{-# language GADTs, DataKinds, DuplicateRecordFields, RankNTypes, StrictData, ScopedTypeVariables, BlockArguments, KindSignatures, TemplateHaskell, OverloadedStrings, DerivingStrategies, DerivingVia, StandaloneDeriving, DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass, NamedFieldPuns, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, TupleSections, LambdaCase #-} {-# options_ghc -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-} {-| * Internal Template-Haskell for generating events __Note:__ This module is used exclusively to template the various event and event interface data types used by this library. It is not intended for external use, and may not follow the PVP. -} module Myxine.Internal.TH (mkEventsAndInterfaces) where import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as JSON import Data.Bifunctor import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString.Strict import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) import qualified Data.Char as Char import Data.Dependent.Map (Some(..)) import Data.Either import Data.Foldable import Data.GADT.Compare import Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap) import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HashMap import Data.HashSet (HashSet) import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet import qualified Data.Kind import Data.List import Data.Ord import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Traversable import qualified GHC.Generics as Generic import Language.Haskell.TH eventTypeName, decodeEventPropertiesName, decodeSomeEventTypeName, encodeEventTypeName :: Name eventTypeName = mkName "EventType" decodeEventPropertiesName = mkName "decodeEventProperties" decodeSomeEventTypeName = mkName "decodeSomeEventType" encodeEventTypeName = mkName "encodeEventType" interfaceTypes :: HashMap String (Q Type) interfaceTypes = HashMap.fromList [ ("f64", [t|Double|]) , ("i64", [t|Int|]) , ("String", [t|Text|]) , ("bool", [t|Bool|]) , ("Option", [t|Maybe Double|]) , ("Option", [t|Maybe Int|]) , ("Option", [t|Maybe Text|]) , ("Option", [t|Maybe Bool|]) ] mkEventsAndInterfaces :: ByteString.Strict.ByteString -> Q [Dec] mkEventsAndInterfaces enabledEventsByteString = case JSON.eitherDecodeStrict' enabledEventsByteString of Right EnabledEvents{events, interfaces} -> do interfaceDecs <- mkInterfaces interfaces eventDecs <- mkEvents events pure $ interfaceDecs <> eventDecs Left err -> do reportError err pure [] data EnabledEvents = EnabledEvents { events :: Events , interfaces :: Interfaces } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic.Generic, JSON.FromJSON) newtype Events = Events (HashMap String EventInfo) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) deriving newtype (JSON.FromJSON) data EventInfo = EventInfo { interface :: String , nameWords :: [String] } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic.Generic, JSON.FromJSON) newtype Interfaces = Interfaces (HashMap String Interface) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic.Generic) deriving newtype (JSON.FromJSON) data Interface = Interface { inherits :: Maybe String , properties :: Properties } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic.Generic, JSON.FromJSON) newtype Properties = Properties (HashMap String String) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic.Generic) deriving newtype (Semigroup, Monoid, JSON.FromJSON) allInterfaceProperties :: Interfaces -> String -> Either (Either (Maybe String) [String]) Properties allInterfaceProperties (Interfaces interfaces) = go HashSet.empty [] where go :: HashSet String -> [String] -> String -> Either (Either (Maybe String) [String]) Properties go seen seenList name | HashSet.member name seen = Left (Right (name : seenList)) | otherwise = do Interface{inherits, properties} <- maybe (Left (Left (if length seenList <= 1 then Just name else Nothing))) Right (HashMap.lookup name interfaces) rest <- maybe (pure mempty) (go (HashSet.insert name seen) (name : seenList)) inherits pure (properties <> rest) fillInterfaceProperties :: Interfaces -> Either [(String, Either (Maybe String) [String])] Interfaces fillInterfaceProperties i@(Interfaces interfaces) = if bad == [] then (Right good) else (Left bad) where good :: Interfaces bad :: [(String, Either (Maybe String) [String])] (bad, good) = second (Interfaces . HashMap.fromList) . partitionEithers . map (\(name, maybeInterface) -> either (Left . (name,)) (Right . (name,)) maybeInterface) $ results results :: [(String, Either (Either (Maybe String) [String]) Interface)] results = map (\(name, Interface{inherits}) -> (name, (\properties -> Interface{inherits, properties}) <$> allInterfaceProperties i name)) (HashMap.toList interfaces) mkEvents :: Events -> Q [Dec] mkEvents (Events events) = do cons <- for (sortBy (comparing (interface . snd) <> comparing fst) $ HashMap.toList events) \(eventName, EventInfo{interface, nameWords}) -> do let conName = concatMap (onFirst Char.toUpper) nameWords (eventName,) <$> gadtC [mkName conName] [] (appT (conT eventTypeName) (conT (mkName interface))) starArrowStar <- [t|Data.Kind.Type -> Data.Kind.Type|] dec <- dataD (pure []) eventTypeName [] (Just starArrowStar) (pure <$> map snd cons) [] eqInstance <- deriveEvent [t|Eq|] ordInstance <- deriveEvent [t|Ord|] showInstance <- deriveEvent [t|Show|] geqInstance <- mkEnumGEqInstance eventTypeName (map snd cons) gcompareInstance <- mkEnumGCompareInstance eventTypeName (map snd cons) encodeEventType <- mkEncodeEventType cons decodeSomeEventType <- mkDecodeSomeEventType cons decodeEventProperties <- mkDecodeEventProperties (map snd cons) pure $ decodeSomeEventType <> decodeEventProperties <> encodeEventType <> [ dec , eqInstance , ordInstance , showInstance , geqInstance , gcompareInstance ] where deriveEvent typeclass = standaloneDerivD (pure []) [t|forall d. $typeclass ($(pure (ConT eventTypeName)) d)|] mkInterfaces :: Interfaces -> Q [Dec] mkInterfaces interfaces = case fillInterfaceProperties interfaces of Right (Interfaces filledInterfaces) -> concat <$> for (reverse . sortOn fst $ HashMap.toList filledInterfaces) \(name, interface) -> mkInterface name interface Left wrong -> do for_ wrong \(interface, err) -> case err of Left Nothing -> pure () Left (Just directUnknown) -> reportError $ "Unknown interface \"" <> directUnknown <> "\" inherited by \"" <> interface <> "\"" Right cyclic -> reportError $ "Cycle in interface inheritance: " <> intercalate " <: " (reverse cyclic) pure [] mkInterface :: String -> Interface -> Q [Dec] mkInterface interfaceName Interface{properties = Properties properties} = let propertyList = HashMap.toList properties badFields = filter (not . (flip HashMap.member interfaceTypes) . snd) propertyList in if badFields == [] then do fields <- sequence [ (propName, Bang NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict,) <$> interfaceTypes HashMap.! propType | (propName, propType) <- propertyList ] dec <- dataD (pure []) (mkName interfaceName) [] Nothing [recC (mkName interfaceName) $ pure . (\(n,s,t) -> (mkName (avoidKeywordProp interfaceName n), s, t)) <$> sort fields] [derivClause Nothing [[t|Eq|], [t|Ord|], [t|Show|]]] -- This "manually" derived FromJSON instance is necessary because Aeson -- doesn't guarantee stability of encoding. In particular, unit-like things -- are currently serialized as [] and not {}, even if they are record-like. preludeMaybe <- [t|Maybe|] o <- newName "o" fromJSON <- [d| instance JSON.FromJSON $(conT (mkName interfaceName)) where parseJSON (JSON.Object $(varP o)) = $(doE $ [ let name' = avoidKeywordProp interfaceName name get = case ty of -- This lets Maybe fields really be optional AppT c _ | c == preludeMaybe -> [|(JSON..:?)|] _ -> [|(JSON..:)|] in bindS (varP (mkName name')) [|$get $(varE o) $(litE (stringL name))|] | (name, _, ty) <- fields ] <> [ noBindS [|pure $(recConE (mkName interfaceName) [ let name' = avoidKeywordProp interfaceName name in pure (mkName name', VarE (mkName name')) | (name, _, _) <- fields ]) |] ]) parseJSON invalid = JSON.prependFailure $(litE (stringL ("parsing " <> interfaceName <> " failed, "))) (JSON.typeMismatch "Object" invalid) |] pure $ [dec] <> fromJSON else do for_ badFields \(propName, propType) -> reportError $ "Unrecognized type \"" <> propType <> "\" for event interface property \"" <> propName <> "\" of interface \"" <> interfaceName <> "\"" <>": must be one of [" <> intercalate ", " (map show (HashMap.keys interfaceTypes)) <> "]" pure [] mkEnumGEqInstance :: Name -> [Con] -> Q Dec mkEnumGEqInstance name cons = do true <- [|Just Refl|] false <- [|Nothing|] clauses <- for cons \(GadtC [con] _ _) -> pure (Clause [ConP con [], ConP con []] (NormalB true) []) let defaultClause = Clause [WildP, WildP] (NormalB false) [] dec <- instanceD (pure []) [t|GEq $(conT name)|] [pure (FunD 'geq (clauses <> [defaultClause]))] pure dec mkEnumGCompareInstance :: Name -> [Con] -> Q Dec mkEnumGCompareInstance name cons = do arg1 <- newName "a" arg2 <- newName "b" cases <- for (diagonalize cons) \(less, GadtC [con] _ _, greater) -> match (conP con []) (normalB (caseE (varE arg2) (concat [ map (\(GadtC [l] _ _) -> match (conP l []) (normalB [|GLT|]) []) less , [ match (conP con []) (normalB [|GEQ|]) [] ] , map (\(GadtC [g] _ _) -> match (conP g []) (normalB [|GGT|]) []) greater ]))) [] dec <- instanceD (pure []) [t|GCompare $(conT name)|] [funD 'gcompare [clause [varP arg1, varP arg2] (normalB (caseE (varE arg1) (pure <$> cases))) []]] pure dec mkEncodeEventType :: [(String, Con)] -> Q [Dec] mkEncodeEventType cons = do sig <- sigD encodeEventTypeName [t|forall d. $(conT eventTypeName) d -> ByteString|] dec <- funD encodeEventTypeName [ clause [conP con []] (normalB (litE (stringL string))) [] | (string, GadtC [con] _ _) <- cons ] let prag = PragmaD (InlineP encodeEventTypeName Inline FunLike AllPhases) pure [sig, dec, prag] -- | Make the @decodeEventProperties@ function mkDecodeEventProperties :: [Con] -> Q [Dec] mkDecodeEventProperties cons = do let event = pure (ConT eventTypeName) let cases = flip map cons \(GadtC [con] _ _) -> match (conP con []) (normalB [|JSON.eitherDecode|]) [] sig <- sigD decodeEventPropertiesName [t| forall d. $event d -> ByteString -> Either String d|] arg <- newName "event" dec <- funD decodeEventPropertiesName [clause [varP arg] (normalB (caseE (varE arg) cases)) []] let prag = PragmaD (InlineP decodeEventPropertiesName Inline FunLike AllPhases) pure [sig, dec, prag] mkDecodeSomeEventType :: [(String, Con)] -> Q [Dec] mkDecodeSomeEventType cons = do allEvents <- newName "allEvents" let list = [ [|($(litE (stringL string)), Some $(conE con))|] | (string, GadtC [con] _ _) <- cons ] allEventsSig <- sigD allEvents [t|HashMap ByteString (Some $(conT eventTypeName))|] allEventsDec <- funD allEvents [clause [] (normalB [|HashMap.fromList $(listE list)|]) []] sig <- sigD decodeSomeEventTypeName [t| ByteString -> Maybe (Some $(conT eventTypeName))|] dec <- funD decodeSomeEventTypeName [clause [] (normalB [|flip HashMap.lookup $(varE allEvents)|]) [pure allEventsSig, pure allEventsDec]] pure [sig, dec] -- | Given an interface and a property for it, rename that property if necessary -- to avoid clashing with reserved Haskell keywords avoidKeywordProp :: String -> String -> String avoidKeywordProp interface propName | HashSet.member propName keywords = onFirst Char.toLower (removeMatchingTail "Event" interface) <> onFirst Char.toUpper propName | otherwise = propName where removeMatchingTail m i = let reversed = reverse i in if m == reverse (take (length m) reversed) then reverse (drop (length m) reversed) else i -- | Apply a function to the first element of a list onFirst :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a] onFirst _ [] = [] onFirst f (c:cs) = f c : cs -- | Get all zipper positions into a list diagonalize :: [a] -> [([a], a, [a])] diagonalize [] = [] diagonalize (a : as) = go ([], a, as) where go :: ([a], a, [a]) -> [([a], a, [a])] go (l, c, []) = [(l, c, [])] go current@(l, c, r:rs) = current : go (c:l, r, rs) -- | All reserved keywords in Haskell, including all extensions -- Source: https://github.com/ghc/ghc/blob/master/compiler/parser/Lexer.x#L875-L934 keywords :: HashSet String keywords = HashSet.fromList ["as", "case", "class", "data", "default", "deriving", "do", "else", "hiding", "if", "import", "in", "infix", "infixl", "infixr", "instance", "let", "module", "newtype", "of", "qualified", "then", "type", "where", "forall", "mdo", "family", "role", "pattern", "static", "stock", "anyclass", "via", "group", "by", "using", "foreign", "export", "label", "dynamic", "safe", "interruptible", "unsafe", "stdcall", "ccall", "capi", "prim", "javascript", "unit", "dependency", "signature", "rec", "proc"]