInventory_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data SaveAssetIntoInventory_InventoryData = SaveAssetIntoInventory_InventoryData { saveAssetIntoInventory_InventoryData_ItemID :: !UUID, saveAssetIntoInventory_InventoryData_NewAssetID :: !UUID } deriving Show data CreateInventoryFolder_AgentData = CreateInventoryFolder_AgentData { createInventoryFolder_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, createInventoryFolder_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data CreateInventoryFolder_FolderData = CreateInventoryFolder_FolderData { createInventoryFolder_FolderData_FolderID :: !UUID, createInventoryFolder_FolderData_ParentID :: !UUID, createInventoryFolder_FolderData_Type :: !Int8, createInventoryFolder_FolderData_Name :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data UpdateInventoryFolder_AgentData = UpdateInventoryFolder_AgentData { updateInventoryFolder_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, updateInventoryFolder_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data UpdateInventoryFolder_FolderData = UpdateInventoryFolder_FolderData { updateInventoryFolder_FolderData_FolderID :: !UUID, updateInventoryFolder_FolderData_ParentID :: !UUID, updateInventoryFolder_FolderData_Type :: !Int8, updateInventoryFolder_FolderData_Name :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data MoveInventoryFolder_AgentData = MoveInventoryFolder_AgentData { moveInventoryFolder_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, moveInventoryFolder_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, moveInventoryFolder_AgentData_Stamp :: !Bool } deriving Show data MoveInventoryFolder_InventoryData = MoveInventoryFolder_InventoryData { moveInventoryFolder_InventoryData_FolderID :: !UUID, moveInventoryFolder_InventoryData_ParentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RemoveInventoryFolder_AgentData = RemoveInventoryFolder_AgentData { removeInventoryFolder_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, removeInventoryFolder_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RemoveInventoryFolder_FolderData = RemoveInventoryFolder_FolderData { removeInventoryFolder_FolderData_FolderID :: !UUID } deriving Show data FetchInventoryDescendents_AgentData = FetchInventoryDescendents_AgentData { fetchInventoryDescendents_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, fetchInventoryDescendents_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data FetchInventoryDescendents_InventoryData = FetchInventoryDescendents_InventoryData { fetchInventoryDescendents_InventoryData_FolderID :: !UUID, fetchInventoryDescendents_InventoryData_OwnerID :: !UUID, fetchInventoryDescendents_InventoryData_SortOrder :: !Int32, fetchInventoryDescendents_InventoryData_FetchFolders :: !Bool, fetchInventoryDescendents_InventoryData_FetchItems :: !Bool } deriving Show data InventoryDescendents_AgentData = InventoryDescendents_AgentData { inventoryDescendents_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, inventoryDescendents_AgentData_FolderID :: !UUID, inventoryDescendents_AgentData_OwnerID :: !UUID, inventoryDescendents_AgentData_Version :: !Int32, inventoryDescendents_AgentData_Descendents :: !Int32 } deriving Show data InventoryDescendents_FolderData = InventoryDescendents_FolderData { inventoryDescendents_FolderData_FolderID :: !UUID, inventoryDescendents_FolderData_ParentID :: !UUID, inventoryDescendents_FolderData_Type :: !Int8, inventoryDescendents_FolderData_Name :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data InventoryDescendents_ItemData = InventoryDescendents_ItemData { inventoryDescendents_ItemData_ItemID :: !UUID, inventoryDescendents_ItemData_FolderID :: !UUID, inventoryDescendents_ItemData_CreatorID :: !UUID, inventoryDescendents_ItemData_OwnerID :: !UUID, inventoryDescendents_ItemData_GroupID :: !UUID, inventoryDescendents_ItemData_BaseMask :: !Word32, inventoryDescendents_ItemData_OwnerMask :: !Word32, inventoryDescendents_ItemData_GroupMask :: !Word32, inventoryDescendents_ItemData_EveryoneMask :: !Word32, inventoryDescendents_ItemData_NextOwnerMask :: !Word32, inventoryDescendents_ItemData_GroupOwned :: !Bool, inventoryDescendents_ItemData_AssetID :: !UUID, inventoryDescendents_ItemData_Type :: !Int8, inventoryDescendents_ItemData_InvType :: !Int8, inventoryDescendents_ItemData_Flags :: !Word32, inventoryDescendents_ItemData_SaleType :: !Word8, inventoryDescendents_ItemData_SalePrice :: !Int32, inventoryDescendents_ItemData_Name :: !B.ByteString, inventoryDescendents_ItemData_Description :: !B.ByteString, inventoryDescendents_ItemData_CreationDate :: !Int32, inventoryDescendents_ItemData_CRC :: !Word32 } deriving Show data FetchInventory_AgentData = FetchInventory_AgentData { fetchInventory_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, fetchInventory_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data FetchInventory_InventoryData = FetchInventory_InventoryData { fetchInventory_InventoryData_OwnerID :: !UUID, fetchInventory_InventoryData_ItemID :: !UUID } deriving Show data FetchInventoryReply_AgentData = FetchInventoryReply_AgentData { fetchInventoryReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data FetchInventoryReply_InventoryData = FetchInventoryReply_InventoryData { fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_ItemID :: !UUID, fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_FolderID :: !UUID, fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_CreatorID :: !UUID, fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_OwnerID :: !UUID, fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_GroupID :: !UUID, fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_BaseMask :: !Word32, fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_OwnerMask :: !Word32, fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_GroupMask :: !Word32, fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_EveryoneMask :: !Word32, fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_NextOwnerMask :: !Word32, fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_GroupOwned :: !Bool, fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_AssetID :: !UUID, fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_Type :: !Int8, fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_InvType :: !Int8, fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_Flags :: !Word32, fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_SaleType :: !Word8, fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_SalePrice :: !Int32, fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_Name :: !B.ByteString, fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_Description :: !B.ByteString, fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_CreationDate :: !Int32, fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_CRC :: !Word32 } deriving Show data BulkUpdateInventory_AgentData = BulkUpdateInventory_AgentData { bulkUpdateInventory_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, bulkUpdateInventory_AgentData_TransactionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data BulkUpdateInventory_FolderData = BulkUpdateInventory_FolderData { bulkUpdateInventory_FolderData_FolderID :: !UUID, bulkUpdateInventory_FolderData_ParentID :: !UUID, bulkUpdateInventory_FolderData_Type :: !Int8, bulkUpdateInventory_FolderData_Name :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data BulkUpdateInventory_ItemData = BulkUpdateInventory_ItemData { bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_ItemID :: !UUID, bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_CallbackID :: !Word32, bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_FolderID :: !UUID, bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_CreatorID :: !UUID, bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_OwnerID :: !UUID, bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_GroupID :: !UUID, bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_BaseMask :: !Word32, bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_OwnerMask :: !Word32, bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_GroupMask :: !Word32, bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_EveryoneMask :: !Word32, bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_NextOwnerMask :: !Word32, bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_GroupOwned :: !Bool, bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_AssetID :: !UUID, bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_Type :: !Int8, bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_InvType :: !Int8, bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_Flags :: !Word32, bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_SaleType :: !Word8, bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_SalePrice :: !Int32, bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_Name :: !B.ByteString, bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_Description :: !B.ByteString, bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_CreationDate :: !Int32, bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_CRC :: !Word32 } deriving Show data RequestInventoryAsset_QueryData = RequestInventoryAsset_QueryData { requestInventoryAsset_QueryData_QueryID :: !UUID, requestInventoryAsset_QueryData_AgentID :: !UUID, requestInventoryAsset_QueryData_OwnerID :: !UUID, requestInventoryAsset_QueryData_ItemID :: !UUID } deriving Show data InventoryAssetResponse_QueryData = InventoryAssetResponse_QueryData { inventoryAssetResponse_QueryData_QueryID :: !UUID, inventoryAssetResponse_QueryData_AssetID :: !UUID, inventoryAssetResponse_QueryData_IsReadable :: !Bool } deriving Show data RemoveInventoryObjects_AgentData = RemoveInventoryObjects_AgentData { removeInventoryObjects_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, removeInventoryObjects_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RemoveInventoryObjects_FolderData = RemoveInventoryObjects_FolderData { removeInventoryObjects_FolderData_FolderID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RemoveInventoryObjects_ItemData = RemoveInventoryObjects_ItemData { removeInventoryObjects_ItemData_ItemID :: !UUID } deriving Show data PurgeInventoryDescendents_AgentData = PurgeInventoryDescendents_AgentData { purgeInventoryDescendents_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, purgeInventoryDescendents_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data PurgeInventoryDescendents_InventoryData = PurgeInventoryDescendents_InventoryData { purgeInventoryDescendents_InventoryData_FolderID :: !UUID } deriving Show data UpdateTaskInventory_AgentData = UpdateTaskInventory_AgentData { updateTaskInventory_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, updateTaskInventory_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data UpdateTaskInventory_UpdateData = UpdateTaskInventory_UpdateData { updateTaskInventory_UpdateData_LocalID :: !Word32, updateTaskInventory_UpdateData_Key :: !Word8 } deriving Show data UpdateTaskInventory_InventoryData = UpdateTaskInventory_InventoryData { updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_ItemID :: !UUID, updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_FolderID :: !UUID, updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_CreatorID :: !UUID, updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_OwnerID :: !UUID, updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_GroupID :: !UUID, updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_BaseMask :: !Word32, updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_OwnerMask :: !Word32, updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_GroupMask :: !Word32, updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_EveryoneMask :: !Word32, updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_NextOwnerMask :: !Word32, updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_GroupOwned :: !Bool, updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_TransactionID :: !UUID, updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_Type :: !Int8, updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_InvType :: !Int8, updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_Flags :: !Word32, updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_SaleType :: !Word8, updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_SalePrice :: !Int32, updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_Name :: !B.ByteString, updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_Description :: !B.ByteString, updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_CreationDate :: !Int32, updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_CRC :: !Word32 } deriving Show data RemoveTaskInventory_AgentData = RemoveTaskInventory_AgentData { removeTaskInventory_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, removeTaskInventory_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RemoveTaskInventory_InventoryData = RemoveTaskInventory_InventoryData { removeTaskInventory_InventoryData_LocalID :: !Word32, removeTaskInventory_InventoryData_ItemID :: !UUID } deriving Show data MoveTaskInventory_AgentData = MoveTaskInventory_AgentData { moveTaskInventory_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, moveTaskInventory_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, moveTaskInventory_AgentData_FolderID :: !UUID } deriving Show data MoveTaskInventory_InventoryData = MoveTaskInventory_InventoryData { moveTaskInventory_InventoryData_LocalID :: !Word32, moveTaskInventory_InventoryData_ItemID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RequestTaskInventory_AgentData = RequestTaskInventory_AgentData { requestTaskInventory_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, requestTaskInventory_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RequestTaskInventory_InventoryData = RequestTaskInventory_InventoryData { requestTaskInventory_InventoryData_LocalID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ReplyTaskInventory_InventoryData = ReplyTaskInventory_InventoryData { replyTaskInventory_InventoryData_TaskID :: !UUID, replyTaskInventory_InventoryData_Serial :: !Int16, replyTaskInventory_InventoryData_Filename :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data DeRezObject_AgentData = DeRezObject_AgentData { deRezObject_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, deRezObject_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DeRezObject_AgentBlock = DeRezObject_AgentBlock { deRezObject_AgentBlock_GroupID :: !UUID, deRezObject_AgentBlock_Destination :: !Word8, deRezObject_AgentBlock_DestinationID :: !UUID, deRezObject_AgentBlock_TransactionID :: !UUID, deRezObject_AgentBlock_PacketCount :: !Word8, deRezObject_AgentBlock_PacketNumber :: !Word8 } deriving Show data DeRezObject_ObjectData = DeRezObject_ObjectData { deRezObject_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data DeRezAck_TransactionData = DeRezAck_TransactionData { deRezAck_TransactionData_TransactionID :: !UUID, deRezAck_TransactionData_Success :: !Bool } deriving Show data RezObject_AgentData = RezObject_AgentData { rezObject_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, rezObject_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, rezObject_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RezObject_RezData = RezObject_RezData { rezObject_RezData_FromTaskID :: !UUID, rezObject_RezData_BypassRaycast :: !Word8, rezObject_RezData_RayStart :: !(Float, Float, Float), rezObject_RezData_RayEnd :: !(Float, Float, Float), rezObject_RezData_RayTargetID :: !UUID, rezObject_RezData_RayEndIsIntersection :: !Bool, rezObject_RezData_RezSelected :: !Bool, rezObject_RezData_RemoveItem :: !Bool, rezObject_RezData_ItemFlags :: !Word32, rezObject_RezData_GroupMask :: !Word32, rezObject_RezData_EveryoneMask :: !Word32, rezObject_RezData_NextOwnerMask :: !Word32 } deriving Show data RezObject_InventoryData = RezObject_InventoryData { rezObject_InventoryData_ItemID :: !UUID, rezObject_InventoryData_FolderID :: !UUID, rezObject_InventoryData_CreatorID :: !UUID, rezObject_InventoryData_OwnerID :: !UUID, rezObject_InventoryData_GroupID :: !UUID, rezObject_InventoryData_BaseMask :: !Word32, rezObject_InventoryData_OwnerMask :: !Word32, rezObject_InventoryData_GroupMask :: !Word32, rezObject_InventoryData_EveryoneMask :: !Word32, rezObject_InventoryData_NextOwnerMask :: !Word32, rezObject_InventoryData_GroupOwned :: !Bool, rezObject_InventoryData_TransactionID :: !UUID, rezObject_InventoryData_Type :: !Int8, rezObject_InventoryData_InvType :: !Int8, rezObject_InventoryData_Flags :: !Word32, rezObject_InventoryData_SaleType :: !Word8, rezObject_InventoryData_SalePrice :: !Int32, rezObject_InventoryData_Name :: !B.ByteString, rezObject_InventoryData_Description :: !B.ByteString, rezObject_InventoryData_CreationDate :: !Int32, rezObject_InventoryData_CRC :: !Word32 } deriving Show data RezObjectFromNotecard_AgentData = RezObjectFromNotecard_AgentData { rezObjectFromNotecard_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, rezObjectFromNotecard_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, rezObjectFromNotecard_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RezObjectFromNotecard_RezData = RezObjectFromNotecard_RezData { rezObjectFromNotecard_RezData_FromTaskID :: !UUID, rezObjectFromNotecard_RezData_BypassRaycast :: !Word8, rezObjectFromNotecard_RezData_RayStart :: !(Float, Float, Float), rezObjectFromNotecard_RezData_RayEnd :: !(Float, Float, Float), rezObjectFromNotecard_RezData_RayTargetID :: !UUID, rezObjectFromNotecard_RezData_RayEndIsIntersection :: !Bool, rezObjectFromNotecard_RezData_RezSelected :: !Bool, rezObjectFromNotecard_RezData_RemoveItem :: !Bool, rezObjectFromNotecard_RezData_ItemFlags :: !Word32, rezObjectFromNotecard_RezData_GroupMask :: !Word32, rezObjectFromNotecard_RezData_EveryoneMask :: !Word32, rezObjectFromNotecard_RezData_NextOwnerMask :: !Word32 } deriving Show data RezObjectFromNotecard_NotecardData = RezObjectFromNotecard_NotecardData { rezObjectFromNotecard_NotecardData_NotecardItemID :: !UUID, rezObjectFromNotecard_NotecardData_ObjectID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RezObjectFromNotecard_InventoryData = RezObjectFromNotecard_InventoryData { rezObjectFromNotecard_InventoryData_ItemID :: !UUID } deriving Show data TransferInventory_InfoBlock = TransferInventory_InfoBlock { transferInventory_InfoBlock_SourceID :: !UUID, transferInventory_InfoBlock_DestID :: !UUID, transferInventory_InfoBlock_TransactionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data TransferInventory_InventoryBlock = TransferInventory_InventoryBlock { transferInventory_InventoryBlock_InventoryID :: !UUID, transferInventory_InventoryBlock_Type :: !Int8 } deriving Show data TransferInventoryAck_InfoBlock = TransferInventoryAck_InfoBlock { transferInventoryAck_InfoBlock_TransactionID :: !UUID, transferInventoryAck_InfoBlock_InventoryID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AcceptFriendship_AgentData = AcceptFriendship_AgentData { acceptFriendship_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, acceptFriendship_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AcceptFriendship_TransactionBlock = AcceptFriendship_TransactionBlock { acceptFriendship_TransactionBlock_TransactionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AcceptFriendship_FolderData = AcceptFriendship_FolderData { acceptFriendship_FolderData_FolderID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DeclineFriendship_AgentData = DeclineFriendship_AgentData { declineFriendship_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, declineFriendship_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DeclineFriendship_TransactionBlock = DeclineFriendship_TransactionBlock { declineFriendship_TransactionBlock_TransactionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data FormFriendship_AgentBlock = FormFriendship_AgentBlock { formFriendship_AgentBlock_SourceID :: !UUID, formFriendship_AgentBlock_DestID :: !UUID } deriving Show data TerminateFriendship_AgentData = TerminateFriendship_AgentData { terminateFriendship_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, terminateFriendship_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data TerminateFriendship_ExBlock = TerminateFriendship_ExBlock { terminateFriendship_ExBlock_OtherID :: !UUID } deriving Show data OfferCallingCard_AgentData = OfferCallingCard_AgentData { offerCallingCard_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, offerCallingCard_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data OfferCallingCard_AgentBlock = OfferCallingCard_AgentBlock { offerCallingCard_AgentBlock_DestID :: !UUID, offerCallingCard_AgentBlock_TransactionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AcceptCallingCard_AgentData = AcceptCallingCard_AgentData { acceptCallingCard_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, acceptCallingCard_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AcceptCallingCard_TransactionBlock = AcceptCallingCard_TransactionBlock { acceptCallingCard_TransactionBlock_TransactionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AcceptCallingCard_FolderData = AcceptCallingCard_FolderData { acceptCallingCard_FolderData_FolderID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DeclineCallingCard_AgentData = DeclineCallingCard_AgentData { declineCallingCard_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, declineCallingCard_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data DeclineCallingCard_TransactionBlock = DeclineCallingCard_TransactionBlock { declineCallingCard_TransactionBlock_TransactionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RezScript_AgentData = RezScript_AgentData { rezScript_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, rezScript_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, rezScript_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RezScript_UpdateBlock = RezScript_UpdateBlock { rezScript_UpdateBlock_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32, rezScript_UpdateBlock_Enabled :: !Bool } deriving Show data RezScript_InventoryBlock = RezScript_InventoryBlock { rezScript_InventoryBlock_ItemID :: !UUID, rezScript_InventoryBlock_FolderID :: !UUID, rezScript_InventoryBlock_CreatorID :: !UUID, rezScript_InventoryBlock_OwnerID :: !UUID, rezScript_InventoryBlock_GroupID :: !UUID, rezScript_InventoryBlock_BaseMask :: !Word32, rezScript_InventoryBlock_OwnerMask :: !Word32, rezScript_InventoryBlock_GroupMask :: !Word32, rezScript_InventoryBlock_EveryoneMask :: !Word32, rezScript_InventoryBlock_NextOwnerMask :: !Word32, rezScript_InventoryBlock_GroupOwned :: !Bool, rezScript_InventoryBlock_TransactionID :: !UUID, rezScript_InventoryBlock_Type :: !Int8, rezScript_InventoryBlock_InvType :: !Int8, rezScript_InventoryBlock_Flags :: !Word32, rezScript_InventoryBlock_SaleType :: !Word8, rezScript_InventoryBlock_SalePrice :: !Int32, rezScript_InventoryBlock_Name :: !B.ByteString, rezScript_InventoryBlock_Description :: !B.ByteString, rezScript_InventoryBlock_CreationDate :: !Int32, rezScript_InventoryBlock_CRC :: !Word32 } deriving Show data CreateInventoryItem_AgentData = CreateInventoryItem_AgentData { createInventoryItem_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, createInventoryItem_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data CreateInventoryItem_InventoryBlock = CreateInventoryItem_InventoryBlock { createInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_CallbackID :: !Word32, createInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_FolderID :: !UUID, createInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_TransactionID :: !UUID, createInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_NextOwnerMask :: !Word32, createInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_Type :: !Int8, createInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_InvType :: !Int8, createInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_WearableType :: !Word8, createInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_Name :: !B.ByteString, createInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_Description :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data CreateLandmarkForEvent_AgentData = CreateLandmarkForEvent_AgentData { createLandmarkForEvent_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, createLandmarkForEvent_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data CreateLandmarkForEvent_EventData = CreateLandmarkForEvent_EventData { createLandmarkForEvent_EventData_EventID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data CreateLandmarkForEvent_InventoryBlock = CreateLandmarkForEvent_InventoryBlock { createLandmarkForEvent_InventoryBlock_FolderID :: !UUID, createLandmarkForEvent_InventoryBlock_Name :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data EventLocationRequest_QueryData = EventLocationRequest_QueryData { eventLocationRequest_QueryData_QueryID :: !UUID } deriving Show data EventLocationRequest_EventData = EventLocationRequest_EventData { eventLocationRequest_EventData_EventID :: !Word32 } deriving Show data EventLocationReply_QueryData = EventLocationReply_QueryData { eventLocationReply_QueryData_QueryID :: !UUID } deriving Show data EventLocationReply_EventData = EventLocationReply_EventData { eventLocationReply_EventData_Success :: !Bool, eventLocationReply_EventData_RegionID :: !UUID, eventLocationReply_EventData_RegionPos :: !(Float, Float, Float) } deriving Show data RegionHandleRequest_RequestBlock = RegionHandleRequest_RequestBlock { regionHandleRequest_RequestBlock_RegionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RegionIDAndHandleReply_ReplyBlock = RegionIDAndHandleReply_ReplyBlock { regionIDAndHandleReply_ReplyBlock_RegionID :: !UUID, regionIDAndHandleReply_ReplyBlock_RegionHandle :: !Word64 } deriving Show data MoneyTransferRequest_AgentData = MoneyTransferRequest_AgentData { moneyTransferRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, moneyTransferRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data MoneyTransferRequest_MoneyData = MoneyTransferRequest_MoneyData { moneyTransferRequest_MoneyData_SourceID :: !UUID, moneyTransferRequest_MoneyData_DestID :: !UUID, moneyTransferRequest_MoneyData_Flags :: !Word8, moneyTransferRequest_MoneyData_Amount :: !Int32, moneyTransferRequest_MoneyData_AggregatePermNextOwner :: !Word8, moneyTransferRequest_MoneyData_AggregatePermInventory :: !Word8, moneyTransferRequest_MoneyData_TransactionType :: !Int32, moneyTransferRequest_MoneyData_Description :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data MoneyTransferBackend_MoneyData = MoneyTransferBackend_MoneyData { moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_TransactionID :: !UUID, moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_TransactionTime :: !Word32, moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_SourceID :: !UUID, moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_DestID :: !UUID, moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_Flags :: !Word8, moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_Amount :: !Int32, moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_AggregatePermNextOwner :: !Word8, moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_AggregatePermInventory :: !Word8, moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_TransactionType :: !Int32, moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_RegionID :: !UUID, moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_GridX :: !Word32, moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_GridY :: !Word32, moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_Description :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data MoneyBalanceRequest_AgentData = MoneyBalanceRequest_AgentData { moneyBalanceRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, moneyBalanceRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data MoneyBalanceRequest_MoneyData = MoneyBalanceRequest_MoneyData { moneyBalanceRequest_MoneyData_TransactionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data MoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData = MoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData { moneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_AgentID :: !UUID, moneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_TransactionID :: !UUID, moneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_TransactionSuccess :: !Bool, moneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_MoneyBalance :: !Int32, moneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_SquareMetersCredit :: !Int32, moneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_SquareMetersCommitted :: !Int32, moneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_Description :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data RoutedMoneyBalanceReply_TargetBlock = RoutedMoneyBalanceReply_TargetBlock { routedMoneyBalanceReply_TargetBlock_TargetIP :: ![Word8], routedMoneyBalanceReply_TargetBlock_TargetPort :: !Word16 } deriving Show data RoutedMoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData = RoutedMoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData { routedMoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_AgentID :: !UUID, routedMoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_TransactionID :: !UUID, routedMoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_TransactionSuccess :: !Bool, routedMoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_MoneyBalance :: !Int32, routedMoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_SquareMetersCredit :: !Int32, routedMoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_SquareMetersCommitted :: !Int32, routedMoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_Description :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data ActivateGestures_AgentData = ActivateGestures_AgentData { activateGestures_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, activateGestures_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, activateGestures_AgentData_Flags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ActivateGestures_Data = ActivateGestures_Data { activateGestures_Data_ItemID :: !UUID, activateGestures_Data_AssetID :: !UUID, activateGestures_Data_GestureFlags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data DeactivateGestures_AgentData = DeactivateGestures_AgentData { deactivateGestures_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, deactivateGestures_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, deactivateGestures_AgentData_Flags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data DeactivateGestures_Data = DeactivateGestures_Data { deactivateGestures_Data_ItemID :: !UUID, deactivateGestures_Data_GestureFlags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data MuteListUpdate_MuteData = MuteListUpdate_MuteData { muteListUpdate_MuteData_AgentID :: !UUID, muteListUpdate_MuteData_Filename :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data UseCachedMuteList_AgentData = UseCachedMuteList_AgentData { useCachedMuteList_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GrantUserRights_AgentData = GrantUserRights_AgentData { grantUserRights_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, grantUserRights_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GrantUserRights_Rights = GrantUserRights_Rights { grantUserRights_Rights_AgentRelated :: !UUID, grantUserRights_Rights_RelatedRights :: !Int32 } deriving Show data ChangeUserRights_AgentData = ChangeUserRights_AgentData { changeUserRights_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ChangeUserRights_Rights = ChangeUserRights_Rights { changeUserRights_Rights_AgentRelated :: !UUID, changeUserRights_Rights_RelatedRights :: !Int32 } deriving Show data OnlineNotification_AgentBlock = OnlineNotification_AgentBlock { onlineNotification_AgentBlock_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data OfflineNotification_AgentBlock = OfflineNotification_AgentBlock { offlineNotification_AgentBlock_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data SetStartLocationRequest_AgentData = SetStartLocationRequest_AgentData { setStartLocationRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, setStartLocationRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data SetStartLocationRequest_StartLocationData = SetStartLocationRequest_StartLocationData { setStartLocationRequest_StartLocationData_SimName :: !B.ByteString, setStartLocationRequest_StartLocationData_LocationID :: !Word32, setStartLocationRequest_StartLocationData_LocationPos :: !(Float, Float, Float), setStartLocationRequest_StartLocationData_LocationLookAt :: !(Float, Float, Float) } deriving Show data SetStartLocation_StartLocationData = SetStartLocation_StartLocationData { setStartLocation_StartLocationData_AgentID :: !UUID, setStartLocation_StartLocationData_RegionID :: !UUID, setStartLocation_StartLocationData_LocationID :: !Word32, setStartLocation_StartLocationData_RegionHandle :: !Word64, setStartLocation_StartLocationData_LocationPos :: !(Float, Float, Float), setStartLocation_StartLocationData_LocationLookAt :: !(Float, Float, Float) } deriving Show data NetTest_NetBlock = NetTest_NetBlock { netTest_NetBlock_Port :: !Word16 } deriving Show data SetCPURatio_Data = SetCPURatio_Data { setCPURatio_Data_Ratio :: !Word8 } deriving Show data SimCrashed_Data = SimCrashed_Data { simCrashed_Data_RegionX :: !Word32, simCrashed_Data_RegionY :: !Word32 } deriving Show data SimCrashed_Users = SimCrashed_Users { simCrashed_Users_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data NameValuePair_TaskData = NameValuePair_TaskData { nameValuePair_TaskData_ID :: !UUID } deriving Show data NameValuePair_NameValueData = NameValuePair_NameValueData { nameValuePair_NameValueData_NVPair :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data RemoveNameValuePair_TaskData = RemoveNameValuePair_TaskData { removeNameValuePair_TaskData_ID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RemoveNameValuePair_NameValueData = RemoveNameValuePair_NameValueData { removeNameValuePair_NameValueData_NVPair :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data UpdateAttachment_AgentData = UpdateAttachment_AgentData { updateAttachment_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, updateAttachment_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data UpdateAttachment_AttachmentBlock = UpdateAttachment_AttachmentBlock { updateAttachment_AttachmentBlock_AttachmentPoint :: !Word8 } deriving Show data UpdateAttachment_OperationData = UpdateAttachment_OperationData { updateAttachment_OperationData_AddItem :: !Bool, updateAttachment_OperationData_UseExistingAsset :: !Bool } deriving Show data UpdateAttachment_InventoryData = UpdateAttachment_InventoryData { updateAttachment_InventoryData_ItemID :: !UUID, updateAttachment_InventoryData_FolderID :: !UUID, updateAttachment_InventoryData_CreatorID :: !UUID, updateAttachment_InventoryData_OwnerID :: !UUID, updateAttachment_InventoryData_GroupID :: !UUID, updateAttachment_InventoryData_BaseMask :: !Word32, updateAttachment_InventoryData_OwnerMask :: !Word32, updateAttachment_InventoryData_GroupMask :: !Word32, updateAttachment_InventoryData_EveryoneMask :: !Word32, updateAttachment_InventoryData_NextOwnerMask :: !Word32, updateAttachment_InventoryData_GroupOwned :: !Bool, updateAttachment_InventoryData_AssetID :: !UUID, updateAttachment_InventoryData_Type :: !Int8, updateAttachment_InventoryData_InvType :: !Int8, updateAttachment_InventoryData_Flags :: !Word32, updateAttachment_InventoryData_SaleType :: !Word8, updateAttachment_InventoryData_SalePrice :: !Int32, updateAttachment_InventoryData_Name :: !B.ByteString, updateAttachment_InventoryData_Description :: !B.ByteString, updateAttachment_InventoryData_CreationDate :: !Int32, updateAttachment_InventoryData_CRC :: !Word32 } deriving Show data RemoveAttachment_AgentData = RemoveAttachment_AgentData { removeAttachment_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, removeAttachment_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RemoveAttachment_AttachmentBlock = RemoveAttachment_AttachmentBlock { removeAttachment_AttachmentBlock_AttachmentPoint :: !Word8, removeAttachment_AttachmentBlock_ItemID :: !UUID } deriving Show data SoundTrigger_SoundData = SoundTrigger_SoundData { soundTrigger_SoundData_SoundID :: !UUID, soundTrigger_SoundData_OwnerID :: !UUID, soundTrigger_SoundData_ObjectID :: !UUID, soundTrigger_SoundData_ParentID :: !UUID, soundTrigger_SoundData_Handle :: !Word64, soundTrigger_SoundData_Position :: !(Float, Float, Float), soundTrigger_SoundData_Gain :: !Float } deriving Show data AttachedSound_DataBlock = AttachedSound_DataBlock { attachedSound_DataBlock_SoundID :: !UUID, attachedSound_DataBlock_ObjectID :: !UUID, attachedSound_DataBlock_OwnerID :: !UUID, attachedSound_DataBlock_Gain :: !Float, attachedSound_DataBlock_Flags :: !Word8 } deriving Show data AttachedSoundGainChange_DataBlock = AttachedSoundGainChange_DataBlock { attachedSoundGainChange_DataBlock_ObjectID :: !UUID, attachedSoundGainChange_DataBlock_Gain :: !Float } deriving Show data PreloadSound_DataBlock = PreloadSound_DataBlock { preloadSound_DataBlock_ObjectID :: !UUID, preloadSound_DataBlock_OwnerID :: !UUID, preloadSound_DataBlock_SoundID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AssetUploadRequest_AssetBlock = AssetUploadRequest_AssetBlock { assetUploadRequest_AssetBlock_TransactionID :: !UUID, assetUploadRequest_AssetBlock_Type :: !Int8, assetUploadRequest_AssetBlock_Tempfile :: !Bool, assetUploadRequest_AssetBlock_StoreLocal :: !Bool, assetUploadRequest_AssetBlock_AssetData :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data AssetUploadComplete_AssetBlock = AssetUploadComplete_AssetBlock { assetUploadComplete_AssetBlock_UUID :: !UUID, assetUploadComplete_AssetBlock_Type :: !Int8, assetUploadComplete_AssetBlock_Success :: !Bool } deriving Show data EmailMessageRequest_DataBlock = EmailMessageRequest_DataBlock { emailMessageRequest_DataBlock_ObjectID :: !UUID, emailMessageRequest_DataBlock_FromAddress :: !B.ByteString, emailMessageRequest_DataBlock_Subject :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data EmailMessageReply_DataBlock = EmailMessageReply_DataBlock { emailMessageReply_DataBlock_ObjectID :: !UUID, emailMessageReply_DataBlock_More :: !Word32, emailMessageReply_DataBlock_Time :: !Word32, emailMessageReply_DataBlock_FromAddress :: !B.ByteString, emailMessageReply_DataBlock_Subject :: !B.ByteString, emailMessageReply_DataBlock_Data :: !B.ByteString, emailMessageReply_DataBlock_MailFilter :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data InternalScriptMail_DataBlock = InternalScriptMail_DataBlock { internalScriptMail_DataBlock_From :: !B.ByteString, internalScriptMail_DataBlock_To :: !UUID, internalScriptMail_DataBlock_Subject :: !B.ByteString, internalScriptMail_DataBlock_Body :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data ScriptDataRequest_DataBlock = ScriptDataRequest_DataBlock { scriptDataRequest_DataBlock_Hash :: !Word64, scriptDataRequest_DataBlock_RequestType :: !Int8, scriptDataRequest_DataBlock_Request :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data ScriptDataReply_DataBlock = ScriptDataReply_DataBlock { scriptDataReply_DataBlock_Hash :: !Word64, scriptDataReply_DataBlock_Reply :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data CreateGroupRequest_AgentData = CreateGroupRequest_AgentData { createGroupRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, createGroupRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data CreateGroupRequest_GroupData = CreateGroupRequest_GroupData { createGroupRequest_GroupData_Name :: !B.ByteString, createGroupRequest_GroupData_Charter :: !B.ByteString, createGroupRequest_GroupData_ShowInList :: !Bool, createGroupRequest_GroupData_InsigniaID :: !UUID, createGroupRequest_GroupData_MembershipFee :: !Int32, createGroupRequest_GroupData_OpenEnrollment :: !Bool, createGroupRequest_GroupData_AllowPublish :: !Bool, createGroupRequest_GroupData_MaturePublish :: !Bool } deriving Show data CreateGroupReply_AgentData = CreateGroupReply_AgentData { createGroupReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data CreateGroupReply_ReplyData = CreateGroupReply_ReplyData { createGroupReply_ReplyData_GroupID :: !UUID, createGroupReply_ReplyData_Success :: !Bool, createGroupReply_ReplyData_Message :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data UpdateGroupInfo_AgentData = UpdateGroupInfo_AgentData { updateGroupInfo_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, updateGroupInfo_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data UpdateGroupInfo_GroupData = UpdateGroupInfo_GroupData { updateGroupInfo_GroupData_GroupID :: !UUID, updateGroupInfo_GroupData_Charter :: !B.ByteString, updateGroupInfo_GroupData_ShowInList :: !Bool, updateGroupInfo_GroupData_InsigniaID :: !UUID, updateGroupInfo_GroupData_MembershipFee :: !Int32, updateGroupInfo_GroupData_OpenEnrollment :: !Bool, updateGroupInfo_GroupData_AllowPublish :: !Bool, updateGroupInfo_GroupData_MaturePublish :: !Bool } deriving Show data GroupRoleChanges_AgentData = GroupRoleChanges_AgentData { groupRoleChanges_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, groupRoleChanges_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, groupRoleChanges_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupRoleChanges_RoleChange = GroupRoleChanges_RoleChange { groupRoleChanges_RoleChange_RoleID :: !UUID, groupRoleChanges_RoleChange_MemberID :: !UUID, groupRoleChanges_RoleChange_Change :: !Word32 } deriving Show data JoinGroupRequest_AgentData = JoinGroupRequest_AgentData { joinGroupRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, joinGroupRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data JoinGroupRequest_GroupData = JoinGroupRequest_GroupData { joinGroupRequest_GroupData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data JoinGroupReply_AgentData = JoinGroupReply_AgentData { joinGroupReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data JoinGroupReply_GroupData = JoinGroupReply_GroupData { joinGroupReply_GroupData_GroupID :: !UUID, joinGroupReply_GroupData_Success :: !Bool } deriving Show data EjectGroupMemberRequest_AgentData = EjectGroupMemberRequest_AgentData { ejectGroupMemberRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, ejectGroupMemberRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data EjectGroupMemberRequest_GroupData = EjectGroupMemberRequest_GroupData { ejectGroupMemberRequest_GroupData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data EjectGroupMemberRequest_EjectData = EjectGroupMemberRequest_EjectData { ejectGroupMemberRequest_EjectData_EjecteeID :: !UUID } deriving Show data EjectGroupMemberReply_AgentData = EjectGroupMemberReply_AgentData { ejectGroupMemberReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data EjectGroupMemberReply_GroupData = EjectGroupMemberReply_GroupData { ejectGroupMemberReply_GroupData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data EjectGroupMemberReply_EjectData = EjectGroupMemberReply_EjectData { ejectGroupMemberReply_EjectData_Success :: !Bool } deriving Show data LeaveGroupRequest_AgentData = LeaveGroupRequest_AgentData { leaveGroupRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, leaveGroupRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data LeaveGroupRequest_GroupData = LeaveGroupRequest_GroupData { leaveGroupRequest_GroupData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data LeaveGroupReply_AgentData = LeaveGroupReply_AgentData { leaveGroupReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data LeaveGroupReply_GroupData = LeaveGroupReply_GroupData { leaveGroupReply_GroupData_GroupID :: !UUID, leaveGroupReply_GroupData_Success :: !Bool } deriving Show data InviteGroupRequest_AgentData = InviteGroupRequest_AgentData { inviteGroupRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, inviteGroupRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data InviteGroupRequest_GroupData = InviteGroupRequest_GroupData { inviteGroupRequest_GroupData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data InviteGroupRequest_InviteData = InviteGroupRequest_InviteData { inviteGroupRequest_InviteData_InviteeID :: !UUID, inviteGroupRequest_InviteData_RoleID :: !UUID } deriving Show data InviteGroupResponse_InviteData = InviteGroupResponse_InviteData { inviteGroupResponse_InviteData_AgentID :: !UUID, inviteGroupResponse_InviteData_InviteeID :: !UUID, inviteGroupResponse_InviteData_GroupID :: !UUID, inviteGroupResponse_InviteData_RoleID :: !UUID, inviteGroupResponse_InviteData_MembershipFee :: !Int32 } deriving Show data GroupProfileRequest_AgentData = GroupProfileRequest_AgentData { groupProfileRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, groupProfileRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupProfileRequest_GroupData = GroupProfileRequest_GroupData { groupProfileRequest_GroupData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupProfileReply_AgentData = GroupProfileReply_AgentData { groupProfileReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupProfileReply_GroupData = GroupProfileReply_GroupData { groupProfileReply_GroupData_GroupID :: !UUID, groupProfileReply_GroupData_Name :: !B.ByteString, groupProfileReply_GroupData_Charter :: !B.ByteString, groupProfileReply_GroupData_ShowInList :: !Bool, groupProfileReply_GroupData_MemberTitle :: !B.ByteString, groupProfileReply_GroupData_PowersMask :: !Word64, groupProfileReply_GroupData_InsigniaID :: !UUID, groupProfileReply_GroupData_FounderID :: !UUID, groupProfileReply_GroupData_MembershipFee :: !Int32, groupProfileReply_GroupData_OpenEnrollment :: !Bool, groupProfileReply_GroupData_Money :: !Int32, groupProfileReply_GroupData_GroupMembershipCount :: !Int32, groupProfileReply_GroupData_GroupRolesCount :: !Int32, groupProfileReply_GroupData_AllowPublish :: !Bool, groupProfileReply_GroupData_MaturePublish :: !Bool, groupProfileReply_GroupData_OwnerRole :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupAccountSummaryRequest_AgentData = GroupAccountSummaryRequest_AgentData { groupAccountSummaryRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, groupAccountSummaryRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, groupAccountSummaryRequest_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupAccountSummaryRequest_MoneyData = GroupAccountSummaryRequest_MoneyData { groupAccountSummaryRequest_MoneyData_RequestID :: !UUID, groupAccountSummaryRequest_MoneyData_IntervalDays :: !Int32, groupAccountSummaryRequest_MoneyData_CurrentInterval :: !Int32 } deriving Show data GroupAccountSummaryReply_AgentData = GroupAccountSummaryReply_AgentData { groupAccountSummaryReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, groupAccountSummaryReply_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData = GroupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData { groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_RequestID :: !UUID, groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_IntervalDays :: !Int32, groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_CurrentInterval :: !Int32, groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_StartDate :: !B.ByteString, groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_Balance :: !Int32, groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_TotalCredits :: !Int32, groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_TotalDebits :: !Int32, groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_ObjectTaxCurrent :: !Int32, groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_LightTaxCurrent :: !Int32, groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_LandTaxCurrent :: !Int32, groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_GroupTaxCurrent :: !Int32, groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_ParcelDirFeeCurrent :: !Int32, groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_ObjectTaxEstimate :: !Int32, groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_LightTaxEstimate :: !Int32, groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_LandTaxEstimate :: !Int32, groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_GroupTaxEstimate :: !Int32, groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_ParcelDirFeeEstimate :: !Int32, groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_NonExemptMembers :: !Int32, groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_LastTaxDate :: !B.ByteString, groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_TaxDate :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data GroupAccountDetailsRequest_AgentData = GroupAccountDetailsRequest_AgentData { groupAccountDetailsRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, groupAccountDetailsRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, groupAccountDetailsRequest_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupAccountDetailsRequest_MoneyData = GroupAccountDetailsRequest_MoneyData { groupAccountDetailsRequest_MoneyData_RequestID :: !UUID, groupAccountDetailsRequest_MoneyData_IntervalDays :: !Int32, groupAccountDetailsRequest_MoneyData_CurrentInterval :: !Int32 } deriving Show data GroupAccountDetailsReply_AgentData = GroupAccountDetailsReply_AgentData { groupAccountDetailsReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, groupAccountDetailsReply_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupAccountDetailsReply_MoneyData = GroupAccountDetailsReply_MoneyData { groupAccountDetailsReply_MoneyData_RequestID :: !UUID, groupAccountDetailsReply_MoneyData_IntervalDays :: !Int32, groupAccountDetailsReply_MoneyData_CurrentInterval :: !Int32, groupAccountDetailsReply_MoneyData_StartDate :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data GroupAccountDetailsReply_HistoryData = GroupAccountDetailsReply_HistoryData { groupAccountDetailsReply_HistoryData_Description :: !B.ByteString, groupAccountDetailsReply_HistoryData_Amount :: !Int32 } deriving Show data GroupAccountTransactionsRequest_AgentData = GroupAccountTransactionsRequest_AgentData { groupAccountTransactionsRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, groupAccountTransactionsRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, groupAccountTransactionsRequest_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupAccountTransactionsRequest_MoneyData = GroupAccountTransactionsRequest_MoneyData { groupAccountTransactionsRequest_MoneyData_RequestID :: !UUID, groupAccountTransactionsRequest_MoneyData_IntervalDays :: !Int32, groupAccountTransactionsRequest_MoneyData_CurrentInterval :: !Int32 } deriving Show data GroupAccountTransactionsReply_AgentData = GroupAccountTransactionsReply_AgentData { groupAccountTransactionsReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, groupAccountTransactionsReply_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupAccountTransactionsReply_MoneyData = GroupAccountTransactionsReply_MoneyData { groupAccountTransactionsReply_MoneyData_RequestID :: !UUID, groupAccountTransactionsReply_MoneyData_IntervalDays :: !Int32, groupAccountTransactionsReply_MoneyData_CurrentInterval :: !Int32, groupAccountTransactionsReply_MoneyData_StartDate :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data GroupAccountTransactionsReply_HistoryData = GroupAccountTransactionsReply_HistoryData { groupAccountTransactionsReply_HistoryData_Time :: !B.ByteString, groupAccountTransactionsReply_HistoryData_User :: !B.ByteString, groupAccountTransactionsReply_HistoryData_Type :: !Int32, groupAccountTransactionsReply_HistoryData_Item :: !B.ByteString, groupAccountTransactionsReply_HistoryData_Amount :: !Int32 } deriving Show data GroupActiveProposalsRequest_AgentData = GroupActiveProposalsRequest_AgentData { groupActiveProposalsRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, groupActiveProposalsRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupActiveProposalsRequest_GroupData = GroupActiveProposalsRequest_GroupData { groupActiveProposalsRequest_GroupData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupActiveProposalsRequest_TransactionData = GroupActiveProposalsRequest_TransactionData { groupActiveProposalsRequest_TransactionData_TransactionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupActiveProposalItemReply_AgentData = GroupActiveProposalItemReply_AgentData { groupActiveProposalItemReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, groupActiveProposalItemReply_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupActiveProposalItemReply_TransactionData = GroupActiveProposalItemReply_TransactionData { groupActiveProposalItemReply_TransactionData_TransactionID :: !UUID, groupActiveProposalItemReply_TransactionData_TotalNumItems :: !Word32 } deriving Show data GroupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData = GroupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData { groupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData_VoteID :: !UUID, groupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData_VoteInitiator :: !UUID, groupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData_TerseDateID :: !B.ByteString, groupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData_StartDateTime :: !B.ByteString, groupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData_EndDateTime :: !B.ByteString, groupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData_AlreadyVoted :: !Bool, groupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData_VoteCast :: !B.ByteString, groupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData_Majority :: !Float, groupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData_Quorum :: !Int32, groupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData_ProposalText :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data GroupVoteHistoryRequest_AgentData = GroupVoteHistoryRequest_AgentData { groupVoteHistoryRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, groupVoteHistoryRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupVoteHistoryRequest_GroupData = GroupVoteHistoryRequest_GroupData { groupVoteHistoryRequest_GroupData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupVoteHistoryRequest_TransactionData = GroupVoteHistoryRequest_TransactionData { groupVoteHistoryRequest_TransactionData_TransactionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupVoteHistoryItemReply_AgentData = GroupVoteHistoryItemReply_AgentData { groupVoteHistoryItemReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, groupVoteHistoryItemReply_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupVoteHistoryItemReply_TransactionData = GroupVoteHistoryItemReply_TransactionData { groupVoteHistoryItemReply_TransactionData_TransactionID :: !UUID, groupVoteHistoryItemReply_TransactionData_TotalNumItems :: !Word32 } deriving Show data GroupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData = GroupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData { groupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData_VoteID :: !UUID, groupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData_TerseDateID :: !B.ByteString, groupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData_StartDateTime :: !B.ByteString, groupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData_EndDateTime :: !B.ByteString, groupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData_VoteInitiator :: !UUID, groupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData_VoteType :: !B.ByteString, groupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData_VoteResult :: !B.ByteString, groupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData_Majority :: !Float, groupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData_Quorum :: !Int32, groupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData_ProposalText :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data GroupVoteHistoryItemReply_VoteItem = GroupVoteHistoryItemReply_VoteItem { groupVoteHistoryItemReply_VoteItem_CandidateID :: !UUID, groupVoteHistoryItemReply_VoteItem_VoteCast :: !B.ByteString, groupVoteHistoryItemReply_VoteItem_NumVotes :: !Int32 } deriving Show data StartGroupProposal_AgentData = StartGroupProposal_AgentData { startGroupProposal_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, startGroupProposal_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data StartGroupProposal_ProposalData = StartGroupProposal_ProposalData { startGroupProposal_ProposalData_GroupID :: !UUID, startGroupProposal_ProposalData_Quorum :: !Int32, startGroupProposal_ProposalData_Majority :: !Float, startGroupProposal_ProposalData_Duration :: !Int32, startGroupProposal_ProposalData_ProposalText :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data GroupProposalBallot_AgentData = GroupProposalBallot_AgentData { groupProposalBallot_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, groupProposalBallot_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupProposalBallot_ProposalData = GroupProposalBallot_ProposalData { groupProposalBallot_ProposalData_ProposalID :: !UUID, groupProposalBallot_ProposalData_GroupID :: !UUID, groupProposalBallot_ProposalData_VoteCast :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data GroupMembersRequest_AgentData = GroupMembersRequest_AgentData { groupMembersRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, groupMembersRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupMembersRequest_GroupData = GroupMembersRequest_GroupData { groupMembersRequest_GroupData_GroupID :: !UUID, groupMembersRequest_GroupData_RequestID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupMembersReply_AgentData = GroupMembersReply_AgentData { groupMembersReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupMembersReply_GroupData = GroupMembersReply_GroupData { groupMembersReply_GroupData_GroupID :: !UUID, groupMembersReply_GroupData_RequestID :: !UUID, groupMembersReply_GroupData_MemberCount :: !Int32 } deriving Show data GroupMembersReply_MemberData = GroupMembersReply_MemberData { groupMembersReply_MemberData_AgentID :: !UUID, groupMembersReply_MemberData_Contribution :: !Int32, groupMembersReply_MemberData_OnlineStatus :: !B.ByteString, groupMembersReply_MemberData_AgentPowers :: !Word64, groupMembersReply_MemberData_Title :: !B.ByteString, groupMembersReply_MemberData_IsOwner :: !Bool } deriving Show data ActivateGroup_AgentData = ActivateGroup_AgentData { activateGroup_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, activateGroup_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, activateGroup_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data SetGroupContribution_AgentData = SetGroupContribution_AgentData { setGroupContribution_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, setGroupContribution_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data SetGroupContribution_Data = SetGroupContribution_Data { setGroupContribution_Data_GroupID :: !UUID, setGroupContribution_Data_Contribution :: !Int32 } deriving Show data SetGroupAcceptNotices_AgentData = SetGroupAcceptNotices_AgentData { setGroupAcceptNotices_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, setGroupAcceptNotices_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data SetGroupAcceptNotices_Data = SetGroupAcceptNotices_Data { setGroupAcceptNotices_Data_GroupID :: !UUID, setGroupAcceptNotices_Data_AcceptNotices :: !Bool } deriving Show data SetGroupAcceptNotices_NewData = SetGroupAcceptNotices_NewData { setGroupAcceptNotices_NewData_ListInProfile :: !Bool } deriving Show data GroupRoleDataRequest_AgentData = GroupRoleDataRequest_AgentData { groupRoleDataRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, groupRoleDataRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupRoleDataRequest_GroupData = GroupRoleDataRequest_GroupData { groupRoleDataRequest_GroupData_GroupID :: !UUID, groupRoleDataRequest_GroupData_RequestID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupRoleDataReply_AgentData = GroupRoleDataReply_AgentData { groupRoleDataReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupRoleDataReply_GroupData = GroupRoleDataReply_GroupData { groupRoleDataReply_GroupData_GroupID :: !UUID, groupRoleDataReply_GroupData_RequestID :: !UUID, groupRoleDataReply_GroupData_RoleCount :: !Int32 } deriving Show data GroupRoleDataReply_RoleData = GroupRoleDataReply_RoleData { groupRoleDataReply_RoleData_RoleID :: !UUID, groupRoleDataReply_RoleData_Name :: !B.ByteString, groupRoleDataReply_RoleData_Title :: !B.ByteString, groupRoleDataReply_RoleData_Description :: !B.ByteString, groupRoleDataReply_RoleData_Powers :: !Word64, groupRoleDataReply_RoleData_Members :: !Word32 } deriving Show data GroupRoleMembersRequest_AgentData = GroupRoleMembersRequest_AgentData { groupRoleMembersRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, groupRoleMembersRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupRoleMembersRequest_GroupData = GroupRoleMembersRequest_GroupData { groupRoleMembersRequest_GroupData_GroupID :: !UUID, groupRoleMembersRequest_GroupData_RequestID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupRoleMembersReply_AgentData = GroupRoleMembersReply_AgentData { groupRoleMembersReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, groupRoleMembersReply_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID, groupRoleMembersReply_AgentData_RequestID :: !UUID, groupRoleMembersReply_AgentData_TotalPairs :: !Word32 } deriving Show data GroupRoleMembersReply_MemberData = GroupRoleMembersReply_MemberData { groupRoleMembersReply_MemberData_RoleID :: !UUID, groupRoleMembersReply_MemberData_MemberID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupTitlesRequest_AgentData = GroupTitlesRequest_AgentData { groupTitlesRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, groupTitlesRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, groupTitlesRequest_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID, groupTitlesRequest_AgentData_RequestID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupTitlesReply_AgentData = GroupTitlesReply_AgentData { groupTitlesReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, groupTitlesReply_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID, groupTitlesReply_AgentData_RequestID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupTitlesReply_GroupData = GroupTitlesReply_GroupData { groupTitlesReply_GroupData_Title :: !B.ByteString, groupTitlesReply_GroupData_RoleID :: !UUID, groupTitlesReply_GroupData_Selected :: !Bool } deriving Show data GroupTitleUpdate_AgentData = GroupTitleUpdate_AgentData { groupTitleUpdate_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, groupTitleUpdate_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, groupTitleUpdate_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID, groupTitleUpdate_AgentData_TitleRoleID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupRoleUpdate_AgentData = GroupRoleUpdate_AgentData { groupRoleUpdate_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, groupRoleUpdate_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, groupRoleUpdate_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data GroupRoleUpdate_RoleData = GroupRoleUpdate_RoleData { groupRoleUpdate_RoleData_RoleID :: !UUID, groupRoleUpdate_RoleData_Name :: !B.ByteString, groupRoleUpdate_RoleData_Description :: !B.ByteString, groupRoleUpdate_RoleData_Title :: !B.ByteString, groupRoleUpdate_RoleData_Powers :: !Word64, groupRoleUpdate_RoleData_UpdateType :: !Word8 } deriving Show data LiveHelpGroupRequest_RequestData = LiveHelpGroupRequest_RequestData { liveHelpGroupRequest_RequestData_RequestID :: !UUID, liveHelpGroupRequest_RequestData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data LiveHelpGroupReply_ReplyData = LiveHelpGroupReply_ReplyData { liveHelpGroupReply_ReplyData_RequestID :: !UUID, liveHelpGroupReply_ReplyData_GroupID :: !UUID, liveHelpGroupReply_ReplyData_Selection :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data AgentWearablesRequest_AgentData = AgentWearablesRequest_AgentData { agentWearablesRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, agentWearablesRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AgentWearablesUpdate_AgentData = AgentWearablesUpdate_AgentData { agentWearablesUpdate_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, agentWearablesUpdate_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, agentWearablesUpdate_AgentData_SerialNum :: !Word32 } deriving Show data AgentWearablesUpdate_WearableData = AgentWearablesUpdate_WearableData { agentWearablesUpdate_WearableData_ItemID :: !UUID, agentWearablesUpdate_WearableData_AssetID :: !UUID, agentWearablesUpdate_WearableData_WearableType :: !Word8 } deriving Show data AgentIsNowWearing_AgentData = AgentIsNowWearing_AgentData { agentIsNowWearing_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, agentIsNowWearing_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AgentIsNowWearing_WearableData = AgentIsNowWearing_WearableData { agentIsNowWearing_WearableData_ItemID :: !UUID, agentIsNowWearing_WearableData_WearableType :: !Word8 } deriving Show data AgentCachedTexture_AgentData = AgentCachedTexture_AgentData { agentCachedTexture_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, agentCachedTexture_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, agentCachedTexture_AgentData_SerialNum :: !Int32 } deriving Show data AgentCachedTexture_WearableData = AgentCachedTexture_WearableData { agentCachedTexture_WearableData_ID :: !UUID, agentCachedTexture_WearableData_TextureIndex :: !Word8 } deriving Show data AgentCachedTextureResponse_AgentData = AgentCachedTextureResponse_AgentData { agentCachedTextureResponse_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, agentCachedTextureResponse_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, agentCachedTextureResponse_AgentData_SerialNum :: !Int32 } deriving Show data AgentCachedTextureResponse_WearableData = AgentCachedTextureResponse_WearableData { agentCachedTextureResponse_WearableData_TextureID :: !UUID, agentCachedTextureResponse_WearableData_TextureIndex :: !Word8, agentCachedTextureResponse_WearableData_HostName :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data AgentDataUpdateRequest_AgentData = AgentDataUpdateRequest_AgentData { agentDataUpdateRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, agentDataUpdateRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AgentDataUpdate_AgentData = AgentDataUpdate_AgentData { agentDataUpdate_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, agentDataUpdate_AgentData_FirstName :: !B.ByteString, agentDataUpdate_AgentData_LastName :: !B.ByteString, agentDataUpdate_AgentData_GroupTitle :: !B.ByteString, agentDataUpdate_AgentData_ActiveGroupID :: !UUID, agentDataUpdate_AgentData_GroupPowers :: !Word64, agentDataUpdate_AgentData_GroupName :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data GroupDataUpdate_AgentGroupData = GroupDataUpdate_AgentGroupData { groupDataUpdate_AgentGroupData_AgentID :: !UUID, groupDataUpdate_AgentGroupData_GroupID :: !UUID, groupDataUpdate_AgentGroupData_AgentPowers :: !Word64, groupDataUpdate_AgentGroupData_GroupTitle :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data AgentGroupDataUpdate_AgentData = AgentGroupDataUpdate_AgentData { agentGroupDataUpdate_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data AgentGroupDataUpdate_GroupData = AgentGroupDataUpdate_GroupData { agentGroupDataUpdate_GroupData_GroupID :: !UUID, agentGroupDataUpdate_GroupData_GroupPowers :: !Word64, agentGroupDataUpdate_GroupData_AcceptNotices :: !Bool, agentGroupDataUpdate_GroupData_GroupInsigniaID :: !UUID, agentGroupDataUpdate_GroupData_Contribution :: !Int32, agentGroupDataUpdate_GroupData_GroupName :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data AgentDropGroup_AgentData = AgentDropGroup_AgentData { agentDropGroup_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, agentDropGroup_AgentData_GroupID :: !UUID } deriving Show data LogTextMessage_DataBlock = LogTextMessage_DataBlock { logTextMessage_DataBlock_FromAgentId :: !UUID, logTextMessage_DataBlock_ToAgentId :: !UUID, logTextMessage_DataBlock_GlobalX :: !Double, logTextMessage_DataBlock_GlobalY :: !Double, logTextMessage_DataBlock_Time :: !Word32, logTextMessage_DataBlock_Message :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data ViewerEffect_AgentData = ViewerEffect_AgentData { viewerEffect_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, viewerEffect_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ViewerEffect_Effect = ViewerEffect_Effect { viewerEffect_Effect_ID :: !UUID, viewerEffect_Effect_AgentID :: !UUID, viewerEffect_Effect_Type :: !Word8, viewerEffect_Effect_Duration :: !Float, viewerEffect_Effect_Color :: !B.ByteString, viewerEffect_Effect_TypeData :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data CreateTrustedCircuit_DataBlock = CreateTrustedCircuit_DataBlock { createTrustedCircuit_DataBlock_EndPointID :: !UUID, createTrustedCircuit_DataBlock_Digest :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data DenyTrustedCircuit_DataBlock = DenyTrustedCircuit_DataBlock { denyTrustedCircuit_DataBlock_EndPointID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RezSingleAttachmentFromInv_AgentData = RezSingleAttachmentFromInv_AgentData { rezSingleAttachmentFromInv_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, rezSingleAttachmentFromInv_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RezSingleAttachmentFromInv_ObjectData = RezSingleAttachmentFromInv_ObjectData { rezSingleAttachmentFromInv_ObjectData_ItemID :: !UUID, rezSingleAttachmentFromInv_ObjectData_OwnerID :: !UUID, rezSingleAttachmentFromInv_ObjectData_AttachmentPt :: !Word8, rezSingleAttachmentFromInv_ObjectData_ItemFlags :: !Word32, rezSingleAttachmentFromInv_ObjectData_GroupMask :: !Word32, rezSingleAttachmentFromInv_ObjectData_EveryoneMask :: !Word32, rezSingleAttachmentFromInv_ObjectData_NextOwnerMask :: !Word32, rezSingleAttachmentFromInv_ObjectData_Name :: !B.ByteString, rezSingleAttachmentFromInv_ObjectData_Description :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_AgentData = RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_AgentData { rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_HeaderData = RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_HeaderData { rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_HeaderData_CompoundMsgID :: !UUID, rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_HeaderData_TotalObjects :: !Word8, rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_HeaderData_FirstDetachAll :: !Bool } deriving Show data RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_ObjectData = RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_ObjectData { rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_ObjectData_ItemID :: !UUID, rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_ObjectData_OwnerID :: !UUID, rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_ObjectData_AttachmentPt :: !Word8, rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_ObjectData_ItemFlags :: !Word32, rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_ObjectData_GroupMask :: !Word32, rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_ObjectData_EveryoneMask :: !Word32, rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_ObjectData_NextOwnerMask :: !Word32, rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_ObjectData_Name :: !B.ByteString, rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_ObjectData_Description :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data DetachAttachmentIntoInv_ObjectData = DetachAttachmentIntoInv_ObjectData { detachAttachmentIntoInv_ObjectData_AgentID :: !UUID, detachAttachmentIntoInv_ObjectData_ItemID :: !UUID } deriving Show data CreateNewOutfitAttachments_AgentData = CreateNewOutfitAttachments_AgentData { createNewOutfitAttachments_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, createNewOutfitAttachments_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data CreateNewOutfitAttachments_HeaderData = CreateNewOutfitAttachments_HeaderData { createNewOutfitAttachments_HeaderData_NewFolderID :: !UUID } deriving Show data CreateNewOutfitAttachments_ObjectData = CreateNewOutfitAttachments_ObjectData { createNewOutfitAttachments_ObjectData_OldItemID :: !UUID, createNewOutfitAttachments_ObjectData_OldFolderID :: !UUID } deriving Show data UserInfoRequest_AgentData = UserInfoRequest_AgentData { userInfoRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, userInfoRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data UserInfoReply_AgentData = UserInfoReply_AgentData { userInfoReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data UserInfoReply_UserData = UserInfoReply_UserData { userInfoReply_UserData_IMViaEMail :: !Bool, userInfoReply_UserData_DirectoryVisibility :: !B.ByteString, userInfoReply_UserData_EMail :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data UpdateUserInfo_AgentData = UpdateUserInfo_AgentData { updateUserInfo_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, updateUserInfo_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data UpdateUserInfo_UserData = UpdateUserInfo_UserData { updateUserInfo_UserData_IMViaEMail :: !Bool, updateUserInfo_UserData_DirectoryVisibility :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data ParcelRename_ParcelData = ParcelRename_ParcelData { parcelRename_ParcelData_ParcelID :: !UUID, parcelRename_ParcelData_NewName :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data InitiateDownload_AgentData = InitiateDownload_AgentData { initiateDownload_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data InitiateDownload_FileData = InitiateDownload_FileData { initiateDownload_FileData_SimFilename :: !B.ByteString, initiateDownload_FileData_ViewerFilename :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data SystemMessage_MethodData = SystemMessage_MethodData { systemMessage_MethodData_Method :: !B.ByteString, systemMessage_MethodData_Invoice :: !UUID, systemMessage_MethodData_Digest :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data SystemMessage_ParamList = SystemMessage_ParamList { systemMessage_ParamList_Parameter :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data MapLayerRequest_AgentData = MapLayerRequest_AgentData { mapLayerRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, mapLayerRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, mapLayerRequest_AgentData_Flags :: !Word32, mapLayerRequest_AgentData_EstateID :: !Word32, mapLayerRequest_AgentData_Godlike :: !Bool } deriving Show data MapLayerReply_AgentData = MapLayerReply_AgentData { mapLayerReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, mapLayerReply_AgentData_Flags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data MapLayerReply_LayerData = MapLayerReply_LayerData { mapLayerReply_LayerData_Left :: !Word32, mapLayerReply_LayerData_Right :: !Word32, mapLayerReply_LayerData_Top :: !Word32, mapLayerReply_LayerData_Bottom :: !Word32, mapLayerReply_LayerData_ImageID :: !UUID } deriving Show data MapBlockRequest_AgentData = MapBlockRequest_AgentData { mapBlockRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, mapBlockRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, mapBlockRequest_AgentData_Flags :: !Word32, mapBlockRequest_AgentData_EstateID :: !Word32, mapBlockRequest_AgentData_Godlike :: !Bool } deriving Show data MapBlockRequest_PositionData = MapBlockRequest_PositionData { mapBlockRequest_PositionData_MinX :: !Word16, mapBlockRequest_PositionData_MaxX :: !Word16, mapBlockRequest_PositionData_MinY :: !Word16, mapBlockRequest_PositionData_MaxY :: !Word16 } deriving Show data MapNameRequest_AgentData = MapNameRequest_AgentData { mapNameRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, mapNameRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, mapNameRequest_AgentData_Flags :: !Word32, mapNameRequest_AgentData_EstateID :: !Word32, mapNameRequest_AgentData_Godlike :: !Bool } deriving Show data MapNameRequest_NameData = MapNameRequest_NameData { mapNameRequest_NameData_Name :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data MapBlockReply_AgentData = MapBlockReply_AgentData { mapBlockReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, mapBlockReply_AgentData_Flags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data MapBlockReply_Data = MapBlockReply_Data { mapBlockReply_Data_X :: !Word16, mapBlockReply_Data_Y :: !Word16, mapBlockReply_Data_Name :: !B.ByteString, mapBlockReply_Data_Access :: !Word8, mapBlockReply_Data_RegionFlags :: !Word32, mapBlockReply_Data_WaterHeight :: !Word8, mapBlockReply_Data_Agents :: !Word8, mapBlockReply_Data_MapImageID :: !UUID } deriving Show data MapItemRequest_AgentData = MapItemRequest_AgentData { mapItemRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, mapItemRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, mapItemRequest_AgentData_Flags :: !Word32, mapItemRequest_AgentData_EstateID :: !Word32, mapItemRequest_AgentData_Godlike :: !Bool } deriving Show data MapItemRequest_RequestData = MapItemRequest_RequestData { mapItemRequest_RequestData_ItemType :: !Word32, mapItemRequest_RequestData_RegionHandle :: !Word64 } deriving Show data MapItemReply_AgentData = MapItemReply_AgentData { mapItemReply_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, mapItemReply_AgentData_Flags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data MapItemReply_RequestData = MapItemReply_RequestData { mapItemReply_RequestData_ItemType :: !Word32 } deriving Show data MapItemReply_Data = MapItemReply_Data { mapItemReply_Data_X :: !Word32, mapItemReply_Data_Y :: !Word32, mapItemReply_Data_ID :: !UUID, mapItemReply_Data_Extra :: !Int32, mapItemReply_Data_Extra2 :: !Int32, mapItemReply_Data_Name :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data SendPostcard_AgentData = SendPostcard_AgentData { sendPostcard_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, sendPostcard_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID, sendPostcard_AgentData_AssetID :: !UUID, sendPostcard_AgentData_PosGlobal :: !(Double, Double, Double), sendPostcard_AgentData_To :: !B.ByteString, sendPostcard_AgentData_From :: !B.ByteString, sendPostcard_AgentData_Name :: !B.ByteString, sendPostcard_AgentData_Subject :: !B.ByteString, sendPostcard_AgentData_Msg :: !B.ByteString, sendPostcard_AgentData_AllowPublish :: !Bool, sendPostcard_AgentData_MaturePublish :: !Bool } deriving Show data RpcChannelRequest_DataBlock = RpcChannelRequest_DataBlock { rpcChannelRequest_DataBlock_GridX :: !Word32, rpcChannelRequest_DataBlock_GridY :: !Word32, rpcChannelRequest_DataBlock_TaskID :: !UUID, rpcChannelRequest_DataBlock_ItemID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RpcChannelReply_DataBlock = RpcChannelReply_DataBlock { rpcChannelReply_DataBlock_TaskID :: !UUID, rpcChannelReply_DataBlock_ItemID :: !UUID, rpcChannelReply_DataBlock_ChannelID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RpcScriptRequestInbound_TargetBlock = RpcScriptRequestInbound_TargetBlock { rpcScriptRequestInbound_TargetBlock_GridX :: !Word32, rpcScriptRequestInbound_TargetBlock_GridY :: !Word32 } deriving Show data RpcScriptRequestInbound_DataBlock = RpcScriptRequestInbound_DataBlock { rpcScriptRequestInbound_DataBlock_TaskID :: !UUID, rpcScriptRequestInbound_DataBlock_ItemID :: !UUID, rpcScriptRequestInbound_DataBlock_ChannelID :: !UUID, rpcScriptRequestInbound_DataBlock_IntValue :: !Word32, rpcScriptRequestInbound_DataBlock_StringValue :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data RpcScriptRequestInboundForward_DataBlock = RpcScriptRequestInboundForward_DataBlock { rpcScriptRequestInboundForward_DataBlock_RPCServerIP :: ![Word8], rpcScriptRequestInboundForward_DataBlock_RPCServerPort :: !Word16, rpcScriptRequestInboundForward_DataBlock_TaskID :: !UUID, rpcScriptRequestInboundForward_DataBlock_ItemID :: !UUID, rpcScriptRequestInboundForward_DataBlock_ChannelID :: !UUID, rpcScriptRequestInboundForward_DataBlock_IntValue :: !Word32, rpcScriptRequestInboundForward_DataBlock_StringValue :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data RpcScriptReplyInbound_DataBlock = RpcScriptReplyInbound_DataBlock { rpcScriptReplyInbound_DataBlock_TaskID :: !UUID, rpcScriptReplyInbound_DataBlock_ItemID :: !UUID, rpcScriptReplyInbound_DataBlock_ChannelID :: !UUID, rpcScriptReplyInbound_DataBlock_IntValue :: !Word32, rpcScriptReplyInbound_DataBlock_StringValue :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data ScriptMailRegistration_DataBlock = ScriptMailRegistration_DataBlock { scriptMailRegistration_DataBlock_TargetIP :: !B.ByteString, scriptMailRegistration_DataBlock_TargetPort :: !Word16, scriptMailRegistration_DataBlock_TaskID :: !UUID, scriptMailRegistration_DataBlock_Flags :: !Word32 } deriving Show data ParcelMediaCommandMessage_CommandBlock = ParcelMediaCommandMessage_CommandBlock { parcelMediaCommandMessage_CommandBlock_Flags :: !Word32, parcelMediaCommandMessage_CommandBlock_Command :: !Word32, parcelMediaCommandMessage_CommandBlock_Time :: !Float } deriving Show data ParcelMediaUpdate_DataBlock = ParcelMediaUpdate_DataBlock { parcelMediaUpdate_DataBlock_MediaURL :: !B.ByteString, parcelMediaUpdate_DataBlock_MediaID :: !UUID, parcelMediaUpdate_DataBlock_MediaAutoScale :: !Word8 } deriving Show data ParcelMediaUpdate_DataBlockExtended = ParcelMediaUpdate_DataBlockExtended { parcelMediaUpdate_DataBlockExtended_MediaType :: !B.ByteString, parcelMediaUpdate_DataBlockExtended_MediaDesc :: !B.ByteString, parcelMediaUpdate_DataBlockExtended_MediaWidth :: !Int32, parcelMediaUpdate_DataBlockExtended_MediaHeight :: !Int32, parcelMediaUpdate_DataBlockExtended_MediaLoop :: !Word8 } deriving Show data LandStatRequest_AgentData = LandStatRequest_AgentData { landStatRequest_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, landStatRequest_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data LandStatRequest_RequestData = LandStatRequest_RequestData { landStatRequest_RequestData_ReportType :: !Word32, landStatRequest_RequestData_RequestFlags :: !Word32, landStatRequest_RequestData_Filter :: !B.ByteString, landStatRequest_RequestData_ParcelLocalID :: !Int32 } deriving Show data LandStatReply_RequestData = LandStatReply_RequestData { landStatReply_RequestData_ReportType :: !Word32, landStatReply_RequestData_RequestFlags :: !Word32, landStatReply_RequestData_TotalObjectCount :: !Word32 } deriving Show data LandStatReply_ReportData = LandStatReply_ReportData { landStatReply_ReportData_TaskLocalID :: !Word32, landStatReply_ReportData_TaskID :: !UUID, landStatReply_ReportData_LocationX :: !Float, landStatReply_ReportData_LocationY :: !Float, landStatReply_ReportData_LocationZ :: !Float, landStatReply_ReportData_Score :: !Float, landStatReply_ReportData_TaskName :: !B.ByteString, landStatReply_ReportData_OwnerName :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data Error_AgentData = Error_AgentData { error_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID } deriving Show data Error_Data = Error_Data { error_Data_Code :: !Int32, error_Data_Token :: !B.ByteString, error_Data_ID :: !UUID, error_Data_System :: !B.ByteString, error_Data_Message :: !B.ByteString, error_Data_Data :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show data ObjectIncludeInSearch_AgentData = ObjectIncludeInSearch_AgentData { objectIncludeInSearch_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, objectIncludeInSearch_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data ObjectIncludeInSearch_ObjectData = ObjectIncludeInSearch_ObjectData { objectIncludeInSearch_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID :: !Word32, objectIncludeInSearch_ObjectData_IncludeInSearch :: !Bool } deriving Show data RezRestoreToWorld_AgentData = RezRestoreToWorld_AgentData { rezRestoreToWorld_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, rezRestoreToWorld_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data RezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData = RezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData { rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_ItemID :: !UUID, rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_FolderID :: !UUID, rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_CreatorID :: !UUID, rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_OwnerID :: !UUID, rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_GroupID :: !UUID, rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_BaseMask :: !Word32, rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_OwnerMask :: !Word32, rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_GroupMask :: !Word32, rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_EveryoneMask :: !Word32, rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_NextOwnerMask :: !Word32, rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_GroupOwned :: !Bool, rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_TransactionID :: !UUID, rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_Type :: !Int8, rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_InvType :: !Int8, rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_Flags :: !Word32, rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_SaleType :: !Word8, rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_SalePrice :: !Int32, rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_Name :: !B.ByteString, rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_Description :: !B.ByteString, rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_CreationDate :: !Int32, rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_CRC :: !Word32 } deriving Show data LinkInventoryItem_AgentData = LinkInventoryItem_AgentData { linkInventoryItem_AgentData_AgentID :: !UUID, linkInventoryItem_AgentData_SessionID :: !UUID } deriving Show data LinkInventoryItem_InventoryBlock = LinkInventoryItem_InventoryBlock { linkInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_CallbackID :: !Word32, linkInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_FolderID :: !UUID, linkInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_TransactionID :: !UUID, linkInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_OldItemID :: !UUID, linkInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_Type :: !Int8, linkInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_InvType :: !Int8, linkInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_Name :: !B.ByteString, linkInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_Description :: !B.ByteString } deriving Show instance Binary PacketBody where put (TestMessage x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901761;put x1;mapM_ put x2;return () put (PacketAck x1) = do putWord32be 4294967291;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (OpenCircuit x1) = do putWord32be 4294967292;put x1;return () put (CloseCircuit ) = do putWord32be 4294967293;;return () put (StartPingCheck x1) = do putWord8 1;put x1;return () put (CompletePingCheck x1) = do putWord8 2;put x1;return () put (AddCircuitCode x1) = do putWord32be 4294901762;put x1;return () put (UseCircuitCode x1) = do putWord32be 4294901763;put x1;return () put (NeighborList x1) = do putWord8 3;mapM_ put x1;return () put (AvatarTextureUpdate x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294901764;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (SimulatorMapUpdate x1) = do putWord32be 4294901765;put x1;return () put (SimulatorSetMap x1) = do putWord32be 4294901766;put x1;return () put (SubscribeLoad ) = do putWord32be 4294901767;;return () put (UnsubscribeLoad ) = do putWord32be 4294901768;;return () put (SimulatorReady x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901769;put x1;put x2;return () put (TelehubInfo x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901770;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (SimulatorPresentAtLocation x1 x2 x3 x4) = do putWord32be 4294901771;put x1;mapM_ put x2;put x3;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x4)) ; mapM_ put x4;return () put (SimulatorLoad x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901772;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (SimulatorShutdownRequest ) = do putWord32be 4294901773;;return () put (RegionPresenceRequestByRegionID x1) = do putWord32be 4294901774;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (RegionPresenceRequestByHandle x1) = do putWord32be 4294901775;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (RegionPresenceResponse x1) = do putWord32be 4294901776;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (UpdateSimulator x1) = do putWord32be 4294901777;put x1;return () put (LogDwellTime x1) = do putWord32be 4294901778;put x1;return () put (FeatureDisabled x1) = do putWord32be 4294901779;put x1;return () put (LogFailedMoneyTransaction x1) = do putWord32be 4294901780;put x1;return () put (UserReportInternal x1) = do putWord32be 4294901781;put x1;return () put (SetSimStatusInDatabase x1) = do putWord32be 4294901782;put x1;return () put (SetSimPresenceInDatabase x1) = do putWord32be 4294901783;put x1;return () put (EconomyDataRequest ) = do putWord32be 4294901784;;return () put (EconomyData x1) = do putWord32be 4294901785;put x1;return () put (AvatarPickerRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901786;put x1;put x2;return () put (AvatarPickerRequestBackend x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901787;put x1;put x2;return () put (AvatarPickerReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901788;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (PlacesQuery x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294901789;put x1;put x2;put x3;return () put (PlacesReply x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294901790;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (DirFindQuery x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901791;put x1;put x2;return () put (DirFindQueryBackend x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901792;put x1;put x2;return () put (DirPlacesQuery x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901793;put x1;put x2;return () put (DirPlacesQueryBackend x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901794;put x1;put x2;return () put (DirPlacesReply x1 x2 x3 x4) = do putWord32be 4294901795;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x4)) ; mapM_ put x4;return () put (DirPeopleReply x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294901796;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (DirEventsReply x1 x2 x3 x4) = do putWord32be 4294901797;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x4)) ; mapM_ put x4;return () put (DirGroupsReply x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294901798;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (DirClassifiedQuery x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901799;put x1;put x2;return () put (DirClassifiedQueryBackend x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901800;put x1;put x2;return () put (DirClassifiedReply x1 x2 x3 x4) = do putWord32be 4294901801;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x4)) ; mapM_ put x4;return () put (AvatarClassifiedReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901802;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ClassifiedInfoRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901803;put x1;put x2;return () put (ClassifiedInfoReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901804;put x1;put x2;return () put (ClassifiedInfoUpdate x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901805;put x1;put x2;return () put (ClassifiedDelete x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901806;put x1;put x2;return () put (ClassifiedGodDelete x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901807;put x1;put x2;return () put (DirLandQuery x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901808;put x1;put x2;return () put (DirLandQueryBackend x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901809;put x1;put x2;return () put (DirLandReply x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294901810;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (DirPopularQuery x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901811;put x1;put x2;return () put (DirPopularQueryBackend x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901812;put x1;put x2;return () put (DirPopularReply x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294901813;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (ParcelInfoRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901814;put x1;put x2;return () put (ParcelInfoReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901815;put x1;put x2;return () put (ParcelObjectOwnersRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901816;put x1;put x2;return () put (ParcelObjectOwnersReply x1) = do putWord32be 4294901817;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (GroupNoticesListRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901818;put x1;put x2;return () put (GroupNoticesListReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901819;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (GroupNoticeRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901820;put x1;put x2;return () put (GroupNoticeAdd x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901821;put x1;put x2;return () put (TeleportRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901822;put x1;put x2;return () put (TeleportLocationRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901823;put x1;put x2;return () put (TeleportLocal x1) = do putWord32be 4294901824;put x1;return () put (TeleportLandmarkRequest x1) = do putWord32be 4294901825;put x1;return () put (TeleportProgress x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901826;put x1;put x2;return () put (DataHomeLocationRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901827;put x1;put x2;return () put (DataHomeLocationReply x1) = do putWord32be 4294901828;put x1;return () put (TeleportFinish x1) = do putWord32be 4294901829;put x1;return () put (StartLure x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294901830;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (TeleportLureRequest x1) = do putWord32be 4294901831;put x1;return () put (TeleportCancel x1) = do putWord32be 4294901832;put x1;return () put (TeleportStart x1) = do putWord32be 4294901833;put x1;return () put (TeleportFailed x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901834;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (Undo x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901835;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (Redo x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901836;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (UndoLand x1) = do putWord32be 4294901837;put x1;return () put (AgentPause x1) = do putWord32be 4294901838;put x1;return () put (AgentResume x1) = do putWord32be 4294901839;put x1;return () put (AgentUpdate x1) = do putWord8 4;put x1;return () put (ChatFromViewer x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901840;put x1;put x2;return () put (AgentThrottle x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901841;put x1;put x2;return () put (AgentFOV x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901842;put x1;put x2;return () put (AgentHeightWidth x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901843;put x1;put x2;return () put (AgentSetAppearance x1 x2 x3 x4) = do putWord32be 4294901844;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;put x3;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x4)) ; mapM_ put x4;return () put (AgentAnimation x1 x2 x3) = do putWord8 5;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (AgentRequestSit x1 x2) = do putWord8 6;put x1;put x2;return () put (AgentSit x1) = do putWord8 7;put x1;return () put (AgentQuitCopy x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901845;put x1;put x2;return () put (RequestImage x1 x2) = do putWord8 8;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ImageNotInDatabase x1) = do putWord32be 4294901846;put x1;return () put (RebakeAvatarTextures x1) = do putWord32be 4294901847;put x1;return () put (SetAlwaysRun x1) = do putWord32be 4294901848;put x1;return () put (ObjectAdd x1 x2) = do putWord16be 65281;put x1;put x2;return () put (ObjectDelete x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901849;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ObjectDuplicate x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294901850;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (ObjectDuplicateOnRay x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901851;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (MultipleObjectUpdate x1 x2) = do putWord16be 65282;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (RequestMultipleObjects x1 x2) = do putWord16be 65283;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ObjectPosition x1 x2) = do putWord16be 65284;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ObjectScale x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901852;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ObjectRotation x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901853;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ObjectFlagUpdate x1) = do putWord32be 4294901854;put x1;return () put (ObjectClickAction x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901855;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ObjectImage x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901856;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ObjectMaterial x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901857;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ObjectShape x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901858;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ObjectExtraParams x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901859;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ObjectOwner x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294901860;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (ObjectGroup x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901861;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ObjectBuy x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901862;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (BuyObjectInventory x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901863;put x1;put x2;return () put (DerezContainer x1) = do putWord32be 4294901864;put x1;return () put (ObjectPermissions x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294901865;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (ObjectSaleInfo x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901866;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ObjectName x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901867;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ObjectDescription x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901868;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ObjectCategory x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901869;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ObjectSelect x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901870;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ObjectDeselect x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901871;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ObjectAttach x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901872;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ObjectDetach x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901873;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ObjectDrop x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901874;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ObjectLink x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901875;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ObjectDelink x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901876;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ObjectGrab x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294901877;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (ObjectGrabUpdate x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294901878;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (ObjectDeGrab x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294901879;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (ObjectSpinStart x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901880;put x1;put x2;return () put (ObjectSpinUpdate x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901881;put x1;put x2;return () put (ObjectSpinStop x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901882;put x1;put x2;return () put (ObjectExportSelected x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901883;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ModifyLand x1 x2 x3 x4) = do putWord32be 4294901884;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x4)) ; mapM_ put x4;return () put (VelocityInterpolateOn x1) = do putWord32be 4294901885;put x1;return () put (VelocityInterpolateOff x1) = do putWord32be 4294901886;put x1;return () put (StateSave x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901887;put x1;put x2;return () put (ReportAutosaveCrash x1) = do putWord32be 4294901888;put x1;return () put (SimWideDeletes x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901889;put x1;put x2;return () put (RequestObjectPropertiesFamily x1 x2) = do putWord16be 65285;put x1;put x2;return () put (TrackAgent x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901890;put x1;put x2;return () put (ViewerStats x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) = do putWord32be 4294901891;put x1;put x2;mapM_ put x3;put x4;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x5)) ; mapM_ put x5;return () put (ScriptAnswerYes x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901892;put x1;put x2;return () put (UserReport x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901893;put x1;put x2;return () put (AlertMessage x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901894;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (AgentAlertMessage x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901895;put x1;put x2;return () put (MeanCollisionAlert x1) = do putWord32be 4294901896;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (ViewerFrozenMessage x1) = do putWord32be 4294901897;put x1;return () put (HealthMessage x1) = do putWord32be 4294901898;put x1;return () put (ChatFromSimulator x1) = do putWord32be 4294901899;put x1;return () put (SimStats x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294901900;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;put x3;return () put (RequestRegionInfo x1) = do putWord32be 4294901901;put x1;return () put (RegionInfo x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294901902;put x1;put x2;put x3;return () put (GodUpdateRegionInfo x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901903;put x1;put x2;return () put (NearestLandingRegionRequest x1) = do putWord32be 4294901904;put x1;return () put (NearestLandingRegionReply x1) = do putWord32be 4294901905;put x1;return () put (NearestLandingRegionUpdated x1) = do putWord32be 4294901906;put x1;return () put (TeleportLandingStatusChanged x1) = do putWord32be 4294901907;put x1;return () put (RegionHandshake x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294901908;put x1;put x2;put x3;return () put (RegionHandshakeReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901909;put x1;put x2;return () put (CoarseLocationUpdate x1 x2 x3) = do putWord16be 65286;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (ImageData x1 x2) = do putWord8 9;put x1;put x2;return () put (ImagePacket x1 x2) = do putWord8 10;put x1;put x2;return () put (LayerData x1 x2) = do putWord8 11;put x1;put x2;return () put (ObjectUpdate x1 x2) = do putWord8 12;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ObjectUpdateCompressed x1 x2) = do putWord8 13;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ObjectUpdateCached x1 x2) = do putWord8 14;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ImprovedTerseObjectUpdate x1 x2) = do putWord8 15;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (KillObject x1) = do putWord8 16;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (CrossedRegion x1 x2 x3) = do putWord16be 65287;put x1;put x2;put x3;return () put (SimulatorViewerTimeMessage x1) = do putWord32be 4294901910;put x1;return () put (EnableSimulator x1) = do putWord32be 4294901911;put x1;return () put (DisableSimulator ) = do putWord32be 4294901912;;return () put (ConfirmEnableSimulator x1) = do putWord16be 65288;put x1;return () put (TransferRequest x1) = do putWord32be 4294901913;put x1;return () put (TransferInfo x1) = do putWord32be 4294901914;put x1;return () put (TransferPacket x1) = do putWord8 17;put x1;return () put (TransferAbort x1) = do putWord32be 4294901915;put x1;return () put (RequestXfer x1) = do putWord32be 4294901916;put x1;return () put (SendXferPacket x1 x2) = do putWord8 18;put x1;put x2;return () put (ConfirmXferPacket x1) = do putWord8 19;put x1;return () put (AbortXfer x1) = do putWord32be 4294901917;put x1;return () put (AvatarAnimation x1 x2 x3 x4) = do putWord8 20;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x4)) ; mapM_ put x4;return () put (AvatarAppearance x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294901918;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (AvatarSitResponse x1 x2) = do putWord8 21;put x1;put x2;return () put (SetFollowCamProperties x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901919;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ClearFollowCamProperties x1) = do putWord32be 4294901920;put x1;return () put (CameraConstraint x1) = do putWord8 22;put x1;return () put (ObjectProperties x1) = do putWord16be 65289;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (ObjectPropertiesFamily x1) = do putWord16be 65290;put x1;return () put (RequestPayPrice x1) = do putWord32be 4294901921;put x1;return () put (PayPriceReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901922;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (KickUser x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901923;put x1;put x2;return () put (KickUserAck x1) = do putWord32be 4294901924;put x1;return () put (GodKickUser x1) = do putWord32be 4294901925;put x1;return () put (SystemKickUser x1) = do putWord32be 4294901926;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (EjectUser x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901927;put x1;put x2;return () put (FreezeUser x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901928;put x1;put x2;return () put (AvatarPropertiesRequest x1) = do putWord32be 4294901929;put x1;return () put (AvatarPropertiesRequestBackend x1) = do putWord32be 4294901930;put x1;return () put (AvatarPropertiesReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901931;put x1;put x2;return () put (AvatarInterestsReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901932;put x1;put x2;return () put (AvatarGroupsReply x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294901933;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;put x3;return () put (AvatarPropertiesUpdate x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901934;put x1;put x2;return () put (AvatarInterestsUpdate x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901935;put x1;put x2;return () put (AvatarNotesReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901936;put x1;put x2;return () put (AvatarNotesUpdate x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901937;put x1;put x2;return () put (AvatarPicksReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901938;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (EventInfoRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901939;put x1;put x2;return () put (EventInfoReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901940;put x1;put x2;return () put (EventNotificationAddRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901941;put x1;put x2;return () put (EventNotificationRemoveRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901942;put x1;put x2;return () put (EventGodDelete x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294901943;put x1;put x2;put x3;return () put (PickInfoReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901944;put x1;put x2;return () put (PickInfoUpdate x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901945;put x1;put x2;return () put (PickDelete x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901946;put x1;put x2;return () put (PickGodDelete x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901947;put x1;put x2;return () put (ScriptQuestion x1) = do putWord32be 4294901948;put x1;return () put (ScriptControlChange x1) = do putWord32be 4294901949;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (ScriptDialog x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901950;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ScriptDialogReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901951;put x1;put x2;return () put (ForceScriptControlRelease x1) = do putWord32be 4294901952;put x1;return () put (RevokePermissions x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901953;put x1;put x2;return () put (LoadURL x1) = do putWord32be 4294901954;put x1;return () put (ScriptTeleportRequest x1) = do putWord32be 4294901955;put x1;return () put (ParcelOverlay x1) = do putWord32be 4294901956;put x1;return () put (ParcelPropertiesRequest x1 x2) = do putWord16be 65291;put x1;put x2;return () put (ParcelPropertiesRequestByID x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901957;put x1;put x2;return () put (ParcelProperties x1 x2) = do putWord8 23;put x1;put x2;return () put (ParcelPropertiesUpdate x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901958;put x1;put x2;return () put (ParcelReturnObjects x1 x2 x3 x4) = do putWord32be 4294901959;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x4)) ; mapM_ put x4;return () put (ParcelSetOtherCleanTime x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901960;put x1;put x2;return () put (ParcelDisableObjects x1 x2 x3 x4) = do putWord32be 4294901961;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x4)) ; mapM_ put x4;return () put (ParcelSelectObjects x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294901962;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (EstateCovenantRequest x1) = do putWord32be 4294901963;put x1;return () put (EstateCovenantReply x1) = do putWord32be 4294901964;put x1;return () put (ForceObjectSelect x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901965;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ParcelBuyPass x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901966;put x1;put x2;return () put (ParcelDeedToGroup x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901967;put x1;put x2;return () put (ParcelReclaim x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901968;put x1;put x2;return () put (ParcelClaim x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294901969;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (ParcelJoin x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901970;put x1;put x2;return () put (ParcelDivide x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901971;put x1;put x2;return () put (ParcelRelease x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901972;put x1;put x2;return () put (ParcelBuy x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294901973;put x1;put x2;put x3;return () put (ParcelGodForceOwner x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901974;put x1;put x2;return () put (ParcelAccessListRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901975;put x1;put x2;return () put (ParcelAccessListReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901976;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ParcelAccessListUpdate x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294901977;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (ParcelDwellRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901978;put x1;put x2;return () put (ParcelDwellReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901979;put x1;put x2;return () put (RequestParcelTransfer x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901980;put x1;put x2;return () put (UpdateParcel x1) = do putWord32be 4294901981;put x1;return () put (RemoveParcel x1) = do putWord32be 4294901982;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (MergeParcel x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901983;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (LogParcelChanges x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294901984;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (CheckParcelSales x1) = do putWord32be 4294901985;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (ParcelSales x1) = do putWord32be 4294901986;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (ParcelGodMarkAsContent x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901987;put x1;put x2;return () put (ViewerStartAuction x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901988;put x1;put x2;return () put (StartAuction x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294901989;put x1;put x2;return () put (ConfirmAuctionStart x1) = do putWord32be 4294901990;put x1;return () put (CompleteAuction x1) = do putWord32be 4294901991;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (CancelAuction x1) = do putWord32be 4294901992;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (CheckParcelAuctions x1) = do putWord32be 4294901993;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (ParcelAuctions x1) = do putWord32be 4294901994;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (UUIDNameRequest x1) = do putWord32be 4294901995;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (UUIDNameReply x1) = do putWord32be 4294901996;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (UUIDGroupNameRequest x1) = do putWord32be 4294901997;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (UUIDGroupNameReply x1) = do putWord32be 4294901998;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (ChatPass x1) = do putWord32be 4294901999;put x1;return () put (EdgeDataPacket x1) = do putWord8 24;put x1;return () put (SimStatus x1) = do putWord16be 65292;put x1;return () put (ChildAgentUpdate x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) = do putWord8 25;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x4)) ; mapM_ put x4;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x5)) ; mapM_ put x5;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x6)) ; mapM_ put x6;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x7)) ; mapM_ put x7;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x8)) ; mapM_ put x8;return () put (ChildAgentAlive x1) = do putWord8 26;put x1;return () put (ChildAgentPositionUpdate x1) = do putWord8 27;put x1;return () put (ChildAgentDying x1) = do putWord32be 4294902000;put x1;return () put (ChildAgentUnknown x1) = do putWord32be 4294902001;put x1;return () put (AtomicPassObject x1) = do putWord8 28;put x1;return () put (KillChildAgents x1) = do putWord32be 4294902002;put x1;return () put (GetScriptRunning x1) = do putWord32be 4294902003;put x1;return () put (ScriptRunningReply x1) = do putWord32be 4294902004;put x1;return () put (SetScriptRunning x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902005;put x1;put x2;return () put (ScriptReset x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902006;put x1;put x2;return () put (ScriptSensorRequest x1) = do putWord32be 4294902007;put x1;return () put (ScriptSensorReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902008;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (CompleteAgentMovement x1) = do putWord32be 4294902009;put x1;return () put (AgentMovementComplete x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902010;put x1;put x2;put x3;return () put (DataServerLogout x1) = do putWord32be 4294902011;put x1;return () put (LogoutRequest x1) = do putWord32be 4294902012;put x1;return () put (LogoutReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902013;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ImprovedInstantMessage x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902014;put x1;put x2;return () put (RetrieveInstantMessages x1) = do putWord32be 4294902015;put x1;return () put (FindAgent x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902016;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (RequestGodlikePowers x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902017;put x1;put x2;return () put (GrantGodlikePowers x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902018;put x1;put x2;return () put (GodlikeMessage x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902019;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (EstateOwnerMessage x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902020;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (GenericMessage x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902021;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (MuteListRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902022;put x1;put x2;return () put (UpdateMuteListEntry x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902023;put x1;put x2;return () put (RemoveMuteListEntry x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902024;put x1;put x2;return () put (CopyInventoryFromNotecard x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902025;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (UpdateInventoryItem x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902026;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (UpdateCreateInventoryItem x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902027;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (MoveInventoryItem x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902028;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (CopyInventoryItem x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902029;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (RemoveInventoryItem x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902030;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ChangeInventoryItemFlags x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902031;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (SaveAssetIntoInventory x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902032;put x1;put x2;return () put (CreateInventoryFolder x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902033;put x1;put x2;return () put (UpdateInventoryFolder x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902034;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (MoveInventoryFolder x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902035;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (RemoveInventoryFolder x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902036;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (FetchInventoryDescendents x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902037;put x1;put x2;return () put (InventoryDescendents x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902038;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (FetchInventory x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902039;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (FetchInventoryReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902040;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (BulkUpdateInventory x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902041;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (RequestInventoryAsset x1) = do putWord32be 4294902042;put x1;return () put (InventoryAssetResponse x1) = do putWord32be 4294902043;put x1;return () put (RemoveInventoryObjects x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902044;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (PurgeInventoryDescendents x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902045;put x1;put x2;return () put (UpdateTaskInventory x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902046;put x1;put x2;put x3;return () put (RemoveTaskInventory x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902047;put x1;put x2;return () put (MoveTaskInventory x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902048;put x1;put x2;return () put (RequestTaskInventory x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902049;put x1;put x2;return () put (ReplyTaskInventory x1) = do putWord32be 4294902050;put x1;return () put (DeRezObject x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902051;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (DeRezAck x1) = do putWord32be 4294902052;put x1;return () put (RezObject x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902053;put x1;put x2;put x3;return () put (RezObjectFromNotecard x1 x2 x3 x4) = do putWord32be 4294902054;put x1;put x2;put x3;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x4)) ; mapM_ put x4;return () put (TransferInventory x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902055;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (TransferInventoryAck x1) = do putWord32be 4294902056;put x1;return () put (AcceptFriendship x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902057;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (DeclineFriendship x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902058;put x1;put x2;return () put (FormFriendship x1) = do putWord32be 4294902059;put x1;return () put (TerminateFriendship x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902060;put x1;put x2;return () put (OfferCallingCard x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902061;put x1;put x2;return () put (AcceptCallingCard x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902062;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (DeclineCallingCard x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902063;put x1;put x2;return () put (RezScript x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902064;put x1;put x2;put x3;return () put (CreateInventoryItem x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902065;put x1;put x2;return () put (CreateLandmarkForEvent x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902066;put x1;put x2;put x3;return () put (EventLocationRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902067;put x1;put x2;return () put (EventLocationReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902068;put x1;put x2;return () put (RegionHandleRequest x1) = do putWord32be 4294902069;put x1;return () put (RegionIDAndHandleReply x1) = do putWord32be 4294902070;put x1;return () put (MoneyTransferRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902071;put x1;put x2;return () put (MoneyTransferBackend x1) = do putWord32be 4294902072;put x1;return () put (MoneyBalanceRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902073;put x1;put x2;return () put (MoneyBalanceReply x1) = do putWord32be 4294902074;put x1;return () put (RoutedMoneyBalanceReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902075;put x1;put x2;return () put (ActivateGestures x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902076;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (DeactivateGestures x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902077;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (MuteListUpdate x1) = do putWord32be 4294902078;put x1;return () put (UseCachedMuteList x1) = do putWord32be 4294902079;put x1;return () put (GrantUserRights x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902080;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (ChangeUserRights x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902081;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (OnlineNotification x1) = do putWord32be 4294902082;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (OfflineNotification x1) = do putWord32be 4294902083;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (SetStartLocationRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902084;put x1;put x2;return () put (SetStartLocation x1) = do putWord32be 4294902085;put x1;return () put (NetTest x1) = do putWord32be 4294902086;put x1;return () put (SetCPURatio x1) = do putWord32be 4294902087;put x1;return () put (SimCrashed x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902088;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (NameValuePair x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902089;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (RemoveNameValuePair x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902090;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (UpdateAttachment x1 x2 x3 x4) = do putWord32be 4294902091;put x1;put x2;put x3;put x4;return () put (RemoveAttachment x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902092;put x1;put x2;return () put (SoundTrigger x1) = do putWord8 29;put x1;return () put (AttachedSound x1) = do putWord16be 65293;put x1;return () put (AttachedSoundGainChange x1) = do putWord16be 65294;put x1;return () put (PreloadSound x1) = do putWord16be 65295;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (AssetUploadRequest x1) = do putWord32be 4294902093;put x1;return () put (AssetUploadComplete x1) = do putWord32be 4294902094;put x1;return () put (EmailMessageRequest x1) = do putWord32be 4294902095;put x1;return () put (EmailMessageReply x1) = do putWord32be 4294902096;put x1;return () put (InternalScriptMail x1) = do putWord16be 65296;put x1;return () put (ScriptDataRequest x1) = do putWord32be 4294902097;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (ScriptDataReply x1) = do putWord32be 4294902098;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (CreateGroupRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902099;put x1;put x2;return () put (CreateGroupReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902100;put x1;put x2;return () put (UpdateGroupInfo x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902101;put x1;put x2;return () put (GroupRoleChanges x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902102;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (JoinGroupRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902103;put x1;put x2;return () put (JoinGroupReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902104;put x1;put x2;return () put (EjectGroupMemberRequest x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902105;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (EjectGroupMemberReply x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902106;put x1;put x2;put x3;return () put (LeaveGroupRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902107;put x1;put x2;return () put (LeaveGroupReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902108;put x1;put x2;return () put (InviteGroupRequest x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902109;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (InviteGroupResponse x1) = do putWord32be 4294902110;put x1;return () put (GroupProfileRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902111;put x1;put x2;return () put (GroupProfileReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902112;put x1;put x2;return () put (GroupAccountSummaryRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902113;put x1;put x2;return () put (GroupAccountSummaryReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902114;put x1;put x2;return () put (GroupAccountDetailsRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902115;put x1;put x2;return () put (GroupAccountDetailsReply x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902116;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (GroupAccountTransactionsRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902117;put x1;put x2;return () put (GroupAccountTransactionsReply x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902118;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (GroupActiveProposalsRequest x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902119;put x1;put x2;put x3;return () put (GroupActiveProposalItemReply x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902120;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (GroupVoteHistoryRequest x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902121;put x1;put x2;put x3;return () put (GroupVoteHistoryItemReply x1 x2 x3 x4) = do putWord32be 4294902122;put x1;put x2;put x3;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x4)) ; mapM_ put x4;return () put (StartGroupProposal x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902123;put x1;put x2;return () put (GroupProposalBallot x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902124;put x1;put x2;return () put (TallyVotes ) = do putWord32be 4294902125;;return () put (GroupMembersRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902126;put x1;put x2;return () put (GroupMembersReply x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902127;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (ActivateGroup x1) = do putWord32be 4294902128;put x1;return () put (SetGroupContribution x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902129;put x1;put x2;return () put (SetGroupAcceptNotices x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902130;put x1;put x2;put x3;return () put (GroupRoleDataRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902131;put x1;put x2;return () put (GroupRoleDataReply x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902132;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (GroupRoleMembersRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902133;put x1;put x2;return () put (GroupRoleMembersReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902134;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (GroupTitlesRequest x1) = do putWord32be 4294902135;put x1;return () put (GroupTitlesReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902136;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (GroupTitleUpdate x1) = do putWord32be 4294902137;put x1;return () put (GroupRoleUpdate x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902138;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (LiveHelpGroupRequest x1) = do putWord32be 4294902139;put x1;return () put (LiveHelpGroupReply x1) = do putWord32be 4294902140;put x1;return () put (AgentWearablesRequest x1) = do putWord32be 4294902141;put x1;return () put (AgentWearablesUpdate x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902142;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (AgentIsNowWearing x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902143;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (AgentCachedTexture x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902144;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (AgentCachedTextureResponse x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902145;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (AgentDataUpdateRequest x1) = do putWord32be 4294902146;put x1;return () put (AgentDataUpdate x1) = do putWord32be 4294902147;put x1;return () put (GroupDataUpdate x1) = do putWord32be 4294902148;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (AgentGroupDataUpdate x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902149;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (AgentDropGroup x1) = do putWord32be 4294902150;put x1;return () put (LogTextMessage x1) = do putWord32be 4294902151;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (ViewerEffect x1 x2) = do putWord16be 65297;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (CreateTrustedCircuit x1) = do putWord32be 4294902152;put x1;return () put (DenyTrustedCircuit x1) = do putWord32be 4294902153;put x1;return () put (RequestTrustedCircuit ) = do putWord32be 4294902154;;return () put (RezSingleAttachmentFromInv x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902155;put x1;put x2;return () put (RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902156;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (DetachAttachmentIntoInv x1) = do putWord32be 4294902157;put x1;return () put (CreateNewOutfitAttachments x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902158;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (UserInfoRequest x1) = do putWord32be 4294902159;put x1;return () put (UserInfoReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902160;put x1;put x2;return () put (UpdateUserInfo x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902161;put x1;put x2;return () put (ParcelRename x1) = do putWord32be 4294902162;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x1)) ; mapM_ put x1;return () put (InitiateDownload x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902163;put x1;put x2;return () put (SystemMessage x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902164;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (MapLayerRequest x1) = do putWord32be 4294902165;put x1;return () put (MapLayerReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902166;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (MapBlockRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902167;put x1;put x2;return () put (MapNameRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902168;put x1;put x2;return () put (MapBlockReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902169;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (MapItemRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902170;put x1;put x2;return () put (MapItemReply x1 x2 x3) = do putWord32be 4294902171;put x1;put x2;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x3)) ; mapM_ put x3;return () put (SendPostcard x1) = do putWord32be 4294902172;put x1;return () put (RpcChannelRequest x1) = do putWord32be 4294902173;put x1;return () put (RpcChannelReply x1) = do putWord32be 4294902174;put x1;return () put (RpcScriptRequestInbound x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902175;put x1;put x2;return () put (RpcScriptRequestInboundForward x1) = do putWord32be 4294902176;put x1;return () put (RpcScriptReplyInbound x1) = do putWord32be 4294902177;put x1;return () put (ScriptMailRegistration x1) = do putWord32be 4294902178;put x1;return () put (ParcelMediaCommandMessage x1) = do putWord32be 4294902179;put x1;return () put (ParcelMediaUpdate x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902180;put x1;put x2;return () put (LandStatRequest x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902181;put x1;put x2;return () put (LandStatReply x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902182;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (Error x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902183;put x1;put x2;return () put (ObjectIncludeInSearch x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902184;put x1;putWord8 (fromIntegral (length x2)) ; mapM_ put x2;return () put (RezRestoreToWorld x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902185;put x1;put x2;return () put (LinkInventoryItem x1 x2) = do putWord32be 4294902186;put x1;put x2;return () get = do id1 <- getWord8 case id1 of 0xff -> do id2 <- getWord8 case id2 of 0xff -> do id3 <- getWord16be case id3 of 1 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- replicateM 4 get; return (TestMessage x1 x2) 65531 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (PacketAck x1) 65532 -> do x1 <- get; return (OpenCircuit x1) 65533 -> do ; return (CloseCircuit ) 2 -> do x1 <- get; return (AddCircuitCode x1) 3 -> do x1 <- get; return (UseCircuitCode x1) 4 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (AvatarTextureUpdate x1 x2 x3) 5 -> do x1 <- get; return (SimulatorMapUpdate x1) 6 -> do x1 <- get; return (SimulatorSetMap x1) 7 -> do ; return (SubscribeLoad ) 8 -> do ; return (UnsubscribeLoad ) 9 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (SimulatorReady x1 x2) 10 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (TelehubInfo x1 x2) 11 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- replicateM 4 get;x3 <- get;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4<- replicateM (fromIntegral x4') get; return (SimulatorPresentAtLocation x1 x2 x3 x4) 12 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (SimulatorLoad x1 x2) 13 -> do ; return (SimulatorShutdownRequest ) 14 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (RegionPresenceRequestByRegionID x1) 15 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (RegionPresenceRequestByHandle x1) 16 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (RegionPresenceResponse x1) 17 -> do x1 <- get; return (UpdateSimulator x1) 18 -> do x1 <- get; return (LogDwellTime x1) 19 -> do x1 <- get; return (FeatureDisabled x1) 20 -> do x1 <- get; return (LogFailedMoneyTransaction x1) 21 -> do x1 <- get; return (UserReportInternal x1) 22 -> do x1 <- get; return (SetSimStatusInDatabase x1) 23 -> do x1 <- get; return (SetSimPresenceInDatabase x1) 24 -> do ; return (EconomyDataRequest ) 25 -> do x1 <- get; return (EconomyData x1) 26 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (AvatarPickerRequest x1 x2) 27 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (AvatarPickerRequestBackend x1 x2) 28 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (AvatarPickerReply x1 x2) 29 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get; return (PlacesQuery x1 x2 x3) 30 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (PlacesReply x1 x2 x3) 31 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (DirFindQuery x1 x2) 32 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (DirFindQueryBackend x1 x2) 33 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (DirPlacesQuery x1 x2) 34 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (DirPlacesQueryBackend x1 x2) 35 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4<- replicateM (fromIntegral x4') get; return (DirPlacesReply x1 x2 x3 x4) 36 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (DirPeopleReply x1 x2 x3) 37 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4<- replicateM (fromIntegral x4') get; return (DirEventsReply x1 x2 x3 x4) 38 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (DirGroupsReply x1 x2 x3) 39 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (DirClassifiedQuery x1 x2) 40 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (DirClassifiedQueryBackend x1 x2) 41 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4<- replicateM (fromIntegral x4') get; return (DirClassifiedReply x1 x2 x3 x4) 42 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (AvatarClassifiedReply x1 x2) 43 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ClassifiedInfoRequest x1 x2) 44 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ClassifiedInfoReply x1 x2) 45 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ClassifiedInfoUpdate x1 x2) 46 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ClassifiedDelete x1 x2) 47 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ClassifiedGodDelete x1 x2) 48 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (DirLandQuery x1 x2) 49 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (DirLandQueryBackend x1 x2) 50 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (DirLandReply x1 x2 x3) 51 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (DirPopularQuery x1 x2) 52 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (DirPopularQueryBackend x1 x2) 53 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (DirPopularReply x1 x2 x3) 54 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ParcelInfoRequest x1 x2) 55 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ParcelInfoReply x1 x2) 56 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ParcelObjectOwnersRequest x1 x2) 57 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (ParcelObjectOwnersReply x1) 58 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (GroupNoticesListRequest x1 x2) 59 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (GroupNoticesListReply x1 x2) 60 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (GroupNoticeRequest x1 x2) 61 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (GroupNoticeAdd x1 x2) 62 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (TeleportRequest x1 x2) 63 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (TeleportLocationRequest x1 x2) 64 -> do x1 <- get; return (TeleportLocal x1) 65 -> do x1 <- get; return (TeleportLandmarkRequest x1) 66 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (TeleportProgress x1 x2) 67 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (DataHomeLocationRequest x1 x2) 68 -> do x1 <- get; return (DataHomeLocationReply x1) 69 -> do x1 <- get; return (TeleportFinish x1) 70 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (StartLure x1 x2 x3) 71 -> do x1 <- get; return (TeleportLureRequest x1) 72 -> do x1 <- get; return (TeleportCancel x1) 73 -> do x1 <- get; return (TeleportStart x1) 74 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (TeleportFailed x1 x2) 75 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (Undo x1 x2) 76 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (Redo x1 x2) 77 -> do x1 <- get; return (UndoLand x1) 78 -> do x1 <- get; return (AgentPause x1) 79 -> do x1 <- get; return (AgentResume x1) 80 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ChatFromViewer x1 x2) 81 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (AgentThrottle x1 x2) 82 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (AgentFOV x1 x2) 83 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (AgentHeightWidth x1 x2) 84 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get;x3 <- get;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4<- replicateM (fromIntegral x4') get; return (AgentSetAppearance x1 x2 x3 x4) 85 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (AgentQuitCopy x1 x2) 86 -> do x1 <- get; return (ImageNotInDatabase x1) 87 -> do x1 <- get; return (RebakeAvatarTextures x1) 88 -> do x1 <- get; return (SetAlwaysRun x1) 89 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectDelete x1 x2) 90 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (ObjectDuplicate x1 x2 x3) 91 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectDuplicateOnRay x1 x2) 92 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectScale x1 x2) 93 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectRotation x1 x2) 94 -> do x1 <- get; return (ObjectFlagUpdate x1) 95 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectClickAction x1 x2) 96 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectImage x1 x2) 97 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectMaterial x1 x2) 98 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectShape x1 x2) 99 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectExtraParams x1 x2) 100 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (ObjectOwner x1 x2 x3) 101 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectGroup x1 x2) 102 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectBuy x1 x2) 103 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (BuyObjectInventory x1 x2) 104 -> do x1 <- get; return (DerezContainer x1) 105 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (ObjectPermissions x1 x2 x3) 106 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectSaleInfo x1 x2) 107 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectName x1 x2) 108 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectDescription x1 x2) 109 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectCategory x1 x2) 110 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectSelect x1 x2) 111 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectDeselect x1 x2) 112 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectAttach x1 x2) 113 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectDetach x1 x2) 114 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectDrop x1 x2) 115 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectLink x1 x2) 116 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectDelink x1 x2) 117 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (ObjectGrab x1 x2 x3) 118 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (ObjectGrabUpdate x1 x2 x3) 119 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (ObjectDeGrab x1 x2 x3) 120 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ObjectSpinStart x1 x2) 121 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ObjectSpinUpdate x1 x2) 122 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ObjectSpinStop x1 x2) 123 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectExportSelected x1 x2) 124 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4<- replicateM (fromIntegral x4') get; return (ModifyLand x1 x2 x3 x4) 125 -> do x1 <- get; return (VelocityInterpolateOn x1) 126 -> do x1 <- get; return (VelocityInterpolateOff x1) 127 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (StateSave x1 x2) 128 -> do x1 <- get; return (ReportAutosaveCrash x1) 129 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (SimWideDeletes x1 x2) 130 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (TrackAgent x1 x2) 131 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- replicateM 2 get;x4 <- get;x5' <- getWord8 ; x5<- replicateM (fromIntegral x5') get; return (ViewerStats x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) 132 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ScriptAnswerYes x1 x2) 133 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (UserReport x1 x2) 134 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (AlertMessage x1 x2) 135 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (AgentAlertMessage x1 x2) 136 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (MeanCollisionAlert x1) 137 -> do x1 <- get; return (ViewerFrozenMessage x1) 138 -> do x1 <- get; return (HealthMessage x1) 139 -> do x1 <- get; return (ChatFromSimulator x1) 140 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get;x3 <- get; return (SimStats x1 x2 x3) 141 -> do x1 <- get; return (RequestRegionInfo x1) 142 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get; return (RegionInfo x1 x2 x3) 143 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (GodUpdateRegionInfo x1 x2) 144 -> do x1 <- get; return (NearestLandingRegionRequest x1) 145 -> do x1 <- get; return (NearestLandingRegionReply x1) 146 -> do x1 <- get; return (NearestLandingRegionUpdated x1) 147 -> do x1 <- get; return (TeleportLandingStatusChanged x1) 148 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get; return (RegionHandshake x1 x2 x3) 149 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (RegionHandshakeReply x1 x2) 150 -> do x1 <- get; return (SimulatorViewerTimeMessage x1) 151 -> do x1 <- get; return (EnableSimulator x1) 152 -> do ; return (DisableSimulator ) 153 -> do x1 <- get; return (TransferRequest x1) 154 -> do x1 <- get; return (TransferInfo x1) 155 -> do x1 <- get; return (TransferAbort x1) 156 -> do x1 <- get; return (RequestXfer x1) 157 -> do x1 <- get; return (AbortXfer x1) 158 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (AvatarAppearance x1 x2 x3) 159 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (SetFollowCamProperties x1 x2) 160 -> do x1 <- get; return (ClearFollowCamProperties x1) 161 -> do x1 <- get; return (RequestPayPrice x1) 162 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (PayPriceReply x1 x2) 163 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (KickUser x1 x2) 164 -> do x1 <- get; return (KickUserAck x1) 165 -> do x1 <- get; return (GodKickUser x1) 166 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (SystemKickUser x1) 167 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (EjectUser x1 x2) 168 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (FreezeUser x1 x2) 169 -> do x1 <- get; return (AvatarPropertiesRequest x1) 170 -> do x1 <- get; return (AvatarPropertiesRequestBackend x1) 171 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (AvatarPropertiesReply x1 x2) 172 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (AvatarInterestsReply x1 x2) 173 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get;x3 <- get; return (AvatarGroupsReply x1 x2 x3) 174 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (AvatarPropertiesUpdate x1 x2) 175 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (AvatarInterestsUpdate x1 x2) 176 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (AvatarNotesReply x1 x2) 177 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (AvatarNotesUpdate x1 x2) 178 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (AvatarPicksReply x1 x2) 179 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (EventInfoRequest x1 x2) 180 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (EventInfoReply x1 x2) 181 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (EventNotificationAddRequest x1 x2) 182 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (EventNotificationRemoveRequest x1 x2) 183 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get; return (EventGodDelete x1 x2 x3) 184 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (PickInfoReply x1 x2) 185 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (PickInfoUpdate x1 x2) 186 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (PickDelete x1 x2) 187 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (PickGodDelete x1 x2) 188 -> do x1 <- get; return (ScriptQuestion x1) 189 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (ScriptControlChange x1) 190 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ScriptDialog x1 x2) 191 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ScriptDialogReply x1 x2) 192 -> do x1 <- get; return (ForceScriptControlRelease x1) 193 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (RevokePermissions x1 x2) 194 -> do x1 <- get; return (LoadURL x1) 195 -> do x1 <- get; return (ScriptTeleportRequest x1) 196 -> do x1 <- get; return (ParcelOverlay x1) 197 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ParcelPropertiesRequestByID x1 x2) 198 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ParcelPropertiesUpdate x1 x2) 199 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4<- replicateM (fromIntegral x4') get; return (ParcelReturnObjects x1 x2 x3 x4) 200 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ParcelSetOtherCleanTime x1 x2) 201 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4<- replicateM (fromIntegral x4') get; return (ParcelDisableObjects x1 x2 x3 x4) 202 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (ParcelSelectObjects x1 x2 x3) 203 -> do x1 <- get; return (EstateCovenantRequest x1) 204 -> do x1 <- get; return (EstateCovenantReply x1) 205 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ForceObjectSelect x1 x2) 206 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ParcelBuyPass x1 x2) 207 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ParcelDeedToGroup x1 x2) 208 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ParcelReclaim x1 x2) 209 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (ParcelClaim x1 x2 x3) 210 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ParcelJoin x1 x2) 211 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ParcelDivide x1 x2) 212 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ParcelRelease x1 x2) 213 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get; return (ParcelBuy x1 x2 x3) 214 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ParcelGodForceOwner x1 x2) 215 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ParcelAccessListRequest x1 x2) 216 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ParcelAccessListReply x1 x2) 217 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (ParcelAccessListUpdate x1 x2 x3) 218 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ParcelDwellRequest x1 x2) 219 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ParcelDwellReply x1 x2) 220 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (RequestParcelTransfer x1 x2) 221 -> do x1 <- get; return (UpdateParcel x1) 222 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (RemoveParcel x1) 223 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (MergeParcel x1 x2) 224 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (LogParcelChanges x1 x2 x3) 225 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (CheckParcelSales x1) 226 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (ParcelSales x1) 227 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ParcelGodMarkAsContent x1 x2) 228 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ViewerStartAuction x1 x2) 229 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (StartAuction x1 x2) 230 -> do x1 <- get; return (ConfirmAuctionStart x1) 231 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (CompleteAuction x1) 232 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (CancelAuction x1) 233 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (CheckParcelAuctions x1) 234 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (ParcelAuctions x1) 235 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (UUIDNameRequest x1) 236 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (UUIDNameReply x1) 237 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (UUIDGroupNameRequest x1) 238 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (UUIDGroupNameReply x1) 239 -> do x1 <- get; return (ChatPass x1) 240 -> do x1 <- get; return (ChildAgentDying x1) 241 -> do x1 <- get; return (ChildAgentUnknown x1) 242 -> do x1 <- get; return (KillChildAgents x1) 243 -> do x1 <- get; return (GetScriptRunning x1) 244 -> do x1 <- get; return (ScriptRunningReply x1) 245 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (SetScriptRunning x1 x2) 246 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ScriptReset x1 x2) 247 -> do x1 <- get; return (ScriptSensorRequest x1) 248 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ScriptSensorReply x1 x2) 249 -> do x1 <- get; return (CompleteAgentMovement x1) 250 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get; return (AgentMovementComplete x1 x2 x3) 251 -> do x1 <- get; return (DataServerLogout x1) 252 -> do x1 <- get; return (LogoutRequest x1) 253 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (LogoutReply x1 x2) 254 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ImprovedInstantMessage x1 x2) 255 -> do x1 <- get; return (RetrieveInstantMessages x1) 256 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (FindAgent x1 x2) 257 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (RequestGodlikePowers x1 x2) 258 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (GrantGodlikePowers x1 x2) 259 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (GodlikeMessage x1 x2 x3) 260 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (EstateOwnerMessage x1 x2 x3) 261 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (GenericMessage x1 x2 x3) 262 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (MuteListRequest x1 x2) 263 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (UpdateMuteListEntry x1 x2) 264 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (RemoveMuteListEntry x1 x2) 265 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (CopyInventoryFromNotecard x1 x2 x3) 266 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (UpdateInventoryItem x1 x2) 267 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (UpdateCreateInventoryItem x1 x2) 268 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (MoveInventoryItem x1 x2) 269 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (CopyInventoryItem x1 x2) 270 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (RemoveInventoryItem x1 x2) 271 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ChangeInventoryItemFlags x1 x2) 272 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (SaveAssetIntoInventory x1 x2) 273 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (CreateInventoryFolder x1 x2) 274 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (UpdateInventoryFolder x1 x2) 275 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (MoveInventoryFolder x1 x2) 276 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (RemoveInventoryFolder x1 x2) 277 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (FetchInventoryDescendents x1 x2) 278 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (InventoryDescendents x1 x2 x3) 279 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (FetchInventory x1 x2) 280 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (FetchInventoryReply x1 x2) 281 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (BulkUpdateInventory x1 x2 x3) 282 -> do x1 <- get; return (RequestInventoryAsset x1) 283 -> do x1 <- get; return (InventoryAssetResponse x1) 284 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (RemoveInventoryObjects x1 x2 x3) 285 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (PurgeInventoryDescendents x1 x2) 286 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get; return (UpdateTaskInventory x1 x2 x3) 287 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (RemoveTaskInventory x1 x2) 288 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (MoveTaskInventory x1 x2) 289 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (RequestTaskInventory x1 x2) 290 -> do x1 <- get; return (ReplyTaskInventory x1) 291 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (DeRezObject x1 x2 x3) 292 -> do x1 <- get; return (DeRezAck x1) 293 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get; return (RezObject x1 x2 x3) 294 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4<- replicateM (fromIntegral x4') get; return (RezObjectFromNotecard x1 x2 x3 x4) 295 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (TransferInventory x1 x2) 296 -> do x1 <- get; return (TransferInventoryAck x1) 297 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (AcceptFriendship x1 x2 x3) 298 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (DeclineFriendship x1 x2) 299 -> do x1 <- get; return (FormFriendship x1) 300 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (TerminateFriendship x1 x2) 301 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (OfferCallingCard x1 x2) 302 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (AcceptCallingCard x1 x2 x3) 303 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (DeclineCallingCard x1 x2) 304 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get; return (RezScript x1 x2 x3) 305 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (CreateInventoryItem x1 x2) 306 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get; return (CreateLandmarkForEvent x1 x2 x3) 307 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (EventLocationRequest x1 x2) 308 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (EventLocationReply x1 x2) 309 -> do x1 <- get; return (RegionHandleRequest x1) 310 -> do x1 <- get; return (RegionIDAndHandleReply x1) 311 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (MoneyTransferRequest x1 x2) 312 -> do x1 <- get; return (MoneyTransferBackend x1) 313 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (MoneyBalanceRequest x1 x2) 314 -> do x1 <- get; return (MoneyBalanceReply x1) 315 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (RoutedMoneyBalanceReply x1 x2) 316 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ActivateGestures x1 x2) 317 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (DeactivateGestures x1 x2) 318 -> do x1 <- get; return (MuteListUpdate x1) 319 -> do x1 <- get; return (UseCachedMuteList x1) 320 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (GrantUserRights x1 x2) 321 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ChangeUserRights x1 x2) 322 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (OnlineNotification x1) 323 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (OfflineNotification x1) 324 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (SetStartLocationRequest x1 x2) 325 -> do x1 <- get; return (SetStartLocation x1) 326 -> do x1 <- get; return (NetTest x1) 327 -> do x1 <- get; return (SetCPURatio x1) 328 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (SimCrashed x1 x2) 329 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (NameValuePair x1 x2) 330 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (RemoveNameValuePair x1 x2) 331 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- get; return (UpdateAttachment x1 x2 x3 x4) 332 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (RemoveAttachment x1 x2) 333 -> do x1 <- get; return (AssetUploadRequest x1) 334 -> do x1 <- get; return (AssetUploadComplete x1) 335 -> do x1 <- get; return (EmailMessageRequest x1) 336 -> do x1 <- get; return (EmailMessageReply x1) 337 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (ScriptDataRequest x1) 338 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (ScriptDataReply x1) 339 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (CreateGroupRequest x1 x2) 340 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (CreateGroupReply x1 x2) 341 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (UpdateGroupInfo x1 x2) 342 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (GroupRoleChanges x1 x2) 343 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (JoinGroupRequest x1 x2) 344 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (JoinGroupReply x1 x2) 345 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (EjectGroupMemberRequest x1 x2 x3) 346 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get; return (EjectGroupMemberReply x1 x2 x3) 347 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (LeaveGroupRequest x1 x2) 348 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (LeaveGroupReply x1 x2) 349 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (InviteGroupRequest x1 x2 x3) 350 -> do x1 <- get; return (InviteGroupResponse x1) 351 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (GroupProfileRequest x1 x2) 352 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (GroupProfileReply x1 x2) 353 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (GroupAccountSummaryRequest x1 x2) 354 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (GroupAccountSummaryReply x1 x2) 355 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (GroupAccountDetailsRequest x1 x2) 356 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (GroupAccountDetailsReply x1 x2 x3) 357 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (GroupAccountTransactionsRequest x1 x2) 358 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (GroupAccountTransactionsReply x1 x2 x3) 359 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get; return (GroupActiveProposalsRequest x1 x2 x3) 360 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (GroupActiveProposalItemReply x1 x2 x3) 361 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get; return (GroupVoteHistoryRequest x1 x2 x3) 362 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4<- replicateM (fromIntegral x4') get; return (GroupVoteHistoryItemReply x1 x2 x3 x4) 363 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (StartGroupProposal x1 x2) 364 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (GroupProposalBallot x1 x2) 365 -> do ; return (TallyVotes ) 366 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (GroupMembersRequest x1 x2) 367 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (GroupMembersReply x1 x2 x3) 368 -> do x1 <- get; return (ActivateGroup x1) 369 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (SetGroupContribution x1 x2) 370 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get; return (SetGroupAcceptNotices x1 x2 x3) 371 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (GroupRoleDataRequest x1 x2) 372 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (GroupRoleDataReply x1 x2 x3) 373 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (GroupRoleMembersRequest x1 x2) 374 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (GroupRoleMembersReply x1 x2) 375 -> do x1 <- get; return (GroupTitlesRequest x1) 376 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (GroupTitlesReply x1 x2) 377 -> do x1 <- get; return (GroupTitleUpdate x1) 378 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (GroupRoleUpdate x1 x2) 379 -> do x1 <- get; return (LiveHelpGroupRequest x1) 380 -> do x1 <- get; return (LiveHelpGroupReply x1) 381 -> do x1 <- get; return (AgentWearablesRequest x1) 382 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (AgentWearablesUpdate x1 x2) 383 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (AgentIsNowWearing x1 x2) 384 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (AgentCachedTexture x1 x2) 385 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (AgentCachedTextureResponse x1 x2) 386 -> do x1 <- get; return (AgentDataUpdateRequest x1) 387 -> do x1 <- get; return (AgentDataUpdate x1) 388 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (GroupDataUpdate x1) 389 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (AgentGroupDataUpdate x1 x2) 390 -> do x1 <- get; return (AgentDropGroup x1) 391 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (LogTextMessage x1) 392 -> do x1 <- get; return (CreateTrustedCircuit x1) 393 -> do x1 <- get; return (DenyTrustedCircuit x1) 394 -> do ; return (RequestTrustedCircuit ) 395 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (RezSingleAttachmentFromInv x1 x2) 396 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv x1 x2 x3) 397 -> do x1 <- get; return (DetachAttachmentIntoInv x1) 398 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (CreateNewOutfitAttachments x1 x2 x3) 399 -> do x1 <- get; return (UserInfoRequest x1) 400 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (UserInfoReply x1 x2) 401 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (UpdateUserInfo x1 x2) 402 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (ParcelRename x1) 403 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (InitiateDownload x1 x2) 404 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (SystemMessage x1 x2) 405 -> do x1 <- get; return (MapLayerRequest x1) 406 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (MapLayerReply x1 x2) 407 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (MapBlockRequest x1 x2) 408 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (MapNameRequest x1 x2) 409 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (MapBlockReply x1 x2) 410 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (MapItemRequest x1 x2) 411 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (MapItemReply x1 x2 x3) 412 -> do x1 <- get; return (SendPostcard x1) 413 -> do x1 <- get; return (RpcChannelRequest x1) 414 -> do x1 <- get; return (RpcChannelReply x1) 415 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (RpcScriptRequestInbound x1 x2) 416 -> do x1 <- get; return (RpcScriptRequestInboundForward x1) 417 -> do x1 <- get; return (RpcScriptReplyInbound x1) 418 -> do x1 <- get; return (ScriptMailRegistration x1) 419 -> do x1 <- get; return (ParcelMediaCommandMessage x1) 420 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ParcelMediaUpdate x1 x2) 421 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (LandStatRequest x1 x2) 422 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (LandStatReply x1 x2) 423 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (Error x1 x2) 424 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectIncludeInSearch x1 x2) 425 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (RezRestoreToWorld x1 x2) 426 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (LinkInventoryItem x1 x2) _ -> fail "Unrecognized message number" 1 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ObjectAdd x1 x2) 2 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (MultipleObjectUpdate x1 x2) 3 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (RequestMultipleObjects x1 x2) 4 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectPosition x1 x2) 5 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (RequestObjectPropertiesFamily x1 x2) 6 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (CoarseLocationUpdate x1 x2 x3) 7 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get; return (CrossedRegion x1 x2 x3) 8 -> do x1 <- get; return (ConfirmEnableSimulator x1) 9 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (ObjectProperties x1) 10 -> do x1 <- get; return (ObjectPropertiesFamily x1) 11 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ParcelPropertiesRequest x1 x2) 12 -> do x1 <- get; return (SimStatus x1) 13 -> do x1 <- get; return (AttachedSound x1) 14 -> do x1 <- get; return (AttachedSoundGainChange x1) 15 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (PreloadSound x1) 16 -> do x1 <- get; return (InternalScriptMail x1) 17 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ViewerEffect x1 x2) _ -> fail "Unrecognized message number" 1 -> do x1 <- get; return (StartPingCheck x1) 2 -> do x1 <- get; return (CompletePingCheck x1) 3 -> do x1 <- replicateM 4 get; return (NeighborList x1) 4 -> do x1 <- get; return (AgentUpdate x1) 5 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get; return (AgentAnimation x1 x2 x3) 6 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (AgentRequestSit x1 x2) 7 -> do x1 <- get; return (AgentSit x1) 8 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (RequestImage x1 x2) 9 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ImageData x1 x2) 10 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ImagePacket x1 x2) 11 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (LayerData x1 x2) 12 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectUpdate x1 x2) 13 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectUpdateCompressed x1 x2) 14 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ObjectUpdateCached x1 x2) 15 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get; return (ImprovedTerseObjectUpdate x1 x2) 16 -> do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1<- replicateM (fromIntegral x1') get; return (KillObject x1) 17 -> do x1 <- get; return (TransferPacket x1) 18 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (SendXferPacket x1 x2) 19 -> do x1 <- get; return (ConfirmXferPacket x1) 20 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4<- replicateM (fromIntegral x4') get; return (AvatarAnimation x1 x2 x3 x4) 21 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (AvatarSitResponse x1 x2) 22 -> do x1 <- get; return (CameraConstraint x1) 23 -> do x1 <- get;x2 <- get; return (ParcelProperties x1 x2) 24 -> do x1 <- get; return (EdgeDataPacket x1) 25 -> do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2<- replicateM (fromIntegral x2') get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3<- replicateM (fromIntegral x3') get;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4<- replicateM (fromIntegral x4') get;x5' <- getWord8 ; x5<- replicateM (fromIntegral x5') get;x6' <- getWord8 ; x6<- replicateM (fromIntegral x6') get;x7' <- getWord8 ; x7<- replicateM (fromIntegral x7') get;x8' <- getWord8 ; x8<- replicateM (fromIntegral x8') get; return (ChildAgentUpdate x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) 26 -> do x1 <- get; return (ChildAgentAlive x1) 27 -> do x1 <- get; return (ChildAgentPositionUpdate x1) 28 -> do x1 <- get; return (AtomicPassObject x1) 29 -> do x1 <- get; return (SoundTrigger x1) _ -> fail "Unrecognized message number" instance Binary TestMessage_TestBlock1 where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (TestMessage_TestBlock1 x1) put x = do putWord32le (testMessage_TestBlock1_Test1 x);return () instance Binary TestMessage_NeighborBlock where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- getWord32le;return (TestMessage_NeighborBlock x1 x2 x3) put x = do putWord32le (testMessage_NeighborBlock_Test0 x);putWord32le (testMessage_NeighborBlock_Test1 x);putWord32le (testMessage_NeighborBlock_Test2 x);return () instance Binary PacketAck_Packets where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (PacketAck_Packets x1) put x = do putWord32le (packetAck_Packets_ID x);return () instance Binary OpenCircuit_CircuitInfo where get = do x1 <- replicateM 4 getWord8;x2 <- getWord16le;return (OpenCircuit_CircuitInfo x1 x2) put x = do mapM_ put (openCircuit_CircuitInfo_IP x);putWord16le (openCircuit_CircuitInfo_Port x);return () instance Binary StartPingCheck_PingID where get = do x1 <- getWord8;x2 <- getWord32le;return (StartPingCheck_PingID x1 x2) put x = do putWord8 (startPingCheck_PingID_PingID x);putWord32le (startPingCheck_PingID_OldestUnacked x);return () instance Binary CompletePingCheck_PingID where get = do x1 <- getWord8;return (CompletePingCheck_PingID x1) put x = do putWord8 (completePingCheck_PingID_PingID x);return () instance Binary AddCircuitCode_CircuitCode where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (AddCircuitCode_CircuitCode x1 x2 x3) put x = do putWord32le (addCircuitCode_CircuitCode_Code x);put (addCircuitCode_CircuitCode_SessionID x);put (addCircuitCode_CircuitCode_AgentID x);return () instance Binary UseCircuitCode_CircuitCode where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (UseCircuitCode_CircuitCode x1 x2 x3) put x = do putWord32le (useCircuitCode_CircuitCode_Code x);put (useCircuitCode_CircuitCode_SessionID x);put (useCircuitCode_CircuitCode_ID x);return () instance Binary NeighborList_NeighborBlock where get = do x1 <- replicateM 4 getWord8;x2 <- getWord16le;x3 <- replicateM 4 getWord8;x4 <- getWord16le;x5 <- get;x6' <- getWord8 ; x6 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x6');x7 <- getWord8;return (NeighborList_NeighborBlock x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) put x = do mapM_ put (neighborList_NeighborBlock_IP x);putWord16le (neighborList_NeighborBlock_Port x);mapM_ put (neighborList_NeighborBlock_PublicIP x);putWord16le (neighborList_NeighborBlock_PublicPort x);put (neighborList_NeighborBlock_RegionID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (neighborList_NeighborBlock_Name x)) ; putByteString (neighborList_NeighborBlock_Name x);putWord8 (neighborList_NeighborBlock_SimAccess x);return () instance Binary AvatarTextureUpdate_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (AvatarTextureUpdate_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (avatarTextureUpdate_AgentData_AgentID x);put (avatarTextureUpdate_AgentData_TexturesChanged x);return () instance Binary AvatarTextureUpdate_WearableData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord8;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');return (AvatarTextureUpdate_WearableData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (avatarTextureUpdate_WearableData_CacheID x);putWord8 (avatarTextureUpdate_WearableData_TextureIndex x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarTextureUpdate_WearableData_HostName x)) ; putByteString (avatarTextureUpdate_WearableData_HostName x);return () instance Binary AvatarTextureUpdate_TextureData where get = do x1 <- get;return (AvatarTextureUpdate_TextureData x1) put x = do put (avatarTextureUpdate_TextureData_TextureID x);return () instance Binary SimulatorMapUpdate_MapData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (SimulatorMapUpdate_MapData x1) put x = do putWord32le (simulatorMapUpdate_MapData_Flags x);return () instance Binary SimulatorSetMap_MapData where get = do x1 <- getWord64le;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x3 <- get;return (SimulatorSetMap_MapData x1 x2 x3) put x = do putWord64le (simulatorSetMap_MapData_RegionHandle x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (simulatorSetMap_MapData_Type x));put (simulatorSetMap_MapData_MapImage x);return () instance Binary SimulatorReady_SimulatorBlock where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2 <- getWord8;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- get;x5 <- getWord32le;x6 <- getWord32le;return (SimulatorReady_SimulatorBlock x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (simulatorReady_SimulatorBlock_SimName x)) ; putByteString (simulatorReady_SimulatorBlock_SimName x);putWord8 (simulatorReady_SimulatorBlock_SimAccess x);putWord32le (simulatorReady_SimulatorBlock_RegionFlags x);put (simulatorReady_SimulatorBlock_RegionID x);putWord32le (simulatorReady_SimulatorBlock_EstateID x);putWord32le (simulatorReady_SimulatorBlock_ParentEstateID x);return () instance Binary SimulatorReady_TelehubBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2'1 <- getFloat32le ; x2'2 <- getFloat32le ; x2'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x2 = (x2'1, x2'2, x2'3) };return (SimulatorReady_TelehubBlock x1 x2) put x = do put (simulatorReady_TelehubBlock_HasTelehub x);(let (a,b,c) = simulatorReady_TelehubBlock_TelehubPos x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);return () instance Binary TelehubInfo_TelehubBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3'1 <- getFloat32le ; x3'2 <- getFloat32le ; x3'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x3 = (x3'1, x3'2, x3'3) };x4'1 <- getFloat32le ; x4'2 <- getFloat32le ; x4'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x4 = (x4'1, x4'2, x4'3, sqrt (abs (1 - x4'1^2 - x4'2^2 - x4'3^2))) };return (TelehubInfo_TelehubBlock x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (telehubInfo_TelehubBlock_ObjectID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (telehubInfo_TelehubBlock_ObjectName x)) ; putByteString (telehubInfo_TelehubBlock_ObjectName x);(let (a,b,c) = telehubInfo_TelehubBlock_TelehubPos x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c,d) = telehubInfo_TelehubBlock_TelehubRot x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);return () instance Binary TelehubInfo_SpawnPointBlock where get = do x1'1 <- getFloat32le ; x1'2 <- getFloat32le ; x1'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x1 = (x1'1, x1'2, x1'3) };return (TelehubInfo_SpawnPointBlock x1) put x = do (let (a,b,c) = telehubInfo_SpawnPointBlock_SpawnPointPos x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);return () instance Binary SimulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorPublicHostBlock where get = do x1 <- getWord16le;x2 <- replicateM 4 getWord8;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- getWord32le;return (SimulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorPublicHostBlock x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do putWord16le (simulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorPublicHostBlock_Port x);mapM_ put (simulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorPublicHostBlock_SimulatorIP x);putWord32le (simulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorPublicHostBlock_GridX x);putWord32le (simulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorPublicHostBlock_GridY x);return () instance Binary SimulatorPresentAtLocation_NeighborBlock where get = do x1 <- replicateM 4 getWord8;x2 <- getWord16le;return (SimulatorPresentAtLocation_NeighborBlock x1 x2) put x = do mapM_ put (simulatorPresentAtLocation_NeighborBlock_IP x);putWord16le (simulatorPresentAtLocation_NeighborBlock_Port x);return () instance Binary SimulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorBlock where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2 <- getWord8;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- get;x5 <- getWord32le;x6 <- getWord32le;return (SimulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorBlock x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (simulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorBlock_SimName x)) ; putByteString (simulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorBlock_SimName x);putWord8 (simulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorBlock_SimAccess x);putWord32le (simulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorBlock_RegionFlags x);put (simulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorBlock_RegionID x);putWord32le (simulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorBlock_EstateID x);putWord32le (simulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorBlock_ParentEstateID x);return () instance Binary SimulatorPresentAtLocation_TelehubBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2'1 <- getFloat32le ; x2'2 <- getFloat32le ; x2'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x2 = (x2'1, x2'2, x2'3) };return (SimulatorPresentAtLocation_TelehubBlock x1 x2) put x = do put (simulatorPresentAtLocation_TelehubBlock_HasTelehub x);(let (a,b,c) = simulatorPresentAtLocation_TelehubBlock_TelehubPos x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);return () instance Binary SimulatorLoad_SimulatorLoad where get = do x1 <- getFloat32le;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x3 <- get;return (SimulatorLoad_SimulatorLoad x1 x2 x3) put x = do putFloat32le (simulatorLoad_SimulatorLoad_TimeDilation x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (simulatorLoad_SimulatorLoad_AgentCount x));put (simulatorLoad_SimulatorLoad_CanAcceptAgents x);return () instance Binary SimulatorLoad_AgentList where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord8;x3 <- getWord8;return (SimulatorLoad_AgentList x1 x2 x3) put x = do putWord32le (simulatorLoad_AgentList_CircuitCode x);putWord8 (simulatorLoad_AgentList_X x);putWord8 (simulatorLoad_AgentList_Y x);return () instance Binary RegionPresenceRequestByRegionID_RegionData where get = do x1 <- get;return (RegionPresenceRequestByRegionID_RegionData x1) put x = do put (regionPresenceRequestByRegionID_RegionData_RegionID x);return () instance Binary RegionPresenceRequestByHandle_RegionData where get = do x1 <- getWord64le;return (RegionPresenceRequestByHandle_RegionData x1) put x = do putWord64le (regionPresenceRequestByHandle_RegionData_RegionHandle x);return () instance Binary RegionPresenceResponse_RegionData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord64le;x3 <- replicateM 4 getWord8;x4 <- replicateM 4 getWord8;x5 <- getWord16le;x6 <- getFloat64le;x7' <- getWord8 ; x7 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x7');return (RegionPresenceResponse_RegionData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) put x = do put (regionPresenceResponse_RegionData_RegionID x);putWord64le (regionPresenceResponse_RegionData_RegionHandle x);mapM_ put (regionPresenceResponse_RegionData_InternalRegionIP x);mapM_ put (regionPresenceResponse_RegionData_ExternalRegionIP x);putWord16le (regionPresenceResponse_RegionData_RegionPort x);putFloat64le (regionPresenceResponse_RegionData_ValidUntil x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (regionPresenceResponse_RegionData_Message x)) ; putByteString (regionPresenceResponse_RegionData_Message x);return () instance Binary UpdateSimulator_SimulatorInfo where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- getWord8;return (UpdateSimulator_SimulatorInfo x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (updateSimulator_SimulatorInfo_RegionID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (updateSimulator_SimulatorInfo_SimName x)) ; putByteString (updateSimulator_SimulatorInfo_SimName x);putWord32le (updateSimulator_SimulatorInfo_EstateID x);putWord8 (updateSimulator_SimulatorInfo_SimAccess x);return () instance Binary LogDwellTime_DwellInfo where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getFloat32le;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');x5 <- getWord32le;x6 <- getWord32le;x7 <- getWord8;x8 <- getWord8;return (LogDwellTime_DwellInfo x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) put x = do put (logDwellTime_DwellInfo_AgentID x);put (logDwellTime_DwellInfo_SessionID x);putFloat32le (logDwellTime_DwellInfo_Duration x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (logDwellTime_DwellInfo_SimName x)) ; putByteString (logDwellTime_DwellInfo_SimName x);putWord32le (logDwellTime_DwellInfo_RegionX x);putWord32le (logDwellTime_DwellInfo_RegionY x);putWord8 (logDwellTime_DwellInfo_AvgAgentsInView x);putWord8 (logDwellTime_DwellInfo_AvgViewerFPS x);return () instance Binary FeatureDisabled_FailureInfo where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (FeatureDisabled_FailureInfo x1 x2 x3) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (featureDisabled_FailureInfo_ErrorMessage x)) ; putByteString (featureDisabled_FailureInfo_ErrorMessage x);put (featureDisabled_FailureInfo_AgentID x);put (featureDisabled_FailureInfo_TransactionID x);return () instance Binary LogFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x4 <- get;x5 <- get;x6 <- getWord8;x7 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x8 <- replicateM 4 getWord8;x9 <- getWord32le;x10 <- getWord32le;x11 <- getWord8;return (LogFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11) put x = do put (logFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData_TransactionID x);putWord32le (logFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData_TransactionTime x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (logFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData_TransactionType x));put (logFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData_SourceID x);put (logFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData_DestID x);putWord8 (logFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData_Flags x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (logFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData_Amount x));mapM_ put (logFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData_SimulatorIP x);putWord32le (logFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData_GridX x);putWord32le (logFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData_GridY x);putWord8 (logFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData_FailureType x);return () instance Binary UserReportInternal_ReportData where get = do x1 <- getWord8;x2 <- getWord8;x3 <- get;x4'1 <- getFloat32le ; x4'2 <- getFloat32le ; x4'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x4 = (x4'1, x4'2, x4'3) };x5'1 <- getFloat32le ; x5'2 <- getFloat32le ; x5'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x5 = (x5'1, x5'2, x5'3) };x6 <- get;x7 <- get;x8 <- get;x9 <- get;x10 <- get;x11 <- get;x12 <- get;x13' <- getWord8 ; x13 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x13');x14 <- get;x15' <- getWord8 ; x15 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x15');x16' <- getWord16le ; x16 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x16');x17' <- getWord8 ; x17 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x17');return (UserReportInternal_ReportData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17) put x = do putWord8 (userReportInternal_ReportData_ReportType x);putWord8 (userReportInternal_ReportData_Category x);put (userReportInternal_ReportData_ReporterID x);(let (a,b,c) = userReportInternal_ReportData_ViewerPosition x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = userReportInternal_ReportData_AgentPosition x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);put (userReportInternal_ReportData_ScreenshotID x);put (userReportInternal_ReportData_ObjectID x);put (userReportInternal_ReportData_OwnerID x);put (userReportInternal_ReportData_LastOwnerID x);put (userReportInternal_ReportData_CreatorID x);put (userReportInternal_ReportData_RegionID x);put (userReportInternal_ReportData_AbuserID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (userReportInternal_ReportData_AbuseRegionName x)) ; putByteString (userReportInternal_ReportData_AbuseRegionName x);put (userReportInternal_ReportData_AbuseRegionID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (userReportInternal_ReportData_Summary x)) ; putByteString (userReportInternal_ReportData_Summary x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (userReportInternal_ReportData_Details x)) ; putByteString (userReportInternal_ReportData_Details x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (userReportInternal_ReportData_VersionString x)) ; putByteString (userReportInternal_ReportData_VersionString x);return () instance Binary SetSimStatusInDatabase_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x4 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x5 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x6 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x7 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x8' <- getWord8 ; x8 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x8');return (SetSimStatusInDatabase_Data x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) put x = do put (setSimStatusInDatabase_Data_RegionID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (setSimStatusInDatabase_Data_HostName x)) ; putByteString (setSimStatusInDatabase_Data_HostName x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (setSimStatusInDatabase_Data_X x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (setSimStatusInDatabase_Data_Y x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (setSimStatusInDatabase_Data_PID x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (setSimStatusInDatabase_Data_AgentCount x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (setSimStatusInDatabase_Data_TimeToLive x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (setSimStatusInDatabase_Data_Status x)) ; putByteString (setSimStatusInDatabase_Data_Status x);return () instance Binary SetSimPresenceInDatabase_SimData where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- getWord32le;x5 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x6 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x7 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x8' <- getWord8 ; x8 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x8');return (SetSimPresenceInDatabase_SimData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) put x = do put (setSimPresenceInDatabase_SimData_RegionID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (setSimPresenceInDatabase_SimData_HostName x)) ; putByteString (setSimPresenceInDatabase_SimData_HostName x);putWord32le (setSimPresenceInDatabase_SimData_GridX x);putWord32le (setSimPresenceInDatabase_SimData_GridY x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (setSimPresenceInDatabase_SimData_PID x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (setSimPresenceInDatabase_SimData_AgentCount x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (setSimPresenceInDatabase_SimData_TimeToLive x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (setSimPresenceInDatabase_SimData_Status x)) ; putByteString (setSimPresenceInDatabase_SimData_Status x);return () instance Binary EconomyData_Info where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x4 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x5 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x6 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x7 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x8 <- getFloat32le;x9 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x10 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x11 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x12 <- getFloat32le;x13 <- getFloat32le;x14 <- getFloat32le;x15 <- getFloat32le;x16 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x17 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (EconomyData_Info x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (economyData_Info_ObjectCapacity x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (economyData_Info_ObjectCount x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (economyData_Info_PriceEnergyUnit x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (economyData_Info_PriceObjectClaim x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (economyData_Info_PricePublicObjectDecay x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (economyData_Info_PricePublicObjectDelete x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (economyData_Info_PriceParcelClaim x));putFloat32le (economyData_Info_PriceParcelClaimFactor x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (economyData_Info_PriceUpload x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (economyData_Info_PriceRentLight x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (economyData_Info_TeleportMinPrice x));putFloat32le (economyData_Info_TeleportPriceExponent x);putFloat32le (economyData_Info_EnergyEfficiency x);putFloat32le (economyData_Info_PriceObjectRent x);putFloat32le (economyData_Info_PriceObjectScaleFactor x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (economyData_Info_PriceParcelRent x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (economyData_Info_PriceGroupCreate x));return () instance Binary AvatarPickerRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (AvatarPickerRequest_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (avatarPickerRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (avatarPickerRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);put (avatarPickerRequest_AgentData_QueryID x);return () instance Binary AvatarPickerRequest_Data where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');return (AvatarPickerRequest_Data x1) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarPickerRequest_Data_Name x)) ; putByteString (avatarPickerRequest_Data_Name x);return () instance Binary AvatarPickerRequestBackend_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- getWord8;return (AvatarPickerRequestBackend_AgentData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (avatarPickerRequestBackend_AgentData_AgentID x);put (avatarPickerRequestBackend_AgentData_SessionID x);put (avatarPickerRequestBackend_AgentData_QueryID x);putWord8 (avatarPickerRequestBackend_AgentData_GodLevel x);return () instance Binary AvatarPickerRequestBackend_Data where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');return (AvatarPickerRequestBackend_Data x1) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarPickerRequestBackend_Data_Name x)) ; putByteString (avatarPickerRequestBackend_Data_Name x);return () instance Binary AvatarPickerReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (AvatarPickerReply_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (avatarPickerReply_AgentData_AgentID x);put (avatarPickerReply_AgentData_QueryID x);return () instance Binary AvatarPickerReply_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');return (AvatarPickerReply_Data x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (avatarPickerReply_Data_AvatarID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarPickerReply_Data_FirstName x)) ; putByteString (avatarPickerReply_Data_FirstName x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarPickerReply_Data_LastName x)) ; putByteString (avatarPickerReply_Data_LastName x);return () instance Binary PlacesQuery_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (PlacesQuery_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (placesQuery_AgentData_AgentID x);put (placesQuery_AgentData_SessionID x);put (placesQuery_AgentData_QueryID x);return () instance Binary PlacesQuery_TransactionData where get = do x1 <- get;return (PlacesQuery_TransactionData x1) put x = do put (placesQuery_TransactionData_TransactionID x);return () instance Binary PlacesQuery_QueryData where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');return (PlacesQuery_QueryData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (placesQuery_QueryData_QueryText x)) ; putByteString (placesQuery_QueryData_QueryText x);putWord32le (placesQuery_QueryData_QueryFlags x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (placesQuery_QueryData_Category x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (placesQuery_QueryData_SimName x)) ; putByteString (placesQuery_QueryData_SimName x);return () instance Binary PlacesReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (PlacesReply_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (placesReply_AgentData_AgentID x);put (placesReply_AgentData_QueryID x);return () instance Binary PlacesReply_TransactionData where get = do x1 <- get;return (PlacesReply_TransactionData x1) put x = do put (placesReply_TransactionData_TransactionID x);return () instance Binary PlacesReply_QueryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');x4 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x5 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x6 <- getWord8;x7 <- getFloat32le;x8 <- getFloat32le;x9 <- getFloat32le;x10' <- getWord8 ; x10 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x10');x11 <- get;x12 <- getFloat32le;x13 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (PlacesReply_QueryData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13) put x = do put (placesReply_QueryData_OwnerID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (placesReply_QueryData_Name x)) ; putByteString (placesReply_QueryData_Name x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (placesReply_QueryData_Desc x)) ; putByteString (placesReply_QueryData_Desc x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (placesReply_QueryData_ActualArea x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (placesReply_QueryData_BillableArea x));putWord8 (placesReply_QueryData_Flags x);putFloat32le (placesReply_QueryData_GlobalX x);putFloat32le (placesReply_QueryData_GlobalY x);putFloat32le (placesReply_QueryData_GlobalZ x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (placesReply_QueryData_SimName x)) ; putByteString (placesReply_QueryData_SimName x);put (placesReply_QueryData_SnapshotID x);putFloat32le (placesReply_QueryData_Dwell x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (placesReply_QueryData_Price x));return () instance Binary DirFindQuery_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (DirFindQuery_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (dirFindQuery_AgentData_AgentID x);put (dirFindQuery_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary DirFindQuery_QueryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (DirFindQuery_QueryData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (dirFindQuery_QueryData_QueryID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (dirFindQuery_QueryData_QueryText x)) ; putByteString (dirFindQuery_QueryData_QueryText x);putWord32le (dirFindQuery_QueryData_QueryFlags x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (dirFindQuery_QueryData_QueryStart x));return () instance Binary DirFindQueryBackend_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (DirFindQueryBackend_AgentData x1) put x = do put (dirFindQueryBackend_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary DirFindQueryBackend_QueryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x5 <- getWord32le;x6 <- get;return (DirFindQueryBackend_QueryData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do put (dirFindQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (dirFindQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryText x)) ; putByteString (dirFindQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryText x);putWord32le (dirFindQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryFlags x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (dirFindQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryStart x));putWord32le (dirFindQueryBackend_QueryData_EstateID x);put (dirFindQueryBackend_QueryData_Godlike x);return () instance Binary DirPlacesQuery_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (DirPlacesQuery_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (dirPlacesQuery_AgentData_AgentID x);put (dirPlacesQuery_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary DirPlacesQuery_QueryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x5' <- getWord8 ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');x6 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (DirPlacesQuery_QueryData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do put (dirPlacesQuery_QueryData_QueryID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (dirPlacesQuery_QueryData_QueryText x)) ; putByteString (dirPlacesQuery_QueryData_QueryText x);putWord32le (dirPlacesQuery_QueryData_QueryFlags x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (dirPlacesQuery_QueryData_Category x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (dirPlacesQuery_QueryData_SimName x)) ; putByteString (dirPlacesQuery_QueryData_SimName x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (dirPlacesQuery_QueryData_QueryStart x));return () instance Binary DirPlacesQueryBackend_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (DirPlacesQueryBackend_AgentData x1) put x = do put (dirPlacesQueryBackend_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary DirPlacesQueryBackend_QueryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x5' <- getWord8 ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');x6 <- getWord32le;x7 <- get;x8 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (DirPlacesQueryBackend_QueryData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) put x = do put (dirPlacesQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (dirPlacesQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryText x)) ; putByteString (dirPlacesQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryText x);putWord32le (dirPlacesQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryFlags x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (dirPlacesQueryBackend_QueryData_Category x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (dirPlacesQueryBackend_QueryData_SimName x)) ; putByteString (dirPlacesQueryBackend_QueryData_SimName x);putWord32le (dirPlacesQueryBackend_QueryData_EstateID x);put (dirPlacesQueryBackend_QueryData_Godlike x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (dirPlacesQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryStart x));return () instance Binary DirPlacesReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (DirPlacesReply_AgentData x1) put x = do put (dirPlacesReply_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary DirPlacesReply_QueryData where get = do x1 <- get;return (DirPlacesReply_QueryData x1) put x = do put (dirPlacesReply_QueryData_QueryID x);return () instance Binary DirPlacesReply_QueryReplies where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5 <- getFloat32le;return (DirPlacesReply_QueryReplies x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do put (dirPlacesReply_QueryReplies_ParcelID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (dirPlacesReply_QueryReplies_Name x)) ; putByteString (dirPlacesReply_QueryReplies_Name x);put (dirPlacesReply_QueryReplies_ForSale x);put (dirPlacesReply_QueryReplies_Auction x);putFloat32le (dirPlacesReply_QueryReplies_Dwell x);return () instance Binary DirPlacesReply_StatusData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (DirPlacesReply_StatusData x1) put x = do putWord32le (dirPlacesReply_StatusData_Status x);return () instance Binary DirPeopleReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (DirPeopleReply_AgentData x1) put x = do put (dirPeopleReply_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary DirPeopleReply_QueryData where get = do x1 <- get;return (DirPeopleReply_QueryData x1) put x = do put (dirPeopleReply_QueryData_QueryID x);return () instance Binary DirPeopleReply_QueryReplies where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');x5 <- get;x6 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (DirPeopleReply_QueryReplies x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do put (dirPeopleReply_QueryReplies_AgentID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (dirPeopleReply_QueryReplies_FirstName x)) ; putByteString (dirPeopleReply_QueryReplies_FirstName x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (dirPeopleReply_QueryReplies_LastName x)) ; putByteString (dirPeopleReply_QueryReplies_LastName x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (dirPeopleReply_QueryReplies_Group x)) ; putByteString (dirPeopleReply_QueryReplies_Group x);put (dirPeopleReply_QueryReplies_Online x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (dirPeopleReply_QueryReplies_Reputation x));return () instance Binary DirEventsReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (DirEventsReply_AgentData x1) put x = do put (dirEventsReply_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary DirEventsReply_QueryData where get = do x1 <- get;return (DirEventsReply_QueryData x1) put x = do put (dirEventsReply_QueryData_QueryID x);return () instance Binary DirEventsReply_QueryReplies where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- getWord32le;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');x5 <- getWord32le;x6 <- getWord32le;return (DirEventsReply_QueryReplies x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do put (dirEventsReply_QueryReplies_OwnerID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (dirEventsReply_QueryReplies_Name x)) ; putByteString (dirEventsReply_QueryReplies_Name x);putWord32le (dirEventsReply_QueryReplies_EventID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (dirEventsReply_QueryReplies_Date x)) ; putByteString (dirEventsReply_QueryReplies_Date x);putWord32le (dirEventsReply_QueryReplies_UnixTime x);putWord32le (dirEventsReply_QueryReplies_EventFlags x);return () instance Binary DirEventsReply_StatusData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (DirEventsReply_StatusData x1) put x = do putWord32le (dirEventsReply_StatusData_Status x);return () instance Binary DirGroupsReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (DirGroupsReply_AgentData x1) put x = do put (dirGroupsReply_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary DirGroupsReply_QueryData where get = do x1 <- get;return (DirGroupsReply_QueryData x1) put x = do put (dirGroupsReply_QueryData_QueryID x);return () instance Binary DirGroupsReply_QueryReplies where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x4 <- getFloat32le;return (DirGroupsReply_QueryReplies x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (dirGroupsReply_QueryReplies_GroupID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (dirGroupsReply_QueryReplies_GroupName x)) ; putByteString (dirGroupsReply_QueryReplies_GroupName x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (dirGroupsReply_QueryReplies_Members x));putFloat32le (dirGroupsReply_QueryReplies_SearchOrder x);return () instance Binary DirClassifiedQuery_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (DirClassifiedQuery_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (dirClassifiedQuery_AgentData_AgentID x);put (dirClassifiedQuery_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary DirClassifiedQuery_QueryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- getWord32le;x5 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (DirClassifiedQuery_QueryData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do put (dirClassifiedQuery_QueryData_QueryID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (dirClassifiedQuery_QueryData_QueryText x)) ; putByteString (dirClassifiedQuery_QueryData_QueryText x);putWord32le (dirClassifiedQuery_QueryData_QueryFlags x);putWord32le (dirClassifiedQuery_QueryData_Category x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (dirClassifiedQuery_QueryData_QueryStart x));return () instance Binary DirClassifiedQueryBackend_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (DirClassifiedQueryBackend_AgentData x1) put x = do put (dirClassifiedQueryBackend_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary DirClassifiedQueryBackend_QueryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- getWord32le;x5 <- getWord32le;x6 <- get;x7 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (DirClassifiedQueryBackend_QueryData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) put x = do put (dirClassifiedQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (dirClassifiedQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryText x)) ; putByteString (dirClassifiedQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryText x);putWord32le (dirClassifiedQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryFlags x);putWord32le (dirClassifiedQueryBackend_QueryData_Category x);putWord32le (dirClassifiedQueryBackend_QueryData_EstateID x);put (dirClassifiedQueryBackend_QueryData_Godlike x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (dirClassifiedQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryStart x));return () instance Binary DirClassifiedReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (DirClassifiedReply_AgentData x1) put x = do put (dirClassifiedReply_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary DirClassifiedReply_QueryData where get = do x1 <- get;return (DirClassifiedReply_QueryData x1) put x = do put (dirClassifiedReply_QueryData_QueryID x);return () instance Binary DirClassifiedReply_QueryReplies where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- getWord8;x4 <- getWord32le;x5 <- getWord32le;x6 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (DirClassifiedReply_QueryReplies x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do put (dirClassifiedReply_QueryReplies_ClassifiedID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (dirClassifiedReply_QueryReplies_Name x)) ; putByteString (dirClassifiedReply_QueryReplies_Name x);putWord8 (dirClassifiedReply_QueryReplies_ClassifiedFlags x);putWord32le (dirClassifiedReply_QueryReplies_CreationDate x);putWord32le (dirClassifiedReply_QueryReplies_ExpirationDate x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (dirClassifiedReply_QueryReplies_PriceForListing x));return () instance Binary DirClassifiedReply_StatusData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (DirClassifiedReply_StatusData x1) put x = do putWord32le (dirClassifiedReply_StatusData_Status x);return () instance Binary AvatarClassifiedReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (AvatarClassifiedReply_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (avatarClassifiedReply_AgentData_AgentID x);put (avatarClassifiedReply_AgentData_TargetID x);return () instance Binary AvatarClassifiedReply_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');return (AvatarClassifiedReply_Data x1 x2) put x = do put (avatarClassifiedReply_Data_ClassifiedID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarClassifiedReply_Data_Name x)) ; putByteString (avatarClassifiedReply_Data_Name x);return () instance Binary ClassifiedInfoRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ClassifiedInfoRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (classifiedInfoRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (classifiedInfoRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ClassifiedInfoRequest_Data where get = do x1 <- get;return (ClassifiedInfoRequest_Data x1) put x = do put (classifiedInfoRequest_Data_ClassifiedID x);return () instance Binary ClassifiedInfoReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (ClassifiedInfoReply_AgentData x1) put x = do put (classifiedInfoReply_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary ClassifiedInfoReply_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- getWord32le;x5 <- getWord32le;x6' <- getWord8 ; x6 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x6');x7' <- getWord16le ; x7 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x7');x8 <- get;x9 <- getWord32le;x10 <- get;x11' <- getWord8 ; x11 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x11');x12'1 <- getFloat64le ; x12'2 <- getFloat64le ; x12'3 <- getFloat64le ; let {x12 = (x12'1, x12'2, x12'3) };x13' <- getWord8 ; x13 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x13');x14 <- getWord8;x15 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (ClassifiedInfoReply_Data x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15) put x = do put (classifiedInfoReply_Data_ClassifiedID x);put (classifiedInfoReply_Data_CreatorID x);putWord32le (classifiedInfoReply_Data_CreationDate x);putWord32le (classifiedInfoReply_Data_ExpirationDate x);putWord32le (classifiedInfoReply_Data_Category x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (classifiedInfoReply_Data_Name x)) ; putByteString (classifiedInfoReply_Data_Name x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (classifiedInfoReply_Data_Desc x)) ; putByteString (classifiedInfoReply_Data_Desc x);put (classifiedInfoReply_Data_ParcelID x);putWord32le (classifiedInfoReply_Data_ParentEstate x);put (classifiedInfoReply_Data_SnapshotID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (classifiedInfoReply_Data_SimName x)) ; putByteString (classifiedInfoReply_Data_SimName x);(let (a,b,c) = classifiedInfoReply_Data_PosGlobal x in putFloat64le a >> putFloat64le b >> putFloat64le c);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (classifiedInfoReply_Data_ParcelName x)) ; putByteString (classifiedInfoReply_Data_ParcelName x);putWord8 (classifiedInfoReply_Data_ClassifiedFlags x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (classifiedInfoReply_Data_PriceForListing x));return () instance Binary ClassifiedInfoUpdate_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ClassifiedInfoUpdate_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (classifiedInfoUpdate_AgentData_AgentID x);put (classifiedInfoUpdate_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ClassifiedInfoUpdate_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');x4' <- getWord16le ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');x5 <- get;x6 <- getWord32le;x7 <- get;x8'1 <- getFloat64le ; x8'2 <- getFloat64le ; x8'3 <- getFloat64le ; let {x8 = (x8'1, x8'2, x8'3) };x9 <- getWord8;x10 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (ClassifiedInfoUpdate_Data x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10) put x = do put (classifiedInfoUpdate_Data_ClassifiedID x);putWord32le (classifiedInfoUpdate_Data_Category x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (classifiedInfoUpdate_Data_Name x)) ; putByteString (classifiedInfoUpdate_Data_Name x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (classifiedInfoUpdate_Data_Desc x)) ; putByteString (classifiedInfoUpdate_Data_Desc x);put (classifiedInfoUpdate_Data_ParcelID x);putWord32le (classifiedInfoUpdate_Data_ParentEstate x);put (classifiedInfoUpdate_Data_SnapshotID x);(let (a,b,c) = classifiedInfoUpdate_Data_PosGlobal x in putFloat64le a >> putFloat64le b >> putFloat64le c);putWord8 (classifiedInfoUpdate_Data_ClassifiedFlags x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (classifiedInfoUpdate_Data_PriceForListing x));return () instance Binary ClassifiedDelete_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ClassifiedDelete_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (classifiedDelete_AgentData_AgentID x);put (classifiedDelete_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ClassifiedDelete_Data where get = do x1 <- get;return (ClassifiedDelete_Data x1) put x = do put (classifiedDelete_Data_ClassifiedID x);return () instance Binary ClassifiedGodDelete_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ClassifiedGodDelete_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (classifiedGodDelete_AgentData_AgentID x);put (classifiedGodDelete_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ClassifiedGodDelete_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ClassifiedGodDelete_Data x1 x2) put x = do put (classifiedGodDelete_Data_ClassifiedID x);put (classifiedGodDelete_Data_QueryID x);return () instance Binary DirLandQuery_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (DirLandQuery_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (dirLandQuery_AgentData_AgentID x);put (dirLandQuery_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary DirLandQuery_QueryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x5 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x6 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (DirLandQuery_QueryData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do put (dirLandQuery_QueryData_QueryID x);putWord32le (dirLandQuery_QueryData_QueryFlags x);putWord32le (dirLandQuery_QueryData_SearchType x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (dirLandQuery_QueryData_Price x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (dirLandQuery_QueryData_Area x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (dirLandQuery_QueryData_QueryStart x));return () instance Binary DirLandQueryBackend_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (DirLandQueryBackend_AgentData x1) put x = do put (dirLandQueryBackend_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary DirLandQueryBackend_QueryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x5 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x6 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x7 <- getWord32le;x8 <- get;return (DirLandQueryBackend_QueryData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) put x = do put (dirLandQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryID x);putWord32le (dirLandQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryFlags x);putWord32le (dirLandQueryBackend_QueryData_SearchType x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (dirLandQueryBackend_QueryData_Price x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (dirLandQueryBackend_QueryData_Area x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (dirLandQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryStart x));putWord32le (dirLandQueryBackend_QueryData_EstateID x);put (dirLandQueryBackend_QueryData_Godlike x);return () instance Binary DirLandReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (DirLandReply_AgentData x1) put x = do put (dirLandReply_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary DirLandReply_QueryData where get = do x1 <- get;return (DirLandReply_QueryData x1) put x = do put (dirLandReply_QueryData_QueryID x);return () instance Binary DirLandReply_QueryReplies where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x6 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (DirLandReply_QueryReplies x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do put (dirLandReply_QueryReplies_ParcelID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (dirLandReply_QueryReplies_Name x)) ; putByteString (dirLandReply_QueryReplies_Name x);put (dirLandReply_QueryReplies_Auction x);put (dirLandReply_QueryReplies_ForSale x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (dirLandReply_QueryReplies_SalePrice x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (dirLandReply_QueryReplies_ActualArea x));return () instance Binary DirPopularQuery_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (DirPopularQuery_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (dirPopularQuery_AgentData_AgentID x);put (dirPopularQuery_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary DirPopularQuery_QueryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;return (DirPopularQuery_QueryData x1 x2) put x = do put (dirPopularQuery_QueryData_QueryID x);putWord32le (dirPopularQuery_QueryData_QueryFlags x);return () instance Binary DirPopularQueryBackend_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (DirPopularQueryBackend_AgentData x1) put x = do put (dirPopularQueryBackend_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary DirPopularQueryBackend_QueryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- get;return (DirPopularQueryBackend_QueryData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (dirPopularQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryID x);putWord32le (dirPopularQueryBackend_QueryData_QueryFlags x);putWord32le (dirPopularQueryBackend_QueryData_EstateID x);put (dirPopularQueryBackend_QueryData_Godlike x);return () instance Binary DirPopularReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (DirPopularReply_AgentData x1) put x = do put (dirPopularReply_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary DirPopularReply_QueryData where get = do x1 <- get;return (DirPopularReply_QueryData x1) put x = do put (dirPopularReply_QueryData_QueryID x);return () instance Binary DirPopularReply_QueryReplies where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- getFloat32le;return (DirPopularReply_QueryReplies x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (dirPopularReply_QueryReplies_ParcelID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (dirPopularReply_QueryReplies_Name x)) ; putByteString (dirPopularReply_QueryReplies_Name x);putFloat32le (dirPopularReply_QueryReplies_Dwell x);return () instance Binary ParcelInfoRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ParcelInfoRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelInfoRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (parcelInfoRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ParcelInfoRequest_Data where get = do x1 <- get;return (ParcelInfoRequest_Data x1) put x = do put (parcelInfoRequest_Data_ParcelID x);return () instance Binary ParcelInfoReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (ParcelInfoReply_AgentData x1) put x = do put (parcelInfoReply_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary ParcelInfoReply_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');x5 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x6 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x7 <- getWord8;x8 <- getFloat32le;x9 <- getFloat32le;x10 <- getFloat32le;x11' <- getWord8 ; x11 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x11');x12 <- get;x13 <- getFloat32le;x14 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x15 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (ParcelInfoReply_Data x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15) put x = do put (parcelInfoReply_Data_ParcelID x);put (parcelInfoReply_Data_OwnerID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (parcelInfoReply_Data_Name x)) ; putByteString (parcelInfoReply_Data_Name x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (parcelInfoReply_Data_Desc x)) ; putByteString (parcelInfoReply_Data_Desc x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelInfoReply_Data_ActualArea x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelInfoReply_Data_BillableArea x));putWord8 (parcelInfoReply_Data_Flags x);putFloat32le (parcelInfoReply_Data_GlobalX x);putFloat32le (parcelInfoReply_Data_GlobalY x);putFloat32le (parcelInfoReply_Data_GlobalZ x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (parcelInfoReply_Data_SimName x)) ; putByteString (parcelInfoReply_Data_SimName x);put (parcelInfoReply_Data_SnapshotID x);putFloat32le (parcelInfoReply_Data_Dwell x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelInfoReply_Data_SalePrice x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelInfoReply_Data_AuctionID x));return () instance Binary ParcelObjectOwnersRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ParcelObjectOwnersRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelObjectOwnersRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (parcelObjectOwnersRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ParcelObjectOwnersRequest_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (ParcelObjectOwnersRequest_ParcelData x1) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelObjectOwnersRequest_ParcelData_LocalID x));return () instance Binary ParcelObjectOwnersReply_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x4 <- get;return (ParcelObjectOwnersReply_Data x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (parcelObjectOwnersReply_Data_OwnerID x);put (parcelObjectOwnersReply_Data_IsGroupOwned x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelObjectOwnersReply_Data_Count x));put (parcelObjectOwnersReply_Data_OnlineStatus x);return () instance Binary GroupNoticesListRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (GroupNoticesListRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (groupNoticesListRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (groupNoticesListRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary GroupNoticesListRequest_Data where get = do x1 <- get;return (GroupNoticesListRequest_Data x1) put x = do put (groupNoticesListRequest_Data_GroupID x);return () instance Binary GroupNoticesListReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (GroupNoticesListReply_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (groupNoticesListReply_AgentData_AgentID x);put (groupNoticesListReply_AgentData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary GroupNoticesListReply_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;x3' <- getWord16le ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');x4' <- getWord16le ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');x5 <- get;x6 <- getWord8;return (GroupNoticesListReply_Data x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do put (groupNoticesListReply_Data_NoticeID x);putWord32le (groupNoticesListReply_Data_Timestamp x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupNoticesListReply_Data_FromName x)) ; putByteString (groupNoticesListReply_Data_FromName x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupNoticesListReply_Data_Subject x)) ; putByteString (groupNoticesListReply_Data_Subject x);put (groupNoticesListReply_Data_HasAttachment x);putWord8 (groupNoticesListReply_Data_AssetType x);return () instance Binary GroupNoticeRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (GroupNoticeRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (groupNoticeRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (groupNoticeRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary GroupNoticeRequest_Data where get = do x1 <- get;return (GroupNoticeRequest_Data x1) put x = do put (groupNoticeRequest_Data_GroupNoticeID x);return () instance Binary GroupNoticeAdd_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (GroupNoticeAdd_AgentData x1) put x = do put (groupNoticeAdd_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary GroupNoticeAdd_MessageBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord8;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');x5' <- getWord16le ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');x6' <- getWord16le ; x6 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x6');return (GroupNoticeAdd_MessageBlock x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do put (groupNoticeAdd_MessageBlock_ToGroupID x);put (groupNoticeAdd_MessageBlock_ID x);putWord8 (groupNoticeAdd_MessageBlock_Dialog x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupNoticeAdd_MessageBlock_FromAgentName x)) ; putByteString (groupNoticeAdd_MessageBlock_FromAgentName x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupNoticeAdd_MessageBlock_Message x)) ; putByteString (groupNoticeAdd_MessageBlock_Message x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupNoticeAdd_MessageBlock_BinaryBucket x)) ; putByteString (groupNoticeAdd_MessageBlock_BinaryBucket x);return () instance Binary TeleportRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (TeleportRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (teleportRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (teleportRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary TeleportRequest_Info where get = do x1 <- get;x2'1 <- getFloat32le ; x2'2 <- getFloat32le ; x2'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x2 = (x2'1, x2'2, x2'3) };x3'1 <- getFloat32le ; x3'2 <- getFloat32le ; x3'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x3 = (x3'1, x3'2, x3'3) };return (TeleportRequest_Info x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (teleportRequest_Info_RegionID x);(let (a,b,c) = teleportRequest_Info_Position x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = teleportRequest_Info_LookAt x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);return () instance Binary TeleportLocationRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (TeleportLocationRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (teleportLocationRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (teleportLocationRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary TeleportLocationRequest_Info where get = do x1 <- getWord64le;x2'1 <- getFloat32le ; x2'2 <- getFloat32le ; x2'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x2 = (x2'1, x2'2, x2'3) };x3'1 <- getFloat32le ; x3'2 <- getFloat32le ; x3'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x3 = (x3'1, x3'2, x3'3) };return (TeleportLocationRequest_Info x1 x2 x3) put x = do putWord64le (teleportLocationRequest_Info_RegionHandle x);(let (a,b,c) = teleportLocationRequest_Info_Position x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = teleportLocationRequest_Info_LookAt x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);return () instance Binary TeleportLocal_Info where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;x3'1 <- getFloat32le ; x3'2 <- getFloat32le ; x3'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x3 = (x3'1, x3'2, x3'3) };x4'1 <- getFloat32le ; x4'2 <- getFloat32le ; x4'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x4 = (x4'1, x4'2, x4'3) };x5 <- getWord32le;return (TeleportLocal_Info x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do put (teleportLocal_Info_AgentID x);putWord32le (teleportLocal_Info_LocationID x);(let (a,b,c) = teleportLocal_Info_Position x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = teleportLocal_Info_LookAt x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);putWord32le (teleportLocal_Info_TeleportFlags x);return () instance Binary TeleportLandmarkRequest_Info where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (TeleportLandmarkRequest_Info x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (teleportLandmarkRequest_Info_AgentID x);put (teleportLandmarkRequest_Info_SessionID x);put (teleportLandmarkRequest_Info_LandmarkID x);return () instance Binary TeleportProgress_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (TeleportProgress_AgentData x1) put x = do put (teleportProgress_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary TeleportProgress_Info where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');return (TeleportProgress_Info x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (teleportProgress_Info_TeleportFlags x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (teleportProgress_Info_Message x)) ; putByteString (teleportProgress_Info_Message x);return () instance Binary DataHomeLocationRequest_Info where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;return (DataHomeLocationRequest_Info x1 x2) put x = do put (dataHomeLocationRequest_Info_AgentID x);putWord32le (dataHomeLocationRequest_Info_KickedFromEstateID x);return () instance Binary DataHomeLocationRequest_AgentInfo where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (DataHomeLocationRequest_AgentInfo x1) put x = do putWord32le (dataHomeLocationRequest_AgentInfo_AgentEffectiveMaturity x);return () instance Binary DataHomeLocationReply_Info where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord64le;x3'1 <- getFloat32le ; x3'2 <- getFloat32le ; x3'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x3 = (x3'1, x3'2, x3'3) };x4'1 <- getFloat32le ; x4'2 <- getFloat32le ; x4'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x4 = (x4'1, x4'2, x4'3) };return (DataHomeLocationReply_Info x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (dataHomeLocationReply_Info_AgentID x);putWord64le (dataHomeLocationReply_Info_RegionHandle x);(let (a,b,c) = dataHomeLocationReply_Info_Position x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = dataHomeLocationReply_Info_LookAt x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);return () instance Binary TeleportFinish_Info where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- replicateM 4 getWord8;x4 <- getWord16le;x5 <- getWord64le;x6' <- getWord16le ; x6 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x6');x7 <- getWord8;x8 <- getWord32le;return (TeleportFinish_Info x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) put x = do put (teleportFinish_Info_AgentID x);putWord32le (teleportFinish_Info_LocationID x);mapM_ put (teleportFinish_Info_SimIP x);putWord16le (teleportFinish_Info_SimPort x);putWord64le (teleportFinish_Info_RegionHandle x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (teleportFinish_Info_SeedCapability x)) ; putByteString (teleportFinish_Info_SeedCapability x);putWord8 (teleportFinish_Info_SimAccess x);putWord32le (teleportFinish_Info_TeleportFlags x);return () instance Binary StartLure_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (StartLure_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (startLure_AgentData_AgentID x);put (startLure_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary StartLure_Info where get = do x1 <- getWord8;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');return (StartLure_Info x1 x2) put x = do putWord8 (startLure_Info_LureType x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (startLure_Info_Message x)) ; putByteString (startLure_Info_Message x);return () instance Binary StartLure_TargetData where get = do x1 <- get;return (StartLure_TargetData x1) put x = do put (startLure_TargetData_TargetID x);return () instance Binary TeleportLureRequest_Info where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- getWord32le;return (TeleportLureRequest_Info x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (teleportLureRequest_Info_AgentID x);put (teleportLureRequest_Info_SessionID x);put (teleportLureRequest_Info_LureID x);putWord32le (teleportLureRequest_Info_TeleportFlags x);return () instance Binary TeleportCancel_Info where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (TeleportCancel_Info x1 x2) put x = do put (teleportCancel_Info_AgentID x);put (teleportCancel_Info_SessionID x);return () instance Binary TeleportStart_Info where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (TeleportStart_Info x1) put x = do putWord32le (teleportStart_Info_TeleportFlags x);return () instance Binary TeleportFailed_Info where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');return (TeleportFailed_Info x1 x2) put x = do put (teleportFailed_Info_AgentID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (teleportFailed_Info_Reason x)) ; putByteString (teleportFailed_Info_Reason x);return () instance Binary TeleportFailed_AlertInfo where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');return (TeleportFailed_AlertInfo x1 x2) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (teleportFailed_AlertInfo_Message x)) ; putByteString (teleportFailed_AlertInfo_Message x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (teleportFailed_AlertInfo_ExtraParams x)) ; putByteString (teleportFailed_AlertInfo_ExtraParams x);return () instance Binary Undo_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (Undo_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (undo_AgentData_AgentID x);put (undo_AgentData_SessionID x);put (undo_AgentData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary Undo_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- get;return (Undo_ObjectData x1) put x = do put (undo_ObjectData_ObjectID x);return () instance Binary Redo_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (Redo_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (redo_AgentData_AgentID x);put (redo_AgentData_SessionID x);put (redo_AgentData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary Redo_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- get;return (Redo_ObjectData x1) put x = do put (redo_ObjectData_ObjectID x);return () instance Binary UndoLand_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (UndoLand_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (undoLand_AgentData_AgentID x);put (undoLand_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary AgentPause_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord32le;return (AgentPause_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (agentPause_AgentData_AgentID x);put (agentPause_AgentData_SessionID x);putWord32le (agentPause_AgentData_SerialNum x);return () instance Binary AgentResume_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord32le;return (AgentResume_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (agentResume_AgentData_AgentID x);put (agentResume_AgentData_SessionID x);putWord32le (agentResume_AgentData_SerialNum x);return () instance Binary AgentUpdate_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3'1 <- getFloat32le ; x3'2 <- getFloat32le ; x3'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x3 = (x3'1, x3'2, x3'3, sqrt (abs (1 - x3'1^2 - x3'2^2 - x3'3^2))) };x4'1 <- getFloat32le ; x4'2 <- getFloat32le ; x4'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x4 = (x4'1, x4'2, x4'3, sqrt (abs (1 - x4'1^2 - x4'2^2 - x4'3^2))) };x5 <- getWord8;x6'1 <- getFloat32le ; x6'2 <- getFloat32le ; x6'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x6 = (x6'1, x6'2, x6'3) };x7'1 <- getFloat32le ; x7'2 <- getFloat32le ; x7'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x7 = (x7'1, x7'2, x7'3) };x8'1 <- getFloat32le ; x8'2 <- getFloat32le ; x8'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x8 = (x8'1, x8'2, x8'3) };x9'1 <- getFloat32le ; x9'2 <- getFloat32le ; x9'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x9 = (x9'1, x9'2, x9'3) };x10 <- getFloat32le;x11 <- getWord32le;x12 <- getWord8;return (AgentUpdate_AgentData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12) put x = do put (agentUpdate_AgentData_AgentID x);put (agentUpdate_AgentData_SessionID x);(let (a,b,c,d) = agentUpdate_AgentData_BodyRotation x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c,d) = agentUpdate_AgentData_HeadRotation x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);putWord8 (agentUpdate_AgentData_State x);(let (a,b,c) = agentUpdate_AgentData_CameraCenter x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = agentUpdate_AgentData_CameraAtAxis x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = agentUpdate_AgentData_CameraLeftAxis x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = agentUpdate_AgentData_CameraUpAxis x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);putFloat32le (agentUpdate_AgentData_Far x);putWord32le (agentUpdate_AgentData_ControlFlags x);putWord8 (agentUpdate_AgentData_Flags x);return () instance Binary ChatFromViewer_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ChatFromViewer_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (chatFromViewer_AgentData_AgentID x);put (chatFromViewer_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ChatFromViewer_ChatData where get = do x1' <- getWord16le ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2 <- getWord8;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (ChatFromViewer_ChatData x1 x2 x3) put x = do putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (chatFromViewer_ChatData_Message x)) ; putByteString (chatFromViewer_ChatData_Message x);putWord8 (chatFromViewer_ChatData_Type x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (chatFromViewer_ChatData_Channel x));return () instance Binary AgentThrottle_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord32le;return (AgentThrottle_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (agentThrottle_AgentData_AgentID x);put (agentThrottle_AgentData_SessionID x);putWord32le (agentThrottle_AgentData_CircuitCode x);return () instance Binary AgentThrottle_Throttle where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');return (AgentThrottle_Throttle x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (agentThrottle_Throttle_GenCounter x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (agentThrottle_Throttle_Throttles x)) ; putByteString (agentThrottle_Throttle_Throttles x);return () instance Binary AgentFOV_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord32le;return (AgentFOV_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (agentFOV_AgentData_AgentID x);put (agentFOV_AgentData_SessionID x);putWord32le (agentFOV_AgentData_CircuitCode x);return () instance Binary AgentFOV_FOVBlock where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getFloat32le;return (AgentFOV_FOVBlock x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (agentFOV_FOVBlock_GenCounter x);putFloat32le (agentFOV_FOVBlock_VerticalAngle x);return () instance Binary AgentHeightWidth_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord32le;return (AgentHeightWidth_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (agentHeightWidth_AgentData_AgentID x);put (agentHeightWidth_AgentData_SessionID x);putWord32le (agentHeightWidth_AgentData_CircuitCode x);return () instance Binary AgentHeightWidth_HeightWidthBlock where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord16le;x3 <- getWord16le;return (AgentHeightWidth_HeightWidthBlock x1 x2 x3) put x = do putWord32le (agentHeightWidth_HeightWidthBlock_GenCounter x);putWord16le (agentHeightWidth_HeightWidthBlock_Height x);putWord16le (agentHeightWidth_HeightWidthBlock_Width x);return () instance Binary AgentSetAppearance_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord32le;x4'1 <- getFloat32le ; x4'2 <- getFloat32le ; x4'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x4 = (x4'1, x4'2, x4'3) };return (AgentSetAppearance_AgentData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (agentSetAppearance_AgentData_AgentID x);put (agentSetAppearance_AgentData_SessionID x);putWord32le (agentSetAppearance_AgentData_SerialNum x);(let (a,b,c) = agentSetAppearance_AgentData_Size x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);return () instance Binary AgentSetAppearance_WearableData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord8;return (AgentSetAppearance_WearableData x1 x2) put x = do put (agentSetAppearance_WearableData_CacheID x);putWord8 (agentSetAppearance_WearableData_TextureIndex x);return () instance Binary AgentSetAppearance_ObjectData where get = do x1' <- getWord16le ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');return (AgentSetAppearance_ObjectData x1) put x = do putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (agentSetAppearance_ObjectData_TextureEntry x)) ; putByteString (agentSetAppearance_ObjectData_TextureEntry x);return () instance Binary AgentSetAppearance_VisualParam where get = do x1 <- getWord8;return (AgentSetAppearance_VisualParam x1) put x = do putWord8 (agentSetAppearance_VisualParam_ParamValue x);return () instance Binary AgentAnimation_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (AgentAnimation_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (agentAnimation_AgentData_AgentID x);put (agentAnimation_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary AgentAnimation_AnimationList where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (AgentAnimation_AnimationList x1 x2) put x = do put (agentAnimation_AnimationList_AnimID x);put (agentAnimation_AnimationList_StartAnim x);return () instance Binary AgentAnimation_PhysicalAvatarEventList where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');return (AgentAnimation_PhysicalAvatarEventList x1) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (agentAnimation_PhysicalAvatarEventList_TypeData x)) ; putByteString (agentAnimation_PhysicalAvatarEventList_TypeData x);return () instance Binary AgentRequestSit_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (AgentRequestSit_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (agentRequestSit_AgentData_AgentID x);put (agentRequestSit_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary AgentRequestSit_TargetObject where get = do x1 <- get;x2'1 <- getFloat32le ; x2'2 <- getFloat32le ; x2'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x2 = (x2'1, x2'2, x2'3) };return (AgentRequestSit_TargetObject x1 x2) put x = do put (agentRequestSit_TargetObject_TargetID x);(let (a,b,c) = agentRequestSit_TargetObject_Offset x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);return () instance Binary AgentSit_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (AgentSit_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (agentSit_AgentData_AgentID x);put (agentSit_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary AgentQuitCopy_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (AgentQuitCopy_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (agentQuitCopy_AgentData_AgentID x);put (agentQuitCopy_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary AgentQuitCopy_FuseBlock where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (AgentQuitCopy_FuseBlock x1) put x = do putWord32le (agentQuitCopy_FuseBlock_ViewerCircuitCode x);return () instance Binary RequestImage_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (RequestImage_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (requestImage_AgentData_AgentID x);put (requestImage_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary RequestImage_RequestImage where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x3 <- getFloat32le;x4 <- getWord32le;x5 <- getWord8;return (RequestImage_RequestImage x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do put (requestImage_RequestImage_Image x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (requestImage_RequestImage_DiscardLevel x));putFloat32le (requestImage_RequestImage_DownloadPriority x);putWord32le (requestImage_RequestImage_Packet x);putWord8 (requestImage_RequestImage_Type x);return () instance Binary ImageNotInDatabase_ImageID where get = do x1 <- get;return (ImageNotInDatabase_ImageID x1) put x = do put (imageNotInDatabase_ImageID_ID x);return () instance Binary RebakeAvatarTextures_TextureData where get = do x1 <- get;return (RebakeAvatarTextures_TextureData x1) put x = do put (rebakeAvatarTextures_TextureData_TextureID x);return () instance Binary SetAlwaysRun_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (SetAlwaysRun_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (setAlwaysRun_AgentData_AgentID x);put (setAlwaysRun_AgentData_SessionID x);put (setAlwaysRun_AgentData_AlwaysRun x);return () instance Binary ObjectAdd_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (ObjectAdd_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (objectAdd_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectAdd_AgentData_SessionID x);put (objectAdd_AgentData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary ObjectAdd_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord8;x2 <- getWord8;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- getWord8;x5 <- getWord8;x6 <- getWord16le;x7 <- getWord16le;x8 <- getWord8;x9 <- getWord8;x10 <- getWord8;x11 <- getWord8;x12 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x13 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x14 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x15 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x16 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x17 <- getWord8;x18 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x19 <- getWord16le;x20 <- getWord16le;x21 <- getWord16le;x22 <- getWord8;x23'1 <- getFloat32le ; x23'2 <- getFloat32le ; x23'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x23 = (x23'1, x23'2, x23'3) };x24'1 <- getFloat32le ; x24'2 <- getFloat32le ; x24'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x24 = (x24'1, x24'2, x24'3) };x25 <- get;x26 <- getWord8;x27'1 <- getFloat32le ; x27'2 <- getFloat32le ; x27'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x27 = (x27'1, x27'2, x27'3) };x28'1 <- getFloat32le ; x28'2 <- getFloat32le ; x28'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x28 = (x28'1, x28'2, x28'3, sqrt (abs (1 - x28'1^2 - x28'2^2 - x28'3^2))) };x29 <- getWord8;return (ObjectAdd_ObjectData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23 x24 x25 x26 x27 x28 x29) put x = do putWord8 (objectAdd_ObjectData_PCode x);putWord8 (objectAdd_ObjectData_Material x);putWord32le (objectAdd_ObjectData_AddFlags x);putWord8 (objectAdd_ObjectData_PathCurve x);putWord8 (objectAdd_ObjectData_ProfileCurve x);putWord16le (objectAdd_ObjectData_PathBegin x);putWord16le (objectAdd_ObjectData_PathEnd x);putWord8 (objectAdd_ObjectData_PathScaleX x);putWord8 (objectAdd_ObjectData_PathScaleY x);putWord8 (objectAdd_ObjectData_PathShearX x);putWord8 (objectAdd_ObjectData_PathShearY x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (objectAdd_ObjectData_PathTwist x));putWord8 (fromIntegral (objectAdd_ObjectData_PathTwistBegin x));putWord8 (fromIntegral (objectAdd_ObjectData_PathRadiusOffset x));putWord8 (fromIntegral (objectAdd_ObjectData_PathTaperX x));putWord8 (fromIntegral (objectAdd_ObjectData_PathTaperY x));putWord8 (objectAdd_ObjectData_PathRevolutions x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (objectAdd_ObjectData_PathSkew x));putWord16le (objectAdd_ObjectData_ProfileBegin x);putWord16le (objectAdd_ObjectData_ProfileEnd x);putWord16le (objectAdd_ObjectData_ProfileHollow x);putWord8 (objectAdd_ObjectData_BypassRaycast x);(let (a,b,c) = objectAdd_ObjectData_RayStart x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = objectAdd_ObjectData_RayEnd x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);put (objectAdd_ObjectData_RayTargetID x);putWord8 (objectAdd_ObjectData_RayEndIsIntersection x);(let (a,b,c) = objectAdd_ObjectData_Scale x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c,d) = objectAdd_ObjectData_Rotation x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);putWord8 (objectAdd_ObjectData_State x);return () instance Binary ObjectDelete_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (ObjectDelete_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (objectDelete_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectDelete_AgentData_SessionID x);put (objectDelete_AgentData_Force x);return () instance Binary ObjectDelete_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (ObjectDelete_ObjectData x1) put x = do putWord32le (objectDelete_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID x);return () instance Binary ObjectDuplicate_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (ObjectDuplicate_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (objectDuplicate_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectDuplicate_AgentData_SessionID x);put (objectDuplicate_AgentData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary ObjectDuplicate_SharedData where get = do x1'1 <- getFloat32le ; x1'2 <- getFloat32le ; x1'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x1 = (x1'1, x1'2, x1'3) };x2 <- getWord32le;return (ObjectDuplicate_SharedData x1 x2) put x = do (let (a,b,c) = objectDuplicate_SharedData_Offset x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);putWord32le (objectDuplicate_SharedData_DuplicateFlags x);return () instance Binary ObjectDuplicate_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (ObjectDuplicate_ObjectData x1) put x = do putWord32le (objectDuplicate_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID x);return () instance Binary ObjectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4'1 <- getFloat32le ; x4'2 <- getFloat32le ; x4'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x4 = (x4'1, x4'2, x4'3) };x5'1 <- getFloat32le ; x5'2 <- getFloat32le ; x5'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x5 = (x5'1, x5'2, x5'3) };x6 <- get;x7 <- get;x8 <- get;x9 <- get;x10 <- get;x11 <- getWord32le;return (ObjectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11) put x = do put (objectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData_SessionID x);put (objectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData_GroupID x);(let (a,b,c) = objectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData_RayStart x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = objectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData_RayEnd x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);put (objectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData_BypassRaycast x);put (objectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData_RayEndIsIntersection x);put (objectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData_CopyCenters x);put (objectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData_CopyRotates x);put (objectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData_RayTargetID x);putWord32le (objectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData_DuplicateFlags x);return () instance Binary ObjectDuplicateOnRay_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (ObjectDuplicateOnRay_ObjectData x1) put x = do putWord32le (objectDuplicateOnRay_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID x);return () instance Binary MultipleObjectUpdate_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (MultipleObjectUpdate_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (multipleObjectUpdate_AgentData_AgentID x);put (multipleObjectUpdate_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary MultipleObjectUpdate_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord8;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');return (MultipleObjectUpdate_ObjectData x1 x2 x3) put x = do putWord32le (multipleObjectUpdate_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID x);putWord8 (multipleObjectUpdate_ObjectData_Type x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (multipleObjectUpdate_ObjectData_Data x)) ; putByteString (multipleObjectUpdate_ObjectData_Data x);return () instance Binary RequestMultipleObjects_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (RequestMultipleObjects_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (requestMultipleObjects_AgentData_AgentID x);put (requestMultipleObjects_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary RequestMultipleObjects_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord8;x2 <- getWord32le;return (RequestMultipleObjects_ObjectData x1 x2) put x = do putWord8 (requestMultipleObjects_ObjectData_CacheMissType x);putWord32le (requestMultipleObjects_ObjectData_ID x);return () instance Binary ObjectPosition_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectPosition_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectPosition_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectPosition_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectPosition_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2'1 <- getFloat32le ; x2'2 <- getFloat32le ; x2'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x2 = (x2'1, x2'2, x2'3) };return (ObjectPosition_ObjectData x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (objectPosition_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID x);(let (a,b,c) = objectPosition_ObjectData_Position x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);return () instance Binary ObjectScale_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectScale_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectScale_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectScale_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectScale_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2'1 <- getFloat32le ; x2'2 <- getFloat32le ; x2'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x2 = (x2'1, x2'2, x2'3) };return (ObjectScale_ObjectData x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (objectScale_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID x);(let (a,b,c) = objectScale_ObjectData_Scale x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);return () instance Binary ObjectRotation_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectRotation_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectRotation_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectRotation_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectRotation_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2'1 <- getFloat32le ; x2'2 <- getFloat32le ; x2'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x2 = (x2'1, x2'2, x2'3, sqrt (abs (1 - x2'1^2 - x2'2^2 - x2'3^2))) };return (ObjectRotation_ObjectData x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (objectRotation_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID x);(let (a,b,c,d) = objectRotation_ObjectData_Rotation x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);return () instance Binary ObjectFlagUpdate_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- get;x5 <- get;x6 <- get;x7 <- get;return (ObjectFlagUpdate_AgentData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) put x = do put (objectFlagUpdate_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectFlagUpdate_AgentData_SessionID x);putWord32le (objectFlagUpdate_AgentData_ObjectLocalID x);put (objectFlagUpdate_AgentData_UsePhysics x);put (objectFlagUpdate_AgentData_IsTemporary x);put (objectFlagUpdate_AgentData_IsPhantom x);put (objectFlagUpdate_AgentData_CastsShadows x);return () instance Binary ObjectClickAction_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectClickAction_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectClickAction_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectClickAction_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectClickAction_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord8;return (ObjectClickAction_ObjectData x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (objectClickAction_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID x);putWord8 (objectClickAction_ObjectData_ClickAction x);return () instance Binary ObjectImage_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectImage_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectImage_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectImage_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectImage_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3' <- getWord16le ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');return (ObjectImage_ObjectData x1 x2 x3) put x = do putWord32le (objectImage_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (objectImage_ObjectData_MediaURL x)) ; putByteString (objectImage_ObjectData_MediaURL x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (objectImage_ObjectData_TextureEntry x)) ; putByteString (objectImage_ObjectData_TextureEntry x);return () instance Binary ObjectMaterial_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectMaterial_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectMaterial_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectMaterial_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectMaterial_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord8;return (ObjectMaterial_ObjectData x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (objectMaterial_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID x);putWord8 (objectMaterial_ObjectData_Material x);return () instance Binary ObjectShape_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectShape_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectShape_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectShape_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectShape_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord8;x3 <- getWord8;x4 <- getWord16le;x5 <- getWord16le;x6 <- getWord8;x7 <- getWord8;x8 <- getWord8;x9 <- getWord8;x10 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x11 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x12 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x13 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x14 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x15 <- getWord8;x16 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x17 <- getWord16le;x18 <- getWord16le;x19 <- getWord16le;return (ObjectShape_ObjectData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19) put x = do putWord32le (objectShape_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID x);putWord8 (objectShape_ObjectData_PathCurve x);putWord8 (objectShape_ObjectData_ProfileCurve x);putWord16le (objectShape_ObjectData_PathBegin x);putWord16le (objectShape_ObjectData_PathEnd x);putWord8 (objectShape_ObjectData_PathScaleX x);putWord8 (objectShape_ObjectData_PathScaleY x);putWord8 (objectShape_ObjectData_PathShearX x);putWord8 (objectShape_ObjectData_PathShearY x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (objectShape_ObjectData_PathTwist x));putWord8 (fromIntegral (objectShape_ObjectData_PathTwistBegin x));putWord8 (fromIntegral (objectShape_ObjectData_PathRadiusOffset x));putWord8 (fromIntegral (objectShape_ObjectData_PathTaperX x));putWord8 (fromIntegral (objectShape_ObjectData_PathTaperY x));putWord8 (objectShape_ObjectData_PathRevolutions x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (objectShape_ObjectData_PathSkew x));putWord16le (objectShape_ObjectData_ProfileBegin x);putWord16le (objectShape_ObjectData_ProfileEnd x);putWord16le (objectShape_ObjectData_ProfileHollow x);return () instance Binary ObjectExtraParams_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectExtraParams_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectExtraParams_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectExtraParams_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectExtraParams_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord16le;x3 <- get;x4 <- getWord32le;x5' <- getWord8 ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');return (ObjectExtraParams_ObjectData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do putWord32le (objectExtraParams_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID x);putWord16le (objectExtraParams_ObjectData_ParamType x);put (objectExtraParams_ObjectData_ParamInUse x);putWord32le (objectExtraParams_ObjectData_ParamSize x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (objectExtraParams_ObjectData_ParamData x)) ; putByteString (objectExtraParams_ObjectData_ParamData x);return () instance Binary ObjectOwner_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectOwner_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectOwner_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectOwner_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectOwner_HeaderData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (ObjectOwner_HeaderData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (objectOwner_HeaderData_Override x);put (objectOwner_HeaderData_OwnerID x);put (objectOwner_HeaderData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary ObjectOwner_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (ObjectOwner_ObjectData x1) put x = do putWord32le (objectOwner_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID x);return () instance Binary ObjectGroup_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (ObjectGroup_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (objectGroup_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectGroup_AgentData_SessionID x);put (objectGroup_AgentData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary ObjectGroup_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (ObjectGroup_ObjectData x1) put x = do putWord32le (objectGroup_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID x);return () instance Binary ObjectBuy_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;return (ObjectBuy_AgentData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (objectBuy_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectBuy_AgentData_SessionID x);put (objectBuy_AgentData_GroupID x);put (objectBuy_AgentData_CategoryID x);return () instance Binary ObjectBuy_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord8;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (ObjectBuy_ObjectData x1 x2 x3) put x = do putWord32le (objectBuy_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID x);putWord8 (objectBuy_ObjectData_SaleType x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (objectBuy_ObjectData_SalePrice x));return () instance Binary BuyObjectInventory_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (BuyObjectInventory_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (buyObjectInventory_AgentData_AgentID x);put (buyObjectInventory_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary BuyObjectInventory_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (BuyObjectInventory_Data x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (buyObjectInventory_Data_ObjectID x);put (buyObjectInventory_Data_ItemID x);put (buyObjectInventory_Data_FolderID x);return () instance Binary DerezContainer_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (DerezContainer_Data x1 x2) put x = do put (derezContainer_Data_ObjectID x);put (derezContainer_Data_Delete x);return () instance Binary ObjectPermissions_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectPermissions_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectPermissions_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectPermissions_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectPermissions_HeaderData where get = do x1 <- get;return (ObjectPermissions_HeaderData x1) put x = do put (objectPermissions_HeaderData_Override x);return () instance Binary ObjectPermissions_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord8;x3 <- getWord8;x4 <- getWord32le;return (ObjectPermissions_ObjectData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do putWord32le (objectPermissions_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID x);putWord8 (objectPermissions_ObjectData_Field x);putWord8 (objectPermissions_ObjectData_Set x);putWord32le (objectPermissions_ObjectData_Mask x);return () instance Binary ObjectSaleInfo_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectSaleInfo_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectSaleInfo_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectSaleInfo_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectSaleInfo_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord8;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (ObjectSaleInfo_ObjectData x1 x2 x3) put x = do putWord32le (objectSaleInfo_ObjectData_LocalID x);putWord8 (objectSaleInfo_ObjectData_SaleType x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (objectSaleInfo_ObjectData_SalePrice x));return () instance Binary ObjectName_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectName_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectName_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectName_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectName_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');return (ObjectName_ObjectData x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (objectName_ObjectData_LocalID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (objectName_ObjectData_Name x)) ; putByteString (objectName_ObjectData_Name x);return () instance Binary ObjectDescription_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectDescription_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectDescription_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectDescription_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectDescription_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');return (ObjectDescription_ObjectData x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (objectDescription_ObjectData_LocalID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (objectDescription_ObjectData_Description x)) ; putByteString (objectDescription_ObjectData_Description x);return () instance Binary ObjectCategory_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectCategory_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectCategory_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectCategory_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectCategory_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord32le;return (ObjectCategory_ObjectData x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (objectCategory_ObjectData_LocalID x);putWord32le (objectCategory_ObjectData_Category x);return () instance Binary ObjectSelect_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectSelect_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectSelect_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectSelect_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectSelect_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (ObjectSelect_ObjectData x1) put x = do putWord32le (objectSelect_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID x);return () instance Binary ObjectDeselect_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectDeselect_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectDeselect_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectDeselect_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectDeselect_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (ObjectDeselect_ObjectData x1) put x = do putWord32le (objectDeselect_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID x);return () instance Binary ObjectAttach_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord8;return (ObjectAttach_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (objectAttach_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectAttach_AgentData_SessionID x);putWord8 (objectAttach_AgentData_AttachmentPoint x);return () instance Binary ObjectAttach_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2'1 <- getFloat32le ; x2'2 <- getFloat32le ; x2'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x2 = (x2'1, x2'2, x2'3, sqrt (abs (1 - x2'1^2 - x2'2^2 - x2'3^2))) };return (ObjectAttach_ObjectData x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (objectAttach_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID x);(let (a,b,c,d) = objectAttach_ObjectData_Rotation x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);return () instance Binary ObjectDetach_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectDetach_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectDetach_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectDetach_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectDetach_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (ObjectDetach_ObjectData x1) put x = do putWord32le (objectDetach_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID x);return () instance Binary ObjectDrop_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectDrop_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectDrop_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectDrop_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectDrop_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (ObjectDrop_ObjectData x1) put x = do putWord32le (objectDrop_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID x);return () instance Binary ObjectLink_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectLink_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectLink_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectLink_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectLink_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (ObjectLink_ObjectData x1) put x = do putWord32le (objectLink_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID x);return () instance Binary ObjectDelink_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectDelink_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectDelink_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectDelink_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectDelink_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (ObjectDelink_ObjectData x1) put x = do putWord32le (objectDelink_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID x);return () instance Binary ObjectGrab_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectGrab_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectGrab_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectGrab_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectGrab_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2'1 <- getFloat32le ; x2'2 <- getFloat32le ; x2'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x2 = (x2'1, x2'2, x2'3) };return (ObjectGrab_ObjectData x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (objectGrab_ObjectData_LocalID x);(let (a,b,c) = objectGrab_ObjectData_GrabOffset x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);return () instance Binary ObjectGrab_SurfaceInfo where get = do x1'1 <- getFloat32le ; x1'2 <- getFloat32le ; x1'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x1 = (x1'1, x1'2, x1'3) };x2'1 <- getFloat32le ; x2'2 <- getFloat32le ; x2'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x2 = (x2'1, x2'2, x2'3) };x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x4'1 <- getFloat32le ; x4'2 <- getFloat32le ; x4'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x4 = (x4'1, x4'2, x4'3) };x5'1 <- getFloat32le ; x5'2 <- getFloat32le ; x5'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x5 = (x5'1, x5'2, x5'3) };x6'1 <- getFloat32le ; x6'2 <- getFloat32le ; x6'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x6 = (x6'1, x6'2, x6'3) };return (ObjectGrab_SurfaceInfo x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do (let (a,b,c) = objectGrab_SurfaceInfo_UVCoord x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = objectGrab_SurfaceInfo_STCoord x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);putWord32le (fromIntegral (objectGrab_SurfaceInfo_FaceIndex x));(let (a,b,c) = objectGrab_SurfaceInfo_Position x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = objectGrab_SurfaceInfo_Normal x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = objectGrab_SurfaceInfo_Binormal x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);return () instance Binary ObjectGrabUpdate_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectGrabUpdate_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectGrabUpdate_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectGrabUpdate_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectGrabUpdate_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- get;x2'1 <- getFloat32le ; x2'2 <- getFloat32le ; x2'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x2 = (x2'1, x2'2, x2'3) };x3'1 <- getFloat32le ; x3'2 <- getFloat32le ; x3'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x3 = (x3'1, x3'2, x3'3) };x4 <- getWord32le;return (ObjectGrabUpdate_ObjectData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (objectGrabUpdate_ObjectData_ObjectID x);(let (a,b,c) = objectGrabUpdate_ObjectData_GrabOffsetInitial x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = objectGrabUpdate_ObjectData_GrabPosition x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);putWord32le (objectGrabUpdate_ObjectData_TimeSinceLast x);return () instance Binary ObjectGrabUpdate_SurfaceInfo where get = do x1'1 <- getFloat32le ; x1'2 <- getFloat32le ; x1'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x1 = (x1'1, x1'2, x1'3) };x2'1 <- getFloat32le ; x2'2 <- getFloat32le ; x2'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x2 = (x2'1, x2'2, x2'3) };x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x4'1 <- getFloat32le ; x4'2 <- getFloat32le ; x4'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x4 = (x4'1, x4'2, x4'3) };x5'1 <- getFloat32le ; x5'2 <- getFloat32le ; x5'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x5 = (x5'1, x5'2, x5'3) };x6'1 <- getFloat32le ; x6'2 <- getFloat32le ; x6'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x6 = (x6'1, x6'2, x6'3) };return (ObjectGrabUpdate_SurfaceInfo x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do (let (a,b,c) = objectGrabUpdate_SurfaceInfo_UVCoord x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = objectGrabUpdate_SurfaceInfo_STCoord x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);putWord32le (fromIntegral (objectGrabUpdate_SurfaceInfo_FaceIndex x));(let (a,b,c) = objectGrabUpdate_SurfaceInfo_Position x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = objectGrabUpdate_SurfaceInfo_Normal x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = objectGrabUpdate_SurfaceInfo_Binormal x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);return () instance Binary ObjectDeGrab_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectDeGrab_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectDeGrab_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectDeGrab_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectDeGrab_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (ObjectDeGrab_ObjectData x1) put x = do putWord32le (objectDeGrab_ObjectData_LocalID x);return () instance Binary ObjectDeGrab_SurfaceInfo where get = do x1'1 <- getFloat32le ; x1'2 <- getFloat32le ; x1'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x1 = (x1'1, x1'2, x1'3) };x2'1 <- getFloat32le ; x2'2 <- getFloat32le ; x2'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x2 = (x2'1, x2'2, x2'3) };x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x4'1 <- getFloat32le ; x4'2 <- getFloat32le ; x4'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x4 = (x4'1, x4'2, x4'3) };x5'1 <- getFloat32le ; x5'2 <- getFloat32le ; x5'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x5 = (x5'1, x5'2, x5'3) };x6'1 <- getFloat32le ; x6'2 <- getFloat32le ; x6'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x6 = (x6'1, x6'2, x6'3) };return (ObjectDeGrab_SurfaceInfo x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do (let (a,b,c) = objectDeGrab_SurfaceInfo_UVCoord x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = objectDeGrab_SurfaceInfo_STCoord x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);putWord32le (fromIntegral (objectDeGrab_SurfaceInfo_FaceIndex x));(let (a,b,c) = objectDeGrab_SurfaceInfo_Position x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = objectDeGrab_SurfaceInfo_Normal x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = objectDeGrab_SurfaceInfo_Binormal x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);return () instance Binary ObjectSpinStart_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectSpinStart_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectSpinStart_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectSpinStart_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectSpinStart_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- get;return (ObjectSpinStart_ObjectData x1) put x = do put (objectSpinStart_ObjectData_ObjectID x);return () instance Binary ObjectSpinUpdate_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectSpinUpdate_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectSpinUpdate_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectSpinUpdate_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectSpinUpdate_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- get;x2'1 <- getFloat32le ; x2'2 <- getFloat32le ; x2'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x2 = (x2'1, x2'2, x2'3, sqrt (abs (1 - x2'1^2 - x2'2^2 - x2'3^2))) };return (ObjectSpinUpdate_ObjectData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectSpinUpdate_ObjectData_ObjectID x);(let (a,b,c,d) = objectSpinUpdate_ObjectData_Rotation x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);return () instance Binary ObjectSpinStop_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectSpinStop_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectSpinStop_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectSpinStop_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectSpinStop_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- get;return (ObjectSpinStop_ObjectData x1) put x = do put (objectSpinStop_ObjectData_ObjectID x);return () instance Binary ObjectExportSelected_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord16le;return (ObjectExportSelected_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (objectExportSelected_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectExportSelected_AgentData_RequestID x);putWord16le (fromIntegral (objectExportSelected_AgentData_VolumeDetail x));return () instance Binary ObjectExportSelected_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- get;return (ObjectExportSelected_ObjectData x1) put x = do put (objectExportSelected_ObjectData_ObjectID x);return () instance Binary ModifyLand_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ModifyLand_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (modifyLand_AgentData_AgentID x);put (modifyLand_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ModifyLand_ModifyBlock where get = do x1 <- getWord8;x2 <- getWord8;x3 <- getFloat32le;x4 <- getFloat32le;return (ModifyLand_ModifyBlock x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do putWord8 (modifyLand_ModifyBlock_Action x);putWord8 (modifyLand_ModifyBlock_BrushSize x);putFloat32le (modifyLand_ModifyBlock_Seconds x);putFloat32le (modifyLand_ModifyBlock_Height x);return () instance Binary ModifyLand_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x2 <- getFloat32le;x3 <- getFloat32le;x4 <- getFloat32le;x5 <- getFloat32le;return (ModifyLand_ParcelData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (modifyLand_ParcelData_LocalID x));putFloat32le (modifyLand_ParcelData_West x);putFloat32le (modifyLand_ParcelData_South x);putFloat32le (modifyLand_ParcelData_East x);putFloat32le (modifyLand_ParcelData_North x);return () instance Binary ModifyLand_ModifyBlockExtended where get = do x1 <- getFloat32le;return (ModifyLand_ModifyBlockExtended x1) put x = do putFloat32le (modifyLand_ModifyBlockExtended_BrushSize x);return () instance Binary VelocityInterpolateOn_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (VelocityInterpolateOn_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (velocityInterpolateOn_AgentData_AgentID x);put (velocityInterpolateOn_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary VelocityInterpolateOff_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (VelocityInterpolateOff_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (velocityInterpolateOff_AgentData_AgentID x);put (velocityInterpolateOff_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary StateSave_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (StateSave_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (stateSave_AgentData_AgentID x);put (stateSave_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary StateSave_DataBlock where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');return (StateSave_DataBlock x1) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (stateSave_DataBlock_Filename x)) ; putByteString (stateSave_DataBlock_Filename x);return () instance Binary ReportAutosaveCrash_AutosaveData where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (ReportAutosaveCrash_AutosaveData x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (reportAutosaveCrash_AutosaveData_PID x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (reportAutosaveCrash_AutosaveData_Status x));return () instance Binary SimWideDeletes_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (SimWideDeletes_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (simWideDeletes_AgentData_AgentID x);put (simWideDeletes_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary SimWideDeletes_DataBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;return (SimWideDeletes_DataBlock x1 x2) put x = do put (simWideDeletes_DataBlock_TargetID x);putWord32le (simWideDeletes_DataBlock_Flags x);return () instance Binary RequestObjectPropertiesFamily_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (RequestObjectPropertiesFamily_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (requestObjectPropertiesFamily_AgentData_AgentID x);put (requestObjectPropertiesFamily_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary RequestObjectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- get;return (RequestObjectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (requestObjectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_RequestFlags x);put (requestObjectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_ObjectID x);return () instance Binary TrackAgent_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (TrackAgent_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (trackAgent_AgentData_AgentID x);put (trackAgent_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary TrackAgent_TargetData where get = do x1 <- get;return (TrackAgent_TargetData x1) put x = do put (trackAgent_TargetData_PreyID x);return () instance Binary ViewerStats_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- replicateM 4 getWord8;x4 <- getWord32le;x5 <- getFloat32le;x6 <- getFloat32le;x7 <- getFloat32le;x8 <- getWord8;x9 <- getFloat32le;x10 <- getFloat64le;x11 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x12 <- getWord32le;x13' <- getWord8 ; x13 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x13');x14' <- getWord8 ; x14 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x14');x15' <- getWord8 ; x15 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x15');return (ViewerStats_AgentData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15) put x = do put (viewerStats_AgentData_AgentID x);put (viewerStats_AgentData_SessionID x);mapM_ put (viewerStats_AgentData_IP x);putWord32le (viewerStats_AgentData_StartTime x);putFloat32le (viewerStats_AgentData_RunTime x);putFloat32le (viewerStats_AgentData_SimFPS x);putFloat32le (viewerStats_AgentData_FPS x);putWord8 (viewerStats_AgentData_AgentsInView x);putFloat32le (viewerStats_AgentData_Ping x);putFloat64le (viewerStats_AgentData_MetersTraveled x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (viewerStats_AgentData_RegionsVisited x));putWord32le (viewerStats_AgentData_SysRAM x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (viewerStats_AgentData_SysOS x)) ; putByteString (viewerStats_AgentData_SysOS x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (viewerStats_AgentData_SysCPU x)) ; putByteString (viewerStats_AgentData_SysCPU x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (viewerStats_AgentData_SysGPU x)) ; putByteString (viewerStats_AgentData_SysGPU x);return () instance Binary ViewerStats_DownloadTotals where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- getWord32le;return (ViewerStats_DownloadTotals x1 x2 x3) put x = do putWord32le (viewerStats_DownloadTotals_World x);putWord32le (viewerStats_DownloadTotals_Objects x);putWord32le (viewerStats_DownloadTotals_Textures x);return () instance Binary ViewerStats_NetStats where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- getWord32le;return (ViewerStats_NetStats x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do putWord32le (viewerStats_NetStats_Bytes x);putWord32le (viewerStats_NetStats_Packets x);putWord32le (viewerStats_NetStats_Compressed x);putWord32le (viewerStats_NetStats_Savings x);return () instance Binary ViewerStats_FailStats where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- getWord32le;x5 <- getWord32le;x6 <- getWord32le;return (ViewerStats_FailStats x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do putWord32le (viewerStats_FailStats_SendPacket x);putWord32le (viewerStats_FailStats_Dropped x);putWord32le (viewerStats_FailStats_Resent x);putWord32le (viewerStats_FailStats_FailedResends x);putWord32le (viewerStats_FailStats_OffCircuit x);putWord32le (viewerStats_FailStats_Invalid x);return () instance Binary ViewerStats_MiscStats where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getFloat64le;return (ViewerStats_MiscStats x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (viewerStats_MiscStats_Type x);putFloat64le (viewerStats_MiscStats_Value x);return () instance Binary ScriptAnswerYes_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ScriptAnswerYes_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (scriptAnswerYes_AgentData_AgentID x);put (scriptAnswerYes_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ScriptAnswerYes_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (ScriptAnswerYes_Data x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (scriptAnswerYes_Data_TaskID x);put (scriptAnswerYes_Data_ItemID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (scriptAnswerYes_Data_Questions x));return () instance Binary UserReport_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (UserReport_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (userReport_AgentData_AgentID x);put (userReport_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary UserReport_ReportData where get = do x1 <- getWord8;x2 <- getWord8;x3'1 <- getFloat32le ; x3'2 <- getFloat32le ; x3'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x3 = (x3'1, x3'2, x3'3) };x4 <- getWord8;x5 <- get;x6 <- get;x7 <- get;x8' <- getWord8 ; x8 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x8');x9 <- get;x10' <- getWord8 ; x10 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x10');x11' <- getWord16le ; x11 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x11');x12' <- getWord8 ; x12 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x12');return (UserReport_ReportData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12) put x = do putWord8 (userReport_ReportData_ReportType x);putWord8 (userReport_ReportData_Category x);(let (a,b,c) = userReport_ReportData_Position x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);putWord8 (userReport_ReportData_CheckFlags x);put (userReport_ReportData_ScreenshotID x);put (userReport_ReportData_ObjectID x);put (userReport_ReportData_AbuserID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (userReport_ReportData_AbuseRegionName x)) ; putByteString (userReport_ReportData_AbuseRegionName x);put (userReport_ReportData_AbuseRegionID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (userReport_ReportData_Summary x)) ; putByteString (userReport_ReportData_Summary x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (userReport_ReportData_Details x)) ; putByteString (userReport_ReportData_Details x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (userReport_ReportData_VersionString x)) ; putByteString (userReport_ReportData_VersionString x);return () instance Binary AlertMessage_AlertData where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');return (AlertMessage_AlertData x1) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (alertMessage_AlertData_Message x)) ; putByteString (alertMessage_AlertData_Message x);return () instance Binary AlertMessage_AlertInfo where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');return (AlertMessage_AlertInfo x1 x2) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (alertMessage_AlertInfo_Message x)) ; putByteString (alertMessage_AlertInfo_Message x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (alertMessage_AlertInfo_ExtraParams x)) ; putByteString (alertMessage_AlertInfo_ExtraParams x);return () instance Binary AgentAlertMessage_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (AgentAlertMessage_AgentData x1) put x = do put (agentAlertMessage_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary AgentAlertMessage_AlertData where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');return (AgentAlertMessage_AlertData x1 x2) put x = do put (agentAlertMessage_AlertData_Modal x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (agentAlertMessage_AlertData_Message x)) ; putByteString (agentAlertMessage_AlertData_Message x);return () instance Binary MeanCollisionAlert_MeanCollision where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- getFloat32le;x5 <- getWord8;return (MeanCollisionAlert_MeanCollision x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do put (meanCollisionAlert_MeanCollision_Victim x);put (meanCollisionAlert_MeanCollision_Perp x);putWord32le (meanCollisionAlert_MeanCollision_Time x);putFloat32le (meanCollisionAlert_MeanCollision_Mag x);putWord8 (meanCollisionAlert_MeanCollision_Type x);return () instance Binary ViewerFrozenMessage_FrozenData where get = do x1 <- get;return (ViewerFrozenMessage_FrozenData x1) put x = do put (viewerFrozenMessage_FrozenData_Data x);return () instance Binary HealthMessage_HealthData where get = do x1 <- getFloat32le;return (HealthMessage_HealthData x1) put x = do putFloat32le (healthMessage_HealthData_Health x);return () instance Binary ChatFromSimulator_ChatData where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- getWord8;x5 <- getWord8;x6 <- getWord8;x7'1 <- getFloat32le ; x7'2 <- getFloat32le ; x7'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x7 = (x7'1, x7'2, x7'3) };x8' <- getWord16le ; x8 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x8');return (ChatFromSimulator_ChatData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (chatFromSimulator_ChatData_FromName x)) ; putByteString (chatFromSimulator_ChatData_FromName x);put (chatFromSimulator_ChatData_SourceID x);put (chatFromSimulator_ChatData_OwnerID x);putWord8 (chatFromSimulator_ChatData_SourceType x);putWord8 (chatFromSimulator_ChatData_ChatType x);putWord8 (chatFromSimulator_ChatData_Audible x);(let (a,b,c) = chatFromSimulator_ChatData_Position x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (chatFromSimulator_ChatData_Message x)) ; putByteString (chatFromSimulator_ChatData_Message x);return () instance Binary SimStats_Region where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- getWord32le;return (SimStats_Region x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do putWord32le (simStats_Region_RegionX x);putWord32le (simStats_Region_RegionY x);putWord32le (simStats_Region_RegionFlags x);putWord32le (simStats_Region_ObjectCapacity x);return () instance Binary SimStats_Stat where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getFloat32le;return (SimStats_Stat x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (simStats_Stat_StatID x);putFloat32le (simStats_Stat_StatValue x);return () instance Binary SimStats_PidStat where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (SimStats_PidStat x1) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (simStats_PidStat_PID x));return () instance Binary RequestRegionInfo_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (RequestRegionInfo_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (requestRegionInfo_AgentData_AgentID x);put (requestRegionInfo_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary RegionInfo_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (RegionInfo_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (regionInfo_AgentData_AgentID x);put (regionInfo_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary RegionInfo_RegionInfo where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- getWord32le;x5 <- getWord8;x6 <- getWord8;x7 <- getFloat32le;x8 <- getFloat32le;x9 <- getFloat32le;x10 <- getFloat32le;x11 <- getFloat32le;x12 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x13 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x14 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x15 <- get;x16 <- getFloat32le;return (RegionInfo_RegionInfo x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (regionInfo_RegionInfo_SimName x)) ; putByteString (regionInfo_RegionInfo_SimName x);putWord32le (regionInfo_RegionInfo_EstateID x);putWord32le (regionInfo_RegionInfo_ParentEstateID x);putWord32le (regionInfo_RegionInfo_RegionFlags x);putWord8 (regionInfo_RegionInfo_SimAccess x);putWord8 (regionInfo_RegionInfo_MaxAgents x);putFloat32le (regionInfo_RegionInfo_BillableFactor x);putFloat32le (regionInfo_RegionInfo_ObjectBonusFactor x);putFloat32le (regionInfo_RegionInfo_WaterHeight x);putFloat32le (regionInfo_RegionInfo_TerrainRaiseLimit x);putFloat32le (regionInfo_RegionInfo_TerrainLowerLimit x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (regionInfo_RegionInfo_PricePerMeter x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (regionInfo_RegionInfo_RedirectGridX x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (regionInfo_RegionInfo_RedirectGridY x));put (regionInfo_RegionInfo_UseEstateSun x);putFloat32le (regionInfo_RegionInfo_SunHour x);return () instance Binary RegionInfo_RegionInfo2 where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- getWord32le;x5 <- getWord32le;return (RegionInfo_RegionInfo2 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (regionInfo_RegionInfo2_ProductSKU x)) ; putByteString (regionInfo_RegionInfo2_ProductSKU x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (regionInfo_RegionInfo2_ProductName x)) ; putByteString (regionInfo_RegionInfo2_ProductName x);putWord32le (regionInfo_RegionInfo2_MaxAgents32 x);putWord32le (regionInfo_RegionInfo2_HardMaxAgents x);putWord32le (regionInfo_RegionInfo2_HardMaxObjects x);return () instance Binary GodUpdateRegionInfo_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (GodUpdateRegionInfo_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (godUpdateRegionInfo_AgentData_AgentID x);put (godUpdateRegionInfo_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary GodUpdateRegionInfo_RegionInfo where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- getWord32le;x5 <- getFloat32le;x6 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x7 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x8 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (GodUpdateRegionInfo_RegionInfo x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (godUpdateRegionInfo_RegionInfo_SimName x)) ; putByteString (godUpdateRegionInfo_RegionInfo_SimName x);putWord32le (godUpdateRegionInfo_RegionInfo_EstateID x);putWord32le (godUpdateRegionInfo_RegionInfo_ParentEstateID x);putWord32le (godUpdateRegionInfo_RegionInfo_RegionFlags x);putFloat32le (godUpdateRegionInfo_RegionInfo_BillableFactor x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (godUpdateRegionInfo_RegionInfo_PricePerMeter x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (godUpdateRegionInfo_RegionInfo_RedirectGridX x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (godUpdateRegionInfo_RegionInfo_RedirectGridY x));return () instance Binary NearestLandingRegionRequest_RequestingRegionData where get = do x1 <- getWord64le;return (NearestLandingRegionRequest_RequestingRegionData x1) put x = do putWord64le (nearestLandingRegionRequest_RequestingRegionData_RegionHandle x);return () instance Binary NearestLandingRegionReply_LandingRegionData where get = do x1 <- getWord64le;return (NearestLandingRegionReply_LandingRegionData x1) put x = do putWord64le (nearestLandingRegionReply_LandingRegionData_RegionHandle x);return () instance Binary NearestLandingRegionUpdated_RegionData where get = do x1 <- getWord64le;return (NearestLandingRegionUpdated_RegionData x1) put x = do putWord64le (nearestLandingRegionUpdated_RegionData_RegionHandle x);return () instance Binary TeleportLandingStatusChanged_RegionData where get = do x1 <- getWord64le;return (TeleportLandingStatusChanged_RegionData x1) put x = do putWord64le (teleportLandingStatusChanged_RegionData_RegionHandle x);return () instance Binary RegionHandshake_RegionInfo where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord8;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');x4 <- get;x5 <- get;x6 <- getFloat32le;x7 <- getFloat32le;x8 <- get;x9 <- get;x10 <- get;x11 <- get;x12 <- get;x13 <- get;x14 <- get;x15 <- get;x16 <- get;x17 <- getFloat32le;x18 <- getFloat32le;x19 <- getFloat32le;x20 <- getFloat32le;x21 <- getFloat32le;x22 <- getFloat32le;x23 <- getFloat32le;x24 <- getFloat32le;return (RegionHandshake_RegionInfo x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23 x24) put x = do putWord32le (regionHandshake_RegionInfo_RegionFlags x);putWord8 (regionHandshake_RegionInfo_SimAccess x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (regionHandshake_RegionInfo_SimName x)) ; putByteString (regionHandshake_RegionInfo_SimName x);put (regionHandshake_RegionInfo_SimOwner x);put (regionHandshake_RegionInfo_IsEstateManager x);putFloat32le (regionHandshake_RegionInfo_WaterHeight x);putFloat32le (regionHandshake_RegionInfo_BillableFactor x);put (regionHandshake_RegionInfo_CacheID x);put (regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainBase0 x);put (regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainBase1 x);put (regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainBase2 x);put (regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainBase3 x);put (regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainDetail0 x);put (regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainDetail1 x);put (regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainDetail2 x);put (regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainDetail3 x);putFloat32le (regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainStartHeight00 x);putFloat32le (regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainStartHeight01 x);putFloat32le (regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainStartHeight10 x);putFloat32le (regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainStartHeight11 x);putFloat32le (regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainHeightRange00 x);putFloat32le (regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainHeightRange01 x);putFloat32le (regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainHeightRange10 x);putFloat32le (regionHandshake_RegionInfo_TerrainHeightRange11 x);return () instance Binary RegionHandshake_RegionInfo2 where get = do x1 <- get;return (RegionHandshake_RegionInfo2 x1) put x = do put (regionHandshake_RegionInfo2_RegionID x);return () instance Binary RegionHandshake_RegionInfo3 where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');x5' <- getWord8 ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');return (RegionHandshake_RegionInfo3 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (regionHandshake_RegionInfo3_CPUClassID x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (regionHandshake_RegionInfo3_CPURatio x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (regionHandshake_RegionInfo3_ColoName x)) ; putByteString (regionHandshake_RegionInfo3_ColoName x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (regionHandshake_RegionInfo3_ProductSKU x)) ; putByteString (regionHandshake_RegionInfo3_ProductSKU x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (regionHandshake_RegionInfo3_ProductName x)) ; putByteString (regionHandshake_RegionInfo3_ProductName x);return () instance Binary RegionHandshakeReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (RegionHandshakeReply_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (regionHandshakeReply_AgentData_AgentID x);put (regionHandshakeReply_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary RegionHandshakeReply_RegionInfo where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (RegionHandshakeReply_RegionInfo x1) put x = do putWord32le (regionHandshakeReply_RegionInfo_Flags x);return () instance Binary CoarseLocationUpdate_Location where get = do x1 <- getWord8;x2 <- getWord8;x3 <- getWord8;return (CoarseLocationUpdate_Location x1 x2 x3) put x = do putWord8 (coarseLocationUpdate_Location_X x);putWord8 (coarseLocationUpdate_Location_Y x);putWord8 (coarseLocationUpdate_Location_Z x);return () instance Binary CoarseLocationUpdate_Index where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord16le;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord16le;return (CoarseLocationUpdate_Index x1 x2) put x = do putWord16le (fromIntegral (coarseLocationUpdate_Index_You x));putWord16le (fromIntegral (coarseLocationUpdate_Index_Prey x));return () instance Binary CoarseLocationUpdate_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (CoarseLocationUpdate_AgentData x1) put x = do put (coarseLocationUpdate_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary ImageData_ImageID where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord8;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- getWord16le;return (ImageData_ImageID x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (imageData_ImageID_ID x);putWord8 (imageData_ImageID_Codec x);putWord32le (imageData_ImageID_Size x);putWord16le (imageData_ImageID_Packets x);return () instance Binary ImageData_ImageData where get = do x1' <- getWord16le ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');return (ImageData_ImageData x1) put x = do putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (imageData_ImageData_Data x)) ; putByteString (imageData_ImageData_Data x);return () instance Binary ImagePacket_ImageID where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord16le;return (ImagePacket_ImageID x1 x2) put x = do put (imagePacket_ImageID_ID x);putWord16le (imagePacket_ImageID_Packet x);return () instance Binary ImagePacket_ImageData where get = do x1' <- getWord16le ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');return (ImagePacket_ImageData x1) put x = do putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (imagePacket_ImageData_Data x)) ; putByteString (imagePacket_ImageData_Data x);return () instance Binary LayerData_LayerID where get = do x1 <- getWord8;return (LayerData_LayerID x1) put x = do putWord8 (layerData_LayerID_Type x);return () instance Binary LayerData_LayerData where get = do x1' <- getWord16le ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');return (LayerData_LayerData x1) put x = do putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (layerData_LayerData_Data x)) ; putByteString (layerData_LayerData_Data x);return () instance Binary ObjectUpdate_RegionData where get = do x1 <- getWord64le;x2 <- getWord16le;return (ObjectUpdate_RegionData x1 x2) put x = do putWord64le (objectUpdate_RegionData_RegionHandle x);putWord16le (objectUpdate_RegionData_TimeDilation x);return () instance Binary ObjectUpdate_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord8;x3 <- get;x4 <- getWord32le;x5 <- getWord8;x6 <- getWord8;x7 <- getWord8;x8'1 <- getFloat32le ; x8'2 <- getFloat32le ; x8'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x8 = (x8'1, x8'2, x8'3) };x9' <- getWord8 ; x9 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x9');x10 <- getWord32le;x11 <- getWord32le;x12 <- getWord8;x13 <- getWord8;x14 <- getWord16le;x15 <- getWord16le;x16 <- getWord8;x17 <- getWord8;x18 <- getWord8;x19 <- getWord8;x20 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x21 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x22 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x23 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x24 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x25 <- getWord8;x26 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x27 <- getWord16le;x28 <- getWord16le;x29 <- getWord16le;x30' <- getWord16le ; x30 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x30');x31' <- getWord8 ; x31 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x31');x32' <- getWord16le ; x32 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x32');x33' <- getWord16le ; x33 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x33');x34' <- getWord8 ; x34 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x34');x35 <- getBytes 4;x36' <- getWord8 ; x36 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x36');x37' <- getWord8 ; x37 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x37');x38' <- getWord8 ; x38 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x38');x39 <- get;x40 <- get;x41 <- getFloat32le;x42 <- getWord8;x43 <- getFloat32le;x44 <- getWord8;x45'1 <- getFloat32le ; x45'2 <- getFloat32le ; x45'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x45 = (x45'1, x45'2, x45'3) };x46'1 <- getFloat32le ; x46'2 <- getFloat32le ; x46'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x46 = (x46'1, x46'2, x46'3) };return (ObjectUpdate_ObjectData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23 x24 x25 x26 x27 x28 x29 x30 x31 x32 x33 x34 x35 x36 x37 x38 x39 x40 x41 x42 x43 x44 x45 x46) put x = do putWord32le (objectUpdate_ObjectData_ID x);putWord8 (objectUpdate_ObjectData_State x);put (objectUpdate_ObjectData_FullID x);putWord32le (objectUpdate_ObjectData_CRC x);putWord8 (objectUpdate_ObjectData_PCode x);putWord8 (objectUpdate_ObjectData_Material x);putWord8 (objectUpdate_ObjectData_ClickAction x);(let (a,b,c) = objectUpdate_ObjectData_Scale x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (objectUpdate_ObjectData_ObjectData x)) ; putByteString (objectUpdate_ObjectData_ObjectData x);putWord32le (objectUpdate_ObjectData_ParentID x);putWord32le (objectUpdate_ObjectData_UpdateFlags x);putWord8 (objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathCurve x);putWord8 (objectUpdate_ObjectData_ProfileCurve x);putWord16le (objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathBegin x);putWord16le (objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathEnd x);putWord8 (objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathScaleX x);putWord8 (objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathScaleY x);putWord8 (objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathShearX x);putWord8 (objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathShearY x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathTwist x));putWord8 (fromIntegral (objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathTwistBegin x));putWord8 (fromIntegral (objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathRadiusOffset x));putWord8 (fromIntegral (objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathTaperX x));putWord8 (fromIntegral (objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathTaperY x));putWord8 (objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathRevolutions x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (objectUpdate_ObjectData_PathSkew x));putWord16le (objectUpdate_ObjectData_ProfileBegin x);putWord16le (objectUpdate_ObjectData_ProfileEnd x);putWord16le (objectUpdate_ObjectData_ProfileHollow x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (objectUpdate_ObjectData_TextureEntry x)) ; putByteString (objectUpdate_ObjectData_TextureEntry x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (objectUpdate_ObjectData_TextureAnim x)) ; putByteString (objectUpdate_ObjectData_TextureAnim x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (objectUpdate_ObjectData_NameValue x)) ; putByteString (objectUpdate_ObjectData_NameValue x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (objectUpdate_ObjectData_Data x)) ; putByteString (objectUpdate_ObjectData_Data x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (objectUpdate_ObjectData_Text x)) ; putByteString (objectUpdate_ObjectData_Text x);putByteString (objectUpdate_ObjectData_TextColor x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (objectUpdate_ObjectData_MediaURL x)) ; putByteString (objectUpdate_ObjectData_MediaURL x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (objectUpdate_ObjectData_PSBlock x)) ; putByteString (objectUpdate_ObjectData_PSBlock x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (objectUpdate_ObjectData_ExtraParams x)) ; putByteString (objectUpdate_ObjectData_ExtraParams x);put (objectUpdate_ObjectData_Sound x);put (objectUpdate_ObjectData_OwnerID x);putFloat32le (objectUpdate_ObjectData_Gain x);putWord8 (objectUpdate_ObjectData_Flags x);putFloat32le (objectUpdate_ObjectData_Radius x);putWord8 (objectUpdate_ObjectData_JointType x);(let (a,b,c) = objectUpdate_ObjectData_JointPivot x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = objectUpdate_ObjectData_JointAxisOrAnchor x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);return () instance Binary ObjectUpdateCompressed_RegionData where get = do x1 <- getWord64le;x2 <- getWord16le;return (ObjectUpdateCompressed_RegionData x1 x2) put x = do putWord64le (objectUpdateCompressed_RegionData_RegionHandle x);putWord16le (objectUpdateCompressed_RegionData_TimeDilation x);return () instance Binary ObjectUpdateCompressed_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2' <- getWord16le ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');return (ObjectUpdateCompressed_ObjectData x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (objectUpdateCompressed_ObjectData_UpdateFlags x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (objectUpdateCompressed_ObjectData_Data x)) ; putByteString (objectUpdateCompressed_ObjectData_Data x);return () instance Binary ObjectUpdateCached_RegionData where get = do x1 <- getWord64le;x2 <- getWord16le;return (ObjectUpdateCached_RegionData x1 x2) put x = do putWord64le (objectUpdateCached_RegionData_RegionHandle x);putWord16le (objectUpdateCached_RegionData_TimeDilation x);return () instance Binary ObjectUpdateCached_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- getWord32le;return (ObjectUpdateCached_ObjectData x1 x2 x3) put x = do putWord32le (objectUpdateCached_ObjectData_ID x);putWord32le (objectUpdateCached_ObjectData_CRC x);putWord32le (objectUpdateCached_ObjectData_UpdateFlags x);return () instance Binary ImprovedTerseObjectUpdate_RegionData where get = do x1 <- getWord64le;x2 <- getWord16le;return (ImprovedTerseObjectUpdate_RegionData x1 x2) put x = do putWord64le (improvedTerseObjectUpdate_RegionData_RegionHandle x);putWord16le (improvedTerseObjectUpdate_RegionData_TimeDilation x);return () instance Binary ImprovedTerseObjectUpdate_ObjectData where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2' <- getWord16le ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');return (ImprovedTerseObjectUpdate_ObjectData x1 x2) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (improvedTerseObjectUpdate_ObjectData_Data x)) ; putByteString (improvedTerseObjectUpdate_ObjectData_Data x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (improvedTerseObjectUpdate_ObjectData_TextureEntry x)) ; putByteString (improvedTerseObjectUpdate_ObjectData_TextureEntry x);return () instance Binary KillObject_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (KillObject_ObjectData x1) put x = do putWord32le (killObject_ObjectData_ID x);return () instance Binary CrossedRegion_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (CrossedRegion_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (crossedRegion_AgentData_AgentID x);put (crossedRegion_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary CrossedRegion_RegionData where get = do x1 <- replicateM 4 getWord8;x2 <- getWord16le;x3 <- getWord64le;x4' <- getWord16le ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');return (CrossedRegion_RegionData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do mapM_ put (crossedRegion_RegionData_SimIP x);putWord16le (crossedRegion_RegionData_SimPort x);putWord64le (crossedRegion_RegionData_RegionHandle x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (crossedRegion_RegionData_SeedCapability x)) ; putByteString (crossedRegion_RegionData_SeedCapability x);return () instance Binary CrossedRegion_Info where get = do x1'1 <- getFloat32le ; x1'2 <- getFloat32le ; x1'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x1 = (x1'1, x1'2, x1'3) };x2'1 <- getFloat32le ; x2'2 <- getFloat32le ; x2'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x2 = (x2'1, x2'2, x2'3) };return (CrossedRegion_Info x1 x2) put x = do (let (a,b,c) = crossedRegion_Info_Position x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = crossedRegion_Info_LookAt x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);return () instance Binary SimulatorViewerTimeMessage_TimeInfo where get = do x1 <- getWord64le;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- getWord32le;x4'1 <- getFloat32le ; x4'2 <- getFloat32le ; x4'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x4 = (x4'1, x4'2, x4'3) };x5 <- getFloat32le;x6'1 <- getFloat32le ; x6'2 <- getFloat32le ; x6'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x6 = (x6'1, x6'2, x6'3) };return (SimulatorViewerTimeMessage_TimeInfo x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do putWord64le (simulatorViewerTimeMessage_TimeInfo_UsecSinceStart x);putWord32le (simulatorViewerTimeMessage_TimeInfo_SecPerDay x);putWord32le (simulatorViewerTimeMessage_TimeInfo_SecPerYear x);(let (a,b,c) = simulatorViewerTimeMessage_TimeInfo_SunDirection x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);putFloat32le (simulatorViewerTimeMessage_TimeInfo_SunPhase x);(let (a,b,c) = simulatorViewerTimeMessage_TimeInfo_SunAngVelocity x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);return () instance Binary EnableSimulator_SimulatorInfo where get = do x1 <- getWord64le;x2 <- replicateM 4 getWord8;x3 <- getWord16le;return (EnableSimulator_SimulatorInfo x1 x2 x3) put x = do putWord64le (enableSimulator_SimulatorInfo_Handle x);mapM_ put (enableSimulator_SimulatorInfo_IP x);putWord16le (enableSimulator_SimulatorInfo_Port x);return () instance Binary ConfirmEnableSimulator_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ConfirmEnableSimulator_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (confirmEnableSimulator_AgentData_AgentID x);put (confirmEnableSimulator_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary TransferRequest_TransferInfo where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x4 <- getFloat32le;x5' <- getWord16le ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');return (TransferRequest_TransferInfo x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do put (transferRequest_TransferInfo_TransferID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (transferRequest_TransferInfo_ChannelType x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (transferRequest_TransferInfo_SourceType x));putFloat32le (transferRequest_TransferInfo_Priority x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (transferRequest_TransferInfo_Params x)) ; putByteString (transferRequest_TransferInfo_Params x);return () instance Binary TransferInfo_TransferInfo where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x4 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x5 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x6' <- getWord16le ; x6 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x6');return (TransferInfo_TransferInfo x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do put (transferInfo_TransferInfo_TransferID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (transferInfo_TransferInfo_ChannelType x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (transferInfo_TransferInfo_TargetType x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (transferInfo_TransferInfo_Status x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (transferInfo_TransferInfo_Size x));putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (transferInfo_TransferInfo_Params x)) ; putByteString (transferInfo_TransferInfo_Params x);return () instance Binary TransferPacket_TransferData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x4 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x5' <- getWord16le ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');return (TransferPacket_TransferData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do put (transferPacket_TransferData_TransferID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (transferPacket_TransferData_ChannelType x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (transferPacket_TransferData_Packet x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (transferPacket_TransferData_Status x));putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (transferPacket_TransferData_Data x)) ; putByteString (transferPacket_TransferData_Data x);return () instance Binary TransferAbort_TransferInfo where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (TransferAbort_TransferInfo x1 x2) put x = do put (transferAbort_TransferInfo_TransferID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (transferAbort_TransferInfo_ChannelType x));return () instance Binary RequestXfer_XferID where get = do x1 <- getWord64le;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- getWord8;x4 <- get;x5 <- get;x6 <- get;x7 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord16le;return (RequestXfer_XferID x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) put x = do putWord64le (requestXfer_XferID_ID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (requestXfer_XferID_Filename x)) ; putByteString (requestXfer_XferID_Filename x);putWord8 (requestXfer_XferID_FilePath x);put (requestXfer_XferID_DeleteOnCompletion x);put (requestXfer_XferID_UseBigPackets x);put (requestXfer_XferID_VFileID x);putWord16le (fromIntegral (requestXfer_XferID_VFileType x));return () instance Binary SendXferPacket_XferID where get = do x1 <- getWord64le;x2 <- getWord32le;return (SendXferPacket_XferID x1 x2) put x = do putWord64le (sendXferPacket_XferID_ID x);putWord32le (sendXferPacket_XferID_Packet x);return () instance Binary SendXferPacket_DataPacket where get = do x1' <- getWord16le ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');return (SendXferPacket_DataPacket x1) put x = do putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (sendXferPacket_DataPacket_Data x)) ; putByteString (sendXferPacket_DataPacket_Data x);return () instance Binary ConfirmXferPacket_XferID where get = do x1 <- getWord64le;x2 <- getWord32le;return (ConfirmXferPacket_XferID x1 x2) put x = do putWord64le (confirmXferPacket_XferID_ID x);putWord32le (confirmXferPacket_XferID_Packet x);return () instance Binary AbortXfer_XferID where get = do x1 <- getWord64le;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (AbortXfer_XferID x1 x2) put x = do putWord64le (abortXfer_XferID_ID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (abortXfer_XferID_Result x));return () instance Binary AvatarAnimation_Sender where get = do x1 <- get;return (AvatarAnimation_Sender x1) put x = do put (avatarAnimation_Sender_ID x);return () instance Binary AvatarAnimation_AnimationList where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (AvatarAnimation_AnimationList x1 x2) put x = do put (avatarAnimation_AnimationList_AnimID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (avatarAnimation_AnimationList_AnimSequenceID x));return () instance Binary AvatarAnimation_AnimationSourceList where get = do x1 <- get;return (AvatarAnimation_AnimationSourceList x1) put x = do put (avatarAnimation_AnimationSourceList_ObjectID x);return () instance Binary AvatarAnimation_PhysicalAvatarEventList where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');return (AvatarAnimation_PhysicalAvatarEventList x1) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarAnimation_PhysicalAvatarEventList_TypeData x)) ; putByteString (avatarAnimation_PhysicalAvatarEventList_TypeData x);return () instance Binary AvatarAppearance_Sender where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (AvatarAppearance_Sender x1 x2) put x = do put (avatarAppearance_Sender_ID x);put (avatarAppearance_Sender_IsTrial x);return () instance Binary AvatarAppearance_ObjectData where get = do x1' <- getWord16le ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');return (AvatarAppearance_ObjectData x1) put x = do putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarAppearance_ObjectData_TextureEntry x)) ; putByteString (avatarAppearance_ObjectData_TextureEntry x);return () instance Binary AvatarAppearance_VisualParam where get = do x1 <- getWord8;return (AvatarAppearance_VisualParam x1) put x = do putWord8 (avatarAppearance_VisualParam_ParamValue x);return () instance Binary AvatarSitResponse_SitObject where get = do x1 <- get;return (AvatarSitResponse_SitObject x1) put x = do put (avatarSitResponse_SitObject_ID x);return () instance Binary AvatarSitResponse_SitTransform where get = do x1 <- get;x2'1 <- getFloat32le ; x2'2 <- getFloat32le ; x2'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x2 = (x2'1, x2'2, x2'3) };x3'1 <- getFloat32le ; x3'2 <- getFloat32le ; x3'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x3 = (x3'1, x3'2, x3'3, sqrt (abs (1 - x3'1^2 - x3'2^2 - x3'3^2))) };x4'1 <- getFloat32le ; x4'2 <- getFloat32le ; x4'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x4 = (x4'1, x4'2, x4'3) };x5'1 <- getFloat32le ; x5'2 <- getFloat32le ; x5'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x5 = (x5'1, x5'2, x5'3) };x6 <- get;return (AvatarSitResponse_SitTransform x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do put (avatarSitResponse_SitTransform_AutoPilot x);(let (a,b,c) = avatarSitResponse_SitTransform_SitPosition x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c,d) = avatarSitResponse_SitTransform_SitRotation x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = avatarSitResponse_SitTransform_CameraEyeOffset x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = avatarSitResponse_SitTransform_CameraAtOffset x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);put (avatarSitResponse_SitTransform_ForceMouselook x);return () instance Binary SetFollowCamProperties_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- get;return (SetFollowCamProperties_ObjectData x1) put x = do put (setFollowCamProperties_ObjectData_ObjectID x);return () instance Binary SetFollowCamProperties_CameraProperty where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x2 <- getFloat32le;return (SetFollowCamProperties_CameraProperty x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (setFollowCamProperties_CameraProperty_Type x));putFloat32le (setFollowCamProperties_CameraProperty_Value x);return () instance Binary ClearFollowCamProperties_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- get;return (ClearFollowCamProperties_ObjectData x1) put x = do put (clearFollowCamProperties_ObjectData_ObjectID x);return () instance Binary CameraConstraint_CameraCollidePlane where get = do x1'1 <- getFloat32le ; x1'2 <- getFloat32le ; x1'3 <- getFloat32le ; x1'4 <- getFloat32le ; let {x1 = (x1'1, x1'2, x1'3, x1'4)};return (CameraConstraint_CameraCollidePlane x1) put x = do (let (a,b,c,d) = cameraConstraint_CameraCollidePlane_Plane x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c >> putFloat32le d);return () instance Binary ObjectProperties_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5 <- getWord64le;x6 <- getWord32le;x7 <- getWord32le;x8 <- getWord32le;x9 <- getWord32le;x10 <- getWord32le;x11 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x12 <- getWord8;x13 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x14 <- getWord8;x15 <- getWord8;x16 <- getWord8;x17 <- getWord32le;x18 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord16le;x19 <- get;x20 <- get;x21 <- get;x22 <- get;x23' <- getWord8 ; x23 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x23');x24' <- getWord8 ; x24 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x24');x25' <- getWord8 ; x25 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x25');x26' <- getWord8 ; x26 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x26');x27' <- getWord8 ; x27 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x27');return (ObjectProperties_ObjectData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23 x24 x25 x26 x27) put x = do put (objectProperties_ObjectData_ObjectID x);put (objectProperties_ObjectData_CreatorID x);put (objectProperties_ObjectData_OwnerID x);put (objectProperties_ObjectData_GroupID x);putWord64le (objectProperties_ObjectData_CreationDate x);putWord32le (objectProperties_ObjectData_BaseMask x);putWord32le (objectProperties_ObjectData_OwnerMask x);putWord32le (objectProperties_ObjectData_GroupMask x);putWord32le (objectProperties_ObjectData_EveryoneMask x);putWord32le (objectProperties_ObjectData_NextOwnerMask x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (objectProperties_ObjectData_OwnershipCost x));putWord8 (objectProperties_ObjectData_SaleType x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (objectProperties_ObjectData_SalePrice x));putWord8 (objectProperties_ObjectData_AggregatePerms x);putWord8 (objectProperties_ObjectData_AggregatePermTextures x);putWord8 (objectProperties_ObjectData_AggregatePermTexturesOwner x);putWord32le (objectProperties_ObjectData_Category x);putWord16le (fromIntegral (objectProperties_ObjectData_InventorySerial x));put (objectProperties_ObjectData_ItemID x);put (objectProperties_ObjectData_FolderID x);put (objectProperties_ObjectData_FromTaskID x);put (objectProperties_ObjectData_LastOwnerID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (objectProperties_ObjectData_Name x)) ; putByteString (objectProperties_ObjectData_Name x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (objectProperties_ObjectData_Description x)) ; putByteString (objectProperties_ObjectData_Description x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (objectProperties_ObjectData_TouchName x)) ; putByteString (objectProperties_ObjectData_TouchName x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (objectProperties_ObjectData_SitName x)) ; putByteString (objectProperties_ObjectData_SitName x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (objectProperties_ObjectData_TextureID x)) ; putByteString (objectProperties_ObjectData_TextureID x);return () instance Binary ObjectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5 <- getWord32le;x6 <- getWord32le;x7 <- getWord32le;x8 <- getWord32le;x9 <- getWord32le;x10 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x11 <- getWord8;x12 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x13 <- getWord32le;x14 <- get;x15' <- getWord8 ; x15 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x15');x16' <- getWord8 ; x16 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x16');return (ObjectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16) put x = do putWord32le (objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_RequestFlags x);put (objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_ObjectID x);put (objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_OwnerID x);put (objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_GroupID x);putWord32le (objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_BaseMask x);putWord32le (objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_OwnerMask x);putWord32le (objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_GroupMask x);putWord32le (objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_EveryoneMask x);putWord32le (objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_NextOwnerMask x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_OwnershipCost x));putWord8 (objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_SaleType x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_SalePrice x));putWord32le (objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_Category x);put (objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_LastOwnerID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_Name x)) ; putByteString (objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_Name x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_Description x)) ; putByteString (objectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData_Description x);return () instance Binary RequestPayPrice_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- get;return (RequestPayPrice_ObjectData x1) put x = do put (requestPayPrice_ObjectData_ObjectID x);return () instance Binary PayPriceReply_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (PayPriceReply_ObjectData x1 x2) put x = do put (payPriceReply_ObjectData_ObjectID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (payPriceReply_ObjectData_DefaultPayPrice x));return () instance Binary PayPriceReply_ButtonData where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (PayPriceReply_ButtonData x1) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (payPriceReply_ButtonData_PayButton x));return () instance Binary KickUser_TargetBlock where get = do x1 <- replicateM 4 getWord8;x2 <- getWord16le;return (KickUser_TargetBlock x1 x2) put x = do mapM_ put (kickUser_TargetBlock_TargetIP x);putWord16le (kickUser_TargetBlock_TargetPort x);return () instance Binary KickUser_UserInfo where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord16le ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');return (KickUser_UserInfo x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (kickUser_UserInfo_AgentID x);put (kickUser_UserInfo_SessionID x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (kickUser_UserInfo_Reason x)) ; putByteString (kickUser_UserInfo_Reason x);return () instance Binary KickUserAck_UserInfo where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;return (KickUserAck_UserInfo x1 x2) put x = do put (kickUserAck_UserInfo_SessionID x);putWord32le (kickUserAck_UserInfo_Flags x);return () instance Binary GodKickUser_UserInfo where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- getWord32le;x5' <- getWord16le ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');return (GodKickUser_UserInfo x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do put (godKickUser_UserInfo_GodID x);put (godKickUser_UserInfo_GodSessionID x);put (godKickUser_UserInfo_AgentID x);putWord32le (godKickUser_UserInfo_KickFlags x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (godKickUser_UserInfo_Reason x)) ; putByteString (godKickUser_UserInfo_Reason x);return () instance Binary SystemKickUser_AgentInfo where get = do x1 <- get;return (SystemKickUser_AgentInfo x1) put x = do put (systemKickUser_AgentInfo_AgentID x);return () instance Binary EjectUser_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (EjectUser_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (ejectUser_AgentData_AgentID x);put (ejectUser_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary EjectUser_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;return (EjectUser_Data x1 x2) put x = do put (ejectUser_Data_TargetID x);putWord32le (ejectUser_Data_Flags x);return () instance Binary FreezeUser_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (FreezeUser_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (freezeUser_AgentData_AgentID x);put (freezeUser_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary FreezeUser_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;return (FreezeUser_Data x1 x2) put x = do put (freezeUser_Data_TargetID x);putWord32le (freezeUser_Data_Flags x);return () instance Binary AvatarPropertiesRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (AvatarPropertiesRequest_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (avatarPropertiesRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (avatarPropertiesRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);put (avatarPropertiesRequest_AgentData_AvatarID x);return () instance Binary AvatarPropertiesRequestBackend_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord8;x4 <- get;return (AvatarPropertiesRequestBackend_AgentData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (avatarPropertiesRequestBackend_AgentData_AgentID x);put (avatarPropertiesRequestBackend_AgentData_AvatarID x);putWord8 (avatarPropertiesRequestBackend_AgentData_GodLevel x);put (avatarPropertiesRequestBackend_AgentData_WebProfilesDisabled x);return () instance Binary AvatarPropertiesReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (AvatarPropertiesReply_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (avatarPropertiesReply_AgentData_AgentID x);put (avatarPropertiesReply_AgentData_AvatarID x);return () instance Binary AvatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4' <- getWord16le ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');x5' <- getWord8 ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');x6' <- getWord8 ; x6 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x6');x7' <- getWord8 ; x7 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x7');x8' <- getWord8 ; x8 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x8');x9 <- getWord32le;return (AvatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) put x = do put (avatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData_ImageID x);put (avatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData_FLImageID x);put (avatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData_PartnerID x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData_AboutText x)) ; putByteString (avatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData_AboutText x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData_FLAboutText x)) ; putByteString (avatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData_FLAboutText x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData_BornOn x)) ; putByteString (avatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData_BornOn x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData_ProfileURL x)) ; putByteString (avatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData_ProfileURL x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData_CharterMember x)) ; putByteString (avatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData_CharterMember x);putWord32le (avatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData_Flags x);return () instance Binary AvatarInterestsReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (AvatarInterestsReply_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (avatarInterestsReply_AgentData_AgentID x);put (avatarInterestsReply_AgentData_AvatarID x);return () instance Binary AvatarInterestsReply_PropertiesData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- getWord32le;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');x5' <- getWord8 ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');return (AvatarInterestsReply_PropertiesData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do putWord32le (avatarInterestsReply_PropertiesData_WantToMask x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarInterestsReply_PropertiesData_WantToText x)) ; putByteString (avatarInterestsReply_PropertiesData_WantToText x);putWord32le (avatarInterestsReply_PropertiesData_SkillsMask x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarInterestsReply_PropertiesData_SkillsText x)) ; putByteString (avatarInterestsReply_PropertiesData_SkillsText x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarInterestsReply_PropertiesData_LanguagesText x)) ; putByteString (avatarInterestsReply_PropertiesData_LanguagesText x);return () instance Binary AvatarGroupsReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (AvatarGroupsReply_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (avatarGroupsReply_AgentData_AgentID x);put (avatarGroupsReply_AgentData_AvatarID x);return () instance Binary AvatarGroupsReply_GroupData where get = do x1 <- getWord64le;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');x4 <- get;x5' <- getWord8 ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');x6 <- get;return (AvatarGroupsReply_GroupData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do putWord64le (avatarGroupsReply_GroupData_GroupPowers x);put (avatarGroupsReply_GroupData_AcceptNotices x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarGroupsReply_GroupData_GroupTitle x)) ; putByteString (avatarGroupsReply_GroupData_GroupTitle x);put (avatarGroupsReply_GroupData_GroupID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarGroupsReply_GroupData_GroupName x)) ; putByteString (avatarGroupsReply_GroupData_GroupName x);put (avatarGroupsReply_GroupData_GroupInsigniaID x);return () instance Binary AvatarGroupsReply_NewGroupData where get = do x1 <- get;return (AvatarGroupsReply_NewGroupData x1) put x = do put (avatarGroupsReply_NewGroupData_ListInProfile x);return () instance Binary AvatarPropertiesUpdate_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (AvatarPropertiesUpdate_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (avatarPropertiesUpdate_AgentData_AgentID x);put (avatarPropertiesUpdate_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary AvatarPropertiesUpdate_PropertiesData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord16le ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');x5 <- get;x6 <- get;x7' <- getWord8 ; x7 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x7');return (AvatarPropertiesUpdate_PropertiesData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) put x = do put (avatarPropertiesUpdate_PropertiesData_ImageID x);put (avatarPropertiesUpdate_PropertiesData_FLImageID x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarPropertiesUpdate_PropertiesData_AboutText x)) ; putByteString (avatarPropertiesUpdate_PropertiesData_AboutText x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarPropertiesUpdate_PropertiesData_FLAboutText x)) ; putByteString (avatarPropertiesUpdate_PropertiesData_FLAboutText x);put (avatarPropertiesUpdate_PropertiesData_AllowPublish x);put (avatarPropertiesUpdate_PropertiesData_MaturePublish x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarPropertiesUpdate_PropertiesData_ProfileURL x)) ; putByteString (avatarPropertiesUpdate_PropertiesData_ProfileURL x);return () instance Binary AvatarInterestsUpdate_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (AvatarInterestsUpdate_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (avatarInterestsUpdate_AgentData_AgentID x);put (avatarInterestsUpdate_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary AvatarInterestsUpdate_PropertiesData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- getWord32le;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');x5' <- getWord8 ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');return (AvatarInterestsUpdate_PropertiesData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do putWord32le (avatarInterestsUpdate_PropertiesData_WantToMask x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarInterestsUpdate_PropertiesData_WantToText x)) ; putByteString (avatarInterestsUpdate_PropertiesData_WantToText x);putWord32le (avatarInterestsUpdate_PropertiesData_SkillsMask x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarInterestsUpdate_PropertiesData_SkillsText x)) ; putByteString (avatarInterestsUpdate_PropertiesData_SkillsText x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarInterestsUpdate_PropertiesData_LanguagesText x)) ; putByteString (avatarInterestsUpdate_PropertiesData_LanguagesText x);return () instance Binary AvatarNotesReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (AvatarNotesReply_AgentData x1) put x = do put (avatarNotesReply_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary AvatarNotesReply_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord16le ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');return (AvatarNotesReply_Data x1 x2) put x = do put (avatarNotesReply_Data_TargetID x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarNotesReply_Data_Notes x)) ; putByteString (avatarNotesReply_Data_Notes x);return () instance Binary AvatarNotesUpdate_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (AvatarNotesUpdate_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (avatarNotesUpdate_AgentData_AgentID x);put (avatarNotesUpdate_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary AvatarNotesUpdate_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord16le ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');return (AvatarNotesUpdate_Data x1 x2) put x = do put (avatarNotesUpdate_Data_TargetID x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarNotesUpdate_Data_Notes x)) ; putByteString (avatarNotesUpdate_Data_Notes x);return () instance Binary AvatarPicksReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (AvatarPicksReply_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (avatarPicksReply_AgentData_AgentID x);put (avatarPicksReply_AgentData_TargetID x);return () instance Binary AvatarPicksReply_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');return (AvatarPicksReply_Data x1 x2) put x = do put (avatarPicksReply_Data_PickID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (avatarPicksReply_Data_PickName x)) ; putByteString (avatarPicksReply_Data_PickName x);return () instance Binary EventInfoRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (EventInfoRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (eventInfoRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (eventInfoRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary EventInfoRequest_EventData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (EventInfoRequest_EventData x1) put x = do putWord32le (eventInfoRequest_EventData_EventID x);return () instance Binary EventInfoReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (EventInfoReply_AgentData x1) put x = do put (eventInfoReply_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary EventInfoReply_EventData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');x5' <- getWord16le ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');x6' <- getWord8 ; x6 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x6');x7 <- getWord32le;x8 <- getWord32le;x9 <- getWord32le;x10 <- getWord32le;x11' <- getWord8 ; x11 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x11');x12'1 <- getFloat64le ; x12'2 <- getFloat64le ; x12'3 <- getFloat64le ; let {x12 = (x12'1, x12'2, x12'3) };x13 <- getWord32le;return (EventInfoReply_EventData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13) put x = do putWord32le (eventInfoReply_EventData_EventID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (eventInfoReply_EventData_Creator x)) ; putByteString (eventInfoReply_EventData_Creator x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (eventInfoReply_EventData_Name x)) ; putByteString (eventInfoReply_EventData_Name x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (eventInfoReply_EventData_Category x)) ; putByteString (eventInfoReply_EventData_Category x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (eventInfoReply_EventData_Desc x)) ; putByteString (eventInfoReply_EventData_Desc x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (eventInfoReply_EventData_Date x)) ; putByteString (eventInfoReply_EventData_Date x);putWord32le (eventInfoReply_EventData_DateUTC x);putWord32le (eventInfoReply_EventData_Duration x);putWord32le (eventInfoReply_EventData_Cover x);putWord32le (eventInfoReply_EventData_Amount x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (eventInfoReply_EventData_SimName x)) ; putByteString (eventInfoReply_EventData_SimName x);(let (a,b,c) = eventInfoReply_EventData_GlobalPos x in putFloat64le a >> putFloat64le b >> putFloat64le c);putWord32le (eventInfoReply_EventData_EventFlags x);return () instance Binary EventNotificationAddRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (EventNotificationAddRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (eventNotificationAddRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (eventNotificationAddRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary EventNotificationAddRequest_EventData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (EventNotificationAddRequest_EventData x1) put x = do putWord32le (eventNotificationAddRequest_EventData_EventID x);return () instance Binary EventNotificationRemoveRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (EventNotificationRemoveRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (eventNotificationRemoveRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (eventNotificationRemoveRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary EventNotificationRemoveRequest_EventData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (EventNotificationRemoveRequest_EventData x1) put x = do putWord32le (eventNotificationRemoveRequest_EventData_EventID x);return () instance Binary EventGodDelete_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (EventGodDelete_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (eventGodDelete_AgentData_AgentID x);put (eventGodDelete_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary EventGodDelete_EventData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (EventGodDelete_EventData x1) put x = do putWord32le (eventGodDelete_EventData_EventID x);return () instance Binary EventGodDelete_QueryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (EventGodDelete_QueryData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (eventGodDelete_QueryData_QueryID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (eventGodDelete_QueryData_QueryText x)) ; putByteString (eventGodDelete_QueryData_QueryText x);putWord32le (eventGodDelete_QueryData_QueryFlags x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (eventGodDelete_QueryData_QueryStart x));return () instance Binary PickInfoReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (PickInfoReply_AgentData x1) put x = do put (pickInfoReply_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary PickInfoReply_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5' <- getWord8 ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');x6' <- getWord16le ; x6 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x6');x7 <- get;x8' <- getWord8 ; x8 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x8');x9' <- getWord8 ; x9 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x9');x10' <- getWord8 ; x10 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x10');x11'1 <- getFloat64le ; x11'2 <- getFloat64le ; x11'3 <- getFloat64le ; let {x11 = (x11'1, x11'2, x11'3) };x12 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x13 <- get;return (PickInfoReply_Data x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13) put x = do put (pickInfoReply_Data_PickID x);put (pickInfoReply_Data_CreatorID x);put (pickInfoReply_Data_TopPick x);put (pickInfoReply_Data_ParcelID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (pickInfoReply_Data_Name x)) ; putByteString (pickInfoReply_Data_Name x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (pickInfoReply_Data_Desc x)) ; putByteString (pickInfoReply_Data_Desc x);put (pickInfoReply_Data_SnapshotID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (pickInfoReply_Data_User x)) ; putByteString (pickInfoReply_Data_User x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (pickInfoReply_Data_OriginalName x)) ; putByteString (pickInfoReply_Data_OriginalName x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (pickInfoReply_Data_SimName x)) ; putByteString (pickInfoReply_Data_SimName x);(let (a,b,c) = pickInfoReply_Data_PosGlobal x in putFloat64le a >> putFloat64le b >> putFloat64le c);putWord32le (fromIntegral (pickInfoReply_Data_SortOrder x));put (pickInfoReply_Data_Enabled x);return () instance Binary PickInfoUpdate_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (PickInfoUpdate_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (pickInfoUpdate_AgentData_AgentID x);put (pickInfoUpdate_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary PickInfoUpdate_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5' <- getWord8 ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');x6' <- getWord16le ; x6 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x6');x7 <- get;x8'1 <- getFloat64le ; x8'2 <- getFloat64le ; x8'3 <- getFloat64le ; let {x8 = (x8'1, x8'2, x8'3) };x9 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x10 <- get;return (PickInfoUpdate_Data x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10) put x = do put (pickInfoUpdate_Data_PickID x);put (pickInfoUpdate_Data_CreatorID x);put (pickInfoUpdate_Data_TopPick x);put (pickInfoUpdate_Data_ParcelID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (pickInfoUpdate_Data_Name x)) ; putByteString (pickInfoUpdate_Data_Name x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (pickInfoUpdate_Data_Desc x)) ; putByteString (pickInfoUpdate_Data_Desc x);put (pickInfoUpdate_Data_SnapshotID x);(let (a,b,c) = pickInfoUpdate_Data_PosGlobal x in putFloat64le a >> putFloat64le b >> putFloat64le c);putWord32le (fromIntegral (pickInfoUpdate_Data_SortOrder x));put (pickInfoUpdate_Data_Enabled x);return () instance Binary PickDelete_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (PickDelete_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (pickDelete_AgentData_AgentID x);put (pickDelete_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary PickDelete_Data where get = do x1 <- get;return (PickDelete_Data x1) put x = do put (pickDelete_Data_PickID x);return () instance Binary PickGodDelete_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (PickGodDelete_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (pickGodDelete_AgentData_AgentID x);put (pickGodDelete_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary PickGodDelete_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (PickGodDelete_Data x1 x2) put x = do put (pickGodDelete_Data_PickID x);put (pickGodDelete_Data_QueryID x);return () instance Binary ScriptQuestion_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');x5 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (ScriptQuestion_Data x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do put (scriptQuestion_Data_TaskID x);put (scriptQuestion_Data_ItemID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (scriptQuestion_Data_ObjectName x)) ; putByteString (scriptQuestion_Data_ObjectName x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (scriptQuestion_Data_ObjectOwner x)) ; putByteString (scriptQuestion_Data_ObjectOwner x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (scriptQuestion_Data_Questions x));return () instance Binary ScriptControlChange_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- get;return (ScriptControlChange_Data x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (scriptControlChange_Data_TakeControls x);putWord32le (scriptControlChange_Data_Controls x);put (scriptControlChange_Data_PassToAgent x);return () instance Binary ScriptDialog_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');x5' <- getWord16le ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');x6 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x7 <- get;return (ScriptDialog_Data x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) put x = do put (scriptDialog_Data_ObjectID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (scriptDialog_Data_FirstName x)) ; putByteString (scriptDialog_Data_FirstName x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (scriptDialog_Data_LastName x)) ; putByteString (scriptDialog_Data_LastName x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (scriptDialog_Data_ObjectName x)) ; putByteString (scriptDialog_Data_ObjectName x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (scriptDialog_Data_Message x)) ; putByteString (scriptDialog_Data_Message x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (scriptDialog_Data_ChatChannel x));put (scriptDialog_Data_ImageID x);return () instance Binary ScriptDialog_Buttons where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');return (ScriptDialog_Buttons x1) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (scriptDialog_Buttons_ButtonLabel x)) ; putByteString (scriptDialog_Buttons_ButtonLabel x);return () instance Binary ScriptDialogReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ScriptDialogReply_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (scriptDialogReply_AgentData_AgentID x);put (scriptDialogReply_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ScriptDialogReply_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');return (ScriptDialogReply_Data x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (scriptDialogReply_Data_ObjectID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (scriptDialogReply_Data_ChatChannel x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (scriptDialogReply_Data_ButtonIndex x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (scriptDialogReply_Data_ButtonLabel x)) ; putByteString (scriptDialogReply_Data_ButtonLabel x);return () instance Binary ForceScriptControlRelease_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ForceScriptControlRelease_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (forceScriptControlRelease_AgentData_AgentID x);put (forceScriptControlRelease_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary RevokePermissions_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (RevokePermissions_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (revokePermissions_AgentData_AgentID x);put (revokePermissions_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary RevokePermissions_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;return (RevokePermissions_Data x1 x2) put x = do put (revokePermissions_Data_ObjectID x);putWord32le (revokePermissions_Data_ObjectPermissions x);return () instance Binary LoadURL_Data where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5' <- getWord8 ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');x6' <- getWord8 ; x6 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x6');return (LoadURL_Data x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (loadURL_Data_ObjectName x)) ; putByteString (loadURL_Data_ObjectName x);put (loadURL_Data_ObjectID x);put (loadURL_Data_OwnerID x);put (loadURL_Data_OwnerIsGroup x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (loadURL_Data_Message x)) ; putByteString (loadURL_Data_Message x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (loadURL_Data_URL x)) ; putByteString (loadURL_Data_URL x);return () instance Binary ScriptTeleportRequest_Data where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3'1 <- getFloat32le ; x3'2 <- getFloat32le ; x3'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x3 = (x3'1, x3'2, x3'3) };x4'1 <- getFloat32le ; x4'2 <- getFloat32le ; x4'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x4 = (x4'1, x4'2, x4'3) };return (ScriptTeleportRequest_Data x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (scriptTeleportRequest_Data_ObjectName x)) ; putByteString (scriptTeleportRequest_Data_ObjectName x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (scriptTeleportRequest_Data_SimName x)) ; putByteString (scriptTeleportRequest_Data_SimName x);(let (a,b,c) = scriptTeleportRequest_Data_SimPosition x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = scriptTeleportRequest_Data_LookAt x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);return () instance Binary ParcelOverlay_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x2' <- getWord16le ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');return (ParcelOverlay_ParcelData x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelOverlay_ParcelData_SequenceID x));putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (parcelOverlay_ParcelData_Data x)) ; putByteString (parcelOverlay_ParcelData_Data x);return () instance Binary ParcelPropertiesRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ParcelPropertiesRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelPropertiesRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (parcelPropertiesRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ParcelPropertiesRequest_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x2 <- getFloat32le;x3 <- getFloat32le;x4 <- getFloat32le;x5 <- getFloat32le;x6 <- get;return (ParcelPropertiesRequest_ParcelData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelPropertiesRequest_ParcelData_SequenceID x));putFloat32le (parcelPropertiesRequest_ParcelData_West x);putFloat32le (parcelPropertiesRequest_ParcelData_South x);putFloat32le (parcelPropertiesRequest_ParcelData_East x);putFloat32le (parcelPropertiesRequest_ParcelData_North x);put (parcelPropertiesRequest_ParcelData_SnapSelection x);return () instance Binary ParcelPropertiesRequestByID_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ParcelPropertiesRequestByID_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelPropertiesRequestByID_AgentData_AgentID x);put (parcelPropertiesRequestByID_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ParcelPropertiesRequestByID_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (ParcelPropertiesRequestByID_ParcelData x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelPropertiesRequestByID_ParcelData_SequenceID x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelPropertiesRequestByID_ParcelData_LocalID x));return () instance Binary ParcelProperties_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x3 <- get;x4 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x5 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x6 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x7 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x8 <- get;x9 <- get;x10 <- getWord32le;x11 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x12 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x13 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x14'1 <- getFloat32le ; x14'2 <- getFloat32le ; x14'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x14 = (x14'1, x14'2, x14'3) };x15'1 <- getFloat32le ; x15'2 <- getFloat32le ; x15'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x15 = (x15'1, x15'2, x15'3) };x16' <- getWord16le ; x16 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x16');x17 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x18 <- getWord8;x19 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x20 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x21 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x22 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x23 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x24 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x25 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x26 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x27 <- getFloat32le;x28 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x29 <- getWord32le;x30 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x31' <- getWord8 ; x31 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x31');x32' <- getWord8 ; x32 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x32');x33' <- getWord8 ; x33 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x33');x34' <- getWord8 ; x34 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x34');x35 <- get;x36 <- getWord8;x37 <- get;x38 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x39 <- getFloat32le;x40 <- getWord8;x41 <- get;x42 <- get;x43'1 <- getFloat32le ; x43'2 <- getFloat32le ; x43'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x43 = (x43'1, x43'2, x43'3) };x44'1 <- getFloat32le ; x44'2 <- getFloat32le ; x44'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x44 = (x44'1, x44'2, x44'3) };x45 <- getWord8;x46 <- get;x47 <- get;x48 <- get;x49 <- get;return (ParcelProperties_ParcelData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23 x24 x25 x26 x27 x28 x29 x30 x31 x32 x33 x34 x35 x36 x37 x38 x39 x40 x41 x42 x43 x44 x45 x46 x47 x48 x49) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelProperties_ParcelData_RequestResult x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelProperties_ParcelData_SequenceID x));put (parcelProperties_ParcelData_SnapSelection x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelProperties_ParcelData_SelfCount x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelProperties_ParcelData_OtherCount x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelProperties_ParcelData_PublicCount x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelProperties_ParcelData_LocalID x));put (parcelProperties_ParcelData_OwnerID x);put (parcelProperties_ParcelData_IsGroupOwned x);putWord32le (parcelProperties_ParcelData_AuctionID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelProperties_ParcelData_ClaimDate x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelProperties_ParcelData_ClaimPrice x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelProperties_ParcelData_RentPrice x));(let (a,b,c) = parcelProperties_ParcelData_AABBMin x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = parcelProperties_ParcelData_AABBMax x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (parcelProperties_ParcelData_Bitmap x)) ; putByteString (parcelProperties_ParcelData_Bitmap x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelProperties_ParcelData_Area x));putWord8 (parcelProperties_ParcelData_Status x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelProperties_ParcelData_SimWideMaxPrims x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelProperties_ParcelData_SimWideTotalPrims x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelProperties_ParcelData_MaxPrims x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelProperties_ParcelData_TotalPrims x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelProperties_ParcelData_OwnerPrims x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelProperties_ParcelData_GroupPrims x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelProperties_ParcelData_OtherPrims x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelProperties_ParcelData_SelectedPrims x));putFloat32le (parcelProperties_ParcelData_ParcelPrimBonus x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelProperties_ParcelData_OtherCleanTime x));putWord32le (parcelProperties_ParcelData_ParcelFlags x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelProperties_ParcelData_SalePrice x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (parcelProperties_ParcelData_Name x)) ; putByteString (parcelProperties_ParcelData_Name x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (parcelProperties_ParcelData_Desc x)) ; putByteString (parcelProperties_ParcelData_Desc x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (parcelProperties_ParcelData_MusicURL x)) ; putByteString (parcelProperties_ParcelData_MusicURL x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (parcelProperties_ParcelData_MediaURL x)) ; putByteString (parcelProperties_ParcelData_MediaURL x);put (parcelProperties_ParcelData_MediaID x);putWord8 (parcelProperties_ParcelData_MediaAutoScale x);put (parcelProperties_ParcelData_GroupID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelProperties_ParcelData_PassPrice x));putFloat32le (parcelProperties_ParcelData_PassHours x);putWord8 (parcelProperties_ParcelData_Category x);put (parcelProperties_ParcelData_AuthBuyerID x);put (parcelProperties_ParcelData_SnapshotID x);(let (a,b,c) = parcelProperties_ParcelData_UserLocation x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = parcelProperties_ParcelData_UserLookAt x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);putWord8 (parcelProperties_ParcelData_LandingType x);put (parcelProperties_ParcelData_RegionPushOverride x);put (parcelProperties_ParcelData_RegionDenyAnonymous x);put (parcelProperties_ParcelData_RegionDenyIdentified x);put (parcelProperties_ParcelData_RegionDenyTransacted x);return () instance Binary ParcelProperties_AgeVerificationBlock where get = do x1 <- get;return (ParcelProperties_AgeVerificationBlock x1) put x = do put (parcelProperties_AgeVerificationBlock_RegionDenyAgeUnverified x);return () instance Binary ParcelPropertiesUpdate_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ParcelPropertiesUpdate_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelPropertiesUpdate_AgentData_AgentID x);put (parcelPropertiesUpdate_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ParcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x5' <- getWord8 ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');x6' <- getWord8 ; x6 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x6');x7' <- getWord8 ; x7 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x7');x8' <- getWord8 ; x8 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x8');x9 <- get;x10 <- getWord8;x11 <- get;x12 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x13 <- getFloat32le;x14 <- getWord8;x15 <- get;x16 <- get;x17'1 <- getFloat32le ; x17'2 <- getFloat32le ; x17'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x17 = (x17'1, x17'2, x17'3) };x18'1 <- getFloat32le ; x18'2 <- getFloat32le ; x18'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x18 = (x18'1, x18'2, x18'3) };x19 <- getWord8;return (ParcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_LocalID x));putWord32le (parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_Flags x);putWord32le (parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_ParcelFlags x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_SalePrice x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_Name x)) ; putByteString (parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_Name x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_Desc x)) ; putByteString (parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_Desc x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_MusicURL x)) ; putByteString (parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_MusicURL x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_MediaURL x)) ; putByteString (parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_MediaURL x);put (parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_MediaID x);putWord8 (parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_MediaAutoScale x);put (parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_GroupID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_PassPrice x));putFloat32le (parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_PassHours x);putWord8 (parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_Category x);put (parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_AuthBuyerID x);put (parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_SnapshotID x);(let (a,b,c) = parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_UserLocation x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_UserLookAt x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);putWord8 (parcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData_LandingType x);return () instance Binary ParcelReturnObjects_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ParcelReturnObjects_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelReturnObjects_AgentData_AgentID x);put (parcelReturnObjects_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ParcelReturnObjects_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x2 <- getWord32le;return (ParcelReturnObjects_ParcelData x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelReturnObjects_ParcelData_LocalID x));putWord32le (parcelReturnObjects_ParcelData_ReturnType x);return () instance Binary ParcelReturnObjects_TaskIDs where get = do x1 <- get;return (ParcelReturnObjects_TaskIDs x1) put x = do put (parcelReturnObjects_TaskIDs_TaskID x);return () instance Binary ParcelReturnObjects_OwnerIDs where get = do x1 <- get;return (ParcelReturnObjects_OwnerIDs x1) put x = do put (parcelReturnObjects_OwnerIDs_OwnerID x);return () instance Binary ParcelSetOtherCleanTime_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ParcelSetOtherCleanTime_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelSetOtherCleanTime_AgentData_AgentID x);put (parcelSetOtherCleanTime_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ParcelSetOtherCleanTime_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (ParcelSetOtherCleanTime_ParcelData x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelSetOtherCleanTime_ParcelData_LocalID x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelSetOtherCleanTime_ParcelData_OtherCleanTime x));return () instance Binary ParcelDisableObjects_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ParcelDisableObjects_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelDisableObjects_AgentData_AgentID x);put (parcelDisableObjects_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ParcelDisableObjects_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x2 <- getWord32le;return (ParcelDisableObjects_ParcelData x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelDisableObjects_ParcelData_LocalID x));putWord32le (parcelDisableObjects_ParcelData_ReturnType x);return () instance Binary ParcelDisableObjects_TaskIDs where get = do x1 <- get;return (ParcelDisableObjects_TaskIDs x1) put x = do put (parcelDisableObjects_TaskIDs_TaskID x);return () instance Binary ParcelDisableObjects_OwnerIDs where get = do x1 <- get;return (ParcelDisableObjects_OwnerIDs x1) put x = do put (parcelDisableObjects_OwnerIDs_OwnerID x);return () instance Binary ParcelSelectObjects_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ParcelSelectObjects_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelSelectObjects_AgentData_AgentID x);put (parcelSelectObjects_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ParcelSelectObjects_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x2 <- getWord32le;return (ParcelSelectObjects_ParcelData x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelSelectObjects_ParcelData_LocalID x));putWord32le (parcelSelectObjects_ParcelData_ReturnType x);return () instance Binary ParcelSelectObjects_ReturnIDs where get = do x1 <- get;return (ParcelSelectObjects_ReturnIDs x1) put x = do put (parcelSelectObjects_ReturnIDs_ReturnID x);return () instance Binary EstateCovenantRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (EstateCovenantRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (estateCovenantRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (estateCovenantRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary EstateCovenantReply_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');x4 <- get;return (EstateCovenantReply_Data x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (estateCovenantReply_Data_CovenantID x);putWord32le (estateCovenantReply_Data_CovenantTimestamp x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (estateCovenantReply_Data_EstateName x)) ; putByteString (estateCovenantReply_Data_EstateName x);put (estateCovenantReply_Data_EstateOwnerID x);return () instance Binary ForceObjectSelect_Header where get = do x1 <- get;return (ForceObjectSelect_Header x1) put x = do put (forceObjectSelect_Header_ResetList x);return () instance Binary ForceObjectSelect_Data where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (ForceObjectSelect_Data x1) put x = do putWord32le (forceObjectSelect_Data_LocalID x);return () instance Binary ParcelBuyPass_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ParcelBuyPass_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelBuyPass_AgentData_AgentID x);put (parcelBuyPass_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ParcelBuyPass_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (ParcelBuyPass_ParcelData x1) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelBuyPass_ParcelData_LocalID x));return () instance Binary ParcelDeedToGroup_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ParcelDeedToGroup_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelDeedToGroup_AgentData_AgentID x);put (parcelDeedToGroup_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ParcelDeedToGroup_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (ParcelDeedToGroup_Data x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelDeedToGroup_Data_GroupID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelDeedToGroup_Data_LocalID x));return () instance Binary ParcelReclaim_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ParcelReclaim_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelReclaim_AgentData_AgentID x);put (parcelReclaim_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ParcelReclaim_Data where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (ParcelReclaim_Data x1) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelReclaim_Data_LocalID x));return () instance Binary ParcelClaim_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ParcelClaim_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelClaim_AgentData_AgentID x);put (parcelClaim_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ParcelClaim_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (ParcelClaim_Data x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (parcelClaim_Data_GroupID x);put (parcelClaim_Data_IsGroupOwned x);put (parcelClaim_Data_Final x);return () instance Binary ParcelClaim_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- getFloat32le;x2 <- getFloat32le;x3 <- getFloat32le;x4 <- getFloat32le;return (ParcelClaim_ParcelData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do putFloat32le (parcelClaim_ParcelData_West x);putFloat32le (parcelClaim_ParcelData_South x);putFloat32le (parcelClaim_ParcelData_East x);putFloat32le (parcelClaim_ParcelData_North x);return () instance Binary ParcelJoin_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ParcelJoin_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelJoin_AgentData_AgentID x);put (parcelJoin_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ParcelJoin_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- getFloat32le;x2 <- getFloat32le;x3 <- getFloat32le;x4 <- getFloat32le;return (ParcelJoin_ParcelData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do putFloat32le (parcelJoin_ParcelData_West x);putFloat32le (parcelJoin_ParcelData_South x);putFloat32le (parcelJoin_ParcelData_East x);putFloat32le (parcelJoin_ParcelData_North x);return () instance Binary ParcelDivide_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ParcelDivide_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelDivide_AgentData_AgentID x);put (parcelDivide_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ParcelDivide_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- getFloat32le;x2 <- getFloat32le;x3 <- getFloat32le;x4 <- getFloat32le;return (ParcelDivide_ParcelData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do putFloat32le (parcelDivide_ParcelData_West x);putFloat32le (parcelDivide_ParcelData_South x);putFloat32le (parcelDivide_ParcelData_East x);putFloat32le (parcelDivide_ParcelData_North x);return () instance Binary ParcelRelease_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ParcelRelease_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelRelease_AgentData_AgentID x);put (parcelRelease_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ParcelRelease_Data where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (ParcelRelease_Data x1) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelRelease_Data_LocalID x));return () instance Binary ParcelBuy_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ParcelBuy_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelBuy_AgentData_AgentID x);put (parcelBuy_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ParcelBuy_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x5 <- get;return (ParcelBuy_Data x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do put (parcelBuy_Data_GroupID x);put (parcelBuy_Data_IsGroupOwned x);put (parcelBuy_Data_RemoveContribution x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelBuy_Data_LocalID x));put (parcelBuy_Data_Final x);return () instance Binary ParcelBuy_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (ParcelBuy_ParcelData x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelBuy_ParcelData_Price x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelBuy_ParcelData_Area x));return () instance Binary ParcelGodForceOwner_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ParcelGodForceOwner_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelGodForceOwner_AgentData_AgentID x);put (parcelGodForceOwner_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ParcelGodForceOwner_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (ParcelGodForceOwner_Data x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelGodForceOwner_Data_OwnerID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelGodForceOwner_Data_LocalID x));return () instance Binary ParcelAccessListRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ParcelAccessListRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelAccessListRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (parcelAccessListRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ParcelAccessListRequest_Data where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (ParcelAccessListRequest_Data x1 x2 x3) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelAccessListRequest_Data_SequenceID x));putWord32le (parcelAccessListRequest_Data_Flags x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelAccessListRequest_Data_LocalID x));return () instance Binary ParcelAccessListReply_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (ParcelAccessListReply_Data x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (parcelAccessListReply_Data_AgentID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelAccessListReply_Data_SequenceID x));putWord32le (parcelAccessListReply_Data_Flags x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelAccessListReply_Data_LocalID x));return () instance Binary ParcelAccessListReply_List where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x3 <- getWord32le;return (ParcelAccessListReply_List x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (parcelAccessListReply_List_ID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelAccessListReply_List_Time x));putWord32le (parcelAccessListReply_List_Flags x);return () instance Binary ParcelAccessListUpdate_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ParcelAccessListUpdate_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelAccessListUpdate_AgentData_AgentID x);put (parcelAccessListUpdate_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ParcelAccessListUpdate_Data where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x3 <- get;x4 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x5 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (ParcelAccessListUpdate_Data x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do putWord32le (parcelAccessListUpdate_Data_Flags x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelAccessListUpdate_Data_LocalID x));put (parcelAccessListUpdate_Data_TransactionID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelAccessListUpdate_Data_SequenceID x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelAccessListUpdate_Data_Sections x));return () instance Binary ParcelAccessListUpdate_List where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x3 <- getWord32le;return (ParcelAccessListUpdate_List x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (parcelAccessListUpdate_List_ID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelAccessListUpdate_List_Time x));putWord32le (parcelAccessListUpdate_List_Flags x);return () instance Binary ParcelDwellRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ParcelDwellRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelDwellRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (parcelDwellRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ParcelDwellRequest_Data where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x2 <- get;return (ParcelDwellRequest_Data x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelDwellRequest_Data_LocalID x));put (parcelDwellRequest_Data_ParcelID x);return () instance Binary ParcelDwellReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (ParcelDwellReply_AgentData x1) put x = do put (parcelDwellReply_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary ParcelDwellReply_Data where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x2 <- get;x3 <- getFloat32le;return (ParcelDwellReply_Data x1 x2 x3) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelDwellReply_Data_LocalID x));put (parcelDwellReply_Data_ParcelID x);putFloat32le (parcelDwellReply_Data_Dwell x);return () instance Binary RequestParcelTransfer_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5 <- get;x6 <- getWord8;x7 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x8 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x9 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x10 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x11 <- get;return (RequestParcelTransfer_Data x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11) put x = do put (requestParcelTransfer_Data_TransactionID x);putWord32le (requestParcelTransfer_Data_TransactionTime x);put (requestParcelTransfer_Data_SourceID x);put (requestParcelTransfer_Data_DestID x);put (requestParcelTransfer_Data_OwnerID x);putWord8 (requestParcelTransfer_Data_Flags x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (requestParcelTransfer_Data_TransactionType x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (requestParcelTransfer_Data_Amount x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (requestParcelTransfer_Data_BillableArea x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (requestParcelTransfer_Data_ActualArea x));put (requestParcelTransfer_Data_Final x);return () instance Binary RequestParcelTransfer_RegionData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- getWord32le;return (RequestParcelTransfer_RegionData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (requestParcelTransfer_RegionData_RegionID x);putWord32le (requestParcelTransfer_RegionData_GridX x);putWord32le (requestParcelTransfer_RegionData_GridY x);return () instance Binary UpdateParcel_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord64le;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5 <- getWord8;x6' <- getWord8 ; x6 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x6');x7' <- getWord8 ; x7 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x7');x8' <- getWord8 ; x8 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x8');x9 <- getFloat32le;x10 <- getFloat32le;x11 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x12 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x13 <- get;x14 <- get;x15 <- getWord8;x16 <- get;x17'1 <- getFloat32le ; x17'2 <- getFloat32le ; x17'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x17 = (x17'1, x17'2, x17'3) };x18 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x19 <- get;x20 <- get;x21 <- get;return (UpdateParcel_ParcelData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21) put x = do put (updateParcel_ParcelData_ParcelID x);putWord64le (updateParcel_ParcelData_RegionHandle x);put (updateParcel_ParcelData_OwnerID x);put (updateParcel_ParcelData_GroupOwned x);putWord8 (updateParcel_ParcelData_Status x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (updateParcel_ParcelData_Name x)) ; putByteString (updateParcel_ParcelData_Name x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (updateParcel_ParcelData_Description x)) ; putByteString (updateParcel_ParcelData_Description x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (updateParcel_ParcelData_MusicURL x)) ; putByteString (updateParcel_ParcelData_MusicURL x);putFloat32le (updateParcel_ParcelData_RegionX x);putFloat32le (updateParcel_ParcelData_RegionY x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (updateParcel_ParcelData_ActualArea x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (updateParcel_ParcelData_BillableArea x));put (updateParcel_ParcelData_ShowDir x);put (updateParcel_ParcelData_IsForSale x);putWord8 (updateParcel_ParcelData_Category x);put (updateParcel_ParcelData_SnapshotID x);(let (a,b,c) = updateParcel_ParcelData_UserLocation x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);putWord32le (fromIntegral (updateParcel_ParcelData_SalePrice x));put (updateParcel_ParcelData_AuthorizedBuyerID x);put (updateParcel_ParcelData_AllowPublish x);put (updateParcel_ParcelData_MaturePublish x);return () instance Binary RemoveParcel_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- get;return (RemoveParcel_ParcelData x1) put x = do put (removeParcel_ParcelData_ParcelID x);return () instance Binary MergeParcel_MasterParcelData where get = do x1 <- get;return (MergeParcel_MasterParcelData x1) put x = do put (mergeParcel_MasterParcelData_MasterID x);return () instance Binary MergeParcel_SlaveParcelData where get = do x1 <- get;return (MergeParcel_SlaveParcelData x1) put x = do put (mergeParcel_SlaveParcelData_SlaveID x);return () instance Binary LogParcelChanges_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (LogParcelChanges_AgentData x1) put x = do put (logParcelChanges_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary LogParcelChanges_RegionData where get = do x1 <- getWord64le;return (LogParcelChanges_RegionData x1) put x = do putWord64le (logParcelChanges_RegionData_RegionHandle x);return () instance Binary LogParcelChanges_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x5 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x6 <- get;return (LogParcelChanges_ParcelData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do put (logParcelChanges_ParcelData_ParcelID x);put (logParcelChanges_ParcelData_OwnerID x);put (logParcelChanges_ParcelData_IsOwnerGroup x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (logParcelChanges_ParcelData_ActualArea x));putWord8 (fromIntegral (logParcelChanges_ParcelData_Action x));put (logParcelChanges_ParcelData_TransactionID x);return () instance Binary CheckParcelSales_RegionData where get = do x1 <- getWord64le;return (CheckParcelSales_RegionData x1) put x = do putWord64le (checkParcelSales_RegionData_RegionHandle x);return () instance Binary ParcelSales_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ParcelSales_ParcelData x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelSales_ParcelData_ParcelID x);put (parcelSales_ParcelData_BuyerID x);return () instance Binary ParcelGodMarkAsContent_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ParcelGodMarkAsContent_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelGodMarkAsContent_AgentData_AgentID x);put (parcelGodMarkAsContent_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ParcelGodMarkAsContent_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (ParcelGodMarkAsContent_ParcelData x1) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelGodMarkAsContent_ParcelData_LocalID x));return () instance Binary ViewerStartAuction_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ViewerStartAuction_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (viewerStartAuction_AgentData_AgentID x);put (viewerStartAuction_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ViewerStartAuction_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x2 <- get;return (ViewerStartAuction_ParcelData x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (viewerStartAuction_ParcelData_LocalID x));put (viewerStartAuction_ParcelData_SnapshotID x);return () instance Binary StartAuction_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (StartAuction_AgentData x1) put x = do put (startAuction_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary StartAuction_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');return (StartAuction_ParcelData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (startAuction_ParcelData_ParcelID x);put (startAuction_ParcelData_SnapshotID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (startAuction_ParcelData_Name x)) ; putByteString (startAuction_ParcelData_Name x);return () instance Binary ConfirmAuctionStart_AuctionData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;return (ConfirmAuctionStart_AuctionData x1 x2) put x = do put (confirmAuctionStart_AuctionData_ParcelID x);putWord32le (confirmAuctionStart_AuctionData_AuctionID x);return () instance Binary CompleteAuction_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- get;return (CompleteAuction_ParcelData x1) put x = do put (completeAuction_ParcelData_ParcelID x);return () instance Binary CancelAuction_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- get;return (CancelAuction_ParcelData x1) put x = do put (cancelAuction_ParcelData_ParcelID x);return () instance Binary CheckParcelAuctions_RegionData where get = do x1 <- getWord64le;return (CheckParcelAuctions_RegionData x1) put x = do putWord64le (checkParcelAuctions_RegionData_RegionHandle x);return () instance Binary ParcelAuctions_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ParcelAuctions_ParcelData x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelAuctions_ParcelData_ParcelID x);put (parcelAuctions_ParcelData_WinnerID x);return () instance Binary UUIDNameRequest_UUIDNameBlock where get = do x1 <- get;return (UUIDNameRequest_UUIDNameBlock x1) put x = do put (uUIDNameRequest_UUIDNameBlock_ID x);return () instance Binary UUIDNameReply_UUIDNameBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');return (UUIDNameReply_UUIDNameBlock x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (uUIDNameReply_UUIDNameBlock_ID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (uUIDNameReply_UUIDNameBlock_FirstName x)) ; putByteString (uUIDNameReply_UUIDNameBlock_FirstName x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (uUIDNameReply_UUIDNameBlock_LastName x)) ; putByteString (uUIDNameReply_UUIDNameBlock_LastName x);return () instance Binary UUIDGroupNameRequest_UUIDNameBlock where get = do x1 <- get;return (UUIDGroupNameRequest_UUIDNameBlock x1) put x = do put (uUIDGroupNameRequest_UUIDNameBlock_ID x);return () instance Binary UUIDGroupNameReply_UUIDNameBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');return (UUIDGroupNameReply_UUIDNameBlock x1 x2) put x = do put (uUIDGroupNameReply_UUIDNameBlock_ID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (uUIDGroupNameReply_UUIDNameBlock_GroupName x)) ; putByteString (uUIDGroupNameReply_UUIDNameBlock_GroupName x);return () instance Binary ChatPass_ChatData where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x2'1 <- getFloat32le ; x2'2 <- getFloat32le ; x2'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x2 = (x2'1, x2'2, x2'3) };x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5' <- getWord8 ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');x6 <- getWord8;x7 <- getWord8;x8 <- getFloat32le;x9 <- getWord8;x10' <- getWord16le ; x10 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x10');return (ChatPass_ChatData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (chatPass_ChatData_Channel x));(let (a,b,c) = chatPass_ChatData_Position x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);put (chatPass_ChatData_ID x);put (chatPass_ChatData_OwnerID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (chatPass_ChatData_Name x)) ; putByteString (chatPass_ChatData_Name x);putWord8 (chatPass_ChatData_SourceType x);putWord8 (chatPass_ChatData_Type x);putFloat32le (chatPass_ChatData_Radius x);putWord8 (chatPass_ChatData_SimAccess x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (chatPass_ChatData_Message x)) ; putByteString (chatPass_ChatData_Message x);return () instance Binary EdgeDataPacket_EdgeData where get = do x1 <- getWord8;x2 <- getWord8;x3' <- getWord16le ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');return (EdgeDataPacket_EdgeData x1 x2 x3) put x = do putWord8 (edgeDataPacket_EdgeData_LayerType x);putWord8 (edgeDataPacket_EdgeData_Direction x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (edgeDataPacket_EdgeData_LayerData x)) ; putByteString (edgeDataPacket_EdgeData_LayerData x);return () instance Binary SimStatus_SimStatus where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (SimStatus_SimStatus x1 x2) put x = do put (simStatus_SimStatus_CanAcceptAgents x);put (simStatus_SimStatus_CanAcceptTasks x);return () instance Binary ChildAgentUpdate_AgentData where get = do x1 <- getWord64le;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5'1 <- getFloat32le ; x5'2 <- getFloat32le ; x5'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x5 = (x5'1, x5'2, x5'3) };x6'1 <- getFloat32le ; x6'2 <- getFloat32le ; x6'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x6 = (x6'1, x6'2, x6'3) };x7'1 <- getFloat32le ; x7'2 <- getFloat32le ; x7'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x7 = (x7'1, x7'2, x7'3) };x8'1 <- getFloat32le ; x8'2 <- getFloat32le ; x8'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x8 = (x8'1, x8'2, x8'3) };x9'1 <- getFloat32le ; x9'2 <- getFloat32le ; x9'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x9 = (x9'1, x9'2, x9'3) };x10'1 <- getFloat32le ; x10'2 <- getFloat32le ; x10'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x10 = (x10'1, x10'2, x10'3) };x11'1 <- getFloat32le ; x11'2 <- getFloat32le ; x11'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x11 = (x11'1, x11'2, x11'3) };x12 <- get;x13 <- getFloat32le;x14 <- getFloat32le;x15' <- getWord8 ; x15 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x15');x16 <- getWord32le;x17'1 <- getFloat32le ; x17'2 <- getFloat32le ; x17'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x17 = (x17'1, x17'2, x17'3, sqrt (abs (1 - x17'1^2 - x17'2^2 - x17'3^2))) };x18'1 <- getFloat32le ; x18'2 <- getFloat32le ; x18'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x18 = (x18'1, x18'2, x18'3, sqrt (abs (1 - x18'1^2 - x18'2^2 - x18'3^2))) };x19 <- getWord32le;x20 <- getFloat32le;x21 <- getWord8;x22 <- get;x23 <- get;x24 <- getWord8;x25' <- getWord16le ; x25 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x25');x26 <- get;return (ChildAgentUpdate_AgentData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23 x24 x25 x26) put x = do putWord64le (childAgentUpdate_AgentData_RegionHandle x);putWord32le (childAgentUpdate_AgentData_ViewerCircuitCode x);put (childAgentUpdate_AgentData_AgentID x);put (childAgentUpdate_AgentData_SessionID x);(let (a,b,c) = childAgentUpdate_AgentData_AgentPos x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = childAgentUpdate_AgentData_AgentVel x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = childAgentUpdate_AgentData_Center x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = childAgentUpdate_AgentData_Size x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = childAgentUpdate_AgentData_AtAxis x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = childAgentUpdate_AgentData_LeftAxis x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = childAgentUpdate_AgentData_UpAxis x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);put (childAgentUpdate_AgentData_ChangedGrid x);putFloat32le (childAgentUpdate_AgentData_Far x);putFloat32le (childAgentUpdate_AgentData_Aspect x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (childAgentUpdate_AgentData_Throttles x)) ; putByteString (childAgentUpdate_AgentData_Throttles x);putWord32le (childAgentUpdate_AgentData_LocomotionState x);(let (a,b,c,d) = childAgentUpdate_AgentData_HeadRotation x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c,d) = childAgentUpdate_AgentData_BodyRotation x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);putWord32le (childAgentUpdate_AgentData_ControlFlags x);putFloat32le (childAgentUpdate_AgentData_EnergyLevel x);putWord8 (childAgentUpdate_AgentData_GodLevel x);put (childAgentUpdate_AgentData_AlwaysRun x);put (childAgentUpdate_AgentData_PreyAgent x);putWord8 (childAgentUpdate_AgentData_AgentAccess x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (childAgentUpdate_AgentData_AgentTextures x)) ; putByteString (childAgentUpdate_AgentData_AgentTextures x);put (childAgentUpdate_AgentData_ActiveGroupID x);return () instance Binary ChildAgentUpdate_GroupData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord64le;x3 <- get;return (ChildAgentUpdate_GroupData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (childAgentUpdate_GroupData_GroupID x);putWord64le (childAgentUpdate_GroupData_GroupPowers x);put (childAgentUpdate_GroupData_AcceptNotices x);return () instance Binary ChildAgentUpdate_AnimationData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ChildAgentUpdate_AnimationData x1 x2) put x = do put (childAgentUpdate_AnimationData_Animation x);put (childAgentUpdate_AnimationData_ObjectID x);return () instance Binary ChildAgentUpdate_GranterBlock where get = do x1 <- get;return (ChildAgentUpdate_GranterBlock x1) put x = do put (childAgentUpdate_GranterBlock_GranterID x);return () instance Binary ChildAgentUpdate_NVPairData where get = do x1' <- getWord16le ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');return (ChildAgentUpdate_NVPairData x1) put x = do putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (childAgentUpdate_NVPairData_NVPairs x)) ; putByteString (childAgentUpdate_NVPairData_NVPairs x);return () instance Binary ChildAgentUpdate_VisualParam where get = do x1 <- getWord8;return (ChildAgentUpdate_VisualParam x1) put x = do putWord8 (childAgentUpdate_VisualParam_ParamValue x);return () instance Binary ChildAgentUpdate_AgentAccess where get = do x1 <- getWord8;x2 <- getWord8;return (ChildAgentUpdate_AgentAccess x1 x2) put x = do putWord8 (childAgentUpdate_AgentAccess_AgentLegacyAccess x);putWord8 (childAgentUpdate_AgentAccess_AgentMaxAccess x);return () instance Binary ChildAgentUpdate_AgentInfo where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (ChildAgentUpdate_AgentInfo x1) put x = do putWord32le (childAgentUpdate_AgentInfo_Flags x);return () instance Binary ChildAgentAlive_AgentData where get = do x1 <- getWord64le;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;return (ChildAgentAlive_AgentData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do putWord64le (childAgentAlive_AgentData_RegionHandle x);putWord32le (childAgentAlive_AgentData_ViewerCircuitCode x);put (childAgentAlive_AgentData_AgentID x);put (childAgentAlive_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ChildAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData where get = do x1 <- getWord64le;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5'1 <- getFloat32le ; x5'2 <- getFloat32le ; x5'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x5 = (x5'1, x5'2, x5'3) };x6'1 <- getFloat32le ; x6'2 <- getFloat32le ; x6'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x6 = (x6'1, x6'2, x6'3) };x7'1 <- getFloat32le ; x7'2 <- getFloat32le ; x7'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x7 = (x7'1, x7'2, x7'3) };x8'1 <- getFloat32le ; x8'2 <- getFloat32le ; x8'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x8 = (x8'1, x8'2, x8'3) };x9'1 <- getFloat32le ; x9'2 <- getFloat32le ; x9'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x9 = (x9'1, x9'2, x9'3) };x10'1 <- getFloat32le ; x10'2 <- getFloat32le ; x10'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x10 = (x10'1, x10'2, x10'3) };x11'1 <- getFloat32le ; x11'2 <- getFloat32le ; x11'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x11 = (x11'1, x11'2, x11'3) };x12 <- get;return (ChildAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12) put x = do putWord64le (childAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData_RegionHandle x);putWord32le (childAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData_ViewerCircuitCode x);put (childAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData_AgentID x);put (childAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData_SessionID x);(let (a,b,c) = childAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData_AgentPos x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = childAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData_AgentVel x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = childAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData_Center x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = childAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData_Size x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = childAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData_AtAxis x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = childAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData_LeftAxis x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = childAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData_UpAxis x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);put (childAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData_ChangedGrid x);return () instance Binary ChildAgentDying_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ChildAgentDying_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (childAgentDying_AgentData_AgentID x);put (childAgentDying_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ChildAgentUnknown_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ChildAgentUnknown_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (childAgentUnknown_AgentData_AgentID x);put (childAgentUnknown_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary AtomicPassObject_TaskData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (AtomicPassObject_TaskData x1 x2) put x = do put (atomicPassObject_TaskData_TaskID x);put (atomicPassObject_TaskData_AttachmentNeedsSave x);return () instance Binary KillChildAgents_IDBlock where get = do x1 <- get;return (KillChildAgents_IDBlock x1) put x = do put (killChildAgents_IDBlock_AgentID x);return () instance Binary GetScriptRunning_Script where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (GetScriptRunning_Script x1 x2) put x = do put (getScriptRunning_Script_ObjectID x);put (getScriptRunning_Script_ItemID x);return () instance Binary ScriptRunningReply_Script where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (ScriptRunningReply_Script x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (scriptRunningReply_Script_ObjectID x);put (scriptRunningReply_Script_ItemID x);put (scriptRunningReply_Script_Running x);return () instance Binary SetScriptRunning_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (SetScriptRunning_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (setScriptRunning_AgentData_AgentID x);put (setScriptRunning_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary SetScriptRunning_Script where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (SetScriptRunning_Script x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (setScriptRunning_Script_ObjectID x);put (setScriptRunning_Script_ItemID x);put (setScriptRunning_Script_Running x);return () instance Binary ScriptReset_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ScriptReset_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (scriptReset_AgentData_AgentID x);put (scriptReset_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ScriptReset_Script where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ScriptReset_Script x1 x2) put x = do put (scriptReset_Script_ObjectID x);put (scriptReset_Script_ItemID x);return () instance Binary ScriptSensorRequest_Requester where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4'1 <- getFloat32le ; x4'2 <- getFloat32le ; x4'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x4 = (x4'1, x4'2, x4'3) };x5'1 <- getFloat32le ; x5'2 <- getFloat32le ; x5'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x5 = (x5'1, x5'2, x5'3, sqrt (abs (1 - x5'1^2 - x5'2^2 - x5'3^2))) };x6' <- getWord8 ; x6 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x6');x7 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x8 <- getFloat32le;x9 <- getFloat32le;x10 <- getWord64le;x11 <- getWord8;return (ScriptSensorRequest_Requester x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11) put x = do put (scriptSensorRequest_Requester_SourceID x);put (scriptSensorRequest_Requester_RequestID x);put (scriptSensorRequest_Requester_SearchID x);(let (a,b,c) = scriptSensorRequest_Requester_SearchPos x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c,d) = scriptSensorRequest_Requester_SearchDir x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (scriptSensorRequest_Requester_SearchName x)) ; putByteString (scriptSensorRequest_Requester_SearchName x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (scriptSensorRequest_Requester_Type x));putFloat32le (scriptSensorRequest_Requester_Range x);putFloat32le (scriptSensorRequest_Requester_Arc x);putWord64le (scriptSensorRequest_Requester_RegionHandle x);putWord8 (scriptSensorRequest_Requester_SearchRegions x);return () instance Binary ScriptSensorReply_Requester where get = do x1 <- get;return (ScriptSensorReply_Requester x1) put x = do put (scriptSensorReply_Requester_SourceID x);return () instance Binary ScriptSensorReply_SensedData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4'1 <- getFloat32le ; x4'2 <- getFloat32le ; x4'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x4 = (x4'1, x4'2, x4'3) };x5'1 <- getFloat32le ; x5'2 <- getFloat32le ; x5'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x5 = (x5'1, x5'2, x5'3) };x6'1 <- getFloat32le ; x6'2 <- getFloat32le ; x6'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x6 = (x6'1, x6'2, x6'3, sqrt (abs (1 - x6'1^2 - x6'2^2 - x6'3^2))) };x7' <- getWord8 ; x7 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x7');x8 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x9 <- getFloat32le;return (ScriptSensorReply_SensedData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) put x = do put (scriptSensorReply_SensedData_ObjectID x);put (scriptSensorReply_SensedData_OwnerID x);put (scriptSensorReply_SensedData_GroupID x);(let (a,b,c) = scriptSensorReply_SensedData_Position x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = scriptSensorReply_SensedData_Velocity x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c,d) = scriptSensorReply_SensedData_Rotation x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (scriptSensorReply_SensedData_Name x)) ; putByteString (scriptSensorReply_SensedData_Name x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (scriptSensorReply_SensedData_Type x));putFloat32le (scriptSensorReply_SensedData_Range x);return () instance Binary CompleteAgentMovement_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord32le;return (CompleteAgentMovement_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (completeAgentMovement_AgentData_AgentID x);put (completeAgentMovement_AgentData_SessionID x);putWord32le (completeAgentMovement_AgentData_CircuitCode x);return () instance Binary AgentMovementComplete_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (AgentMovementComplete_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (agentMovementComplete_AgentData_AgentID x);put (agentMovementComplete_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary AgentMovementComplete_Data where get = do x1'1 <- getFloat32le ; x1'2 <- getFloat32le ; x1'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x1 = (x1'1, x1'2, x1'3) };x2'1 <- getFloat32le ; x2'2 <- getFloat32le ; x2'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x2 = (x2'1, x2'2, x2'3) };x3 <- getWord64le;x4 <- getWord32le;return (AgentMovementComplete_Data x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do (let (a,b,c) = agentMovementComplete_Data_Position x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = agentMovementComplete_Data_LookAt x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);putWord64le (agentMovementComplete_Data_RegionHandle x);putWord32le (agentMovementComplete_Data_Timestamp x);return () instance Binary AgentMovementComplete_SimData where get = do x1' <- getWord16le ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');return (AgentMovementComplete_SimData x1) put x = do putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (agentMovementComplete_SimData_ChannelVersion x)) ; putByteString (agentMovementComplete_SimData_ChannelVersion x);return () instance Binary DataServerLogout_UserData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- replicateM 4 getWord8;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;return (DataServerLogout_UserData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (dataServerLogout_UserData_AgentID x);mapM_ put (dataServerLogout_UserData_ViewerIP x);put (dataServerLogout_UserData_Disconnect x);put (dataServerLogout_UserData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary LogoutRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (LogoutRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (logoutRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (logoutRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary LogoutReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (LogoutReply_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (logoutReply_AgentData_AgentID x);put (logoutReply_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary LogoutReply_InventoryData where get = do x1 <- get;return (LogoutReply_InventoryData x1) put x = do put (logoutReply_InventoryData_ItemID x);return () instance Binary ImprovedInstantMessage_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ImprovedInstantMessage_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (improvedInstantMessage_AgentData_AgentID x);put (improvedInstantMessage_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ImprovedInstantMessage_MessageBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- get;x5'1 <- getFloat32le ; x5'2 <- getFloat32le ; x5'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x5 = (x5'1, x5'2, x5'3) };x6 <- getWord8;x7 <- getWord8;x8 <- get;x9 <- getWord32le;x10' <- getWord8 ; x10 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x10');x11' <- getWord16le ; x11 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x11');x12' <- getWord16le ; x12 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x12');return (ImprovedInstantMessage_MessageBlock x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12) put x = do put (improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_FromGroup x);put (improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_ToAgentID x);putWord32le (improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_ParentEstateID x);put (improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_RegionID x);(let (a,b,c) = improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_Position x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);putWord8 (improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_Offline x);putWord8 (improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_Dialog x);put (improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_ID x);putWord32le (improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_Timestamp x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_FromAgentName x)) ; putByteString (improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_FromAgentName x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_Message x)) ; putByteString (improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_Message x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_BinaryBucket x)) ; putByteString (improvedInstantMessage_MessageBlock_BinaryBucket x);return () instance Binary RetrieveInstantMessages_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (RetrieveInstantMessages_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (retrieveInstantMessages_AgentData_AgentID x);put (retrieveInstantMessages_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary FindAgent_AgentBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- replicateM 4 getWord8;return (FindAgent_AgentBlock x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (findAgent_AgentBlock_Hunter x);put (findAgent_AgentBlock_Prey x);mapM_ put (findAgent_AgentBlock_SpaceIP x);return () instance Binary FindAgent_LocationBlock where get = do x1 <- getFloat64le;x2 <- getFloat64le;return (FindAgent_LocationBlock x1 x2) put x = do putFloat64le (findAgent_LocationBlock_GlobalX x);putFloat64le (findAgent_LocationBlock_GlobalY x);return () instance Binary RequestGodlikePowers_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (RequestGodlikePowers_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (requestGodlikePowers_AgentData_AgentID x);put (requestGodlikePowers_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary RequestGodlikePowers_RequestBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (RequestGodlikePowers_RequestBlock x1 x2) put x = do put (requestGodlikePowers_RequestBlock_Godlike x);put (requestGodlikePowers_RequestBlock_Token x);return () instance Binary GrantGodlikePowers_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (GrantGodlikePowers_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (grantGodlikePowers_AgentData_AgentID x);put (grantGodlikePowers_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary GrantGodlikePowers_GrantData where get = do x1 <- getWord8;x2 <- get;return (GrantGodlikePowers_GrantData x1 x2) put x = do putWord8 (grantGodlikePowers_GrantData_GodLevel x);put (grantGodlikePowers_GrantData_Token x);return () instance Binary GodlikeMessage_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (GodlikeMessage_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (godlikeMessage_AgentData_AgentID x);put (godlikeMessage_AgentData_SessionID x);put (godlikeMessage_AgentData_TransactionID x);return () instance Binary GodlikeMessage_MethodData where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2 <- get;return (GodlikeMessage_MethodData x1 x2) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (godlikeMessage_MethodData_Method x)) ; putByteString (godlikeMessage_MethodData_Method x);put (godlikeMessage_MethodData_Invoice x);return () instance Binary GodlikeMessage_ParamList where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');return (GodlikeMessage_ParamList x1) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (godlikeMessage_ParamList_Parameter x)) ; putByteString (godlikeMessage_ParamList_Parameter x);return () instance Binary EstateOwnerMessage_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (EstateOwnerMessage_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (estateOwnerMessage_AgentData_AgentID x);put (estateOwnerMessage_AgentData_SessionID x);put (estateOwnerMessage_AgentData_TransactionID x);return () instance Binary EstateOwnerMessage_MethodData where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2 <- get;return (EstateOwnerMessage_MethodData x1 x2) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (estateOwnerMessage_MethodData_Method x)) ; putByteString (estateOwnerMessage_MethodData_Method x);put (estateOwnerMessage_MethodData_Invoice x);return () instance Binary EstateOwnerMessage_ParamList where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');return (EstateOwnerMessage_ParamList x1) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (estateOwnerMessage_ParamList_Parameter x)) ; putByteString (estateOwnerMessage_ParamList_Parameter x);return () instance Binary GenericMessage_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (GenericMessage_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (genericMessage_AgentData_AgentID x);put (genericMessage_AgentData_SessionID x);put (genericMessage_AgentData_TransactionID x);return () instance Binary GenericMessage_MethodData where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2 <- get;return (GenericMessage_MethodData x1 x2) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (genericMessage_MethodData_Method x)) ; putByteString (genericMessage_MethodData_Method x);put (genericMessage_MethodData_Invoice x);return () instance Binary GenericMessage_ParamList where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');return (GenericMessage_ParamList x1) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (genericMessage_ParamList_Parameter x)) ; putByteString (genericMessage_ParamList_Parameter x);return () instance Binary MuteListRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (MuteListRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (muteListRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (muteListRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary MuteListRequest_MuteData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (MuteListRequest_MuteData x1) put x = do putWord32le (muteListRequest_MuteData_MuteCRC x);return () instance Binary UpdateMuteListEntry_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (UpdateMuteListEntry_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (updateMuteListEntry_AgentData_AgentID x);put (updateMuteListEntry_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary UpdateMuteListEntry_MuteData where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x4 <- getWord32le;return (UpdateMuteListEntry_MuteData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (updateMuteListEntry_MuteData_MuteID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (updateMuteListEntry_MuteData_MuteName x)) ; putByteString (updateMuteListEntry_MuteData_MuteName x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (updateMuteListEntry_MuteData_MuteType x));putWord32le (updateMuteListEntry_MuteData_MuteFlags x);return () instance Binary RemoveMuteListEntry_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (RemoveMuteListEntry_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (removeMuteListEntry_AgentData_AgentID x);put (removeMuteListEntry_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary RemoveMuteListEntry_MuteData where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');return (RemoveMuteListEntry_MuteData x1 x2) put x = do put (removeMuteListEntry_MuteData_MuteID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (removeMuteListEntry_MuteData_MuteName x)) ; putByteString (removeMuteListEntry_MuteData_MuteName x);return () instance Binary CopyInventoryFromNotecard_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (CopyInventoryFromNotecard_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (copyInventoryFromNotecard_AgentData_AgentID x);put (copyInventoryFromNotecard_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary CopyInventoryFromNotecard_NotecardData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (CopyInventoryFromNotecard_NotecardData x1 x2) put x = do put (copyInventoryFromNotecard_NotecardData_NotecardItemID x);put (copyInventoryFromNotecard_NotecardData_ObjectID x);return () instance Binary CopyInventoryFromNotecard_InventoryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (CopyInventoryFromNotecard_InventoryData x1 x2) put x = do put (copyInventoryFromNotecard_InventoryData_ItemID x);put (copyInventoryFromNotecard_InventoryData_FolderID x);return () instance Binary UpdateInventoryItem_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (UpdateInventoryItem_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (updateInventoryItem_AgentData_AgentID x);put (updateInventoryItem_AgentData_SessionID x);put (updateInventoryItem_AgentData_TransactionID x);return () instance Binary UpdateInventoryItem_InventoryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- get;x5 <- get;x6 <- get;x7 <- getWord32le;x8 <- getWord32le;x9 <- getWord32le;x10 <- getWord32le;x11 <- getWord32le;x12 <- get;x13 <- get;x14 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x15 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x16 <- getWord32le;x17 <- getWord8;x18 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x19' <- getWord8 ; x19 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x19');x20' <- getWord8 ; x20 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x20');x21 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x22 <- getWord32le;return (UpdateInventoryItem_InventoryData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22) put x = do put (updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_ItemID x);put (updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_FolderID x);putWord32le (updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_CallbackID x);put (updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_CreatorID x);put (updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_OwnerID x);put (updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_GroupID x);putWord32le (updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_BaseMask x);putWord32le (updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_OwnerMask x);putWord32le (updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_GroupMask x);putWord32le (updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_EveryoneMask x);putWord32le (updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_NextOwnerMask x);put (updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_GroupOwned x);put (updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_TransactionID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_Type x));putWord8 (fromIntegral (updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_InvType x));putWord32le (updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_Flags x);putWord8 (updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_SaleType x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_SalePrice x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_Name x)) ; putByteString (updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_Name x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_Description x)) ; putByteString (updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_Description x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_CreationDate x));putWord32le (updateInventoryItem_InventoryData_CRC x);return () instance Binary UpdateCreateInventoryItem_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (UpdateCreateInventoryItem_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (updateCreateInventoryItem_AgentData_AgentID x);put (updateCreateInventoryItem_AgentData_SimApproved x);put (updateCreateInventoryItem_AgentData_TransactionID x);return () instance Binary UpdateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- get;x5 <- get;x6 <- get;x7 <- getWord32le;x8 <- getWord32le;x9 <- getWord32le;x10 <- getWord32le;x11 <- getWord32le;x12 <- get;x13 <- get;x14 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x15 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x16 <- getWord32le;x17 <- getWord8;x18 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x19' <- getWord8 ; x19 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x19');x20' <- getWord8 ; x20 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x20');x21 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x22 <- getWord32le;return (UpdateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22) put x = do put (updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_ItemID x);put (updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_FolderID x);putWord32le (updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_CallbackID x);put (updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_CreatorID x);put (updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_OwnerID x);put (updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_GroupID x);putWord32le (updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_BaseMask x);putWord32le (updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_OwnerMask x);putWord32le (updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_GroupMask x);putWord32le (updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_EveryoneMask x);putWord32le (updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_NextOwnerMask x);put (updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_GroupOwned x);put (updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_AssetID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_Type x));putWord8 (fromIntegral (updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_InvType x));putWord32le (updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_Flags x);putWord8 (updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_SaleType x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_SalePrice x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_Name x)) ; putByteString (updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_Name x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_Description x)) ; putByteString (updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_Description x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_CreationDate x));putWord32le (updateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData_CRC x);return () instance Binary MoveInventoryItem_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (MoveInventoryItem_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (moveInventoryItem_AgentData_AgentID x);put (moveInventoryItem_AgentData_SessionID x);put (moveInventoryItem_AgentData_Stamp x);return () instance Binary MoveInventoryItem_InventoryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');return (MoveInventoryItem_InventoryData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (moveInventoryItem_InventoryData_ItemID x);put (moveInventoryItem_InventoryData_FolderID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (moveInventoryItem_InventoryData_NewName x)) ; putByteString (moveInventoryItem_InventoryData_NewName x);return () instance Binary CopyInventoryItem_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (CopyInventoryItem_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (copyInventoryItem_AgentData_AgentID x);put (copyInventoryItem_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary CopyInventoryItem_InventoryData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5' <- getWord8 ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');return (CopyInventoryItem_InventoryData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do putWord32le (copyInventoryItem_InventoryData_CallbackID x);put (copyInventoryItem_InventoryData_OldAgentID x);put (copyInventoryItem_InventoryData_OldItemID x);put (copyInventoryItem_InventoryData_NewFolderID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (copyInventoryItem_InventoryData_NewName x)) ; putByteString (copyInventoryItem_InventoryData_NewName x);return () instance Binary RemoveInventoryItem_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (RemoveInventoryItem_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (removeInventoryItem_AgentData_AgentID x);put (removeInventoryItem_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary RemoveInventoryItem_InventoryData where get = do x1 <- get;return (RemoveInventoryItem_InventoryData x1) put x = do put (removeInventoryItem_InventoryData_ItemID x);return () instance Binary ChangeInventoryItemFlags_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ChangeInventoryItemFlags_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (changeInventoryItemFlags_AgentData_AgentID x);put (changeInventoryItemFlags_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ChangeInventoryItemFlags_InventoryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;return (ChangeInventoryItemFlags_InventoryData x1 x2) put x = do put (changeInventoryItemFlags_InventoryData_ItemID x);putWord32le (changeInventoryItemFlags_InventoryData_Flags x);return () instance Binary SaveAssetIntoInventory_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (SaveAssetIntoInventory_AgentData x1) put x = do put (saveAssetIntoInventory_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary SaveAssetIntoInventory_InventoryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (SaveAssetIntoInventory_InventoryData x1 x2) put x = do put (saveAssetIntoInventory_InventoryData_ItemID x);put (saveAssetIntoInventory_InventoryData_NewAssetID x);return () instance Binary CreateInventoryFolder_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (CreateInventoryFolder_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (createInventoryFolder_AgentData_AgentID x);put (createInventoryFolder_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary CreateInventoryFolder_FolderData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');return (CreateInventoryFolder_FolderData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (createInventoryFolder_FolderData_FolderID x);put (createInventoryFolder_FolderData_ParentID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (createInventoryFolder_FolderData_Type x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (createInventoryFolder_FolderData_Name x)) ; putByteString (createInventoryFolder_FolderData_Name x);return () instance Binary UpdateInventoryFolder_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (UpdateInventoryFolder_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (updateInventoryFolder_AgentData_AgentID x);put (updateInventoryFolder_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary UpdateInventoryFolder_FolderData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');return (UpdateInventoryFolder_FolderData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (updateInventoryFolder_FolderData_FolderID x);put (updateInventoryFolder_FolderData_ParentID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (updateInventoryFolder_FolderData_Type x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (updateInventoryFolder_FolderData_Name x)) ; putByteString (updateInventoryFolder_FolderData_Name x);return () instance Binary MoveInventoryFolder_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (MoveInventoryFolder_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (moveInventoryFolder_AgentData_AgentID x);put (moveInventoryFolder_AgentData_SessionID x);put (moveInventoryFolder_AgentData_Stamp x);return () instance Binary MoveInventoryFolder_InventoryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (MoveInventoryFolder_InventoryData x1 x2) put x = do put (moveInventoryFolder_InventoryData_FolderID x);put (moveInventoryFolder_InventoryData_ParentID x);return () instance Binary RemoveInventoryFolder_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (RemoveInventoryFolder_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (removeInventoryFolder_AgentData_AgentID x);put (removeInventoryFolder_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary RemoveInventoryFolder_FolderData where get = do x1 <- get;return (RemoveInventoryFolder_FolderData x1) put x = do put (removeInventoryFolder_FolderData_FolderID x);return () instance Binary FetchInventoryDescendents_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (FetchInventoryDescendents_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (fetchInventoryDescendents_AgentData_AgentID x);put (fetchInventoryDescendents_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary FetchInventoryDescendents_InventoryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x4 <- get;x5 <- get;return (FetchInventoryDescendents_InventoryData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do put (fetchInventoryDescendents_InventoryData_FolderID x);put (fetchInventoryDescendents_InventoryData_OwnerID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (fetchInventoryDescendents_InventoryData_SortOrder x));put (fetchInventoryDescendents_InventoryData_FetchFolders x);put (fetchInventoryDescendents_InventoryData_FetchItems x);return () instance Binary InventoryDescendents_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x5 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (InventoryDescendents_AgentData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do put (inventoryDescendents_AgentData_AgentID x);put (inventoryDescendents_AgentData_FolderID x);put (inventoryDescendents_AgentData_OwnerID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (inventoryDescendents_AgentData_Version x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (inventoryDescendents_AgentData_Descendents x));return () instance Binary InventoryDescendents_FolderData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');return (InventoryDescendents_FolderData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (inventoryDescendents_FolderData_FolderID x);put (inventoryDescendents_FolderData_ParentID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (inventoryDescendents_FolderData_Type x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (inventoryDescendents_FolderData_Name x)) ; putByteString (inventoryDescendents_FolderData_Name x);return () instance Binary InventoryDescendents_ItemData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5 <- get;x6 <- getWord32le;x7 <- getWord32le;x8 <- getWord32le;x9 <- getWord32le;x10 <- getWord32le;x11 <- get;x12 <- get;x13 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x14 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x15 <- getWord32le;x16 <- getWord8;x17 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x18' <- getWord8 ; x18 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x18');x19' <- getWord8 ; x19 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x19');x20 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x21 <- getWord32le;return (InventoryDescendents_ItemData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21) put x = do put (inventoryDescendents_ItemData_ItemID x);put (inventoryDescendents_ItemData_FolderID x);put (inventoryDescendents_ItemData_CreatorID x);put (inventoryDescendents_ItemData_OwnerID x);put (inventoryDescendents_ItemData_GroupID x);putWord32le (inventoryDescendents_ItemData_BaseMask x);putWord32le (inventoryDescendents_ItemData_OwnerMask x);putWord32le (inventoryDescendents_ItemData_GroupMask x);putWord32le (inventoryDescendents_ItemData_EveryoneMask x);putWord32le (inventoryDescendents_ItemData_NextOwnerMask x);put (inventoryDescendents_ItemData_GroupOwned x);put (inventoryDescendents_ItemData_AssetID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (inventoryDescendents_ItemData_Type x));putWord8 (fromIntegral (inventoryDescendents_ItemData_InvType x));putWord32le (inventoryDescendents_ItemData_Flags x);putWord8 (inventoryDescendents_ItemData_SaleType x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (inventoryDescendents_ItemData_SalePrice x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (inventoryDescendents_ItemData_Name x)) ; putByteString (inventoryDescendents_ItemData_Name x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (inventoryDescendents_ItemData_Description x)) ; putByteString (inventoryDescendents_ItemData_Description x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (inventoryDescendents_ItemData_CreationDate x));putWord32le (inventoryDescendents_ItemData_CRC x);return () instance Binary FetchInventory_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (FetchInventory_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (fetchInventory_AgentData_AgentID x);put (fetchInventory_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary FetchInventory_InventoryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (FetchInventory_InventoryData x1 x2) put x = do put (fetchInventory_InventoryData_OwnerID x);put (fetchInventory_InventoryData_ItemID x);return () instance Binary FetchInventoryReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (FetchInventoryReply_AgentData x1) put x = do put (fetchInventoryReply_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary FetchInventoryReply_InventoryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5 <- get;x6 <- getWord32le;x7 <- getWord32le;x8 <- getWord32le;x9 <- getWord32le;x10 <- getWord32le;x11 <- get;x12 <- get;x13 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x14 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x15 <- getWord32le;x16 <- getWord8;x17 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x18' <- getWord8 ; x18 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x18');x19' <- getWord8 ; x19 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x19');x20 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x21 <- getWord32le;return (FetchInventoryReply_InventoryData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21) put x = do put (fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_ItemID x);put (fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_FolderID x);put (fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_CreatorID x);put (fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_OwnerID x);put (fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_GroupID x);putWord32le (fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_BaseMask x);putWord32le (fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_OwnerMask x);putWord32le (fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_GroupMask x);putWord32le (fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_EveryoneMask x);putWord32le (fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_NextOwnerMask x);put (fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_GroupOwned x);put (fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_AssetID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_Type x));putWord8 (fromIntegral (fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_InvType x));putWord32le (fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_Flags x);putWord8 (fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_SaleType x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_SalePrice x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_Name x)) ; putByteString (fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_Name x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_Description x)) ; putByteString (fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_Description x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_CreationDate x));putWord32le (fetchInventoryReply_InventoryData_CRC x);return () instance Binary BulkUpdateInventory_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (BulkUpdateInventory_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (bulkUpdateInventory_AgentData_AgentID x);put (bulkUpdateInventory_AgentData_TransactionID x);return () instance Binary BulkUpdateInventory_FolderData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');return (BulkUpdateInventory_FolderData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (bulkUpdateInventory_FolderData_FolderID x);put (bulkUpdateInventory_FolderData_ParentID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (bulkUpdateInventory_FolderData_Type x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (bulkUpdateInventory_FolderData_Name x)) ; putByteString (bulkUpdateInventory_FolderData_Name x);return () instance Binary BulkUpdateInventory_ItemData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5 <- get;x6 <- get;x7 <- getWord32le;x8 <- getWord32le;x9 <- getWord32le;x10 <- getWord32le;x11 <- getWord32le;x12 <- get;x13 <- get;x14 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x15 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x16 <- getWord32le;x17 <- getWord8;x18 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x19' <- getWord8 ; x19 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x19');x20' <- getWord8 ; x20 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x20');x21 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x22 <- getWord32le;return (BulkUpdateInventory_ItemData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22) put x = do put (bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_ItemID x);putWord32le (bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_CallbackID x);put (bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_FolderID x);put (bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_CreatorID x);put (bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_OwnerID x);put (bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_GroupID x);putWord32le (bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_BaseMask x);putWord32le (bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_OwnerMask x);putWord32le (bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_GroupMask x);putWord32le (bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_EveryoneMask x);putWord32le (bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_NextOwnerMask x);put (bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_GroupOwned x);put (bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_AssetID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_Type x));putWord8 (fromIntegral (bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_InvType x));putWord32le (bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_Flags x);putWord8 (bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_SaleType x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_SalePrice x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_Name x)) ; putByteString (bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_Name x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_Description x)) ; putByteString (bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_Description x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_CreationDate x));putWord32le (bulkUpdateInventory_ItemData_CRC x);return () instance Binary RequestInventoryAsset_QueryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;return (RequestInventoryAsset_QueryData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (requestInventoryAsset_QueryData_QueryID x);put (requestInventoryAsset_QueryData_AgentID x);put (requestInventoryAsset_QueryData_OwnerID x);put (requestInventoryAsset_QueryData_ItemID x);return () instance Binary InventoryAssetResponse_QueryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (InventoryAssetResponse_QueryData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (inventoryAssetResponse_QueryData_QueryID x);put (inventoryAssetResponse_QueryData_AssetID x);put (inventoryAssetResponse_QueryData_IsReadable x);return () instance Binary RemoveInventoryObjects_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (RemoveInventoryObjects_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (removeInventoryObjects_AgentData_AgentID x);put (removeInventoryObjects_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary RemoveInventoryObjects_FolderData where get = do x1 <- get;return (RemoveInventoryObjects_FolderData x1) put x = do put (removeInventoryObjects_FolderData_FolderID x);return () instance Binary RemoveInventoryObjects_ItemData where get = do x1 <- get;return (RemoveInventoryObjects_ItemData x1) put x = do put (removeInventoryObjects_ItemData_ItemID x);return () instance Binary PurgeInventoryDescendents_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (PurgeInventoryDescendents_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (purgeInventoryDescendents_AgentData_AgentID x);put (purgeInventoryDescendents_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary PurgeInventoryDescendents_InventoryData where get = do x1 <- get;return (PurgeInventoryDescendents_InventoryData x1) put x = do put (purgeInventoryDescendents_InventoryData_FolderID x);return () instance Binary UpdateTaskInventory_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (UpdateTaskInventory_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (updateTaskInventory_AgentData_AgentID x);put (updateTaskInventory_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary UpdateTaskInventory_UpdateData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord8;return (UpdateTaskInventory_UpdateData x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (updateTaskInventory_UpdateData_LocalID x);putWord8 (updateTaskInventory_UpdateData_Key x);return () instance Binary UpdateTaskInventory_InventoryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5 <- get;x6 <- getWord32le;x7 <- getWord32le;x8 <- getWord32le;x9 <- getWord32le;x10 <- getWord32le;x11 <- get;x12 <- get;x13 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x14 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x15 <- getWord32le;x16 <- getWord8;x17 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x18' <- getWord8 ; x18 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x18');x19' <- getWord8 ; x19 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x19');x20 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x21 <- getWord32le;return (UpdateTaskInventory_InventoryData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21) put x = do put (updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_ItemID x);put (updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_FolderID x);put (updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_CreatorID x);put (updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_OwnerID x);put (updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_GroupID x);putWord32le (updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_BaseMask x);putWord32le (updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_OwnerMask x);putWord32le (updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_GroupMask x);putWord32le (updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_EveryoneMask x);putWord32le (updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_NextOwnerMask x);put (updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_GroupOwned x);put (updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_TransactionID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_Type x));putWord8 (fromIntegral (updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_InvType x));putWord32le (updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_Flags x);putWord8 (updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_SaleType x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_SalePrice x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_Name x)) ; putByteString (updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_Name x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_Description x)) ; putByteString (updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_Description x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_CreationDate x));putWord32le (updateTaskInventory_InventoryData_CRC x);return () instance Binary RemoveTaskInventory_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (RemoveTaskInventory_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (removeTaskInventory_AgentData_AgentID x);put (removeTaskInventory_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary RemoveTaskInventory_InventoryData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- get;return (RemoveTaskInventory_InventoryData x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (removeTaskInventory_InventoryData_LocalID x);put (removeTaskInventory_InventoryData_ItemID x);return () instance Binary MoveTaskInventory_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (MoveTaskInventory_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (moveTaskInventory_AgentData_AgentID x);put (moveTaskInventory_AgentData_SessionID x);put (moveTaskInventory_AgentData_FolderID x);return () instance Binary MoveTaskInventory_InventoryData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- get;return (MoveTaskInventory_InventoryData x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (moveTaskInventory_InventoryData_LocalID x);put (moveTaskInventory_InventoryData_ItemID x);return () instance Binary RequestTaskInventory_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (RequestTaskInventory_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (requestTaskInventory_AgentData_AgentID x);put (requestTaskInventory_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary RequestTaskInventory_InventoryData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (RequestTaskInventory_InventoryData x1) put x = do putWord32le (requestTaskInventory_InventoryData_LocalID x);return () instance Binary ReplyTaskInventory_InventoryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord16le;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');return (ReplyTaskInventory_InventoryData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (replyTaskInventory_InventoryData_TaskID x);putWord16le (fromIntegral (replyTaskInventory_InventoryData_Serial x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (replyTaskInventory_InventoryData_Filename x)) ; putByteString (replyTaskInventory_InventoryData_Filename x);return () instance Binary DeRezObject_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (DeRezObject_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (deRezObject_AgentData_AgentID x);put (deRezObject_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary DeRezObject_AgentBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord8;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5 <- getWord8;x6 <- getWord8;return (DeRezObject_AgentBlock x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do put (deRezObject_AgentBlock_GroupID x);putWord8 (deRezObject_AgentBlock_Destination x);put (deRezObject_AgentBlock_DestinationID x);put (deRezObject_AgentBlock_TransactionID x);putWord8 (deRezObject_AgentBlock_PacketCount x);putWord8 (deRezObject_AgentBlock_PacketNumber x);return () instance Binary DeRezObject_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (DeRezObject_ObjectData x1) put x = do putWord32le (deRezObject_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID x);return () instance Binary DeRezAck_TransactionData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (DeRezAck_TransactionData x1 x2) put x = do put (deRezAck_TransactionData_TransactionID x);put (deRezAck_TransactionData_Success x);return () instance Binary RezObject_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (RezObject_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (rezObject_AgentData_AgentID x);put (rezObject_AgentData_SessionID x);put (rezObject_AgentData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary RezObject_RezData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord8;x3'1 <- getFloat32le ; x3'2 <- getFloat32le ; x3'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x3 = (x3'1, x3'2, x3'3) };x4'1 <- getFloat32le ; x4'2 <- getFloat32le ; x4'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x4 = (x4'1, x4'2, x4'3) };x5 <- get;x6 <- get;x7 <- get;x8 <- get;x9 <- getWord32le;x10 <- getWord32le;x11 <- getWord32le;x12 <- getWord32le;return (RezObject_RezData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12) put x = do put (rezObject_RezData_FromTaskID x);putWord8 (rezObject_RezData_BypassRaycast x);(let (a,b,c) = rezObject_RezData_RayStart x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = rezObject_RezData_RayEnd x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);put (rezObject_RezData_RayTargetID x);put (rezObject_RezData_RayEndIsIntersection x);put (rezObject_RezData_RezSelected x);put (rezObject_RezData_RemoveItem x);putWord32le (rezObject_RezData_ItemFlags x);putWord32le (rezObject_RezData_GroupMask x);putWord32le (rezObject_RezData_EveryoneMask x);putWord32le (rezObject_RezData_NextOwnerMask x);return () instance Binary RezObject_InventoryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5 <- get;x6 <- getWord32le;x7 <- getWord32le;x8 <- getWord32le;x9 <- getWord32le;x10 <- getWord32le;x11 <- get;x12 <- get;x13 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x14 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x15 <- getWord32le;x16 <- getWord8;x17 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x18' <- getWord8 ; x18 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x18');x19' <- getWord8 ; x19 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x19');x20 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x21 <- getWord32le;return (RezObject_InventoryData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21) put x = do put (rezObject_InventoryData_ItemID x);put (rezObject_InventoryData_FolderID x);put (rezObject_InventoryData_CreatorID x);put (rezObject_InventoryData_OwnerID x);put (rezObject_InventoryData_GroupID x);putWord32le (rezObject_InventoryData_BaseMask x);putWord32le (rezObject_InventoryData_OwnerMask x);putWord32le (rezObject_InventoryData_GroupMask x);putWord32le (rezObject_InventoryData_EveryoneMask x);putWord32le (rezObject_InventoryData_NextOwnerMask x);put (rezObject_InventoryData_GroupOwned x);put (rezObject_InventoryData_TransactionID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (rezObject_InventoryData_Type x));putWord8 (fromIntegral (rezObject_InventoryData_InvType x));putWord32le (rezObject_InventoryData_Flags x);putWord8 (rezObject_InventoryData_SaleType x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (rezObject_InventoryData_SalePrice x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (rezObject_InventoryData_Name x)) ; putByteString (rezObject_InventoryData_Name x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (rezObject_InventoryData_Description x)) ; putByteString (rezObject_InventoryData_Description x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (rezObject_InventoryData_CreationDate x));putWord32le (rezObject_InventoryData_CRC x);return () instance Binary RezObjectFromNotecard_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (RezObjectFromNotecard_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (rezObjectFromNotecard_AgentData_AgentID x);put (rezObjectFromNotecard_AgentData_SessionID x);put (rezObjectFromNotecard_AgentData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary RezObjectFromNotecard_RezData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord8;x3'1 <- getFloat32le ; x3'2 <- getFloat32le ; x3'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x3 = (x3'1, x3'2, x3'3) };x4'1 <- getFloat32le ; x4'2 <- getFloat32le ; x4'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x4 = (x4'1, x4'2, x4'3) };x5 <- get;x6 <- get;x7 <- get;x8 <- get;x9 <- getWord32le;x10 <- getWord32le;x11 <- getWord32le;x12 <- getWord32le;return (RezObjectFromNotecard_RezData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12) put x = do put (rezObjectFromNotecard_RezData_FromTaskID x);putWord8 (rezObjectFromNotecard_RezData_BypassRaycast x);(let (a,b,c) = rezObjectFromNotecard_RezData_RayStart x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = rezObjectFromNotecard_RezData_RayEnd x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);put (rezObjectFromNotecard_RezData_RayTargetID x);put (rezObjectFromNotecard_RezData_RayEndIsIntersection x);put (rezObjectFromNotecard_RezData_RezSelected x);put (rezObjectFromNotecard_RezData_RemoveItem x);putWord32le (rezObjectFromNotecard_RezData_ItemFlags x);putWord32le (rezObjectFromNotecard_RezData_GroupMask x);putWord32le (rezObjectFromNotecard_RezData_EveryoneMask x);putWord32le (rezObjectFromNotecard_RezData_NextOwnerMask x);return () instance Binary RezObjectFromNotecard_NotecardData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (RezObjectFromNotecard_NotecardData x1 x2) put x = do put (rezObjectFromNotecard_NotecardData_NotecardItemID x);put (rezObjectFromNotecard_NotecardData_ObjectID x);return () instance Binary RezObjectFromNotecard_InventoryData where get = do x1 <- get;return (RezObjectFromNotecard_InventoryData x1) put x = do put (rezObjectFromNotecard_InventoryData_ItemID x);return () instance Binary TransferInventory_InfoBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (TransferInventory_InfoBlock x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (transferInventory_InfoBlock_SourceID x);put (transferInventory_InfoBlock_DestID x);put (transferInventory_InfoBlock_TransactionID x);return () instance Binary TransferInventory_InventoryBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;return (TransferInventory_InventoryBlock x1 x2) put x = do put (transferInventory_InventoryBlock_InventoryID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (transferInventory_InventoryBlock_Type x));return () instance Binary TransferInventoryAck_InfoBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (TransferInventoryAck_InfoBlock x1 x2) put x = do put (transferInventoryAck_InfoBlock_TransactionID x);put (transferInventoryAck_InfoBlock_InventoryID x);return () instance Binary AcceptFriendship_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (AcceptFriendship_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (acceptFriendship_AgentData_AgentID x);put (acceptFriendship_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary AcceptFriendship_TransactionBlock where get = do x1 <- get;return (AcceptFriendship_TransactionBlock x1) put x = do put (acceptFriendship_TransactionBlock_TransactionID x);return () instance Binary AcceptFriendship_FolderData where get = do x1 <- get;return (AcceptFriendship_FolderData x1) put x = do put (acceptFriendship_FolderData_FolderID x);return () instance Binary DeclineFriendship_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (DeclineFriendship_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (declineFriendship_AgentData_AgentID x);put (declineFriendship_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary DeclineFriendship_TransactionBlock where get = do x1 <- get;return (DeclineFriendship_TransactionBlock x1) put x = do put (declineFriendship_TransactionBlock_TransactionID x);return () instance Binary FormFriendship_AgentBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (FormFriendship_AgentBlock x1 x2) put x = do put (formFriendship_AgentBlock_SourceID x);put (formFriendship_AgentBlock_DestID x);return () instance Binary TerminateFriendship_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (TerminateFriendship_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (terminateFriendship_AgentData_AgentID x);put (terminateFriendship_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary TerminateFriendship_ExBlock where get = do x1 <- get;return (TerminateFriendship_ExBlock x1) put x = do put (terminateFriendship_ExBlock_OtherID x);return () instance Binary OfferCallingCard_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (OfferCallingCard_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (offerCallingCard_AgentData_AgentID x);put (offerCallingCard_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary OfferCallingCard_AgentBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (OfferCallingCard_AgentBlock x1 x2) put x = do put (offerCallingCard_AgentBlock_DestID x);put (offerCallingCard_AgentBlock_TransactionID x);return () instance Binary AcceptCallingCard_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (AcceptCallingCard_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (acceptCallingCard_AgentData_AgentID x);put (acceptCallingCard_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary AcceptCallingCard_TransactionBlock where get = do x1 <- get;return (AcceptCallingCard_TransactionBlock x1) put x = do put (acceptCallingCard_TransactionBlock_TransactionID x);return () instance Binary AcceptCallingCard_FolderData where get = do x1 <- get;return (AcceptCallingCard_FolderData x1) put x = do put (acceptCallingCard_FolderData_FolderID x);return () instance Binary DeclineCallingCard_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (DeclineCallingCard_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (declineCallingCard_AgentData_AgentID x);put (declineCallingCard_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary DeclineCallingCard_TransactionBlock where get = do x1 <- get;return (DeclineCallingCard_TransactionBlock x1) put x = do put (declineCallingCard_TransactionBlock_TransactionID x);return () instance Binary RezScript_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (RezScript_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (rezScript_AgentData_AgentID x);put (rezScript_AgentData_SessionID x);put (rezScript_AgentData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary RezScript_UpdateBlock where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- get;return (RezScript_UpdateBlock x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (rezScript_UpdateBlock_ObjectLocalID x);put (rezScript_UpdateBlock_Enabled x);return () instance Binary RezScript_InventoryBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5 <- get;x6 <- getWord32le;x7 <- getWord32le;x8 <- getWord32le;x9 <- getWord32le;x10 <- getWord32le;x11 <- get;x12 <- get;x13 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x14 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x15 <- getWord32le;x16 <- getWord8;x17 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x18' <- getWord8 ; x18 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x18');x19' <- getWord8 ; x19 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x19');x20 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x21 <- getWord32le;return (RezScript_InventoryBlock x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21) put x = do put (rezScript_InventoryBlock_ItemID x);put (rezScript_InventoryBlock_FolderID x);put (rezScript_InventoryBlock_CreatorID x);put (rezScript_InventoryBlock_OwnerID x);put (rezScript_InventoryBlock_GroupID x);putWord32le (rezScript_InventoryBlock_BaseMask x);putWord32le (rezScript_InventoryBlock_OwnerMask x);putWord32le (rezScript_InventoryBlock_GroupMask x);putWord32le (rezScript_InventoryBlock_EveryoneMask x);putWord32le (rezScript_InventoryBlock_NextOwnerMask x);put (rezScript_InventoryBlock_GroupOwned x);put (rezScript_InventoryBlock_TransactionID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (rezScript_InventoryBlock_Type x));putWord8 (fromIntegral (rezScript_InventoryBlock_InvType x));putWord32le (rezScript_InventoryBlock_Flags x);putWord8 (rezScript_InventoryBlock_SaleType x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (rezScript_InventoryBlock_SalePrice x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (rezScript_InventoryBlock_Name x)) ; putByteString (rezScript_InventoryBlock_Name x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (rezScript_InventoryBlock_Description x)) ; putByteString (rezScript_InventoryBlock_Description x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (rezScript_InventoryBlock_CreationDate x));putWord32le (rezScript_InventoryBlock_CRC x);return () instance Binary CreateInventoryItem_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (CreateInventoryItem_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (createInventoryItem_AgentData_AgentID x);put (createInventoryItem_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary CreateInventoryItem_InventoryBlock where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- getWord32le;x5 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x6 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x7 <- getWord8;x8' <- getWord8 ; x8 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x8');x9' <- getWord8 ; x9 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x9');return (CreateInventoryItem_InventoryBlock x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) put x = do putWord32le (createInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_CallbackID x);put (createInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_FolderID x);put (createInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_TransactionID x);putWord32le (createInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_NextOwnerMask x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (createInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_Type x));putWord8 (fromIntegral (createInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_InvType x));putWord8 (createInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_WearableType x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (createInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_Name x)) ; putByteString (createInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_Name x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (createInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_Description x)) ; putByteString (createInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_Description x);return () instance Binary CreateLandmarkForEvent_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (CreateLandmarkForEvent_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (createLandmarkForEvent_AgentData_AgentID x);put (createLandmarkForEvent_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary CreateLandmarkForEvent_EventData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (CreateLandmarkForEvent_EventData x1) put x = do putWord32le (createLandmarkForEvent_EventData_EventID x);return () instance Binary CreateLandmarkForEvent_InventoryBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');return (CreateLandmarkForEvent_InventoryBlock x1 x2) put x = do put (createLandmarkForEvent_InventoryBlock_FolderID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (createLandmarkForEvent_InventoryBlock_Name x)) ; putByteString (createLandmarkForEvent_InventoryBlock_Name x);return () instance Binary EventLocationRequest_QueryData where get = do x1 <- get;return (EventLocationRequest_QueryData x1) put x = do put (eventLocationRequest_QueryData_QueryID x);return () instance Binary EventLocationRequest_EventData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (EventLocationRequest_EventData x1) put x = do putWord32le (eventLocationRequest_EventData_EventID x);return () instance Binary EventLocationReply_QueryData where get = do x1 <- get;return (EventLocationReply_QueryData x1) put x = do put (eventLocationReply_QueryData_QueryID x);return () instance Binary EventLocationReply_EventData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3'1 <- getFloat32le ; x3'2 <- getFloat32le ; x3'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x3 = (x3'1, x3'2, x3'3) };return (EventLocationReply_EventData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (eventLocationReply_EventData_Success x);put (eventLocationReply_EventData_RegionID x);(let (a,b,c) = eventLocationReply_EventData_RegionPos x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);return () instance Binary RegionHandleRequest_RequestBlock where get = do x1 <- get;return (RegionHandleRequest_RequestBlock x1) put x = do put (regionHandleRequest_RequestBlock_RegionID x);return () instance Binary RegionIDAndHandleReply_ReplyBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord64le;return (RegionIDAndHandleReply_ReplyBlock x1 x2) put x = do put (regionIDAndHandleReply_ReplyBlock_RegionID x);putWord64le (regionIDAndHandleReply_ReplyBlock_RegionHandle x);return () instance Binary MoneyTransferRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (MoneyTransferRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (moneyTransferRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (moneyTransferRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary MoneyTransferRequest_MoneyData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord8;x4 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x5 <- getWord8;x6 <- getWord8;x7 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x8' <- getWord8 ; x8 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x8');return (MoneyTransferRequest_MoneyData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) put x = do put (moneyTransferRequest_MoneyData_SourceID x);put (moneyTransferRequest_MoneyData_DestID x);putWord8 (moneyTransferRequest_MoneyData_Flags x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (moneyTransferRequest_MoneyData_Amount x));putWord8 (moneyTransferRequest_MoneyData_AggregatePermNextOwner x);putWord8 (moneyTransferRequest_MoneyData_AggregatePermInventory x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (moneyTransferRequest_MoneyData_TransactionType x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (moneyTransferRequest_MoneyData_Description x)) ; putByteString (moneyTransferRequest_MoneyData_Description x);return () instance Binary MoneyTransferBackend_MoneyData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5 <- getWord8;x6 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x7 <- getWord8;x8 <- getWord8;x9 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x10 <- get;x11 <- getWord32le;x12 <- getWord32le;x13' <- getWord8 ; x13 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x13');return (MoneyTransferBackend_MoneyData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13) put x = do put (moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_TransactionID x);putWord32le (moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_TransactionTime x);put (moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_SourceID x);put (moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_DestID x);putWord8 (moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_Flags x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_Amount x));putWord8 (moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_AggregatePermNextOwner x);putWord8 (moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_AggregatePermInventory x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_TransactionType x));put (moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_RegionID x);putWord32le (moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_GridX x);putWord32le (moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_GridY x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_Description x)) ; putByteString (moneyTransferBackend_MoneyData_Description x);return () instance Binary MoneyBalanceRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (MoneyBalanceRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (moneyBalanceRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (moneyBalanceRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary MoneyBalanceRequest_MoneyData where get = do x1 <- get;return (MoneyBalanceRequest_MoneyData x1) put x = do put (moneyBalanceRequest_MoneyData_TransactionID x);return () instance Binary MoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x5 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x6 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x7' <- getWord8 ; x7 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x7');return (MoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) put x = do put (moneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_AgentID x);put (moneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_TransactionID x);put (moneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_TransactionSuccess x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (moneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_MoneyBalance x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (moneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_SquareMetersCredit x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (moneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_SquareMetersCommitted x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (moneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_Description x)) ; putByteString (moneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_Description x);return () instance Binary RoutedMoneyBalanceReply_TargetBlock where get = do x1 <- replicateM 4 getWord8;x2 <- getWord16le;return (RoutedMoneyBalanceReply_TargetBlock x1 x2) put x = do mapM_ put (routedMoneyBalanceReply_TargetBlock_TargetIP x);putWord16le (routedMoneyBalanceReply_TargetBlock_TargetPort x);return () instance Binary RoutedMoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x5 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x6 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x7' <- getWord8 ; x7 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x7');return (RoutedMoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) put x = do put (routedMoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_AgentID x);put (routedMoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_TransactionID x);put (routedMoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_TransactionSuccess x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (routedMoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_MoneyBalance x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (routedMoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_SquareMetersCredit x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (routedMoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_SquareMetersCommitted x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (routedMoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_Description x)) ; putByteString (routedMoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData_Description x);return () instance Binary ActivateGestures_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord32le;return (ActivateGestures_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (activateGestures_AgentData_AgentID x);put (activateGestures_AgentData_SessionID x);putWord32le (activateGestures_AgentData_Flags x);return () instance Binary ActivateGestures_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord32le;return (ActivateGestures_Data x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (activateGestures_Data_ItemID x);put (activateGestures_Data_AssetID x);putWord32le (activateGestures_Data_GestureFlags x);return () instance Binary DeactivateGestures_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord32le;return (DeactivateGestures_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (deactivateGestures_AgentData_AgentID x);put (deactivateGestures_AgentData_SessionID x);putWord32le (deactivateGestures_AgentData_Flags x);return () instance Binary DeactivateGestures_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;return (DeactivateGestures_Data x1 x2) put x = do put (deactivateGestures_Data_ItemID x);putWord32le (deactivateGestures_Data_GestureFlags x);return () instance Binary MuteListUpdate_MuteData where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');return (MuteListUpdate_MuteData x1 x2) put x = do put (muteListUpdate_MuteData_AgentID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (muteListUpdate_MuteData_Filename x)) ; putByteString (muteListUpdate_MuteData_Filename x);return () instance Binary UseCachedMuteList_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (UseCachedMuteList_AgentData x1) put x = do put (useCachedMuteList_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary GrantUserRights_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (GrantUserRights_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (grantUserRights_AgentData_AgentID x);put (grantUserRights_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary GrantUserRights_Rights where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (GrantUserRights_Rights x1 x2) put x = do put (grantUserRights_Rights_AgentRelated x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (grantUserRights_Rights_RelatedRights x));return () instance Binary ChangeUserRights_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (ChangeUserRights_AgentData x1) put x = do put (changeUserRights_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary ChangeUserRights_Rights where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (ChangeUserRights_Rights x1 x2) put x = do put (changeUserRights_Rights_AgentRelated x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (changeUserRights_Rights_RelatedRights x));return () instance Binary OnlineNotification_AgentBlock where get = do x1 <- get;return (OnlineNotification_AgentBlock x1) put x = do put (onlineNotification_AgentBlock_AgentID x);return () instance Binary OfflineNotification_AgentBlock where get = do x1 <- get;return (OfflineNotification_AgentBlock x1) put x = do put (offlineNotification_AgentBlock_AgentID x);return () instance Binary SetStartLocationRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (SetStartLocationRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (setStartLocationRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (setStartLocationRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary SetStartLocationRequest_StartLocationData where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2 <- getWord32le;x3'1 <- getFloat32le ; x3'2 <- getFloat32le ; x3'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x3 = (x3'1, x3'2, x3'3) };x4'1 <- getFloat32le ; x4'2 <- getFloat32le ; x4'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x4 = (x4'1, x4'2, x4'3) };return (SetStartLocationRequest_StartLocationData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (setStartLocationRequest_StartLocationData_SimName x)) ; putByteString (setStartLocationRequest_StartLocationData_SimName x);putWord32le (setStartLocationRequest_StartLocationData_LocationID x);(let (a,b,c) = setStartLocationRequest_StartLocationData_LocationPos x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = setStartLocationRequest_StartLocationData_LocationLookAt x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);return () instance Binary SetStartLocation_StartLocationData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- getWord64le;x5'1 <- getFloat32le ; x5'2 <- getFloat32le ; x5'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x5 = (x5'1, x5'2, x5'3) };x6'1 <- getFloat32le ; x6'2 <- getFloat32le ; x6'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x6 = (x6'1, x6'2, x6'3) };return (SetStartLocation_StartLocationData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do put (setStartLocation_StartLocationData_AgentID x);put (setStartLocation_StartLocationData_RegionID x);putWord32le (setStartLocation_StartLocationData_LocationID x);putWord64le (setStartLocation_StartLocationData_RegionHandle x);(let (a,b,c) = setStartLocation_StartLocationData_LocationPos x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);(let (a,b,c) = setStartLocation_StartLocationData_LocationLookAt x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);return () instance Binary NetTest_NetBlock where get = do x1 <- getWord16le;return (NetTest_NetBlock x1) put x = do putWord16le (netTest_NetBlock_Port x);return () instance Binary SetCPURatio_Data where get = do x1 <- getWord8;return (SetCPURatio_Data x1) put x = do putWord8 (setCPURatio_Data_Ratio x);return () instance Binary SimCrashed_Data where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord32le;return (SimCrashed_Data x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (simCrashed_Data_RegionX x);putWord32le (simCrashed_Data_RegionY x);return () instance Binary SimCrashed_Users where get = do x1 <- get;return (SimCrashed_Users x1) put x = do put (simCrashed_Users_AgentID x);return () instance Binary NameValuePair_TaskData where get = do x1 <- get;return (NameValuePair_TaskData x1) put x = do put (nameValuePair_TaskData_ID x);return () instance Binary NameValuePair_NameValueData where get = do x1' <- getWord16le ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');return (NameValuePair_NameValueData x1) put x = do putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (nameValuePair_NameValueData_NVPair x)) ; putByteString (nameValuePair_NameValueData_NVPair x);return () instance Binary RemoveNameValuePair_TaskData where get = do x1 <- get;return (RemoveNameValuePair_TaskData x1) put x = do put (removeNameValuePair_TaskData_ID x);return () instance Binary RemoveNameValuePair_NameValueData where get = do x1' <- getWord16le ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');return (RemoveNameValuePair_NameValueData x1) put x = do putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (removeNameValuePair_NameValueData_NVPair x)) ; putByteString (removeNameValuePair_NameValueData_NVPair x);return () instance Binary UpdateAttachment_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (UpdateAttachment_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (updateAttachment_AgentData_AgentID x);put (updateAttachment_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary UpdateAttachment_AttachmentBlock where get = do x1 <- getWord8;return (UpdateAttachment_AttachmentBlock x1) put x = do putWord8 (updateAttachment_AttachmentBlock_AttachmentPoint x);return () instance Binary UpdateAttachment_OperationData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (UpdateAttachment_OperationData x1 x2) put x = do put (updateAttachment_OperationData_AddItem x);put (updateAttachment_OperationData_UseExistingAsset x);return () instance Binary UpdateAttachment_InventoryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5 <- get;x6 <- getWord32le;x7 <- getWord32le;x8 <- getWord32le;x9 <- getWord32le;x10 <- getWord32le;x11 <- get;x12 <- get;x13 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x14 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x15 <- getWord32le;x16 <- getWord8;x17 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x18' <- getWord8 ; x18 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x18');x19' <- getWord8 ; x19 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x19');x20 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x21 <- getWord32le;return (UpdateAttachment_InventoryData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21) put x = do put (updateAttachment_InventoryData_ItemID x);put (updateAttachment_InventoryData_FolderID x);put (updateAttachment_InventoryData_CreatorID x);put (updateAttachment_InventoryData_OwnerID x);put (updateAttachment_InventoryData_GroupID x);putWord32le (updateAttachment_InventoryData_BaseMask x);putWord32le (updateAttachment_InventoryData_OwnerMask x);putWord32le (updateAttachment_InventoryData_GroupMask x);putWord32le (updateAttachment_InventoryData_EveryoneMask x);putWord32le (updateAttachment_InventoryData_NextOwnerMask x);put (updateAttachment_InventoryData_GroupOwned x);put (updateAttachment_InventoryData_AssetID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (updateAttachment_InventoryData_Type x));putWord8 (fromIntegral (updateAttachment_InventoryData_InvType x));putWord32le (updateAttachment_InventoryData_Flags x);putWord8 (updateAttachment_InventoryData_SaleType x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (updateAttachment_InventoryData_SalePrice x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (updateAttachment_InventoryData_Name x)) ; putByteString (updateAttachment_InventoryData_Name x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (updateAttachment_InventoryData_Description x)) ; putByteString (updateAttachment_InventoryData_Description x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (updateAttachment_InventoryData_CreationDate x));putWord32le (updateAttachment_InventoryData_CRC x);return () instance Binary RemoveAttachment_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (RemoveAttachment_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (removeAttachment_AgentData_AgentID x);put (removeAttachment_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary RemoveAttachment_AttachmentBlock where get = do x1 <- getWord8;x2 <- get;return (RemoveAttachment_AttachmentBlock x1 x2) put x = do putWord8 (removeAttachment_AttachmentBlock_AttachmentPoint x);put (removeAttachment_AttachmentBlock_ItemID x);return () instance Binary SoundTrigger_SoundData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5 <- getWord64le;x6'1 <- getFloat32le ; x6'2 <- getFloat32le ; x6'3 <- getFloat32le ; let {x6 = (x6'1, x6'2, x6'3) };x7 <- getFloat32le;return (SoundTrigger_SoundData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) put x = do put (soundTrigger_SoundData_SoundID x);put (soundTrigger_SoundData_OwnerID x);put (soundTrigger_SoundData_ObjectID x);put (soundTrigger_SoundData_ParentID x);putWord64le (soundTrigger_SoundData_Handle x);(let (a,b,c) = soundTrigger_SoundData_Position x in putFloat32le a >> putFloat32le b >> putFloat32le c);putFloat32le (soundTrigger_SoundData_Gain x);return () instance Binary AttachedSound_DataBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- getFloat32le;x5 <- getWord8;return (AttachedSound_DataBlock x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do put (attachedSound_DataBlock_SoundID x);put (attachedSound_DataBlock_ObjectID x);put (attachedSound_DataBlock_OwnerID x);putFloat32le (attachedSound_DataBlock_Gain x);putWord8 (attachedSound_DataBlock_Flags x);return () instance Binary AttachedSoundGainChange_DataBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getFloat32le;return (AttachedSoundGainChange_DataBlock x1 x2) put x = do put (attachedSoundGainChange_DataBlock_ObjectID x);putFloat32le (attachedSoundGainChange_DataBlock_Gain x);return () instance Binary PreloadSound_DataBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (PreloadSound_DataBlock x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (preloadSound_DataBlock_ObjectID x);put (preloadSound_DataBlock_OwnerID x);put (preloadSound_DataBlock_SoundID x);return () instance Binary AssetUploadRequest_AssetBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5' <- getWord16le ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');return (AssetUploadRequest_AssetBlock x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do put (assetUploadRequest_AssetBlock_TransactionID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (assetUploadRequest_AssetBlock_Type x));put (assetUploadRequest_AssetBlock_Tempfile x);put (assetUploadRequest_AssetBlock_StoreLocal x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (assetUploadRequest_AssetBlock_AssetData x)) ; putByteString (assetUploadRequest_AssetBlock_AssetData x);return () instance Binary AssetUploadComplete_AssetBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x3 <- get;return (AssetUploadComplete_AssetBlock x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (assetUploadComplete_AssetBlock_UUID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (assetUploadComplete_AssetBlock_Type x));put (assetUploadComplete_AssetBlock_Success x);return () instance Binary EmailMessageRequest_DataBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');return (EmailMessageRequest_DataBlock x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (emailMessageRequest_DataBlock_ObjectID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (emailMessageRequest_DataBlock_FromAddress x)) ; putByteString (emailMessageRequest_DataBlock_FromAddress x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (emailMessageRequest_DataBlock_Subject x)) ; putByteString (emailMessageRequest_DataBlock_Subject x);return () instance Binary EmailMessageReply_DataBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- getWord32le;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');x5' <- getWord8 ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');x6' <- getWord16le ; x6 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x6');x7' <- getWord8 ; x7 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x7');return (EmailMessageReply_DataBlock x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) put x = do put (emailMessageReply_DataBlock_ObjectID x);putWord32le (emailMessageReply_DataBlock_More x);putWord32le (emailMessageReply_DataBlock_Time x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (emailMessageReply_DataBlock_FromAddress x)) ; putByteString (emailMessageReply_DataBlock_FromAddress x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (emailMessageReply_DataBlock_Subject x)) ; putByteString (emailMessageReply_DataBlock_Subject x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (emailMessageReply_DataBlock_Data x)) ; putByteString (emailMessageReply_DataBlock_Data x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (emailMessageReply_DataBlock_MailFilter x)) ; putByteString (emailMessageReply_DataBlock_MailFilter x);return () instance Binary InternalScriptMail_DataBlock where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');x4' <- getWord16le ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');return (InternalScriptMail_DataBlock x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (internalScriptMail_DataBlock_From x)) ; putByteString (internalScriptMail_DataBlock_From x);put (internalScriptMail_DataBlock_To x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (internalScriptMail_DataBlock_Subject x)) ; putByteString (internalScriptMail_DataBlock_Subject x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (internalScriptMail_DataBlock_Body x)) ; putByteString (internalScriptMail_DataBlock_Body x);return () instance Binary ScriptDataRequest_DataBlock where get = do x1 <- getWord64le;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x3' <- getWord16le ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');return (ScriptDataRequest_DataBlock x1 x2 x3) put x = do putWord64le (scriptDataRequest_DataBlock_Hash x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (scriptDataRequest_DataBlock_RequestType x));putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (scriptDataRequest_DataBlock_Request x)) ; putByteString (scriptDataRequest_DataBlock_Request x);return () instance Binary ScriptDataReply_DataBlock where get = do x1 <- getWord64le;x2' <- getWord16le ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');return (ScriptDataReply_DataBlock x1 x2) put x = do putWord64le (scriptDataReply_DataBlock_Hash x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (scriptDataReply_DataBlock_Reply x)) ; putByteString (scriptDataReply_DataBlock_Reply x);return () instance Binary CreateGroupRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (CreateGroupRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (createGroupRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (createGroupRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary CreateGroupRequest_GroupData where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2' <- getWord16le ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x6 <- get;x7 <- get;x8 <- get;return (CreateGroupRequest_GroupData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (createGroupRequest_GroupData_Name x)) ; putByteString (createGroupRequest_GroupData_Name x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (createGroupRequest_GroupData_Charter x)) ; putByteString (createGroupRequest_GroupData_Charter x);put (createGroupRequest_GroupData_ShowInList x);put (createGroupRequest_GroupData_InsigniaID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (createGroupRequest_GroupData_MembershipFee x));put (createGroupRequest_GroupData_OpenEnrollment x);put (createGroupRequest_GroupData_AllowPublish x);put (createGroupRequest_GroupData_MaturePublish x);return () instance Binary CreateGroupReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (CreateGroupReply_AgentData x1) put x = do put (createGroupReply_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary CreateGroupReply_ReplyData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');return (CreateGroupReply_ReplyData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (createGroupReply_ReplyData_GroupID x);put (createGroupReply_ReplyData_Success x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (createGroupReply_ReplyData_Message x)) ; putByteString (createGroupReply_ReplyData_Message x);return () instance Binary UpdateGroupInfo_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (UpdateGroupInfo_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (updateGroupInfo_AgentData_AgentID x);put (updateGroupInfo_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary UpdateGroupInfo_GroupData where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord16le ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x6 <- get;x7 <- get;x8 <- get;return (UpdateGroupInfo_GroupData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) put x = do put (updateGroupInfo_GroupData_GroupID x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (updateGroupInfo_GroupData_Charter x)) ; putByteString (updateGroupInfo_GroupData_Charter x);put (updateGroupInfo_GroupData_ShowInList x);put (updateGroupInfo_GroupData_InsigniaID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (updateGroupInfo_GroupData_MembershipFee x));put (updateGroupInfo_GroupData_OpenEnrollment x);put (updateGroupInfo_GroupData_AllowPublish x);put (updateGroupInfo_GroupData_MaturePublish x);return () instance Binary GroupRoleChanges_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (GroupRoleChanges_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (groupRoleChanges_AgentData_AgentID x);put (groupRoleChanges_AgentData_SessionID x);put (groupRoleChanges_AgentData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary GroupRoleChanges_RoleChange where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord32le;return (GroupRoleChanges_RoleChange x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (groupRoleChanges_RoleChange_RoleID x);put (groupRoleChanges_RoleChange_MemberID x);putWord32le (groupRoleChanges_RoleChange_Change x);return () instance Binary JoinGroupRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (JoinGroupRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (joinGroupRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (joinGroupRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary JoinGroupRequest_GroupData where get = do x1 <- get;return (JoinGroupRequest_GroupData x1) put x = do put (joinGroupRequest_GroupData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary JoinGroupReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (JoinGroupReply_AgentData x1) put x = do put (joinGroupReply_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary JoinGroupReply_GroupData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (JoinGroupReply_GroupData x1 x2) put x = do put (joinGroupReply_GroupData_GroupID x);put (joinGroupReply_GroupData_Success x);return () instance Binary EjectGroupMemberRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (EjectGroupMemberRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (ejectGroupMemberRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (ejectGroupMemberRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary EjectGroupMemberRequest_GroupData where get = do x1 <- get;return (EjectGroupMemberRequest_GroupData x1) put x = do put (ejectGroupMemberRequest_GroupData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary EjectGroupMemberRequest_EjectData where get = do x1 <- get;return (EjectGroupMemberRequest_EjectData x1) put x = do put (ejectGroupMemberRequest_EjectData_EjecteeID x);return () instance Binary EjectGroupMemberReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (EjectGroupMemberReply_AgentData x1) put x = do put (ejectGroupMemberReply_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary EjectGroupMemberReply_GroupData where get = do x1 <- get;return (EjectGroupMemberReply_GroupData x1) put x = do put (ejectGroupMemberReply_GroupData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary EjectGroupMemberReply_EjectData where get = do x1 <- get;return (EjectGroupMemberReply_EjectData x1) put x = do put (ejectGroupMemberReply_EjectData_Success x);return () instance Binary LeaveGroupRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (LeaveGroupRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (leaveGroupRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (leaveGroupRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary LeaveGroupRequest_GroupData where get = do x1 <- get;return (LeaveGroupRequest_GroupData x1) put x = do put (leaveGroupRequest_GroupData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary LeaveGroupReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (LeaveGroupReply_AgentData x1) put x = do put (leaveGroupReply_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary LeaveGroupReply_GroupData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (LeaveGroupReply_GroupData x1 x2) put x = do put (leaveGroupReply_GroupData_GroupID x);put (leaveGroupReply_GroupData_Success x);return () instance Binary InviteGroupRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (InviteGroupRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (inviteGroupRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (inviteGroupRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary InviteGroupRequest_GroupData where get = do x1 <- get;return (InviteGroupRequest_GroupData x1) put x = do put (inviteGroupRequest_GroupData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary InviteGroupRequest_InviteData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (InviteGroupRequest_InviteData x1 x2) put x = do put (inviteGroupRequest_InviteData_InviteeID x);put (inviteGroupRequest_InviteData_RoleID x);return () instance Binary InviteGroupResponse_InviteData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (InviteGroupResponse_InviteData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do put (inviteGroupResponse_InviteData_AgentID x);put (inviteGroupResponse_InviteData_InviteeID x);put (inviteGroupResponse_InviteData_GroupID x);put (inviteGroupResponse_InviteData_RoleID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (inviteGroupResponse_InviteData_MembershipFee x));return () instance Binary GroupProfileRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (GroupProfileRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (groupProfileRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (groupProfileRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary GroupProfileRequest_GroupData where get = do x1 <- get;return (GroupProfileRequest_GroupData x1) put x = do put (groupProfileRequest_GroupData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary GroupProfileReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (GroupProfileReply_AgentData x1) put x = do put (groupProfileReply_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary GroupProfileReply_GroupData where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3' <- getWord16le ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');x4 <- get;x5' <- getWord8 ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');x6 <- getWord64le;x7 <- get;x8 <- get;x9 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x10 <- get;x11 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x12 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x13 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x14 <- get;x15 <- get;x16 <- get;return (GroupProfileReply_GroupData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16) put x = do put (groupProfileReply_GroupData_GroupID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupProfileReply_GroupData_Name x)) ; putByteString (groupProfileReply_GroupData_Name x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupProfileReply_GroupData_Charter x)) ; putByteString (groupProfileReply_GroupData_Charter x);put (groupProfileReply_GroupData_ShowInList x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupProfileReply_GroupData_MemberTitle x)) ; putByteString (groupProfileReply_GroupData_MemberTitle x);putWord64le (groupProfileReply_GroupData_PowersMask x);put (groupProfileReply_GroupData_InsigniaID x);put (groupProfileReply_GroupData_FounderID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupProfileReply_GroupData_MembershipFee x));put (groupProfileReply_GroupData_OpenEnrollment x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupProfileReply_GroupData_Money x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupProfileReply_GroupData_GroupMembershipCount x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupProfileReply_GroupData_GroupRolesCount x));put (groupProfileReply_GroupData_AllowPublish x);put (groupProfileReply_GroupData_MaturePublish x);put (groupProfileReply_GroupData_OwnerRole x);return () instance Binary GroupAccountSummaryRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (GroupAccountSummaryRequest_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (groupAccountSummaryRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (groupAccountSummaryRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);put (groupAccountSummaryRequest_AgentData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary GroupAccountSummaryRequest_MoneyData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (GroupAccountSummaryRequest_MoneyData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (groupAccountSummaryRequest_MoneyData_RequestID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountSummaryRequest_MoneyData_IntervalDays x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountSummaryRequest_MoneyData_CurrentInterval x));return () instance Binary GroupAccountSummaryReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (GroupAccountSummaryReply_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (groupAccountSummaryReply_AgentData_AgentID x);put (groupAccountSummaryReply_AgentData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary GroupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');x5 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x6 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x7 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x8 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x9 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x10 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x11 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x12 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x13 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x14 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x15 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x16 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x17 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x18 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x19' <- getWord8 ; x19 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x19');x20' <- getWord8 ; x20 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x20');return (GroupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20) put x = do put (groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_RequestID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_IntervalDays x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_CurrentInterval x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_StartDate x)) ; putByteString (groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_StartDate x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_Balance x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_TotalCredits x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_TotalDebits x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_ObjectTaxCurrent x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_LightTaxCurrent x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_LandTaxCurrent x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_GroupTaxCurrent x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_ParcelDirFeeCurrent x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_ObjectTaxEstimate x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_LightTaxEstimate x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_LandTaxEstimate x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_GroupTaxEstimate x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_ParcelDirFeeEstimate x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_NonExemptMembers x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_LastTaxDate x)) ; putByteString (groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_LastTaxDate x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_TaxDate x)) ; putByteString (groupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData_TaxDate x);return () instance Binary GroupAccountDetailsRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (GroupAccountDetailsRequest_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (groupAccountDetailsRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (groupAccountDetailsRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);put (groupAccountDetailsRequest_AgentData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary GroupAccountDetailsRequest_MoneyData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (GroupAccountDetailsRequest_MoneyData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (groupAccountDetailsRequest_MoneyData_RequestID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountDetailsRequest_MoneyData_IntervalDays x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountDetailsRequest_MoneyData_CurrentInterval x));return () instance Binary GroupAccountDetailsReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (GroupAccountDetailsReply_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (groupAccountDetailsReply_AgentData_AgentID x);put (groupAccountDetailsReply_AgentData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary GroupAccountDetailsReply_MoneyData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');return (GroupAccountDetailsReply_MoneyData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (groupAccountDetailsReply_MoneyData_RequestID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountDetailsReply_MoneyData_IntervalDays x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountDetailsReply_MoneyData_CurrentInterval x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupAccountDetailsReply_MoneyData_StartDate x)) ; putByteString (groupAccountDetailsReply_MoneyData_StartDate x);return () instance Binary GroupAccountDetailsReply_HistoryData where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (GroupAccountDetailsReply_HistoryData x1 x2) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupAccountDetailsReply_HistoryData_Description x)) ; putByteString (groupAccountDetailsReply_HistoryData_Description x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountDetailsReply_HistoryData_Amount x));return () instance Binary GroupAccountTransactionsRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (GroupAccountTransactionsRequest_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (groupAccountTransactionsRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (groupAccountTransactionsRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);put (groupAccountTransactionsRequest_AgentData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary GroupAccountTransactionsRequest_MoneyData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (GroupAccountTransactionsRequest_MoneyData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (groupAccountTransactionsRequest_MoneyData_RequestID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountTransactionsRequest_MoneyData_IntervalDays x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountTransactionsRequest_MoneyData_CurrentInterval x));return () instance Binary GroupAccountTransactionsReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (GroupAccountTransactionsReply_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (groupAccountTransactionsReply_AgentData_AgentID x);put (groupAccountTransactionsReply_AgentData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary GroupAccountTransactionsReply_MoneyData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');return (GroupAccountTransactionsReply_MoneyData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (groupAccountTransactionsReply_MoneyData_RequestID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountTransactionsReply_MoneyData_IntervalDays x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountTransactionsReply_MoneyData_CurrentInterval x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupAccountTransactionsReply_MoneyData_StartDate x)) ; putByteString (groupAccountTransactionsReply_MoneyData_StartDate x);return () instance Binary GroupAccountTransactionsReply_HistoryData where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');x5 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (GroupAccountTransactionsReply_HistoryData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupAccountTransactionsReply_HistoryData_Time x)) ; putByteString (groupAccountTransactionsReply_HistoryData_Time x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupAccountTransactionsReply_HistoryData_User x)) ; putByteString (groupAccountTransactionsReply_HistoryData_User x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountTransactionsReply_HistoryData_Type x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupAccountTransactionsReply_HistoryData_Item x)) ; putByteString (groupAccountTransactionsReply_HistoryData_Item x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupAccountTransactionsReply_HistoryData_Amount x));return () instance Binary GroupActiveProposalsRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (GroupActiveProposalsRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (groupActiveProposalsRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (groupActiveProposalsRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary GroupActiveProposalsRequest_GroupData where get = do x1 <- get;return (GroupActiveProposalsRequest_GroupData x1) put x = do put (groupActiveProposalsRequest_GroupData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary GroupActiveProposalsRequest_TransactionData where get = do x1 <- get;return (GroupActiveProposalsRequest_TransactionData x1) put x = do put (groupActiveProposalsRequest_TransactionData_TransactionID x);return () instance Binary GroupActiveProposalItemReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (GroupActiveProposalItemReply_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (groupActiveProposalItemReply_AgentData_AgentID x);put (groupActiveProposalItemReply_AgentData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary GroupActiveProposalItemReply_TransactionData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;return (GroupActiveProposalItemReply_TransactionData x1 x2) put x = do put (groupActiveProposalItemReply_TransactionData_TransactionID x);putWord32le (groupActiveProposalItemReply_TransactionData_TotalNumItems x);return () instance Binary GroupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');x5' <- getWord8 ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');x6 <- get;x7' <- getWord8 ; x7 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x7');x8 <- getFloat32le;x9 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x10' <- getWord8 ; x10 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x10');return (GroupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10) put x = do put (groupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData_VoteID x);put (groupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData_VoteInitiator x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData_TerseDateID x)) ; putByteString (groupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData_TerseDateID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData_StartDateTime x)) ; putByteString (groupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData_StartDateTime x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData_EndDateTime x)) ; putByteString (groupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData_EndDateTime x);put (groupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData_AlreadyVoted x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData_VoteCast x)) ; putByteString (groupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData_VoteCast x);putFloat32le (groupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData_Majority x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData_Quorum x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData_ProposalText x)) ; putByteString (groupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData_ProposalText x);return () instance Binary GroupVoteHistoryRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (GroupVoteHistoryRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (groupVoteHistoryRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (groupVoteHistoryRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary GroupVoteHistoryRequest_GroupData where get = do x1 <- get;return (GroupVoteHistoryRequest_GroupData x1) put x = do put (groupVoteHistoryRequest_GroupData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary GroupVoteHistoryRequest_TransactionData where get = do x1 <- get;return (GroupVoteHistoryRequest_TransactionData x1) put x = do put (groupVoteHistoryRequest_TransactionData_TransactionID x);return () instance Binary GroupVoteHistoryItemReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (GroupVoteHistoryItemReply_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (groupVoteHistoryItemReply_AgentData_AgentID x);put (groupVoteHistoryItemReply_AgentData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary GroupVoteHistoryItemReply_TransactionData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;return (GroupVoteHistoryItemReply_TransactionData x1 x2) put x = do put (groupVoteHistoryItemReply_TransactionData_TransactionID x);putWord32le (groupVoteHistoryItemReply_TransactionData_TotalNumItems x);return () instance Binary GroupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');x5 <- get;x6' <- getWord8 ; x6 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x6');x7' <- getWord8 ; x7 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x7');x8 <- getFloat32le;x9 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x10' <- getWord16le ; x10 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x10');return (GroupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10) put x = do put (groupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData_VoteID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData_TerseDateID x)) ; putByteString (groupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData_TerseDateID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData_StartDateTime x)) ; putByteString (groupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData_StartDateTime x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData_EndDateTime x)) ; putByteString (groupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData_EndDateTime x);put (groupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData_VoteInitiator x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData_VoteType x)) ; putByteString (groupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData_VoteType x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData_VoteResult x)) ; putByteString (groupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData_VoteResult x);putFloat32le (groupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData_Majority x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData_Quorum x));putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData_ProposalText x)) ; putByteString (groupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData_ProposalText x);return () instance Binary GroupVoteHistoryItemReply_VoteItem where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (GroupVoteHistoryItemReply_VoteItem x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (groupVoteHistoryItemReply_VoteItem_CandidateID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupVoteHistoryItemReply_VoteItem_VoteCast x)) ; putByteString (groupVoteHistoryItemReply_VoteItem_VoteCast x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupVoteHistoryItemReply_VoteItem_NumVotes x));return () instance Binary StartGroupProposal_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (StartGroupProposal_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (startGroupProposal_AgentData_AgentID x);put (startGroupProposal_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary StartGroupProposal_ProposalData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x3 <- getFloat32le;x4 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x5' <- getWord8 ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');return (StartGroupProposal_ProposalData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do put (startGroupProposal_ProposalData_GroupID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (startGroupProposal_ProposalData_Quorum x));putFloat32le (startGroupProposal_ProposalData_Majority x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (startGroupProposal_ProposalData_Duration x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (startGroupProposal_ProposalData_ProposalText x)) ; putByteString (startGroupProposal_ProposalData_ProposalText x);return () instance Binary GroupProposalBallot_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (GroupProposalBallot_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (groupProposalBallot_AgentData_AgentID x);put (groupProposalBallot_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary GroupProposalBallot_ProposalData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');return (GroupProposalBallot_ProposalData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (groupProposalBallot_ProposalData_ProposalID x);put (groupProposalBallot_ProposalData_GroupID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupProposalBallot_ProposalData_VoteCast x)) ; putByteString (groupProposalBallot_ProposalData_VoteCast x);return () instance Binary GroupMembersRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (GroupMembersRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (groupMembersRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (groupMembersRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary GroupMembersRequest_GroupData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (GroupMembersRequest_GroupData x1 x2) put x = do put (groupMembersRequest_GroupData_GroupID x);put (groupMembersRequest_GroupData_RequestID x);return () instance Binary GroupMembersReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (GroupMembersReply_AgentData x1) put x = do put (groupMembersReply_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary GroupMembersReply_GroupData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (GroupMembersReply_GroupData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (groupMembersReply_GroupData_GroupID x);put (groupMembersReply_GroupData_RequestID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupMembersReply_GroupData_MemberCount x));return () instance Binary GroupMembersReply_MemberData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');x4 <- getWord64le;x5' <- getWord8 ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');x6 <- get;return (GroupMembersReply_MemberData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do put (groupMembersReply_MemberData_AgentID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupMembersReply_MemberData_Contribution x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupMembersReply_MemberData_OnlineStatus x)) ; putByteString (groupMembersReply_MemberData_OnlineStatus x);putWord64le (groupMembersReply_MemberData_AgentPowers x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupMembersReply_MemberData_Title x)) ; putByteString (groupMembersReply_MemberData_Title x);put (groupMembersReply_MemberData_IsOwner x);return () instance Binary ActivateGroup_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (ActivateGroup_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (activateGroup_AgentData_AgentID x);put (activateGroup_AgentData_SessionID x);put (activateGroup_AgentData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary SetGroupContribution_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (SetGroupContribution_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (setGroupContribution_AgentData_AgentID x);put (setGroupContribution_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary SetGroupContribution_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (SetGroupContribution_Data x1 x2) put x = do put (setGroupContribution_Data_GroupID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (setGroupContribution_Data_Contribution x));return () instance Binary SetGroupAcceptNotices_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (SetGroupAcceptNotices_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (setGroupAcceptNotices_AgentData_AgentID x);put (setGroupAcceptNotices_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary SetGroupAcceptNotices_Data where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (SetGroupAcceptNotices_Data x1 x2) put x = do put (setGroupAcceptNotices_Data_GroupID x);put (setGroupAcceptNotices_Data_AcceptNotices x);return () instance Binary SetGroupAcceptNotices_NewData where get = do x1 <- get;return (SetGroupAcceptNotices_NewData x1) put x = do put (setGroupAcceptNotices_NewData_ListInProfile x);return () instance Binary GroupRoleDataRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (GroupRoleDataRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (groupRoleDataRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (groupRoleDataRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary GroupRoleDataRequest_GroupData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (GroupRoleDataRequest_GroupData x1 x2) put x = do put (groupRoleDataRequest_GroupData_GroupID x);put (groupRoleDataRequest_GroupData_RequestID x);return () instance Binary GroupRoleDataReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (GroupRoleDataReply_AgentData x1) put x = do put (groupRoleDataReply_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary GroupRoleDataReply_GroupData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (GroupRoleDataReply_GroupData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (groupRoleDataReply_GroupData_GroupID x);put (groupRoleDataReply_GroupData_RequestID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (groupRoleDataReply_GroupData_RoleCount x));return () instance Binary GroupRoleDataReply_RoleData where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');x5 <- getWord64le;x6 <- getWord32le;return (GroupRoleDataReply_RoleData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do put (groupRoleDataReply_RoleData_RoleID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupRoleDataReply_RoleData_Name x)) ; putByteString (groupRoleDataReply_RoleData_Name x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupRoleDataReply_RoleData_Title x)) ; putByteString (groupRoleDataReply_RoleData_Title x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupRoleDataReply_RoleData_Description x)) ; putByteString (groupRoleDataReply_RoleData_Description x);putWord64le (groupRoleDataReply_RoleData_Powers x);putWord32le (groupRoleDataReply_RoleData_Members x);return () instance Binary GroupRoleMembersRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (GroupRoleMembersRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (groupRoleMembersRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (groupRoleMembersRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary GroupRoleMembersRequest_GroupData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (GroupRoleMembersRequest_GroupData x1 x2) put x = do put (groupRoleMembersRequest_GroupData_GroupID x);put (groupRoleMembersRequest_GroupData_RequestID x);return () instance Binary GroupRoleMembersReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- getWord32le;return (GroupRoleMembersReply_AgentData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (groupRoleMembersReply_AgentData_AgentID x);put (groupRoleMembersReply_AgentData_GroupID x);put (groupRoleMembersReply_AgentData_RequestID x);putWord32le (groupRoleMembersReply_AgentData_TotalPairs x);return () instance Binary GroupRoleMembersReply_MemberData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (GroupRoleMembersReply_MemberData x1 x2) put x = do put (groupRoleMembersReply_MemberData_RoleID x);put (groupRoleMembersReply_MemberData_MemberID x);return () instance Binary GroupTitlesRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;return (GroupTitlesRequest_AgentData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (groupTitlesRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (groupTitlesRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);put (groupTitlesRequest_AgentData_GroupID x);put (groupTitlesRequest_AgentData_RequestID x);return () instance Binary GroupTitlesReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (GroupTitlesReply_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (groupTitlesReply_AgentData_AgentID x);put (groupTitlesReply_AgentData_GroupID x);put (groupTitlesReply_AgentData_RequestID x);return () instance Binary GroupTitlesReply_GroupData where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (GroupTitlesReply_GroupData x1 x2 x3) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupTitlesReply_GroupData_Title x)) ; putByteString (groupTitlesReply_GroupData_Title x);put (groupTitlesReply_GroupData_RoleID x);put (groupTitlesReply_GroupData_Selected x);return () instance Binary GroupTitleUpdate_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;return (GroupTitleUpdate_AgentData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (groupTitleUpdate_AgentData_AgentID x);put (groupTitleUpdate_AgentData_SessionID x);put (groupTitleUpdate_AgentData_GroupID x);put (groupTitleUpdate_AgentData_TitleRoleID x);return () instance Binary GroupRoleUpdate_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (GroupRoleUpdate_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (groupRoleUpdate_AgentData_AgentID x);put (groupRoleUpdate_AgentData_SessionID x);put (groupRoleUpdate_AgentData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary GroupRoleUpdate_RoleData where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');x5 <- getWord64le;x6 <- getWord8;return (GroupRoleUpdate_RoleData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do put (groupRoleUpdate_RoleData_RoleID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupRoleUpdate_RoleData_Name x)) ; putByteString (groupRoleUpdate_RoleData_Name x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupRoleUpdate_RoleData_Description x)) ; putByteString (groupRoleUpdate_RoleData_Description x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupRoleUpdate_RoleData_Title x)) ; putByteString (groupRoleUpdate_RoleData_Title x);putWord64le (groupRoleUpdate_RoleData_Powers x);putWord8 (groupRoleUpdate_RoleData_UpdateType x);return () instance Binary LiveHelpGroupRequest_RequestData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (LiveHelpGroupRequest_RequestData x1 x2) put x = do put (liveHelpGroupRequest_RequestData_RequestID x);put (liveHelpGroupRequest_RequestData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary LiveHelpGroupReply_ReplyData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');return (LiveHelpGroupReply_ReplyData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (liveHelpGroupReply_ReplyData_RequestID x);put (liveHelpGroupReply_ReplyData_GroupID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (liveHelpGroupReply_ReplyData_Selection x)) ; putByteString (liveHelpGroupReply_ReplyData_Selection x);return () instance Binary AgentWearablesRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (AgentWearablesRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (agentWearablesRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (agentWearablesRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary AgentWearablesUpdate_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord32le;return (AgentWearablesUpdate_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (agentWearablesUpdate_AgentData_AgentID x);put (agentWearablesUpdate_AgentData_SessionID x);putWord32le (agentWearablesUpdate_AgentData_SerialNum x);return () instance Binary AgentWearablesUpdate_WearableData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord8;return (AgentWearablesUpdate_WearableData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (agentWearablesUpdate_WearableData_ItemID x);put (agentWearablesUpdate_WearableData_AssetID x);putWord8 (agentWearablesUpdate_WearableData_WearableType x);return () instance Binary AgentIsNowWearing_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (AgentIsNowWearing_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (agentIsNowWearing_AgentData_AgentID x);put (agentIsNowWearing_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary AgentIsNowWearing_WearableData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord8;return (AgentIsNowWearing_WearableData x1 x2) put x = do put (agentIsNowWearing_WearableData_ItemID x);putWord8 (agentIsNowWearing_WearableData_WearableType x);return () instance Binary AgentCachedTexture_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (AgentCachedTexture_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (agentCachedTexture_AgentData_AgentID x);put (agentCachedTexture_AgentData_SessionID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (agentCachedTexture_AgentData_SerialNum x));return () instance Binary AgentCachedTexture_WearableData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord8;return (AgentCachedTexture_WearableData x1 x2) put x = do put (agentCachedTexture_WearableData_ID x);putWord8 (agentCachedTexture_WearableData_TextureIndex x);return () instance Binary AgentCachedTextureResponse_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (AgentCachedTextureResponse_AgentData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (agentCachedTextureResponse_AgentData_AgentID x);put (agentCachedTextureResponse_AgentData_SessionID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (agentCachedTextureResponse_AgentData_SerialNum x));return () instance Binary AgentCachedTextureResponse_WearableData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord8;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');return (AgentCachedTextureResponse_WearableData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (agentCachedTextureResponse_WearableData_TextureID x);putWord8 (agentCachedTextureResponse_WearableData_TextureIndex x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (agentCachedTextureResponse_WearableData_HostName x)) ; putByteString (agentCachedTextureResponse_WearableData_HostName x);return () instance Binary AgentDataUpdateRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (AgentDataUpdateRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (agentDataUpdateRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (agentDataUpdateRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary AgentDataUpdate_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');x5 <- get;x6 <- getWord64le;x7' <- getWord8 ; x7 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x7');return (AgentDataUpdate_AgentData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) put x = do put (agentDataUpdate_AgentData_AgentID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (agentDataUpdate_AgentData_FirstName x)) ; putByteString (agentDataUpdate_AgentData_FirstName x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (agentDataUpdate_AgentData_LastName x)) ; putByteString (agentDataUpdate_AgentData_LastName x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (agentDataUpdate_AgentData_GroupTitle x)) ; putByteString (agentDataUpdate_AgentData_GroupTitle x);put (agentDataUpdate_AgentData_ActiveGroupID x);putWord64le (agentDataUpdate_AgentData_GroupPowers x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (agentDataUpdate_AgentData_GroupName x)) ; putByteString (agentDataUpdate_AgentData_GroupName x);return () instance Binary GroupDataUpdate_AgentGroupData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord64le;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');return (GroupDataUpdate_AgentGroupData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do put (groupDataUpdate_AgentGroupData_AgentID x);put (groupDataUpdate_AgentGroupData_GroupID x);putWord64le (groupDataUpdate_AgentGroupData_AgentPowers x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (groupDataUpdate_AgentGroupData_GroupTitle x)) ; putByteString (groupDataUpdate_AgentGroupData_GroupTitle x);return () instance Binary AgentGroupDataUpdate_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (AgentGroupDataUpdate_AgentData x1) put x = do put (agentGroupDataUpdate_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary AgentGroupDataUpdate_GroupData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord64le;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x6' <- getWord8 ; x6 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x6');return (AgentGroupDataUpdate_GroupData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do put (agentGroupDataUpdate_GroupData_GroupID x);putWord64le (agentGroupDataUpdate_GroupData_GroupPowers x);put (agentGroupDataUpdate_GroupData_AcceptNotices x);put (agentGroupDataUpdate_GroupData_GroupInsigniaID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (agentGroupDataUpdate_GroupData_Contribution x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (agentGroupDataUpdate_GroupData_GroupName x)) ; putByteString (agentGroupDataUpdate_GroupData_GroupName x);return () instance Binary AgentDropGroup_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (AgentDropGroup_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (agentDropGroup_AgentData_AgentID x);put (agentDropGroup_AgentData_GroupID x);return () instance Binary LogTextMessage_DataBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getFloat64le;x4 <- getFloat64le;x5 <- getWord32le;x6' <- getWord16le ; x6 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x6');return (LogTextMessage_DataBlock x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do put (logTextMessage_DataBlock_FromAgentId x);put (logTextMessage_DataBlock_ToAgentId x);putFloat64le (logTextMessage_DataBlock_GlobalX x);putFloat64le (logTextMessage_DataBlock_GlobalY x);putWord32le (logTextMessage_DataBlock_Time x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (logTextMessage_DataBlock_Message x)) ; putByteString (logTextMessage_DataBlock_Message x);return () instance Binary ViewerEffect_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ViewerEffect_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (viewerEffect_AgentData_AgentID x);put (viewerEffect_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ViewerEffect_Effect where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord8;x4 <- getFloat32le;x5 <- getBytes 4;x6' <- getWord8 ; x6 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x6');return (ViewerEffect_Effect x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do put (viewerEffect_Effect_ID x);put (viewerEffect_Effect_AgentID x);putWord8 (viewerEffect_Effect_Type x);putFloat32le (viewerEffect_Effect_Duration x);putByteString (viewerEffect_Effect_Color x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (viewerEffect_Effect_TypeData x)) ; putByteString (viewerEffect_Effect_TypeData x);return () instance Binary CreateTrustedCircuit_DataBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getBytes 32;return (CreateTrustedCircuit_DataBlock x1 x2) put x = do put (createTrustedCircuit_DataBlock_EndPointID x);putByteString (createTrustedCircuit_DataBlock_Digest x);return () instance Binary DenyTrustedCircuit_DataBlock where get = do x1 <- get;return (DenyTrustedCircuit_DataBlock x1) put x = do put (denyTrustedCircuit_DataBlock_EndPointID x);return () instance Binary RezSingleAttachmentFromInv_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (RezSingleAttachmentFromInv_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (rezSingleAttachmentFromInv_AgentData_AgentID x);put (rezSingleAttachmentFromInv_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary RezSingleAttachmentFromInv_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord8;x4 <- getWord32le;x5 <- getWord32le;x6 <- getWord32le;x7 <- getWord32le;x8' <- getWord8 ; x8 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x8');x9' <- getWord8 ; x9 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x9');return (RezSingleAttachmentFromInv_ObjectData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) put x = do put (rezSingleAttachmentFromInv_ObjectData_ItemID x);put (rezSingleAttachmentFromInv_ObjectData_OwnerID x);putWord8 (rezSingleAttachmentFromInv_ObjectData_AttachmentPt x);putWord32le (rezSingleAttachmentFromInv_ObjectData_ItemFlags x);putWord32le (rezSingleAttachmentFromInv_ObjectData_GroupMask x);putWord32le (rezSingleAttachmentFromInv_ObjectData_EveryoneMask x);putWord32le (rezSingleAttachmentFromInv_ObjectData_NextOwnerMask x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (rezSingleAttachmentFromInv_ObjectData_Name x)) ; putByteString (rezSingleAttachmentFromInv_ObjectData_Name x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (rezSingleAttachmentFromInv_ObjectData_Description x)) ; putByteString (rezSingleAttachmentFromInv_ObjectData_Description x);return () instance Binary RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_AgentData_AgentID x);put (rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_HeaderData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord8;x3 <- get;return (RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_HeaderData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_HeaderData_CompoundMsgID x);putWord8 (rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_HeaderData_TotalObjects x);put (rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_HeaderData_FirstDetachAll x);return () instance Binary RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord8;x4 <- getWord32le;x5 <- getWord32le;x6 <- getWord32le;x7 <- getWord32le;x8' <- getWord8 ; x8 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x8');x9' <- getWord8 ; x9 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x9');return (RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_ObjectData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) put x = do put (rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_ObjectData_ItemID x);put (rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_ObjectData_OwnerID x);putWord8 (rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_ObjectData_AttachmentPt x);putWord32le (rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_ObjectData_ItemFlags x);putWord32le (rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_ObjectData_GroupMask x);putWord32le (rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_ObjectData_EveryoneMask x);putWord32le (rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_ObjectData_NextOwnerMask x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_ObjectData_Name x)) ; putByteString (rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_ObjectData_Name x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_ObjectData_Description x)) ; putByteString (rezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_ObjectData_Description x);return () instance Binary DetachAttachmentIntoInv_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (DetachAttachmentIntoInv_ObjectData x1 x2) put x = do put (detachAttachmentIntoInv_ObjectData_AgentID x);put (detachAttachmentIntoInv_ObjectData_ItemID x);return () instance Binary CreateNewOutfitAttachments_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (CreateNewOutfitAttachments_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (createNewOutfitAttachments_AgentData_AgentID x);put (createNewOutfitAttachments_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary CreateNewOutfitAttachments_HeaderData where get = do x1 <- get;return (CreateNewOutfitAttachments_HeaderData x1) put x = do put (createNewOutfitAttachments_HeaderData_NewFolderID x);return () instance Binary CreateNewOutfitAttachments_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (CreateNewOutfitAttachments_ObjectData x1 x2) put x = do put (createNewOutfitAttachments_ObjectData_OldItemID x);put (createNewOutfitAttachments_ObjectData_OldFolderID x);return () instance Binary UserInfoRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (UserInfoRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (userInfoRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (userInfoRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary UserInfoReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (UserInfoReply_AgentData x1) put x = do put (userInfoReply_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary UserInfoReply_UserData where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3' <- getWord16le ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');return (UserInfoReply_UserData x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (userInfoReply_UserData_IMViaEMail x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (userInfoReply_UserData_DirectoryVisibility x)) ; putByteString (userInfoReply_UserData_DirectoryVisibility x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (userInfoReply_UserData_EMail x)) ; putByteString (userInfoReply_UserData_EMail x);return () instance Binary UpdateUserInfo_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (UpdateUserInfo_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (updateUserInfo_AgentData_AgentID x);put (updateUserInfo_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary UpdateUserInfo_UserData where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');return (UpdateUserInfo_UserData x1 x2) put x = do put (updateUserInfo_UserData_IMViaEMail x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (updateUserInfo_UserData_DirectoryVisibility x)) ; putByteString (updateUserInfo_UserData_DirectoryVisibility x);return () instance Binary ParcelRename_ParcelData where get = do x1 <- get;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');return (ParcelRename_ParcelData x1 x2) put x = do put (parcelRename_ParcelData_ParcelID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (parcelRename_ParcelData_NewName x)) ; putByteString (parcelRename_ParcelData_NewName x);return () instance Binary InitiateDownload_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (InitiateDownload_AgentData x1) put x = do put (initiateDownload_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary InitiateDownload_FileData where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');return (InitiateDownload_FileData x1 x2) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (initiateDownload_FileData_SimFilename x)) ; putByteString (initiateDownload_FileData_SimFilename x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (initiateDownload_FileData_ViewerFilename x)) ; putByteString (initiateDownload_FileData_ViewerFilename x);return () instance Binary SystemMessage_MethodData where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2 <- get;x3 <- getBytes 32;return (SystemMessage_MethodData x1 x2 x3) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (systemMessage_MethodData_Method x)) ; putByteString (systemMessage_MethodData_Method x);put (systemMessage_MethodData_Invoice x);putByteString (systemMessage_MethodData_Digest x);return () instance Binary SystemMessage_ParamList where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');return (SystemMessage_ParamList x1) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (systemMessage_ParamList_Parameter x)) ; putByteString (systemMessage_ParamList_Parameter x);return () instance Binary MapLayerRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- getWord32le;x5 <- get;return (MapLayerRequest_AgentData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do put (mapLayerRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (mapLayerRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);putWord32le (mapLayerRequest_AgentData_Flags x);putWord32le (mapLayerRequest_AgentData_EstateID x);put (mapLayerRequest_AgentData_Godlike x);return () instance Binary MapLayerReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;return (MapLayerReply_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (mapLayerReply_AgentData_AgentID x);putWord32le (mapLayerReply_AgentData_Flags x);return () instance Binary MapLayerReply_LayerData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- getWord32le;x5 <- get;return (MapLayerReply_LayerData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do putWord32le (mapLayerReply_LayerData_Left x);putWord32le (mapLayerReply_LayerData_Right x);putWord32le (mapLayerReply_LayerData_Top x);putWord32le (mapLayerReply_LayerData_Bottom x);put (mapLayerReply_LayerData_ImageID x);return () instance Binary MapBlockRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- getWord32le;x5 <- get;return (MapBlockRequest_AgentData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do put (mapBlockRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (mapBlockRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);putWord32le (mapBlockRequest_AgentData_Flags x);putWord32le (mapBlockRequest_AgentData_EstateID x);put (mapBlockRequest_AgentData_Godlike x);return () instance Binary MapBlockRequest_PositionData where get = do x1 <- getWord16le;x2 <- getWord16le;x3 <- getWord16le;x4 <- getWord16le;return (MapBlockRequest_PositionData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do putWord16le (mapBlockRequest_PositionData_MinX x);putWord16le (mapBlockRequest_PositionData_MaxX x);putWord16le (mapBlockRequest_PositionData_MinY x);putWord16le (mapBlockRequest_PositionData_MaxY x);return () instance Binary MapNameRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- getWord32le;x5 <- get;return (MapNameRequest_AgentData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do put (mapNameRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (mapNameRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);putWord32le (mapNameRequest_AgentData_Flags x);putWord32le (mapNameRequest_AgentData_EstateID x);put (mapNameRequest_AgentData_Godlike x);return () instance Binary MapNameRequest_NameData where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');return (MapNameRequest_NameData x1) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (mapNameRequest_NameData_Name x)) ; putByteString (mapNameRequest_NameData_Name x);return () instance Binary MapBlockReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;return (MapBlockReply_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (mapBlockReply_AgentData_AgentID x);putWord32le (mapBlockReply_AgentData_Flags x);return () instance Binary MapBlockReply_Data where get = do x1 <- getWord16le;x2 <- getWord16le;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');x4 <- getWord8;x5 <- getWord32le;x6 <- getWord8;x7 <- getWord8;x8 <- get;return (MapBlockReply_Data x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) put x = do putWord16le (mapBlockReply_Data_X x);putWord16le (mapBlockReply_Data_Y x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (mapBlockReply_Data_Name x)) ; putByteString (mapBlockReply_Data_Name x);putWord8 (mapBlockReply_Data_Access x);putWord32le (mapBlockReply_Data_RegionFlags x);putWord8 (mapBlockReply_Data_WaterHeight x);putWord8 (mapBlockReply_Data_Agents x);put (mapBlockReply_Data_MapImageID x);return () instance Binary MapItemRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord32le;x4 <- getWord32le;x5 <- get;return (MapItemRequest_AgentData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do put (mapItemRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (mapItemRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);putWord32le (mapItemRequest_AgentData_Flags x);putWord32le (mapItemRequest_AgentData_EstateID x);put (mapItemRequest_AgentData_Godlike x);return () instance Binary MapItemRequest_RequestData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord64le;return (MapItemRequest_RequestData x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (mapItemRequest_RequestData_ItemType x);putWord64le (mapItemRequest_RequestData_RegionHandle x);return () instance Binary MapItemReply_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- getWord32le;return (MapItemReply_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (mapItemReply_AgentData_AgentID x);putWord32le (mapItemReply_AgentData_Flags x);return () instance Binary MapItemReply_RequestData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;return (MapItemReply_RequestData x1) put x = do putWord32le (mapItemReply_RequestData_ItemType x);return () instance Binary MapItemReply_Data where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- get;x4 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x5 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x6' <- getWord8 ; x6 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x6');return (MapItemReply_Data x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do putWord32le (mapItemReply_Data_X x);putWord32le (mapItemReply_Data_Y x);put (mapItemReply_Data_ID x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (mapItemReply_Data_Extra x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (mapItemReply_Data_Extra2 x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (mapItemReply_Data_Name x)) ; putByteString (mapItemReply_Data_Name x);return () instance Binary SendPostcard_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4'1 <- getFloat64le ; x4'2 <- getFloat64le ; x4'3 <- getFloat64le ; let {x4 = (x4'1, x4'2, x4'3) };x5' <- getWord8 ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');x6' <- getWord8 ; x6 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x6');x7' <- getWord8 ; x7 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x7');x8' <- getWord8 ; x8 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x8');x9' <- getWord16le ; x9 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x9');x10 <- get;x11 <- get;return (SendPostcard_AgentData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11) put x = do put (sendPostcard_AgentData_AgentID x);put (sendPostcard_AgentData_SessionID x);put (sendPostcard_AgentData_AssetID x);(let (a,b,c) = sendPostcard_AgentData_PosGlobal x in putFloat64le a >> putFloat64le b >> putFloat64le c);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (sendPostcard_AgentData_To x)) ; putByteString (sendPostcard_AgentData_To x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (sendPostcard_AgentData_From x)) ; putByteString (sendPostcard_AgentData_From x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (sendPostcard_AgentData_Name x)) ; putByteString (sendPostcard_AgentData_Name x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (sendPostcard_AgentData_Subject x)) ; putByteString (sendPostcard_AgentData_Subject x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (sendPostcard_AgentData_Msg x)) ; putByteString (sendPostcard_AgentData_Msg x);put (sendPostcard_AgentData_AllowPublish x);put (sendPostcard_AgentData_MaturePublish x);return () instance Binary RpcChannelRequest_DataBlock where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;return (RpcChannelRequest_DataBlock x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do putWord32le (rpcChannelRequest_DataBlock_GridX x);putWord32le (rpcChannelRequest_DataBlock_GridY x);put (rpcChannelRequest_DataBlock_TaskID x);put (rpcChannelRequest_DataBlock_ItemID x);return () instance Binary RpcChannelReply_DataBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;return (RpcChannelReply_DataBlock x1 x2 x3) put x = do put (rpcChannelReply_DataBlock_TaskID x);put (rpcChannelReply_DataBlock_ItemID x);put (rpcChannelReply_DataBlock_ChannelID x);return () instance Binary RpcScriptRequestInbound_TargetBlock where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord32le;return (RpcScriptRequestInbound_TargetBlock x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (rpcScriptRequestInbound_TargetBlock_GridX x);putWord32le (rpcScriptRequestInbound_TargetBlock_GridY x);return () instance Binary RpcScriptRequestInbound_DataBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- getWord32le;x5' <- getWord16le ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');return (RpcScriptRequestInbound_DataBlock x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do put (rpcScriptRequestInbound_DataBlock_TaskID x);put (rpcScriptRequestInbound_DataBlock_ItemID x);put (rpcScriptRequestInbound_DataBlock_ChannelID x);putWord32le (rpcScriptRequestInbound_DataBlock_IntValue x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (rpcScriptRequestInbound_DataBlock_StringValue x)) ; putByteString (rpcScriptRequestInbound_DataBlock_StringValue x);return () instance Binary RpcScriptRequestInboundForward_DataBlock where get = do x1 <- replicateM 4 getWord8;x2 <- getWord16le;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5 <- get;x6 <- getWord32le;x7' <- getWord16le ; x7 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x7');return (RpcScriptRequestInboundForward_DataBlock x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) put x = do mapM_ put (rpcScriptRequestInboundForward_DataBlock_RPCServerIP x);putWord16le (rpcScriptRequestInboundForward_DataBlock_RPCServerPort x);put (rpcScriptRequestInboundForward_DataBlock_TaskID x);put (rpcScriptRequestInboundForward_DataBlock_ItemID x);put (rpcScriptRequestInboundForward_DataBlock_ChannelID x);putWord32le (rpcScriptRequestInboundForward_DataBlock_IntValue x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (rpcScriptRequestInboundForward_DataBlock_StringValue x)) ; putByteString (rpcScriptRequestInboundForward_DataBlock_StringValue x);return () instance Binary RpcScriptReplyInbound_DataBlock where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- getWord32le;x5' <- getWord16le ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');return (RpcScriptReplyInbound_DataBlock x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do put (rpcScriptReplyInbound_DataBlock_TaskID x);put (rpcScriptReplyInbound_DataBlock_ItemID x);put (rpcScriptReplyInbound_DataBlock_ChannelID x);putWord32le (rpcScriptReplyInbound_DataBlock_IntValue x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (rpcScriptReplyInbound_DataBlock_StringValue x)) ; putByteString (rpcScriptReplyInbound_DataBlock_StringValue x);return () instance Binary ScriptMailRegistration_DataBlock where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2 <- getWord16le;x3 <- get;x4 <- getWord32le;return (ScriptMailRegistration_DataBlock x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (scriptMailRegistration_DataBlock_TargetIP x)) ; putByteString (scriptMailRegistration_DataBlock_TargetIP x);putWord16le (scriptMailRegistration_DataBlock_TargetPort x);put (scriptMailRegistration_DataBlock_TaskID x);putWord32le (scriptMailRegistration_DataBlock_Flags x);return () instance Binary ParcelMediaCommandMessage_CommandBlock where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- getFloat32le;return (ParcelMediaCommandMessage_CommandBlock x1 x2 x3) put x = do putWord32le (parcelMediaCommandMessage_CommandBlock_Flags x);putWord32le (parcelMediaCommandMessage_CommandBlock_Command x);putFloat32le (parcelMediaCommandMessage_CommandBlock_Time x);return () instance Binary ParcelMediaUpdate_DataBlock where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2 <- get;x3 <- getWord8;return (ParcelMediaUpdate_DataBlock x1 x2 x3) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (parcelMediaUpdate_DataBlock_MediaURL x)) ; putByteString (parcelMediaUpdate_DataBlock_MediaURL x);put (parcelMediaUpdate_DataBlock_MediaID x);putWord8 (parcelMediaUpdate_DataBlock_MediaAutoScale x);return () instance Binary ParcelMediaUpdate_DataBlockExtended where get = do x1' <- getWord8 ; x1 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x1');x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x4 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x5 <- getWord8;return (ParcelMediaUpdate_DataBlockExtended x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) put x = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (parcelMediaUpdate_DataBlockExtended_MediaType x)) ; putByteString (parcelMediaUpdate_DataBlockExtended_MediaType x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (parcelMediaUpdate_DataBlockExtended_MediaDesc x)) ; putByteString (parcelMediaUpdate_DataBlockExtended_MediaDesc x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelMediaUpdate_DataBlockExtended_MediaWidth x));putWord32le (fromIntegral (parcelMediaUpdate_DataBlockExtended_MediaHeight x));putWord8 (parcelMediaUpdate_DataBlockExtended_MediaLoop x);return () instance Binary LandStatRequest_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (LandStatRequest_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (landStatRequest_AgentData_AgentID x);put (landStatRequest_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary LandStatRequest_RequestData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord32le;x3' <- getWord8 ; x3 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x3');x4 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;return (LandStatRequest_RequestData x1 x2 x3 x4) put x = do putWord32le (landStatRequest_RequestData_ReportType x);putWord32le (landStatRequest_RequestData_RequestFlags x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (landStatRequest_RequestData_Filter x)) ; putByteString (landStatRequest_RequestData_Filter x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (landStatRequest_RequestData_ParcelLocalID x));return () instance Binary LandStatReply_RequestData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- getWord32le;x3 <- getWord32le;return (LandStatReply_RequestData x1 x2 x3) put x = do putWord32le (landStatReply_RequestData_ReportType x);putWord32le (landStatReply_RequestData_RequestFlags x);putWord32le (landStatReply_RequestData_TotalObjectCount x);return () instance Binary LandStatReply_ReportData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- get;x3 <- getFloat32le;x4 <- getFloat32le;x5 <- getFloat32le;x6 <- getFloat32le;x7' <- getWord8 ; x7 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x7');x8' <- getWord8 ; x8 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x8');return (LandStatReply_ReportData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) put x = do putWord32le (landStatReply_ReportData_TaskLocalID x);put (landStatReply_ReportData_TaskID x);putFloat32le (landStatReply_ReportData_LocationX x);putFloat32le (landStatReply_ReportData_LocationY x);putFloat32le (landStatReply_ReportData_LocationZ x);putFloat32le (landStatReply_ReportData_Score x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (landStatReply_ReportData_TaskName x)) ; putByteString (landStatReply_ReportData_TaskName x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (landStatReply_ReportData_OwnerName x)) ; putByteString (landStatReply_ReportData_OwnerName x);return () instance Binary Error_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;return (Error_AgentData x1) put x = do put (error_AgentData_AgentID x);return () instance Binary Error_Data where get = do x1 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x2' <- getWord8 ; x2 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x2');x3 <- get;x4' <- getWord8 ; x4 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x4');x5' <- getWord16le ; x5 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x5');x6' <- getWord16le ; x6 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x6');return (Error_Data x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) put x = do putWord32le (fromIntegral (error_Data_Code x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (error_Data_Token x)) ; putByteString (error_Data_Token x);put (error_Data_ID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (error_Data_System x)) ; putByteString (error_Data_System x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (error_Data_Message x)) ; putByteString (error_Data_Message x);putWord16le (fromIntegral $ B.length (error_Data_Data x)) ; putByteString (error_Data_Data x);return () instance Binary ObjectIncludeInSearch_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (ObjectIncludeInSearch_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (objectIncludeInSearch_AgentData_AgentID x);put (objectIncludeInSearch_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary ObjectIncludeInSearch_ObjectData where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- get;return (ObjectIncludeInSearch_ObjectData x1 x2) put x = do putWord32le (objectIncludeInSearch_ObjectData_ObjectLocalID x);put (objectIncludeInSearch_ObjectData_IncludeInSearch x);return () instance Binary RezRestoreToWorld_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (RezRestoreToWorld_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (rezRestoreToWorld_AgentData_AgentID x);put (rezRestoreToWorld_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary RezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5 <- get;x6 <- getWord32le;x7 <- getWord32le;x8 <- getWord32le;x9 <- getWord32le;x10 <- getWord32le;x11 <- get;x12 <- get;x13 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x14 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x15 <- getWord32le;x16 <- getWord8;x17 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x18' <- getWord8 ; x18 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x18');x19' <- getWord8 ; x19 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x19');x20 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord32le;x21 <- getWord32le;return (RezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21) put x = do put (rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_ItemID x);put (rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_FolderID x);put (rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_CreatorID x);put (rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_OwnerID x);put (rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_GroupID x);putWord32le (rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_BaseMask x);putWord32le (rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_OwnerMask x);putWord32le (rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_GroupMask x);putWord32le (rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_EveryoneMask x);putWord32le (rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_NextOwnerMask x);put (rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_GroupOwned x);put (rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_TransactionID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_Type x));putWord8 (fromIntegral (rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_InvType x));putWord32le (rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_Flags x);putWord8 (rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_SaleType x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_SalePrice x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_Name x)) ; putByteString (rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_Name x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_Description x)) ; putByteString (rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_Description x);putWord32le (fromIntegral (rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_CreationDate x));putWord32le (rezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData_CRC x);return () instance Binary LinkInventoryItem_AgentData where get = do x1 <- get;x2 <- get;return (LinkInventoryItem_AgentData x1 x2) put x = do put (linkInventoryItem_AgentData_AgentID x);put (linkInventoryItem_AgentData_SessionID x);return () instance Binary LinkInventoryItem_InventoryBlock where get = do x1 <- getWord32le;x2 <- get;x3 <- get;x4 <- get;x5 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x6 <- fmap fromIntegral getWord8;x7' <- getWord8 ; x7 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x7');x8' <- getWord8 ; x8 <- getBytes (fromIntegral x8');return (LinkInventoryItem_InventoryBlock x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) put x = do putWord32le (linkInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_CallbackID x);put (linkInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_FolderID x);put (linkInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_TransactionID x);put (linkInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_OldItemID x);putWord8 (fromIntegral (linkInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_Type x));putWord8 (fromIntegral (linkInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_InvType x));putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (linkInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_Name x)) ; putByteString (linkInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_Name x);putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length (linkInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_Description x)) ; putByteString (linkInventoryItem_InventoryBlock_Description x);return () shouldZerocode :: PacketBody -> Bool shouldZerocode (TestMessage _ _) = True shouldZerocode (PacketAck _) = False shouldZerocode (OpenCircuit _) = False shouldZerocode (CloseCircuit ) = False shouldZerocode (StartPingCheck _) = False shouldZerocode (CompletePingCheck _) = False shouldZerocode (AddCircuitCode _) = False shouldZerocode (UseCircuitCode _) = False shouldZerocode (NeighborList _) = False shouldZerocode (AvatarTextureUpdate _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (SimulatorMapUpdate _) = False shouldZerocode (SimulatorSetMap _) = False shouldZerocode (SubscribeLoad ) = False shouldZerocode (UnsubscribeLoad ) = False shouldZerocode (SimulatorReady _ _) = True shouldZerocode (TelehubInfo _ _) = False shouldZerocode (SimulatorPresentAtLocation _ _ _ _) = False shouldZerocode (SimulatorLoad _ _) = False shouldZerocode (SimulatorShutdownRequest ) = False shouldZerocode (RegionPresenceRequestByRegionID _) = False shouldZerocode (RegionPresenceRequestByHandle _) = False shouldZerocode (RegionPresenceResponse _) = True shouldZerocode (UpdateSimulator _) = False shouldZerocode (LogDwellTime _) = False shouldZerocode (FeatureDisabled _) = False shouldZerocode (LogFailedMoneyTransaction _) = False shouldZerocode (UserReportInternal _) = True shouldZerocode (SetSimStatusInDatabase _) = False shouldZerocode (SetSimPresenceInDatabase _) = False shouldZerocode (EconomyDataRequest ) = False shouldZerocode (EconomyData _) = True shouldZerocode (AvatarPickerRequest _ _) = False shouldZerocode (AvatarPickerRequestBackend _ _) = False shouldZerocode (AvatarPickerReply _ _) = False shouldZerocode (PlacesQuery _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (PlacesReply _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (DirFindQuery _ _) = True shouldZerocode (DirFindQueryBackend _ _) = True shouldZerocode (DirPlacesQuery _ _) = True shouldZerocode (DirPlacesQueryBackend _ _) = True shouldZerocode (DirPlacesReply _ _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (DirPeopleReply _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (DirEventsReply _ _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (DirGroupsReply _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (DirClassifiedQuery _ _) = True shouldZerocode (DirClassifiedQueryBackend _ _) = True shouldZerocode (DirClassifiedReply _ _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (AvatarClassifiedReply _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ClassifiedInfoRequest _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ClassifiedInfoReply _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ClassifiedInfoUpdate _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ClassifiedDelete _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ClassifiedGodDelete _ _) = False shouldZerocode (DirLandQuery _ _) = True shouldZerocode (DirLandQueryBackend _ _) = True shouldZerocode (DirLandReply _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (DirPopularQuery _ _) = True shouldZerocode (DirPopularQueryBackend _ _) = True shouldZerocode (DirPopularReply _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ParcelInfoRequest _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ParcelInfoReply _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ParcelObjectOwnersRequest _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ParcelObjectOwnersReply _) = True shouldZerocode (GroupNoticesListRequest _ _) = False shouldZerocode (GroupNoticesListReply _ _) = False shouldZerocode (GroupNoticeRequest _ _) = False shouldZerocode (GroupNoticeAdd _ _) = False shouldZerocode (TeleportRequest _ _) = False shouldZerocode (TeleportLocationRequest _ _) = False shouldZerocode (TeleportLocal _) = False shouldZerocode (TeleportLandmarkRequest _) = True shouldZerocode (TeleportProgress _ _) = False shouldZerocode (DataHomeLocationRequest _ _) = True shouldZerocode (DataHomeLocationReply _) = False shouldZerocode (TeleportFinish _) = False shouldZerocode (StartLure _ _ _) = False shouldZerocode (TeleportLureRequest _) = False shouldZerocode (TeleportCancel _) = False shouldZerocode (TeleportStart _) = False shouldZerocode (TeleportFailed _ _) = False shouldZerocode (Undo _ _) = False shouldZerocode (Redo _ _) = False shouldZerocode (UndoLand _) = False shouldZerocode (AgentPause _) = False shouldZerocode (AgentResume _) = False shouldZerocode (AgentUpdate _) = True shouldZerocode (ChatFromViewer _ _) = True shouldZerocode (AgentThrottle _ _) = True shouldZerocode (AgentFOV _ _) = False shouldZerocode (AgentHeightWidth _ _) = False shouldZerocode (AgentSetAppearance _ _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (AgentAnimation _ _ _) = False shouldZerocode (AgentRequestSit _ _) = True shouldZerocode (AgentSit _) = False shouldZerocode (AgentQuitCopy _ _) = False shouldZerocode (RequestImage _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ImageNotInDatabase _) = False shouldZerocode (RebakeAvatarTextures _) = False shouldZerocode (SetAlwaysRun _) = False shouldZerocode (ObjectAdd _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectDelete _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectDuplicate _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectDuplicateOnRay _ _) = True shouldZerocode (MultipleObjectUpdate _ _) = True shouldZerocode (RequestMultipleObjects _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectPosition _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectScale _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectRotation _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectFlagUpdate _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectClickAction _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectImage _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectMaterial _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectShape _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectExtraParams _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectOwner _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectGroup _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectBuy _ _) = True shouldZerocode (BuyObjectInventory _ _) = True shouldZerocode (DerezContainer _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectPermissions _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectSaleInfo _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectName _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectDescription _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectCategory _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectSelect _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectDeselect _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectAttach _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectDetach _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ObjectDrop _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ObjectLink _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ObjectDelink _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ObjectGrab _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectGrabUpdate _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectDeGrab _ _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ObjectSpinStart _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectSpinUpdate _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectSpinStop _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectExportSelected _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ModifyLand _ _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (VelocityInterpolateOn _) = False shouldZerocode (VelocityInterpolateOff _) = False shouldZerocode (StateSave _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ReportAutosaveCrash _) = False shouldZerocode (SimWideDeletes _ _) = False shouldZerocode (RequestObjectPropertiesFamily _ _) = True shouldZerocode (TrackAgent _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ViewerStats _ _ _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ScriptAnswerYes _ _) = False shouldZerocode (UserReport _ _) = True shouldZerocode (AlertMessage _ _) = False shouldZerocode (AgentAlertMessage _ _) = False shouldZerocode (MeanCollisionAlert _) = True shouldZerocode (ViewerFrozenMessage _) = False shouldZerocode (HealthMessage _) = True shouldZerocode (ChatFromSimulator _) = False shouldZerocode (SimStats _ _ _) = False shouldZerocode (RequestRegionInfo _) = False shouldZerocode (RegionInfo _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (GodUpdateRegionInfo _ _) = True shouldZerocode (NearestLandingRegionRequest _) = False shouldZerocode (NearestLandingRegionReply _) = False shouldZerocode (NearestLandingRegionUpdated _) = False shouldZerocode (TeleportLandingStatusChanged _) = False shouldZerocode (RegionHandshake _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (RegionHandshakeReply _ _) = True shouldZerocode (CoarseLocationUpdate _ _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ImageData _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ImagePacket _ _) = False shouldZerocode (LayerData _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ObjectUpdate _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectUpdateCompressed _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ObjectUpdateCached _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ImprovedTerseObjectUpdate _ _) = False shouldZerocode (KillObject _) = False shouldZerocode (CrossedRegion _ _ _) = False shouldZerocode (SimulatorViewerTimeMessage _) = False shouldZerocode (EnableSimulator _) = False shouldZerocode (DisableSimulator ) = False shouldZerocode (ConfirmEnableSimulator _) = False shouldZerocode (TransferRequest _) = True shouldZerocode (TransferInfo _) = True shouldZerocode (TransferPacket _) = False shouldZerocode (TransferAbort _) = True shouldZerocode (RequestXfer _) = True shouldZerocode (SendXferPacket _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ConfirmXferPacket _) = False shouldZerocode (AbortXfer _) = False shouldZerocode (AvatarAnimation _ _ _ _) = False shouldZerocode (AvatarAppearance _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (AvatarSitResponse _ _) = True shouldZerocode (SetFollowCamProperties _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ClearFollowCamProperties _) = False shouldZerocode (CameraConstraint _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectProperties _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectPropertiesFamily _) = True shouldZerocode (RequestPayPrice _) = False shouldZerocode (PayPriceReply _ _) = False shouldZerocode (KickUser _ _) = False shouldZerocode (KickUserAck _) = False shouldZerocode (GodKickUser _) = False shouldZerocode (SystemKickUser _) = False shouldZerocode (EjectUser _ _) = False shouldZerocode (FreezeUser _ _) = False shouldZerocode (AvatarPropertiesRequest _) = False shouldZerocode (AvatarPropertiesRequestBackend _) = False shouldZerocode (AvatarPropertiesReply _ _) = True shouldZerocode (AvatarInterestsReply _ _) = True shouldZerocode (AvatarGroupsReply _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (AvatarPropertiesUpdate _ _) = True shouldZerocode (AvatarInterestsUpdate _ _) = True shouldZerocode (AvatarNotesReply _ _) = False shouldZerocode (AvatarNotesUpdate _ _) = False shouldZerocode (AvatarPicksReply _ _) = False shouldZerocode (EventInfoRequest _ _) = False shouldZerocode (EventInfoReply _ _) = False shouldZerocode (EventNotificationAddRequest _ _) = False shouldZerocode (EventNotificationRemoveRequest _ _) = False shouldZerocode (EventGodDelete _ _ _) = False shouldZerocode (PickInfoReply _ _) = False shouldZerocode (PickInfoUpdate _ _) = False shouldZerocode (PickDelete _ _) = False shouldZerocode (PickGodDelete _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ScriptQuestion _) = False shouldZerocode (ScriptControlChange _) = False shouldZerocode (ScriptDialog _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ScriptDialogReply _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ForceScriptControlRelease _) = False shouldZerocode (RevokePermissions _ _) = False shouldZerocode (LoadURL _) = False shouldZerocode (ScriptTeleportRequest _) = False shouldZerocode (ParcelOverlay _) = True shouldZerocode (ParcelPropertiesRequest _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ParcelPropertiesRequestByID _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ParcelProperties _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ParcelPropertiesUpdate _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ParcelReturnObjects _ _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ParcelSetOtherCleanTime _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ParcelDisableObjects _ _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ParcelSelectObjects _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (EstateCovenantRequest _) = False shouldZerocode (EstateCovenantReply _) = False shouldZerocode (ForceObjectSelect _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ParcelBuyPass _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ParcelDeedToGroup _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ParcelReclaim _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ParcelClaim _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ParcelJoin _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ParcelDivide _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ParcelRelease _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ParcelBuy _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ParcelGodForceOwner _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ParcelAccessListRequest _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ParcelAccessListReply _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ParcelAccessListUpdate _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ParcelDwellRequest _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ParcelDwellReply _ _) = False shouldZerocode (RequestParcelTransfer _ _) = True shouldZerocode (UpdateParcel _) = True shouldZerocode (RemoveParcel _) = False shouldZerocode (MergeParcel _ _) = False shouldZerocode (LogParcelChanges _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (CheckParcelSales _) = False shouldZerocode (ParcelSales _) = False shouldZerocode (ParcelGodMarkAsContent _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ViewerStartAuction _ _) = False shouldZerocode (StartAuction _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ConfirmAuctionStart _) = False shouldZerocode (CompleteAuction _) = False shouldZerocode (CancelAuction _) = False shouldZerocode (CheckParcelAuctions _) = False shouldZerocode (ParcelAuctions _) = False shouldZerocode (UUIDNameRequest _) = False shouldZerocode (UUIDNameReply _) = False shouldZerocode (UUIDGroupNameRequest _) = False shouldZerocode (UUIDGroupNameReply _) = False shouldZerocode (ChatPass _) = True shouldZerocode (EdgeDataPacket _) = True shouldZerocode (SimStatus _) = False shouldZerocode (ChildAgentUpdate _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ChildAgentAlive _) = False shouldZerocode (ChildAgentPositionUpdate _) = False shouldZerocode (ChildAgentDying _) = True shouldZerocode (ChildAgentUnknown _) = False shouldZerocode (AtomicPassObject _) = False shouldZerocode (KillChildAgents _) = False shouldZerocode (GetScriptRunning _) = False shouldZerocode (ScriptRunningReply _) = False shouldZerocode (SetScriptRunning _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ScriptReset _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ScriptSensorRequest _) = True shouldZerocode (ScriptSensorReply _ _) = True shouldZerocode (CompleteAgentMovement _) = False shouldZerocode (AgentMovementComplete _ _ _) = False shouldZerocode (DataServerLogout _) = False shouldZerocode (LogoutRequest _) = False shouldZerocode (LogoutReply _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ImprovedInstantMessage _ _) = True shouldZerocode (RetrieveInstantMessages _) = False shouldZerocode (FindAgent _ _) = False shouldZerocode (RequestGodlikePowers _ _) = False shouldZerocode (GrantGodlikePowers _ _) = False shouldZerocode (GodlikeMessage _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (EstateOwnerMessage _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (GenericMessage _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (MuteListRequest _ _) = False shouldZerocode (UpdateMuteListEntry _ _) = False shouldZerocode (RemoveMuteListEntry _ _) = False shouldZerocode (CopyInventoryFromNotecard _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (UpdateInventoryItem _ _) = True shouldZerocode (UpdateCreateInventoryItem _ _) = True shouldZerocode (MoveInventoryItem _ _) = True shouldZerocode (CopyInventoryItem _ _) = True shouldZerocode (RemoveInventoryItem _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ChangeInventoryItemFlags _ _) = False shouldZerocode (SaveAssetIntoInventory _ _) = False shouldZerocode (CreateInventoryFolder _ _) = False shouldZerocode (UpdateInventoryFolder _ _) = False shouldZerocode (MoveInventoryFolder _ _) = True shouldZerocode (RemoveInventoryFolder _ _) = False shouldZerocode (FetchInventoryDescendents _ _) = True shouldZerocode (InventoryDescendents _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (FetchInventory _ _) = True shouldZerocode (FetchInventoryReply _ _) = True shouldZerocode (BulkUpdateInventory _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (RequestInventoryAsset _) = False shouldZerocode (InventoryAssetResponse _) = False shouldZerocode (RemoveInventoryObjects _ _ _) = False shouldZerocode (PurgeInventoryDescendents _ _) = True shouldZerocode (UpdateTaskInventory _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (RemoveTaskInventory _ _) = True shouldZerocode (MoveTaskInventory _ _) = False shouldZerocode (RequestTaskInventory _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ReplyTaskInventory _) = True shouldZerocode (DeRezObject _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (DeRezAck _) = False shouldZerocode (RezObject _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (RezObjectFromNotecard _ _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (TransferInventory _ _) = True shouldZerocode (TransferInventoryAck _) = True shouldZerocode (AcceptFriendship _ _ _) = False shouldZerocode (DeclineFriendship _ _) = False shouldZerocode (FormFriendship _) = False shouldZerocode (TerminateFriendship _ _) = False shouldZerocode (OfferCallingCard _ _) = False shouldZerocode (AcceptCallingCard _ _ _) = False shouldZerocode (DeclineCallingCard _ _) = False shouldZerocode (RezScript _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (CreateInventoryItem _ _) = True shouldZerocode (CreateLandmarkForEvent _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (EventLocationRequest _ _) = True shouldZerocode (EventLocationReply _ _) = True shouldZerocode (RegionHandleRequest _) = False shouldZerocode (RegionIDAndHandleReply _) = False shouldZerocode (MoneyTransferRequest _ _) = True shouldZerocode (MoneyTransferBackend _) = True shouldZerocode (MoneyBalanceRequest _ _) = True shouldZerocode (MoneyBalanceReply _) = True shouldZerocode (RoutedMoneyBalanceReply _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ActivateGestures _ _) = False shouldZerocode (DeactivateGestures _ _) = False shouldZerocode (MuteListUpdate _) = False shouldZerocode (UseCachedMuteList _) = False shouldZerocode (GrantUserRights _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ChangeUserRights _ _) = False shouldZerocode (OnlineNotification _) = False shouldZerocode (OfflineNotification _) = False shouldZerocode (SetStartLocationRequest _ _) = True shouldZerocode (SetStartLocation _) = True shouldZerocode (NetTest _) = False shouldZerocode (SetCPURatio _) = False shouldZerocode (SimCrashed _ _) = False shouldZerocode (NameValuePair _ _) = False shouldZerocode (RemoveNameValuePair _ _) = False shouldZerocode (UpdateAttachment _ _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (RemoveAttachment _ _) = False shouldZerocode (SoundTrigger _) = False shouldZerocode (AttachedSound _) = False shouldZerocode (AttachedSoundGainChange _) = False shouldZerocode (PreloadSound _) = False shouldZerocode (AssetUploadRequest _) = False shouldZerocode (AssetUploadComplete _) = False shouldZerocode (EmailMessageRequest _) = False shouldZerocode (EmailMessageReply _) = False shouldZerocode (InternalScriptMail _) = False shouldZerocode (ScriptDataRequest _) = False shouldZerocode (ScriptDataReply _) = False shouldZerocode (CreateGroupRequest _ _) = True shouldZerocode (CreateGroupReply _ _) = False shouldZerocode (UpdateGroupInfo _ _) = True shouldZerocode (GroupRoleChanges _ _) = False shouldZerocode (JoinGroupRequest _ _) = True shouldZerocode (JoinGroupReply _ _) = False shouldZerocode (EjectGroupMemberRequest _ _ _) = False shouldZerocode (EjectGroupMemberReply _ _ _) = False shouldZerocode (LeaveGroupRequest _ _) = False shouldZerocode (LeaveGroupReply _ _) = False shouldZerocode (InviteGroupRequest _ _ _) = False shouldZerocode (InviteGroupResponse _) = False shouldZerocode (GroupProfileRequest _ _) = False shouldZerocode (GroupProfileReply _ _) = True shouldZerocode (GroupAccountSummaryRequest _ _) = True shouldZerocode (GroupAccountSummaryReply _ _) = True shouldZerocode (GroupAccountDetailsRequest _ _) = True shouldZerocode (GroupAccountDetailsReply _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (GroupAccountTransactionsRequest _ _) = True shouldZerocode (GroupAccountTransactionsReply _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (GroupActiveProposalsRequest _ _ _) = False shouldZerocode (GroupActiveProposalItemReply _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (GroupVoteHistoryRequest _ _ _) = False shouldZerocode (GroupVoteHistoryItemReply _ _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (StartGroupProposal _ _) = True shouldZerocode (GroupProposalBallot _ _) = False shouldZerocode (TallyVotes ) = False shouldZerocode (GroupMembersRequest _ _) = False shouldZerocode (GroupMembersReply _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ActivateGroup _) = True shouldZerocode (SetGroupContribution _ _) = False shouldZerocode (SetGroupAcceptNotices _ _ _) = False shouldZerocode (GroupRoleDataRequest _ _) = False shouldZerocode (GroupRoleDataReply _ _ _) = False shouldZerocode (GroupRoleMembersRequest _ _) = False shouldZerocode (GroupRoleMembersReply _ _) = False shouldZerocode (GroupTitlesRequest _) = False shouldZerocode (GroupTitlesReply _ _) = True shouldZerocode (GroupTitleUpdate _) = False shouldZerocode (GroupRoleUpdate _ _) = False shouldZerocode (LiveHelpGroupRequest _) = False shouldZerocode (LiveHelpGroupReply _) = False shouldZerocode (AgentWearablesRequest _) = False shouldZerocode (AgentWearablesUpdate _ _) = True shouldZerocode (AgentIsNowWearing _ _) = True shouldZerocode (AgentCachedTexture _ _) = False shouldZerocode (AgentCachedTextureResponse _ _) = False shouldZerocode (AgentDataUpdateRequest _) = False shouldZerocode (AgentDataUpdate _) = True shouldZerocode (GroupDataUpdate _) = True shouldZerocode (AgentGroupDataUpdate _ _) = True shouldZerocode (AgentDropGroup _) = True shouldZerocode (LogTextMessage _) = True shouldZerocode (ViewerEffect _ _) = True shouldZerocode (CreateTrustedCircuit _) = False shouldZerocode (DenyTrustedCircuit _) = False shouldZerocode (RequestTrustedCircuit ) = False shouldZerocode (RezSingleAttachmentFromInv _ _) = True shouldZerocode (RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv _ _ _) = True shouldZerocode (DetachAttachmentIntoInv _) = False shouldZerocode (CreateNewOutfitAttachments _ _ _) = False shouldZerocode (UserInfoRequest _) = False shouldZerocode (UserInfoReply _ _) = False shouldZerocode (UpdateUserInfo _ _) = False shouldZerocode (ParcelRename _) = False shouldZerocode (InitiateDownload _ _) = False shouldZerocode (SystemMessage _ _) = True shouldZerocode (MapLayerRequest _) = False shouldZerocode (MapLayerReply _ _) = False shouldZerocode (MapBlockRequest _ _) = False shouldZerocode (MapNameRequest _ _) = False shouldZerocode (MapBlockReply _ _) = False shouldZerocode (MapItemRequest _ _) = False shouldZerocode (MapItemReply _ _ _) = False shouldZerocode (SendPostcard _) = False shouldZerocode (RpcChannelRequest _) = False shouldZerocode (RpcChannelReply _) = False shouldZerocode (RpcScriptRequestInbound _ _) = False shouldZerocode (RpcScriptRequestInboundForward _) = False shouldZerocode (RpcScriptReplyInbound _) = False shouldZerocode (ScriptMailRegistration _) = False shouldZerocode (ParcelMediaCommandMessage _) = False shouldZerocode (ParcelMediaUpdate _ _) = False shouldZerocode (LandStatRequest _ _) = False shouldZerocode (LandStatReply _ _) = False shouldZerocode (Error _ _) = True shouldZerocode (ObjectIncludeInSearch _ _) = False shouldZerocode (RezRestoreToWorld _ _) = False shouldZerocode (LinkInventoryItem _ _) = True isTrusted :: PacketBody -> Bool isTrusted (TestMessage _ _) = False isTrusted (PacketAck _) = False isTrusted (OpenCircuit _) = False isTrusted (CloseCircuit ) = False isTrusted (StartPingCheck _) = False isTrusted (CompletePingCheck _) = False isTrusted (AddCircuitCode _) = True isTrusted (UseCircuitCode _) = False isTrusted (NeighborList _) = True isTrusted (AvatarTextureUpdate _ _ _) = True isTrusted (SimulatorMapUpdate _) = True isTrusted (SimulatorSetMap _) = True isTrusted (SubscribeLoad ) = True isTrusted (UnsubscribeLoad ) = True isTrusted (SimulatorReady _ _) = True isTrusted (TelehubInfo _ _) = True isTrusted (SimulatorPresentAtLocation _ _ _ _) = True isTrusted (SimulatorLoad _ _) = True isTrusted (SimulatorShutdownRequest ) = True isTrusted (RegionPresenceRequestByRegionID _) = True isTrusted (RegionPresenceRequestByHandle _) = True isTrusted (RegionPresenceResponse _) = True isTrusted (UpdateSimulator _) = True isTrusted (LogDwellTime _) = True isTrusted (FeatureDisabled _) = True isTrusted (LogFailedMoneyTransaction _) = True isTrusted (UserReportInternal _) = True isTrusted (SetSimStatusInDatabase _) = True isTrusted (SetSimPresenceInDatabase _) = True isTrusted (EconomyDataRequest ) = False isTrusted (EconomyData _) = True isTrusted (AvatarPickerRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (AvatarPickerRequestBackend _ _) = True isTrusted (AvatarPickerReply _ _) = True isTrusted (PlacesQuery _ _ _) = False isTrusted (PlacesReply _ _ _) = True isTrusted (DirFindQuery _ _) = False isTrusted (DirFindQueryBackend _ _) = True isTrusted (DirPlacesQuery _ _) = False isTrusted (DirPlacesQueryBackend _ _) = True isTrusted (DirPlacesReply _ _ _ _) = True isTrusted (DirPeopleReply _ _ _) = True isTrusted (DirEventsReply _ _ _ _) = True isTrusted (DirGroupsReply _ _ _) = True isTrusted (DirClassifiedQuery _ _) = False isTrusted (DirClassifiedQueryBackend _ _) = True isTrusted (DirClassifiedReply _ _ _ _) = True isTrusted (AvatarClassifiedReply _ _) = True isTrusted (ClassifiedInfoRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (ClassifiedInfoReply _ _) = True isTrusted (ClassifiedInfoUpdate _ _) = False isTrusted (ClassifiedDelete _ _) = False isTrusted (ClassifiedGodDelete _ _) = False isTrusted (DirLandQuery _ _) = False isTrusted (DirLandQueryBackend _ _) = True isTrusted (DirLandReply _ _ _) = True isTrusted (DirPopularQuery _ _) = False isTrusted (DirPopularQueryBackend _ _) = True isTrusted (DirPopularReply _ _ _) = True isTrusted (ParcelInfoRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (ParcelInfoReply _ _) = True isTrusted (ParcelObjectOwnersRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (ParcelObjectOwnersReply _) = True isTrusted (GroupNoticesListRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (GroupNoticesListReply _ _) = True isTrusted (GroupNoticeRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (GroupNoticeAdd _ _) = True isTrusted (TeleportRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (TeleportLocationRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (TeleportLocal _) = True isTrusted (TeleportLandmarkRequest _) = False isTrusted (TeleportProgress _ _) = True isTrusted (DataHomeLocationRequest _ _) = True isTrusted (DataHomeLocationReply _) = True isTrusted (TeleportFinish _) = True isTrusted (StartLure _ _ _) = False isTrusted (TeleportLureRequest _) = False isTrusted (TeleportCancel _) = False isTrusted (TeleportStart _) = True isTrusted (TeleportFailed _ _) = True isTrusted (Undo _ _) = False isTrusted (Redo _ _) = False isTrusted (UndoLand _) = False isTrusted (AgentPause _) = False isTrusted (AgentResume _) = False isTrusted (AgentUpdate _) = False isTrusted (ChatFromViewer _ _) = False isTrusted (AgentThrottle _ _) = False isTrusted (AgentFOV _ _) = False isTrusted (AgentHeightWidth _ _) = False isTrusted (AgentSetAppearance _ _ _ _) = False isTrusted (AgentAnimation _ _ _) = False isTrusted (AgentRequestSit _ _) = False isTrusted (AgentSit _) = False isTrusted (AgentQuitCopy _ _) = False isTrusted (RequestImage _ _) = False isTrusted (ImageNotInDatabase _) = True isTrusted (RebakeAvatarTextures _) = True isTrusted (SetAlwaysRun _) = False isTrusted (ObjectAdd _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectDelete _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectDuplicate _ _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectDuplicateOnRay _ _) = False isTrusted (MultipleObjectUpdate _ _) = False isTrusted (RequestMultipleObjects _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectPosition _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectScale _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectRotation _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectFlagUpdate _) = False isTrusted (ObjectClickAction _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectImage _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectMaterial _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectShape _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectExtraParams _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectOwner _ _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectGroup _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectBuy _ _) = False isTrusted (BuyObjectInventory _ _) = False isTrusted (DerezContainer _) = True isTrusted (ObjectPermissions _ _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectSaleInfo _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectName _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectDescription _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectCategory _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectSelect _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectDeselect _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectAttach _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectDetach _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectDrop _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectLink _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectDelink _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectGrab _ _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectGrabUpdate _ _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectDeGrab _ _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectSpinStart _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectSpinUpdate _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectSpinStop _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectExportSelected _ _) = False isTrusted (ModifyLand _ _ _ _) = False isTrusted (VelocityInterpolateOn _) = False isTrusted (VelocityInterpolateOff _) = False isTrusted (StateSave _ _) = False isTrusted (ReportAutosaveCrash _) = False isTrusted (SimWideDeletes _ _) = False isTrusted (RequestObjectPropertiesFamily _ _) = False isTrusted (TrackAgent _ _) = False isTrusted (ViewerStats _ _ _ _ _) = False isTrusted (ScriptAnswerYes _ _) = False isTrusted (UserReport _ _) = False isTrusted (AlertMessage _ _) = True isTrusted (AgentAlertMessage _ _) = True isTrusted (MeanCollisionAlert _) = True isTrusted (ViewerFrozenMessage _) = True isTrusted (HealthMessage _) = True isTrusted (ChatFromSimulator _) = True isTrusted (SimStats _ _ _) = True isTrusted (RequestRegionInfo _) = False isTrusted (RegionInfo _ _ _) = False isTrusted (GodUpdateRegionInfo _ _) = False isTrusted (NearestLandingRegionRequest _) = True isTrusted (NearestLandingRegionReply _) = True isTrusted (NearestLandingRegionUpdated _) = True isTrusted (TeleportLandingStatusChanged _) = True isTrusted (RegionHandshake _ _ _) = True isTrusted (RegionHandshakeReply _ _) = False isTrusted (CoarseLocationUpdate _ _ _) = True isTrusted (ImageData _ _) = True isTrusted (ImagePacket _ _) = True isTrusted (LayerData _ _) = True isTrusted (ObjectUpdate _ _) = True isTrusted (ObjectUpdateCompressed _ _) = True isTrusted (ObjectUpdateCached _ _) = True isTrusted (ImprovedTerseObjectUpdate _ _) = True isTrusted (KillObject _) = True isTrusted (CrossedRegion _ _ _) = True isTrusted (SimulatorViewerTimeMessage _) = True isTrusted (EnableSimulator _) = True isTrusted (DisableSimulator ) = True isTrusted (ConfirmEnableSimulator _) = True isTrusted (TransferRequest _) = False isTrusted (TransferInfo _) = False isTrusted (TransferPacket _) = False isTrusted (TransferAbort _) = False isTrusted (RequestXfer _) = False isTrusted (SendXferPacket _ _) = False isTrusted (ConfirmXferPacket _) = False isTrusted (AbortXfer _) = False isTrusted (AvatarAnimation _ _ _ _) = True isTrusted (AvatarAppearance _ _ _) = True isTrusted (AvatarSitResponse _ _) = True isTrusted (SetFollowCamProperties _ _) = True isTrusted (ClearFollowCamProperties _) = True isTrusted (CameraConstraint _) = True isTrusted (ObjectProperties _) = True isTrusted (ObjectPropertiesFamily _) = True isTrusted (RequestPayPrice _) = False isTrusted (PayPriceReply _ _) = True isTrusted (KickUser _ _) = True isTrusted (KickUserAck _) = True isTrusted (GodKickUser _) = False isTrusted (SystemKickUser _) = True isTrusted (EjectUser _ _) = False isTrusted (FreezeUser _ _) = False isTrusted (AvatarPropertiesRequest _) = False isTrusted (AvatarPropertiesRequestBackend _) = True isTrusted (AvatarPropertiesReply _ _) = True isTrusted (AvatarInterestsReply _ _) = True isTrusted (AvatarGroupsReply _ _ _) = True isTrusted (AvatarPropertiesUpdate _ _) = False isTrusted (AvatarInterestsUpdate _ _) = False isTrusted (AvatarNotesReply _ _) = True isTrusted (AvatarNotesUpdate _ _) = False isTrusted (AvatarPicksReply _ _) = True isTrusted (EventInfoRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (EventInfoReply _ _) = True isTrusted (EventNotificationAddRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (EventNotificationRemoveRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (EventGodDelete _ _ _) = False isTrusted (PickInfoReply _ _) = True isTrusted (PickInfoUpdate _ _) = False isTrusted (PickDelete _ _) = False isTrusted (PickGodDelete _ _) = False isTrusted (ScriptQuestion _) = True isTrusted (ScriptControlChange _) = True isTrusted (ScriptDialog _ _) = True isTrusted (ScriptDialogReply _ _) = False isTrusted (ForceScriptControlRelease _) = False isTrusted (RevokePermissions _ _) = False isTrusted (LoadURL _) = True isTrusted (ScriptTeleportRequest _) = True isTrusted (ParcelOverlay _) = True isTrusted (ParcelPropertiesRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (ParcelPropertiesRequestByID _ _) = False isTrusted (ParcelProperties _ _) = True isTrusted (ParcelPropertiesUpdate _ _) = False isTrusted (ParcelReturnObjects _ _ _ _) = False isTrusted (ParcelSetOtherCleanTime _ _) = False isTrusted (ParcelDisableObjects _ _ _ _) = False isTrusted (ParcelSelectObjects _ _ _) = False isTrusted (EstateCovenantRequest _) = False isTrusted (EstateCovenantReply _) = True isTrusted (ForceObjectSelect _ _) = True isTrusted (ParcelBuyPass _ _) = False isTrusted (ParcelDeedToGroup _ _) = False isTrusted (ParcelReclaim _ _) = False isTrusted (ParcelClaim _ _ _) = False isTrusted (ParcelJoin _ _) = False isTrusted (ParcelDivide _ _) = False isTrusted (ParcelRelease _ _) = False isTrusted (ParcelBuy _ _ _) = False isTrusted (ParcelGodForceOwner _ _) = False isTrusted (ParcelAccessListRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (ParcelAccessListReply _ _) = True isTrusted (ParcelAccessListUpdate _ _ _) = False isTrusted (ParcelDwellRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (ParcelDwellReply _ _) = True isTrusted (RequestParcelTransfer _ _) = True isTrusted (UpdateParcel _) = True isTrusted (RemoveParcel _) = True isTrusted (MergeParcel _ _) = True isTrusted (LogParcelChanges _ _ _) = True isTrusted (CheckParcelSales _) = True isTrusted (ParcelSales _) = True isTrusted (ParcelGodMarkAsContent _ _) = False isTrusted (ViewerStartAuction _ _) = False isTrusted (StartAuction _ _) = True isTrusted (ConfirmAuctionStart _) = True isTrusted (CompleteAuction _) = True isTrusted (CancelAuction _) = True isTrusted (CheckParcelAuctions _) = True isTrusted (ParcelAuctions _) = True isTrusted (UUIDNameRequest _) = False isTrusted (UUIDNameReply _) = True isTrusted (UUIDGroupNameRequest _) = False isTrusted (UUIDGroupNameReply _) = True isTrusted (ChatPass _) = True isTrusted (EdgeDataPacket _) = True isTrusted (SimStatus _) = True isTrusted (ChildAgentUpdate _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = True isTrusted (ChildAgentAlive _) = True isTrusted (ChildAgentPositionUpdate _) = True isTrusted (ChildAgentDying _) = True isTrusted (ChildAgentUnknown _) = True isTrusted (AtomicPassObject _) = True isTrusted (KillChildAgents _) = True isTrusted (GetScriptRunning _) = False isTrusted (ScriptRunningReply _) = False isTrusted (SetScriptRunning _ _) = False isTrusted (ScriptReset _ _) = False isTrusted (ScriptSensorRequest _) = True isTrusted (ScriptSensorReply _ _) = True isTrusted (CompleteAgentMovement _) = False isTrusted (AgentMovementComplete _ _ _) = False isTrusted (DataServerLogout _) = True isTrusted (LogoutRequest _) = False isTrusted (LogoutReply _ _) = True isTrusted (ImprovedInstantMessage _ _) = False isTrusted (RetrieveInstantMessages _) = False isTrusted (FindAgent _ _) = False isTrusted (RequestGodlikePowers _ _) = False isTrusted (GrantGodlikePowers _ _) = True isTrusted (GodlikeMessage _ _ _) = False isTrusted (EstateOwnerMessage _ _ _) = False isTrusted (GenericMessage _ _ _) = False isTrusted (MuteListRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (UpdateMuteListEntry _ _) = False isTrusted (RemoveMuteListEntry _ _) = False isTrusted (CopyInventoryFromNotecard _ _ _) = False isTrusted (UpdateInventoryItem _ _) = False isTrusted (UpdateCreateInventoryItem _ _) = True isTrusted (MoveInventoryItem _ _) = False isTrusted (CopyInventoryItem _ _) = False isTrusted (RemoveInventoryItem _ _) = False isTrusted (ChangeInventoryItemFlags _ _) = False isTrusted (SaveAssetIntoInventory _ _) = True isTrusted (CreateInventoryFolder _ _) = False isTrusted (UpdateInventoryFolder _ _) = False isTrusted (MoveInventoryFolder _ _) = False isTrusted (RemoveInventoryFolder _ _) = False isTrusted (FetchInventoryDescendents _ _) = False isTrusted (InventoryDescendents _ _ _) = True isTrusted (FetchInventory _ _) = False isTrusted (FetchInventoryReply _ _) = True isTrusted (BulkUpdateInventory _ _ _) = True isTrusted (RequestInventoryAsset _) = True isTrusted (InventoryAssetResponse _) = True isTrusted (RemoveInventoryObjects _ _ _) = False isTrusted (PurgeInventoryDescendents _ _) = False isTrusted (UpdateTaskInventory _ _ _) = False isTrusted (RemoveTaskInventory _ _) = False isTrusted (MoveTaskInventory _ _) = False isTrusted (RequestTaskInventory _ _) = False isTrusted (ReplyTaskInventory _) = True isTrusted (DeRezObject _ _ _) = False isTrusted (DeRezAck _) = True isTrusted (RezObject _ _ _) = False isTrusted (RezObjectFromNotecard _ _ _ _) = False isTrusted (TransferInventory _ _) = True isTrusted (TransferInventoryAck _) = True isTrusted (AcceptFriendship _ _ _) = False isTrusted (DeclineFriendship _ _) = False isTrusted (FormFriendship _) = True isTrusted (TerminateFriendship _ _) = False isTrusted (OfferCallingCard _ _) = False isTrusted (AcceptCallingCard _ _ _) = False isTrusted (DeclineCallingCard _ _) = False isTrusted (RezScript _ _ _) = False isTrusted (CreateInventoryItem _ _) = False isTrusted (CreateLandmarkForEvent _ _ _) = False isTrusted (EventLocationRequest _ _) = True isTrusted (EventLocationReply _ _) = True isTrusted (RegionHandleRequest _) = False isTrusted (RegionIDAndHandleReply _) = True isTrusted (MoneyTransferRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (MoneyTransferBackend _) = True isTrusted (MoneyBalanceRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (MoneyBalanceReply _) = True isTrusted (RoutedMoneyBalanceReply _ _) = True isTrusted (ActivateGestures _ _) = False isTrusted (DeactivateGestures _ _) = False isTrusted (MuteListUpdate _) = True isTrusted (UseCachedMuteList _) = False isTrusted (GrantUserRights _ _) = False isTrusted (ChangeUserRights _ _) = True isTrusted (OnlineNotification _) = True isTrusted (OfflineNotification _) = True isTrusted (SetStartLocationRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (SetStartLocation _) = True isTrusted (NetTest _) = False isTrusted (SetCPURatio _) = False isTrusted (SimCrashed _ _) = False isTrusted (NameValuePair _ _) = True isTrusted (RemoveNameValuePair _ _) = True isTrusted (UpdateAttachment _ _ _ _) = True isTrusted (RemoveAttachment _ _) = False isTrusted (SoundTrigger _) = False isTrusted (AttachedSound _) = True isTrusted (AttachedSoundGainChange _) = True isTrusted (PreloadSound _) = True isTrusted (AssetUploadRequest _) = False isTrusted (AssetUploadComplete _) = False isTrusted (EmailMessageRequest _) = True isTrusted (EmailMessageReply _) = True isTrusted (InternalScriptMail _) = True isTrusted (ScriptDataRequest _) = True isTrusted (ScriptDataReply _) = True isTrusted (CreateGroupRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (CreateGroupReply _ _) = True isTrusted (UpdateGroupInfo _ _) = False isTrusted (GroupRoleChanges _ _) = False isTrusted (JoinGroupRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (JoinGroupReply _ _) = True isTrusted (EjectGroupMemberRequest _ _ _) = False isTrusted (EjectGroupMemberReply _ _ _) = True isTrusted (LeaveGroupRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (LeaveGroupReply _ _) = True isTrusted (InviteGroupRequest _ _ _) = False isTrusted (InviteGroupResponse _) = True isTrusted (GroupProfileRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (GroupProfileReply _ _) = True isTrusted (GroupAccountSummaryRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (GroupAccountSummaryReply _ _) = True isTrusted (GroupAccountDetailsRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (GroupAccountDetailsReply _ _ _) = True isTrusted (GroupAccountTransactionsRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (GroupAccountTransactionsReply _ _ _) = True isTrusted (GroupActiveProposalsRequest _ _ _) = False isTrusted (GroupActiveProposalItemReply _ _ _) = True isTrusted (GroupVoteHistoryRequest _ _ _) = False isTrusted (GroupVoteHistoryItemReply _ _ _ _) = True isTrusted (StartGroupProposal _ _) = False isTrusted (GroupProposalBallot _ _) = False isTrusted (TallyVotes ) = True isTrusted (GroupMembersRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (GroupMembersReply _ _ _) = True isTrusted (ActivateGroup _) = False isTrusted (SetGroupContribution _ _) = False isTrusted (SetGroupAcceptNotices _ _ _) = False isTrusted (GroupRoleDataRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (GroupRoleDataReply _ _ _) = True isTrusted (GroupRoleMembersRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (GroupRoleMembersReply _ _) = True isTrusted (GroupTitlesRequest _) = False isTrusted (GroupTitlesReply _ _) = True isTrusted (GroupTitleUpdate _) = False isTrusted (GroupRoleUpdate _ _) = False isTrusted (LiveHelpGroupRequest _) = True isTrusted (LiveHelpGroupReply _) = True isTrusted (AgentWearablesRequest _) = False isTrusted (AgentWearablesUpdate _ _) = True isTrusted (AgentIsNowWearing _ _) = False isTrusted (AgentCachedTexture _ _) = False isTrusted (AgentCachedTextureResponse _ _) = True isTrusted (AgentDataUpdateRequest _) = False isTrusted (AgentDataUpdate _) = True isTrusted (GroupDataUpdate _) = True isTrusted (AgentGroupDataUpdate _ _) = True isTrusted (AgentDropGroup _) = True isTrusted (LogTextMessage _) = True isTrusted (ViewerEffect _ _) = False isTrusted (CreateTrustedCircuit _) = False isTrusted (DenyTrustedCircuit _) = False isTrusted (RequestTrustedCircuit ) = True isTrusted (RezSingleAttachmentFromInv _ _) = False isTrusted (RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv _ _ _) = False isTrusted (DetachAttachmentIntoInv _) = False isTrusted (CreateNewOutfitAttachments _ _ _) = False isTrusted (UserInfoRequest _) = False isTrusted (UserInfoReply _ _) = False isTrusted (UpdateUserInfo _ _) = False isTrusted (ParcelRename _) = True isTrusted (InitiateDownload _ _) = False isTrusted (SystemMessage _ _) = True isTrusted (MapLayerRequest _) = False isTrusted (MapLayerReply _ _) = True isTrusted (MapBlockRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (MapNameRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (MapBlockReply _ _) = True isTrusted (MapItemRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (MapItemReply _ _ _) = True isTrusted (SendPostcard _) = False isTrusted (RpcChannelRequest _) = True isTrusted (RpcChannelReply _) = True isTrusted (RpcScriptRequestInbound _ _) = False isTrusted (RpcScriptRequestInboundForward _) = True isTrusted (RpcScriptReplyInbound _) = False isTrusted (ScriptMailRegistration _) = True isTrusted (ParcelMediaCommandMessage _) = True isTrusted (ParcelMediaUpdate _ _) = True isTrusted (LandStatRequest _ _) = False isTrusted (LandStatReply _ _) = True isTrusted (Error _ _) = False isTrusted (ObjectIncludeInSearch _ _) = False isTrusted (RezRestoreToWorld _ _) = False isTrusted (LinkInventoryItem _ _) = False packetLength :: PacketBody -> Int packetLength (TestMessage x1 x2) = 4 + (\(TestMessage_TestBlock1 x3) -> 4) x1 + sum (map (\(TestMessage_NeighborBlock x3 x4 x5) -> 12) x2) packetLength (PacketAck x1) = 4 + 1 + sum (map (\(PacketAck_Packets x2) -> 4) x1) packetLength (OpenCircuit x1) = 4 + (\(OpenCircuit_CircuitInfo x2 x3) -> 6) x1 packetLength (CloseCircuit ) = 4 packetLength (StartPingCheck x1) = 1 + (\(StartPingCheck_PingID x2 x3) -> 5) x1 packetLength (CompletePingCheck x1) = 1 + (\(CompletePingCheck_PingID x2) -> 1) x1 packetLength (AddCircuitCode x1) = 4 + (\(AddCircuitCode_CircuitCode x2 x3 x4) -> 36) x1 packetLength (UseCircuitCode x1) = 4 + (\(UseCircuitCode_CircuitCode x2 x3 x4) -> 36) x1 packetLength (NeighborList x1) = 1 + sum (map (\(NeighborList_NeighborBlock x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 30 + B.length x7) x1) packetLength (AvatarTextureUpdate x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(AvatarTextureUpdate_AgentData x4 x5) -> 17) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(AvatarTextureUpdate_WearableData x4 x5 x6) -> 18 + B.length x6) x2) + 1 + sum (map (\(AvatarTextureUpdate_TextureData x4) -> 16) x3) packetLength (SimulatorMapUpdate x1) = 4 + (\(SimulatorMapUpdate_MapData x2) -> 4) x1 packetLength (SimulatorSetMap x1) = 4 + (\(SimulatorSetMap_MapData x2 x3 x4) -> 28) x1 packetLength (SubscribeLoad ) = 4 packetLength (UnsubscribeLoad ) = 4 packetLength (SimulatorReady x1 x2) = 4 + (\(SimulatorReady_SimulatorBlock x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 30 + B.length x3) x1 + (\(SimulatorReady_TelehubBlock x3 x4) -> 13) x2 packetLength (TelehubInfo x1 x2) = 4 + (\(TelehubInfo_TelehubBlock x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 41 + B.length x4) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(TelehubInfo_SpawnPointBlock x3) -> 12) x2) packetLength (SimulatorPresentAtLocation x1 x2 x3 x4) = 4 + (\(SimulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorPublicHostBlock x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 14) x1 + sum (map (\(SimulatorPresentAtLocation_NeighborBlock x5 x6) -> 6) x2) + (\(SimulatorPresentAtLocation_SimulatorBlock x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10) -> 30 + B.length x5) x3 + 1 + sum (map (\(SimulatorPresentAtLocation_TelehubBlock x5 x6) -> 13) x4) packetLength (SimulatorLoad x1 x2) = 4 + (\(SimulatorLoad_SimulatorLoad x3 x4 x5) -> 9) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(SimulatorLoad_AgentList x3 x4 x5) -> 6) x2) packetLength (SimulatorShutdownRequest ) = 4 packetLength (RegionPresenceRequestByRegionID x1) = 4 + 1 + sum (map (\(RegionPresenceRequestByRegionID_RegionData x2) -> 16) x1) packetLength (RegionPresenceRequestByHandle x1) = 4 + 1 + sum (map (\(RegionPresenceRequestByHandle_RegionData x2) -> 8) x1) packetLength (RegionPresenceResponse x1) = 4 + 1 + sum (map (\(RegionPresenceResponse_RegionData x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 43 + B.length x8) x1) packetLength (UpdateSimulator x1) = 4 + (\(UpdateSimulator_SimulatorInfo x2 x3 x4 x5) -> 22 + B.length x3) x1 packetLength (LogDwellTime x1) = 4 + (\(LogDwellTime_DwellInfo x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) -> 47 + B.length x5) x1 packetLength (FeatureDisabled x1) = 4 + (\(FeatureDisabled_FailureInfo x2 x3 x4) -> 33 + B.length x2) x1 packetLength (LogFailedMoneyTransaction x1) = 4 + (\(LogFailedMoneyTransaction_TransactionData x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12) -> 74) x1 packetLength (UserReportInternal x1) = 4 + (\(UserReportInternal_ReportData x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18) -> 175 + B.length x14 + B.length x16 + B.length x17 + B.length x18) x1 packetLength (SetSimStatusInDatabase x1) = 4 + (\(SetSimStatusInDatabase_Data x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) -> 38 + B.length x3 + B.length x9) x1 packetLength (SetSimPresenceInDatabase x1) = 4 + (\(SetSimPresenceInDatabase_SimData x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) -> 38 + B.length x3 + B.length x9) x1 packetLength (EconomyDataRequest ) = 4 packetLength (EconomyData x1) = 4 + (\(EconomyData_Info x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18) -> 68) x1 packetLength (AvatarPickerRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(AvatarPickerRequest_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 48) x1 + (\(AvatarPickerRequest_Data x3) -> 1 + B.length x3) x2 packetLength (AvatarPickerRequestBackend x1 x2) = 4 + (\(AvatarPickerRequestBackend_AgentData x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 49) x1 + (\(AvatarPickerRequestBackend_Data x3) -> 1 + B.length x3) x2 packetLength (AvatarPickerReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(AvatarPickerReply_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(AvatarPickerReply_Data x3 x4 x5) -> 18 + B.length x4 + B.length x5) x2) packetLength (PlacesQuery x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(PlacesQuery_AgentData x4 x5 x6) -> 48) x1 + (\(PlacesQuery_TransactionData x4) -> 16) x2 + (\(PlacesQuery_QueryData x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 7 + B.length x4 + B.length x7) x3 packetLength (PlacesReply x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(PlacesReply_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(PlacesReply_TransactionData x4) -> 16) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(PlacesReply_QueryData x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16) -> 64 + B.length x5 + B.length x6 + B.length x13) x3) packetLength (DirFindQuery x1 x2) = 4 + (\(DirFindQuery_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(DirFindQuery_QueryData x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 25 + B.length x4) x2 packetLength (DirFindQueryBackend x1 x2) = 4 + (\(DirFindQueryBackend_AgentData x3) -> 16) x1 + (\(DirFindQueryBackend_QueryData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 30 + B.length x4) x2 packetLength (DirPlacesQuery x1 x2) = 4 + (\(DirPlacesQuery_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(DirPlacesQuery_QueryData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 27 + B.length x4 + B.length x7) x2 packetLength (DirPlacesQueryBackend x1 x2) = 4 + (\(DirPlacesQueryBackend_AgentData x3) -> 16) x1 + (\(DirPlacesQueryBackend_QueryData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10) -> 32 + B.length x4 + B.length x7) x2 packetLength (DirPlacesReply x1 x2 x3 x4) = 4 + (\(DirPlacesReply_AgentData x5) -> 16) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(DirPlacesReply_QueryData x5) -> 16) x2) + 1 + sum (map (\(DirPlacesReply_QueryReplies x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) -> 23 + B.length x6) x3) + 1 + sum (map (\(DirPlacesReply_StatusData x5) -> 4) x4) packetLength (DirPeopleReply x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(DirPeopleReply_AgentData x4) -> 16) x1 + (\(DirPeopleReply_QueryData x4) -> 16) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(DirPeopleReply_QueryReplies x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) -> 24 + B.length x5 + B.length x6 + B.length x7) x3) packetLength (DirEventsReply x1 x2 x3 x4) = 4 + (\(DirEventsReply_AgentData x5) -> 16) x1 + (\(DirEventsReply_QueryData x5) -> 16) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(DirEventsReply_QueryReplies x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10) -> 30 + B.length x6 + B.length x8) x3) + 1 + sum (map (\(DirEventsReply_StatusData x5) -> 4) x4) packetLength (DirGroupsReply x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(DirGroupsReply_AgentData x4) -> 16) x1 + (\(DirGroupsReply_QueryData x4) -> 16) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(DirGroupsReply_QueryReplies x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 25 + B.length x5) x3) packetLength (DirClassifiedQuery x1 x2) = 4 + (\(DirClassifiedQuery_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(DirClassifiedQuery_QueryData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 29 + B.length x4) x2 packetLength (DirClassifiedQueryBackend x1 x2) = 4 + (\(DirClassifiedQueryBackend_AgentData x3) -> 16) x1 + (\(DirClassifiedQueryBackend_QueryData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) -> 34 + B.length x4) x2 packetLength (DirClassifiedReply x1 x2 x3 x4) = 4 + (\(DirClassifiedReply_AgentData x5) -> 16) x1 + (\(DirClassifiedReply_QueryData x5) -> 16) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(DirClassifiedReply_QueryReplies x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10) -> 30 + B.length x6) x3) + 1 + sum (map (\(DirClassifiedReply_StatusData x5) -> 4) x4) packetLength (AvatarClassifiedReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(AvatarClassifiedReply_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(AvatarClassifiedReply_Data x3 x4) -> 17 + B.length x4) x2) packetLength (ClassifiedInfoRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ClassifiedInfoRequest_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ClassifiedInfoRequest_Data x3) -> 16) x2 packetLength (ClassifiedInfoReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ClassifiedInfoReply_AgentData x3) -> 16) x1 + (\(ClassifiedInfoReply_Data x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17) -> 114 + B.length x8 + B.length x9 + B.length x13 + B.length x15) x2 packetLength (ClassifiedInfoUpdate x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ClassifiedInfoUpdate_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ClassifiedInfoUpdate_Data x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12) -> 88 + B.length x5 + B.length x6) x2 packetLength (ClassifiedDelete x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ClassifiedDelete_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ClassifiedDelete_Data x3) -> 16) x2 packetLength (ClassifiedGodDelete x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ClassifiedGodDelete_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ClassifiedGodDelete_Data x3 x4) -> 32) x2 packetLength (DirLandQuery x1 x2) = 4 + (\(DirLandQuery_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(DirLandQuery_QueryData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 36) x2 packetLength (DirLandQueryBackend x1 x2) = 4 + (\(DirLandQueryBackend_AgentData x3) -> 16) x1 + (\(DirLandQueryBackend_QueryData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10) -> 41) x2 packetLength (DirLandReply x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(DirLandReply_AgentData x4) -> 16) x1 + (\(DirLandReply_QueryData x4) -> 16) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(DirLandReply_QueryReplies x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) -> 27 + B.length x5) x3) packetLength (DirPopularQuery x1 x2) = 4 + (\(DirPopularQuery_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(DirPopularQuery_QueryData x3 x4) -> 20) x2 packetLength (DirPopularQueryBackend x1 x2) = 4 + (\(DirPopularQueryBackend_AgentData x3) -> 16) x1 + (\(DirPopularQueryBackend_QueryData x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 25) x2 packetLength (DirPopularReply x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(DirPopularReply_AgentData x4) -> 16) x1 + (\(DirPopularReply_QueryData x4) -> 16) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(DirPopularReply_QueryReplies x4 x5 x6) -> 21 + B.length x5) x3) packetLength (ParcelInfoRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ParcelInfoRequest_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ParcelInfoRequest_Data x3) -> 16) x2 packetLength (ParcelInfoReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ParcelInfoReply_AgentData x3) -> 16) x1 + (\(ParcelInfoReply_Data x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17) -> 84 + B.length x5 + B.length x6 + B.length x13) x2 packetLength (ParcelObjectOwnersRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ParcelObjectOwnersRequest_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ParcelObjectOwnersRequest_ParcelData x3) -> 4) x2 packetLength (ParcelObjectOwnersReply x1) = 4 + 1 + sum (map (\(ParcelObjectOwnersReply_Data x2 x3 x4 x5) -> 22) x1) packetLength (GroupNoticesListRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(GroupNoticesListRequest_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(GroupNoticesListRequest_Data x3) -> 16) x2 packetLength (GroupNoticesListReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(GroupNoticesListReply_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(GroupNoticesListReply_Data x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 26 + B.length x5 + B.length x6) x2) packetLength (GroupNoticeRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(GroupNoticeRequest_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(GroupNoticeRequest_Data x3) -> 16) x2 packetLength (GroupNoticeAdd x1 x2) = 4 + (\(GroupNoticeAdd_AgentData x3) -> 16) x1 + (\(GroupNoticeAdd_MessageBlock x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 38 + B.length x6 + B.length x7 + B.length x8) x2 packetLength (TeleportRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(TeleportRequest_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(TeleportRequest_Info x3 x4 x5) -> 40) x2 packetLength (TeleportLocationRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(TeleportLocationRequest_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(TeleportLocationRequest_Info x3 x4 x5) -> 32) x2 packetLength (TeleportLocal x1) = 4 + (\(TeleportLocal_Info x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 48) x1 packetLength (TeleportLandmarkRequest x1) = 4 + (\(TeleportLandmarkRequest_Info x2 x3 x4) -> 48) x1 packetLength (TeleportProgress x1 x2) = 4 + (\(TeleportProgress_AgentData x3) -> 16) x1 + (\(TeleportProgress_Info x3 x4) -> 5 + B.length x4) x2 packetLength (DataHomeLocationRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(DataHomeLocationRequest_Info x3 x4) -> 20) x1 + (\(DataHomeLocationRequest_AgentInfo x3) -> 4) x2 packetLength (DataHomeLocationReply x1) = 4 + (\(DataHomeLocationReply_Info x2 x3 x4 x5) -> 48) x1 packetLength (TeleportFinish x1) = 4 + (\(TeleportFinish_Info x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) -> 41 + B.length x7) x1 packetLength (StartLure x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(StartLure_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(StartLure_Info x4 x5) -> 2 + B.length x5) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(StartLure_TargetData x4) -> 16) x3) packetLength (TeleportLureRequest x1) = 4 + (\(TeleportLureRequest_Info x2 x3 x4 x5) -> 52) x1 packetLength (TeleportCancel x1) = 4 + (\(TeleportCancel_Info x2 x3) -> 32) x1 packetLength (TeleportStart x1) = 4 + (\(TeleportStart_Info x2) -> 4) x1 packetLength (TeleportFailed x1 x2) = 4 + (\(TeleportFailed_Info x3 x4) -> 17 + B.length x4) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(TeleportFailed_AlertInfo x3 x4) -> 2 + B.length x3 + B.length x4) x2) packetLength (Undo x1 x2) = 4 + (\(Undo_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 48) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(Undo_ObjectData x3) -> 16) x2) packetLength (Redo x1 x2) = 4 + (\(Redo_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 48) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(Redo_ObjectData x3) -> 16) x2) packetLength (UndoLand x1) = 4 + (\(UndoLand_AgentData x2 x3) -> 32) x1 packetLength (AgentPause x1) = 4 + (\(AgentPause_AgentData x2 x3 x4) -> 36) x1 packetLength (AgentResume x1) = 4 + (\(AgentResume_AgentData x2 x3 x4) -> 36) x1 packetLength (AgentUpdate x1) = 1 + (\(AgentUpdate_AgentData x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13) -> 114) x1 packetLength (ChatFromViewer x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ChatFromViewer_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ChatFromViewer_ChatData x3 x4 x5) -> 7 + B.length x3) x2 packetLength (AgentThrottle x1 x2) = 4 + (\(AgentThrottle_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 36) x1 + (\(AgentThrottle_Throttle x3 x4) -> 5 + B.length x4) x2 packetLength (AgentFOV x1 x2) = 4 + (\(AgentFOV_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 36) x1 + (\(AgentFOV_FOVBlock x3 x4) -> 8) x2 packetLength (AgentHeightWidth x1 x2) = 4 + (\(AgentHeightWidth_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 36) x1 + (\(AgentHeightWidth_HeightWidthBlock x3 x4 x5) -> 8) x2 packetLength (AgentSetAppearance x1 x2 x3 x4) = 4 + (\(AgentSetAppearance_AgentData x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 48) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(AgentSetAppearance_WearableData x5 x6) -> 17) x2) + (\(AgentSetAppearance_ObjectData x5) -> 2 + B.length x5) x3 + 1 + sum (map (\(AgentSetAppearance_VisualParam x5) -> 1) x4) packetLength (AgentAnimation x1 x2 x3) = 1 + (\(AgentAnimation_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(AgentAnimation_AnimationList x4 x5) -> 17) x2) + 1 + sum (map (\(AgentAnimation_PhysicalAvatarEventList x4) -> 1 + B.length x4) x3) packetLength (AgentRequestSit x1 x2) = 1 + (\(AgentRequestSit_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(AgentRequestSit_TargetObject x3 x4) -> 28) x2 packetLength (AgentSit x1) = 1 + (\(AgentSit_AgentData x2 x3) -> 32) x1 packetLength (AgentQuitCopy x1 x2) = 4 + (\(AgentQuitCopy_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(AgentQuitCopy_FuseBlock x3) -> 4) x2 packetLength (RequestImage x1 x2) = 1 + (\(RequestImage_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(RequestImage_RequestImage x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 26) x2) packetLength (ImageNotInDatabase x1) = 4 + (\(ImageNotInDatabase_ImageID x2) -> 16) x1 packetLength (RebakeAvatarTextures x1) = 4 + (\(RebakeAvatarTextures_TextureData x2) -> 16) x1 packetLength (SetAlwaysRun x1) = 4 + (\(SetAlwaysRun_AgentData x2 x3 x4) -> 33) x1 packetLength (ObjectAdd x1 x2) = 2 + (\(ObjectAdd_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 48) x1 + (\(ObjectAdd_ObjectData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23 x24 x25 x26 x27 x28 x29 x30 x31) -> 96) x2 packetLength (ObjectDelete x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectDelete_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 33) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectDelete_ObjectData x3) -> 4) x2) packetLength (ObjectDuplicate x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(ObjectDuplicate_AgentData x4 x5 x6) -> 48) x1 + (\(ObjectDuplicate_SharedData x4 x5) -> 16) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectDuplicate_ObjectData x4) -> 4) x3) packetLength (ObjectDuplicateOnRay x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectDuplicateOnRay_AgentData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13) -> 96) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectDuplicateOnRay_ObjectData x3) -> 4) x2) packetLength (MultipleObjectUpdate x1 x2) = 2 + (\(MultipleObjectUpdate_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(MultipleObjectUpdate_ObjectData x3 x4 x5) -> 6 + B.length x5) x2) packetLength (RequestMultipleObjects x1 x2) = 2 + (\(RequestMultipleObjects_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(RequestMultipleObjects_ObjectData x3 x4) -> 5) x2) packetLength (ObjectPosition x1 x2) = 2 + (\(ObjectPosition_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectPosition_ObjectData x3 x4) -> 16) x2) packetLength (ObjectScale x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectScale_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectScale_ObjectData x3 x4) -> 16) x2) packetLength (ObjectRotation x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectRotation_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectRotation_ObjectData x3 x4) -> 16) x2) packetLength (ObjectFlagUpdate x1) = 4 + (\(ObjectFlagUpdate_AgentData x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 40) x1 packetLength (ObjectClickAction x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectClickAction_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectClickAction_ObjectData x3 x4) -> 5) x2) packetLength (ObjectImage x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectImage_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectImage_ObjectData x3 x4 x5) -> 7 + B.length x4 + B.length x5) x2) packetLength (ObjectMaterial x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectMaterial_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectMaterial_ObjectData x3 x4) -> 5) x2) packetLength (ObjectShape x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectShape_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectShape_ObjectData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21) -> 27) x2) packetLength (ObjectExtraParams x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectExtraParams_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectExtraParams_ObjectData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 12 + B.length x7) x2) packetLength (ObjectOwner x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(ObjectOwner_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(ObjectOwner_HeaderData x4 x5 x6) -> 33) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectOwner_ObjectData x4) -> 4) x3) packetLength (ObjectGroup x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectGroup_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 48) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectGroup_ObjectData x3) -> 4) x2) packetLength (ObjectBuy x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectBuy_AgentData x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 64) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectBuy_ObjectData x3 x4 x5) -> 9) x2) packetLength (BuyObjectInventory x1 x2) = 4 + (\(BuyObjectInventory_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(BuyObjectInventory_Data x3 x4 x5) -> 48) x2 packetLength (DerezContainer x1) = 4 + (\(DerezContainer_Data x2 x3) -> 17) x1 packetLength (ObjectPermissions x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(ObjectPermissions_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(ObjectPermissions_HeaderData x4) -> 1) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectPermissions_ObjectData x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 10) x3) packetLength (ObjectSaleInfo x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectSaleInfo_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectSaleInfo_ObjectData x3 x4 x5) -> 9) x2) packetLength (ObjectName x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectName_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectName_ObjectData x3 x4) -> 5 + B.length x4) x2) packetLength (ObjectDescription x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectDescription_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectDescription_ObjectData x3 x4) -> 5 + B.length x4) x2) packetLength (ObjectCategory x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectCategory_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectCategory_ObjectData x3 x4) -> 8) x2) packetLength (ObjectSelect x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectSelect_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectSelect_ObjectData x3) -> 4) x2) packetLength (ObjectDeselect x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectDeselect_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectDeselect_ObjectData x3) -> 4) x2) packetLength (ObjectAttach x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectAttach_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 33) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectAttach_ObjectData x3 x4) -> 16) x2) packetLength (ObjectDetach x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectDetach_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectDetach_ObjectData x3) -> 4) x2) packetLength (ObjectDrop x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectDrop_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectDrop_ObjectData x3) -> 4) x2) packetLength (ObjectLink x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectLink_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectLink_ObjectData x3) -> 4) x2) packetLength (ObjectDelink x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectDelink_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectDelink_ObjectData x3) -> 4) x2) packetLength (ObjectGrab x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(ObjectGrab_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(ObjectGrab_ObjectData x4 x5) -> 16) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectGrab_SurfaceInfo x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) -> 64) x3) packetLength (ObjectGrabUpdate x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(ObjectGrabUpdate_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(ObjectGrabUpdate_ObjectData x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 44) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectGrabUpdate_SurfaceInfo x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) -> 64) x3) packetLength (ObjectDeGrab x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(ObjectDeGrab_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(ObjectDeGrab_ObjectData x4) -> 4) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectDeGrab_SurfaceInfo x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) -> 64) x3) packetLength (ObjectSpinStart x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectSpinStart_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ObjectSpinStart_ObjectData x3) -> 16) x2 packetLength (ObjectSpinUpdate x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectSpinUpdate_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ObjectSpinUpdate_ObjectData x3 x4) -> 28) x2 packetLength (ObjectSpinStop x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectSpinStop_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ObjectSpinStop_ObjectData x3) -> 16) x2 packetLength (ObjectExportSelected x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectExportSelected_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 34) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectExportSelected_ObjectData x3) -> 16) x2) packetLength (ModifyLand x1 x2 x3 x4) = 4 + (\(ModifyLand_AgentData x5 x6) -> 32) x1 + (\(ModifyLand_ModifyBlock x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 10) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(ModifyLand_ParcelData x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) -> 20) x3) + 1 + sum (map (\(ModifyLand_ModifyBlockExtended x5) -> 4) x4) packetLength (VelocityInterpolateOn x1) = 4 + (\(VelocityInterpolateOn_AgentData x2 x3) -> 32) x1 packetLength (VelocityInterpolateOff x1) = 4 + (\(VelocityInterpolateOff_AgentData x2 x3) -> 32) x1 packetLength (StateSave x1 x2) = 4 + (\(StateSave_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(StateSave_DataBlock x3) -> 1 + B.length x3) x2 packetLength (ReportAutosaveCrash x1) = 4 + (\(ReportAutosaveCrash_AutosaveData x2 x3) -> 8) x1 packetLength (SimWideDeletes x1 x2) = 4 + (\(SimWideDeletes_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(SimWideDeletes_DataBlock x3 x4) -> 20) x2 packetLength (RequestObjectPropertiesFamily x1 x2) = 2 + (\(RequestObjectPropertiesFamily_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(RequestObjectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData x3 x4) -> 20) x2 packetLength (TrackAgent x1 x2) = 4 + (\(TrackAgent_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(TrackAgent_TargetData x3) -> 16) x2 packetLength (ViewerStats x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) = 4 + (\(ViewerStats_AgentData x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20) -> 76 + B.length x18 + B.length x19 + B.length x20) x1 + (\(ViewerStats_DownloadTotals x6 x7 x8) -> 12) x2 + sum (map (\(ViewerStats_NetStats x6 x7 x8 x9) -> 16) x3) + (\(ViewerStats_FailStats x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11) -> 24) x4 + 1 + sum (map (\(ViewerStats_MiscStats x6 x7) -> 12) x5) packetLength (ScriptAnswerYes x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ScriptAnswerYes_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ScriptAnswerYes_Data x3 x4 x5) -> 36) x2 packetLength (UserReport x1 x2) = 4 + (\(UserReport_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(UserReport_ReportData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14) -> 84 + B.length x10 + B.length x12 + B.length x13 + B.length x14) x2 packetLength (AlertMessage x1 x2) = 4 + (\(AlertMessage_AlertData x3) -> 1 + B.length x3) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(AlertMessage_AlertInfo x3 x4) -> 2 + B.length x3 + B.length x4) x2) packetLength (AgentAlertMessage x1 x2) = 4 + (\(AgentAlertMessage_AgentData x3) -> 16) x1 + (\(AgentAlertMessage_AlertData x3 x4) -> 2 + B.length x4) x2 packetLength (MeanCollisionAlert x1) = 4 + 1 + sum (map (\(MeanCollisionAlert_MeanCollision x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 41) x1) packetLength (ViewerFrozenMessage x1) = 4 + (\(ViewerFrozenMessage_FrozenData x2) -> 1) x1 packetLength (HealthMessage x1) = 4 + (\(HealthMessage_HealthData x2) -> 4) x1 packetLength (ChatFromSimulator x1) = 4 + (\(ChatFromSimulator_ChatData x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) -> 50 + B.length x2 + B.length x9) x1 packetLength (SimStats x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(SimStats_Region x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 16) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(SimStats_Stat x4 x5) -> 8) x2) + (\(SimStats_PidStat x4) -> 4) x3 packetLength (RequestRegionInfo x1) = 4 + (\(RequestRegionInfo_AgentData x2 x3) -> 32) x1 packetLength (RegionInfo x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(RegionInfo_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(RegionInfo_RegionInfo x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19) -> 52 + B.length x4) x2 + (\(RegionInfo_RegionInfo2 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 14 + B.length x4 + B.length x5) x3 packetLength (GodUpdateRegionInfo x1 x2) = 4 + (\(GodUpdateRegionInfo_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(GodUpdateRegionInfo_RegionInfo x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10) -> 29 + B.length x3) x2 packetLength (NearestLandingRegionRequest x1) = 4 + (\(NearestLandingRegionRequest_RequestingRegionData x2) -> 8) x1 packetLength (NearestLandingRegionReply x1) = 4 + (\(NearestLandingRegionReply_LandingRegionData x2) -> 8) x1 packetLength (NearestLandingRegionUpdated x1) = 4 + (\(NearestLandingRegionUpdated_RegionData x2) -> 8) x1 packetLength (TeleportLandingStatusChanged x1) = 4 + (\(TeleportLandingStatusChanged_RegionData x2) -> 8) x1 packetLength (RegionHandshake x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(RegionHandshake_RegionInfo x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23 x24 x25 x26 x27) -> 207 + B.length x6) x1 + (\(RegionHandshake_RegionInfo2 x4) -> 16) x2 + (\(RegionHandshake_RegionInfo3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 11 + B.length x6 + B.length x7 + B.length x8) x3 packetLength (RegionHandshakeReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(RegionHandshakeReply_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(RegionHandshakeReply_RegionInfo x3) -> 4) x2 packetLength (CoarseLocationUpdate x1 x2 x3) = 2 + 1 + sum (map (\(CoarseLocationUpdate_Location x4 x5 x6) -> 3) x1) + (\(CoarseLocationUpdate_Index x4 x5) -> 4) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(CoarseLocationUpdate_AgentData x4) -> 16) x3) packetLength (ImageData x1 x2) = 1 + (\(ImageData_ImageID x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 23) x1 + (\(ImageData_ImageData x3) -> 2 + B.length x3) x2 packetLength (ImagePacket x1 x2) = 1 + (\(ImagePacket_ImageID x3 x4) -> 18) x1 + (\(ImagePacket_ImageData x3) -> 2 + B.length x3) x2 packetLength (LayerData x1 x2) = 1 + (\(LayerData_LayerID x3) -> 1) x1 + (\(LayerData_LayerData x3) -> 2 + B.length x3) x2 packetLength (ObjectUpdate x1 x2) = 1 + (\(ObjectUpdate_RegionData x3 x4) -> 10) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectUpdate_ObjectData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23 x24 x25 x26 x27 x28 x29 x30 x31 x32 x33 x34 x35 x36 x37 x38 x39 x40 x41 x42 x43 x44 x45 x46 x47 x48) -> 153 + B.length x11 + B.length x32 + B.length x33 + B.length x34 + B.length x35 + B.length x36 + B.length x38 + B.length x39 + B.length x40) x2) packetLength (ObjectUpdateCompressed x1 x2) = 1 + (\(ObjectUpdateCompressed_RegionData x3 x4) -> 10) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectUpdateCompressed_ObjectData x3 x4) -> 6 + B.length x4) x2) packetLength (ObjectUpdateCached x1 x2) = 1 + (\(ObjectUpdateCached_RegionData x3 x4) -> 10) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectUpdateCached_ObjectData x3 x4 x5) -> 12) x2) packetLength (ImprovedTerseObjectUpdate x1 x2) = 1 + (\(ImprovedTerseObjectUpdate_RegionData x3 x4) -> 10) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ImprovedTerseObjectUpdate_ObjectData x3 x4) -> 3 + B.length x3 + B.length x4) x2) packetLength (KillObject x1) = 1 + 1 + sum (map (\(KillObject_ObjectData x2) -> 4) x1) packetLength (CrossedRegion x1 x2 x3) = 2 + (\(CrossedRegion_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(CrossedRegion_RegionData x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 16 + B.length x7) x2 + (\(CrossedRegion_Info x4 x5) -> 24) x3 packetLength (SimulatorViewerTimeMessage x1) = 4 + (\(SimulatorViewerTimeMessage_TimeInfo x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 44) x1 packetLength (EnableSimulator x1) = 4 + (\(EnableSimulator_SimulatorInfo x2 x3 x4) -> 14) x1 packetLength (DisableSimulator ) = 4 packetLength (ConfirmEnableSimulator x1) = 2 + (\(ConfirmEnableSimulator_AgentData x2 x3) -> 32) x1 packetLength (TransferRequest x1) = 4 + (\(TransferRequest_TransferInfo x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 30 + B.length x6) x1 packetLength (TransferInfo x1) = 4 + (\(TransferInfo_TransferInfo x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 34 + B.length x7) x1 packetLength (TransferPacket x1) = 1 + (\(TransferPacket_TransferData x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 30 + B.length x6) x1 packetLength (TransferAbort x1) = 4 + (\(TransferAbort_TransferInfo x2 x3) -> 20) x1 packetLength (RequestXfer x1) = 4 + (\(RequestXfer_XferID x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 30 + B.length x3) x1 packetLength (SendXferPacket x1 x2) = 1 + (\(SendXferPacket_XferID x3 x4) -> 12) x1 + (\(SendXferPacket_DataPacket x3) -> 2 + B.length x3) x2 packetLength (ConfirmXferPacket x1) = 1 + (\(ConfirmXferPacket_XferID x2 x3) -> 12) x1 packetLength (AbortXfer x1) = 4 + (\(AbortXfer_XferID x2 x3) -> 12) x1 packetLength (AvatarAnimation x1 x2 x3 x4) = 1 + (\(AvatarAnimation_Sender x5) -> 16) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(AvatarAnimation_AnimationList x5 x6) -> 20) x2) + 1 + sum (map (\(AvatarAnimation_AnimationSourceList x5) -> 16) x3) + 1 + sum (map (\(AvatarAnimation_PhysicalAvatarEventList x5) -> 1 + B.length x5) x4) packetLength (AvatarAppearance x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(AvatarAppearance_Sender x4 x5) -> 17) x1 + (\(AvatarAppearance_ObjectData x4) -> 2 + B.length x4) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(AvatarAppearance_VisualParam x4) -> 1) x3) packetLength (AvatarSitResponse x1 x2) = 1 + (\(AvatarSitResponse_SitObject x3) -> 16) x1 + (\(AvatarSitResponse_SitTransform x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 50) x2 packetLength (SetFollowCamProperties x1 x2) = 4 + (\(SetFollowCamProperties_ObjectData x3) -> 16) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(SetFollowCamProperties_CameraProperty x3 x4) -> 8) x2) packetLength (ClearFollowCamProperties x1) = 4 + (\(ClearFollowCamProperties_ObjectData x2) -> 16) x1 packetLength (CameraConstraint x1) = 1 + (\(CameraConstraint_CameraCollidePlane x2) -> 16) x1 packetLength (ObjectProperties x1) = 2 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectProperties_ObjectData x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23 x24 x25 x26 x27 x28) -> 179 + B.length x24 + B.length x25 + B.length x26 + B.length x27 + B.length x28) x1) packetLength (ObjectPropertiesFamily x1) = 2 + (\(ObjectPropertiesFamily_ObjectData x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17) -> 103 + B.length x16 + B.length x17) x1 packetLength (RequestPayPrice x1) = 4 + (\(RequestPayPrice_ObjectData x2) -> 16) x1 packetLength (PayPriceReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(PayPriceReply_ObjectData x3 x4) -> 20) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(PayPriceReply_ButtonData x3) -> 4) x2) packetLength (KickUser x1 x2) = 4 + (\(KickUser_TargetBlock x3 x4) -> 6) x1 + (\(KickUser_UserInfo x3 x4 x5) -> 34 + B.length x5) x2 packetLength (KickUserAck x1) = 4 + (\(KickUserAck_UserInfo x2 x3) -> 20) x1 packetLength (GodKickUser x1) = 4 + (\(GodKickUser_UserInfo x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 54 + B.length x6) x1 packetLength (SystemKickUser x1) = 4 + 1 + sum (map (\(SystemKickUser_AgentInfo x2) -> 16) x1) packetLength (EjectUser x1 x2) = 4 + (\(EjectUser_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(EjectUser_Data x3 x4) -> 20) x2 packetLength (FreezeUser x1 x2) = 4 + (\(FreezeUser_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(FreezeUser_Data x3 x4) -> 20) x2 packetLength (AvatarPropertiesRequest x1) = 4 + (\(AvatarPropertiesRequest_AgentData x2 x3 x4) -> 48) x1 packetLength (AvatarPropertiesRequestBackend x1) = 4 + (\(AvatarPropertiesRequestBackend_AgentData x2 x3 x4 x5) -> 34) x1 packetLength (AvatarPropertiesReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(AvatarPropertiesReply_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(AvatarPropertiesReply_PropertiesData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11) -> 58 + B.length x6 + B.length x7 + B.length x8 + B.length x9 + B.length x10) x2 packetLength (AvatarInterestsReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(AvatarInterestsReply_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(AvatarInterestsReply_PropertiesData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 11 + B.length x4 + B.length x6 + B.length x7) x2 packetLength (AvatarGroupsReply x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(AvatarGroupsReply_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(AvatarGroupsReply_GroupData x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) -> 43 + B.length x6 + B.length x8) x2) + (\(AvatarGroupsReply_NewGroupData x4) -> 1) x3 packetLength (AvatarPropertiesUpdate x1 x2) = 4 + (\(AvatarPropertiesUpdate_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(AvatarPropertiesUpdate_PropertiesData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) -> 38 + B.length x5 + B.length x6 + B.length x9) x2 packetLength (AvatarInterestsUpdate x1 x2) = 4 + (\(AvatarInterestsUpdate_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(AvatarInterestsUpdate_PropertiesData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 11 + B.length x4 + B.length x6 + B.length x7) x2 packetLength (AvatarNotesReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(AvatarNotesReply_AgentData x3) -> 16) x1 + (\(AvatarNotesReply_Data x3 x4) -> 18 + B.length x4) x2 packetLength (AvatarNotesUpdate x1 x2) = 4 + (\(AvatarNotesUpdate_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(AvatarNotesUpdate_Data x3 x4) -> 18 + B.length x4) x2 packetLength (AvatarPicksReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(AvatarPicksReply_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(AvatarPicksReply_Data x3 x4) -> 17 + B.length x4) x2) packetLength (EventInfoRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(EventInfoRequest_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(EventInfoRequest_EventData x3) -> 4) x2 packetLength (EventInfoReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(EventInfoReply_AgentData x3) -> 16) x1 + (\(EventInfoReply_EventData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15) -> 55 + B.length x4 + B.length x5 + B.length x6 + B.length x7 + B.length x8 + B.length x13) x2 packetLength (EventNotificationAddRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(EventNotificationAddRequest_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(EventNotificationAddRequest_EventData x3) -> 4) x2 packetLength (EventNotificationRemoveRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(EventNotificationRemoveRequest_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(EventNotificationRemoveRequest_EventData x3) -> 4) x2 packetLength (EventGodDelete x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(EventGodDelete_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(EventGodDelete_EventData x4) -> 4) x2 + (\(EventGodDelete_QueryData x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 25 + B.length x5) x3 packetLength (PickInfoReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(PickInfoReply_AgentData x3) -> 16) x1 + (\(PickInfoReply_Data x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15) -> 100 + B.length x7 + B.length x8 + B.length x10 + B.length x11 + B.length x12) x2 packetLength (PickInfoUpdate x1 x2) = 4 + (\(PickInfoUpdate_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(PickInfoUpdate_Data x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12) -> 97 + B.length x7 + B.length x8) x2 packetLength (PickDelete x1 x2) = 4 + (\(PickDelete_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(PickDelete_Data x3) -> 16) x2 packetLength (PickGodDelete x1 x2) = 4 + (\(PickGodDelete_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(PickGodDelete_Data x3 x4) -> 32) x2 packetLength (ScriptQuestion x1) = 4 + (\(ScriptQuestion_Data x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 38 + B.length x4 + B.length x5) x1 packetLength (ScriptControlChange x1) = 4 + 1 + sum (map (\(ScriptControlChange_Data x2 x3 x4) -> 6) x1) packetLength (ScriptDialog x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ScriptDialog_Data x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) -> 41 + B.length x4 + B.length x5 + B.length x6 + B.length x7) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ScriptDialog_Buttons x3) -> 1 + B.length x3) x2) packetLength (ScriptDialogReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ScriptDialogReply_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ScriptDialogReply_Data x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 25 + B.length x6) x2 packetLength (ForceScriptControlRelease x1) = 4 + (\(ForceScriptControlRelease_AgentData x2 x3) -> 32) x1 packetLength (RevokePermissions x1 x2) = 4 + (\(RevokePermissions_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(RevokePermissions_Data x3 x4) -> 20) x2 packetLength (LoadURL x1) = 4 + (\(LoadURL_Data x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 36 + B.length x2 + B.length x6 + B.length x7) x1 packetLength (ScriptTeleportRequest x1) = 4 + (\(ScriptTeleportRequest_Data x2 x3 x4 x5) -> 26 + B.length x2 + B.length x3) x1 packetLength (ParcelOverlay x1) = 4 + (\(ParcelOverlay_ParcelData x2 x3) -> 6 + B.length x3) x1 packetLength (ParcelPropertiesRequest x1 x2) = 2 + (\(ParcelPropertiesRequest_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ParcelPropertiesRequest_ParcelData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 21) x2 packetLength (ParcelPropertiesRequestByID x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ParcelPropertiesRequestByID_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ParcelPropertiesRequestByID_ParcelData x3 x4) -> 8) x2 packetLength (ParcelProperties x1 x2) = 1 + (\(ParcelProperties_ParcelData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23 x24 x25 x26 x27 x28 x29 x30 x31 x32 x33 x34 x35 x36 x37 x38 x39 x40 x41 x42 x43 x44 x45 x46 x47 x48 x49 x50 x51) -> 244 + B.length x18 + B.length x33 + B.length x34 + B.length x35 + B.length x36) x1 + (\(ParcelProperties_AgeVerificationBlock x3) -> 1) x2 packetLength (ParcelPropertiesUpdate x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ParcelPropertiesUpdate_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ParcelPropertiesUpdate_ParcelData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21) -> 119 + B.length x7 + B.length x8 + B.length x9 + B.length x10) x2 packetLength (ParcelReturnObjects x1 x2 x3 x4) = 4 + (\(ParcelReturnObjects_AgentData x5 x6) -> 32) x1 + (\(ParcelReturnObjects_ParcelData x5 x6) -> 8) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(ParcelReturnObjects_TaskIDs x5) -> 16) x3) + 1 + sum (map (\(ParcelReturnObjects_OwnerIDs x5) -> 16) x4) packetLength (ParcelSetOtherCleanTime x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ParcelSetOtherCleanTime_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ParcelSetOtherCleanTime_ParcelData x3 x4) -> 8) x2 packetLength (ParcelDisableObjects x1 x2 x3 x4) = 4 + (\(ParcelDisableObjects_AgentData x5 x6) -> 32) x1 + (\(ParcelDisableObjects_ParcelData x5 x6) -> 8) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(ParcelDisableObjects_TaskIDs x5) -> 16) x3) + 1 + sum (map (\(ParcelDisableObjects_OwnerIDs x5) -> 16) x4) packetLength (ParcelSelectObjects x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(ParcelSelectObjects_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(ParcelSelectObjects_ParcelData x4 x5) -> 8) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(ParcelSelectObjects_ReturnIDs x4) -> 16) x3) packetLength (EstateCovenantRequest x1) = 4 + (\(EstateCovenantRequest_AgentData x2 x3) -> 32) x1 packetLength (EstateCovenantReply x1) = 4 + (\(EstateCovenantReply_Data x2 x3 x4 x5) -> 37 + B.length x4) x1 packetLength (ForceObjectSelect x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ForceObjectSelect_Header x3) -> 1) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ForceObjectSelect_Data x3) -> 4) x2) packetLength (ParcelBuyPass x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ParcelBuyPass_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ParcelBuyPass_ParcelData x3) -> 4) x2 packetLength (ParcelDeedToGroup x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ParcelDeedToGroup_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ParcelDeedToGroup_Data x3 x4) -> 20) x2 packetLength (ParcelReclaim x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ParcelReclaim_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ParcelReclaim_Data x3) -> 4) x2 packetLength (ParcelClaim x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(ParcelClaim_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(ParcelClaim_Data x4 x5 x6) -> 18) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(ParcelClaim_ParcelData x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 16) x3) packetLength (ParcelJoin x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ParcelJoin_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ParcelJoin_ParcelData x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 16) x2 packetLength (ParcelDivide x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ParcelDivide_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ParcelDivide_ParcelData x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 16) x2 packetLength (ParcelRelease x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ParcelRelease_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ParcelRelease_Data x3) -> 4) x2 packetLength (ParcelBuy x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(ParcelBuy_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(ParcelBuy_Data x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 23) x2 + (\(ParcelBuy_ParcelData x4 x5) -> 8) x3 packetLength (ParcelGodForceOwner x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ParcelGodForceOwner_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ParcelGodForceOwner_Data x3 x4) -> 20) x2 packetLength (ParcelAccessListRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ParcelAccessListRequest_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ParcelAccessListRequest_Data x3 x4 x5) -> 12) x2 packetLength (ParcelAccessListReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ParcelAccessListReply_Data x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 28) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ParcelAccessListReply_List x3 x4 x5) -> 24) x2) packetLength (ParcelAccessListUpdate x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(ParcelAccessListUpdate_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(ParcelAccessListUpdate_Data x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 32) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(ParcelAccessListUpdate_List x4 x5 x6) -> 24) x3) packetLength (ParcelDwellRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ParcelDwellRequest_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ParcelDwellRequest_Data x3 x4) -> 20) x2 packetLength (ParcelDwellReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ParcelDwellReply_AgentData x3) -> 16) x1 + (\(ParcelDwellReply_Data x3 x4 x5) -> 24) x2 packetLength (RequestParcelTransfer x1 x2) = 4 + (\(RequestParcelTransfer_Data x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13) -> 86) x1 + (\(RequestParcelTransfer_RegionData x3 x4 x5) -> 24) x2 packetLength (UpdateParcel x1) = 4 + (\(UpdateParcel_ParcelData x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22) -> 114 + B.length x7 + B.length x8 + B.length x9) x1 packetLength (RemoveParcel x1) = 4 + 1 + sum (map (\(RemoveParcel_ParcelData x2) -> 16) x1) packetLength (MergeParcel x1 x2) = 4 + (\(MergeParcel_MasterParcelData x3) -> 16) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(MergeParcel_SlaveParcelData x3) -> 16) x2) packetLength (LogParcelChanges x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(LogParcelChanges_AgentData x4) -> 16) x1 + (\(LogParcelChanges_RegionData x4) -> 8) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(LogParcelChanges_ParcelData x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) -> 54) x3) packetLength (CheckParcelSales x1) = 4 + 1 + sum (map (\(CheckParcelSales_RegionData x2) -> 8) x1) packetLength (ParcelSales x1) = 4 + 1 + sum (map (\(ParcelSales_ParcelData x2 x3) -> 32) x1) packetLength (ParcelGodMarkAsContent x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ParcelGodMarkAsContent_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ParcelGodMarkAsContent_ParcelData x3) -> 4) x2 packetLength (ViewerStartAuction x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ViewerStartAuction_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ViewerStartAuction_ParcelData x3 x4) -> 20) x2 packetLength (StartAuction x1 x2) = 4 + (\(StartAuction_AgentData x3) -> 16) x1 + (\(StartAuction_ParcelData x3 x4 x5) -> 33 + B.length x5) x2 packetLength (ConfirmAuctionStart x1) = 4 + (\(ConfirmAuctionStart_AuctionData x2 x3) -> 20) x1 packetLength (CompleteAuction x1) = 4 + 1 + sum (map (\(CompleteAuction_ParcelData x2) -> 16) x1) packetLength (CancelAuction x1) = 4 + 1 + sum (map (\(CancelAuction_ParcelData x2) -> 16) x1) packetLength (CheckParcelAuctions x1) = 4 + 1 + sum (map (\(CheckParcelAuctions_RegionData x2) -> 8) x1) packetLength (ParcelAuctions x1) = 4 + 1 + sum (map (\(ParcelAuctions_ParcelData x2 x3) -> 32) x1) packetLength (UUIDNameRequest x1) = 4 + 1 + sum (map (\(UUIDNameRequest_UUIDNameBlock x2) -> 16) x1) packetLength (UUIDNameReply x1) = 4 + 1 + sum (map (\(UUIDNameReply_UUIDNameBlock x2 x3 x4) -> 18 + B.length x3 + B.length x4) x1) packetLength (UUIDGroupNameRequest x1) = 4 + 1 + sum (map (\(UUIDGroupNameRequest_UUIDNameBlock x2) -> 16) x1) packetLength (UUIDGroupNameReply x1) = 4 + 1 + sum (map (\(UUIDGroupNameReply_UUIDNameBlock x2 x3) -> 17 + B.length x3) x1) packetLength (ChatPass x1) = 4 + (\(ChatPass_ChatData x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11) -> 58 + B.length x6 + B.length x11) x1 packetLength (EdgeDataPacket x1) = 1 + (\(EdgeDataPacket_EdgeData x2 x3 x4) -> 4 + B.length x4) x1 packetLength (SimStatus x1) = 2 + (\(SimStatus_SimStatus x2 x3) -> 2) x1 packetLength (ChildAgentUpdate x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) = 1 + (\(ChildAgentUpdate_AgentData x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23 x24 x25 x26 x27 x28 x29 x30 x31 x32 x33 x34) -> 211 + B.length x23 + B.length x33) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ChildAgentUpdate_GroupData x9 x10 x11) -> 25) x2) + 1 + sum (map (\(ChildAgentUpdate_AnimationData x9 x10) -> 32) x3) + 1 + sum (map (\(ChildAgentUpdate_GranterBlock x9) -> 16) x4) + 1 + sum (map (\(ChildAgentUpdate_NVPairData x9) -> 2 + B.length x9) x5) + 1 + sum (map (\(ChildAgentUpdate_VisualParam x9) -> 1) x6) + 1 + sum (map (\(ChildAgentUpdate_AgentAccess x9 x10) -> 2) x7) + 1 + sum (map (\(ChildAgentUpdate_AgentInfo x9) -> 4) x8) packetLength (ChildAgentAlive x1) = 1 + (\(ChildAgentAlive_AgentData x2 x3 x4 x5) -> 44) x1 packetLength (ChildAgentPositionUpdate x1) = 1 + (\(ChildAgentPositionUpdate_AgentData x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13) -> 129) x1 packetLength (ChildAgentDying x1) = 4 + (\(ChildAgentDying_AgentData x2 x3) -> 32) x1 packetLength (ChildAgentUnknown x1) = 4 + (\(ChildAgentUnknown_AgentData x2 x3) -> 32) x1 packetLength (AtomicPassObject x1) = 1 + (\(AtomicPassObject_TaskData x2 x3) -> 17) x1 packetLength (KillChildAgents x1) = 4 + (\(KillChildAgents_IDBlock x2) -> 16) x1 packetLength (GetScriptRunning x1) = 4 + (\(GetScriptRunning_Script x2 x3) -> 32) x1 packetLength (ScriptRunningReply x1) = 4 + (\(ScriptRunningReply_Script x2 x3 x4) -> 33) x1 packetLength (SetScriptRunning x1 x2) = 4 + (\(SetScriptRunning_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(SetScriptRunning_Script x3 x4 x5) -> 33) x2 packetLength (ScriptReset x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ScriptReset_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ScriptReset_Script x3 x4) -> 32) x2 packetLength (ScriptSensorRequest x1) = 4 + (\(ScriptSensorRequest_Requester x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12) -> 94 + B.length x7) x1 packetLength (ScriptSensorReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ScriptSensorReply_Requester x3) -> 16) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ScriptSensorReply_SensedData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11) -> 93 + B.length x9) x2) packetLength (CompleteAgentMovement x1) = 4 + (\(CompleteAgentMovement_AgentData x2 x3 x4) -> 36) x1 packetLength (AgentMovementComplete x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(AgentMovementComplete_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(AgentMovementComplete_Data x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 36) x2 + (\(AgentMovementComplete_SimData x4) -> 2 + B.length x4) x3 packetLength (DataServerLogout x1) = 4 + (\(DataServerLogout_UserData x2 x3 x4 x5) -> 37) x1 packetLength (LogoutRequest x1) = 4 + (\(LogoutRequest_AgentData x2 x3) -> 32) x1 packetLength (LogoutReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(LogoutReply_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(LogoutReply_InventoryData x3) -> 16) x2) packetLength (ImprovedInstantMessage x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ImprovedInstantMessage_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(ImprovedInstantMessage_MessageBlock x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14) -> 76 + B.length x12 + B.length x13 + B.length x14) x2 packetLength (RetrieveInstantMessages x1) = 4 + (\(RetrieveInstantMessages_AgentData x2 x3) -> 32) x1 packetLength (FindAgent x1 x2) = 4 + (\(FindAgent_AgentBlock x3 x4 x5) -> 36) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(FindAgent_LocationBlock x3 x4) -> 16) x2) packetLength (RequestGodlikePowers x1 x2) = 4 + (\(RequestGodlikePowers_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(RequestGodlikePowers_RequestBlock x3 x4) -> 17) x2 packetLength (GrantGodlikePowers x1 x2) = 4 + (\(GrantGodlikePowers_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(GrantGodlikePowers_GrantData x3 x4) -> 17) x2 packetLength (GodlikeMessage x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(GodlikeMessage_AgentData x4 x5 x6) -> 48) x1 + (\(GodlikeMessage_MethodData x4 x5) -> 17 + B.length x4) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(GodlikeMessage_ParamList x4) -> 1 + B.length x4) x3) packetLength (EstateOwnerMessage x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(EstateOwnerMessage_AgentData x4 x5 x6) -> 48) x1 + (\(EstateOwnerMessage_MethodData x4 x5) -> 17 + B.length x4) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(EstateOwnerMessage_ParamList x4) -> 1 + B.length x4) x3) packetLength (GenericMessage x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(GenericMessage_AgentData x4 x5 x6) -> 48) x1 + (\(GenericMessage_MethodData x4 x5) -> 17 + B.length x4) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(GenericMessage_ParamList x4) -> 1 + B.length x4) x3) packetLength (MuteListRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(MuteListRequest_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(MuteListRequest_MuteData x3) -> 4) x2 packetLength (UpdateMuteListEntry x1 x2) = 4 + (\(UpdateMuteListEntry_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(UpdateMuteListEntry_MuteData x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 25 + B.length x4) x2 packetLength (RemoveMuteListEntry x1 x2) = 4 + (\(RemoveMuteListEntry_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(RemoveMuteListEntry_MuteData x3 x4) -> 17 + B.length x4) x2 packetLength (CopyInventoryFromNotecard x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(CopyInventoryFromNotecard_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(CopyInventoryFromNotecard_NotecardData x4 x5) -> 32) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(CopyInventoryFromNotecard_InventoryData x4 x5) -> 32) x3) packetLength (UpdateInventoryItem x1 x2) = 4 + (\(UpdateInventoryItem_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 48) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(UpdateInventoryItem_InventoryData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23 x24) -> 142 + B.length x21 + B.length x22) x2) packetLength (UpdateCreateInventoryItem x1 x2) = 4 + (\(UpdateCreateInventoryItem_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 33) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(UpdateCreateInventoryItem_InventoryData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23 x24) -> 142 + B.length x21 + B.length x22) x2) packetLength (MoveInventoryItem x1 x2) = 4 + (\(MoveInventoryItem_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 33) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(MoveInventoryItem_InventoryData x3 x4 x5) -> 33 + B.length x5) x2) packetLength (CopyInventoryItem x1 x2) = 4 + (\(CopyInventoryItem_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(CopyInventoryItem_InventoryData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 53 + B.length x7) x2) packetLength (RemoveInventoryItem x1 x2) = 4 + (\(RemoveInventoryItem_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(RemoveInventoryItem_InventoryData x3) -> 16) x2) packetLength (ChangeInventoryItemFlags x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ChangeInventoryItemFlags_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ChangeInventoryItemFlags_InventoryData x3 x4) -> 20) x2) packetLength (SaveAssetIntoInventory x1 x2) = 4 + (\(SaveAssetIntoInventory_AgentData x3) -> 16) x1 + (\(SaveAssetIntoInventory_InventoryData x3 x4) -> 32) x2 packetLength (CreateInventoryFolder x1 x2) = 4 + (\(CreateInventoryFolder_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(CreateInventoryFolder_FolderData x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 34 + B.length x6) x2 packetLength (UpdateInventoryFolder x1 x2) = 4 + (\(UpdateInventoryFolder_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(UpdateInventoryFolder_FolderData x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 34 + B.length x6) x2) packetLength (MoveInventoryFolder x1 x2) = 4 + (\(MoveInventoryFolder_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 33) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(MoveInventoryFolder_InventoryData x3 x4) -> 32) x2) packetLength (RemoveInventoryFolder x1 x2) = 4 + (\(RemoveInventoryFolder_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(RemoveInventoryFolder_FolderData x3) -> 16) x2) packetLength (FetchInventoryDescendents x1 x2) = 4 + (\(FetchInventoryDescendents_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(FetchInventoryDescendents_InventoryData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 38) x2 packetLength (InventoryDescendents x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(InventoryDescendents_AgentData x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 56) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(InventoryDescendents_FolderData x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 34 + B.length x7) x2) + 1 + sum (map (\(InventoryDescendents_ItemData x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23 x24) -> 138 + B.length x21 + B.length x22) x3) packetLength (FetchInventory x1 x2) = 4 + (\(FetchInventory_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(FetchInventory_InventoryData x3 x4) -> 32) x2) packetLength (FetchInventoryReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(FetchInventoryReply_AgentData x3) -> 16) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(FetchInventoryReply_InventoryData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23) -> 138 + B.length x20 + B.length x21) x2) packetLength (BulkUpdateInventory x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(BulkUpdateInventory_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(BulkUpdateInventory_FolderData x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 34 + B.length x7) x2) + 1 + sum (map (\(BulkUpdateInventory_ItemData x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23 x24 x25) -> 142 + B.length x22 + B.length x23) x3) packetLength (RequestInventoryAsset x1) = 4 + (\(RequestInventoryAsset_QueryData x2 x3 x4 x5) -> 64) x1 packetLength (InventoryAssetResponse x1) = 4 + (\(InventoryAssetResponse_QueryData x2 x3 x4) -> 33) x1 packetLength (RemoveInventoryObjects x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(RemoveInventoryObjects_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(RemoveInventoryObjects_FolderData x4) -> 16) x2) + 1 + sum (map (\(RemoveInventoryObjects_ItemData x4) -> 16) x3) packetLength (PurgeInventoryDescendents x1 x2) = 4 + (\(PurgeInventoryDescendents_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(PurgeInventoryDescendents_InventoryData x3) -> 16) x2 packetLength (UpdateTaskInventory x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(UpdateTaskInventory_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(UpdateTaskInventory_UpdateData x4 x5) -> 5) x2 + (\(UpdateTaskInventory_InventoryData x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23 x24) -> 138 + B.length x21 + B.length x22) x3 packetLength (RemoveTaskInventory x1 x2) = 4 + (\(RemoveTaskInventory_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(RemoveTaskInventory_InventoryData x3 x4) -> 20) x2 packetLength (MoveTaskInventory x1 x2) = 4 + (\(MoveTaskInventory_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 48) x1 + (\(MoveTaskInventory_InventoryData x3 x4) -> 20) x2 packetLength (RequestTaskInventory x1 x2) = 4 + (\(RequestTaskInventory_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(RequestTaskInventory_InventoryData x3) -> 4) x2 packetLength (ReplyTaskInventory x1) = 4 + (\(ReplyTaskInventory_InventoryData x2 x3 x4) -> 19 + B.length x4) x1 packetLength (DeRezObject x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(DeRezObject_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(DeRezObject_AgentBlock x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) -> 51) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(DeRezObject_ObjectData x4) -> 4) x3) packetLength (DeRezAck x1) = 4 + (\(DeRezAck_TransactionData x2 x3) -> 17) x1 packetLength (RezObject x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(RezObject_AgentData x4 x5 x6) -> 48) x1 + (\(RezObject_RezData x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15) -> 76) x2 + (\(RezObject_InventoryData x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23 x24) -> 138 + B.length x21 + B.length x22) x3 packetLength (RezObjectFromNotecard x1 x2 x3 x4) = 4 + (\(RezObjectFromNotecard_AgentData x5 x6 x7) -> 48) x1 + (\(RezObjectFromNotecard_RezData x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16) -> 76) x2 + (\(RezObjectFromNotecard_NotecardData x5 x6) -> 32) x3 + 1 + sum (map (\(RezObjectFromNotecard_InventoryData x5) -> 16) x4) packetLength (TransferInventory x1 x2) = 4 + (\(TransferInventory_InfoBlock x3 x4 x5) -> 48) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(TransferInventory_InventoryBlock x3 x4) -> 17) x2) packetLength (TransferInventoryAck x1) = 4 + (\(TransferInventoryAck_InfoBlock x2 x3) -> 32) x1 packetLength (AcceptFriendship x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(AcceptFriendship_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(AcceptFriendship_TransactionBlock x4) -> 16) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(AcceptFriendship_FolderData x4) -> 16) x3) packetLength (DeclineFriendship x1 x2) = 4 + (\(DeclineFriendship_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(DeclineFriendship_TransactionBlock x3) -> 16) x2 packetLength (FormFriendship x1) = 4 + (\(FormFriendship_AgentBlock x2 x3) -> 32) x1 packetLength (TerminateFriendship x1 x2) = 4 + (\(TerminateFriendship_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(TerminateFriendship_ExBlock x3) -> 16) x2 packetLength (OfferCallingCard x1 x2) = 4 + (\(OfferCallingCard_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(OfferCallingCard_AgentBlock x3 x4) -> 32) x2 packetLength (AcceptCallingCard x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(AcceptCallingCard_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(AcceptCallingCard_TransactionBlock x4) -> 16) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(AcceptCallingCard_FolderData x4) -> 16) x3) packetLength (DeclineCallingCard x1 x2) = 4 + (\(DeclineCallingCard_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(DeclineCallingCard_TransactionBlock x3) -> 16) x2 packetLength (RezScript x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(RezScript_AgentData x4 x5 x6) -> 48) x1 + (\(RezScript_UpdateBlock x4 x5) -> 5) x2 + (\(RezScript_InventoryBlock x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23 x24) -> 138 + B.length x21 + B.length x22) x3 packetLength (CreateInventoryItem x1 x2) = 4 + (\(CreateInventoryItem_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(CreateInventoryItem_InventoryBlock x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11) -> 45 + B.length x10 + B.length x11) x2 packetLength (CreateLandmarkForEvent x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(CreateLandmarkForEvent_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(CreateLandmarkForEvent_EventData x4) -> 4) x2 + (\(CreateLandmarkForEvent_InventoryBlock x4 x5) -> 17 + B.length x5) x3 packetLength (EventLocationRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(EventLocationRequest_QueryData x3) -> 16) x1 + (\(EventLocationRequest_EventData x3) -> 4) x2 packetLength (EventLocationReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(EventLocationReply_QueryData x3) -> 16) x1 + (\(EventLocationReply_EventData x3 x4 x5) -> 29) x2 packetLength (RegionHandleRequest x1) = 4 + (\(RegionHandleRequest_RequestBlock x2) -> 16) x1 packetLength (RegionIDAndHandleReply x1) = 4 + (\(RegionIDAndHandleReply_ReplyBlock x2 x3) -> 24) x1 packetLength (MoneyTransferRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(MoneyTransferRequest_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(MoneyTransferRequest_MoneyData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10) -> 44 + B.length x10) x2 packetLength (MoneyTransferBackend x1) = 4 + (\(MoneyTransferBackend_MoneyData x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14) -> 88 + B.length x14) x1 packetLength (MoneyBalanceRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(MoneyBalanceRequest_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(MoneyBalanceRequest_MoneyData x3) -> 16) x2 packetLength (MoneyBalanceReply x1) = 4 + (\(MoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 46 + B.length x8) x1 packetLength (RoutedMoneyBalanceReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(RoutedMoneyBalanceReply_TargetBlock x3 x4) -> 6) x1 + (\(RoutedMoneyBalanceReply_MoneyData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) -> 46 + B.length x9) x2 packetLength (ActivateGestures x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ActivateGestures_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 36) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ActivateGestures_Data x3 x4 x5) -> 36) x2) packetLength (DeactivateGestures x1 x2) = 4 + (\(DeactivateGestures_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 36) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(DeactivateGestures_Data x3 x4) -> 20) x2) packetLength (MuteListUpdate x1) = 4 + (\(MuteListUpdate_MuteData x2 x3) -> 17 + B.length x3) x1 packetLength (UseCachedMuteList x1) = 4 + (\(UseCachedMuteList_AgentData x2) -> 16) x1 packetLength (GrantUserRights x1 x2) = 4 + (\(GrantUserRights_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(GrantUserRights_Rights x3 x4) -> 20) x2) packetLength (ChangeUserRights x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ChangeUserRights_AgentData x3) -> 16) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ChangeUserRights_Rights x3 x4) -> 20) x2) packetLength (OnlineNotification x1) = 4 + 1 + sum (map (\(OnlineNotification_AgentBlock x2) -> 16) x1) packetLength (OfflineNotification x1) = 4 + 1 + sum (map (\(OfflineNotification_AgentBlock x2) -> 16) x1) packetLength (SetStartLocationRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(SetStartLocationRequest_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(SetStartLocationRequest_StartLocationData x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 29 + B.length x3) x2 packetLength (SetStartLocation x1) = 4 + (\(SetStartLocation_StartLocationData x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 68) x1 packetLength (NetTest x1) = 4 + (\(NetTest_NetBlock x2) -> 2) x1 packetLength (SetCPURatio x1) = 4 + (\(SetCPURatio_Data x2) -> 1) x1 packetLength (SimCrashed x1 x2) = 4 + (\(SimCrashed_Data x3 x4) -> 8) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(SimCrashed_Users x3) -> 16) x2) packetLength (NameValuePair x1 x2) = 4 + (\(NameValuePair_TaskData x3) -> 16) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(NameValuePair_NameValueData x3) -> 2 + B.length x3) x2) packetLength (RemoveNameValuePair x1 x2) = 4 + (\(RemoveNameValuePair_TaskData x3) -> 16) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(RemoveNameValuePair_NameValueData x3) -> 2 + B.length x3) x2) packetLength (UpdateAttachment x1 x2 x3 x4) = 4 + (\(UpdateAttachment_AgentData x5 x6) -> 32) x1 + (\(UpdateAttachment_AttachmentBlock x5) -> 1) x2 + (\(UpdateAttachment_OperationData x5 x6) -> 2) x3 + (\(UpdateAttachment_InventoryData x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23 x24 x25) -> 138 + B.length x22 + B.length x23) x4 packetLength (RemoveAttachment x1 x2) = 4 + (\(RemoveAttachment_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(RemoveAttachment_AttachmentBlock x3 x4) -> 17) x2 packetLength (SoundTrigger x1) = 1 + (\(SoundTrigger_SoundData x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 88) x1 packetLength (AttachedSound x1) = 2 + (\(AttachedSound_DataBlock x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 53) x1 packetLength (AttachedSoundGainChange x1) = 2 + (\(AttachedSoundGainChange_DataBlock x2 x3) -> 20) x1 packetLength (PreloadSound x1) = 2 + 1 + sum (map (\(PreloadSound_DataBlock x2 x3 x4) -> 48) x1) packetLength (AssetUploadRequest x1) = 4 + (\(AssetUploadRequest_AssetBlock x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 21 + B.length x6) x1 packetLength (AssetUploadComplete x1) = 4 + (\(AssetUploadComplete_AssetBlock x2 x3 x4) -> 18) x1 packetLength (EmailMessageRequest x1) = 4 + (\(EmailMessageRequest_DataBlock x2 x3 x4) -> 18 + B.length x3 + B.length x4) x1 packetLength (EmailMessageReply x1) = 4 + (\(EmailMessageReply_DataBlock x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 29 + B.length x5 + B.length x6 + B.length x7 + B.length x8) x1 packetLength (InternalScriptMail x1) = 2 + (\(InternalScriptMail_DataBlock x2 x3 x4 x5) -> 20 + B.length x2 + B.length x4 + B.length x5) x1 packetLength (ScriptDataRequest x1) = 4 + 1 + sum (map (\(ScriptDataRequest_DataBlock x2 x3 x4) -> 11 + B.length x4) x1) packetLength (ScriptDataReply x1) = 4 + 1 + sum (map (\(ScriptDataReply_DataBlock x2 x3) -> 10 + B.length x3) x1) packetLength (CreateGroupRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(CreateGroupRequest_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(CreateGroupRequest_GroupData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10) -> 27 + B.length x3 + B.length x4) x2 packetLength (CreateGroupReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(CreateGroupReply_AgentData x3) -> 16) x1 + (\(CreateGroupReply_ReplyData x3 x4 x5) -> 18 + B.length x5) x2 packetLength (UpdateGroupInfo x1 x2) = 4 + (\(UpdateGroupInfo_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(UpdateGroupInfo_GroupData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10) -> 42 + B.length x4) x2 packetLength (GroupRoleChanges x1 x2) = 4 + (\(GroupRoleChanges_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 48) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(GroupRoleChanges_RoleChange x3 x4 x5) -> 36) x2) packetLength (JoinGroupRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(JoinGroupRequest_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(JoinGroupRequest_GroupData x3) -> 16) x2 packetLength (JoinGroupReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(JoinGroupReply_AgentData x3) -> 16) x1 + (\(JoinGroupReply_GroupData x3 x4) -> 17) x2 packetLength (EjectGroupMemberRequest x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(EjectGroupMemberRequest_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(EjectGroupMemberRequest_GroupData x4) -> 16) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(EjectGroupMemberRequest_EjectData x4) -> 16) x3) packetLength (EjectGroupMemberReply x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(EjectGroupMemberReply_AgentData x4) -> 16) x1 + (\(EjectGroupMemberReply_GroupData x4) -> 16) x2 + (\(EjectGroupMemberReply_EjectData x4) -> 1) x3 packetLength (LeaveGroupRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(LeaveGroupRequest_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(LeaveGroupRequest_GroupData x3) -> 16) x2 packetLength (LeaveGroupReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(LeaveGroupReply_AgentData x3) -> 16) x1 + (\(LeaveGroupReply_GroupData x3 x4) -> 17) x2 packetLength (InviteGroupRequest x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(InviteGroupRequest_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(InviteGroupRequest_GroupData x4) -> 16) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(InviteGroupRequest_InviteData x4 x5) -> 32) x3) packetLength (InviteGroupResponse x1) = 4 + (\(InviteGroupResponse_InviteData x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 68) x1 packetLength (GroupProfileRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(GroupProfileRequest_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(GroupProfileRequest_GroupData x3) -> 16) x2 packetLength (GroupProfileReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(GroupProfileReply_AgentData x3) -> 16) x1 + (\(GroupProfileReply_GroupData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18) -> 96 + B.length x4 + B.length x5 + B.length x7) x2 packetLength (GroupAccountSummaryRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(GroupAccountSummaryRequest_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 48) x1 + (\(GroupAccountSummaryRequest_MoneyData x3 x4 x5) -> 24) x2 packetLength (GroupAccountSummaryReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(GroupAccountSummaryReply_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(GroupAccountSummaryReply_MoneyData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22) -> 83 + B.length x6 + B.length x21 + B.length x22) x2 packetLength (GroupAccountDetailsRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(GroupAccountDetailsRequest_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 48) x1 + (\(GroupAccountDetailsRequest_MoneyData x3 x4 x5) -> 24) x2 packetLength (GroupAccountDetailsReply x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(GroupAccountDetailsReply_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(GroupAccountDetailsReply_MoneyData x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 25 + B.length x7) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(GroupAccountDetailsReply_HistoryData x4 x5) -> 5 + B.length x4) x3) packetLength (GroupAccountTransactionsRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(GroupAccountTransactionsRequest_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 48) x1 + (\(GroupAccountTransactionsRequest_MoneyData x3 x4 x5) -> 24) x2 packetLength (GroupAccountTransactionsReply x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(GroupAccountTransactionsReply_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(GroupAccountTransactionsReply_MoneyData x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 25 + B.length x7) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(GroupAccountTransactionsReply_HistoryData x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 11 + B.length x4 + B.length x5 + B.length x7) x3) packetLength (GroupActiveProposalsRequest x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(GroupActiveProposalsRequest_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(GroupActiveProposalsRequest_GroupData x4) -> 16) x2 + (\(GroupActiveProposalsRequest_TransactionData x4) -> 16) x3 packetLength (GroupActiveProposalItemReply x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(GroupActiveProposalItemReply_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(GroupActiveProposalItemReply_TransactionData x4 x5) -> 20) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(GroupActiveProposalItemReply_ProposalData x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13) -> 46 + B.length x6 + B.length x7 + B.length x8 + B.length x10 + B.length x13) x3) packetLength (GroupVoteHistoryRequest x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(GroupVoteHistoryRequest_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(GroupVoteHistoryRequest_GroupData x4) -> 16) x2 + (\(GroupVoteHistoryRequest_TransactionData x4) -> 16) x3 packetLength (GroupVoteHistoryItemReply x1 x2 x3 x4) = 4 + (\(GroupVoteHistoryItemReply_AgentData x5 x6) -> 32) x1 + (\(GroupVoteHistoryItemReply_TransactionData x5 x6) -> 20) x2 + (\(GroupVoteHistoryItemReply_HistoryItemData x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14) -> 47 + B.length x6 + B.length x7 + B.length x8 + B.length x10 + B.length x11 + B.length x14) x3 + 1 + sum (map (\(GroupVoteHistoryItemReply_VoteItem x5 x6 x7) -> 21 + B.length x6) x4) packetLength (StartGroupProposal x1 x2) = 4 + (\(StartGroupProposal_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(StartGroupProposal_ProposalData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 29 + B.length x7) x2 packetLength (GroupProposalBallot x1 x2) = 4 + (\(GroupProposalBallot_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(GroupProposalBallot_ProposalData x3 x4 x5) -> 33 + B.length x5) x2 packetLength (TallyVotes ) = 4 packetLength (GroupMembersRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(GroupMembersRequest_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(GroupMembersRequest_GroupData x3 x4) -> 32) x2 packetLength (GroupMembersReply x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(GroupMembersReply_AgentData x4) -> 16) x1 + (\(GroupMembersReply_GroupData x4 x5 x6) -> 36) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(GroupMembersReply_MemberData x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) -> 31 + B.length x6 + B.length x8) x3) packetLength (ActivateGroup x1) = 4 + (\(ActivateGroup_AgentData x2 x3 x4) -> 48) x1 packetLength (SetGroupContribution x1 x2) = 4 + (\(SetGroupContribution_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(SetGroupContribution_Data x3 x4) -> 20) x2 packetLength (SetGroupAcceptNotices x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(SetGroupAcceptNotices_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(SetGroupAcceptNotices_Data x4 x5) -> 17) x2 + (\(SetGroupAcceptNotices_NewData x4) -> 1) x3 packetLength (GroupRoleDataRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(GroupRoleDataRequest_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(GroupRoleDataRequest_GroupData x3 x4) -> 32) x2 packetLength (GroupRoleDataReply x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(GroupRoleDataReply_AgentData x4) -> 16) x1 + (\(GroupRoleDataReply_GroupData x4 x5 x6) -> 36) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(GroupRoleDataReply_RoleData x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) -> 31 + B.length x5 + B.length x6 + B.length x7) x3) packetLength (GroupRoleMembersRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(GroupRoleMembersRequest_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(GroupRoleMembersRequest_GroupData x3 x4) -> 32) x2 packetLength (GroupRoleMembersReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(GroupRoleMembersReply_AgentData x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 52) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(GroupRoleMembersReply_MemberData x3 x4) -> 32) x2) packetLength (GroupTitlesRequest x1) = 4 + (\(GroupTitlesRequest_AgentData x2 x3 x4 x5) -> 64) x1 packetLength (GroupTitlesReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(GroupTitlesReply_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 48) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(GroupTitlesReply_GroupData x3 x4 x5) -> 18 + B.length x3) x2) packetLength (GroupTitleUpdate x1) = 4 + (\(GroupTitleUpdate_AgentData x2 x3 x4 x5) -> 64) x1 packetLength (GroupRoleUpdate x1 x2) = 4 + (\(GroupRoleUpdate_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 48) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(GroupRoleUpdate_RoleData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 28 + B.length x4 + B.length x5 + B.length x6) x2) packetLength (LiveHelpGroupRequest x1) = 4 + (\(LiveHelpGroupRequest_RequestData x2 x3) -> 32) x1 packetLength (LiveHelpGroupReply x1) = 4 + (\(LiveHelpGroupReply_ReplyData x2 x3 x4) -> 33 + B.length x4) x1 packetLength (AgentWearablesRequest x1) = 4 + (\(AgentWearablesRequest_AgentData x2 x3) -> 32) x1 packetLength (AgentWearablesUpdate x1 x2) = 4 + (\(AgentWearablesUpdate_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 36) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(AgentWearablesUpdate_WearableData x3 x4 x5) -> 33) x2) packetLength (AgentIsNowWearing x1 x2) = 4 + (\(AgentIsNowWearing_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(AgentIsNowWearing_WearableData x3 x4) -> 17) x2) packetLength (AgentCachedTexture x1 x2) = 4 + (\(AgentCachedTexture_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 36) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(AgentCachedTexture_WearableData x3 x4) -> 17) x2) packetLength (AgentCachedTextureResponse x1 x2) = 4 + (\(AgentCachedTextureResponse_AgentData x3 x4 x5) -> 36) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(AgentCachedTextureResponse_WearableData x3 x4 x5) -> 18 + B.length x5) x2) packetLength (AgentDataUpdateRequest x1) = 4 + (\(AgentDataUpdateRequest_AgentData x2 x3) -> 32) x1 packetLength (AgentDataUpdate x1) = 4 + (\(AgentDataUpdate_AgentData x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 44 + B.length x3 + B.length x4 + B.length x5 + B.length x8) x1 packetLength (GroupDataUpdate x1) = 4 + 1 + sum (map (\(GroupDataUpdate_AgentGroupData x2 x3 x4 x5) -> 41 + B.length x5) x1) packetLength (AgentGroupDataUpdate x1 x2) = 4 + (\(AgentGroupDataUpdate_AgentData x3) -> 16) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(AgentGroupDataUpdate_GroupData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 46 + B.length x8) x2) packetLength (AgentDropGroup x1) = 4 + (\(AgentDropGroup_AgentData x2 x3) -> 32) x1 packetLength (LogTextMessage x1) = 4 + 1 + sum (map (\(LogTextMessage_DataBlock x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 54 + B.length x7) x1) packetLength (ViewerEffect x1 x2) = 2 + (\(ViewerEffect_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ViewerEffect_Effect x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 42 + B.length x8) x2) packetLength (CreateTrustedCircuit x1) = 4 + (\(CreateTrustedCircuit_DataBlock x2 x3) -> 48) x1 packetLength (DenyTrustedCircuit x1) = 4 + (\(DenyTrustedCircuit_DataBlock x2) -> 16) x1 packetLength (RequestTrustedCircuit ) = 4 packetLength (RezSingleAttachmentFromInv x1 x2) = 4 + (\(RezSingleAttachmentFromInv_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(RezSingleAttachmentFromInv_ObjectData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11) -> 51 + B.length x10 + B.length x11) x2 packetLength (RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_HeaderData x4 x5 x6) -> 18) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(RezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv_ObjectData x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12) -> 51 + B.length x11 + B.length x12) x3) packetLength (DetachAttachmentIntoInv x1) = 4 + (\(DetachAttachmentIntoInv_ObjectData x2 x3) -> 32) x1 packetLength (CreateNewOutfitAttachments x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(CreateNewOutfitAttachments_AgentData x4 x5) -> 32) x1 + (\(CreateNewOutfitAttachments_HeaderData x4) -> 16) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(CreateNewOutfitAttachments_ObjectData x4 x5) -> 32) x3) packetLength (UserInfoRequest x1) = 4 + (\(UserInfoRequest_AgentData x2 x3) -> 32) x1 packetLength (UserInfoReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(UserInfoReply_AgentData x3) -> 16) x1 + (\(UserInfoReply_UserData x3 x4 x5) -> 4 + B.length x4 + B.length x5) x2 packetLength (UpdateUserInfo x1 x2) = 4 + (\(UpdateUserInfo_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(UpdateUserInfo_UserData x3 x4) -> 2 + B.length x4) x2 packetLength (ParcelRename x1) = 4 + 1 + sum (map (\(ParcelRename_ParcelData x2 x3) -> 17 + B.length x3) x1) packetLength (InitiateDownload x1 x2) = 4 + (\(InitiateDownload_AgentData x3) -> 16) x1 + (\(InitiateDownload_FileData x3 x4) -> 2 + B.length x3 + B.length x4) x2 packetLength (SystemMessage x1 x2) = 4 + (\(SystemMessage_MethodData x3 x4 x5) -> 49 + B.length x3) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(SystemMessage_ParamList x3) -> 1 + B.length x3) x2) packetLength (MapLayerRequest x1) = 4 + (\(MapLayerRequest_AgentData x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 41) x1 packetLength (MapLayerReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(MapLayerReply_AgentData x3 x4) -> 20) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(MapLayerReply_LayerData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 32) x2) packetLength (MapBlockRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(MapBlockRequest_AgentData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 41) x1 + (\(MapBlockRequest_PositionData x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 8) x2 packetLength (MapNameRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(MapNameRequest_AgentData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 41) x1 + (\(MapNameRequest_NameData x3) -> 1 + B.length x3) x2 packetLength (MapBlockReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(MapBlockReply_AgentData x3 x4) -> 20) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(MapBlockReply_Data x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10) -> 28 + B.length x5) x2) packetLength (MapItemRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(MapItemRequest_AgentData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 41) x1 + (\(MapItemRequest_RequestData x3 x4) -> 12) x2 packetLength (MapItemReply x1 x2 x3) = 4 + (\(MapItemReply_AgentData x4 x5) -> 20) x1 + (\(MapItemReply_RequestData x4) -> 4) x2 + 1 + sum (map (\(MapItemReply_Data x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) -> 33 + B.length x9) x3) packetLength (SendPostcard x1) = 4 + (\(SendPostcard_AgentData x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12) -> 80 + B.length x6 + B.length x7 + B.length x8 + B.length x9 + B.length x10) x1 packetLength (RpcChannelRequest x1) = 4 + (\(RpcChannelRequest_DataBlock x2 x3 x4 x5) -> 40) x1 packetLength (RpcChannelReply x1) = 4 + (\(RpcChannelReply_DataBlock x2 x3 x4) -> 48) x1 packetLength (RpcScriptRequestInbound x1 x2) = 4 + (\(RpcScriptRequestInbound_TargetBlock x3 x4) -> 8) x1 + (\(RpcScriptRequestInbound_DataBlock x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 54 + B.length x7) x2 packetLength (RpcScriptRequestInboundForward x1) = 4 + (\(RpcScriptRequestInboundForward_DataBlock x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 60 + B.length x8) x1 packetLength (RpcScriptReplyInbound x1) = 4 + (\(RpcScriptReplyInbound_DataBlock x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 54 + B.length x6) x1 packetLength (ScriptMailRegistration x1) = 4 + (\(ScriptMailRegistration_DataBlock x2 x3 x4 x5) -> 23 + B.length x2) x1 packetLength (ParcelMediaCommandMessage x1) = 4 + (\(ParcelMediaCommandMessage_CommandBlock x2 x3 x4) -> 12) x1 packetLength (ParcelMediaUpdate x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ParcelMediaUpdate_DataBlock x3 x4 x5) -> 18 + B.length x3) x1 + (\(ParcelMediaUpdate_DataBlockExtended x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) -> 11 + B.length x3 + B.length x4) x2 packetLength (LandStatRequest x1 x2) = 4 + (\(LandStatRequest_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(LandStatRequest_RequestData x3 x4 x5 x6) -> 13 + B.length x5) x2 packetLength (LandStatReply x1 x2) = 4 + (\(LandStatReply_RequestData x3 x4 x5) -> 12) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(LandStatReply_ReportData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10) -> 38 + B.length x9 + B.length x10) x2) packetLength (Error x1 x2) = 4 + (\(Error_AgentData x3) -> 16) x1 + (\(Error_Data x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) -> 26 + B.length x4 + B.length x6 + B.length x7 + B.length x8) x2 packetLength (ObjectIncludeInSearch x1 x2) = 4 + (\(ObjectIncludeInSearch_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + 1 + sum (map (\(ObjectIncludeInSearch_ObjectData x3 x4) -> 5) x2) packetLength (RezRestoreToWorld x1 x2) = 4 + (\(RezRestoreToWorld_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(RezRestoreToWorld_InventoryData x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 x23) -> 138 + B.length x20 + B.length x21) x2 packetLength (LinkInventoryItem x1 x2) = 4 + (\(LinkInventoryItem_AgentData x3 x4) -> 32) x1 + (\(LinkInventoryItem_InventoryBlock x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10) -> 56 + B.length x9 + B.length x10) x2