# naperian This package provides `Naperian` functors, a more powerful form of `Distributive` functor which is equal in power to a `Representable` functor (for some `Rep`), but which can be implemented asymptotically more efficiently for instances which don't support random access. `Distributive` functors allow distribution of `Functor`s: ```haskell distribute :: (Distributive f, Functor g) => g (f a) -> f (g a) ``` With `Distributive`, you can, for example, zip two containers by distributing the `Pair` `Functor`: ```haskell data Pair a = Pair a a deriving Functor zipDistributive :: Distributive f => f a -> f a -> f (a, a) zipDistributive xs ys = fmap f $ distribute (Pair xs ys) where f (Pair x y) = (x, y) ``` Note that the two containers must have elements of the same type. `Naperian`, however, allows the containers to have elements of different types: ```haskell zipNaperian :: Naperian f => f a -> f b -> f (a, b) ``` It does so by allowing distribution of *`Functor1`s*, where a `Functor1` is a functor from `Hask -> Hask` to `Hask`: ```haskell class Functor1 w where map1 :: (forall a. f a -> g a) -> w f -> w g distribute1 :: (Naperian f, Functor1 w) => w f -> f (w Identity) ``` The more polymorphic zip can then be implemented by distributing the `Pair1` `Functor1`: ```haskell data Pair1 a b f = Pair1 (f a) (f b) instance Functor1 (Pair1 a b) where ... zipNaperian :: Naperian f => f a -> f b -> f (a, b) zipNaperian as bs = fmap f $ distribute1 (Pair1 as bs) where f (Pair1 (Identity a) (Identity b)) = (a, b) ``` `Naperian` functors can be shown to be equivalent to `Representable` functors, for some `Rep`, by selecting `Rep f = ∀x. f x -> x`. That is, a position in a `Naperian` container can be represented as a function which gets the value at that position. `tabulate` can then be derived using the `Functor1`: ```haskell newtype TabulateArg a f = TabulateArg ((forall x. f x -> x) -> a) ``` The rest is left as an exercise for the reader.