Module      : Database.MySQL.Connection
Description : Connection managment
Copyright   : (c) Winterland, 2016
License     : BSD
Maintainer  : drkoster@qq.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : PORTABLE

This module provides secure MySQL connection using 'tls' package, please make sure your certificate is v3 extension enabled.


module Database.MySQL.TLS (
    , connectDetail
    , module Data.TLSSetting
    ) where

import           Control.Exception              (bracketOnError, throwIO)
import           Control.Monad
import           Data.IORef                     (newIORef)
import           Data.TLSSetting
import           Database.MySQL.Connection      hiding (connect, connectDetail)
import           Database.MySQL.Protocol.Auth
import           Database.MySQL.Protocol.Packet
import qualified Network.Socket                 as N
import qualified Network.TLS                    as TLS
import qualified System.IO.Streams              as Stream
import qualified System.IO.Streams.Binary       as Binary
import qualified System.IO.Streams.TCP          as TCP
import qualified System.IO.Streams.TLS          as TLS


-- | Provide a 'TLS.ClientParams' and a subject name to establish a TLS connection.
connect :: ConnectInfo -> (TLS.ClientParams, String) -> IO MySQLConn
connect c cp = fmap snd (connectDetail c cp)

connectDetail :: ConnectInfo -> (TLS.ClientParams, String) -> IO (Greeting, MySQLConn)
connectDetail (ConnectInfo host port db user pass) (cparams, subName) =
    bracketOnError (TCP.connectWithBufferSize host port bUFSIZE)
       (\(_, _, sock) -> N.close sock) $ \ (is, os, sock) -> do
            is' <- decodeInputStream is
            os' <- Binary.encodeOutputStream os
            p <- readPacket is'
            greet <- decodeFromPacket p
            if supportTLS (greetingCaps greet)
            then do
                let cparams' = cparams {
                            TLS.clientUseServerNameIndication = False
                        ,   TLS.clientServerIdentification = (subName, "")
                Stream.write (Just (encodeToPacket 1 sslRequest)) os'
                bracketOnError (TLS.contextNew sock cparams') TLS.close $ \ ctx -> do
                    TLS.handshake ctx
                    (tlsIs, tlsOs) <- TLS.tlsToStreams ctx
                    tlsIs' <- decodeInputStream tlsIs
                    tlsOs' <- Binary.encodeOutputStream tlsOs
                    let auth = mkAuth db user pass greet
                    Stream.write (Just (encodeToPacket 2 auth)) tlsOs'
                    q <- readPacket tlsIs'
                    if isOK q
                    then do
                        consumed <- newIORef True
                        let conn = MySQLConn tlsIs' tlsOs' (TLS.close ctx) consumed
                        return (greet, conn)
                    else Stream.write Nothing tlsOs' >> decodeFromPacket q >>= throwIO . ERRException
            else error "Database.MySQL.TLS: server doesn't support TLS connection"