{-| Module : Database.MySQL.Base Description : Prelude of mysql-haskell Copyright : (c) Winterland, 2016 License : BSD Maintainer : drkoster@qq.com Stability : experimental Portability : PORTABLE This module provide common MySQL operations, NOTEs on 'Exception's: This package use 'Exception' to deal with unexpected situations, but you shouldn't try to catch them if you don't have a recovery plan, for example: there's no meaning to catch a 'ERRException' during authentication unless you want to try different passwords. By using this library you will meet: * 'NetworkException': underline network is broken. * 'UnconsumedResultSet': you should consume previous resultset before sending new command. * 'ERRException': you receive a 'ERR' packet when you shouldn't. * 'UnexpectedPacket': you receive a unexpected packet when you shouldn't. * 'DecodePacketException': there's a packet we can't decode. * 'WrongParamsCount': you're giving wrong number of params to 'renderParams'. Both 'UnexpectedPacket' and 'DecodePacketException' may indicate a bug of this library rather your code, so please report! -} module Database.MySQL.Base ( -- * Setting up and control connection MySQLConn , ConnectInfo(..) , defaultConnectInfo , defaultConnectInfoMB4 , connect , connectDetail , close , ping -- * Direct query , execute , executeMany , executeMany_ , execute_ , query_ , queryVector_ , query , queryVector -- * Prepared query statement , prepareStmt , prepareStmtDetail , executeStmt , queryStmt , queryStmtVector , closeStmt , resetStmt -- * Helpers , withTransaction , QueryParam(..) , Param (..) , Query(..) , renderParams , command , Stream.skipToEof -- * Exceptions , NetworkException(..) , UnconsumedResultSet(..) , ERRException(..) , UnexpectedPacket(..) , DecodePacketException(..) , WrongParamsCount(..) -- * MySQL protocol , module Database.MySQL.Protocol.Auth , module Database.MySQL.Protocol.Command , module Database.MySQL.Protocol.ColumnDef , module Database.MySQL.Protocol.Packet , module Database.MySQL.Protocol.MySQLValue ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Exception (mask, onException, throwIO) import Control.Monad import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import Data.IORef (writeIORef) import Database.MySQL.Connection import Database.MySQL.Protocol.Auth import Database.MySQL.Protocol.ColumnDef import Database.MySQL.Protocol.Command import Database.MySQL.Protocol.MySQLValue import Database.MySQL.Protocol.Packet import Database.MySQL.Query import System.IO.Streams (InputStream) import qualified System.IO.Streams as Stream import qualified Data.Vector as V -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Execute a MySQL query with parameters which don't return a result-set. -- -- The query may contain placeholders @?@, for filling up parameters, the parameters -- will be escaped before get filled into the query, please DO NOT enable @NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES@, -- and you should consider using prepared statement if this's not an one shot query. -- execute :: QueryParam p => MySQLConn -> Query -> [p] -> IO OK execute conn qry params = execute_ conn (renderParams qry params) {-# SPECIALIZE execute :: MySQLConn -> Query -> [MySQLValue] -> IO OK #-} {-# SPECIALIZE execute :: MySQLConn -> Query -> [Param] -> IO OK #-} -- | Execute a multi-row query which don't return result-set. -- -- Leverage MySQL's multi-statement support to do batch insert\/update\/delete, -- you may want to use 'withTransaction' to make sure it's atomic, and -- use @sum . map okAffectedRows@ to get all affected rows count. -- -- @since -- executeMany :: QueryParam p => MySQLConn -> Query -> [[p]] -> IO [OK] executeMany conn@(MySQLConn is os _ _) qry paramsList = do guardUnconsumed conn let qry' = L.intercalate ";" $ map (fromQuery . renderParams qry) paramsList writeCommand (COM_QUERY qry') os mapM (\ _ -> waitCommandReply is) paramsList {-# SPECIALIZE executeMany :: MySQLConn -> Query -> [[MySQLValue]] -> IO [OK] #-} {-# SPECIALIZE executeMany :: MySQLConn -> Query -> [[Param]] -> IO [OK] #-} -- | Execute multiple querys (without param) which don't return result-set. -- -- This's useful when your want to execute multiple SQLs without params, e.g. from a -- SQL dump, or a table migration plan. -- -- @since -- executeMany_ :: MySQLConn -> Query -> IO [OK] executeMany_ conn@(MySQLConn is os _ _) qry = do guardUnconsumed conn writeCommand (COM_QUERY (fromQuery qry)) os waitCommandReplys is -- | Execute a MySQL query which don't return a result-set. -- execute_ :: MySQLConn -> Query -> IO OK execute_ conn (Query qry) = command conn (COM_QUERY qry) -- | Execute a MySQL query which return a result-set with parameters. -- -- Note that you must fully consumed the result-set before start a new query on -- the same 'MySQLConn', or an 'UnconsumedResultSet' will be thrown. -- if you want to skip the result-set, use 'Stream.skipToEof'. -- query :: QueryParam p => MySQLConn -> Query -> [p] -> IO ([ColumnDef], InputStream [MySQLValue]) query conn qry params = query_ conn (renderParams qry params) {-# SPECIALIZE query :: MySQLConn -> Query -> [MySQLValue] -> IO ([ColumnDef], InputStream [MySQLValue]) #-} {-# SPECIALIZE query :: MySQLConn -> Query -> [Param] -> IO ([ColumnDef], InputStream [MySQLValue]) #-} -- | 'V.Vector' version of 'query'. -- -- @since -- queryVector :: QueryParam p => MySQLConn -> Query -> [p] -> IO (V.Vector ColumnDef, InputStream (V.Vector MySQLValue)) queryVector conn qry params = queryVector_ conn (renderParams qry params) {-# SPECIALIZE queryVector :: MySQLConn -> Query -> [MySQLValue] -> IO (V.Vector ColumnDef, InputStream (V.Vector MySQLValue)) #-} {-# SPECIALIZE queryVector :: MySQLConn -> Query -> [Param] -> IO (V.Vector ColumnDef, InputStream (V.Vector MySQLValue)) #-} -- | Execute a MySQL query which return a result-set. -- query_ :: MySQLConn -> Query -> IO ([ColumnDef], InputStream [MySQLValue]) query_ conn@(MySQLConn is os _ consumed) (Query qry) = do guardUnconsumed conn writeCommand (COM_QUERY qry) os p <- readPacket is if isERR p then decodeFromPacket p >>= throwIO . ERRException else do len <- getFromPacket getLenEncInt p fields <- replicateM len $ (decodeFromPacket <=< readPacket) is _ <- readPacket is -- eof packet, we don't verify this though writeIORef consumed False rows <- Stream.makeInputStream $ do q <- readPacket is if | isEOF q -> writeIORef consumed True >> return Nothing | isERR q -> decodeFromPacket q >>= throwIO . ERRException | otherwise -> Just <$> getFromPacket (getTextRow fields) q return (fields, rows) -- | 'V.Vector' version of 'query_'. -- -- @since -- queryVector_ :: MySQLConn -> Query -> IO (V.Vector ColumnDef, InputStream (V.Vector MySQLValue)) queryVector_ conn@(MySQLConn is os _ consumed) (Query qry) = do guardUnconsumed conn writeCommand (COM_QUERY qry) os p <- readPacket is if isERR p then decodeFromPacket p >>= throwIO . ERRException else do len <- getFromPacket getLenEncInt p fields <- V.replicateM len $ (decodeFromPacket <=< readPacket) is _ <- readPacket is -- eof packet, we don't verify this though writeIORef consumed False rows <- Stream.makeInputStream $ do q <- readPacket is if | isEOF q -> writeIORef consumed True >> return Nothing | isERR q -> decodeFromPacket q >>= throwIO . ERRException | otherwise -> Just <$> getFromPacket (getTextRowVector fields) q return (fields, rows) -- | Ask MySQL to prepare a query statement. -- prepareStmt :: MySQLConn -> Query -> IO StmtID prepareStmt conn@(MySQLConn is os _ _) (Query stmt) = do guardUnconsumed conn writeCommand (COM_STMT_PREPARE stmt) os p <- readPacket is if isERR p then decodeFromPacket p >>= throwIO . ERRException else do StmtPrepareOK stid colCnt paramCnt _ <- getFromPacket getStmtPrepareOK p _ <- replicateM_ paramCnt (readPacket is) _ <- unless (paramCnt == 0) (void (readPacket is)) -- EOF _ <- replicateM_ colCnt (readPacket is) _ <- unless (colCnt == 0) (void (readPacket is)) -- EOF return stid -- | Ask MySQL to prepare a query statement. -- -- All details from @COM_STMT_PREPARE@ Response are returned: the 'StmtPrepareOK' packet, -- params's 'ColumnDef', result's 'ColumnDef'. -- prepareStmtDetail :: MySQLConn -> Query -> IO (StmtPrepareOK, [ColumnDef], [ColumnDef]) prepareStmtDetail conn@(MySQLConn is os _ _) (Query stmt) = do guardUnconsumed conn writeCommand (COM_STMT_PREPARE stmt) os p <- readPacket is if isERR p then decodeFromPacket p >>= throwIO . ERRException else do sOK@(StmtPrepareOK _ colCnt paramCnt _) <- getFromPacket getStmtPrepareOK p pdefs <- replicateM paramCnt ((decodeFromPacket <=< readPacket) is) _ <- unless (paramCnt == 0) (void (readPacket is)) -- EOF cdefs <- replicateM colCnt ((decodeFromPacket <=< readPacket) is) _ <- unless (colCnt == 0) (void (readPacket is)) -- EOF return (sOK, pdefs, cdefs) -- | Ask MySQL to closed a query statement. -- closeStmt :: MySQLConn -> StmtID -> IO () closeStmt (MySQLConn _ os _ _) stid = do writeCommand (COM_STMT_CLOSE stid) os -- | Ask MySQL to reset a query statement, all previous resultset will be cleared. -- resetStmt :: MySQLConn -> StmtID -> IO () resetStmt (MySQLConn is os _ consumed) stid = do writeCommand (COM_STMT_RESET stid) os -- previous result-set may still be unconsumed p <- readPacket is if isERR p then decodeFromPacket p >>= throwIO . ERRException else writeIORef consumed True -- | Execute prepared query statement with parameters, expecting no resultset. -- executeStmt :: MySQLConn -> StmtID -> [MySQLValue] -> IO OK executeStmt conn stid params = command conn (COM_STMT_EXECUTE stid params (makeNullMap params)) -- | Execute prepared query statement with parameters, expecting resultset. -- -- Rules about 'UnconsumedResultSet' applied here too. -- queryStmt :: MySQLConn -> StmtID -> [MySQLValue] -> IO ([ColumnDef], InputStream [MySQLValue]) queryStmt conn@(MySQLConn is os _ consumed) stid params = do guardUnconsumed conn writeCommand (COM_STMT_EXECUTE stid params (makeNullMap params)) os p <- readPacket is if isERR p then decodeFromPacket p >>= throwIO . ERRException else do len <- getFromPacket getLenEncInt p fields <- replicateM len $ (decodeFromPacket <=< readPacket) is _ <- readPacket is -- eof packet, we don't verify this though writeIORef consumed False rows <- Stream.makeInputStream $ do q <- readPacket is if | isOK q -> Just <$> getFromPacket (getBinaryRow fields len) q | isEOF q -> writeIORef consumed True >> return Nothing | isERR q -> decodeFromPacket q >>= throwIO . ERRException | otherwise -> throwIO (UnexpectedPacket q) return (fields, rows) -- | 'V.Vector' version of 'queryStmt' -- -- @since -- queryStmtVector :: MySQLConn -> StmtID -> [MySQLValue] -> IO (V.Vector ColumnDef, InputStream (V.Vector MySQLValue)) queryStmtVector conn@(MySQLConn is os _ consumed) stid params = do guardUnconsumed conn writeCommand (COM_STMT_EXECUTE stid params (makeNullMap params)) os p <- readPacket is if isERR p then decodeFromPacket p >>= throwIO . ERRException else do len <- getFromPacket getLenEncInt p fields <- V.replicateM len $ (decodeFromPacket <=< readPacket) is _ <- readPacket is -- eof packet, we don't verify this though writeIORef consumed False rows <- Stream.makeInputStream $ do q <- readPacket is if | isOK q -> Just <$> getFromPacket (getBinaryRowVector fields len) q | isEOF q -> writeIORef consumed True >> return Nothing | isERR q -> decodeFromPacket q >>= throwIO . ERRException | otherwise -> throwIO (UnexpectedPacket q) return (fields, rows) -- | Run querys inside a transaction, querys will be rolled back if exception arise. -- -- @since -- withTransaction :: MySQLConn -> IO a -> IO a withTransaction conn procedure = mask $ \restore -> do _ <- execute_ conn "BEGIN" r <- restore procedure `onException` (execute_ conn "ROLLBACK") _ <- execute_ conn "COMMIT" pure r